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    File : 1318046274.jpg-(79 KB, 584x531, 1275106013920.jpg)
    79 KB Eva thread 4 Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)23:57 No.2667374  
    get in here.
    Last thread
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)01:35 No.2667406
         File1318052122.jpg-(45 KB, 424x545, j-kaworu011.jpg)
    45 KB
    Thread in >>2658617 is full of male Asuka and Rei.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)01:49 No.2667409
         File1318052975.jpg-(41 KB, 473x700, sailorkaworu.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)09:57 No.2667467
         File1318082276.gif-(74 KB, 434x617, 1558.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)10:09 No.2667468
         File1318082995.gif-(111 KB, 437x619, 1559.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:34 No.2667636
         File1318106075.png-(256 KB, 600x470, 22179334.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:36 No.2667639
         File1318106172.jpg-(377 KB, 800x854, 22259144_p0.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:37 No.2667641
         File1318106264.jpg-(359 KB, 504x746, 22256012.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)21:37 No.2667700
         File1318124273.jpg-(36 KB, 611x425, SxK (40).jpg)
    36 KB
    Can we get a translation for this please?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)01:01 No.2667755
         File1318136498.jpg-(83 KB, 267x500, 16891652_p1[1].jpg)
    83 KB
    I know it's pretty much impossible to tell with Shinji, but he's supposed to be a girl there.
    Not that it's bothers me and given the trap art around it's probably not a big deal.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:57 No.2668099
         File1318193876.jpg-(120 KB, 360x480, 1309043012123.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:59 No.2668245
         File1318222796.jpg-(30 KB, 416x371, 224[1].jpg)
    30 KB
    He's definitely got the build to wear girl clothes.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)19:49 No.2669226
         File1318376983.png-(571 KB, 729x800, 22206427.png)
    571 KB
    In b4 Shinji is really Shuichi Nitori traped in dark mecha.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:45 No.2669267
    my mind is blown, didn't even notice it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)23:58 No.2669339
         File1318391905.jpg-(54 KB, 400x534, 090410-2054440[1].jpg)
    54 KB
    I wouldn't fault you, most people don't associate mecha and slice of life with each other. Then again Eva and Hourou Musuko aren't really typical amongst their genre, and neither are their characters.

    It's their personalities and what other characters often say or criticize about them that really makes them feel alike.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)00:52 No.2669378
         File1318395139.jpg-(205 KB, 600x900, 22287866.jpg)
    205 KB
    Shinji is like Nitori? I really don't see how. Sure, Shinji can be very domestic with his love for cooking but let us not forget he has plenty of rage and this being Eva he has plenty of issues. I cannot imagine Nitori ever going on a rampage nor he is inclined to be borderline suicidal like Shinji is.

    Maybe it's because Nitori never got a chance of riding a mecha but then again Saorin did not either and I can easily imagine her going batshit crazy on a mecha.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)02:40 No.2669395
         File1318401658.jpg-(26 KB, 240x320, 5-bd9075e7c0.jpg)
    26 KB
    Is Shinji rage? I'm not sure.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)04:02 No.2669415
    I'm really on the fence about the new Rebuild movies. He's completely disinterested in Asuka in any romantic way, he has no real opinion of Mari at all, and all he's given a shit about in the last two movies is Teh fucking Rei. I'm not sure how much of a real chance Kaworu has since Rei keeps getting priority (romantic or otherwise) with Shinji over everyone else in the movies.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)12:35 No.2669581
         File1318437326.jpg-(89 KB, 600x425, 18.jpg)
    89 KB
    oh Kaworu, y u make me so horny.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)13:31 No.2669594
         File1318440695.jpg-(348 KB, 872x2593, ISIKShinjikocover2[1].jpg)
    348 KB
    >Shinji can be very domestic with his love for cooking but let us not forget he has plenty of rage and this being Eva he has plenty of issues. I cannot imagine Nitori ever going on a rampage nor he is inclined to be borderline suicidal like Shinji is.
    Notice how everything that sets him apart is centered on him piloting a mecha? According to other characters else he’s different inside a cockpit, so it’s likely that without the EVAs and angels he’d never have acted like that. Outside of an EVA he’s pretty much Nitori, especially in some situations(in b4 scripts with Kaworu).
