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    File : 1265570310.jpg-(381 KB, 1440x900, Mogo.jpg)
    381 KB Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:18 No.14435798  
    I'm new to /co/. Hate away.
    Could anyone reccomend me 10 titles, 5 Marvel and 5 DC ongoings to read each month? I want it so I get a full view of what's going on in each universe, but not too fussed about cosmic stuff.
    Thanks for any info.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:19 No.14435815
    Green Lantern/Green Lantern Corps
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:19 No.14435824
    Captain Amerca and Iron-Man are awesome. Hercules too.

    Superman count as cosmic? Because Superman's been awesome for two or three years now.

    Also, get into cosmis. Both companies best stuff is cosmic. Nova, Guardian's of the Galaxy, Rebels, Green Lantern, Marvel's space events.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:21 No.14435847
    >I'm new to /co/. Hate away.

    We don't hate new people here. Especially new people looking for stuff to get into.

    We only really despise trolls.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:21 No.14435848
    R.E.B.E.L.S. is fuckwin
    >> Doctor Marmalade 02/07/10(Sun)14:21 No.14435849
    You should probably start with trade paperbacks.
    But anyway, I only really know DC, so
    Batman & Robin
    Green Lantern
    Green Lantern Corps
    Red Robin
    And Superman(If you want)
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:21 No.14435854
         File1265570513.jpg-(194 KB, 584x850, starlordINK.jpg)
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    Why would we hate if you are new?
    Anyway. For marvel ongoings. Read some Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova.
    >> Psycho Pirate 02/07/10(Sun)14:22 No.14435859
    Well, I can't help with Marvel but for DC
    Red Robin
    Action Comics
    Batman and Robin
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:22 No.14435860
    OP Here.
    I am gonna read some cosmic, but was thinking like Avengers and XMEN for Marvel and JL for DC, but I'm not sure which books/
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:22 No.14435866
    We don't hate new people. Welcome aboard!

    I really like pretty much the entire run of Punisher MAX, so enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:22 No.14435869
    I'm not familiar with Green Lantern too much, but what's with that planet with the Lantern symbol?
    >> Internet Man 02/07/10(Sun)14:22 No.14435870
    >I'm new to /co/. Hate away

    But I love you!

    Detective Comics
    Jonah Hex
    Booster Gold
    The Shield


    Secret Warriors
    Incredible Hercules
    Amazing Spider-Man
    New Mutants
    >> Psycho Pirate 02/07/10(Sun)14:23 No.14435888
    If you want cosmic then be sure to read R.E.B.E.L.S. and definitely be sure to read World of New Krypton.

    That book was like a guided tour of cosmic DC.
    >> Internet Man 02/07/10(Sun)14:23 No.14435895
    I'm a fool! Replace Amazing Spider-Man with Captain America!
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:23 No.14435896

    >Mogo is a sentient or "living" planet, technically genderless but often casually referred to as male. When it is desired, its affiliation with the Corps is marked with foliage arranged into a green band, marked with the standard Green Lantern Corps lantern symbol, circling Mogo's equatorial area.
    >> ValleLator 02/07/10(Sun)14:24 No.14435909
    It's a Green Lantern. HURR DURR.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:25 No.14435920
    The dude is a new reader. What's wrong with you?
    >> Gaston !!LHiOF05DTPp 02/07/10(Sun)14:25 No.14435931
    > Hate away

    You're not in /b/ anymore, son.

    Green Lantern Corps
    Batman and Robin
    Jonah Hex
    Teen Titans
    Red Robin

    I don't really follow Marvel comics too much but I would recommend getting started with Siege if you want to know whats currently happening.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:25 No.14435938
         File1265570758.gif-(118 KB, 650x450, facepalmx2combo.gif)
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    >at someone not familiar with comics

    Die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:26 No.14435951

    So they actually gave a planet a Lantern ring?
    >> ValleLator 02/07/10(Sun)14:27 No.14435964
    I was a new reader too but at least I had the sense to see "Oh Green Lantern symbol. Must be a Green Lantern."
    >> Doctor Marmalade 02/07/10(Sun)14:27 No.14435968
    >Teen Titans
    Evaluate, please. I have heard only negative things from this
    >> klytus 02/07/10(Sun)14:27 No.14435973
         File1265570865.jpg-(190 KB, 1280x1748, hellboy6.jpg)
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    Why not try some Dark Horse OP?
    The Goon
    Yusagai Yojimbo
    Starwars Comics
    Sin City
    those are all some titles I reccomend
    >> ValleLator 02/07/10(Sun)14:27 No.14435978
    Yes. And he assigns the rings.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:28 No.14435983
    The current JLA book just got a bit of a reset last issue(41) so that's a good place to jump in. There's no way to really know how good it'll be because the writer has been very hit or miss lately (some of his work has been fucking awesome but other parts have been absolute shit).

