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  • File : 1282022705.jpg-(40 KB, 314x320, computer-guy.jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)01:25 No.2314552  
    >you die
    >family and dear friends decide to go through your computer to feel close to you

    How do they react to your folders, /cm/?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)01:28 No.2314558
         File1282022890.jpg-(326 KB, 1280x1024, 1279594531919.jpg)
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    I would feel bad that I would not be there, in spirit, to see their reactions. Omfg, their minds would be blown.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)01:39 No.2314573
         File1282023576.jpg-(78 KB, 400x400, k082.jpg)
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    I think they would all outwardly express shock and or disgust, but on the inside thank me for being such a good organizer so they can easily find the porn they want.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)02:30 No.2314606
         File1282026601.jpg-(231 KB, 1055x600, 10375029.jpg)
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    you guys don't use trucrypt?
    >> Dr. Nurse !PUL5IHCQus 08/17/10(Tue)02:35 No.2314608
         File1282026920.gif-(106 KB, 300x250, 1280812934097.gif)
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    That would require my family being able to get INTO my computer, which is not going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)02:53 No.2314619
         File1282027987.jpg-(445 KB, 600x666, 9795824.jpg)
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    Laptop's being buried with me. And we will be lowered into my grave as "Don't Stop Me Now" plays in the background...
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)03:08 No.2314626
         File1282028912.jpg-(28 KB, 302x431, 2004_0719.jpg)
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    Probably mildly disturbed at some of the bordering-on-guro art.

    I'm more worried about them going through my real-life drawers. There are some things family is not meant to know about a person's personal life...I'd hate for their last memories of me to be tainted by DILDOS.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)03:15 No.2314629
    My sister has always had suspicions about my online activity since I was fifteen. It'd probably be a "I KNEW SHE LOOKED AT AHNEEMAY PORN" kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)03:32 No.2314641
         File1282030371.png-(23 KB, 300x300, PaintBBS0416191100.png)
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    Parental reaction would mostly be "durrrr is this how I make toast???"
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)03:39 No.2314649
         File1282030770.png-(184 KB, 693x800, 10457312.png)
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    Yes, buried with me. I made two of my friends swear if I die and the cops raid my place or something, they will take my computer and destroy it.

    My family knew, when I was living with them, that I had some freaky shit on my computer. My mom just called it "that cartoon porn" and my sister once saw that Ragnarok picture of the girl laying eggs.. so yeah, by the time I moved out my family was desensitized to the weird shit I had.

    However I don't know how I would explain the guro/loli/shota shit to the cops.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)03:42 No.2314652
    I'd put first in my last will that my computer be burned after I die.

    Hope they do it tho.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)03:51 No.2314658
         File1282031483.jpg-(54 KB, 400x480, 1279156592432.jpg)
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    Well. For one thing, my family wouldn't get that deep into my folders.. and the few people that would, already know I'm a bit of a freak. Granted, I think they'd be surprised at *some* of what they find, but eh. They'll get over it, and I'll be dead so I wouldn't be around to care.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)03:56 No.2314661
         File1282031776.jpg-(75 KB, 532x1190, 1238639019374.jpg)
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    My mom would probably have a heart attack within the first few seconds just clicking through, fall over, break her hip and die. My father would just laugh, and later take interest in the het and yuri. He would have a heart attack while fapping, break his spine and die.

    My younger brother would then fall into claim of my HD. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)04:05 No.2314682
    You don't have to explain jack shit to them if you're dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)04:12 No.2314698
    I've made a close friend promise that when I die, my computer is going to be taken from my house and left in her procession. After that, I don't give a shit. I'm sure she won't mind the fuckton of thoroughly organized porn.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)04:13 No.2314699
    Damn, I forgot I died.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)04:20 No.2314712
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    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)04:26 No.2314726
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    I'd fucking laugh in my grave.

    My whole family will expect what I have in my folders however, and I will bet that they will- for their own sakes- delete the folders entirely.

    My brother would probably go apeshit though. I'd imagine him blurting WHUUUAAAAAA and AWWWWW HELL NAW while rapidly viewing each image (I have a lot of childhood rape pics).
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)04:56 No.2314762
    My computer is locked with a password and none of my family or friends are good enough with technology to be able to hack into it. Even if they were, I doubt they'd care enough to bother.

