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McDonalds is disgusting.

What do you usually get? And be honest, keep your shame outside this thread.

Me: Nothing, because its repulsive
Egg McMuffin, no ham.
Also, no one but no one can think any deep-fried potato is repulsive. Anyone stating they dislike fries or potato chips/crisps is a liar of the nth degree.
I-I like the Big Mac. I don't care if its a ripoff its the only thing I like from there.
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Either a Double cheeseburger or a quarter pounder.
I think potato chips are disgusting. I like corn chips though. Come at me.

Also, I get a caesar salad and apple slices because I don't like eating at McDonalds.
i've always been partial to the filet o fish
One dollar cheeseburger whenever I really want those little chopped up onions.
I have no idea what the fuck theyre doing with those onions, but I break my "No fast food" thing twice a year to eat one of those bitches.
spicy mcchicken
the spicy mcgangbang: the best sandwich you will ever taste for 2 dollars
DLM aka double like a mac
I used to eat there till I noticed I would start shaking slightly after eating Mcbarf. Seriously try the onions on the burger, they sure as shit don't taste like onions.
I work there, night shift, so usually i fuck with the ingredients. Making a grilled tomato/swiss sandwich with bacon on two middle big mac buns is great ass break food. I also mix my own salads with whatever good stuff i can find, apples, walnuts, limes, etc.
if you get anything not on the dollar menu you're doing it wrong

That's it, when I go it's because it's 4am and everything's closed
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I like getting the Chicken Selects because they taste better than McNuggets and they give you enough sauce to dip all your chicken and all your fries.
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> What do you usually get?

Fellatio Fish, though the new Grilled Onion Burger is pretty good (for fast food).

Hate their french fries though; too thin and cook too long, like eating twigs.
I usually get their snack wrap, though I try to squeeze out most of the sauce. all that mayo crap is what kills fast food for me.
Depends what I'm feeling like, I never get the same thing whenever I go out to eat, unless it was exceptionally good the first time.

I think I'll try one of their new grilled onion cheddar burgers the next time I find myself craving McDonald's.
>>4202344 (OP)
Chicken mc nuggets with sweet and sour sauce and a big mac

mah nigga. Double like a mac + large fries (I don't know why I like their fries, so good)

I wish I could just buy bottles of macsauce and put it on real burgers.
Chicken Biscuit & coffee.

Say what you will about McDonald's lunch but their breakfast fucking is fantastic.

The morning rush is a bitch though and you have to get there early to get the non-rushed food.
Fish sandwich or regular cheese burger with a yogurt parfait.
Chicken Selects
You know a double costs like ten cents more right?
>>4202344 (OP)
I get a big mac made with two angus burgers
mcgriddle dawg no egg tho just the sausage one
or a burger but id rather go to in n out at the end of the day
I occasionally enjoy sausage, bacon, egg and cheese mcgriddles. But any more than two of those kills me. I also like dipping those godly french fries into oreo mcflurries.
Chicken nuggets, buffalo sauce, and an apple pie.

Maybe a shake.

That chicken club sandwich.

If there at breakfast, a sausage biscuit.

I probably go two or three times a month, and apart from McD's and buying a pint or a quart of ice cream at the supermarket once a month, I eat very healthy. It's fun to fall off the wagon every once in awhile.
a mcdouble because it's the most filling thing for 1.25 $. It's know around my community as the lucky hobo.
I get their fries and a coke then I drive to a local place that has my favorite burgers but awful fries.
I bought a McChicken the last time I was there, which was in.. 2007 maybe. I haven't been to any other fast-food chain since either.
I get a McDouble, a Spicy McChicken, and a large order of fries. I bring a water bottle in to drink from.

I'll put the chicken patty between the "beef" patties, eat the remaining buns separate, and then eat the big sandwich I've made. It is amazing.
Single cheeseburger with nothing but cheese.

