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    65 KB Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:01 No.795328  
    What are /ck/s thoughts on tipping at a restaurant?
    In before Mr. Pink.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:03 No.795336
    If they do a good job, 4 dollars.
    Bad job, 1 dollar.

    Tipping based on the bill? Aha ha ha, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:05 No.795341
    15% standard.
    10% if you suck.
    20% if I loved their service.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:06 No.795346

    Cause im rich
    >> Flame_Warrior !.nQu29XFzk 01/28/09(Wed)19:07 No.795349
    0% if they want money they should get a better job
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:09 No.795353
    depnds who im with

    impressan 20%
    dont give a fuck whatever loose change i have
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:13 No.795361
    First, I round up my bill (ex: if $8.43, I add 57¢).
    Then I throw in a couple of bucks based on a couple thing like...

    How busy it was.
    How much I ordered.
    How many people I came with
    How often the waiter/waitress checked on us/ refilled our drinks
    How friendly he or she was

    I usually throw in 3 more dollars, if not more. Unless they were an inattentive bitch. Then 1 extra dollar.
    I never skip out on a tip.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:14 No.795365
    Poor: 0% (or pocket change to make my displeasure known)
    Standard: 15%
    Exemplary: 25%
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:47 No.795429
    I pretty much always tip 20% unless they have given me really shitty service. Why? Because food service sucks, I've worked in it, and I pity the fool who is working there.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:50 No.795433
    I'm a bit of a cunt when it comes to tipping. Unless the service and food was really good I don't tip, why should I? They're getting paid a wage like I do, but I don't get tips.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)19:59 No.795445
    Waitstaff gets paid a decreased wage lower than minimum because they are expected to get tips.
    Technically, the employer is supposed to "make up the difference" if they get so few tips that they don't even make minimum wage, but that doesn't always happen in the real world.

    So tip.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)20:01 No.795446
    and so it begins. Just like my fucking wife and I, the same damned fight week after week with no resolution. After a hard day at work I don't want to come home and hear bitching.
    >> !SuGoi1xGaY 01/28/09(Wed)20:05 No.795455
    There have only been a few times when I didn't tip at least 20%, and in all cases it was when I got terrible service. When I do have a terrible service experience I tip nothing at all. If everyone did the same then the waiter/waitress would either get better or quit.

    If the food is terrible I still tip the waiter, because they didn't make the food. If its a small place or a place where your cook serves you directly then it's a different matter of course but those places have always had excellent service in my experience.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)20:06 No.795457
    Your wife don't tip? Smack that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)20:10 No.795462
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    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)20:11 No.795466
    The only time I ever DON'T tip is when I'm picking up food. Like if I called in, or if I grab my tray of food to take it to a table.
    But even then, I tip cashiers on rare occasions if they're really, really friendly.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)23:05 No.795780
    >> Pang Tong !KOcvfNjeL2 01/28/09(Wed)23:14 No.795796
    Not a custom in this country. Waiters get paid real wages and no one is made to feel compelled by guilt to pay an unwritten 10-20% tax for average service.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)23:17 No.795805
    No one should give tips so that their employers can be made to pay them real fucking wages and not fucking up America.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)23:35 No.795841
    I waitressed for one summer. Never again. My short term memory sucks and I had to write everything down.

    I tip between 18-20% most of the time. If they sucked, I tip less. If they were awesome I leave a little more, especially if the waiter was really busy.

    Wages for waiters/waitresses is like $2.67. Tips makes up most of their wage. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out to eat. Go to a fast food place instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)23:48 No.795883
    >If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out to eat. Go to a fast food place instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)23:53 No.795897
    It's so weird to see such a high percentage of people who tip poorly (aka less than 20 percent). When I was a waitress what was left was usually 18 to 20 percent depending on the cents on the bill.

    But one of the most frustrating things was to balance 100 bucks worth of food on my shoulders and smile nicely at fucking sunburned dumbasses while they ate, then get the same five bucks that they must leave every single fucking time.

    It's a good thing that after a while, you can tell who it's going to be. Some customers have that "I don't tip table-slaves" look. Then you can just slack off. If it's really busy you just ignore them until they leave. I used to do that a lot when I couldn't be arsed to wait on a table that I knew wasn't going to pay me.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)23:53 No.795901
    Tipping is very frowned upon in upscale restaurants.

    Tipping is frowned upon at most hibachi grills I've been to.

    As far as I know fast food places don't allow tipping.

    So, why the fuck should I tip some middle class blue collar loser when no one else is getting tips?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)00:11 No.795931

    I've never seen any of those three things. Though the most I've ever paid for an entree was maybe 50 bucks. So I dunno what you're calling upscale.

    I have been to hibachi and I've never heard of not tipping there.

    Plenty of take-out or fast food places have tip jars, so that's just a flat lie. It's just not expected there.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)00:40 No.795976

    Less than 20% is low? I don't think I've seen a tip that high, with the exception of this pho place I go to. Hard to tip less than 20% on a $20 bill when the guy busts his ass harder than any waiter/waitress I've ever seen.