    But if they did find my folders? I'm not sure...I guess they'd just think it was weird/pathetic that I saved so many anime and video game pics. I really don't have any porn on my computer so they wouldn't be too disgusted by anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)09:52 No.2315037
         File1282053159.png-(215 KB, 386x315, lizardvalkyrie.png)
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    They wouldn't.

    ...Everything's on the flash drives.
    >> Fuu !AalT6ng11o 08/17/10(Tue)09:54 No.2315038
         File1282053289.jpg-(11 KB, 400x257, 1269724953695.jpg)
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    My face exactly
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)10:21 No.2315052
         File1282054902.jpg-(38 KB, 500x391, garden649.jpg)
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    My computer is password protected, and so are my hard/flash drives. And the only person I am blood related to that could hack into them doesn't give a shit about me.

    So I think I'm safe.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)10:30 No.2315056
         File1282055410.jpg-(36 KB, 640x480, 164.jpg)
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    They will never be able to see the files on my computer, because I'm using TrueCrypt. Not even the FBI can hack it.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)10:52 No.2315063
    You know what? I think about this sometimes!
    I think they would be shocked and disappointed, to say the least. But there's SO MANY files to look that I believe they would give up before getting to the hardcore stuff.

    But then again,
    I'll be dead, so they'll most likely forget about it and pretend I was always a normal person
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)10:58 No.2315066
    >Not even the FBI can hack it.

    of course they can. it'll take time, but they are able to get through truecrypt.
    besides, if you use truecrypt, chances are, you're hiding something, which is a reasonable enough of an excuse for the feds to claim your PC/mac.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)11:18 No.2315073
    Yes always important to be neat and tidy when you're handling porn.
    If there really is an afterlife I'd be expecting them to join me after they've seen my pictures and audio tracks, hell my family flips just by seeing questionable gender characters kiss never mind the various 'other' dirty things that I look at.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)11:30 No.2315075
    > of course they can.

    No, sir. Not even in a year. They tried. (Not on my pc, but...)
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)11:34 No.2315077
    >This person is shady
    What have you been involved in then?~
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)11:36 No.2315079
    >besides, if you use truecrypt, chances are, you're hiding something, which is a reasonable enough of an excuse for the feds to claim your PC/mac.

    I don't give a shit!
    People can think what they want. For my data-security, the best is only good enough. I won't let every asshole sniffle through my computer, because they claim I am a criminal.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)11:48 No.2315086
    Hahaha, I was thinking about this yesterday. I'm going to have to agree with
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)11:58 No.2315090
         File1282060719.jpg-(82 KB, 800x600, 1275544896344.jpg)
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    >>Hiding your animu porn with TrueCrypt
    Lol'd. I don't think people aren't that interested, and assuming you're all of age, it'd be a bigger surprise if you didn't have porn at all. A guy friend of mine just bought an external hard drive for his porn. You'll just look like you're hiding CP.

    But but but, my mother would already faint when cleaning up my desk since the stuff I draw isn't exactly worksafe... My brother is only 12 so I'd be more worried of him. He might turn out gay or something (not that it'd be a bad thing but I don't want to affect to it in any way). My sister? this_pleases_gaga.jpg, since BL is BL, even though her taste in anime is shit. She'd move the interesting stuff to her comp before someone has the guts to delete everything here. Apart from my anime pics, they'd be pretty damn impressed since my folders are fucking huge and filled with beautiful HD images.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)12:14 No.2315094
    >You'll just look like you're hiding CP

    My thoughts exactly. If you need to use something that you think the FBI can't even break you either have no idea how much porn is out there or you got some serious shit that isn't just little animu girls and boys.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)12:17 No.2315095
    if i'm already dead, it won't matter at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)12:40 No.2315109
    Oh, my god. I hope that this never happens.

    I want to die of embarrassment just THINKING about their probable reactions.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)13:15 No.2315130
         File1282065311.jpg-(152 KB, 843x1200, Past_033.jpg)
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    1. Family - The ones I live with right now
    Oh please they wouldn't care. At all.
    My mom would be like 'Ahaha wow there's some pretty bad stuff in here well whatevs she's that age' you know. And she would probably be super excited that there's some writing on here. And my sister. Well she would probably be like 'hey I sent her that' more than a couple of times.

    Now, the family I don't live with...would probably try to exorcise my computer the moment they saw two boys kissing. BECAUSE GAYS ARE WRONG. Or something. Yeah. Dem Christians.
    Then they would see my multiple doujinshi (doujinshis?) and pass out and I would laugh from beyond the grave.

