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01/08/09(Thu)02:25 No.758792  File :1231399529.jpg-(143 KB, 1280x960, downsized_0108090219.jpg)
 OP here.
I cut one up, seared the pieces quick in a hot pan, and then added in
the left over marinade. Simmered in the marinade until "done". Poured
it all in a bowl. Shit was epic.
Picture is what my results so far has prompted me to create for the coming days.
My marinade is: 3 parts Italian dressing, 1 part franks hot sauce. Seasonal salt, garlic powder, and some lemon and pepper.
since I'm relatively inexperienced outside of certain things(I can make
beastly calzones)...I need recommendations for 1) other simple
marinades and B) acceptable sides to make with the chicken.
I'm trying to eat healthier, but I excercise enough that I dont have to be a nazi about it.
So /ck/...where do I go from here. |