    I'd definitely stiff you if you ignored our table. Enjoy working at a tourist trap.
    >> Whiskers 01/29/09(Thu)00:42 No.795980
    That actually makes sense...
    Why should they get 5 more dollars just because I ordered a steak instead of a burger?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)00:42 No.795981
    I don't care what the bill is. It's 10% and you better take my GRATUITY with a god damn smile you ungrateful fucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)00:44 No.795984
    tip jar on the counter where I'm picking up my food I don't tip. Having a wait person bring my food and keep my drinks full 18-20%
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)00:45 No.795988
    I never stiff. 15% is a bad tip, 20% if you were pretty good, 25% if my drink never ran dry. That's my big thing. I also tend to tip better if they get stuck with black people (the ghetto kind). They never tip, unless the change from their bill counts (if they stay for their meal, that is...)
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)00:49 No.795993
    I'm a britfag, we have a decent minimum wage, no one over here really tips. Some advice for American waiters -

    Get a real fucking job or failing that don't fucking whine and expect me to pay your fucking salary out of my own fucking pocket just because you're so fucking retarded the only job you can get pays $3 an hour. You fucking failure.

    I never tip, and I never return to the same restaurant twice so there's fuck all you can do to me. I've beat your system you glorified fucking beggar.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:02 No.796010
    It's pretty simple: Leave a 20% tip for proper service or don't fucking eat out.

    Think tipping is stupid and that the industry shouldn't work that way? Do something about it. Lobby to have the minimum wage for waitpersons increased and discourage tipping.

    Otherwise, quit your bitching because whether you like it or not, this is how shit works.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:06 No.796013

    No, you can just not tip. What's the worst that will happen, some people I don't care about who earn far less than me will think I'm cheap? Oh No!
    >> NEO GEO !giuqoU6b.M 01/29/09(Thu)01:07 No.796015
    Might be how it works. That doesn't mean I have to play along. I only tip if I'm on a date.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:08 No.796016
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    Protip: This movie was not a complete lie. Bad tip at your own risk.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:08 No.796017
    My friends and I all tip 25%, 30% if we're in a good mood. Hey, we're all 19 or 20 year old guys with a ton of extra cash, so who cares.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:12 No.796023
    I don't understand how they pay can be that bad.

    3$/hr from the resturant.... than means a waiter needs to make 4-7 and hour to hit minimum wage range [depending on where you live]. I would imagine 4$/hr is very easy to get, unless EVERYONE stiffs you.

    In fact, I imagine that getting over 10$/hr with tips occurs frequently.

    Why do these kids bitch so much?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:14 No.796026

    I'm nice to wait staff, and chances are if I gave you a bad tip I'm not coming back anyways.

    This movie should only scare people who are assholes to waitresses.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:14 No.796027

    >$10 an hour
    Yeah, they're livin' large...in the 80's.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:14 No.796028
    of course none of that matters if you never go to the same place twice.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:17 No.796032

    True. At least you guys think it out... met quite a few dinks in my day who frequent the same establishment, all the while being poor tippers.

    They will probably have a 3lb. ball of indigested chef pubes in their intestines discovered during the autopsy.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:17 No.796033
    I only tip if I'm out with a girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:17 No.796034

    What's minimum wage again?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:21 No.796041
    like 6.75 ish or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:23 No.796043

    troll. 6/10
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:24 No.796044

    0/10, rimjob dork, did you not get enough abuse in highschool, mary?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:24 No.796045
    if everything is bad: Nothing, or very little.
    average: $2-$5, or 15ish%, depending on bill
    Good: $10-$15, or 20ish%
    great: at least a $20.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:25 No.796046

    I made $10 an hour 10 years ago, and it was a pretty shitty life. Granted, I'm not poor any more, but for someone with a family, that seems almost impossible to survive on nowadays.

    But hell, I'm in my thirties and still eat Spam and Ramen out of boredom, though more expensive cuisine would be easy to acquire. Guess I'm not in a position to judge.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:25 No.796047
    Minimum $8/hr in BC where I am.

    And tips depend on the service / location.
    If the service was good/unremarkable I'll give 10-15%.
    Poor service gets pocket change (or nothing)
    Exemplary service gets 20+%

    Also, if there's a tip jar at a cafe or something, I'll round up my bill inot the jar. Extra if the food or service was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:27 No.796049

    you are not in america, or you are not paying the bill, thus you are a high-class whore (suburban moms included) and as such, whore, your opinions are not relevant nor are they meaningful.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:28 No.796052
    >If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out to eat. Go to a fast food place instead.