    2. Dear Friends - I show them all of my new pictures every time they end up at my house. There would be no surprise.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)13:46 No.2315152
         File1282067174.gif-(91 KB, 740x547, 1274183030431.gif)
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    They would probably be surprised, because I bet they think my computer is full of gay porn. Actually, I only have /cm/ stuff, but no porn.
    To be honest, I put notes for them everywhere, just in case I died. Nothing depressing, just comments on stuff I have in my main folders, and permission to look through everything I have, if they want to.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)13:57 No.2315168
    My mother would pitch a fit because she's insane and would have forgotten that SHE IS THE ONE WHO STARTED BUYING WEIRD ASS PORN FOR ME IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    And then she would try to talk to my online friends and they would wonder why I suddenly forgot how to type and use spellcheck.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)14:04 No.2315178
         File1282068253.jpg-(115 KB, 561x384, 1240680415266.jpg)
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    I don't think I have any pornography saved. Maybe a single well-hidden doujin. Some of my fanart is admittedly a little risque and probably borderline pornographic, but I have a strict no-cocks policy. Plus they already know how I feel about my single ship, so I can only see them being surprised that there's nothing explicit.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)14:37 No.2315202
    Random fact: the police need a separate search warrant if they want to look into your laptop/computer.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)16:55 No.2315377
    >>I don't think people aren't that interested
    herp way to notice things. I don't think people [are] that interested, is what I meant to say.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)17:12 No.2315411
         File1282079552.jpg-(24 KB, 400x356, 36.jpg)
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    Well, it's your problem, when you're so afraid of the authorities, that you rather let all of your privat data (and porn) open to the public, so everybody can investigate your pc on the pure supposition, that you are hiding something illegal. I will not! If they want to check my computer, then they must hack into it on her own, wasting months for nothing. Have fun.
    >> S 08/18/10(Wed)02:16 No.2316084
    No one would be to shocked. I don't look at porn, so I don't have any weird fetish stuff.

    ...scratch that, I don't look at porn, so I think people would be surprised. My brother is set on believing that I'm a lesbian and would start tearing through my things looking for hawtlzbnpr0n...
    >> ViRUS !38MVJprNQU 08/18/10(Wed)02:27 No.2316097
         File1282112866.jpg-(14 KB, 247x229, 1262294236422.jpg)
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    This face.
    Then they would disown my dead ass.
    And it would be AWESOME.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:36 No.2316881
         File1282170963.gif-(646 KB, 384x216, JESUSCHRIST.gif)
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    My mother would probably only raise an eyebrow at the fact I have no porn. And maybe because I have a 'bloody/beaten boys' folder. The rest of my family is gif related. Two MEN kissing what was wrong with that child etc etc. Friends... they'd be more interested in my downloaded vidya collection than anything /cm/.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:39 No.2316887
    My familr and friends know full well that my harddrive is full of guro, loli/shota, furry, and any other kink imaginable. I've got ~1TB of porn (Including anime and manga, so it's not THAT much.) They would never go through my files. It's already been established that when I die, they'll just reformat all my drives to save themselves the mental agony.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:44 No.2316895

    The problem with that retarded statement is that not many people use trucrypt to hide illegal content, but to keep their porn from being discovered when their friends come over and say "hey dude can I borrow your computer 2 sec, gotta check something" then suddenly they click on something they weren't supposed to click on and voila, all your porn is on display for the world to see.

    With truecrypt, that won't happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:47 No.2316899
         File1282171647.png-(7 KB, 300x300, 39_00000002.png)
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    That's why you clearly label said folder "Porn." If your friend clicks it, they're the pervert, not you.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:53 No.2316908
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:55 No.2316913
         File1282172128.jpg-(5 KB, 251x205, Yeah right.jpg)
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    Like you wouldn't click on that, like you wouldn't...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:01 No.2316919
    Of course I would, I am a pervert.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:02 No.2316920
         File1282172556.png-(240 KB, 634x477, 1277763661616.png)
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    "Well, I'm sure we all should have expected this."
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:06 No.2316923
    Win! That's it exactly. My best friend would be scared of me, so TrueCrypt 4 ever to save our friendship.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:23 No.2316954

    Where are you from? UK? Not all people here on /cm/ live in a fucking Police State, like you!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:24 No.2316956
    It can't be helped.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/10(Thu)23:46 No.2318887
    GOD, I love you guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)00:04 No.2318928
         File1282277089.jpg-(15 KB, 545x338, 1260083622218.jpg)
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    "Well...she always was a weird one."

