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    File : 1269815795.png-(1.78 MB, 1680x1050, Screen shot 2010-03-04 at 9.34.38 PM.png)
    1.78 MB Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:36 No.15566261  
    What would you like changed about the animation industry? What I mean is things like censorship, demographic focus, anything you an think of.

    Picture obviously not related. It's not mine either
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:37 No.15566286
    of course I mean the Western Animation industry. I would start a thread in /a/ if otherwise
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:39 No.15566316
    I would like to see more decapitations.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:40 No.15566349
    No copyright should last more then 7 years. If you haven't done something interesting with a character in 7 years, someone else will.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:30 No.15568792
    I don't know about you guys, but there are a few people in the fcc that I want picked off. If you know what i mean
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:32 No.15568852
    Kill Disney, or rather kill the mindset that Disney created that animation can only be for kids.

    Make it so lower budgets were acceptable. We have to face the truth that the reason that Japan has more variation in their animation is because they can make 10 movies for one of ours.
    >> TacticalFail !mlhPZuuce. 03/28/10(Sun)20:34 No.15568896
    Relax copyright enforcement so we can have doujinshi industry like Japan.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:35 No.15568924
    This, absolutely this. We need more variety. I'm not saying churn complete crap out at a constant rate like japan kind of variety, but more than the shit we have. I would like to see a show on par with Monster.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:36 No.15568945
    Did you know that Akira cost the same to make as Land Before Time?

    Granted Akira was twice as long, but it's interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:37 No.15568962
    .........I'm fine with the Japan-originted doujins of western stuff but this would be great
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 03/28/10(Sun)20:38 No.15568996
    Make more action cartoons.

    Then air them on channels outside of CN/AS.

    Put something on FX, AMC, FOX, CW, HBO, ANYTHING!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:38 No.15569014
    Some slightly more adult-oriented shows with dirty jokes that only grown-ups could understand.

    Also, reported for Macfaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:39 No.15569031
    Suddenly i'm reminded of the hundreds of shitty sequels that followed "The Land before Time". So I gotta say STOP MAKING CRAPPY LOW BUDGET SEQUELS. Sure there are some good ones, like Krunk's new Groove, but the majority of them are shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:40 No.15569057
    >Some slightly more adult-oriented shows with dirty jokes that only grown-ups could understand.

    I want people, like this guy, that think that not only is animation for comedy, but think the way to increase respect for the medium is to make more cock and boob jokes, to shut up.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:40 No.15569062

    >> Jackie Smazz !!SIMpN948SY5 03/28/10(Sun)20:41 No.15569068
    If I could magically make people not think Animation = For Kids then everything else would fix itself.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:41 No.15569085
    If you read it you would know that I don't use a mac. That picture isn't mine but it was the only one I had on the computer at the time.

    also are you suggesting we have another Ren&Stimpy or Stripperella?
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)20:42 No.15569105
    Have shows that are actually worth watching. Everything not-anime on TV is garbage these days.
    >> TacticalFail !mlhPZuuce. 03/28/10(Sun)20:43 No.15569127
    Get Spielberg back into animation. Another series like Animaniacs or Freakazoid would be glorious.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:43 No.15569139

    No, something more along the lines of Animaniacs or Tiny Toons.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.15569156
    You know what makes me rage?

    Whenever everyone in the movie industry, be it reviewer, director, writer, whatever. When they all look at an animated film from Japan and say "Why don't we do that?"




    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.15569176
    I would like for there to be more comedy cartoons like Gintama or Cromartie. I'd like to see a show that doesn't have to do something edgy, retarded, and/or over the top to be funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:47 No.15569236
    HEY, I know you're just writing that to express your distaste with the way the animation industry is going but to take your comment literally, there some good cartoons out right now. Are you saying BBAB, Flapjack, and Adventure time are bad. Not to mention the new Ugly Whatever show they have on comedy central.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)20:48 No.15569256
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    “Japanese animators are reaching the moon while their American counterparts are still in the sandbox,” - New York Film Festival

    I say just let Japan make all of our cartoons and be done with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.15569286
    Another animaniacs would be great. Probably wouldn't be accepted now for being a "kids" show. Seriously the only way a cartoon can get away with satire humor now is if it's an adult oriented show like Family Guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.15569299
    I'd like for them to make cartoons aimed at an older demographic that aren't solely comedy.

