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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1244653278.jpg-(7 KB, 248x187, 1244554953836.jpg)
    7 KB Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)13:01 No.1018745  
    Hey /ck
    I'm going to be cooking dinner for my boyfriend on Saturday, and I want to know what you think I should make. He's a vegetarian, and he's not a vegan but he doesn't like the taste of eggs if it's a major factor in the recipe (so no souffle or quiche). I want to make something more than pasta and a salad, but I don't want to go crazy an serve him anything with shaved truffles over top either.
    I know there are websites that just list recipes, and no I'm not stupid enough to prepare a recipe for the first time ever, then serve it to him. I intend to take the best ideas and test them out over the rest of the week.
    I'm just wondering what would a man expect? What would you want? What about drinks and dessert? Should I serve dessert? I really like this guy, and I'm hoping to keep him...
    Pic unrelated? It's me
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)13:04 No.1018747
    old shit is old
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)13:06 No.1018752


    Also, any post starting with "I'm going to be cooking dinner for my boyfriend" is troll.
    >> breakfast for dinner Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)13:08 No.1018758
         File :1244653695.jpg-(29 KB, 518x279, steak_eggs-2.jpg)
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    Steak and eggs.. . . . and beer.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)13:10 No.1018761
         File :1244653807.jpg-(337 KB, 932x678, big_mac_01_1024x768.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:35 No.1019329
    give him some of your /co/ck, im sure he'll love it.

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