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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

    today marks the end of scheduled maintenance—two guys with two weeks to kill and a few hundred hours later, we're finally [mostly] done.
    page loads/image downloads should be dramatically faster. until we hit 1gbps, at least. to all of my wonderful and ungrateful users: "you're welcome."
    (note: there are still a few other things i'll be working on so expect intermittent downtime)
    ps: thanks so much to mvb for all of the help and support.

    File :1231772731.jpg-(933 KB, 1824x1368, phpZkFYw5AM.jpg)
    933 KB Roast Chicken Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:05 No.765092  
    Do you like?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:07 No.765097
    mmmmmmmmm do want
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:15 No.765108
    i dont like the pop up thermometers, but otherwise looks good.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:39 No.765124
    >i dont like the pop up thermometers

    You know, you're not supposed to eat those.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:40 No.765424
    are those the plastic white semi long things that are already poked into the flesh? i never understood what they were for.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:43 No.765433
    theyre for A)ppl who fail at cooking and B)ppl who are wayyyy to paranoid about raw meats.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:47 No.765440
         File :1231786020.jpg-(12 KB, 277x210, QuickCheckTherm.jpg)
    12 KB
    Real chefs use bimetallic stem probe thermometers or their own observation based on years of experience to determine when meat is done.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:47 No.765443
    with chicken, if the juices run clear when you cut in it's done. no need for plastic.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:47 No.765444
    They're also fucking pointless since they don't work.

    Save the liquid from the chicken, and put it in the fridge. Separate the fat, use it for eggs (if you don't mind the occasional heart attack), and use the gelatinous liquid to cook beans or potatoes with.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:15 No.765490
    It's best to not remove them before cooking, cause there'll just be a huge hole for juices to escape them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:27 No.765506

    Um, no. Real Chefs use their internal clocks and their sense of touch... Not thermometers. If you use one, you must still be a cook.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:38 No.765523

    You don't use meat juices for a sauce? Wha?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:40 No.765525

    This. I've never used a meat thermometer in my life and never once fucked up a roast. It's not exactly difficult.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:42 No.765527
    Wow did this ever turn into an elitist faggot thread.

    Well done OP. Skin looks nice. Any shots of the carved breast?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:42 No.765529
    Why don't you cook some sugar, smoke a 15lb ham, and test the deep fry oil with your internal clock and sense of touch? Also, health inspectors where I'm from don't tend to hassle you as much when you've got a thermometer in your pocket.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:49 No.765539

    lol, burn

    no, really...that would burn like hell
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:09 No.765560

    hey guys, nobody on /sp/ is a real chef, just so you know.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:11 No.765563
    i can cook meat to any temp without even touching it, by the look alone. i had this skill taught to me by a starred chef that my chef brought in just to teach us how to cook meat.

    i still have a thermometer in my pocket every minute that i'm at work, and i double check everything. i'm always right, but if you're sending out a 60 dollar steak, you want to be goddamned sure. if i caught you without a thermometer on my line i'd send you home, no matter how badassed you might be.

    ALWAYS CHECK EVERYTHING. TASTE EVERYTHING. TEMP EVERYTHING. anything less and you're not a chef.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:12 No.765568

    you're one of the people from the tv show chef school arent you
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:16 No.765572

    that would make it easy for you, right? for you to just shout "LOL ALTON BROWN" and claim superiority?

    i don't even own a TV, and if i did, i would be too busy in the middle of a dinner rush to even watch it.

    i'm a grizzled old restaurantfag with impeccable standards and a fat stack of cookbooks. any questions?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:17 No.765574

    You make holes in $60 steaks?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:17 No.765575

    very small holes, with the grain. it has no appreciable effect on the steak.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:22 No.765579
    Put it on the plate hole side down. You'd be amazed how few people don't turn their steak over before they eat it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:24 No.765584

    i temp from the side. more accurate and easier to hide.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:54 No.765627
    Yeah I was always taught to check steaks by pressure and roasts by timing but with roasts it wouldn't be a big deal to use a thermometer.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:12 No.766402
    You should always turn over your steak before eating it?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:22 No.767065
    OP here, the pop-up was already in it and I just didn't bother to remove it.

    That's the only pic I took of it>>765527
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:24 No.767066

    Good thing you didn't, or all the juices would come out.

    What did you rub it with?

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