    But that would require a change in society so it's not gonna happen.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.15569310
    >Are you saying BBAB, Flapjack, and Adventure time are bad

    Yes. Two random comedy shows and a superhero show that harks back to the Superfriends era are not my idea of interesting animation.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.15569327
    Then how did Aeon Flux happen?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:51 No.15569335
    Even Americans see that there's something wrong with their industry.
    Btw, have you seen Paprika? i saw it in a store the other day and was wondering if it was worth buying.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.15569357
    Lax censorship

    Give cartoons storylines to follow.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.15569359

    Back in the day, MTV was willing to take risks.

    Now nobody is.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.15569363
    It was on MTV. That's how
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.15569375
    Shows that aren't made by 50 year old fuckers going "I KNOW WHAT KIDS LIKE"
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:53 No.15569396
    1) Cartoons aren't just for kids. The sooner you fucking figure that out, the better.

    2) Cartoons don't just have to be about Super Heroes, children, or weird anthropomorphic animals.

    3) They don't always have to be funny. Drama can happen in an animated movie.

    4) For Saturday Morning Cartoons, ease up on the blood thing. Granted, I don't think kids should see Sentry-level gore every Saturday, but a trickle of blood, a cut, something. Kids should know that when you get punched in the face, there's a good chance you're going to bleed. Not sure about the gun rule, though. Still working that one through my head.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)20:53 No.15569397
    It's an excellent movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:54 No.15569416
    forgot to say back when it was good.
    I would give complete freedom to animators to pursue what they like. A show dedicated to clips made solely by great animators and their animation would be godly. I mean look at Genius party. Just wonderful imagination.
    >> Octos 03/28/10(Sun)20:55 No.15569435
    Focus Groups.

    Stop making decisions based on a few yokels you hired off the street, have some artistic integrity, take a chance, instead of relying on marketing to target audiences. Disney did things no one would ever try now, cartoons like Rocko took daring chances...and they worked, its what built Disney as a company. Walt said no, im going to do what I want.

    Also, Disney, please bring back your action cartoons. Enough of this rerouting all funds to Disney Princesses.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:55 No.15569443
    Thank you. Satoshi kon is fucking amazing but I didn't want to take risks
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)20:57 No.15569475
    Going to be called OP now to clarify comments

    So when did Disney change in your opinion?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.15569503

    > 1) Cartoons aren't just for kids

    Except for the part where only children and socially retarded man-children watch them.
    >> Not that Guy 03/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.15569525
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:59 No.15569538

    >Family Guy
    >The Simpsons
    >American Dad
    >The Cleveland Show
    >Adult Swim

    A lot of people who aren't socially retarded manchildren watch cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:59 No.15569546
    make cartoons more orientated to adults. not in the HURR TITS AND BLOOD way but in the same way shows like house or burn noticed are for adults.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.15569570
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    Start putting all those more mature/adult/teen shows on TV or in the cinema instead of throwing them right onto DVD and into the bargain bin.

    Change people's mind by adapting comics or games in to animation. Imagine a 2 season series based on the KOTOR games; imagine a OVA of I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream; imagine The Incal in theatres. You get the idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.15569578
    What's wrong with them?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.15569583

    >Family Guy
    >The Simpsons
    >American Dad
    >The Cleveland Show
    >Adult Swim

    Right, only mentally retarded.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.15569604
    It wouldn't be that way if cartoons weren't directed solely toward that demographic.

    I would like to see the animation industry stop taking opinions from the soccer moms and scared fathers, giving artistic freedom to animators would be a great thing. Revolutionary even
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:02 No.15569624
    Perhaps he's not a child, and doesn't like being spoken to as if he is one by the television he watches?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:02 No.15569640

    They bring nothing new to the table. Flapjack and Adventure Time are based on Spongebob's success and Brave and the Bold is just another rehash of the Silver Age.