    Get a better job if you think you're such a charity case.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:30 No.796053

    you are spitting on those people's service. i would apologize, then never eat there again, as a courtesy to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:33 No.796058

    tip jar != tipping at a restaurant
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:33 No.796061

    don't expect service in the free world, then, socialistfaggot- enjoy your terrible food and your $40 takeout pizza. for free americans, it's $10.99 and i tip the goddamnned driver $5 bucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:36 No.796065
    ORLY- you want to live your life on $4/hr? feel free to draw up a budget, cheapie.

    lets see how you do.

    i bet you fail, and run to daddy's trust fund ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:39 No.796071
    It depends. None by default. Maybe 20% tops with good, polite and fast service. Also, many restaurants include the tips in prizes but don't mention it or have some sort of retarded extra service fee to scam customer. Don't expect any tips with idiotique such as that.

    Also, tipping is not mandatory. Certainly not if you order only a cup of coffee or a beer. Throwing around money on stupid things like over portioned tips is a sure sign of idiocity.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:40 No.796074


    if you get service, and you see a jar, that jar is part of wages. help out, or enjoy being a BAD PERSON.

    gut check- see it at your coffee shop, ok. see it at your autobody shop? call the labor board.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:47 No.796088
    What an asshole. Tips are rewards for great professional service that encourages the usually not so qualified waiters to perform, NOT a part of the salary itself. It is ridiculous to claim that THE CUSTOMER has some obligation, even though it is impolite to not tip if the service is genuinely good. Impolite yes, but still not MANDATORY. Goddamn basic restaurant etiquette, people.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:49 No.796094

    they get 5 dollars more because if they didn't, what reason would there be to want to wait tables at a nicer restaurant than just the local dive? None. So the waiters at a place where you're paying 100 bucks just for you and the miss on the anniversary would be as inattentive and dumb as the ones serving you a burger every friday. They can't say "This restaurant requires 20 dollar tips" on the door, so basing it on food price does the same thing for the service.

    TLDR: You're paying for better service.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:50 No.796096
    >extra service fee

    I usually do tip, but if I see this on the bill I don't on principle.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:52 No.796102

    As long as I'm making minimum wage and forbidden to accept tips I'll be damned if I use a tip jar for anything other than relieving myself of excess pennies.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:55 No.796114
    PROTIP: a tip jar doesn't mean that the people working there are making a waiter's wage. My friend worked at an ice cream joint all summer and got 7.50 an hour and like 30 bucks in tips a day because she's really charming.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:56 No.796116
    You should never use tip jars period. Tipping at a restaurant is one thing, but places that put out such jars usually don't deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)01:59 No.796123

    then don't eat out, shitbag. stay home and fetch and carry your own fucking dishes, asshole. see how much you get paid for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:02 No.796126

    It's cheaper and usually better tasting.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:03 No.796130
    >If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out to eat. Go to a fast food place instead,

    Let's be realistic.

    I'm not paying you a thin dime more than the bill if

    * Your soft drink refills are not free
    * You visit my table and give me that half baked "so how is everything TASTING"
    * You screw something up on my order

    I realize you are human, but don't expect my expected but undocumented "compassion tax" to pay for your coke habit you dumb fucking slut. Go suck dicks on the corner if you want a decent wage otherwise you will shut the fuck up, bring me my sandwich, and be happy when I tip you $0. Don't like it? Bring it up with your boss who is gaming the system.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:03 No.796132
    If I stayed home I would technically be paid the amount to go to a restaurant and pay for overpriced mediocre food then be forced to pay a guilt tax. Enjoy your shit job retard :3
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:03 No.796133
    Don't get me started on tipping in fastfood and delivery. Tips are an elemental part of restaurant waiting culture but tipping a delivery guy, that defeats the whole purpose of tipping. It seems that yanks apply tips in almost every job they can the be able to pay sub minimum salary. Stuff like this makes me facepalm so hard. Do you tip your politicians too for coming up with such travesty?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:04 No.796135

    then you should never go out, you balloon full of lame.


    you see a tip jar, and you receive service, use it, or do the goddamned job yourself, you insufferable PRICK.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:07 No.796144
    ITT: Waiters & Trolls. Usually a combination thereof.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:08 No.796146

    Trolls are probably cooks...
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:11 No.796153

    lul, copypasta troll on another troll. is that a thing, is there a name of it?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:12 No.796155
    You know I think its likely that through by-laws and some loopholes that we do eventually end up tipping our politicians.

    In the US you tip at restaurants because the employees arn't being paid minumum wage, and to keep up good service.

    Places that have a tip jar, Starbucks, espresso stands, sandwich places, ice cream places, are paying their employees the full wage and doesn't need a tip. On top of that the service at such places usually isn't something you should be tipping for.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:13 No.796156
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    This may sufficiently describe the scenario.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:14 No.796160

    don't you mean chefs, faggot?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:15 No.796161

    Nah, only cooks would stoop to...

    Oh wait. My wife is a chef. You guys are batshit insane... and I love ya for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:16 No.796162

    Them too, but mostly cooks.


