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    File :1242308391.jpg-(101 KB, 497x309, tofu.jpg)
    101 KB Lions Teeth :3 !VPD8RgY4Hg 05/14/09(Thu)09:39 No.967619  
    hello there /ck/, newfag here.

    Are you guys accepting of vegetarians or should i pack up and leave?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)09:41 No.967622
    why do you hate plants?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)09:45 No.967624
    Depends. You'll always get some fattie telling you to just take out the tofu and put steak in instead, and your threads might devolve into an argument, but so long as you're not a preachy bastard trying to convert everyone to your ways - that is about as bad as it gets.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)09:54 No.967628

    5'11 185 lbs here telling you to eat some fucking steak you faggots.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)09:57 No.967631
    Vegetarian food can be plenty delicious, so make your threads about the food you like, and not the food you don't like, ie. meat. Ask for tofu recipes, lentil recipes, bean recipes, salads, etc. etc. but don't go "I DON'T PUT BEEF IN MY CHILI BECAUSE BEEF IS MURDER SO REAL CHILI ONLY HAS BEANS!"
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)10:00 No.967632
    Why do "vegetarians" need to use tofu as a substitute for meat? Tofu is delicious in it's own way and should not be some fake meat.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)10:05 No.967638
    >Why do "vegetarians" need to use tofu as a substitute for meat?

    Only weird people eat tofu. My family doctor is a vegetarian and says to stay clear of stuff like tofu that's been processed heavily.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)10:06 No.967640
    This thread is a paradigm example of what you can expect. Some people will be willing to talk to you, some will try to troll you, but most won't bother you so long as you don't make a big deal out of your vegetarianism.
    >> Lions Teeth :3 !VPD8RgY4Hg 05/14/09(Thu)10:09 No.967645
    I don't think that it is necessarily a meat replacement, its just tasty and very versatile in what you can do with it. I agree with >>967638 though, tofu seems like it would have a lot of chemicals and other band things in it. Its more of a rare treat.
    >> v*rk 05/14/09(Thu)10:16 No.967656
    i had some lion's teeth salad a couple months ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)10:16 No.967657
    I just want to say as a person who grabs as much meat as he can when he goes anywere I happen to like tofu as it acts like a sponge to flavor. Put some suckers in when your cooking something and the tofu will start tasting like the broth itself. Very good stuff if you know what to do with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)10:17 No.967659
    Hi /ck/

    I am a vegan, and as such I must let everyone know. You see, as a vegan I have self esteem problems, and by letting everyone know of my ethically and morally superior lifestyle I am proving I am better than you.

    You see, I have a psychological impairment that does not allow me to differentiate between animals as food and humans. You know how pets like cats and dogs are bread with certain characteristics to make them more appealing to humans, well its like that except I am attracted to, I mean I feel for all the worlds animals.

    I am educated (obviously as a vegan more educated than you) and believe in evolution. The traits that humans exhibit such as, poor ability to digest plant matter (I do fart too much and my breath wreaks), omnivore digestion system and lactose tolerance past adolescence are things I don't understand because its just carnivore propaganda that everyone just calls proven facts.

    I, being so in tune with nature, only eat organic. Even though organic food means nothing, I choose to believe it makes me better. The food I eat is so natural, even though I must eat lots of heavily processed foods (like soy) fortified with nutrients (mostly made from the byproducts of bacteria one would never eat) I can't get just from plant life. And because it is not possible to maintain my health using only local plants, the extra carbon created by all the hauling of foods from around the world to me is offset by how awesome I am.

    I am vegan, and although my diet isn't healthy or sustainable, I am better than you.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)10:22 No.967666
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)10:22 No.967667

    Not necessarily, there are basically 2 ingredients in tofu, and I'd say traditionally made cheese is a hell of a lot more processed. I'd say that doctor is full of shit, actually.

    tofu ingredients: soy beans, water, magnesium chloride. You soak the beans, add the MgCl2, and squeeze the water out. Real processed, huh?

    Now you might be a little worried about magnesium chloride, but they put that stuff in baby formula - it's derived from seawater after you take out the salt. It's safe. And hell, for thousands of years the Japanese and Chinese have been living on tofu with no problem.
    >> Lions Teeth :3 !VPD8RgY4Hg 05/14/09(Thu)10:26 No.967672
    Well that makes me feel much better about my tofu haha. Thanks
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)12:42 No.967817

    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 05/14/09(Thu)13:17 No.967863
    may we ask WHY your a veggie killer op? i never really understood vegetarians.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)13:39 No.967895
    I once had a vegetarian tell me that plants do not eat, breath, grow, or reproduce... I laughed me ass off.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)13:54 No.967910

    Low ingredients doesn't mean it's not processed. Milk's ingredients are milk, water, and sometimes Vitamin D and it's heavily processed to the point where people become lactose intolerant to grocery store milk, but can safely drink raw milk.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)13:56 No.967917
    the anons right, homogenisation and pastuerisation are the most common and widely used forms of processing
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)14:03 No.967925
    I am lucky enough to eat local, organic, handmade tofu.http://sjtofu.com/ Shit is so cash bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)14:10 No.967933
    More delicious and nutritious meat for me, I says.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)14:16 No.967947
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)14:27 No.967957
    >Food& Cooking

    Wrong board bro
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)00:08 No.968517
    Some things need to be cooked or you get no nutrients from them (or they're just... really bad for you raw)
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)00:23 No.968525
         File :1242361387.jpg-(93 KB, 497x325, spongepudding.jpg)
    93 KB
    delicious pasta <3
    posting in a troll thread, because nothing but flames could come of such a post as OP's.
    also, quit being a tripfag, it's worse than being a vegetarian. pic unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)00:32 No.968535
    lol, otherwise perfectly executed, 10/10
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)01:14 No.968571
    Check it out

    I hate Cauliflower. I think its nasty in nearly every form. However, if someone says "Try this Cauliflower Casserole" I will actually eat it desipte my natural hatred for the vile weed.