    They may be entertaining, but they're certainly not advancing the industry in any way.
    >> Not that Guy 03/28/10(Sun)21:03 No.15569656
    >The Venture Bros.
    It is not meant for children or manchildren. Also Ugly Americans.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.15569698
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    I find the style outdated and lazy. I have no motivation to watch them because I know nothing interesting will happen in them, nor do the characters make me endearing towards them.

    An example of a comedy show I enjoy would be Bamboo Blade ( ). It's about a down-on-his-luck coach who makes a bet with a rival school coach that his kendo team can beat his in a match... the only problem is he doesn't have a team yet, so the series is him finding and recruiting five kids from the school to join the kendo team and win. Lots of comedy, drama, all tied together with character development and reasons to make me care about them. I don't care about Flapjack or Finn because it's just the same stuff every episode and they always hit the reset button. I like character development and wonderful writing like that when I watch a comedy, since humor is always better when you care about the characters to me =)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.15569711
    cartoons that are not just 'not for kids' but not comedy oriented, either. cartoons that tell a story. can you think of one american cartoon that fits this description? the only one that comes close is the venture bros, but even that doesn't fit the bill. meanwhile i could name dozens or great anime that are just like this. americans need to realize that animation is a beautiful medium and take advantage of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:06 No.15569737
    >Change people's mind by adapting comics or games in to animation.
    So pretty much that Halo: Legends thing that came out a month back? If it meant getting a Mass Effect prequel show, then hell yeah.

    >Relax copyright enforcement so we can have doujinshi industry like Japan.
    I third this.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:06 No.15569748
    Kill off the older generation that runs things.

    There, now we can get people who don't think of anything animated as "kiddy" into high places in the industry.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:07 No.15569756
    More improvised dialogue.

    Every show that I see with improvised dialogue is great.

    Also more squigglevision.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:08 No.15569791
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:08 No.15569795
    I would like for a show to have a plotline that does not last a single arc and isn't monster of the week.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.15569817

    If you love anime so much, then fuck off to /a/.

    No one wants you here.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.15569821
    >americans need to realize that animation is a beautiful medium and take advantage of it.
    SciFi would hugely benefit from this. Less worrying about budget and more out there stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:10 No.15569830
    More shows like Beast Machines. Hear me out.

    As much as I love this show, it fell over at a lot of points.

    But at least it TRIED to be something unique. Can you name another show like it? And before you say "I can name plenty of shows that are shit", think about what Beast Machines wanted to be. Think about how the story was told and the level of spirituality in it, think about how it aimed to tackle a theme with the story rather than just being about stopping the bad guy.

    Like I said, it may have failed in everything that made it unique, but at least it TRIED.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:10 No.15569831
    Squigglevision makes me feel old.
    >> Octos 03/28/10(Sun)21:10 No.15569840
    Somewhere around 2000, I think there was a CEO change, this is when we saw a huge lift in direct to dvd sales, and recently their Ceo said when they bought Marvel ' We want to make Marvel for boys what Disney is for Girls '. That shows that in their staff meetings all they talk about is making excuses to sell plastic jewelry to little girls. during the 90s we had things like Talespin, Ducktales, Rescue Mickey isn't allowed to do anything that can be misconstrued. Yes, ABC/Disney still have a few cartoons here and there, Kim Possible for instance, but I still think there is a dropoff.

    To those people who are 'DUR HURRING' to the idea of cartoons being aimed at adults, I think we're all missing the point here. We're not looking for cartoons that are aimed at adults. We are looking for cartoons that AREN'T aimed soley at children. Pixar knows this.

    The problem that most cartoon producers have now is that they market toons to kids, and therefore dumb things down beyond their means. Kids have always been smarter than execs think, so when they make a show 'for kids' even kids know its corny bullshit. Make Cartoons that aren't dumb. Thats all. Assume that our children are smart enough to grasp it.