    I call it mutual masturbation.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:16 No.796163

    No. The price of service is already in the food/coffee you ordered. That's why a brownie made with 10c of materials costs $2.50.

    If you're in a position where the use of a tip jar is vital to your standard of living you are either a high school student, a failure, or someone who is too dumb to know they're being exploited.

    Either way your opinion doesn't matter.

    Secret fourth option: 9/10 troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:17 No.796166

    Bullshit. I work in coffee (no, not for the jolly green giant of coffee, either) and there's a definite line between things I do that I don't expect tips for, and things that I do expect tips for. Suppose you ask for a drip coffee. Sure, I'll turn around, hold a cup underneath a nozzle for a few seconds, and hand it to you. Big farking whoop, no tip necessary, it's such a minor transaction. HOWEVER ... when your uppity ass starts ordering things like "and put two and a half packets of equal in my nonfat decaf latte and a shake of cinnamon on top" ... I'm now doing something FOR you that you could damn well do yourself at the condiment counter. For that, yes, you tip.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:21 No.796175

    Hey, are you paid per drink? No? Then quit bitching and bring me my faggy $7 coffee.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:22 No.796180

    Real restaurantfag here.

    *You* don't deserve to be tipped. *You* probably never thought of simply directing your customers to the condiments counter that they didn't notice. And *you* are probably some underaged kid that'll only waste the cash on xbox games, mind-rotting manga, or pink floyd guitar tabs. Servers generally support families.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:23 No.796185
    Look, you have a job. Your job is to serve the customer. You get paid for serving the customer. How about just doing your job and cutting the whine, okay?

    Jeez, what an attitude.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:26 No.796191
    You try serving the tables after tables filled with ungrateful whiny asshole customers who think they are better than you yet can't afford to tip any more than 20% because they can't get on with the times and up the norm that is in your mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:28 No.796196

    Enjoy your decaf.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:29 No.796197
    Best waitressing story from my summer doing it:

    Group of half-drunk golfers come in, it was 9 of them I think. Bill end up being like 140 cause they keep getting beer and shit. Parties of 6+ get automatic gratuity added to the bill, so I put it on and circle the number in cute purple pen. The drunks don't even notice and leave another 20 percent of the inflated bill. Awesome day.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:30 No.796200

    OH SNAP. Remind me never to fuck with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:30 No.796201

    He's talking about the whiny boy who pours coffee at Starbucks and expects a tip, not a real waiter.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:32 No.796204
    Oh dearie, it must be real hardship for you. They should give you extra pity salary.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:32 No.796205

    >and put two and a half packets of equal in my nonfat decaf latte and a shake of cinnamon on top

    Thank-you for your timely service and courteous manner. Though it is not obligatory, I offer you a small compensation for your excellent service.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)02:35 No.796212
    i will never tip someone at dunkin donuts under any circumstances. they make at least minimum wage, correct? maybe i'll toss my change in the tip jar, but that's primarily because i hate the sound of shit jingling in my pockets.

    waitstaff in most restaurants will be lucky to make $3 an hour. however, the bulk of their wages come from the tradition of tipping for service.

    what does this do? it decreases overhead for the restaurant. what does that do? it increases the quality of the restaurant because the owner doesn't have to pay his servers as much.

    it is a great system and it's not going anyway anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:12 No.796271
    >what does that do? it increases the quality of the restaurant

    Ahahaha oh dear lord no that's not how it works at all. Any establishment that feels the need to pay its workers under minimum wage is a fucking shithole and a drain on the local economy. Taking advantage of people is never a good system for anyone but the one who's actually taking advantage of you.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:21 No.796277
    I tip 20% on meals maybe a little more if the service was flawless. Shitty service gets them about 10 maybe 15% if I felt like they had a shit day.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:46 No.796420
    10% baseline, going up to 20% max

    For bad service I round down based on available coins/bills including change, for good service I round up.

    At restaurants where gratuity is automatically added to the bill (for large parties, for example), I pay that and NEVER anything extra, just out of principle.

    Tip jar? Never. A tip jar implies a counter, and a counter implies that I picked up my own shit and/or stood around to order or pay.

    At non-restaurants (for example, a barber or other walk-in service shop), I never tip the owner if that's who helped me.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:28 No.796490
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:38 No.796503
    worst part about tipping now is I've found a few resterants that if you pay by card they ADD 20% on to make up the tip because you paid by card!

    20%?! They'd be lucky to get anything off me with that kind of shit. Whenever they hand the machine to me to put in my pin and say "Check the amount and press enter" I say it's wrong and ask them to enter the actual amount of my meal and will tip in change if I thing that particular waitress/waiter was good or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:17 No.796531
    my thought is that you tip when you feel they deserve it, not because you don't wanna look bad or get cum in your food.

    only time i tip if i get exceptional service and supreme food. (the waiters are supposed to share tip with the chefs so it has to be a combination of both service&food)
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:23 No.796537
    I almost always tip but I always tip in proportion to the service I get. If I order coffee to drink, and it's lukewarm and I can tell it's been sitting out all day, that's a hit to the tip. If I only get one cup, and never asked again if I would like more, that's a hit to the tip.
    If I have to pull the wait-er/tress aside and help me when it's nowhere near busy, that's a hit to the tip.

