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08/18/09(Tue)19:59 No.1588443  File1250639960.png-(367 KB, 1000x1000, 5520942[1].png)
saved OP's picture a while ago in an "underappreciated fandoms" thread,
and it appears to be from an OVA called Kyukyoku Choujin R, apparently
based off a manga of the same name.
Putting "究極超人あ~る" into pixiv turns up fanart from what is the same series (at least as far as I could tell). (Picture related.)
OVA itself is on veoh
but you'll have to download some doodad if you're interested in
watching it due to its extreme length. Veoh description says it's about
members of the high school photography club collecting stamps or
something, but a brief google search doesn't seem to be turning up any
subs. (Although I could easily be missing some.)
But to answer the important part of your question, I have yet to see anything that indicates inadequate levels of awesome.
TL;DR: apparently main characters from Kyukyoku Choujin R, and probably. Also apologies for massive post. |