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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1238982865.jpg-(22 KB, 352x240, snapshot20090404232033.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)21:54 No.907258  
    Sup, /ck/, just want to know the dark side of anyone working in the food industry, ie fucking with shitty customers' food, stealing from where you work, fucked up stories, etc.

    I work as a pizza driver and keep a list of stiffs. The last one didn't exactly stiff me(he tipped a buck), but was rude on the phone when I called to ask where he was, as his address was not on the actual street listed and was nonchroologically placed(ie, 210 not being between 200 and 220). He said, "are you blind, it's a huge high rise with big numbers," all dick-like. So I gave his pizza a healthy dose of spit, ballsweat, and anal grease and peed on my hand a bit and sprinkled it on. It was the worst I've ever done to a pizza so far.

    I also knew this klepto middle aged bitch who would steal bags of cumbled bacon. She eventually lost her job due to being a drunk fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)22:09 No.907301
    Not gonna lie it's annoying as fuck when a delivery driver calls to ask for direction. I'm not paying the extra money to have it delivered to deal with shit like giving directions and all that, I'm paying for the convenience of having to only place the order and then not have to worry about a thing and wait for the pizza to show up at my door. Not saying I'd be that rude, but it is frustrating to have to do that sometimes
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)22:50 No.907376

    So you'd rather your pizza just not show up if the guy can't find your place?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)22:55 No.907384
    /r9k/ is <---this--- way OP
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)22:56 No.907385
    GPS and the internet completely trivialize driving directions. It isn't my responsibility as the customer to ensure that a delivery person has a basic sense of driving competency.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)22:59 No.907389
    I take my job as a water seriously. I work at a good restaurant, and would never lower myself by messing with someone's food.

    The place that I work is packed most any shift, so the management has no qualms about asking a patron to leave if they are being ridiculous. I guess I'm fortunate for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)23:00 No.907390
    Just got off work... Had a little whiskey. :)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)23:01 No.907392
    >So I gave his pizza a healthy dose of spit, ballsweat, and anal grease and peed on my hand a bit and sprinkled it on

    No you didn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)23:02 No.907395
    I want op to pics or gtfo. Hard for me to believe what he says.
    >> Krista Donohue 04/05/09(Sun)23:03 No.907398
    better calling asking for directions than bumbling around for 2 hours. I understand though since I live in a small town and "the corner of South and Main" is more than enough directions. Usually the name given is all the direction they need. I wouldn't expect that most places.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)23:27 No.907421
    >So I gave his pizza a healthy dose of spit, ballsweat, and anal grease and...

    You're saying you rubbed hot, greasy pizza on your testicles and shoved it into your anus?

    How's them 3rd degree burns on your genitals feeling?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)23:31 No.907427
    When i delivered, i used to just take my sweet ass time for people who were assholes or never tipped. Also used to steal all kinds of weird shit from that place. Nacho cheese, boxes of chicken wings, bags of flour whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)23:37 No.907441
    yeah, when i delivered to assholes i would just make sure their pizza got to them cold

    i used to unzip the hot bag all the way, roll down the windows and crank up the air conditioner
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)23:40 No.907451

    Jokes on you.

    Cold pizza is better.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)23:41 No.907454

    not when it's from pizza hut.
    shit tastes like cardboard and burnt plastic.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)23:45 No.907460

    Really? I thought having Pizza Hut cold was the only way to make their pizza acceptable.
    >> AO !xULvzM4g6s 04/05/09(Sun)23:58 No.907481
    I don't say "pizzerias" because that's americanised. I use the authentic Italian plural "pizzerie" instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:14 No.907504
    I work in my mother's little Mexican resturaunt and every day this weeaboopotomus comes in and calls me "Oneechan". She's nice enough but her broken Japanese irritates the hell out of me. She overheard me speaking to my father in moonspeak once, now she bugs me for lessons.

    The most fucked up thing I caught, the cook on duty had jizzed in a regular customer's burger. I saw it on the lettuce as I was going to deliver it to him. Went right back into the kitchen and smashed it back into his face. But then there was no one else to man the grill, so I had to let him finish his shift before firing him.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:26 No.907522
    On my second to last day working at pizza hut, I had to deliver a free medium pizza to some asshole on the edge of our delivery zone. (Our delivery area was fucking huge) On the way out I unintentionally left the pizza on top of my car when I reached into my pocket for my keys. I was out of the parking lot and onto a backroad when it finally slipped off. I yelled "FUCK ME" drove to the next driveway and made a 2 point turn back to pick it up. I had 2 cars right behind me and I knew one of them ran over it. When I grabbed the pizza off the road I saw a muddy tire mark on the pizza bag. I opened the bag, looked at the pizza box and it was slightly bent, while the metallic heating tray in the bottom of it was bent to hell. While sitting in my car in the bastard's driveway I fixed the heating tray with my knee, and prettied up the box. I delivered, and of course, no tip. Fucker.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:29 No.907528

    Sure you did.

