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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1237865725.jpg-(38 KB, 420x559, 1237828977168.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)23:35 No.884913  
    I am looking for a good spacecake recipe. Not to extrem, just to get relaxed and a bit more but not totally baked.
    any recipes out there? Preferably chocolate cake (covers the weed).

    What kind of weed should i use (i am totally new to this and hate smoking that's why i want to bake something)

    Do i have to melt the butter first with the weed or do i have to get the cannabis (it's that brown hard thing not the leafs right) and melt that with the butter?

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    Pic is just to get attention, i don't have moar of her, sorry.

    inb4 illegal i am from holland so i am allowed to
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)23:36 No.884915
    Do not cook with marijuana.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)23:37 No.884916
    Go the fuck back to 420chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)23:39 No.884918
    >just to get attention

    Get out
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)23:41 No.884923
    OP here:

    thanksfor your help! 420 chan is just baked and theyre posting shit... so i turned to you but kay, bye bye

    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)23:58 No.884946
    >>i am totally new to this and hate smoking

    Golly gee, it's like you want to be a faggot but hate the taste of dick.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)00:05 No.884953
         File :1237867546.jpg-(63 KB, 470x600, Trollingbackinthedays.jpg)
    63 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)00:29 No.884994
         File :1237868990.jpg-(93 KB, 588x599, 588px-Divide_by_zer0.jpg)
    93 KB

    OH SHI--

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