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let's talk stuff at asian grocers
I love Ovaltine.

I know it's technically Swiss but Oriental Markets are the only place I can find the good stuff.
What's the deal with Ovaltine anyway?
The container is round
The mug is round
They should call it roundtine
I've heard this before. What is it from?
that's gold, jerry, gold!

i like those mung bean paste sandwiched by sweet rice snacks that look like bricks
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>>4203824 (OP)
do you see this?
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Skyflakes crackers. I'm building a fort with my boxes.
i love azn pasteries. not too sweet, really tart. i wonder if they use less sugar than western bakers, or if the other flavors just cut the sugar taste.

mine has these sort of savory rive balls with various fillings too, like pork or bean. they come wrapped in banana (?) leaves and you just boiled them for a little bit, cool em off, and eat. and they have red date paste. and dried persimmons. and they're the only people locally who have live fish and crabs floating around in tanks.
i got something called chinese cedar the other day. no idea what it is or what it tastes like. anyone have experience with it?
Has anyone here tried Bitter Melon? I was thinking about it for it's health benefits but I have no idea how to prepare them.

Bitter melon is awesome. Which kind are you talking about, the smooth or the spiny kind?

Nope, I'm part Filipino and my Mom/Grandma eat it all the time but I think it's disgusting.
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excellent with seasoned ground pork

I'm full Filipino, born in the U.S. Try it at a Chinese restaurant.
Yeah. It's too bitter for me.

I don't know, my grandma is a pretty good cook so if she can't make me like it, I don't know if eating it at a chinese restaurant will make a difference. I'll try it next time I go though.

It's entirely possible your palate is just underdeveloped. Children have a natural aversion to bitterness for evolutionary reasons. By your early 20s this should pass.
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I got one of these things. What should I do with it?
Cut the outer bark off, and chew on the insides.

I'm already 20 though.
>sugar cane
Pick one.

Some 20 years olds can barely grow a beard. For all you know, your palate is like that. Give it 5 more years before you write off bitter melon.

Ok grandpa, I'll try it again later down the line.

I know you feel old as fuck, but trust me, you're not. Your body will change.
You whippersnappers and yer horehound candy and stick and hoop games
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>stick and hoop games

look at this fossil. This is what the kids are into now days
Mothafuckin' gobo. It's like white, starchier carrots.
I buy Taiwanese mochi.

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
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Anyone else here eat takuan by itself?
I thought that was cheese...

Nope. Though I do eat cheese by the block too.
I have and can, but I don't typically. Too sweet for me on its own.
I like buying all the different instant soups, some of them have "fresh" noodles instead of dried.

The one near me also has some little bakeries and restaurants inside, so sometimes I'll get some steamed pork buns.
I always make this with my bitter melon. I like the Spiny one which is usually comes from India than the smooth one from China.
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I have a hankering for pickled mustard greens its to bad that the nearest Asian store is always closed when I am off of work. Thankfully, I live near a Hot Pot restaurant so I can somewhat fill my cravings. I want to make it but I can not find Asian mustard greens anywhere. Does anyone know if it would make a difference if I used another kind of mustard green?

Looks about right.
Just buy interesting-looking things, especially in produce, and look them up when you get home. Always a learning experience, and sometimes delicious. My successes so far include shelihon (looks like every other green, tastes like wasabi) and Hey Song Sarsaparilla (why do all the old drinks survive overseas?).
I like her backup box of cheezits and emergency 2litre of soda hanging from the back of her wheelchair
Actually that's a block of some kind of cake like bread.
I got round green eggplants recently. Pretty awesome in thai green curry.
It's bitter as fuck. You'll never get over it.

I like putting it in my scrambled eggs or stuffing it with ground pork or beef what not.
The tea is super good.
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Pocky is no longer asian market exclusive. They sell that shit at the 7-11 in Iowa city for christ's sake.