    My mom knows I like and look at weird stuff, her attitude is pretty much "LOL OH YOU", anime conventions have desensitized her to everything. My brother and I oddly know everything about each other (he forgets to close windows a much WoW porn)

    ...I think my dad would be the only one like "wuuuut."
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)00:12 No.2318947
    My /cm/ folder is labeled as such with the various specific folders neatly organized inside by anime, movie, or tv series/show name. I'll be dead, so it won't matter what they're reactions will be. I would love to see them though. Maybe come back for a special haunting just to see.

    Seriously, I don't think my family and friends, most of which already know I look at such things, would do more than raise an eyebrow, go "oookaaay..." and then delete it.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)00:39 No.2319007
    My mother can barely work a tv remote... so I don't have to worry about her finding anything.

    My brother would raid my desktop, pokemon, digimon, and Mononoke folders for days and be happy. It's all clean; at the worst Matt and Tai getting cozy.

    Sister would lose her fucking mind over my /cm/ folder. Hot men kissing? SCOOOOOORE! She'd also have no clue who anyone is.

    Father's smart enough to find my hidden porn; what little there is. And seeing as how his side of the family is very much Christian... my ass'd be disowned.

    The bet part is... I have 200 xs more written porn that no one would bother to look at then images of anything.

    All in all... I'd just laugh at Dad's reaction when he randomly clicks a .txt file and finds yaoi/yuri everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)00:59 No.2319055
    Well, I think my mother would freak out a little. One of my older siblings knows, i offered to show him my porn once--and he was all like lol no. The very eldest bro, though...I think he'd laugh and think I'm weird and leave it at that.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)01:43 No.2319140
         File1282282981.jpg-(65 KB, 500x375, not mad.jpg)
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    My mom knows what I like. I've actually told her that if she ever went through my pictures that she shouldn't be suprised. Maybe a little appalled but not suprised.
    her husband would likely burn my computer.
    my dad: "That ain't right." and burn me at the stake right beside my computer.

    My sis: "Are those both boys?!" O_O
    My little bro who has lesbo porn all over his computer knows. And I've offered to show him and have shown him my resident evil collection. My bro is the coolest.

    BUT they'd have to dig through a hundred misleading folders due to my paranoid habits. Not to mention my written porn which no one would bother with....come to think of it my mom is a ninja with computers...thank god for the external hard drive and flash drives I got for xmas last year.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)21:15 No.2320079
         File1282353333.jpg-(123 KB, 507x369, Sounded Like a Homo Being Stra(...).jpg)
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    FFFFTTTT---I'm dead right? I wonder if I've had my sex change by then, because then the shonen-ai isn't that suprising.
    Okay, say I'm dead because my mom shot my gender swapping ass for being disappointed in my tits, she would probably then dump my body in the local creek. It smells enough like death, decay and awful that no one would think a dead body was the cause. Then she would posthumously disown me. My sisters would call me sick and deface any sort of grave I may have. My father is either secretly gay or will pull the 'she's her own person' routine. But all of them would look at my boyfriend and blame him/kill him. My family isn't christian, but they are some of the biggest rednecks in the state...So my boyfriend gets the computer and my poltergeist haunts him if he disobeys the 'no actual porn' rule. Oh, and then they find my general 4chan folder and lol themselves to death
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)22:50 No.2320151
    Too late, I don't have any privacy in this house, luckily they didn't go through it all. God I hate living here.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)22:53 No.2320155
    Hide your folders
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)23:07 No.2320171
    Mum: Faggot.
    Dad: AW HELL NAH
    Rest of family: HAHAHAHA OH NO STOP
    Best friend: (has flashback to the times we spent together and my aberrant behaviour, then his brain explodes)
    >> Anonymous 08/20/10(Fri)23:53 No.2320198
    My family knows I like BL, especially my sister, she likes it as well (but she doesn't ship a lot of pairings like me). Mom knows it and she kinda thinks my folders are sweet. Dad thinks it's weird but is okay with it.

    What I'm afraid of is that they don't know I like gay porn. They can't find it in my computer since it's deep withing the system32 files but surely they'll know just by my saved bookmarks.