    The chef atn the palce I cook in is hilarious. he gets so pissed when steaks get sent back. Like 90% of the time they comeback, its because the customer is a stupid fuckwit that doesnt know what they want, or changed their order after they talked to the waiter.

    They'll ask for medium, then change their mind and by time they get it they''ll be all LOL I WANTED MEDIUM RARE MAKE IT AGAIN.

    If it needs to be cooked more, our chef just chucks it into the microwave, and it makes me lol every time.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:40 No.907544
    >knows japanese
    >calling other people weeaboo

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:42 No.907547
    im mexican, therefore, i cannot be a weeboo, faggit
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:43 No.907548
    Speaking to his father in Japanese.


    So he's obviously of Japanese descent. His father is likely an immigrant.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:44 No.907552
    father is also a weeaboo
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:49 No.907561
         File :1238993376.jpg-(91 KB, 648x350, quiznos.jpg)
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    I work at a Quizno's.

    We're supposed to give police 50% off. Fuck that, I say.

    There's a dressing bottle that we (me and a coworker) fill up with the scuzzy water from the sink at the end of the night. It's our special gift to them.

    Also, I think the owner of the place is retarded. I steal bottles of the Batch 81 sauce (shit is awesome). And when I slice, I usually take home a few pounds of Prime Rib.

    When I'm working with a manager, sometimes I purposely fuck up subs so I can eat them, or my friends come in and I give them to them.

    Oh, and if someone calls in a party sub without notice (which pisses everyone off) we usually fuck with it pretty bad. Like... With various bodily fluids.

    Other than that, it's pretty much just standard fast food place bullshit. Smoking weed in the refrigerator, stealing money from the stupid charity thingy, and playing offensive music loud in the back so that customers can hear it.

    Yep, I'm a terrible employee.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:53 No.907567
    Do you work for hindus? I've never been in a Quiznos that wasn't run by hindus.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)00:55 No.907568
    No, actually. It's owned by three white people. A couple, and the aforementioned fucktard who doesn't know how to take inventory.

    Interestingly enough, all of the Subways in my town are owned by Hindus.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:00 No.907574
    I work at a coffeeshop. Everyone there swipes gallons of milk, toilet paper, the occasional mug, huge gallon jugs of chocolate sauce (I know, wut), beans, bakery, etc. We give out free or super discounted drinks to regulars and friends. If we're doing really bad on tips, we put the money from the drive thru directly into the tip jar (but only from small orders, like drip coffee) until we're back up to speed.

    We're terrible, theiving people. But they don't inventory or have security cameras, therefore we don't give a shit.

    As far as shitty customers...if you're a bitch to me, prepare to be given decafed, expired/dead shots, resteamed milk, etc. YOU WILL GET A NASTY LATTE, BITCH.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:04 No.907578
    whoa, take it easy tough guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:09 No.907584
    I worked at taco bell, BK, and McD's while in high school, and never once did I see anyone do anything to a customers food.

    It's pretty fucking immature and pathetic to fuck with people's food. Oooh wah wah you have a shitty job and people don't kiss your feet for makin' their burgers! Poor things.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:10 No.907586
    what's wrong with giving the police a discount? I worked in a sandwhich deli in a crap neighbourhood where the police were our fucking Gods. You have to respect someone who's going to help you when you need it. But I don't know, cops in Canada are nicer than American ones maybe.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:12 No.907589
    Yeah, whenever I wanted to I would think about how fucking retarded/guilty I felt when I was older and more mature. Fucking little pukes. Think messing with food makes them better?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:12 No.907590
    most of these stories are made up anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:13 No.907592

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:18 No.907604

    It's called corruption. Police are paid by the taxpayers to protect the public, not to protect whoever gives them the biggest under-the-table payoff.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:18 No.907605
    >anal grease

    so how the fuck does that work. did you rub your balls over the pizza or some shit? did you sit in it and kind of rub your ass and your balls at the same time?

    fuck that's disgusting just thinking of having all that sauce and grease on my balls
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:18 No.907606
    Why does your anus have grease on it? Is it the left-over lube from the last guy that fucked you?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:23 No.907615
    the fuck do you have against the police you fucking faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:25 No.907620
    Quiznos dude do you live in Iowa?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:28 No.907626
    ITT: Disgruntled fired fast-food workers make up horror stories to scare people away from patronizing their ex-employers.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:33 No.907634
    As a driver for a sandwich shop I just wanna say: fuck you all.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:38 No.907639
    Uh, are you retarded? It's like a "thanks for protecting the public", it's like tipping a waiter or someone giving you cash for helping them out. It's called showing your gratitude you little shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:42 No.907646

    Sorry if integrity is a concept too difficult for you to understand.