Iowa City has multiple 3-story buildings. Check your privilege, urban scum.
7-Eleven is a Japanese company so technically, it is an Asian market.
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should i be concerned about shit made in china?
is there like banned stuff in our countries not in theirs, and imports being under the radar>

There's just as much fucking pig disgusting shit sold in the US, it's just that people don't get excited because China is the new boogyman.

Remember when genetically modified feed corn containing bacterial DNA that causes it to create toxins was found in Taco Bell? No, of course not, because that would be anti-science. But let's all go apeshit about Chinese imports for months when a bad batch of dog food makes fido sick, because cute puppies and China evil.
wait, what evolutionary reasons?
Viet stuff is way nastier than the Chinese stuff

A small child in a hunter gatherer society isn't going to last long if he's sticking bitter plants in his mouth right and left.
>>4203824 (OP)
I tried one of their rice cakes that looked more like a moon cake in lotus shape. It smelled and tasted like bathroom deodorizer. I never bought anything asian again.
Humans craved sweet and salty things since we were cavemen, bitter tastes were associated with poisonous plants.
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still haven't bought any
>>4203824 (OP)
i'll pass. i like those green screwpine waffles though, they're usually sold next to those roll cake things
in this viet grocery they put things like beef testicles and silkworm pupae in the same freezer section. still haven't found canned pupae though, those would probably be easier to prepare
>Pocky is no longer asian market exclusive.
Pocky have been available in French supermarket since, like the 80's. they just call them mikado, but it's the exact same thing, but with better chocolate because Japan can't make chocolate for shit. No fancy flavour, though.
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And this
FINALLY. Someone who thinks Japanese chocolate tastes like utter shit.

Their chocolate is so artificial that it literally does not melt at 90F. Also tastes and has the texture of plastic. Fuck Japanese chocolate.
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oh childhood.
some reason i never see it anywhere else but the asian grocers
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>suck out jelly
>find cube of lychee
also pic
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>That feel when the closest market to have that is nine hours away.
I picked up some natto recently at my local asian grocery, I don't think it is as bad as a lot of people make it out to be.
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This stuff is fucking incredible.
It's cheese. It's a block of cheese.
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>>4203824 (OP)
This. by itself is a great snack

Nori is the reason why I don't like sushi. I kind a like the taste, but the feel of it in my mouth is somehow so despicable, that I just can't eat it.
Great snack by itself? I'm gonna try that.
not that eating a cake like that is any better, but i haven't seen a cake in that kind of wrapping before, or one that was so smooth and yellow.

Not all sushi has nori in it
Bok choy is lovely, and my local asian supermarket sells a bunch of other veg quite cheap (chilli peppers, garlic, etc). Also, next time I go I'm gonna buy some mochi to try.
Also the little jelly cups are lovely!
Otherwise I'm usually pretty boring in asian supermarkets. I have sesame oil in my cupboard because it's like crack, whenever I use it in a dish I just stand there sniffing the bottle for ages.
>boiled them
You steam them.
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Jackfruit chips

They're fucking godly
I love jackfruit chips! My local super market only sells them in a dried fruit mix and when I buy it I only really eat the jack fruit chips.
The candy aisle is the shit
>that melon
>that pineapple
or as I like to call it S+M toys for the tongue
I tried it out. It was too fucking salty, but I'll definitely use them more instead of letting them rot in my kitchen.
Also, melon ramune. Too bad it's overpriced as fuck.
>those marshmallow stuffed with jelly
I let that shit melt for minutes.
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This is what I meant. I wouldn't describe them as marshmallows stuffed with jelly...more of heart shaped pillows of flavor that melt sweet love into your mouth.
I can never get past the smell of durian to eat it. Anyone brave try it?
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Aquarius is so fucking good. Too much will make you sick though.
Lots of people here have. Personally, it's meh to me. Smells like shit, but tastes fatty to me. Try durian ice cream if you're scared, the makers usually do a okay job of masking the smell while preserving the taste
I think you have to be southeast asian and raised on it to like it. every vietnamese person I know loves it, but the taste wasn't anything special. fatty, kinda reminiscent of motor oil
What's in that water?
No idea. Tried searching it but couldn't really find anything on it.