Not even ketchup.
Fries, but must of the time they fuck it up by adding to much salt.
or not evenly coat them.
I like their quarter pounder with an iced tea.
Ah god the fucking salt fiends.
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A happy meal cos you get a toy, DUH!!
This just in: McDonald's uses a salt-dispensing apparatus that dispenses a measured amount of salt each time you turn it 180 degrees from its upright position. Ask for fresh fries, and ask that they don't dispense as much salt if possible.
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>implying Micky D's hashbrowns aren't the shit.
Goddamn, I haven't had McD's in years, that is, until the other night. I was walking home from the bars and walked past one that was open all night.

Got two double quarter pounders, large fries and a vanilla milkshake.

Epic shits were had the next morning.
I certainly don't love McD's, but in a pinch it isn't as terrible as people make it out to be.

90% of the time I get the coffee or the vanilla ice cream, but I also get Egg McMuffins, Sausage burritos, and the occasional Big Mac (which if you go at the right time can be tasty).

Fuck the McRib, though. That shit is the most tasteless, sickening fake meat bullshit I ever was fool-hearty enough to put in my mouth.
Breakfast: sausage biscuit and hazelnut iced coffee.

Lunch/snack: mcgangbang or mcnuggets; with a large drink.
with half of those things as grease, yes they are pretty shit
I usually either get a couple of McChickens or Chicken Selects.

Don't really care for their burgers.
Just a niggerton of double cheeseburgs, sometimes with pickle, sometimes without. No, not the fucking McDouble, I don't give a fuck if I have to pay more, I want that extra slice of cheese!
When I was little, McDonald's made me physically ill on several occasions. I haven't eaten there in at least eleven years. No regrets whatsoever.
>>4202344 (OP)
I get the hot and spicy mc chicken off the dollar menu. Its god tier and only certain locations have it
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my goto is the big mac meal, a fish filet with mac sauce and a hot fudge sundae. wash that shit down with an ice cold sweet tea. luh dat.
Baked goods make the best fast food in my opinion:

>stupidly delicious
>can be bought in varying quantities depending on how you feel that day
>a lot of variety is possible
>reheat well
>often less messy to consume and can be consumed single handily
>that savory pastry smell
>cheap to make and buy

It's basically the overwhelming fast food over here as well.
Am I the only one who can't stomach the idea of eating out of cheap plastic trays, paper and plastic bags? The whole "experience" alone turns me off. It screams of overly processed food.
Large Chicken legend meal with a stawberry shake, sadly in the UK the shake you get there is thickest you can find without spending another 2 quid on just a shake.
Filet o' Fish Meal

The only reason I really go there is because I get a free Cheeseburger with my student card, it's quick to grab and eat and it's near my Uni.
Before I had to move back home to help take care of my parents, my roommates and I would regularly have a McGangBang & a 40.
Pleb tier, but we worked fucked hours and were often too tired to cook.
The best of times.
what the fuck is going on in that gif seriously?
>>4202344 (OP)

Last time I went I got three McDoubles.
double quarter pounder
because i know it's bad for me, so I might as well go big about it.
and i get a large fucking fry because it's the shit and you ALL KNOW THIS.
double quarter pounder or a couple mcchickens
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Actually, McDonald's is so huge that I'm betting on them to first develop artificial meat, from bioreactors, as soon as it becomes cost efficient.

McDonalds has no other interest than efficiency. It just doesn't care. It has no agenda. It's one of the most incorruptible entities I know.

I call myself a vegan and I usually have no issue eating at McDonald's.
binge on this shit when i do go..
1x large fry
3x mchchickens
1x more large fry since i cant super size these mofos anymore
you have no issue eating ground horse either, dickface
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>I call myself a vegan
Hadn't eaten their for years until about 4 months ago. Got some free fries on the way back from the Monopoly game and they were the best french fries I had since a miracle batch at Arby's.
Damn I am stupid.
It's cool bro.
Just don't say "ur" and you'll get no problems from me.
My company uses a bioreactor. It produces methane for the heating and power system and the solids output is fertilizer for crops.
You're welcome to come eat the contents of our bioreactor at any point of its function if you like.