    > maybe it's because Nitori never got a chance of riding a mecha
    I bet, remember that after the people laughed at him Shu became bitter and started avoiding others. If it he didn’t have friends who were worried about him it’d have probably gotten worse. Make Nitori a child soldier, stick him in a biomechanical monster make him kill and start killing off his friends (and make him kill a friend) and it won’t be long before he’s a suicidal wreck.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)14:40 No.2669626
         File1318444825.jpg-(1.3 MB, 1200x1297, 22346143.jpg)
    1.3 MB
    Sorry, I still don't see it. Shinji's issues do not arise only from his being a mecha pilot, his inability to communicate his feelings predate his even knowing about the Evas.
    Sure, Shu can get angry since he is human but Shinji is apt to flip a lid under stress whether he is on the cockpit or not. Is it just because Shu is surrounded by people who care about him that he does not spiral into sheer aggression? Maybe but keep in mind that plenty of people like Shinji a lot but that does not stop him from having break downs regularly.

    Sure, the characters may have affinities but I hardly think they are the same character in different settings.
    I think Nitori is closer to Norio from Narutaru (that is as messed up as Eva if not more) than to Shinji.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)18:11 No.2671387
         File1318803068.jpg-(106 KB, 350x974, eva26.jpg)
    106 KB
    There isn't anything that indicates that he's attracted to Rei or sees her as someone other than family (smells like mother) and for that matter there isn't anything that indicates that Shinji is attracted to girls in Rebuild.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)06:39 No.2671692
    Except the whole "BRING REI BACK" *triggers third impact*
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)17:10 No.2671904
         File1318885831.jpg-(134 KB, 1000x667, 305.jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)17:25 No.2671922
         File1318886716.jpg-(308 KB, 1280x866, tumblr_ls9id2FMUe1r41cmj.jpg)
    308 KB
    And that indicates that he's sexually attracted to girls how? Unlike him complaining about Kaji cheating him out of a date or letting him do whatever he wants there isn't anything indicating that sex was a motivation in rescuing Rei.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:15 No.2672586
         File1318976116.jpg-(107 KB, 800x852, 20100723224402c84.jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)20:49 No.2672769
         File1318985356.jpg-(66 KB, 390x600, tumblr_l9dz8y2MP81qd8v29o1_400.jpg)
    66 KB
    I really wish I could have a Shinji dakimakura but fuckin' shit I can't find one anywhere. I really wish this one didn't have that "SAMPLE" going across it either.

    /frustrated fangirl
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:46 No.2672883
         File1318999591.jpg-(902 KB, 787x1181, www.asuka-langley-sohryu.com_m(...).jpg)
    902 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:47 No.2672884
         File1318999651.jpg-(314 KB, 500x777, 22442717_p5.jpg)
    314 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:49 No.2672885
         File1318999770.gif-(26 KB, 300x441, 55.gif)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:51 No.2672886
         File1318999915.jpg-(204 KB, 450x477, 1294811492558.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)10:52 No.2673387
         File1319122364.jpg-(116 KB, 540x611, 1315109770494.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)12:11 No.2673834
         File1319213490.jpg-(333 KB, 449x1792, eva (11).jpg)
    333 KB


    Also, repost of repost of repost, but goddamn FUCK I love this picture
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)01:49 No.2674678
         File1319348992.png-(633 KB, 900x600, 22168437.png)
    633 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)06:22 No.2675237
         File1319451777.jpg-(107 KB, 345x394, 22486279.jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)11:12 No.2675300
         File1319469162.png-(52 KB, 480x640, 1246368609111.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)01:33 No.2676061
         File1319607181.jpg-(291 KB, 1720x1200, 1314473527225.jpg)
    291 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)13:17 No.2676213
         File1319649473.jpg-(104 KB, 604x642, rb68.jpg)
    104 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)11:21 No.2677578
         File1319901681.jpg-(275 KB, 838x1165, 22607435.jpg)
    275 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)08:54 No.2678176