I've heard all kinds of stuff about how it's supposed to smell disgusting and how it's either the greatest thing in the world or it makes you violently ill.

I decided to take the plunge a few months ago. I bought a fresh durian, got it home, chopped it open, and ate. Yeah, it had a strong smell but it didn't bother me that much. It tasted alright--it sure wasn't nasty, but it wasn't fantastic either. Frankly I didn't see what all the fuss was about.
I tried it before and nearly threw up. The smell was awful
no wonder she's so fat, she probably hasn't taken a shit in years.

your google skills suck.


holy nostalgia bong
I remember this snack from first grade. I've been on spurts of searching for it every couple of years now, but I didn't even know the name. Thank you.
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master race
i went the other week with my brother. picked up some sea snail meat, frog legs, baby clam meat, mung bean mochi and chinese new year taro cake

Oh god yes. My older sister brought me a whole plastic jar of this stuff just like in the pic like, years and years ago when I was a kid. I still have it. I can't find these ANYWHERE.

Try an asian supermarket. Every one I've stepped into has a ton of those things.

....or just make them yourself: jello in an ice cube tray, add a little bit of fruit.
If you have a boba place in your town see if they have durian boba. It's weird but good almost like a sweet cheese taste imo
If you mince them you can mix them in with rice
I eat them raw and also juice them.
Ausfag. That's in our regular supermarket, in the Asian section.
Same with something like this: >>4209223
Where do I find snacking seaweed? Like, the baked, oily korean shit. I don't know, I just don't like sushi nori as a snack.
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I'd been debating whether to buy sichuan peppercorns online, finally found these today for $2.99/4oz at my asian market. So fragrant... can't wait to make some schezuan style dan dan noodles.
I love pricklyash! I cook with it extensively.
Can I have some suggestions? That citrusy fragrance is intoxicating, and these are quite hot. I pulverized some and dusted my curry with it.
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use a big spoonful with some ginger and chicken bones and onion and make broth for hot and sour soup
you way dank thank you
Citrusy? Hot?
Maybe we're not talking about the same thing? Pricklyash tastes numbing.
I use it in western Chinese cooking. Most recently, I prepared a squid and stir-fried it with fermented chili-bamboo, snow pea and mushroom, adding fermented bean sauce and a bit of sugar as well as finely powdered pricklyash and lantern chili near the end. The combination of pricklyash and lantern chili powders is called malafun.
I guess "hot" was inaccurate, but I find that these peppercorns, red pepper, and wasabi all generate different versions of a similar sensation. Yes it is numbing, which to me is akin to "hot", not really in the traditional sense... Thanks for the meal suggestion.
Fresh baked Ube bread and fresh lychee everytime.
Mmmm, chop up that takuan and add to tuna salad!

Mapo doufu...
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>Mapo doufu...

Forgot pic related.
I fucking hate horseradish!
I can eat lantern chili fresh by itself, no problem.
I can eat a spoonful of pricklyash and not break a sweat.
Fucking hate horseradish, though.
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this stuff is godly...
7-Eleven is an American company, just more popular in Japan and Taiwan.

Kit Kat originated in the UK, but they're more popular in Japan and as a result have 9,000+ flavors available there.
im chinese and become more wary of what I buy from asian stores nowadays. I used to eat salted plums all the time, but I've stopped ever since I read some article about them and other chinese candies with lead in them. I think a few years ago they found melamine or something in chinese milk powder/ chinese white rabbit candies too.
>thinks 7-Eleven is an American company.
No. It's not. You're wrong.
I used to hate those suckers. Now I can eat them.

Isn't Nutella selling things like that too?