You said it yourself: *a* bioreactor.

Believe it or not, propane tanks can also hold helium, or hydrogen, or any gas, really.
What do compressed gas canisters have to do with bacterial digesting crap to make useful products?
I was preparing a short humorous paragraph as to why I hope language gets a 1984-esque reduction because I can't spell or pronounce for shit. I guess I can throw reading in there as well.

To the topic at hand, has anyone else had a reverent experience with Arby's fries? The batch I got was cooked so damn perfect. Crispy, not crunchy on the outside, with an even coat, and the innards tasted like a baked potato. The things were seasoned perfectly, too.

Look, I've got a six pack of empty bottles on the counter.

I don't feel like it right now.
A 10 piece, with like 5 sweet and sours, large fries, large drink, 2 mcdoubles


A bic mac, 1 bacon cheeseburger, 1 mcdouble, large fries and large drink.

Or the same as above except a quarter pounder instead
>>4202344 (OP)
when the family forces me to eat there the go to id mcchickens

if i want to fill my guy i do a mcheartattack or whatever people are calling them now and try to forget i ate it. sometimes when the family eats there i just get 1 1$ burger and find other shit to snack on/warm up in the house just to fucking avoid it. or have them stop at a maverik on the way home to get a 2.50$ or whatever bahama mama instead
Soft serve ice cream is pretty good
Cheeseburger and large fries
Egg McMuffin if its a morning

Usually once a month.
When I go to Don Mackles AKA Mackerly Donsons

I usually get 4 double quarter pounders and one larger chips.

Then I take the ketchup, pickles and onions off and eat them like that.

I love Mackerly Donsons.

I am not Americfat and try to eat this once a week, unless I eat 3 large pizzas from Pizza Hut, I get pepperoni lovers with extra pepperoni and extra cheese and 2 pack of chicken wings with ranch sauce
strawberry sundae!
fuck i haven't had fastfood in weeks.
i'm craving it now
Big Mac or sometimes the milkshakes. The strawberry one as a funny aftertaste, so I just get vanilla.
I go and get a Mcdouble once a blue moon because I love crappy cheese burgers. Then I feel like shit after I eat it.
The fries are pretty good. The vanilla cones are less than a dollar and it's okay.
Yeah I always feel like shit after I eat a McDonalds meal, it's probably the combination of the burger and the drink.
McNuggets or McChicken

I don't often crave their weird burgers, but it does happen occasionally.
Also, I miss their fried apple pies. When I get the craving, I'll get the inferior version they have at KFC.
They don't have that anymore? Where do you live?
The only thing even close to edible for me is the sausage and egg bagel meal, in general the breakfast is the only thing I will ever eat from that place and that's just cause I have terrible cravings for greasy shit when it comes to breakfast foods.
SF Bay Area.

The McD's apple pies here have been baked for years, maybe a decade or more.
I just checked. It's actually been over 20 years.
is this seriously just SF Bay that's fucked over? I was born and raised on baked pies, I guess.
Unless they've changed something in the last two years then the UK ones are still fried too. Though they clearly aren't popular every time I asked for one they'd have to make a batch.
The more I look into it (I'm reading some stuff right now), it looks like McD's all across the country have been baked since 1992.

I'm old enough to remember when they were glorious fried pies, and they were a lot better than the ones at KFC or the baked ones McD's have now. They were crispy with a bubbly crust, not crumbly or caked in cinnamon powder.

you are such a faggot sceak
or as theyre known in japan "chicken crisp"
If I am forced to be there I'll get an apple bag and a diet coke.
>not getting water with your apple bag
I like their snack wraps

Fight me
i dont think its in the least bit disgusting.

its very good, for what it is. probably the most scientifically planned meal in human history, with millions of dollars in market, materials and enjoyment research.

they also have some of the most controlled and regulated production and supply chain in the world.

my only regret is that they feel its necessary to jam sugar into EVERYTHING. i wish theyd stop doing that.
For lunch/dinner I've really been liking the Daily Double. If not that, I get big macs with extra pickles and NO mac sauce, take it home, pull the patties out and reheat them, then put a big glob of my favorite tartar sauce on it. Very similar to the what makes the big mac special, but it doesn't have that nappy sweet flavor to it. I see a parallel w/ 1000 Island on Reubens. Its sweet, but the saurkraut is tangy enough to offset that.