    What's the difference between what you describe and giving protection money to the mob?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:42 No.907647
    He could have used his had or a napkin to collect it. thinking of that makes me gag.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:47 No.907650
         File :1238996855.jpg-(26 KB, 350x512, fergiepeepants-2.jpg)
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    Is no one going to point out that OP PEED ON HIMSELF, and he somehow thinks he got the better of an innocent customer?

    You are, and always will be, a HUGE loser, OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:47 No.907651
    I highly doubt most of the stuff in this thread is true, but even if it is, so what? If some guy puts his cum or ball sweat in my food, and I can't taste it and don't know about it, how's it going to harm me?

    And if he tampers with my food to the point I can taste it and complain, he's going to be in a world of hurt.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:51 No.907654
    >anal grease

    what the fuck is wrong with you OP, you need to fucking take care of yourself, you unclean fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)01:51 No.907656
    Well I'm really sorry if you live in a shit city where your police force is corrupted. Keep in mind not everyone has to be bad.
    And this is n't the fucking 50's, or The Sopranos.
    >> wat!lawlcocks 04/06/09(Mon)02:04 No.907664
    >If some guy puts his cum or ball sweat in my food, and I can't taste it and don't know about it, how's it going to harm me?
    >If some guy puts his cum or ball sweat in my food, how's it going to harm me?
    >cum or ball sweat in my food .. going to harm me?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:14 No.907674
    yeah 50% off sandwiches is quite a bribe
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)02:54 No.907738

    What is it with people who think they deserve special privileges? It's very annoying. Pay for your sandwich like everyone else, pig.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:05 No.907756
    >>907481 I use the authentic Italian plural "pizzerie" instead.
    Someone kill this snob
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:10 No.907765
    only 'fast food' job i had was manager at subway franchise. i would close early/ randomly to get high with the high school girls at the smoothie shop next door. if somebody was just getting a 6 inch sub & paying in cash, i would ring that in as an employee meal (we got as much free food as we wanted) and pocket the cash. got quite a bit of money this way

    never did fuck with any of the food, tried to keep it pretty good because when i worked there i mostly ate subway

    but i feel bad cuz one of the owners died of cancer just before i quit :x
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:25 No.907781
    I pee in shitty customers food. All the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:25 No.907782


    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:27 No.907785
    interesting how people see:
    stealing from work < stealing from cars/houses
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:29 No.907787

    LOL. That's copypasta of a post I made imitating AO.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:29 No.907788
    well that's a short lyfe. go play in traffic, your idol died a bitches death
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:32 No.907791

    Theft is theft. I know that people steal all the time and rationalize it to make themselves feel better. But you would probably feel differently if you were the one being stolen from.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:38 No.907796


    Fuck it. I can't do this anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:46 No.907801
    pizza driver here. i've peed in plenty of pizzas. i remember who's shitty and who isn't. if you tip generously or even a dollar and are nice, you're first on my list and your pizza gets there in 15 minutes. people who get shitty service: people who round up to the next dollar and have the audacity to say 'keep the change', people who order regularly and don't tip, goes double for those who live within walking distance, people who order 15 pizzas on a friday at 5pm and act like it's my fault it took an hour+. if i have to call and ask for directions i wouldn't expect a tip, but for the most part i'm fast and polite and feel like i should be tipped appropriately. i know it's a shit system wahwah but it's established and you know that, and if you're smart you'd also know so is doing gross stuff to people's food who act like pricks.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:51 No.907803

    I'm sorry that you're so bitter and resentful about your lot in life.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:53 No.907807

    i'm sorry you're probably a regular eater of peefood
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:53 No.907808
    whas with this tipping buisness? is it like you have to tip in america?

    I live in Western Australia, and tipping is rare, it isnt considered rude if you don't tip, you only tip if the service you get is excellent. It destroys the whole point of tipping if you have to do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:57 No.907810

    Fucking this.

    Although, I tip every time when I eat at a restaurant, since those waiters fucking live off of the tips.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:59 No.907814
    i could never actually come on this board and make a post where i talk about all the ANAL GREASE i have and how i PISSED ON MY OWN HAND

    i don't give a fuck that it's 4chan, i have fucking limits. you're pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:01 No.907816
    Pizza delivery drivers in the US use their own cars.
    I tipped generously when gas was at its highest.
    I still tip well for pizza delivery, especially if the weather is shitty. Is it expected? I don't know, I've always done it.

    I also leave a $2 tip each day for the housekeeper when I stay in a hotel.