         File1320065669.jpg-(97 KB, 429x383, 1571.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:01 No.2678248
         File1320087689.jpg-(47 KB, 512x600, kensuke existing.jpg)
    47 KB
    Needs moar Kensuke.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:02 No.2678250
         File1320087740.jpg-(218 KB, 560x805, kensuke enjoys shinji crossdre(...).jpg)
    218 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:03 No.2678251
         File1320087789.jpg-(277 KB, 900x742, kensuke inspects kaworu.jpg)
    277 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:03 No.2678252
         File1320087839.jpg-(339 KB, 1000x754, kensuke is the hero.jpg)
    339 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:04 No.2678253
         File1320087881.jpg-(215 KB, 750x641, kensuke patches himself up.jpg)
    215 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:05 No.2678254
         File1320087939.jpg-(281 KB, 829x699, shinji and kensuke being cute.jpg)
    281 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:06 No.2678255
         File1320087980.jpg-(581 KB, 676x1000, shinji:kensuke:kaworu threesom(...).jpg)
    581 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:06 No.2678256
         File1320088012.jpg-(490 KB, 983x1080, 1348 - 2boys aida_kensuke bell(...).jpg)
    490 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:07 No.2678257
         File1320088045.jpg-(134 KB, 500x750, c7a3a39f8fef583ad41083a163e0bf(...).jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:08 No.2678258
         File1320088120.jpg-(161 KB, 605x670, 64f5dbc92e7dc1de70d304bef154ff(...).jpg)
    161 KB
    Now let's see what's in my general Eva folder.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:09 No.2678259
         File1320088198.gif-(10 KB, 250x400, 468a65951515c50bb381e34968f6b9(...).gif)
    10 KB
    oh whoops there is more Kensuke in here I guess
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:10 No.2678260
         File1320088259.jpg-(124 KB, 652x800, 1302577405860.jpg)
    124 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:16 No.2678261
         File1320088610.png-(2.34 MB, 1636x1157, ba26c51b11a70517089c3df37c7771(...).png)
    2.34 MB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:17 No.2678262
         File1320088654.jpg-(96 KB, 626x887, e2180517ddb138e2eb5ae779a6ce77(...).jpg)
    96 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:20 No.2678263
         File1320088819.png-(85 KB, 500x500, tumblr_llkr6hWsnQ1qenr6no1_500.png)
    85 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:21 No.2678264
         File1320088860.jpg-(115 KB, 500x667, tumblr_loki30LQNG1qbtbjso1_500.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:21 No.2678265
         File1320088891.jpg-(43 KB, 500x384, tumblr_lqe8a9rqd91r0ihwso1_500.jpg)
    43 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:40 No.2678558
         File1320151208.jpg-(44 KB, 300x400, 232.jpg)
    44 KB
    moar kensuke
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:41 No.2678559
         File1320151265.jpg-(195 KB, 670x700, 22239465.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:01 No.2679127
         File1320249676.jpg-(228 KB, 570x534, 7704460.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:03 No.2679129
         File1320249796.jpg-(76 KB, 510x306, 3b003.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:03 No.2679130
         File1320249836.jpg-(104 KB, 600x600, 1529720.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:07 No.2679132
         File1320250031.jpg-(69 KB, 583x750, three-ys03.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:10 No.2679133
         File1320250215.png-(169 KB, 480x640, 1266772286801503.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:38 No.2679794
         File1320345530.gif-(26 KB, 500x433, img088.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:13 No.2680261
         File1320441228.jpg-(176 KB, 600x520, 6620014_m.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)12:26 No.2680819
         File1320510394.jpg-(179 KB, 600x673, 22797339.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:31 No.2681816
         File1320665464.jpg-(68 KB, 500x500, tumblr_lntg6ugM9f1qmteixo1_500.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)01:53 No.2682664
         File1320821633.jpg-(206 KB, 600x712, 1320773480717.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:44 No.2683012
         File1320947074.jpg-(62 KB, 500x700, eva41.jpg)
    62 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)16:48 No.2683131
         File1320961702.jpg-(29 KB, 240x370, 4-e85e5dafbd.jpg)
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    >Shinji is apt to flip a lid under stress whether he is on the cockpit or not.
