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  • File : 1254337495.jpg-(73 KB, 424x1062, olliewantsasandwich.jpg)
    73 KB Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:04 No.11787361  
    /co/ screencap thread
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:05 No.11787369
         File1254337527.jpg-(73 KB, 690x704, BatMom.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:05 No.11787374
         File1254337556.png-(96 KB, 984x230, Stuck.png)
    96 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:06 No.11787379
    unfunny screencaps
    >> maggiekarp !zZAADmFDGM 09/30/09(Wed)15:06 No.11787384
         File1254337587.png-(242 KB, 641x756, spartatime.png)
    242 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:06 No.11787392
         File1254337617.jpg-(1.02 MB, 745x4364, no one.jpg)
    1.02 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:07 No.11787403
         File1254337642.jpg-(30 KB, 940x286, batknown.jpg)
    30 KB
    it's me!
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:07 No.11787409
         File1254337660.jpg-(56 KB, 780x412, 1252640403827.jpg)
    56 KB
    >> Foul One !2gdRvxeFZk 09/30/09(Wed)15:08 No.11787416
    Suddenly, pointless saging.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:08 No.11787421
    > Old. I already read this on (anan = anon) last night.
    I laughed out loudly.
    >> maggiekarp !zZAADmFDGM 09/30/09(Wed)15:09 No.11787446
         File1254337768.png-(185 KB, 1137x732, makesmegiggle.png)
    185 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:09 No.11787452
         File1254337794.jpg-(77 KB, 797x431, 1252640762952.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:11 No.11787471
         File1254337898.png-(148 KB, 773x475, 1254275584200.png)
    148 KB
    From yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:12 No.11787482
         File1254337933.jpg-(75 KB, 485x279, Deadly pixel.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Tekkactus !yDE403/aMc 09/30/09(Wed)15:12 No.11787488
         File1254337953.jpg-(25 KB, 601x273, 1254278056494.jpg)
    25 KB
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:13 No.11787508
         File1254338019.png-(107 KB, 799x412, Poozers.png)
    107 KB
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:14 No.11787520
    i made that!
    is this what happiness feels like /co/?
    >> Tekkactus !yDE403/aMc 09/30/09(Wed)15:15 No.11787530
         File1254338102.jpg-(49 KB, 685x668, I'm in this one.jpg)
    49 KB

    I imagine it's the same feeling I got the first time I saw this pop up.
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:15 No.11787532
         File1254338124.png-(267 KB, 909x751, againwiththemilk.png)
    267 KB
    Posting my collection, no matter how unfunny they are.
    >> Foul One !2gdRvxeFZk 09/30/09(Wed)15:15 No.11787533

    No. Happiness feels more squishy.
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:16 No.11787543
    ..waiting for the unfunny to start...
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:16 No.11787547
         File1254338193.png-(1.57 MB, 932x4978, Larfleezeburgers.png)
    1.57 MB
    >> Foul One !2gdRvxeFZk 09/30/09(Wed)15:17 No.11787569
         File1254338275.jpg-(234 KB, 1091x1414, 1237814065530.jpg)
    234 KB
    I'll help with that.

    Are you from the Compendium? Name's familiar.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:17 No.11787571
         File1254338279.png-(146 KB, 491x747, gls.png)
    146 KB
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:18 No.11787573
         File1254338285.png-(40 KB, 1105x229, assrapehim.png)
    40 KB
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:19 No.11787587
         File1254338344.png-(1.13 MB, 1249x4177, pressthebuttom.png)
    1.13 MB
    This was a long one.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:19 No.11787589
         File1254338364.png-(21 KB, 568x120, greenlanternsson.png)
    21 KB
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:20 No.11787602
         File1254338424.png-(79 KB, 785x312, questionisateacherorsomethingi(...).png)
    79 KB
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:21 No.11787611
         File1254338467.png-(184 KB, 577x733, spaceghostdoesncare.png)
    184 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:21 No.11787614
         File1254338493.png-(122 KB, 999x924, dammitveidt.png)
    122 KB
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:21 No.11787620
         File1254338510.png-(106 KB, 582x612, cappedfornothingreally.png)
    106 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:22 No.11787626
         File1254338529.jpg-(544 KB, 711x3433, boulder_caine_megathread1.jpg)
    544 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:22 No.11787630
         File1254338543.png-(201 KB, 588x1003, bbrage.png)
    201 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:22 No.11787637

    Do you still have that image?

    I need it.

    For science.