    Fuck, I cant' take it with me, might as well give a little to the people that make my life easier.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:04 No.907817
    Yea, I tip well when the weather is shitty, because I take a certain amount of pleasure knowing I made my fellow man risk his life just to bring me a shitty pizza.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:05 No.907819
    Tipping annoys me. So basically you're paying the waiter etc because the employer isn't giving them enough.. That just screams "Get a new job" to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:07 No.907821

    in the u.s. it's different. you're pretty much expected to tip unless you got exceptionally shitty service. the system works for the most part. people give more of a shit when their income depends on it. unfortunately a select greasy few who have seen resevoir dogs and think they're sticking it to then man by not tipping make it flawed. expected tipping kind of sucks sure, but there's no shortage of places you can stuff your craw and aren't expected to tip so there's really no excuse.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:12 No.907825

    I have a friend who never tips, and it pisses myself and my other friends off. No matter how much we bug him about it, he still never tips. I mean, the service could be incredibly phenomenal, and he won't budge.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:13 No.907826

    And you probably have to tip more to make up for him.

    I had such a friend too. Notice my use of the past tense.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:29 No.907837

    Cops don't become cops to get discount sandwiches and free coffee with their donuts; presumably, they become cops for a far more nobler reason.

    Employees of eating establishment should feel no obligation to give cops discounted or free stuff and real cops should not expect such favors; any cop who does is corrupt regardless of how seemingly trivial the favor is.
    >> Jett !jETtLzhQQw 04/06/09(Mon)04:40 No.907850
    If I ever caught someone fucking with my food, I'd make sure they went to jail. That said, I usually tip the pizza man three or four bucks. Waiters don't get a tip unless it's service with a smile and they make sure my drink is always refilled (in my state, tips cannot be claimed to make up part of a wage, everyone MUST be paid $8.55/hr regardless of tips.) I don't usually tip based on check amount, I tip on how good I think the service is. If the food is amazing but the service is shit, I ask to speak to the cook before I leave, and tip him, NOT the waitress. If the food is shit and the service is shit, I don't leave any tip, and never return.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:45 No.907855
    OP here. I did a hand to pizza transfer. I was actually very clean that day(showered before work) so the ballsweat and anal grease was minimal. The pee put a smile on my face though.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:47 No.907857
    You're a fucktard if you think a waiter deserves a tip more than someone who wears down their car delivering to your cheap ass when they could be delivering to a tipper. But hey, keeping a list and knowing what will happen to these fucks in the future if they order again makes it easier.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:52 No.907864
    And remember to tip your postman. Why would he wear down his car and his boots delivering mail to your cheap ass when he could deliver to people who tip him?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)05:01 No.907878
    ITT giving someone a break they don't earn (protip thats called grace) is unacceptable.

    Cop may or may not earn it in your eyes, but to me someone with the balls to work that dangerous a job because they chose to can have %50 off at my restaurant anytime.

    Seriously what kind of anti-establishment, "pig hater" thinks that cops don't deserve special recognition or notice for what job field they pursue?

    Brotip they don't get into it usually for the glamour and discounts.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)05:02 No.907879
         File :1239008530.gif-(14 KB, 124x250, Collete.gif)
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    Waiters dont deserve SHIT for tips man.

    "lol I walk food to the table, get drinks, then take the dirty dishes away and clean the table! Wheres my free money?"

    Im a cook, and when I go out to eat, and the foods really fucking good, I walk into the back and tip the kitchen crew. The people who do the actual work in a restaraunt. Fuck waiters. HARD.
    >> sage 04/06/09(Mon)05:03 No.907882

    Postmen don't use their own cars.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)05:04 No.907883
    Some actually do.

    ITT a government employee with excellent pay, benefits, and opportunity to advance is in the same fiscal circumstance as someone who works for tips.

    Cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)05:10 No.907886

    we used to give cops a discount where i worked. the station was right behind the restaurant and they would keep the bums away and be more lenient on the drivers for parking ticket and what have you. then one day they stopped all that. started ticketing drivers to fill their quote because being on the road 8 hours a day driving the same route dozens of times makes for an easy target. also $50 tickets for parking in the loading zone of a building. then they stopped getting the discount.


    it's not his car. he gets paid salary. and he works for the government which means he can drive it like he stole it. how do you know know how the portal service works?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)05:16 No.907889
    people are cops because they were too stupid to make it to a real job requiring education AND like the power and authority to push people around w/ a gun.

    being a cop (see--> GUN) is the only way to get respect for the sub $40,000 crowd.
    >> sage 04/06/09(Mon)05:17 No.907892

    I've never known a postman to use his own car at any time other than around Christmas, and even then, it's usually for late deliveries that are on his way home.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)05:24 No.907900
    ITT making less than $40,000 dollars a year isn't something to be proud of.
    ITT people get involved in a job requiring lots of selflessness because they feel the need for authority and control since they possess none.

    You are a bad arguer and make generalized points that do not apply well.

    Seriously, I can picture you perfectly. Kid who got told what to do by the bully a bit too much as a kid and thinks that making money is the only way to earn respect.

    So laughable. BROTIP: only fags like you obsessed with image give a shit how much money people make or how much of you attention they deserve is based on their income.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)05:26 No.907902

    In more rural or less population dense areas with alot of routes and a lower number of post offices, driving your own car is very common.