    Sorry if this is late and all, but Shinji, manga notwithstanding, never seemed aggressive outside of the cockpit. He doesn't breakdown into rage, just tears.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)00:27 No.2684075
         File1321075643.jpg-(81 KB, 440x570, 1321033728403.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)00:32 No.2684077
         File1321075948.jpg-(142 KB, 445x504, 1274369873770.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)01:18 No.2684087
         File1321078729.png-(1.21 MB, 800x1094, 21505427.png)
    1.21 MB
    Oh Shinji, why you look so good in a skirt?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:06 No.2684183
         File1321110377.gif-(84 KB, 611x795, Wedshinji.gif)
    84 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)15:40 No.2684286
         File1321130423.png-(1.41 MB, 1157x1636, 23002288.png)
    1.41 MB
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:23 No.2684526
         File1321212212.jpg-(190 KB, 582x800, EVA_spoof_01_by_JoKeRcologne.jpg)
    190 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:25 No.2684528
         File1321212346.jpg-(205 KB, 582x800, EVA_spoof_03_by_JoKeRcologne.jpg)
    205 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)20:50 No.2684637
         File1321235433.jpg-(638 KB, 1000x700, 14503358[1].jpg)
    638 KB
    He inherited his mother's (feminine) good looks.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:40 No.2684741
         File1321328419.jpg-(179 KB, 440x616, 1570.jpg)
    179 KB
    That also.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:33 No.2684852
         File1321414402.jpg-(99 KB, 562x540, rb158.jpg)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)22:03 No.2685121
         File1321499016.gif-(62 KB, 409x582, 1275109980740.gif)
    62 KB
    4chan's back!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/11(Thu)18:18 No.2685378
         File1321571930.jpg-(82 KB, 350x690, 23040706_p2.jpg)
    82 KB
    Anyone else think Gainax could get plenty of cash if they sold more Shinji fanservice?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)02:54 No.2685520
         File1321602845.png-(88 KB, 480x640, d8924db9cec681c8081552a7e70082(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)03:01 No.2685527
         File1321603262.jpg-(68 KB, 440x486, 1321511198939.jpg)
    68 KB
    If this is too much, I'll delete it.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)11:10 No.2685620
         File1321632645.jpg-(106 KB, 337x516, 23040270_p1.jpg)
    106 KB
    I don't see why it'd be, it's not like you can see anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)01:39 No.2686252
         File1321771152.jpg-(93 KB, 445x500, 23121504.jpg)
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    >> Dangerous Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)03:18 No.2686257
         File1321777102.jpg-(100 KB, 700x1016, 1298686591001.jpg)
    100 KB
    Make Shinji fall for you and then "betray" him and he'll go chasing after you while screaming and crying in a biomechanical monster wielding a giant knife.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)05:26 No.2686319
         File1321784815.jpg-(58 KB, 500x671, 1314927599855.jpg)
    58 KB
    transvestite shinji is best shinji
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)14:16 No.2686379
         File1321816594.jpg-(42 KB, 473x700, sailorshinji.jpg)
    42 KB
    True dat.
    What does that have to do with anything?
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)15:26 No.2686395
    It's just spam. Report and move on.
    >> Dat Moe Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)22:53 No.2686543
         File1321847607.jpg-(134 KB, 900x1119, nge__shinji_magika_by_rui_kari(...).jpg)
    134 KB
    much more relevant link:
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)01:26 No.2686621
         File1321856802.jpg-(135 KB, 800x600, 10778477[1].jpg)
    135 KB
    /m/ had someone complaining about how they watched EVA from ep8 onward and thought that Shinji was a cute boyish girl for several eps.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:19 No.2686788
         File1321903199.jpg-(433 KB, 620x939, 20110101omedetou[1].jpg)
    433 KB
    Kaworu would also make a pretty girl
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:10 No.2687180
         File1321996215.jpg-(218 KB, 766x764, 1274368884307.jpg)
    218 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)15:15 No.2687666
         File1322079345.jpg-(122 KB, 480x303, 1310284849974.jpg)
    122 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:40 No.2688046
         File1322181634.jpg-(296 KB, 700x867, 23231338.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:48 No.2688124
         File1322192912.jpg-(132 KB, 494x647, i.jpg)
    132 KB
    He's stealing makeup from Kaworu!