    Sometimes I do leave nothing, if the service was exceptionally awful. And I tell them so, hopefully the wait-er/tress or service in general will get better.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:31 No.796542
    shouldn't be done, period
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:32 No.796544
    Ohhhh, I fucking hate when that happens. A lot of times they fucking try to slip it by you if you're not the one swiping he card directly.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:45 No.796549
    I always tip double the tax rounded up to the next dollar. If the service is bad, I take that number, cross it out very annoyingly and put a low amount.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:54 No.796560
    This is how I roll:

    Good service: Up to 50%. Once I had this waitress who could not have been more attentive. She filled up my coffee cup before it was even empty. She was right there as soon as I was running low with a "Can I get you some more coffee?" Called me sir. It was amazing. I tipped her 10 dollars on a 7 dollar meal. The only way it could have been better is if she had given me a blowjob.

    I tip Chinese delivery guys a lot because it takes pizza guys over an hour, hour and a half to get to me even if they are two blocks away. It takes Chinese guys 5 minutes and the place I order from is 5 blocks away. Even counting for the cooking time of a pizza, that's fucking fast.

    Okay service: 10%-15% plus my rounded up change. A little less if they're not especially busy.

    Shit service: Pay with plastic, take both copies of the receipt. Yes, BOTH. Then the waiter has to pay the price of your meal out of their own paycheck and it fucks the restaurant badly.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:16 No.796574

    Double the tax is 26% in my country. GG.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:50 No.796609
    More complexity, after hearing my friend describe how the owner of the restaurant he worked as basically treated tips on credit cards differently than tips in cash (instead of paying $2-3/hr required minimum wage, he was using the tips to cover that), I leave cash. 10-20% depending on the quality of the service.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:57 No.796624
    What i don't get is, they bitch that they need tips because their wage is technically less than minimum wage. It's somehow our fault restaurants use this system and it's up to us to secure them financially.

    However, they almost always make more than minimum wage, and by law they have to make at LEAST minimum wage.

    Meanwhile, if people making minimum wage complain they get a "HURR DURR, STOP WORKING A MINIMUM WAGE JOB" from waiters.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:40 No.796875
    I'm not very consistent. Sometimes I go with 25 percent. Sometimes I go with an even three dollars. If I'm with bad tippers and we're all paying separately, I'll tip a little more to compensate. If service sucks, I'll probably leave a dollar or two.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:43 No.797054
    Fuck tipping.

    I do it most of the time, but reluctantly.

    I never tip a black man.

    Most places add an automatic gratuity for parties of 6 or more. I am often in such parties. This infuriates me.

    With the economy in shambles I think it's time to start looking out more for myself and jewing my way through life anyway that I can.

    If those waiters/waitresses want money then maybe they shouldn't have wasted 10 years and $150,000 of their daddy's money getting a PHD in American Studies or Philosophy or whatever the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:46 No.797057
    I love Ron Paul too.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:57 No.797069
    i know two guys who went to chili's and ordered two teas and the endless chips and they left the restaurant leaving something like a 15 cent tip.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:07 No.797086
    wow that's pretty ghetto

    10 if bad
    15 if meh
    20 if good/i'm on a date
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:11 No.797087
    fuck tipping. i dont get paid extra at my job to work harder. i just do, because i make a dectn wage. This is the problem with america, people (mostly) in service dont make a decent lving wage, and expect the regular joe to make up for it while the business owner keeps making money at the expense of members of society and his employees.
    you as the waitstaff should realize youre being taken advantage of and do something about it and not bitch when someone doesnt tip.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:11 No.797088
    God, I hope someone jizzed in your clam chowder. I'm not even affiliated with the restaurant business, but cheap fucks should be branded on the face with a hot iron.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:15 No.797095
    I think its bullshit that we are expected to pay 22% over the listed price for food. So if you wanna tip from me you better be 18-25 and hot
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:16 No.797096
    Actually you do get payed more for working hard, they call them bonuses.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:18 No.797098

    no. actually i dont. im part of a union and everyone gets paid the same.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:30 No.797107
    Well there is your problem, you joined a union faggot.

    Don't say "you have to to be in this field" because you are full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:31 No.797110
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:34 No.797113

    no, i dont have a problem. im happy with what i make for the job i do with what qualifications i have. im not like you waiterfags who have a shity job but want more money?
    a trained monkey could your job faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:09 No.797163
    I tip between 15 and 20 percent for decent service, depending on how much money I have. In Texas minimum wage for waiters is something like $2.30/hr, and a lot of restaurants make waiters share a portion of their tips with the hosts and busboys, so they make quite a bit less than they should. My first job was as a hostess in a tourist trap seafood restaurant that was always busy, and the waiters got downright hostile about tips. I still eat there sometimes and when I do I always tip 30% regardless of the service just because I don't want to get stabbed by ghetto Galveston fucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:21 No.797176
    The vast majority of workers do not get bonuses from their company. I'd say only 5% of workers have any chance of a bonus, if that.