    I've seen it on a everyday basis in several states I've lived in around the country. I'm not saying its the norm though.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)05:29 No.907904
    funny, that was my first post in this thread, and no, i dont think like that. i got involved in medicine (non-MD in cardiac rehab), so i absolutely do not think like that.

    but many who are cops do. they cant hack anything more, and want "power" (as thats what they had while on the football team in highschool), so now they get a badge and a gun. stating that "COPS ARE GOOD PEOPLE" is a pretty baseless comment, much like saying the same for all, dangerous federal jobs (prison guards, soldiers, etc)
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)05:37 No.907910

    The fact that they work in a job that requires selflessness does not necessarily mean I said they are "good people", I am just trying to convey that your average person with those predispositions you stated does not always think becoming a cop will immediately remedy their lack of self-esteem and recognition.

    People do all sorts of things besides become cops because of the personal faults you listed. Quit bashing cops because of stereotypes and point a point b logic.
    >> sage 04/06/09(Mon)05:46 No.907925
    Sometimes /b/ is better than /ck/

    If you're going to respond to a troll thread, which I understand happens, at least sage it. And make it obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:19 No.907942

    Cops are not entitled to discounts or free stuff simply by the virtue of their profession anymore than a doctor is entitled to discounted or free stuff for being a doctor.

    I don't have a problem with an individual being in a position where they're feeling generous towards a cop and provide them with a discount or something complimentary. What I have a problem with is the mentality that cops are entitled to discounted goods and services simply by the virtue of their profession. When an employee provides the discount because he thinks the cop is entitled to it or the cop himself thinks he's entitled to it, then we have a problem and a misuse of authority.

    Cops are entitled to nothing but the generosity of those they protect and should be grateful for whatever they get, if anything. I personally like to think that honest cops do not expect to receive discounts from businesses, while the cops that do expect discounts are the ones who don't deserve them. In either case, whether I provide said discount or refuse it is completely my descision and I should be free from ridicule or scorn if I decide not to offer discounts to a cop.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:24 No.907945
    Doctor makes bank, is not working in a terribly hazard field. May or may not directly help you depending on your financial situation, medical situation, etc. factors.

    Cop makes middle class money, has a dangerous job which is to protect any and all innocent life, and is in his own way more important than the doctor.

    Cop deserves a discount. Does not mean he is entitled to or should expect it. Nobody said that. Its just a dick opinion to not give local or regular cops any discount.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:29 No.907948
         File :1239013796.jpg-(14 KB, 150x95, RoosterRoll.jpg)
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    I work at red rooster (an Australian roast chicken take away).

    There wasn't any stuffing saved from some chicken that had been stripped from last night. I took some stuffing out of the bin underneath the chicken cutting board and I used it in the sauce for the rolls.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:31 No.907952
    That "rooster roll" looks incredibly nasty.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:36 No.907955

    Cops do not deserve discounts for being cops, YOU think cops deserve a discount for wearing the uniform. There's a difference.

    I think cops deserve what they can get and should not expect to receive discounted meals and free stuff as they are not the employment perks you get when you join the police academy. Any discounts they receive from businesses are at the discretion of the public they've sworn to protect and ideally cops should not expect to receive any discounts at all.

    I took some Criminal Justice courses in college that were tought by a former LAPD cop who'd had 40+ years of experience on the beat. The contempt he felt not only towards people who offered him discounts but towards his fellow cops who excepted them was palpable, to say the least. It's not some jaded view of "pigs" that's influncing this opinion but me hearing firsthand from a veteran police officer how offended he would get because people offered him something he felt he was not entitled to.

    As I said before, the good cops aren't looking for your charity and the bad cops who expect it don't deserve it. If you still want to give discounts in spite of that, you're free to do so.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:37 No.907956
    Dude, people do it so cops come to their stores.

    It's about the appearance.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:44 No.907959
    So some butthurt cop with too much pride to accept a restaurant owners gratitude for his choice of profession and service to the community convinced you?

    Your narrow thinking about how being a poilceman is just like me being a mailman and bob being a doctor leading to the conclusion that he deserves no special treatment is silly. Plenty of people have the brains and kindness (unlike you) to offer police a gratuity for their service and patronage.

    Also its not like I'm implying you HAVE TO DO IT or OMG UR A BAD PERSON. But insinuating that its to ensure police feel respected, etc. is silly. Its an optional thank you that most people feel is entirely appropriate, except you.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:47 No.907962

    I always enjoyed Red Rooster up until now. You ruined it for me. Good game.

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:50 No.907963
    Forget discounts, how about just not receiving food that has been messed with because you do a particular job? If you're into raging about injustices, try raging about that instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:54 No.907968

    >>So some butthurt cop with too much pride to accept a restaurant owners gratitude for his choice of profession and service to the community convinced you?

    Maybe contempt was the wrong word to use. At any rate, he never accepted discounts because he saw no reason why he should receive a discounted meal when he's simply doing his job.

