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Crossdressers who aren't traps.
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Wouldn't it be nice if this was accepted as normal men's wear?
Modern male fashion = uglyness
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Nah the average guy in the street do not dress like the beauties in this thread, do they. And the most annoying thing: Dressy events. Half-naked madeup women in heels, and men dressed up in boring identical covering clothing. Men often have very fine legs. As a hotblooded het woman, I'd like to see 'em more.
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Runway fashion always makes me question the true meaning of art. Not in a good way.
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all my hnnnngh.
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fuck yea
The things I will do to those legs and heels... goddamn it.
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Does this count?
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130 KB
>Not this scene
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132 KB
Someone isn't fooled in the slightest
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I'd Jo his Jo, if you know what I mean.
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dragging this thread back to page 1

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It would be nice if men could wear female clothes like women can wear men's. Alas it's socially unacceptable.

I don't care though. I have my fair share of dresses. [spoiler]Mostly gothic[/spoiler]
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I should play ff7 again just to see this scene...
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It doesn't matter how manly/bamf they try to remake Cloud, he will never live this down. Ever.
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I love masculine 'traps', particularly when they still dress/act quite feminine.
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I think this is my last one for the night.
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Well well well. I was kind of expecting this thread to drift off to page 15, but today has been a very productive day.
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The yaranaika guy under the table - heh.
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71 KB

Best quote I've heard on the subject is "It's called choice dressing, not crossdressing".
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296 KB

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