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    File :1242236061.jpg-(136 KB, 800x600, photo.jpg)
    136 KB AWESOME WORK LUNCHES Anonymous ## Mod 05/13/09(Wed)13:34 No.965965  
    I was inspired by my awesome lunch enough to post about it.

    Sauteed snow pea shoots (qing chao dou miao) + bubble tea.

    Post other awesome lunches you've had at work.
    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 05/13/09(Wed)13:43 No.965972
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 05/13/09(Wed)13:45 No.965976

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)13:45 No.965977
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)13:45 No.965978
    Fuck year mootfist
    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 05/13/09(Wed)13:46 No.965979

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    >> pixel hotness !OI2RiO/0Ro 05/13/09(Wed)13:48 No.965982
    >> pixel hotness !OI2RiO/0Ro 05/13/09(Wed)13:49 No.965984
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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    Post these 5 brofists to 5 other bros or you aint a bro
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)13:51 No.965988
    ugh bubble tea gtfo
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)13:53 No.965990

    How couldn't you like bubble tea? After a big bowl of pho, there isn't anything better.
    >> !FFFFFfFfao 05/13/09(Wed)13:57 No.965995
    A thing of peculiarity, what is this "bubble tea"? Never heard of such.

    But yes, work lunch, I usually just make a sandwich with veggies on it. Other times it is merely an apple, a can of jogurt and perhaps some juice. Perhaps the wildest thing from me would be a slice of home-made pizza since as we know pizza is better served cold. Soup is always a shit idea since the container never contains sufficiently.
    >> pixel hotness !OI2RiO/0Ro 05/13/09(Wed)13:59 No.965998

    ˙˙˙˙˙´·˙‾ ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙\˙˙˙,,
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    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 05/13/09(Wed)13:59 No.965999

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    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)13:59 No.966000
    Where the fuck can I get some Bubble Tea on the East coast? Shit looks delicious.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:01 No.966003

    fail fist is fail
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:01 No.966004
    Don't spam.
    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 05/13/09(Wed)14:02 No.966006

    Bubble tea is black tea with milk and sugar with tapioca balls (mostly flavorless, chewy balls) in it. It is served with a large straw through which you can suck the tapioca along with the milk.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 05/13/09(Wed)14:03 No.966009

    Where do you live?
    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 05/13/09(Wed)14:03 No.966010

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:03 No.966011
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    >no gps data in image
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:03 No.966012
    A mod AND Moot posting a /ck/ thread?
    I don't believe it
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:04 No.966014
    Goddamn, before I left for school there was this amazing bubble tea place called Tea Break. It was run by these two asians who couldn't english their way out of a wet paper bag. Anyways, my buddy Steve and I always used to skip AP Gov. to go to get bubble tea. We'd always play a game or two of chess, and throughout the two years that I knew him and we went to bubble tea we kept an almost even record in chess. He's joining the navy now, and I'm glad he's doing something with his life, but it's sad to see him leave, you know?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:06 No.966016

    I used to attend a college a little southeast of Atlanta, where there's a sizable population of southeast asians. Pho and bubble tea EVERYWHERE.
    >> Anonynigra 05/13/09(Wed)14:06 No.966019


    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:06 No.966020
    Get out.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:07 No.966021

    It's not really that I don't like it, it's that I was surrounded by countless weaboo faggots in college who would have bubble tea three times a day, etc. Mostly just a psychological aversion now
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 05/13/09(Wed)14:07 No.966022
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:07 No.966023
    don't get chinese with meow in the name
    >> pixel hotness !OI2RiO/0Ro 05/13/09(Wed)14:08 No.966025
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')................('...'\~¯ ....`...`...('(
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´....................`·._ ........../...''
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:09 No.966027

    I can direct you to some in Ithaca, NY, but odds are it's a bit out of the way for tea.
    >> !FFFFFfFfao 05/13/09(Wed)14:10 No.966029
    So basically milky tea with some sort of vegetable cheese balls in it?