    A cops service is not a charity, it's his job. He gets a paycheck every two weeks for doing it. Any gratuity he receives for it is mighty generous but is, in my opinion, wholly unneccessary considering that paycheck he gets is made up of my tax dollars.

    The only thing I'm insinuating is that depending on the cop, you're either offering a discount to a cop who doesn't want it or to a cop who doesn't deserve it. In either case, it's more prudent to simply not offer it altogether.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)06:56 No.907969

    You're the reason I never, ever, ever eat out.

    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)07:05 No.907976
    > feel like i should be tipped appropriately.

    Yes mr mighty pizza delivery guy, you are thy master.

    Get off your fucking high horse loser. You deliver pizzas.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)07:23 No.907983
    I only go for the chips anyway. Probably the best, from any takeout.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)07:31 No.907990

    I didn't know you lived off tips, I thought you got paid by the pizza joint to deliver their pizzas. Or am I wrong? Your job, for which you are paid by the restaurant, is to deliver pizzas, in under 30 minutes. Now, it's understandable that you beg for tips, but why do you think you're somehow entitled to them only because you do the job you're already paid to do? How will you earn the tip? Will you smile while handing it over and not having exact change? Because everything else is already expected of you, tip or no tip, and failing to do any of it will get you fired. Now fuck off and go beg somewhere else.
    >> My first sage story.. 04/06/09(Mon)07:47 No.908003
    >>907990 Is a fucktard who thinks minimum wage covers gas, rent, and car maintenance.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)07:47 No.908004
    Western Australia =/= America
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)07:53 No.908011
    haha i used to work at Chicken Treat, owned by same people.

    I remember once some guys dared one of our kitchenhands to stick his dick into a raw chicken for 20 bucks, and he did it. I hated working there, kitchenhands always messed around, angry customers and poor,poor pay.

    enjoy your diseases dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)07:55 No.908015
    >kitchenhands always messed around, angry customers and poor,poor pay.

    wonder why the customers were always angry, very mysterious indeed.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)07:59 No.908018
    yeah, but of course they always copped it out on me, when they should be copping it out to the dickhead kitchenhands or manager. All my job was to serve.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)09:55 No.908166
    That's pretty retarded, my father and grandfather were/are policemen, and they've seen and done some shit that would really make you sweat you little piglet. My dad's had to cut people down who've hung themselves and deliver the news to families, he's rescued kids from homes where the children were basically raising themselves because the parents didn't give a shit, the stress he has to deal with after seeing half the shit he does at work would make my stomach churn in a day. Not all cops are bad cops, and he got into it because he didn't want a boring job--he has his degree to be an architect but after he graduated he found it was too boring. He didn't get into it for having a badge/gun. Seriously, if you ever get mugged/robbed, don't even fucking call the cops, you don't fucking deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)10:21 No.908183
    yeah honestly, being a cop fucking sucks. as a kid you think them assholes for being such dicks all the time but then I met someone who was a cop and .. fuck not knowing what's going to happen every time you pull a car over.
    some cops walk up to the side of a car for a tail light being out and get shot by the driver immediately, that type of shit and worry makes for a very stressful job. but he also pulled over aerosmiths tour bus once, and said he did love when he was on the drug task squad and raided houses etc- the adrenaline and etc. is "fun" I'm sure.

    a discount for cops isn't anything like bribing the mob, i wont even discuss that
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)10:27 No.908192
    HEY, sometimes I'm broke and tip my pizza delivery person in home baked goods, is this acceptable?

    he always says thank you but now I worry.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)10:44 No.908206
    I was going to be a state trooper. I had it all planned out and was going to take the first written test a week later. But, I sat down and thought really hard about everything that I'd be required to do and all the shit I knew I was going to see. I decided I wasn't cut out for that type of thing. Mostly because I really didn't want to see the carnage of car wreck after car wreck or be around sex offenders when I have a loaded gun and other such stuff.

    I feel I made a good decision.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)10:51 No.908211
    So you work at a job where your salary doesn't even cover expenses? You're quite retarded, dear boy. Or lying. Or both.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)10:53 No.908214
    never had a conversation with a public school teacher, have you?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:00 No.908220
    At least in Canada, police here get discounts because the restaurants want police presence. It has nothing to do with whether they deserve it or not. I'm friends with a few of them and a lot of them will still pay full price. Maybe the police are nicer here (I don't know how it is in the US.)
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:02 No.908221
    Well, I've never met a teacher that claimed his/her salary won't even cover the daily commute. Like retardboy over there claiming his salary for delivering pizzas doesn't cover his gas expenses. Well if it's that bad, why doesn't he quit and just beg in the streets? It would save him the gas and car maintenance.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:06 No.908225
    story is my friend's sister's, but related.