    Morrison and Waid's runs are good though if you want something already collected and finished.
    >> Doctor Marmalade 02/07/10(Sun)14:28 No.14435988
    It could very well be a planet where all the GL's hang out. Not necessarily a sentient planet that is a green lantern.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:28 No.14435995
    Booster Gold
    Booster Gold
    Booster Gold
    Booster Gold
    Booster Gold

    Incredible Herc
    >> ValleLator 02/07/10(Sun)14:28 No.14436000
    Well....I like the show. But I've heard bad things about the comics too so I kind of steered clear from those.
    >> ValleLator 02/07/10(Sun)14:29 No.14436011
    Yeah. But it's not. It's a Green Lantern.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:29 No.14436012
    Well, it could have been their secondary base or something. Come on man, it's not that crazy a question.

    Yep. He's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:29 No.14436013
    Op's pic needs the caption:

    Mogo is watching you masturbate.
    >> Golden 02/07/10(Sun)14:29 No.14436022
    But Amazing Spiderman has been awesome! D:
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:29 No.14436029
    If you're interested in Ghost Rider at all, check these arcs out, a fellow anon posted this yesterday:

    Ghost Rider vol. 6 #20-#25
    * Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch #1-#5
    * Ghost Rider vol. 6 #26-#32
    * Ghost Rider vol. 6 #33-#35, Annual #2
    * Ghost Riders: Heaven's On Fire #1-#5

    Ghost Riders: Heavens on Fire #6

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:29 No.14436031
    How would he know that unless he asked?
    >> Internet Man 02/07/10(Sun)14:30 No.14436048
    Yeah, most of it, but it's still inconsistent with the rotating teams. I feel a lot more confident in recommending that stuff
    >> Gaston !!LHiOF05DTPp 02/07/10(Sun)14:31 No.14436054
         File1265571071.jpg-(191 KB, 358x498, teen-titans-79-nov090160_358x4(...).jpg)
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    It's alright.

    The last issue was pretty good.
    >> ValleLator 02/07/10(Sun)14:31 No.14436065
    Again, sense.
    >> Internet Man 02/07/10(Sun)14:31 No.14436068
    What's your problem? The dude doesn't read comics, how the hell would he know this? Go be a nerd-elitist somewhere else
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:31 No.14436072
    good thing about namefags, if you don't like them, 4chanaddon lets you ignore them pretty easily.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:33 No.14436093
    >The Shield

    Hell yeah!
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:35 No.14436137
    Why would anyone unfamiliar with the concept of a sentient planet assume a planet is a Green Lantern just because it has the symbol on it? Would you assume a planet has Superman's powers if it's wearing the Supershield? Fuck you man.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:36 No.14436143
    Honestly, OP.

    I'd stay away from JLA until we find out if it's going to become any good or not. It's been pretty bad. There's an editorial directive in place that really has not been proving itself successful.

    Green Lantern, Red Robin, The Shield, and any of the Superman related books are solid hits though.
    >> ValleLator 02/07/10(Sun)14:36 No.14436151
    Not really being a nerd-elitest.
    That would entail I'm the guy that's been reading comics for years.
    I pretty much started getting into comics last year.
    It's not rocket science to see Green Lantern symbol = Green Lantern.
    >> ValleLator 02/07/10(Sun)14:37 No.14436165
    Yes. Follows the logic of anyone else wearing the supershield.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:37 No.14436168
    Oh yeah OP, I forgot.

    /co/ only hates trolls and people who are blatant jackasses to new people.

    Go fuck yourself. He's new. You were being a cocksucker. End of discussion.
    >> Psycho Pirate 02/07/10(Sun)14:37 No.14436171
    >The Shield

    I've not heard of this until this thread. What is it?
    >> Cygni !!KSQVLDML4Q8 02/07/10(Sun)14:37 No.14436173
         File1265571465.jpg-(460 KB, 1200x613, gothg.jpg)
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    Ok..for Cosmic Marvel side. Its not too hard to follow. As always I would recommend some Guardians of the Galaxy. It was the comic that me back into reading comics.
    Its also good for new readers.
    Currently they are on the 'Realm of Kings' story arc which has a one shot comic which brings ya up to speed.

    Also if your ever confused with a character check out a nice database of characters from comics all around.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:38 No.14436182
    >I am gonna read some cosmic, but was thinking like Avengers

    Avengers is rebooting in a few months, so either wait for that, or go back to the beginning of the New Avengers volume. It gets into a lot of events, so you'd have to read like four side minis.

    >and XMEN for Marvel

    X-Men's been sadly pretty weak. But reading all of the current X-Factor run with the Maddox mini before it is a must. Fantastic stuff all around. Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men is also amazing stuff. It's like a giant action movie with heart.