    This was way longer than I intended..
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:11 No.15569859
    Why are you bitching about them using anime examples for what American animation should be doing? It's not like we have anything comparable to use as an example of what the animation industry should be doing.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:11 No.15569863
    >Two random comedy shows

    Fuck. you.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:12 No.15569888
    Read all of it. First of all, that really sucks about Disney; second of all, I completely agree.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:14 No.15569921
    2000AD stories can be adapted into 40 minute single episodes easily since most stories only last about 120 pages.

    Imagine watching Shakara, then tuning in next week for Halo Jones.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:14 No.15569928
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:14 No.15569936
    Don't stress a "cartoons are for kids" mentality, children get bored and move on to new things every week. Don't stress a "cartoons are for grown-ups" mentality, adults sacrifice personal enjoyment to deal with more important responsibilities. Instead, stress the idea of "CARTOONS ARE FOR EVERYONE" make shows that parents aren't just comfortable to let their kids watch, but engaging and enjoyable enough that they want to watch with them.
    >> Sheboodles Sentai ShinkenBlue !BLUERsnWlU 03/28/10(Sun)21:15 No.15569957
    >When they all look at an animated film from Japan and say "Why don't we do that?"


    I think people want to but the high ups ix nay the idea, as it "won't sell".

    >. Yes, most development executives in animation are pretty worthless. Most of them really do not like animation and look at it as a stepping stone to get into “Hollywood.”

    Hell, it's even hard to get something like Chowder greenlighted.

    >Chowder was an extremely hard sell to the network. They thought it looked too young. They didn't like the use of patterns. They didn't like the stop motion. They were afraid it promoted over-eating. But everyone really responded to the vibe of the pilot and a few people at the network who really believed in me helped push it through to greenlight over a grueling, two-year process. Spongebob was a hard sell, too. Nick felt that no one wanted to see a show about a nerd. Very few shows are actually dictated by the executives. They tend to kill good things more often than make them happen. It's a lot easier to say “No” than “Yes.”

    Why make a Tokyo Godfathers, Akira, or Paprika when you can make shrek and get box office gold.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)21:15 No.15569966
    I can enjoy both, I just prefer anime since it tends to have more variety and better writing, like I explained.
    Well they are =P
    Thank you. If given the chance to make my own show, I'd do that, provided executives and networks don't screw me over.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:16 No.15569974

    Don't want shitty looking animated shows though. Be different but be different and look fucking good doing it.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:16 No.15569989
    It's the only other animation industry besides Europe(which is very small but produces great stuff), and at this point they should be a guideline to what we should do. Except pander to a CERTAIN demographic and produce tons of carp.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:19 No.15570047
    Kill all execs. Replace them with /co/
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:21 No.15570101
    /co/ circlejerks it to shit like Chowder and Adventure Time all the time, we'd just get more of the same.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:22 No.15570109
    I find it quite amusing that right now there is a thread on FOX, and on Cartoon Network. Two of /co/'s most hated enemies of animation
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:22 No.15570131
    I would like to see what would happen if it was replaced with 4chan as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:23 No.15570148
    Yeah, there was a thread on /m/ about moe being a blight on anime. I figure it has something to do with Japan's declining birth rate and really fucked up notions of innocence.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:23 No.15570165
    I hate Disney most.

    You know that Gargoyles episode where Broadway shoots Elisa? You know that's banned?

    Well, the soccer moms thought it was GREAT. It's Disney that shoved it out of sight, despite it being hailed as fantastic amongst the groups that action show creators usually feared.
    >> Octos 03/28/10(Sun)21:24 No.15570176
    People tend to miss the simple fact that anime gets a whole lot more money to fund their projects than we do. So until some respect is finally gained, we're at a loss. Avatar did it well, and we see that it was just tossed for some reason. There was never even any good comics or toys. Its a matter of money I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:24 No.15570187
    /m/'s just pissy if they get a bad season of mecha anime. God forbid they expand their horizons every once in awhile.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:25 No.15570201
    >anime gets a whole lot more money to fund their projects than we do.

    What? Avatar cost over $1,000,000 an episode. Even TTGL was only about £320,000.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:26 No.15570219
    I'm pretty sure everybody knows about how Japan's society is messed up, heck even the Japanese know it. Still doesn't mean they should encourage the fucked-upness.
    >> Octos 03/28/10(Sun)21:26 No.15570223
    Yes, self censorship is a huge problem in all media.