Once a week I get breakfast. Always includes either a sausage burrito or 2 hashbrowns. For the second item I randomly get either steak bagel or bacon egg and extra cheese bagel. When I get to work I bust out my pepper grinder and load it up and either add some yellow mustard or a tomato slice if I have some. Their bagels are really starting to suck. You have to clamp down so hard to bite thru them that it squirts the egg out. Thinking about switching over to biscuits. And muhfucker... I really miss getting the biscuits and gravy. Those are some damn fine biscuits.

> Got two double quarter pounders

I've never tried that but have been meaning to.
I like the chicken with spaghetti on the McD's in the Philippines.

I also like double cheeseburgers.
>>4202344 (OP)
Big mac and chips with coke.
Regular size because i'm not an american.
>not eating the same thing at Jollibee as Aga Muhlach commands
>eating chicken that is neither crispylicious nor joyful
I get a couple large fries, take them home and lay em out on a cookie sheet and bake until they're crunchy and brown. Add some very finely ground kosher salt. A very light misting of Pam helps it to stick, because by then the fries are so dry the salt falls right off. I then then proceed to have my filthy way, dipping them in mayo or a dip I make using sour cream, salsa, cream cheese, and the minced garlic that comes in the little jar.
> bubbly crust

Ah that's the fuckin dead giveaway, I remember those little blisters on the pies. It was like the crust had layers and the steam blew out a few of the top layers and made bubbles.

When you bit into it, it was kind of loud too from the crispiness.

They also had cherry pie which I liked a helluva lot more. Very sour and delicious and I never had one served to me that wasn't hot enough to put those very same blisters on my tongue if I got impatient and ate that first.
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I usually eat at Burger King but the last time I went to MCD I got a McRib.
A big mac because it's delicious.
Haven't had fast food since New Years Eve

What am I missing?
The McRib should be called the McHeartmeat and shaped like a cute heart.
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You could just buy a bag of frozen fries for a fraction of the cost, you know?
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> Am I the only one who can't stomach the idea of eating out of cheap plastic trays, paper and plastic bags?

Go fuck yourself pal. On-topic posters are posting here.

> Am I the only one who can't stomach buying overpriced hipster organic faggot food, packed in paper and plastic that I carry home in a pastic bag in my plastic/vinyl car.
> Feels righteous man

And oh ya, hash browns, fish sammich, and plain hamburgers with pickles, mustard, and those rehydrated onions. Takes me back to the good ol days of Burger Chef. God I miss that place.

Someone asked about the onions earlier... You can get those at restaurant supply stores, it comes in a big square paper carton (dehyrated onion). Looks like flattened rice. Pour some out into warm water and a few minutes later you have the little onion pieces.

Really good pizza by the way.
Big Mac meal.
Super size if I'm feeling sassy.
> You could just buy a bag of frozen fries for a fraction of the cost, you know?

Those things any good? If so will pick some up. And don't lie, I will kick your corpse in the ear.
Mah nigga

The selects are the shizzle
tfw I thought that said anus burgers
I got evacuated from my house during the Sandy hurricane. I rented a suite at a hotel but had no cooking facilities. I was too upset to cook anyways.

The food at the hotel was a bunch of try-hard crap and cabin fever was starting to set in so we started venturing out to restaurants to get food and kill time. I was actually very happy with all but one place (fucking Pizza Hut). Had McDs a few times and it was delicious...