    You understand.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:22 No.11787639
         File1254338563.jpg-(516 KB, 592x3260, boulder_caine_megathread2.jpg)
    516 KB
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:23 No.11787649
         File1254338609.png-(97 KB, 1018x406, stopcallingme.png)
    97 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:24 No.11787662
         File1254338672.png-(251 KB, 738x895, 1248394837263.png)
    251 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:25 No.11787673
         File1254338727.png-(217 KB, 599x712, 1245899474315.png)
    217 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:25 No.11787680
         File1254338741.jpg-(50 KB, 723x518, Ben10Failcest.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Tekkactus !yDE403/aMc 09/30/09(Wed)15:25 No.11787681
         File1254338748.jpg-(149 KB, 323x640, 1238436592699.jpg)
    149 KB
    >> Vorked Larfleeze !S87QIBU4Fk 09/30/09(Wed)15:25 No.11787682
         File1254338748.jpg-(458 KB, 996x1692, tooawesomeforthisboard.jpg)
    458 KB
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:28 No.11787717
         File1254338889.jpg-(20 KB, 702x180, goblin time.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:28 No.11787719
         File1254338900.jpg-(65 KB, 762x649, epic thread transformers.jpg)
    65 KB
    Autobots! Transform and HAIL EGGMAN!
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:31 No.11787768

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:31 No.11787771
         File1254339086.jpg-(33 KB, 713x375, 1248393224175.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:33 No.11787797
         File1254339180.png-(25 KB, 852x346, aplus.png)
    25 KB
    herp durp
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:33 No.11787805
         File1254339203.png-(300 KB, 1007x3802, 1245288441738.png)
    300 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:33 No.11787807
         File1254339205.jpg-(1.59 MB, 2564x4264, CO_I.jpg)
    1.59 MB
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:33 No.11787808
         File1254339210.jpg-(24 KB, 652x209, batmandoesnotliketheumbrellaac(...).jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:33 No.11787813
         File1254339227.jpg-(121 KB, 684x366, 1248393723894.jpg)
    121 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:34 No.11787820
         File1254339268.jpg-(48 KB, 543x562, 1253866946495.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:35 No.11787829
         File1254339308.png-(300 KB, 1052x3619, ejaculating_ant.png)
    300 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:35 No.11787836
         File1254339342.jpg-(263 KB, 913x3601, 1249449299750.jpg)
    263 KB
    >> AlmightyLoeb !!zm85FmDT40j 09/30/09(Wed)15:35 No.11787838
         File1254339343.png-(119 KB, 818x474, 1249576859618.png)
    119 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:38 No.11787871
    did anyone get the Jack vs Aku thread with Forcillius and....whats his name.....The Master i think?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:39 No.11787882
         File1254339541.png-(52 KB, 620x280, MY PARENTS ARE DUCKS.png)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:39 No.11787891
         File1254339574.jpg-(66 KB, 740x599, A_challenger_disapears..jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:40 No.11787913
    i lol'd
    am i going to hell?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:41 No.11787920
    You do realize you're posting on 4chan, yes?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:41 No.11787923
    anyone have the one where iron man (?) shoots a laser that goes into a portal then later in another thread re appears through another portal?
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:42 No.11787932
    well shit
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:43 No.11787937
         File1254339786.png-(33 KB, 414x335, meanwhileinascreenshotthread.png)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:43 No.11787944
    Yes, but you'll see me there as well.
    >> Tekkactus !yDE403/aMc 09/30/09(Wed)15:44 No.11787948

    Oh heh heh, it's a play on the A CHALLENGER APPEARS meme, that's worth a chuc-
    >realizes what the picture is
    >> AlmightyLoeb !!zm85FmDT40j 09/30/09(Wed)15:44 No.11787949
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:44 No.11787955

    Maybe we should all have a party when we go there?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:45 No.11787964
    I'll being the chips.

    But there won't be dip brcause... well, it's hell
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:46 No.11787981
    recent cigarette
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:46 No.11787986
         File1254339990.png-(163 KB, 565x329, Gimmiedatsammich.png)
    163 KB
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:46 No.11787993
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:46 No.11787995
         File1254340019.jpg-(385 KB, 715x4870, 1254253699596.jpg)
    385 KB
    saw this on the thread yesterday and choked laughing
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:47 No.11788015
    fresh cigar
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:49 No.11788035
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:52 No.11788081
    Holy fuck that's so good I can't stop laughing
    >> Foul One !2gdRvxeFZk 09/30/09(Wed)15:53 No.11788097

    Innovative blunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:53 No.11788103
         File1254340408.jpg-(1.4 MB, 3312x2962, Remember Fred.jpg)
    1.4 MB
    Easily my favorite screencap
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:54 No.11788120
    fag = slang for cigarette
    fag =/= slang for cigar or blunt
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:54 No.11788124
         File1254340474.jpg-(83 KB, 729x905, Run it into the ground.jpg)
    83 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:55 No.11788140
         File1254340541.jpg-(44 KB, 658x405, REN10.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Foul One !2gdRvxeFZk 09/30/09(Wed)15:55 No.11788143