    Creators used to just shoot for it, see if they could do it, like when Marvel said fuck you to the censors about the Spiderman Drug issue...and it was a hit. Now execs nip it at the bud and its depressing.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 03/28/10(Sun)21:26 No.15570236
    How about animation that is actually any good?

    That would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:26 No.15570240
    Most of that money goes into paychecks that allow animators and the various employees of the show to feed their families. Animators in Japan are essentially working for slave wage.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:27 No.15570248
    It's /m/ for mecha. What else do you expect them to discuss? All we can discuss right now in this mechaless season is about old shows and the upcoming 00 movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:27 No.15570250
    What I want changed in the Western animation industry is that genres they offer. Currently Western animation is mostly limited to action and slapstick comedy for kids. Why not drama? Why not romance? Why not slice-of-life cartoons? Why not sci-fi?

    Another change that is desperately needed is the change in demographics. Why not make cartoons not just for kids, but teens, adults, females?
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)21:27 No.15570265
    Anime tends to have a lot less budget than US cartoons do, it's just they tend to use alot of techniques to hide. And yeah, Avatar is one of the few US cartoons I enjoyed, though I still find it to pale compared to the real anime. Still, they have to start somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:28 No.15570294
    >Still, they have to start somewhere.

    It 'started' with Gargoyles and Batman TAS.

    Avatar is not new. Please stop acting like it is.
    >> Sheboodles Sentai ShinkenBlue !BLUERsnWlU 03/28/10(Sun)21:29 No.15570302
    I think there is a greater move towards cartoons aimed at adults these days, which is probably changing mainstream opinions on animations, but most of it is comedy with "edgier" adult themed humor. There's kind of "animation = comedy" rut concerning western animation. The majority of our shows are comedies.

    Which is, I think, the reason for weeaboos. If you spend most of your early childhood watching western animation, then Japanese animation is going to blow your fucking mind.

    When me and my friends were kids and we first watched Toonami, and Toonami started airing things like Outlaw star, DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Blue Sub No. 6, we were all like "HOLY SHIT, ON GOING STORYLINES, VIOLENCE, CHARACTERS WITH REALISTIC BODIES(when compared with western charcter design), BOOBIES? IN CARTOONS?HOLD THE PHONE WHAT IS THIS. "

    Hell I think Sailor Moon blew my mind after a childhood of hanna babara reruns.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:30 No.15570334
    This exactly how I became a weeaboo, and still am a bit of one.
    >> Crocodile 03/28/10(Sun)21:30 No.15570341
    There are a few changes I would like to see.

    First, let's get more variety. Stuff like Flapjack, Adventure Time, and BATB can stay. I also want to see some more adult-oriented entertainment beyond just comedy. Let's get some grit and grind action shows going.

    On that note I'd like to see Mini-Series events. Some can be adaptations of Comic Book stories. Like a 9-part Civil War adaptation or something to that effect. Not everything has to be Superheroes though. The one thing I'll give Japan over America is that they have genre beyond Comedy and Action. Not asking for Slice of Life or anything, but a War series focusing on Soldiers or a Romance series would be nice.

    Lastly, less censorship. Now I'm not saying everything gets Frank Miller "BLOOD AND WHORES" graphic, but at least give Saturday morning cartoons the option to show characters getting shot, or killed. It'll increase the quality of the shows.

    Those are my useless ideas.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:31 No.15570375
    The last thing animation needs is to look more like anime.

    I'm all for increasing the animation quality to on par or better than anime, but please don't make it actually LOOK like the majority of anime.
    >> Octos 03/28/10(Sun)21:32 No.15570379
    I might be in the minority, but thats why I love something like As Told By Ginger. Yes. I am a 24 year old male. but stuff like that is fantastic. Hey Arnold, Doug, Weekenders..
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:32 No.15570385
    >When me and my friends were kids and we first watched Toonami, and Toonami started airing things like Outlaw star, DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Blue Sub No. 6, we were all like "HOLY SHIT, ON GOING STORYLINES, VIOLENCE, CHARACTERS WITH REALISTIC BODIES(when compared with western charcter design), BOOBIES? IN CARTOONS?HOLD THE PHONE WHAT IS THIS.