Big Mac, sundae w/nuts, sausage-egg-cheese biscuit and angus deluxe were tasty. The hash brown had potential, but it was more oily than crispy. If they made those crispy they would have a hit on their hands.
2 McDoubles and a McChicken. Make a McGangbang and have a McDouble after. Usually when I'm drunk or in a rush, though.
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> tfw I thought that said anus burgers

It did say that. Please try to pay attention.
I like their french fries and McNugget
for breakfast shit, i always got two sausage mcmuffins, a hashbrown, and an apple juice.

for general food items, i mostly got the club sandwich with fries and a diet coke (i love the taste. sweet, sweet cancer). i used to get down on the cajun mcchicken before it fucking disappeared.
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Shamrock shake, chocolate shake, hashbrown or mickchicken

Last time I had McD's was either in the summer or some time once in the fall

Why people like it I don't know. It's bad for you, no nutrition, calorie dense, and more expensive than homemade stuff, and the homemade stuff is better and you can have it however you want.
>more expensive than homemade stuff

Not if you do it right. Locally raised grass fed beef is around $8/lb for the cheap ground stuff. That doesn't get into the bun, etc. If I'm going to eat supermarket garbage meat then I'll just go to McDonalds and save myself the effort. Pink slime is pink slime.
Yesterday, I had one breakfast burrito, heated extra and oatmeal, with fresh fruit cut up in it and a little packet of brown sugar. On the side was a coffee...There is no way I could consistently make such an awesome breakfast. The tortilla was fresh, they are one of the few fast food joints left anywhere that still uses real egg and they use just the right ingredients...oh, did I forget the free wifi?

I think MickieD's has turned a corner and are NOT the same place as ten years ago.

I admit I rarely eat there, but the experiences have been nowhere near as disgusting as you say.
Mc. Quaddle Royale

The Mc. Quaddle is a disgusting sandwich created from putting two Mc. Doubles together.

It is made Royale by putting Lettuce, Tomato, Mac Sauce, Bacon, and Angus Onions on it.
I haven't eaten in McDonalds in about ten years, but when I did, I often enjoyed their chicken burgers.
I never buy the food for myself, some time people bring it in to work, I eat the bread off mcgriddles. I only eat in when I haven't had breakfast/too busy to get something on lunch break.
a chocolate dipped "ice cream" cone.

and when im stoned out lof my mind.
I get a McChicken and a mcdouble.

and then i combine the two burgers to make a Mc Gangbang.
I don't know if they have them in the US... but I usually get a big extra with cheese. Basically the mcdicks equivalent to a whopper. Fucking delicious
I love the fries and the strawberry milkshakes.

My mother never trusted meat that wasn't from our butcher (this includes any restaurant, not just McD), so I never really ate the burgers (recently it seems she had good reason to be suspicious), but I am liking the grilled chicken salads.

Mc donalds use to be not that bad but that was when they use animal fat in there frys but there never got it right after they use trans-fat oil and cheepend out there entire menu
I get the McRib and Chicken McNuggets during McRib season.
i havent been to mcdonalds in years...but back when i was a kid i would get the big mac.
>>4202344 (OP)
Breakfast: two or three mcmuffins.
Any other time: twenty chicken mcnugget meal.
Large big mac or double QP meal.
Haven't been there in years because my last visit ended with an awful anal evacuation. I use to get a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese and down it with a large coke.
Crispy Ranch BLT Sandwich.
>tfw not been in three years

I hate the food, staff, clients and atmosphere. Plus it's always dutty as hell in those places.