    And then,
    Family: MIND=BLOWN.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/10(Sat)01:10 No.2320392
    My mom would be pic related, and my dad would be ''faggot''

    As for my friends, the first half would be surprised and the other half would be pic related, too
    >> Anonymous 08/21/10(Sat)01:11 No.2320394
         File1282367505.jpg-(31 KB, 386x363, yes-this-pleases-gaga.jpg)
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    forgot pic
    >> Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)02:28 No.2321675
    Not that I'm very old, but parents and siblings? My husband will get everything when I die. He knows I download manga. But he has yet to discover that "Card Capture Sakura" is code for "yaoi doujinshi". I imagine that he'd be utterly mortified.

    Might have to will my laptop to my best friend. It was her idea to make CLAMP synonymous for cock tease.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)02:30 No.2321677
    >reaction image

    Please leave. Now.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)21:25 No.2322774
         File1282526757.jpg-(57 KB, 400x514, 1197941138370.jpg)
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    My youngest older brother already knows I have porn, since he was in charge of moving my files over when Linux broke one time before I had the sense to move everything to Images/4chan/y. He might be surprised by the GUYS KISSING bits though. I imagine most of the reactions would be "yeah, we knew she liked robots and anime". The biggest surprise might be the fic. They know I write fic, but I'm pretty sure they don't know I write porn.

    Ultimately they'd probably just be disappointed/weirded out at the gay. Which would take a ton of going through folders to find anyway. Maybe if they were doing a depth-first search on my external and didn't care much about the Emus, but...
    >> Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)21:29 No.2322779
         File1282526944.jpg-(18 KB, 186x194, 1277496021016.jpg)
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    Mom's reaction
    >> Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)21:30 No.2322781
         File1282527015.jpg-(60 KB, 481x359, 1280035880781.jpg)
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    Dad's reaction
    >> Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)22:01 No.2322817
         File1282528889.png-(162 KB, 292x316, wesker.png)
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    My mom would cry and pray for my soul. My dad would be like "I have no second child". My big sister (she's a psychologist) would go "I told you there was something wrong with her!". My cousin, who lives with us, would be sick because she was sleeping near and let her boobs (oh God they're so glorious, on nom nom) be groped by a lesbian with pretty fucked up fetishes.

    Well, that's it if they can crack my security and find my porn folder. Which I doubt.

    mfw they do it
    >> Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)23:50 No.2322908
         File1282535414.jpg-(875 KB, 1280x2130, 1262757214581.jpg)
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    My sister has always had some sort of a hunch that I enjoyed BL, but the shota/loli would be a surprise for her, and I am sure she would delete it. The rest, she would keep.

    My father is quite alright with it, he probably already knows about my porn stash. He won't look at it though.

    Mother is pic related.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)00:12 No.2322921
         File1282536722.jpg-(3 KB, 237x194, Kermit.jpg)
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    Assuming they find my fappage folders, probably wonder wonder why half of it's even labeled as fap material (if they even fucking know what that means) since most of it just has to do with weird ass fetishes of mine.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)00:22 No.2322925
    all my family and friends pretty much know i download and write porn. nobody cares anymore.
    altho, that doesn't mean that all of my family and friends have seen all of what i dl...doesn't men i care, tho.
    however, there was this one time one of my college professors saw what i had on a jump drive...that was kinda embarrassing.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)01:08 No.2322945
         File1282540082.jpg-(112 KB, 948x600, 1278534522459.jpg)
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    I think they would be shocked, and perhaps a little disapointed that the only thing close to porn on my computer is Remus and Sirius hugging.

    I...have a hugging fetish? I guess?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)01:16 No.2322951
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)01:24 No.2322958
         File1282541098.png-(11 KB, 386x381, 1272356440460.png)
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    My sister would have seen it coming, but my parents... "hey I wonder what's in this folde--"
    >Mom: WAT WAT WAT
    >Dad: now wait just a cunt punching minute here, if this is what think it OH HOLY JESUS HE'S A RAGING FAGGOT

    >my face
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:22 No.2323044
    Oh no! My daughter/son died! Now I have to go through her/his folders to feel close to him/her -- OH MAH GOOOOOOOD
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:25 No.2323047
    pretty sure i'll wipe everything and toss the laptop before i an-hero. i don't want diseases or old age to get me. i can't plan for accidents and murderers.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:43 No.2323055
         File1282549427.jpg-(11 KB, 264x282, 1262843915516.jpg)
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    My mom would be like "Ok who's surprised"
    then my dad would be like "lol WUT EVAR" and continue to tell everyone about how I always have some kind of gay porn showing on my laptop