    The same thing happened to me, that how I was made into an anime otaku in the first place! Anime has much more genres and more broader demographics than Western Animation.
    AND ONE MORE THING, stop genderization of animation. Make cartoons that both genders would like to watch. This is why Disney cartoons are getting more girlish, and why I stopped watching Disney Channel.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:32 No.15570394
    Sailor moon was the first show to make me feel embarrassed
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:33 No.15570408
    Gagroyles, maybe. Batman, no way. It was just the same episodic superhero stuff as always. At least Gargoyles had story arcs of some kind. Though it lacked an ending.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:33 No.15570422
    >Hey Arnold, Doug, Weekenders.

    Why can't they make good shows like this anymore?

    Oh wait, why these programs are NOT ON DVD FOR ALL THESE YEARS!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:34 No.15570436
    No one is saying it has to look like anime.

    Look at the Spawn series. It had what made anime so successful in the west, but was undoubtedly western.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:34 No.15570445
    Anime > Flash shit, or ugly simple art like Adventure Time

    What do you suggest?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:35 No.15570466
    Aeon Flux never had an ending, or story.

    But you would be mad to compare it to Adventure Time because of that.
    >> Crocodile 03/28/10(Sun)21:35 No.15570477

    Quality Art.

    We had great art in the 90's

    Gargoyles, Batman TAS (Before the Redesign), and The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:37 No.15570521
    Okay hold he phone. Batman TAS not only came out earlier than Gargoyles, but it had much better execution of drama than Gargoyles. It also fleshed out characters to the point you would felt deeply about what was happening to them. I don't think i've felt as much sympathy as I did for Mr. Freeze for any other character in the longest time.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)21:37 No.15570530
    Nah, I still say Avatar's better than those two shows. The fact it had a story and developed it was a nice touch you don't see in Western animation too much (maybe like 5 shows out of our entire history of making them)

    Batman and Gargoyles were just action cartoons compared to Avatar. Maybe darker than what else was on at the time, but still the same kind of format as everything else.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:38 No.15570540
    HEY HEY. Of all the things that could happen in this thread, I DO NOT want it to turn into another LOL ANIME VS. AMERIKKA thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.15570559
    needs more porn
    >> Octos 03/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.15570570
    Flash is not inherently bad. the fact that there are people who can use it to be lazy is a different story. Look at Brackenwood, a small team of ex-disney using flash. For no profit. We deserve better toons from flash. but if people can find a way to get paid to not work, they will do it.

    Look at Wakfu ( can the hate for a second ). Looks fantastic no matter what other complaints you have. We deserve better from flash artists.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.15570576
    Mr. Freeze was shit, dude, he suffered villain decay after his first appearance, soon he was just a robot head going around fucking people's shit up for no reason. He had potential, but the format of the show didn't allow for character development like that to stay, or mean much, just like the superhero comics themselves. You need some kind of ending/plotline to hold it all together so it doesn't jump all over the place like that.
    >> Crocodile 03/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.15570581

    I dunno some of the one-shots in Batman, stuck me as better stories than entire arcs of Avatar.

    Like The Gray Ghost Episode, was great.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:40 No.15570598
    No one said the animation should be like anime sir Troll. This thread is for the sole purpose of discussing what could make our animation industry better. It just so happens that the Japanese have advanced way beyond us in terms of 2d animation standards and practices.
    >> Sheboodles Sentai ShinkenBlue !BLUERsnWlU 03/28/10(Sun)21:40 No.15570608
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    I like the character design and aesthetics of Adventure Time.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:40 No.15570613
    Wakfu is just anime-style in Flash, though... so the best of both worlds?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:41 No.15570631
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    I find the "style" of anime to be ugly.