>20 chicken nuggets
damn, white boy. Damn.
I know, I wish they still had their 50 special.
Are those $1 cheddar onion burgers any good?
I almost went to a McDs the other day to find out but went to Wendy's intead.
Drumstick mcflurry with hot fudge
I go there quite often because only food place that is close to my work. Get a McDouble with bigmac sauce and a small fire. I usually have my own drink its pretty cheap and taste alright.
I've eaten mickey d's twice in the past year. once i got a pomegranate/blueberry smoothie cause i couldnt resist the delicious combo and advertising. it was overly sweet, as i knew it would be. the other time was a few weeks ago when i was really hungry and i got a caesar salad.
Daily double
Value fries

I never understood the McDonald's hate. Sure it's not good for you, no one will ever argue that, but it tastes pretty damn good to me and I can get a literal sack of food for like 5 bucks.
Pretty good, could use a second patty but for a dollar it's okay.
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Move over McDickingtons.
Yeah and for the price of that you can buy every item on McDonald's dollar value and it doesnt even taste that worse unless youre a pretentious faggot snob.
>my sides when
why are you on /ck/, bro. I know it ain't to give advice.
>hurr durr u dont pay 15 dollars for a burger meal get off /ck/
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>Doesn't even taste worse
Come on now, really? A burger is about 4 bucks more at Five Guys and about 80% better tasting. You'd have to be mentally retarded to choose Mcshithole over Five Guys with the delusion that they taste the same.
>reading compilation
choose one

and do tell me how you came up with that calculation
yeah, that's what I was trying to say, plebeian
>reading compliation

I usually eat at Mcdonalds like twice a month, I get either nuggets or a big mac. sometimes a mc double
>choose one

I don't think you know how that works, kid
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Why would I need to compile my reading skills?

babby's first butt hurt
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Move over Five Gays.
>>4202344 (OP)
Not a damn thing. But I went to one really fancy McD's in Orlando and they served me the best chimichanga I've ever had. True story. Oh how I wish they would serve that at all their locations.
I wish we had some of these good burger joints in the south. We have 5 guys and I've seen a billboard for a whataburger once but I really fucking want one of those things.
north carolina sucks, can't get a decent burger here for shit
>Not making a far superior and tastier burger at home.

Everyone in this thread can suck my anus
I get the Angus Deluxe(tm) meal with a large fry, no drink please.

After ordering I always smile and yell, "SUPER-SIZE IT!"

We're both lovin' it at this point, needless to say.
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Chicken selects make my farts smell exactly like them. i dont like it. it makes me feel like my body isnt even processing the food.
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I get a McChicken and a McDouble and I put it together. Usually with large fries and a large coca cola. If i'm sitting inside the establishment then I will proceed in ordering a McFlurry after finishing my meal. It is quite enjoyable.
I haven't eaten McDonald's for about 10 months when I called off most fast foods, I don't intend on ever going back.

Needless to say, I used to always get the McDouble with theBig Mac secret sauce and lettuce and tomatoes. Essentially it was a Big Mac minus the extra piece of bread for less than half the cost.
>get a mcdouble
>ask if it costs anything to throw some big mac sauce on there
>get the burger
>.99 charged for big mac sauce on receipt
fucking niggers
you asked for it jungle boy
But the middle bread of the big mac is the best part. Sometimes I go there and only order slices of the middle bread, its their secret that makes a Big Mac so good.
It's like double-sided tape but bread.
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pa da pa pa pa
my nigga


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Holy fuck look how fat she is in real life.

Sexual fantasies: ruined
It is fast food...
McDick's is really overpriced if you don't order off the dollar menu. They act like their "premium burgers" are worth a shit. 2 mcdoubles and fries when I'm drunk. The chicken nuggets hold a special place in my heart but you always have to wait like a half hour for them.
Niggaz know that breakfast is the best
Hash browns

All fucking fine
I would fuck the brains out of the skinny one
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their breakfast is shit but then again I don't really like any breakfast food besides eggs and bacon. that mcgriddle is a god-tier hangover cure though.