    she got a salad to-go from olive garden (seriously, wtf, who does that, but anyway) after a day at work. she went home, ate half of it, watched some tv, and went to sleep. the next day she woke up with terrible rashes, stomach problems, felt like shit, and so on. so she took the day off. later in the day she felt like she was going to die, so she went to the hospital, where they took blood tests.

    they found hepatitis a, b, and c in her blood. she was 100% positive she could not have these things, as she was 18 at the time and still a virgin, doesn't bathe in shit, etc.

    she told the doctor all she had eaten the day before was the salad. he asked if her parents could bring the salad in, which they did. they found 3 different men's semen, which had different combinations of hep.

    she sued and made a ridiculous amount of money. she won't be working for at least another decade.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:07 No.908226

    that's nicer than a couple bucks. i would be thrilled shitless to get baked goods as a tip.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:14 No.908230
    Hey faggots, so what if a customer is a douche, you still shouldn't mess with the food. What if they have kids and they eat the same food, you all fucking deserve to die. It'll come back to bite you in the ass someday.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:16 No.908232

    Thanks for the bullshit story anon.

    Hepatitis has an incubation period which is several days long. It would take quite a long time between when "your friend's sister" was exposed to hep and when she'd be showing symptoms. That sort of thing does not happen overnight.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:22 No.908245
    1 thing u can learn from this thread

    make your own fucking food - it's a lot cheaper, healthy and delicious if you aren't terribad at cooking... like me, and even so I prefer spending some time just to make sure i don't eat shit.

    fuck, I eat eggs, meat, butter, cheese, fish and vegetables anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:27 No.908255
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:29 No.908259
    ITT America exposes itself as a festering pit of scum
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:34 No.908269
    Don't make us nuke you with Hepatitis bombs, Commie.
    >> AO 04/06/09(Mon)11:34 No.908270

    oops...forgot my name
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:42 No.908284
    >ooops, failed at trolling.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)11:44 No.908291
    these stories are all made up by kids
    i mean yeah it happens, but not often or in half decent restaurants

    also the fear of people spitting in your food makes people treat food staff with the most respsect possible
    i'd go so far as to say all of these stories are perpetuated by food workers just so that people are afraid and treat them like gods
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)12:11 No.908348
    Allright /ck/, do you tip if you go to a buffet and the waiter only brings you drinks and your bill?
    How about when ordering carry out?
    How many drinks do you have to order at a bar before you feel required to tip the bartender?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)12:14 No.908354
    None. If you don't tip him, he'll spit in your drink. If you don't order anything, he'll spit on you directly.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)12:21 No.908357
    For a buffet, I would tip a dollar for each round of drinks and a dollar for each time a round of plates were cleared, per person.

    Carryout, I would only usually give a couple bucks to the person unless it's a large or special order or if it's really late or the weather sucks and then I'd feel obliged to leave $5. They're not working too hard answering the phone and taking your order, whereas a waiter is at your beck and call for a solid 45 minutes or longer.

    You should tip the bartender a dollar per drink ordered and at least two on freebies. As a general rule, I would never tip a bartender less than $5, even if I only had one drink. Bartenders remember who tips how much.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)12:24 No.908358
    im a perthfag to!! i work in abrs and getting tips is common, some shitty palces have a communal tip jar but i like induvidual tips
    >> Pang Tong !KOcvfNjeL2 04/06/09(Mon)12:31 No.908372
    I live in Australia so tipping has never really been a thing and I've never been a bitchy customer so I can only hope that shit has never happened to my food because that is disgusting and amoral.

    It just seems beyond comprehension that you basically pay extra to ensure your food doesn't contain some else's bodily fluids.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)12:34 No.908376

    lawl i worked at a café for about 2 years. it was so awesome being able to make a terrible drink for someone who was shitty who wouldn't know the difference until 10 minutes later.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)13:38 No.908466
    >he'll spit on you directly

    I guarantee you that if he does he won't be able to spit for a long time afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)13:46 No.908482
    no one in america pays EXTRA for clean food
    you pay tips at the end based on the service you receive and it has nothing to do with if you found semen in your chowder or not.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)13:47 No.908484
    aussies don't tip? sucks for all the waiters I guess
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)15:11 No.908569
    true story. in redding california a few years back the olive garden was investigated because someone actually had ejaculated into this girls pasta and she ate it and got fucking herpes. i'm pretty sure they settled out of court but it was in the newspaper. i was in 9th grade at the time and i called bullshit on it. turns out it is generally accepted as truth. wtf man
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)15:13 No.908572
    Not really, waiters get paid in Australia, they don't depend on tips.