    But if the waitress is young, hot, and flirty, I'll tip her a lot.

    I've tipped sexy little Asian girls like 45% on a 60 dollar bill.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:22 No.797177
    Actually, all the tipping business would be gone if they actually enforced the minimum wage. Really now, $2/hr?! But then again, those people sometimes make way over minimum wage when tips are factored in. Tips used to be a bonus for good service now it feels like an obligation.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:27 No.797183
    Yea, and it isn't like they are lowering the price of food/drinks due to not paying their wait staff jack.

    One of my favorite places charges 7 or 8 bucks per beer. That's a pretty standard price around my area, actually. Even a burger and fries is going to run you 13 dollars. Appetizers start at 7.

    Then you want me to tip 18% on top of that?

    Fuck you in your throat.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:36 No.797198
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:52 No.797221
    typical black woman
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)18:04 No.797240
    That's perfectly okay. I mean, yeah, it can be a little rude but


    People can be cheapskates and the have every right to do so. And you as a waiter have no effing right to get upset over it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)18:28 No.797269
    >Shit service: Pay with plastic, take both copies of the receipt. Yes, BOTH. Then the waiter has to pay the price of your meal out of their own paycheck and it fucks the restaurant badly.

    Um, no. They just have to claim a $0 tip for that particular transaction. If they have swiped your credit card already, you've paid. They don't have to.
    The printer will print another receipt saying that the meal has been paid in full; waiters don't hand those receipts out, because they have to turn those in at the end of the night, and just in case they're waiting on an ass like you. Sorry to piss on your parade.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)18:36 No.797286

    Man, I couldn't watch all of that.


    American accents suck.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)18:50 No.797315

    tipping is NOT frowned upon in upscale restaurant wtf the are you talking about? usually an extra 20% is just added onto the bill
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)21:58 No.797646

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:11 No.797661
    I've always wondered, if you had bad service at an upscale restaurant, are you allowed to remove the included tip?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:19 No.797676
    Christ, what an obnoxious cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:22 No.797684
    I'm a linecook fag. But I know better.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:27 No.797692

    Read their stories and laugh.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:34 No.797699
    >>797692 http://bitterwaitress.com/
    Whoa, what the hell is wrong with these people? I always knew that americans are obnoxious in comparison to other people but this is something else.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:36 No.797702
    Theres... a Shitty Tippers Database? wtf. That's retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:43 No.797716
    If I pay 100 dollars for food there is NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL I am giving the waiter a 20 dollar tip.
    5 dollars, be glad you got that much.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:53 No.797738
    "Linn Miller 4 plus 2 babies 9/26/08 Applebee's Venice, Florida $73.06 $5"

    Wow. Just wow.

    Nigger gets a 5 dollar tip for 30 minutes of work and is bitch.

    Sorry, maybe you should have learned a skill other than carrying food and drinks from the kitchen to the table.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:56 No.797740
    I live in Venice, FL. You have no fucking idea what it's like down here. The people are old and stupid and horrible. FUCKING TIP YOUR SERVERS.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)22:59 No.797746
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    Tip yo waitress
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)23:14 No.797767
    I took two friends and their dates out for a dinner at a local steak-house senior year. Each person pitched in for their meal + tip, and everyone but me tipped 15-20%

    End check was $475 after food, drinks, appetizers and dessert. My meal was $57 for an 8 ounce fillet, 6oz lobster tail meat, and a coke. Salad and vegetables / potatoes came with the steak. Guess where the $90 in tip money went? Yep... My pocket.

    Ran back in, saying I forgot my keys on the table and snatched that shit, then left.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)23:20 No.797778
    >typical black woman

    Not true at all.

    As a black woman, I always tip. As a rule I usually just double the amount of tax when I tip. If they were really nice I tip them extra.

    I especially tip the when I get delivery and even when I'm picking up my own food. I have been w/people who don't tip and I give them a good fucking talking to about evil that shit is. True that you don't HAVE to tip, but you should.

    I would rather they get paid a decent amount, but until then, tip.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)23:20 No.797779
    i hear the defense waiters give is that their jobs pay less than minimum wage because of tips, and my response is 'i don't give a shit. get a new job if you don't get paid enough.' i tip pizza delivery guys more than waiters, for some reason.

    my tips largely depend on how my money situation is looking at the moment, and i tip more generously than i feel is appropriate for the waiter.
    >> Halloween Jack !TU8xfwEu6s 01/29/09(Thu)23:28 No.797793
    good service = 15%
    Excellent service = 20%
    Excellent service + hot waitress = 25%
    Piss poor service = $1

    Working in the food industry (I'm a chef), I know that a lot of those servers work their asses off to serve people and deserve a good tip.
    Some are worthless individuals that think to highly of themselves and provide a shit experience and need to be kicked down a few pegs.