Best shit. Was coming in to post it but I see someone else has superior tastes.
Yeah, the japs bought out the Americans back in 2005.
>thinks a public company belongs to one country

Learn to basic economics.
I want to try to make this, but I think it would turn out like if someone from Oklahoma tried to make gumbo. I imagine it's all about getting the best ingredients
I'm white as copy paper, but I live where I have access to great Asian markets and ingredients. It's really not difficult, the hardest part is getting the correct type of bean paste. With the internet though, it's a small world. Here are a few recipes:
Google around and you can find pictures of what the jars of bean pastes look like.... good luck in the kitchen
Same here. The weird thing was my parents really fucking hated it and made me and my friends take it outside to eat (we were all ~16) because the smell was so bad to them. I think it has something to do with age.
that stuff is fucking poison laxative
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I've got a Mitsuwa within walking distance of my house and a handful of 99 Ranch Markets not much further way. Feels Asian community, man.
Where you live anon?

Im close to a mitsuwa and fucking love santoku ramen
san jose?
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>aloe vera juice thickened with corn syrup

jesus christ, why.

water it down a bit though and it's pretty damned refreshing.
only if it's made with the leaf, the korean stuff seems to be made with the gel instead.
Ooh, this stuff! Melon creamy soda, my one true love.
How about, they sell it at Wal-Mart...
like the for sun burns?
Oh my god this is delicious and refreshing !
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like, the plant.
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>I think a few years ago they found melamine or something in chinese milk powder/ chinese white rabbit candies too.

I lived in china for a year as a toddler, literally all I remember are thunderstorms, watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and eating this stuff. I looved that melt-in-your-mouth rice paper wrapping.
>Isn't Nutella selling things like that too?
yep, they're pretty good. I usually see them for like $2-3 though, not worth it. but a year ago I saw them 3 for a buck at Grocery Outlet. I snagged like 20 of them. one of my greatest finds.
loove this shit when frozen. always make a mess though--either mushing it up, or having to peel off the plastic bit by bit until I reach the bottom.
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Oh god I loved that stuff

Wanted to drink this like soda cause I didn't want a fuck ton of little plastic bottles. Then I realize that the japs call it calpico. Fuck its delicious
I used to eat white rabbit and haw flakes all the time as a kid.
Bleh. White Rabbit. It was okay but I don't care for them.
isn't that yakult?
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once you pop
Korean grocery

This is a Korean rip-off of Calpis.

>Haw Flakes

My nigga. Damn, I'm gonna pick some up today.

Goddamn you guys, bad back this week now I have to run out and get some as soon as the pills kick in.
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Shit, this brought back some memories of when I did stupid shit when I was little.

Two pieces were stuck together so I used a knife to try and separate them, and I think you know how this ends.

Didn't even knew this shit had a name before..
I saw saspirilla in a King soopers or some shit like that once. Mom told me about how good it was, but told me we couldn't get it. Never saw it again!
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but I always get bags of these sweet and spicy squid strips, like jerky shreds. So good and my cats like them too
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These guys. I loved it when my mom bought these and my sisters and I shared. The best ones were the variety pack where some of them had stickers/temp tattoos as prizes.
Typical day at the asian grocery store

>hurrr where is the japanese products to fill my weeaboo life
>No Credit/Debit cards
>No cash over 20$
>Do not touch food not library

Somehow I ended up with one of the cashiers that didn't speak any english. She wants a green card from me? Meh oh well at least I have somebody that works hard and doesnt have liberal biased opinion over every single thing.
Irvine, California.

In case you didn't feel like dodging some moonrunes..

Energy 19kcal
Protein 0g
Fat 0g
Carbohydrate 4.7g
Sodium 34mg
Potassium 8mg
Magnesium 1.2mg
Arginine 25mg
Isoleucine 1mg
Valine 1mg
Leucine 0.5mg

