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41 KB
Let's have a gijinka thread, since I have a weird soft spot for everything humanized for some reason.

Bonus points for Penguins of Madagascar, but everything else is fine too.
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536 KB
I've been waiting for the importunity to post this.

borderlands or elsewhere?
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183 KB
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Alright, let's see what I have
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240 KB
that's damn hot
>>2778144 (OP)
and damn cute
I didn1t know there was a term for this kind of stuff
Source, please?
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I have a lot of board-tans if anyone's interested
I for one am interested

(polite sage)
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18 KB
all I needed
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Hurray for D/ic/ks!
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7 KB
fuck yeah
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Thanks for posting these I'm saving at lightning speed. I only have ones saved from /ic/ but I'll post a few here anyway.
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110 KB
I have quite a collection from browsing both /a/ and /co/ that usually have board tan threads that max out quickly.
post what you got because it might be stuff I don't have.
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here's us
though I think out board actually has two designs hanging around
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687 KB
yeah, here's the other one
I like this one better
Thanks for the dumping. But you know, when the filename is numbers and there is no text/japanese in the picture... it'd awesome saying who the hell they are.

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