    So, tip your good waiters/waitresses and bitch about the others.
    Also - if the food is good but the service sucks, don't send the food back and bitch = the chef isn't the problem and by fuck some of those ingredients are expensive, we shouldn't have to comp your meal for a retarded server's mistakes.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)23:37 No.797808
    they actually have trained monkeys to be waiters in other countries.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)23:39 No.797812
    even if you were a black woman, which i doubt, you HAVE to admit that a shitton of black women are fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)23:59 No.797861
    In fine dining restaurants servers make 2.13 an hour. bartenders make between 5-10 an hour. bartenders always make more per hour because they control the money of the restaurant.

    here's how to tip.

    bad service 15%
    good service 20%
    great service 25% and up.

    at the bar there is common etiquette. If you want to get drinks faster and some free always tip a dollar a drink. ALWAYS. nothing more, nothing less. bartenders and servers know a shitty tipper and they treat them with no respect, good luck getting drunk on weak cocktails.

    If you don't tip in the USA karma will bite you in the ass. Or you'll get herpes. seriously.

    in my town a bar had to shut down because a pissed off waitress was spitting in shitty tippers drinks. she had herpes. and they got it.

    Tip Well good things will happen if you do.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:06 No.797879

    and tips in cash are so much better than on credit cards.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:13 No.797896
    if i can't taste it, i don't care. if it tastes like a steak, and it doesn't kill me, i don't care if its covered in shit. as long as i'm not aware, whatever.
    if i get bad service, i'll tip a penny or nothing. this country is fucked up, so i expect all these faggots with entitlement to give me shit for not tipping. i don't find this fair, they have no right to bitch to me about what society has done to them, or about how they made a shitty job choice. i really don't care about them. i have no reason to. i have no reason to feed in what people consider social norms, and i have no reason to accept social norms as how things should be. if i get shit for it, so be it. i'm a big boy, i can handle my own problems.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:14 No.797901
    Whether you believe me or not is your issue, but the truth of the matter is that they are all types of 'trash' in EVERY group of people. There's even white trash, hispanic trash, black trash, asian trash, and etc.

    That ignorant bitch just happened to be uneducated poor trash.
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 01/30/09(Fri)00:14 No.797904

    Uh, I work behind a bar and if you tip me a dollar a drink your cheap ass is getting not a bit of attention from me.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:14 No.797905
    sure must suck to have herpes.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:15 No.797909
    like most black women.

    seriously though, educated or not, black chicks are fucking nuts. thats why black men date white women.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:16 No.797913
    shut up barback.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:17 No.797918

    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:19 No.797921
    Average job? 10%

    Extra attentive and friendly? 15%

    Poor job or rude? None.

    Tips are supposed to be a "thank you" or "good job". If they never refill your drinks or leave you waiting 20 minutes after you're done for the bill, then they don't deserve the extra money.

    (I'll admit that I have a tendency to go softer on cute girls, though; weakness of mine)
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:23 No.797930
    People who don't tip are vermin and should be shot. Yes you.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:24 No.797932
    If I'm just giong drink for drink at a bar I'll tip a dollar a drink. If I have a tab I'll just tip like 20-30 percent depending on how big the bill is.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:28 No.797940
    >seriously though, educated or not, black chicks are fucking nuts. thats why black men date white women.

    Watch out there. Your ignorance is showing.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:29 No.797943
    I dont' understand how people who don't tip STILL GO TO THE SAME RESTAURANT OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

    Don't they get that the hostess has to give the table to the new server because every other server told her no over and over again. they get the worst service every fucking time yet they keep coming back..I've seen some gnarly things put in their food too.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:30 No.797949
    truf hurts
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 01/30/09(Fri)00:34 No.797963
    >>797909 black men wish they could date white women

    Fixed :3
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:35 No.797967
    black men always date white women, usually fat white women, but whatever
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:44 No.797988
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)01:00 No.798017
    What really makes you think you're supposed to be able to live off of a job a monkey can do? Pay is equivalent to the skills required to do your job. It doesn't take much skill to fetch my food that you didn't even make.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)01:14 No.798053
    Always give 15+%.

    Unless the place and service was terrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)01:17 No.798058
    Hey mods? Would it be alright if I spammed another 40 replies so this bitch autosages?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)01:18 No.798065
    When ever I tip, it's usually 15% depending on service.

    However, I feel the need to make my bill a whole number.
    So, if I'm writing the tip on the paper, like my bill was 35.23, it'll probably end up 41.00

    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)01:41 No.798100
    Prime example of American stupidity. Hey, let's scare the person that comes in and pays for service to tip. Waiters spitting in food and bartenders ignoring people, I thought this was an urban legend since it's quite unbelievable that anybody would really do that.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)01:55 No.798117
    ITT: Mr. Pink was fucking right.
    >> tigerfeather !CrwtTbFNxQ 01/30/09(Fri)02:10 No.798132
    I will tip accordingly, but unless it was great service, they're probably not getting anything more than 15%.

