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evangelion thread maxed.
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Previous thread: >>2722463

Found on the trap thread:

Seifuku Honey, the scans from a couple threads back have finally been translated.
You can dl them here
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490 KB
Nice. Thanks.
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571 KB
I thought the trap thread died.
sorry, can't link as i'm on handphone. can you go to catalog.neet.tv/cm and ctrl+f trap? it's a newer one if i'm not wrong.
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36 KB
Here you go: >>2750081 →
Trap thread might have been dead, but that doesn't keep people from pulling a Rei and cloning it.
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Y thread
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421 KB
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38 KB
A trap is fine too
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349 KB
A trap you say?
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218 KB
Any Shinji-trap
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Happy birthday Shinji.
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Go on...
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traps you say?
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472 KB
Delicious traps
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9 KB
Ever look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyfH_tUABkg
Kaworu's Seiyu likes voicing traps and he's better at it than just about anyone else.
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never even knew Sailor Moon had traps.
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Ok,not sure where the picture went.
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Probably cause they made Zoisite and Fisheye girls in the english version.
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Happy Christmas,
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>>2756523 (OP)
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Kaworu I...
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needs less children and more gendo
gendo bendo
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36 KB
You have a larger version of this? The "m" in the file name suggests there's a larger size.
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96 KB
I'm sorry, I don't. That was the biggest version I could find.
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I have more SP than I thought I did.
? The South Park thread is 2 blocks down.
As a male, that's the first time I enjoy /cm/
Sauce http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=28093085
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Sauce http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=28363641
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Not sure why Manga Kaworu being effeminate seems right, but it just does.
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157 KB
here have... this.
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84 KB
>Puella Shinji Magica
I'm okay with this.
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Kaworu will make you gay
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Wait, is that from the official manga?
Yes. I believe I read somewhere that the kanji between them says "Tension."
You ain't seen nothing yet. Kaworu kisses him in the manga and Shinji later admits that he was attracted to Kaworu but denied it while he was still alive.
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are there any other good doujin that have crossdressed Shinji?
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I really really love KawoShin, but I also have a gigantic soft spot for crack pairings.
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You don't even need the admission to guess. How many heterosexual guys do you think would get all hot and bothered over another naked guy in the lockers and stare at them.
Did you get UNTITLE from last thread?
You can't go wrong with Maid!Shinji
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aaand there's ISIK vol10 which could have been great had they also made Kawou crossdress and make Shinji all hot and bothered. It's still official though, so it's worth mentioning.
There's also stuff like the Idol-Shinji-Rasing Project. Kaworu owns a modeling firm and uses Shinji to model girl clothes.
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Trap bamp
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Needs moar sexy Kaworu
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Replying to a 30 June post is weird, anyway I have it, saucenao easily gave the source.
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Why does he always make such a convincing girl?
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Have you ever watched Nadia? Design wise, she's just brown Shinji.
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Sure did, she's like the Shinji from the manga in a past life.
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anyone know what this is from? Searchbyimage and tineye has brought up literally nothing.
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98 KB
It's by Chizuma!
You can get a dl here:

Delicious Tsunji makes a delicious trap.
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1.44 MB
people sure like putting Shinji in bathing suits.
[spoiler]I can see why.[/spoiler]
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>dat ponytail
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36 KB
Everyone does it.
There's even an option in isik to make him dress in one.
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funny how I just found this without intending to.
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244 KB
You guys already know that Shinji isn't the only one who looks good in skirts, right?

Does anyone have cassino english doujin saved?

I have no, but i can't find And down & down
Looks deleted: http://rationalmadnessdoujin.tumblr.com/post/27429475765/and-down-down-cassino-evangelion-kaworuxshi
"url can not be found"
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168 KB
Won't let you die
Somebody at Sac-Anime last month was wearing that outfit.
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91 KB
Was it a Kaworu
Yeah, I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl though.
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All the better...
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81 KB
Ever look at Haruko from FCL?
Sadamoto reuses designs, a lot. Haruko looks just like Manga!Kaworu in drag.
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*Sniff* its never been a better day to be a bi-sexual teenager boy.
>>2775682 no we usually just get creeper out and try not to let them behind us.
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>Implying that Manga!Shinji's secret fantasy wasn't letting Kaworu behind him.
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whos the guy?
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272 KB
[spoiler]They're both Shinji.[/spoiler]
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162 KB
Forgot /cm/ didn't have spoilers. My bad.
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Doesn't matter, you can still use them to be ironic.
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Is it just me or does Sadamoto's way of drawing them always make them look like shorthaired girls.
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58 KB
Its not just you.
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15 KB
Dunno why but I just think it's hilarious that there's girl characters out there that are literally just Kaworu or Shinji with a dye job and hairstyling.

I doesn't hurt that those characters often turn out to be favorites. Sadamoto recycling isn't all bad.
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Every other thread on /a/ nowadays turns into some sort of Shinji fanservice/appreciation thread.
Think that's cause traps/girlyboys are in vogue and that that weirdly enough made /a/'s waifu or something.
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49 KB
10 days till delicious androgynous boys in skin tight suits.
Hella lot longer for anyone out side of Area 11 though. ):
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92 KB
Anyone else think that brunette "girl" looks an awful lot like Shinji with long hair?
Bet Kaworu used his makeup skills and stuck a wig on him so he could get away from seele or something. It wouldn't exactly be a first or anything.
/a/ has always wanted Shinji to be the little girl and has a huge erection for Kaworu, nothing new
life is so unfair
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It is Shinji.
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31 KB
It would be great to have theatrical trap Shinji but that girl has different coloured eyes, maybe if they used contacts as well I guess, but I doubt it
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Also anyone have some crossdressing Kaworu material? I don't have much
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1.06 MB
Dunno, doesn't his eye color change with lighting. The brunette's eye color could just be Shinji's color in different lighting.
Half the audience fapps to "her" before the trap is sprung, Anno&Kaworu is then confirmed for best troll.
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>Kaworu's turn to be the girl
Antispam keeps me from posting links directly so just look at the links I left on the email for the girlyworu sites
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213 KB
Thank you!
Do you have a pic of this character? I watched the trailer but must have either not seen her or missed the similarities.
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211 KB
actually found it in another thread.
I can see the similarities, but I don't think it actually will be that.
Not cute enough to be shinji.

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