    >hurr durr internet tough guy

    If the barman spat on you you would shut up, turn and leave with your tail between your legs, so lay off the tough guy routine.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)15:15 No.908575
    ITT: Pathetic people that hate their shitty jobs and take it out on the customers.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)15:23 No.908591
    i work the line in a real restaurant where we actually have standards for ourselves and we enjoy pleasing people, so as you can imagine we never mess with food.

    the worst thing i have seen was someone dropping a raw steak on the way to the broiler and then picking it back up, wiping it off with a rag and throwing it in. that's not even bad, i would have eaten it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)15:37 No.908609
    I used to work at a small pizza chain. All the employees there always made sure the pizzas were the fuckin' best. I mixed the dough perfectly, When pizzas were comin' out of the oven I *made sure* that the sauce, cheese, and toppings were evenly distributed across the pizza. Those pizzas were our group canvas, and we took great pride in having the best pizza in town.

    The only time I EVER saw anyone mess with food was when this lady would keep calling in complaints about her pizza in order to get free pizza. We came to recognize her phone number, and after realizing that this bitch was scamming us, our boss, prior to the baking process, gargled up the biggest, nastiest brown loogie I have ever seen and spat it upon the dough.

    It looked like a greasy glob of lung cancer. like he had been saving it up for the one customer that disrespected our pizza. He delivered the pizza himself, and supposedly bitched her out about her scam bullshit. She never ordered from us again.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)15:43 No.908616

    it doesn't. so by your logic, because a job is shit, you should quit, and do something else. you know what the ratio of enjoyable jobs is to shit jobs? or high paying jobs to low paying jobs? lrn2society
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)15:51 No.908629
    Who said anything about enjoying it, idiot? We're talking money here, you can stuff your job enjoyment up your ass, who gives a fuck whether you enjoy your shithole of a job or not, the retard there was saying his salary didn't cover the cost of gas used to earn said salary, and he has to beg and grovel for handouts. Learn to comprehend what you read, moron.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)15:59 No.908650

    Junior, you have a bit to learn about life if you think it's all about the pay scale.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)16:08 No.908660

    the system is established. no one said you have to like it but it's there and unless you're a fucking legislator there's nothing you can do about it. so by not tipping, you're the one begging for handouts as the people who do tip are covering your righteous ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)16:13 No.908671
    Wow, you are truly retarded. Can you even follow a conversation or are you unable to focus on more than one word at a time? Let me run this past you one more time.

    A: I don't get paid enough to pay for gas and car maintenance required to do my job, so I have to beg for handouts and threaten to spit in your food if I don't get them. Plus, I'm entitled to tips because I don't get paid enough.

    B: If your salary won't even cover your gas and car maintenance and you have to do some begging on the side to cover the difference, why bother with the delivering in the first place? Just go out and beg.

    you: Hurr durr yuo cant just qwit if you dun liek the job, it's a tough market

    B: We weren't discussing job satisfaction, it has nothing to do with this, we were talking financial matters.

    you: derp derp durrrpa money isn't everything you gadda look at job satisfaction hurrrpa durrrrpa

    Make up your mind and try again. I can't believe I'm feeding your trolling ass this much. GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)16:17 No.908674
    I worked as a waitress for a year. I didn't get to keep my few tips, my customers treated me like shit, my boss treated me like shit and took a fancy to threatening me with bottles of Chardonnay and my coworkers were borderline retarded. It was horrible, and I was livid for every minute I spent in that dead-end fucked-up job.

    But I never once messed with a customer's food, or drink, or whatever. And I regret that now.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)16:22 No.908679
    ITT: Great reasons to COOK AT HOME.

    You won't get as fat
    You won't get ball-sweat or bodily-fluid filled food.
    You'll know exactly what you're eating.
    A home-cooked meal is a million times more filling and satisfying than junk served from fast-food places.

    tldr. LERN2COOK.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)16:27 No.908681
    Ahh, America, where if you don't aid restaurants in their tax avoidance, you're officially an asshole and deserve to eat pubes and jizz. Fascinating.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)16:28 No.908683
    and...thats the game. you fed the troll, you lose. what a fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)17:03 No.908716
    This x9000

    Restaurants are horseshit anyways. Its a complete waste of a generation to have them stand around and make food.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)17:34 No.908752
    I was -hired- as a waitress at this one place but he ended up sticking me in the back as a fucking dishwasher until he "thought i was ready to waitress" It was a tiny little hovel that seated probably only 30 people, and the boss was a fucking psycho. He reamed one girl out in front of everyone, called her retarded, brain dead, an idiot then sent her home for the day. Why? Because instead of grabbing three empty glasses off a table she took the orders of some customers who had been waiting. He threw a head of lettuce at me, which missed and just exploded on the wall, and one time when the other waitress had let me in to wait for my ride home, he came to the restaurant fucking SCREAMED at her outside that we were malicious, scheming and accused her of waiting until he left to ask if I wanted to go inside (FYI it was on a waterfront and freezing, which is why she let me in), I guess he thought we were going to steal which is ludacris because I don't ever think I let off that kind of vibe. He was swinging his arms around so much I thought he was going to fucking punch her. I quit the day after.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:02 No.908793
    WTF? I can't see past a certain post.

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