    Why? Because everyone that I have ever known that has been on waitstaff makes a good deal of money in tips, especially on weekends when they're busy. Well, except for the ones with attitudes and who don't care. Yes, I understand that running around for 6 hours trying to make people happy is hard, but your job really is damn easy. You don't have to cook the food, you don't have to deal with any part of the management of the restaurant, you don't juggle the money, and yet you still complain. Why don't you try being on your feet for 10 hours a day, 50 hours a week, managing over 5,000 unique SKUs of stock, dealing with shit customers and shit employees who complain just like the waitstaff in this thread? Oh, and getting paid about the same as that waitstaff to boot?

    TL;DR: Your job is not that hard, suck it up and quit bitching.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)02:16 No.798142
    Usually 20%, unless slightly less is easier or the service is poor (never below 15% unless the service is exceptionally bad.) I do not increase my tip from what I give standard for good service, I expect to get good service.

    The exception to this is if I'm with people and not actually eating and just, say, order a coffee, in which case I'll usually leave a few dollars regardless of the bill.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)02:43 No.798184
    You do realize that if wait staff was paid full wages the extra cost would go straight to food prices right?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)03:40 No.798256
    I wonder how much a waiter's income would drop if they were instead paid minimum wage and the obligatory tip drop was removed.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)03:54 No.798273
    Shii, im a good ass waiter, your lucky im nice you trashy ass people that dont tip, to be honest with you...the good tippers usually balance out the bad tippers...this is truth.

    But to all you fuckers that dont beleive in tipping, go to hell, your lucky we like ourselves enough to do a job in the first place you fat fucks...just cause you dont have the confidence to work on a floor...jeez.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)09:08 No.798528

    For every one of you that complains there are another 5 hard working immigrants ready to take your place. They also don't need the same pay level as you.

    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)09:15 No.798531
    We don't tip here. Tipping is a fucking stupid system and I pity those who have to abide by this custom.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)09:27 No.798540
    pretty sure that the wait staff can suck a dick. A fat one.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)13:35 No.798744
    I'm glad so many people tip. That way waiters get a decent pay and I don't have to tip them myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)14:22 No.798816
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    Why the fuck would I tip? I've seen what waiters do. In no way do they deserve more than minimum wage.

    They knew the deal when the signed up.

    They bet that they can make more by taking $2.30 an hour plus tips, than they could working at something else.

    If they don't make up to minimum wage in tips, their employer has to pay the difference, up to minimum wage.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:03 No.798875
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:11 No.798879





    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:38 No.798900
    I worked as a busser for four hours, then walked off without a word to anyone.

    Tip these people. The job they do for dealing with the general public's idiocy is worth three times what they make.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:40 No.798904
    The fact that waiters and bussers are working as waiters and bussers suggest they are, in fact, the idiots.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:44 No.798906
    Damn I feel like a cheap fuck now. I don't tip. Mostly cause when I eat at a restaurant one of my friends is covering me so they decide whether or not to tip. Also I think that most of the time they don't deserve it. Everynow and then I'll get someone who goes out of their way to make my dining experience exceptional and they do receive a tip but most waiters don't do anything to earn a tip.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:58 No.798919
    Sage for acting like 20% is average

    average is 15%

    20% if you go above normal service for me

    10% if you screw the order up (may go lower)

    25+% if you brighten my day.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:09 No.798930
    if they were worth more they would be paid three time what they are now. You see, if they were smarter folk they would figure out how to get raises. Or they would find a job that wasn't so easy a trained monkey could do it. They are paid what they are paid because the work is always willing to be filled by some single mom high school drop out with 5 kids to feed and most are too easily outwitted by their boss to garner better pay. I worked as a waitress for 4 years. Shit sucks, customers are assholes. Bosses and cooks are bigger assholes. That's why I went to school to get a better job with better pay and better coworkers.

    That said, I tip.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:09 No.798931
    I could never cut it as a waiter. But all the waiters/waitresses/bussers that I knew all did it for cash during college. It's not their career, ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:29 No.798959
    I tip extremely generously when I have money. (I still live with my parents, and don't pay bills so this is possible for me. Not as much for those of you who live on your own.) Generally, I'll give, 5, 10, or 20 dollars depending on how much I liked the service and whether or not there's anything I want to buy. I never eat very expensively, so, sometimes, that's more than the cost of the meal.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:37 No.798970
    they don't you ignorant faggot. They usually get paid $3-$4 per hour plus tips...you are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:37 No.798972
    Anybody that has worked in retail will tip because they know working with the public SUCKS ASS. Also notice that it's the poorer that tip better. Richfags, don't understand the concept of money even if they do have a lot of it.

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