    Well we ran out of cigarette terms. Dick.
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:56 No.11788152
    ...contemporary pipe?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:56 No.11788156
         File1254340600.png-(340 KB, 2054x3734, Iron mom.png)
    340 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:58 No.11788180
         File1254340703.png-(884 KB, 1192x2408, Hooky-wooky.png)
    884 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:58 No.11788185
    then stop. it's as simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:59 No.11788192
         File1254340759.jpg-(93 KB, 700x431, Sniktverse.jpg)
    93 KB
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)15:59 No.11788199
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:01 No.11788225
         File1254340900.jpg-(77 KB, 1262x845, Batcat.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:02 No.11788245
         File1254340961.png-(129 KB, 618x342, Brown Box mystery.png)
    129 KB
    Since we so recently resolved the brown box terror
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:03 No.11788259
         File1254341024.jpg-(41 KB, 574x445, Dragoncombo.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:04 No.11788270
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:05 No.11788282
         File1254341102.jpg-(253 KB, 1470x1062, Dale's song.jpg)
    253 KB
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)16:05 No.11788287
    no one's got it
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:05 No.11788290
         File1254341144.jpg-(27 KB, 642x197, Diglett used dig.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:07 No.11788315
         File1254341256.jpg-(2.8 MB, 4678x3542, Wait a minute.jpg)
    2.8 MB
    Hah, this one always makes me chuckle
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:07 No.11788317
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:08 No.11788337
         File1254341328.jpg-(324 KB, 793x2244, The moon.jpg)
    324 KB
    >> Kosh 09/30/09(Wed)16:09 No.11788341
         File1254341348.jpg-(135 KB, 833x445, epic_meowth.jpg)
    135 KB
    I don't know why, but this one always makes me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:09 No.11788347
         File1254341386.png-(423 KB, 676x2252, The Bromindinging.png)
    423 KB
    >> Symon Nanou !djWhqSXcFs 09/30/09(Wed)16:10 No.11788361
         File1254341445.jpg-(904 KB, 2000x3480, 1198008724635.jpg)
    904 KB
    Easily my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:11 No.11788365
         File1254341473.jpg-(434 KB, 912x4976, TEAM ROCKET.jpg)
    434 KB
    >> Kosh 09/30/09(Wed)16:11 No.11788366
         File1254341475.gif-(390 KB, 2532x3685, spread love.gif)
    390 KB
    Also, this.

    He loves you, /co/.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:11 No.11788373
         File1254341494.png-(546 KB, 1280x2554, rotj d.png)
    546 KB
    I was so proud of myself for making this.
    >> Symon Nanou !djWhqSXcFs 09/30/09(Wed)16:14 No.11788425
         File1254341681.jpg-(102 KB, 1212x333, 1216063109421.jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:15 No.11788442
         File1254341744.png-(473 KB, 1224x2742, A terrible showdown.png)
    473 KB
    Fuck man I can't get enough of that, just lol'd all the way through

    Have some Fred vs. Punsey
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:16 No.11788450
    Fucking saved.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:16 No.11788455
    Man some of these are just so damn terrible and the most of the good ones were obvious set ups...
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:19 No.11788505
         File1254341996.jpg-(50 KB, 615x352, Spidersaber.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:24 No.11788580
         File1254342284.jpg-(220 KB, 1124x1560, 1247282296464.jpg)
    220 KB
    Great screencap or greatest screencap?
    >> H.E.L.P.eR !!PC3Qh3+DTBZ 09/30/09(Wed)16:24 No.11788585
         File1254342292.png-(478 KB, 791x4363, 1253289407252.png)
    478 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:26 No.11788603
         File1254342373.jpg-(407 KB, 648x1280, 1254327571735.jpg)
    407 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:28 No.11788624
         File1254342496.png-(40 KB, 771x702, 1247276073470.png)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:28 No.11788626
         File1254342518.png-(63 KB, 621x274, 1254276481056.png)
    63 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:28 No.11788628
         File1254342533.png-(1018 KB, 890x1778, 1247282120343.png)
    1018 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:30 No.11788641
         File1254342607.png-(353 KB, 1267x4286, 1247286145961.png)
    353 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:30 No.11788646
         File1254342622.jpg-(827 KB, 1263x4614, TLKproducersfinal.jpg)
    827 KB
    We could do it, and we did it.
    >> Aesop Quintum 09/30/09(Wed)16:31 No.11788664

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