The last four are α-amino acid. Overall it's like Gatorade but much tastier and apparently better for you.
its meant to be eaten by itself. did you think you were doing something crazy?
I was at a Chinese grocery when a guy in line was just *looking* to play the race card. His credit card was rejected by the machine and he tried some BS negotiation with a long line waiting behind him. All the cashier did was tell him in broken English, "cash or other card ok, get it if you need to," and he flew off the handle. At first he yelled about getting money from his car, bit then he ranted on about poor customer service because he's Mexican and how he wouldn't buy all of the stuff he put on the counter because of it. He tried to get everyone else involved with stuff like "they're all like this!"
oh btw yeo's chrysanthemum tea is fucking amazing, get some if you see it
thats hardly asian dude
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Columbus here, we have Tensuke which is a pretty decent asian grocer. I end up buying a pack of this stuff every time I go there. It's really great anytime you're drowsy, especially after lunch at about mid day. Beats a cup of coffee any day.
What a dick head
Anyone with celiac disease have luck with packaged stuff in asian markets? It's not like it's as easy as contacting the company and asking if there's cross-contamination.

A lot of stuff looks safe based on the ingredients but it's still a risk I'm far too hesitant to take. Cheap rice/tapioca flour would be really nice to have, especially.
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These things right here, oh my goodness.
I've got to agree. (Vietfag here) In Vietnam, offals, pig/goose/duck blood pudding and silkworm are the norm. They taste amazing btw.
Thought those said Bible Black at first.
Pocky tastes like sawdust and ass
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Stick it in your pooper
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Used to buy a pack of these whenever I got allowance as a kid. The spicy ones were so good. A shame that Chinese supermarkets don't have them often.
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I am addicted to taro mochi, it's really good. I'm not big on green tea or red bean paste so I don't like the other kinds. Though last time I went they had strawberry and blueberry mochi, it was fucking awesome. Also strawberry mochi icecream is good.

My dad would buy these for my brother and I. We'd throw them at the neighbours chickens and lol ourselves stupid.
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>also juice them

>juices bitter melon

>I can not find Asian mustard greens

damn, I can find them at every Asian grocery store in town...
mfw I can never find any of the shit I'm actually looking for...
>>4203824 (OP)

>all those preservatives
>yellow 5

use it in california rolls, it balances the avocado mush with a crunch.
aren't sweeter things most likely attributed with natural poisons? especially when you move away from the equator/tropics.
Nope, kind of the opposite.
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Asian bakeries: Mochi Egg Tart so decadent and that buttery flakey thin outter crust along with the creamy lightly sweetened inside. So good but the good ones sell for 1.50 each. I could eat a dozen of these if only they cost less.
Every time I'm in Chinatown, which is like once a year, I never fail to encounter a fat-ass american kid throwing this shit at people's feet.
haha is that the ramen snack that you just break up and eat in-bag?

Every time I'm in Chinatown, which is like every 2 weeks, all I ever see is old ass Chinese ladies shuffling around blocking the sidewalk and spitting everywhere.

You must be talking about one of those fake Chinatowns like Chicago.
pandan waffles are the best
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no, goat waffles are the best
yeah, the fake-ass tourist-trap chinatowns.
>Every time I'm in Americatown, which is like every day, all I ever see is a fat-ass american kid shuffling around blocking the sidewalk and spitting this shit at people's feet.
You must be talking about one of those fake Chicagos in Chinatown.
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>not buying the infinitely better tasting and cheaper korean rip off
But its true. Depending on where they come from, a large number of old folks are bad mannered.
Of course, there are always exceptions, but this habit is so deeply engrained in them that its normal for them now.

Mainlanders. In this case, Fujianese. But basically all mainlanders are unbelievably filthy and have no concept of things like lines, not spitting everywhere, and not pushing and shoving.

>not blue waffles
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if you're going to start measuring dicks over chocolate sticks then give up now, nothing is better than Pirouline.
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Yo, pocari sweat is pretty fucking good. Ive only had it in a can in Seoul but its fucking refreshing.

Pic kinda related, ingredients from asian grocery
its a mongolian-style beef dumpling. I wanna make it again but with ground lamb.
>But its true. Depending on where they come from, a large number of fat-ass americans are white supremacists.
Of course, there are always exceptions, but this habit so so deeply engrained in them that its normal for them now.

Americans. In this case, white Americans. But basically all americans are unbelievably fat and have no concept of things like proportions, not eating everything, and not crying and whining.