    Vegetarians/Vegans can't accept this basic culinary courtesy. They expect they entire culinary world to bend to their needs, but are fucking insulted when it comes full circle.

    That is why much of the culinary world will always despise vegetarians/vegans.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)01:30 No.968579
    Vegans are in fact morons, some are even worse.
    I know one that started into multiple illnesses, eventually vomiting blood... problem? She was starving to death and rotting away. She had to compromise and become an "ova-lacto vegetarian". Why? Allergic to peanuts and soy, and bad reactions to all beans. Wouldn't eat oats, barley and a list of other things.
    Even worse? Fucking bitch wouldn't and couldn't cook, so she put all this crap on her husband to prepare her special meals. Want worse? She doesn't make enough money and he's been unemployed for 2 years now, most of their food coming from the local food banks and WIC.
    So yes, as taxpayers we're paying for this retarded vegan to survive.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)01:30 No.968580
    >>I am vegan, and although my diet isn't healthy or sustainable
    *sigh* I eat meat, and even I know that vegan diets can be both healthy and are a fuck ton more sustainable than the average American pound of meat a day diet. I don't care if someone does or does not eat meat, I just hate it when misinformation is spread to people not smart enough to think for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)01:47 No.968591
    Meateaters are in fact morons, some are even worse.
    I know one that started into multiple illnesses, eventually having a heart attack... problem? She was eating too much and weighed 400 pounds. She had to compromise and become a "pescatarian". Why? Hardening of the arteries due to saturated fat, and hypertension from severe obesity. Wouldn't eat greens, carrots, or anything that wasn't fried.
    Even worse? Fucking bitch wouldn't and couldn't cook, so she would go to McDonald's every day and feed all this crap to her husband. Want worse? She doesn't make enough money and he's been unemployed for 2 years now, most of their food coming from the local food banks and WIC. Both of them are on disability from being too fat and having diabetes.
    So yes, as taxpayers we're paying for this retarded meateater to survive.

    There is a right way and a wrong way to include or not include meat as a part of your diet. And frankly, as the rates of weight-related diseases go up, I would rather spend my taxpayer dollars supporting one retarded unhealthy vegan than the 25 retarded unhealthy meateaters on the other side.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)01:52 No.968595
    >>968580 vegan diets can be both healthy and are a fuck ton more sustainable than the average American pound of meat a day diet

    this is an ignorant generalization. if an omnivorous consumer chose to buy locally grown natural food they would be presenting far less environmental impact than a vegan who eats imported chemical laden processed foods(incidentally imported by major corporations). of course, some vegans may shop locally, and some omnivores don't, but whether you eat meat or not is not the only factor to your carbon footprint. same goes for the healthiness thing too, you can be a vegan and still eat cookies, cakes, fruits, processed cereals, fried vegetables, etc...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)01:53 No.968596
    Same thing with cheese, really, about people living on it for thousands of years. Processing isn't intrinsically bad.
    >> (。◕‿‿◕。)manko(。◕‿‿◕。) !!XgY7CB9v/UA 05/15/09(Fri)01:53 No.968597
    i seat steak about 2 times a week at work

    still love tofu tho
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)02:00 No.968601
    While this is true, there are some things I've noticed about people who choose to have vegan diets. They tend to be more concerned with the environment and sustainability overall, not only regarding where their food comes from, but are also more inclined to ride their bicycles to work instead of driving. And given the number of vegan/vegetarians (est. 5% of US pop. and it's probably quite a bit lower than that) versus the number of people who consume meat, even raising livestock for slaughter responsibly would still create a huge drain on resources.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)02:05 No.968606
    poorly executed, try again dumbfuck.
    as a former cashier, I'd also like to point out that wic doesn't cover very many things, you're thinking of food stamps and neither of which will buy you hot prepared foods. also, I don't support any taxpayer money going to fucktards who don't know how to take care of themselves- and for the record 90% of the people who came through my register with wic were usually minorities and/or immigrants. goddamn I hated that job.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)02:11 No.968612
    cool anecdotal evidence, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)02:13 No.968615
    Poorly understood, you mean. As stated, merely illustrating the much higher prevalence of an unhealthy diet that includes meat versus one that does not.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)02:21 No.968625
    Not as cool as the entirely imaginary heavily-processed-food-only vegans and the tree-hugging environmentalist meat eaters who don't eat fried things, cookies, cake or anything else imported or trucked in from hundreds of miles away.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)02:29 No.968636
    don't flatter yourself. I understand very well that you are an idiot who thinks vegans are less prone to poor eating habits than omnivores. come back when you have some facts to back up a stupid claim like that.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)02:36 No.968648
    all anecdotal evidence is equally credible. I've seen both, and you can't prove otherwise. making generalizations such as "vegans are healthier and more environmentally friendly" just show a lack of understanding of how many factors there are involved in the matter.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)02:39 No.968656
    What is it with vegetarians, lesbians and atheists that you have to constantly "check for acceptance" wherever you go, just so you can challenge everyone who looks away? Don't you realize it's fascist to check up on how people think?

    I'm sorry you need to adopt some sort of "lifestyle" in order to feel real, but keep it to yourself.

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