    They do not import it here. Perhaps for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:11 No.966030

    +1 to where do you get this bubble tea on the east coast. Baltimore to be exact...
    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 05/13/09(Wed)14:12 No.966031

    New York City has a lot.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:13 No.966034
    I'm just saying. We were talking about bubble tea, and then some bro(fists). As for my lunch I live off of ramen and that Kikkoman miso soup. That shit is delicious.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:13 No.966035
    So Moot, how's that TIME 100 thing going for ya?
    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 05/13/09(Wed)14:15 No.966039

    >ramen and Kikkoman miso soup

    Needs more sodium.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:17 No.966044

    Yeah cause 8000% daily suggested value really isn't enough for one meal.
    >> Q !C.PTrIpFag 05/13/09(Wed)14:17 No.966046
    You can opt to have coconut, apple, lychee, or other flavours of gelatin in it instead. I prefer the tapioca when it's prepared well,but sometimes it's awful. Other variations of the "tea" part include non-dairy, fresh fruit juice, creamy slush, or hot tea. Shitty places use flavoured powder instead of fresh ingredients.

    The added bonus if you're ten is that the balls are really sticky. When I was a kid we used to use the straws as peashooters - it will even stick on a moving vehicle.
    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 05/13/09(Wed)14:24 No.966056

    >it will even stick on a moving vehicle

    AWESOME! I know what i'm doing next time I'm in Chinatown!!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:26 No.966059
    If you can't find bubble tea on the east coast you're not looking very hard. I can get it in at least 5 places within walking distance of my apartment in Nebraska.
    >> Femiat 05/13/09(Wed)14:39 No.966075

    but you can't ge in the UK... gonna order a kit when I get some more money!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:41 No.966078
    ...of my "apartment" in Nebraska. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:42 No.966082
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:42 No.966084
    Cool pic bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:44 No.966086
    I wish my place was that big.
    >> !FFFFFfFfao 05/13/09(Wed)14:45 No.966089
    Well, I've always wondered, which nationality is Moot of? And which generation immigrant? With americans you cannot tell by looks, even though I would suspect of perhaps a polack just from the top of my head.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:48 No.966093

    All I know is that he lives in or near New York City.
    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 05/13/09(Wed)14:53 No.966099
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:56 No.966104


    pace picante hell yeah
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:58 No.966106
    Ramen guy here, how much sodium is safe to consume? And I don't mean "100%." Yesterday I ate 100% in one meal without realizing it. What's safe?
    >> !FFFFFfFfao 05/13/09(Wed)15:02 No.966110
    That does narrow it down. I take that he has english name, though. Perhaps he is from britain.

    Not that such thing matters but I find the family history of americans greatly interesting topic.
    >> Krista Donohue 05/13/09(Wed)15:02 No.966111
    I have never had the pleasure of an "amazing work lunch" for I have never worked a day in my life. (That's what a husband is for). Other than that I've had some knock your socks off spinach pie from a local greek place while out shopping.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:24 No.966144
    God damn it Krista
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:32 No.966155

    I hate you.
    >> CG !ZiOlXCRNAs 05/13/09(Wed)15:37 No.966170
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    My job requires heavy lifting, lots of running, and other physical activities. There's also a slight risk of explosions, burns, cuts, scrapes, and bruises, so I need to a good hearty lunch to help me recover.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:44 No.966185
    I live in Jersey. Also, Holy shit, its Moot!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:48 No.966194
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    Bubble tea aka pearl milk tea aka boba tea.
    All the same thing, and I keep forgetting which to ask for whenever I travel

    On the topic of good lunch, I'll reuse my AWESOME FOOD entry, jang jorim.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:52 No.966199
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    i had steel reserve at work. it was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:55 No.966202
    What did milkjar guy have for dinner then?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:16 No.966229
         File :1242245771.jpg-(354 KB, 768x1024, thai tea.jpg)
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    Am I the only bro that prefers thai iced tea over bubble tea?

    The only thing bubble tea has over thai iced tea is the giant straw they give you with it
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:19 No.966234
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    Cà phê sữa đá is better than both.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:20 No.966235
    Glad to see not many OMG MOOT xD posts.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:21 No.966237
    I fucking LOVE Thai Iced Tea, but I don't know how to make it at home. :(
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:22 No.966238
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    >> Lady !2dLYL36LP. 05/13/09(Wed)16:27 No.966242
    I've never had bubble tea... what does it taste like?

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