>go through mcdonald's in the morning with friend
>she orders a mocha
>asks if they have soy milk
>"why the fuck would they have soy milk"-me
>get our order
>she got hot fucking chocolate
I get a mcdouble with big mac sauce and make a sloppy spicy mcgangbang.
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I'd fuck the skank out of both the fat and the skinny one. Both.....at the same time.....in a bed of lettuce, mayonaise, grease drippings and cheese. Fuck I'm hard now.
just as I read that a wendy's commercial came on, and I imagined a guy cumming mayonaise into her mouth (skinny one btw)

Damn do i want nudes
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Oh yea, count me in!
Are...are you saying....that Sausage Egg McMuffins and hashbrowns aren't good?

What the tingling fuck?
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Me too.
There are only two things I get at McDonald's.

>Angus Deluxe 1/3 pounder
I don't like bready things in the morning. It makes me sleepy.

Also, hash browns are good, but not from McD's. They are thin, crispy, and they make me sad.
I wouldn't touch that fat cunt.

I would plow the skinny one's ass until it was as red as her hair. Then I fill it with blast after blast of my vanilla frostie and make that fat bitch lick and suck it out of her ass.
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Only if I can watch.
She's super-married, meaning she talks about her lovey-dovey husband all the time. Which for romantic people like me is awesome.
>McDouble w/ Mac sauce
>Small fry
>Small drink if unlimited refill
ITT: wendy's girl sex fantasies

Me gusta
I'd fuck the fat one just so I'd have a hole to stick it in while I suck french fries and chicken nuggets out of the hot ones cunt when I'm not banging her.
Anyone actually got nudes or x-rays of the skinny one?
Two McChickens, a large Powerade, and fries. I'm a fat fuck.
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Getting a little excited, are we?
I think shes hot
then you need to kill yourself
If I had a lot of money to spare and didn't care about my body, I would destroy big makes multiple times a week. That sauce is fucking awesome. That reminds me, I need to learn how to make that sauce.
>learn how to make that sauce
Don't hurt your brain, man. It's a complex mix of mysterious, rare ingredients.
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>mfw I thought she was alyson hannigan
>>4202344 (OP)
last time I had Mcdonalds, it took 15 minutes before I violently spewed this pink liquid with weird, translucent white chunks all throughout it.

Happened the next 2 times I ate there

Fuck that place
>I need to learn how to make that sauce.
>has never had thousand island dressing
I don't often go to McD's, but when I do, I get a McGangbang, fries, and a Hi-C or Dr. Pepper
>Getting anything other than McNuggets

This totally happened.
My McD's has any size drinks al la carte for a dollar from like noon to 4. Sometimes I'll grab a sweet tea from there. That's about the only thing I get from McDonalds any more.
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serious lamb burger
>>4202344 (OP)
a big bag of cheeseburgers
Anybody remember 29 cent hamburgers and 39 cent cheeseburgers?
no, that was a dream you fool.

Are you 50 or something?
I remember that shit, years and years ago, they had a special on wednesdays or something.
Every once in a while when I was a kid, we'd go and get like 15 or 16 or the hamburgers the day they were 29 cents. Between me and my brother (my mom ate a few), we consumed that shit in like 2 days. She'd put some in the freezer, but before they were in there a few hours, we were nuking that shit.
We rarely had fast food so it was a real treat for us.
I remember the lines at the drive thru though. People would order like 100 hamburgers in the drive thru. Was ridiculous.
Yeah, exactly. I never bought any surplus to keep at home, but it was a fun promotion.

I'm not the guy you replied to, but those Ore-Ida fries in particular are okay. Don't expect god tier fries unless you have a good fryer and use good oil.

If you have those things, I recommend overcooking them a little and then tossing them with a fuckton of salt. Tastes better than Mc D fries.

i worked at mcdonalds during that period. i fucking hate you, god damn fatfuck
I saw a McDonald's homemade cookbook type thing, and there was a section on those little onion shits. Basically it said get a container of the dried, minced onions that McCormick makes, and leave them in water overnight or some shit. I'm also slightly drunk so don't believe me.
>>4202344 (OP)
McDonalds is to Apple
Ipod is to BigMac

Easy/shit tier
It's no quality food, but it's okay for what you pay for and the convenience.
I used to eat alot of fast food, and I always preferred Burger King.
Anyone else?

no thats how we made the onions that go on cheeseburgers and big macs.... dehydrated then soaked in water
In case no one answered: they're just rehydrated. Buy dehydrated onions, soak and drain, apply to homemade burger. Taste achieved, and it didn't even come with the compulsion to kill yourself.
two cheeseburgers, apple pie and a water
Don't get burgers most of the time.