    I'd rather have more realistic faces and such. Not huge bug eyes, nearly non-existent noses, and mouths that move in two ways.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:41 No.15570633
    >Batman and Gargoyles were just action cartoons compared to Avatar

    That's rather pretentious. Like that trailor for El Topo that says "El Topo is not a western, it far beyond any western."

    Also, 90% of what Avatar what it was, that transcended it above mere action, was entirety inconsequential. It might as well have been episode for what most of anything really meant to the plot. Say what you will about Beast Machines, everything that happened was relevant to the plot and the themes.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:42 No.15570665
    If you can skip an episode and not miss anything as it has no lasting impact on the character's development or goals, then I disagree. Most writers just forget about all that stuff by the end of the episode and move on and it's never mentioned again, giving little reason for a viewer to care about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:42 No.15570680
    I agree that Flash isn't inherently bad, but...Wakfu? The show has pretty bad animation.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:43 No.15570691


    >> Sheboodles Sentai ShinkenBlue !BLUERsnWlU 03/28/10(Sun)21:43 No.15570700
    Speaking of quality, check this shit out.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:44 No.15570718
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    So like this? Regardless, please don't stay on this topic any further. I don't want a fight.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:44 No.15570744
    Were you on /m/ yesterday? Saw it, was awesome.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)21:46 No.15570774
    I'll be one of the first people to tear Avatar down and point out all it's flaws; I'm really not that big a fan of it, but I respect what it did, at least (even if season 3 was shit for the most part >_> ) But I'll still take it over Batman or Gargoyles. BTAS suffers from the same stuff that causes me to not want to read superhero comics (it goes on forever with no ending and the character development suffers due to it, see that post on Mr. Freeze someone mentioned already)

    Gargoyles was better, but the third season was also crap, and the lack of a focus and ending really hurt it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:46 No.15570782
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    Yes, like that.

    Thus the "MAJORITY of anime" statement.

    Because you know that style hardly ever shows up in anime.
    >> Crocodile 03/28/10(Sun)21:46 No.15570783
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    Then we'll have to agree to disagree. You seem to be saying the continuing is inherently better than the Stand-alone story. I disagree, I think it depends on what either story.

    To each his own though.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:47 No.15570797
    The third season wasn't the same team.

    The entire team who made Gargoyles what is was, was fired. The budget was also slashed.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:48 No.15570818
    Fuck the third season. Even the *creator* says to ignore that the third season ever happened beyond its first episode.
    >> Not that Guy 03/28/10(Sun)21:48 No.15570836
    I see that /co/ wants:
    Good art
    Less Executive bullshit
    Censorship reduction
    More freedom to make shows that the animators want to do
    and Less episodic shows. Did I miss anything?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:48 No.15570841
    Hotel Dusk series.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 03/28/10(Sun)21:49 No.15570858

    >it goes on forever with no ending and the character development suffers due to it

    So basically what you're saying is that you don't know HOW to read superhero comics.
    >> Not that Guy 03/28/10(Sun)21:49 No.15570862
    Oh yeah, and less attempts-at-being-edgy shows
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:50 No.15570878
    Wrong thread dude
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)21:50 No.15570885
    <_< Yeah, I know it's not by the same team, but it still exists. You can't just ignore it for the sake of convenience. It got screwed by the network and the show suffers because of it.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)21:51 No.15570905
    >> Crocodile 03/28/10(Sun)21:52 No.15570921

    Now I wouldn't mind a stand-alone story here or there in any series. My personal preference is stuff like Justice League, where the episodes build on one another, without necessarily leading into one another.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:52 No.15570930
    When the guy who made the entire series up to that point says "this part wasn't mine, wasn't my vision, I had nothing to do with it, and I hate it", you're going to ignore *that* just so you can whine about how the series went downhill? Man, you suck.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:53 No.15570943
    No, that is what I want changed in the animation industry.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:53 No.15570947