Holy shit I remember getting those as a kid. Do they still make them?
>Mainlanders. In this case, Fujianese.

At first I thought you were from Hawaii, and were talking about the U.S. mainland...

Then I realized its fucking nice there are actual Asian people in an Asian grocery store thread.
>implying anon is not from Taiwan
>has never had to deal with large amounts mainlanders
>has never had to deal with large amounts of white racism

I read "mainlanders", I thought Hawaii (where I grew up).

I read "Fujianese", I realized Taiwan.
But you didn't mention that in your original post. My mistake, I was being hasty.
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>mfw honkies and their poor, hurt feelings
Not the anon you're replying to, but it just isn't the same.
I'm craving Korean food so hard now.
fuck off
The closest thing I could tell you about bitter melon, the smooth skinned one tastes like a bitter cucumber.
you can find this stuff in any asian grocer or supermarket. whenever I go to ranch 99 I get some.
Someone best described it as eating a good french cheese in a south east asian toilet
Please, tell us brown people all about your persecution
You've kept this thread bumped for five days, OP. You can let it go now.
Nice quads
That shit looses its flavor after 90 seconds.
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Hell yeah motherfucker
Seriously, did something happen to /ck/ recently? I've been pretty busy recently, haven't been here for around three weeks, but it seems like something has happened. I'm willing to be wrong.
So what am I looking at? It looks like a mini stingray.
>So what am I looking at? It looks like a mini stingray.

While I am literally lol at your statement (which I rarely do) - I mean the "stingray" is clearly some sort of leaf with stem - I will bump this thread in the hope for an explanation for something I have also yet to encounter.
it's barley and seaweed and something else I think
>Please, tell us brown people all about your persecution
I don't know if you are a white troll or just stupid. most likely both
>it's barley and seaweed and something else I think

What is the phallic thing coming up in the middle of the middle cup? That's what I assumed was some sort of stem (and is what I assumed the other anon assumed was a stingray tail)?

I honestly think I have encountered this before, but had no idea what it was. Unlike a random vegetable - which I have often purchased, brought home, googled, then had fun finding a use for - I've never had the balls to buy a plastic cup full of random shit in some kind of liquid...

>yeah, there are only some Asian grocery stores where I feel comfortable actually asking the staff for information.
>yeah, I'm not at all Asian.
egg tarts are the best, also a big fan of black melon seeds
I find that gobo is fibrous and crunchy. I love it.
Those are actually Portuguese, they brought them to China

At this point they're about as Portuguese as Pizza is Italian. Probably much less so, in fact.
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i always want to buy the tins of sardines since i like them and they are ~1$ a tin but when i think about the low standers practiced in some production, i just.. ....

other than that i usually get some mochi, pork buns, miso paste, asian sweet potato, daikon (real easy to pickle and throwing some normal radish in turns everything a nice light pink), tamarin candies, umeboshi and lychee..
nori, rice, vinegar, other cooking liquids, bok choy, random mushrooms, seaweed crackers, tea, hello panda (lol), candied winter melon

it looks like a stem
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jellyfish anyone? tasty
What done nigga those are Pastéis de nata hte chinks copied them and made them slightly worse.Stick to the Portuguese recipe.
your english is terrível. stick to portuguese pedro.
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next time im in ann arbor im definitely gettin some hobak juk, oh yeah
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It's kinda weird that most of the pics in this thread are either drinks or candies/sweets. Do you guys buy anything other than?

I buy bulk soy sauce, mirin, sesame oil, rice, xiaoxing rice wine, and black vinegar. But it's not really worth posting about.
I don't buy them, but I love going around and looking at all the different dried and frozen foods like mushrooms and exotic produce. I usually start in those sorts of sections when I go to the Asian grocer's, then to the noodles/rice section, the condiment section, the snacks and candies, and finish off with the drinks.
what's that cylindrical grey/pink thing wrapped in green leaves then wrapped in plastic?
i remember it was called "jahq" or something

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