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:03 No.2688182
         File1322197381.gif-(23 KB, 229x470, 1389.gif)
    23 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)14:21 No.2688364
    every picture in this thread has him in a dress. this the normal?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)12:49 No.2688749
         File1322329779.jpg-(207 KB, 549x1033, 23304549_p0.jpg)
    207 KB
    pants here
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:37 No.2688847
         File1322350632.jpg-(121 KB, 700x989, shinjiasuka.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)23:57 No.2688914
         File1322369855.jpg-(139 KB, 511x709, 1275781306166.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:52 No.2688995
         File1322387563.jpg-(209 KB, 633x706, 23284515_p0.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)19:18 No.2689242
         File1322439498.jpg-(78 KB, 603x503, 2011halloween.jpg)
    78 KB
    >pants here
    Still looks like a (slutty cat)girl there. I'm sure Kaworu approves.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)22:00 No.2689334
         File1322449241.jpg-(387 KB, 1338x500, 13417456.jpg)
    387 KB
    Shinji isn't the only one who makes a pretty girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:11 No.2689556
         File1322539887.png-(368 KB, 555x730, 23288383.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:33 No.2689916
         File1322620407.jpg-(102 KB, 500x729, 23284515_p3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:52 No.2689959
         File1322635971.jpg-(1.43 MB, 1000x1571, 2b68a6eeae23699f685059bc230cca(...).jpg)
    1.43 MB
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:49 No.2690566
         File1322808582.jpg-(221 KB, 550x793, 23313522.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)05:01 No.2690930
         File1322906466.jpg-(195 KB, 480x640, 23414363.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)09:05 No.2690959
         File1322921104.gif-(858 KB, 320x180, 2304051_o.gif)
    858 KB
    Shinji can't be Shuichi, becasue Shuichi doesn't like boys, and isn't afraid to tell girls he likes them.

    Shinji is a sissy bisexual boy. Shuichi is an gynephilic male to female transexual.
    Shinji probably would be happier as a girl though.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)10:09 No.2690963
         File1322924995.jpg-(79 KB, 500x505, tumblr_lj59hjV9xm1qewgu9o1_500.jpg)
    79 KB
    I can't believe people ship Shinji with Asuka.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)10:34 No.2690969
         File1322926496.jpg-(188 KB, 629x525, 1277882070216.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)20:04 No.2691144
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    Do we know for sure that Shuichi is only attracted to girls? Telling doi off doesn't mean that he couldn't potentially be attracted to guys as well.
    >Shinji is a sissy bisexual boy. Shuichi is an gynephilic male to female transexual. Shinji probably would be happier as a girl though.
    Don't see the big distinction there, just shades of gray.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)09:46 No.2691354
    If you can't see the difference between a transexual and a bisexual, I don't know if I can help you.
    One is a sexuality, the other is a gender.
    Shinji has shown interest in boys and girls, so that would make him bisexual.
    Shuichi to this point has not shown any interest in boys, so to our best knowledge she* is a lesbian*.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)17:42 No.2691503
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    >Shinji is a sissy bisexual boy... Shinji probably would be happier as a girl though
    >One is a sexuality, the other is a gender.
    (My using the wrong pronouns with Shu was an accident) Trust me I have no problem in seeing the distinction between orientation and gender. Describing Shinji's issues as limited to sexuality isn't accurate: there's more said and done in the series regarding Shinji and how he fits into expected gender roles than there is regarding his liking guys and when his liking guys is brought to the stage it's very intertwined with gender issues. Just look at those scripts where Shinji is with Kaworu, his behavior isn't just feminine, it's a complete inversion of usual gender roles; when people like Asuka call his behavior "shameful" they probably include acting like a girl along with the liking a boy part. From that it looks like Shinji's identity crisis includes gender identity, obviously it's a lot less clear than Shu's GID but it's still the gender stuff you mentioned, just in shades of grey.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)23:42 No.2691639
    Came here for reference photos for better K/S cosplay....but now I can't leave.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)16:21 No.2691855
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    Characters with GID are too interesting?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)18:21 No.2691872
    Shinji has a lot of issues already. Let's not make him a tranny too.

    At least not a willing tranny.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)22:47 No.2691961
    So is it bad if I have stopped looking for an Asuka cosplayer to go with us and I'm just happy to take our Kaworu one instead?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)00:38 No.2691995
         File1323149918.jpg-(124 KB, 331x498, shinjikyun0100[1].jpg)
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    That's not quite something up to will, it's hard to tell what exactly he is other than extremely confused.

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