    My sister would probably quickly save all my shit though
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:44 No.2323056
    Already got my friend to Go through and delete when i die

    He'll Probally laugh at half store one thenth for himself and quietly delete the rest
    >> Pokemon Trainer 4468 5282 3527 !!rEkSWzi2+mz 08/23/10(Mon)03:52 No.2323066
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:59 No.2323072
    I would actually like to see their reaction, but only from the other side. ONLY. My mom would probably cry. If I were alive I don't think the talking-to I would get would be from her because she wouldn't be able to handle it. My dad would be very quiet and serious about it. My sister (for whom it has always been quite obvious that I'm a big role model for her) would be horrified and probably have second-hand embarassment for me. My brother... well, I've known for a while that he looked at porn. If you can't tell I live in a very deeply christian family.

    As for my friends... their brains would probably just explode. I'm usually very quiet, modest and reserved, and am the one around whom they try to avoid swearing and the one they try to gloss things over for, and basically try to "preserve my innocence." And some of the stuff I have is just... well... > >
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)04:33 No.2323099
    Mom: lol whut how does I work computer?
    Brother: gaaaay

    My friends already know about 3/4s of the shit I'm into so they wouldn't be surprised.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)05:12 No.2323118
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    I just thought about this the other day.
    Most of my files are hidden but I leave it off because I'm lazy as fuck. A portion of my porn is on a memory key but still...the things I fap to regularly aren't.

    Luckily I'd be dead.

    It would probably be something like:
    Brother: ahahaha child porn! knew she was fucked up
    Dad: As much as this disgusts me, SHE'S STILL OUR DAU-
    >clicks on guro folder
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)05:14 No.2323120
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    Mom: No opinion as she does not care usually. Might be shocked at what kind of porn I have of FEMALES though.

    Dad: "Wahaha, groovy, man. That's, like, a dick. Pfft. Teenage girls getting off to gay porn. lolololololo"

    Friends: "Oh god, how did we know?"

    All of my friends and family are laid back hippies. They don't give a shit. They might be a little worried about my obsession with Kaiji 'Man, she sure did love this guy a whole lot.'

    ....And now I have to go cry.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)05:57 No.2323138
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    My mother knows of my 'om nom nom' folder, though I think my boyfriend would be a bit embarassed if they discovered the raunchy phone pics I have of him in there :X i don't have anything TOO bad, my mother doesn't care, my father doesn't want to know and my brother knows and wishes he didn't xD Though sicne my mother's polish she wouldn't like my nazi fetish :X Pic related
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)06:07 No.2323140
    God, my family would have the most hilarious set of reactions.

    Mother: OH MY GOD HEATHEN CHILD WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS WHERE DID I GO WRONG (upon finding anything remotely gay, not to mention the guro, strange fetishes, etc)

    Father: Well, she was a bit fucked up ALSO HEATHEN.

    Older Sister: I mean, I knew she had weird tastes, but wow.

    Younger Sister: Oh lol.

    I think the worst thing would be the guro and the porn that I've drawn, rather than anything else. My younger sister was browsing /y/ one day and texted me asking if I had posted. Someone else had reposted a drawing I had done a half a year prior and she recognized my art style, haha :'D
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)06:32 No.2323158
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    They dont. Its in my Will that my HDDs be erased before my PC is gifted.

    Then again, they are also already aware. Upon visiting my family have browsed through my extensive and clearly labelled porn collection before. They have also helped themselves to it which was surprisingly less awkward than I imagined.

    My friends dont exactly care. No doubt they keep as much innapropriate material as I stored away. Sometimes I almost wish I had more prudish friends and family just to get a reaction.

    Even so, it wouldnt really matter. They know what Im like and I feel I have nothing to hide, it would serve them right for desecrating my privacy after death.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)01:02 No.2323869
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    Basically, this from everyone. Disappointment, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)02:53 No.2323942
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    My parents would likely be embarressed, my dad more so than my mom. But it'd be my mom or her partner going through it, so...

    I dunno, I'd be humiliated if they saw it.

    My boyfriend wouldn't be surprised.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)03:03 No.2323952
    this is actually one of my worst fears, i hate to think that my loved ones would be left with a memory of me being a sicko (at least that's what they'd think).
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)04:11 No.2323974
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    "10,000 pics of anime characters who the fuck does this."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)06:55 No.2324058
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    "I told you the quiet ones are the worst."

    and then they'd wonder why I had so many pic of this guy

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