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/cm/ - Cute/Male


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Previous Thread:>>2810935

Allright let's keep the momentum going Onceluts!
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Uh hey /cm/ I was just wondering, since I just got into this fandom,if you could just post pictures of original stuff?Like just the "original" onceler or maybe Old Onceler?
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Old Once-ler is best Once-ler
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Yeah sure,why the heck not?
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omg thank you guys so much!I really appreciate it! I really don't mind the other versions or the AU's but I just have no idea who's who.
Does anybody wanna give me advice as to which blog I should start following?
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There's an entire wikia for it if you'd like to read it. It's pretty helpful.
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Honestly, I just follow the mods and artists, because they're constantly talking about the plots that are going on, but I don't need to be bombarded with endless text posts from the actual askblogs on my dash. If some sort of event occurs between some characters, I can quickly read through the last five pages of their blogs and be 100% up to date without having to actually follow them. That's just me, though. I'm sure everyone has their own personal preference.
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I mainly follow the truffula flu blogs and from the high school I follow the main three: One,Swag and Bitter.
I've long since stopped keeping track of all the new people.
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