Nuggets and fries
Nuggets and fries man
>>4202344 (OP)
Big Mac
Garden salad -got a salad and large OJ once many people in the que were mad
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McDonalds really isn't too bad these days. The bread and sometimes the cheese is shit tier but the beef and salad they use these days are pretty great compared to most burger joints. Their sauces are always top notch too.
two mcchickens, fries, couple sides of ranch
Get a cheeseburger, dip in sweet and sour sauce
Get fries, dip in big mac sauce
sprite and a fishwich w/ fries

just so you know that "fishwich" is made of garbage fish....like bottom tier awful.

I've been watching that gif all night and I am stone sober.

People living in the continental U.S. eat tilapia as a high priced restaurant menu item.
The special (medium menu) and cheeseburger/cicken nuggets
I didn't always prefer Burger King, but I do now.

I still prefer McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries though.
>beef...pretty great
What country do you live in? That's a horrible condemnation of all your other burger places.
a mcdouble and a mcchiken, so that I can put the mcchiken between the patties of the mcdouble
No, they eat it at places like Golden Corral or hole in the wall Chinese-American joints.

Then why do I always see it going for like $15? That's pretty high priced for shit tier fish.
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a 'Groenteburger' it's tasty as hell, not sure how they call it outside the Netherlands
Because any restaurants charging that much are trying to take advantage of their customers.

You should use it as a warning.
A vegetable croquette patty? We don't have those in the U.S.
Fuck, I remember that shit as a kid too. Usually my parents would go and get that for my brother and I, and they'd have..I don't remember, something else. But yeah, that was one of the only times we'd ever go out.

You're not David, are you?
thanks for the warning anon, up until now i thought it was orange roughy and halibut fried in truffle oil
>>4202344 (OP)
A McGriddle
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Mcdank with Mac sauce, large fries and large Iced tea.
Don't go more than once every 3 months, and when I do I'm normally wasted. I get either a big mac meal with a strawberry milkshake or 20 mcnuggets.

Seeing as I'm in this thread anyway, anyone tried this new popcorn chicken imitation they're selling now? Is it any good?
Two 99p cheeseburgers.
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Double Cheeseburgers
I've been to McDonald's twice in my life, and damn I'm proud of it.
I know a woman in her early 40s, born and raised in the U.S. to upper middle-income white parents, who has only been to one fast food restaurant (In-n-Out) in her life, and she only went once as an adult.
Buy one get one free big macs. I seem to always have a coupon for that.

Did you know that in France they call a big mac "le big mac?"
I went to mcdonalds in a combat zone. I walked up to the counter with my machine gun slung over my shoulder and ordered a quarter pounder with cheese, a large fry and a large coke.
I go once in a blue moon. When I do go, I get 10 chicken mcnugget meal, and a cheesburger. I have to agree Mcdonalds is very delicious, but I can restrain myself pretty well.
your mom totally happened
$1 happy meals on $1 happy meal night, that's about all I ever get there

Aside from the McFrappe which is pretty nice on occasion
Mc Donalds fries (As all Fast food fries) taste like shit though.

Never again. I just make fries myself
>>4202344 (OP)

Bumping for the new fattys
>>4202344 (OP)
I usually get the sirloin berger with mushroom and swiss cheese. It's actually fucking good.
>all fast food fries taste like shit

how's denial treating you? fries are probably the only thing fast food restaurants can do better than the average person at home, since potatoes are so fucking cheap.

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