    He's talking about how they're structured, smart ass.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)21:57 No.15571051
    Alrght then, I approve.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:58 No.15571078
    >where the episodes build on one another, without necessarily leading into one another.
    I tend to like live action shows that do this too. Gives the writers a bit more flexibility to do a fun story without having to worry about screwing up the arcs.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)22:00 No.15571118
    It still happened, though. It' may not have been Weisman's version, but it's still part of the show whether we like it or not. Just like in superhero comics, a writer may leave, but the next issues are still part of that series.
    In that regard, I like the Pokemon format best. A few filler episodes sprinkled around all the plot/development is fine. Each episode has it's own plot, but there's a clear chronological timeset and story tying it together.
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)22:03 No.15571210
    Don't troll, Pokemon barely has a story. It's pretty much episodic. No, IWANNABETHEBEST does not count when your protagonist shows know sign of development
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)22:06 No.15571282
    I'm speaking of the Diamond & Pearl saga, mostly. It's the best one out of all of them. To give an example; Ash beats Candice in one episode, the next episode his rival Paul arrives and challenges her, the next episode they're still in the same town and fight off Pokemon Hunter J's plot to steal Regigigas from the Snowpoint Temple, and so forth. The next few involve Ash challenging Paul and stuff. All of which have to take place in that timeline while Ash is staying in Snowpoint City.

    Luckily the franchise has come a long way since the original show, which is pretty much crap without the nostalgia goggles. >_>
    >> OP 03/28/10(Sun)22:06 No.15571290
    I see that by now, this thread is dying. So I just wanna say thanks for giving you honest input and also for not starting up a shitstorm. Good night
    >> My (totally irrelevant) views on Avatar... Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:08 No.15571319
    It's worth a watch, however I did find that I wouldn't be able to watch it again, there was too many things wrong with it that really grind my gears.

    The lack of conflict, or rather, the lack of tangible conflict. There was always this feeling that the war was far too safe from my end. That's not to say that it should have gone all GRIMMDARK with death left,right and centre, but a little demonstrations that the Fire Nation really IS this massive constant threat would have been nice. In War Planets, Beast Machines and EXO Squad, there was always an imposing sense of incoming tragedy that the heroes must fight with all their power to avoid. With the exclusion of Yue becoming the moon spirit, everything turned out all fine in the end.

    This leads me on to my next point, besides one or two foes, the heroes outclassed the enemy a thousand times over, there was no feeling that they might, just might, fail. In OBAN this was really hammered home multiple times that the Earth Team is the underdog and they really might not win, and they didn't!

    Another thing that really shows, and now that I looked it up, it makes sense, is that every writer had their own idea for the characters, there was no quality control, no one voice that they all must answer to. Yes, in Gargoyles there were many writers as well, but Greg Weisman is a total cunt about these kinds of things.

    I guess those are my biggest problems, I'm sure that you, and many others, will be able to get over this. But I really couldn't.
    >> Octos 03/28/10(Sun)22:08 No.15571333
    Ew...I mean..I like the Pokemon manga..but every episode is 'We're making friends..oh who are these people in bad costumes? derp derp TEAM ROCKETS BLASTING OFF AGAIN'.

    For serious.
    >> Octos 03/28/10(Sun)22:11 No.15571389
    You make a valid point, but I think that in the other shows you mentioned, the war is ongoing, or even just beginning, where in Avatar its been about a hundred years. The fire nation just about won, and only in season 2 take over Earth nation...which they pretty much already had without trying.

    Also, fuck yeah War Planets.
    >> AsmodeusSnare !a0IdEm9cFk 03/28/10(Sun)22:11 No.15571396
    I agree completely with your points about Avatar, I had those problems as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:14 No.15571451
    Then why call it the hundred year war when nothing has happened for decades?

    Fuck, 100 years of looking and they never even found the Northern Water Tribe? They found the SWT over and over again, but they didn't find the one 10 times larger?
    >> Octos 03/28/10(Sun)22:15 No.15571474
    huh...good point..
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:15 No.15571475

    I often wonder why all those waterbenders were unable to alter the currents in the water so that no navy could ever assault them.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:18 No.15571542
    are you guys going to turn this thing into an Avatar thread?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:18 No.15571548
    Because it wouldn't be convenient for the plot.

    Katara can make a tidal wave when they need to, but hundreds of water benders with decades more experience can only splash people?

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