    >and JL for DC, but I'm not sure which books/

    If you don't mind some old stuff, I'd suggest Justice League International. Comedy plus drama is win.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:38 No.14436196
         File1265571534.jpg-(1.98 MB, 2560x1956, shield_02_03-04 copy.jpg)
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    Pure fucking awesome. Some of the best writing and art that DC is putting out at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:39 No.14436204
    With the cosmic's, it's best to start at the beginning of their current volumes. Both universe are telling broad interconnecting long term stories. Really good stuff.
    >> Internet Man 02/07/10(Sun)14:40 No.14436232
         File1265571638.jpg-(19 KB, 310x310, redcircle.jpg)
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    Military man fighting in a nanotech battle suit. Very good, great writing by Eric Trautmann.
    >> ValleLator 02/07/10(Sun)14:41 No.14436237
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:41 No.14436251
         File1265571697.jpg-(934 KB, 1280x1981, The Shield 05_00 copy.jpg)
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    a remade old series. he got some pretty nifty costume/armor that provides the super powers and keeps him alive. he is kind of a super soldier doing black OPs for the US government.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:42 No.14436268
         File1265571757.jpg-(1021 KB, 1280x1962, 11-22-09-01-08.jpg)
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    >I've not heard of this until this thread. What is it?
    Oh it's mini storytime!
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:43 No.14436276
         File1265571787.jpg-(988 KB, 1280x1965, 11-22-09-01-09.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:43 No.14436287
         File1265571825.jpg-(1019 KB, 1280x1957, 11-22-09-01-10.jpg)
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    Man the look on Grodd's face...
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:43 No.14436290
    nah no need, let him just download it and stay at giving tips:

    read this first:

    and this is the shield series:
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:44 No.14436294

    Oh SHIT I forgot! Read Young Avengers. It's awesome stuff. Pretty darned good at making you familiar with Avengers history while doing some awesome character and plot work. I so wish there was tons more of it than there is. One of my favorite comics ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:44 No.14436305
         File1265571869.jpg-(1.07 MB, 1280x1945, 11-22-09-01-11.jpg)
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    And anytime Magog gets knocked around is a good time.
    >> Internet Man 02/07/10(Sun)14:44 No.14436309
    >Let him download it
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:45 No.14436332
    Part of the Red Circle characters that DC imported from Archie Comics last year.

    The Shield and The Web are the two main books which have had Inferno and The Hangman back-ups, both of which are also Red Circle characters. Apparently two more of those characters are going to get their own ongoings this year.
    >> Internet Man 02/07/10(Sun)14:45 No.14436343
    >Apparently two more of those characters are going to get their own ongoings this year.

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:46 No.14436346
         File1265571965.jpg-(1.07 MB, 1280x1946, 11-22-09-01-12.jpg)
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    No kidding. This book is too good for the low sales it has. I'm doing this mini storytime as a preview.

    OP please look into buying this book, it's damned good and is a nice sense of international DCU outside of the usual "America based Superheroics"

    It's not your typical hero book, and it's great because of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:46 No.14436356
         File1265571999.jpg-(762 KB, 1280x1958, 11-22-09-01-13.jpg)
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    >> Psycho Pirate 02/07/10(Sun)14:46 No.14436360
    Chill bro, if it's as good as they say I'll add it to my sparse buy list.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:47 No.14436369
         File1265572047.jpg-(806 KB, 1280x1957, 11-22-09-01-14.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:48 No.14436379
         File1265572083.jpg-(1.02 MB, 1280x1966, 11-22-09-01-15.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:48 No.14436397
         File1265572134.jpg-(824 KB, 1280x1952, 11-22-09-01-16.jpg)
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    Heh something about this boot to the face just makes me smile.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:49 No.14436410

    Really looking forward to these books. The current Red Circle ongoings have been great, especially Shield.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:49 No.14436414
         File1265572191.jpg-(1.11 MB, 1280x1960, 11-22-09-01-17.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:50 No.14436438
         File1265572254.jpg-(932 KB, 1280x1962, 11-22-09-01-18.jpg)
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    Fuck yeah!

    Good old fashioned military dressing down.
    >> Golden 02/07/10(Sun)14:51 No.14436443
    Yeah, the Fox. I have not read much about him but from what i heard is like the "Coyote" creature with a mix of "Kitsune" (japanese fox mythological being). Sorry for my bad english
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:54 No.14436507
         File1265572441.jpg-(85 KB, 585x784, Annihilation + Annihilation - (...).jpg)
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    if you are up for Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova, you should read the "Annihilation" and "Annihilation - Conquest" events first.
    get them here:


    Guardians of the Galaxy:

    reading order = attached picture.
    >> Internet Man 02/07/10(Sun)14:56 No.14436555
    And Oeming is drawing The Fox. That's even more of a reason to buy The Shield!

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