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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1230864850.jpg-(32 KB, 314x475, fasting-buddha.jpg)
    32 KB Penitent+Tangent 01/01/09(Thu)21:54 No.749323  
    Breaking my fast tomorrow! What should I eat?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:54 No.749325
    Garlic steak with vegetables.

    Have a MANLY breakfast.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:55 No.749327
    how long have you been fasting?
    if it's been awhile, ease into it with raw veggies and stuff.
    >> Penitent+Tangent 01/01/09(Thu)21:56 No.749330
    Just three days
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:21 No.749350
    Bacon, eggs, home fries, bacon, toast, sliced tomatoes, bacon, hot cakes, coffee and bacon.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:24 No.749353
    hope that's not you in thi pic OP
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:24 No.749354
    hope that's not you in the pic OP
    >> Penitent+Tangent 01/01/09(Thu)22:26 No.749358
    Should I have some bacon with that?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:41 No.749382

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:42 No.749383
    don't do what i did and break a 100 hour fast with meat bread and cheese.

    my bowels were....unhappy. i seriously considered going back on the fast.

    whole fruit, steamed veg, juice, plain or salted oatmeal. several small meals until you have a decent shit. evalutae your choices at that point and proceed.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:43 No.749384
    Why the fuck would you fast? Some retarded religious bullshit? Or do you have some twisted idea that eliminating all food is good for you?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:43 No.749385
    I recommend a pop tart.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:46 No.749389
    Honestly, that's just what would sound so damn good to me if I fasted for 3 days (which I should probably try sometime).

    Seriously though, start slow. If you've been on a water-only fast, get some fruit juice, fresh-squeezed if you've got a juicer.

    If you've been drinking non-water liquids, then go with veggies and fruit at first.

    As mentioned earlier, I've never done this, but I have done a bit of research into it. Good luck! And I am curious about why you were fasting, but I'm not necessarily jerkish in my curiosity.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:48 No.749391

    feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:51 No.749398
    Fasting for more than 24 hours is not healthy. It wreaks havoc with your body's sugar level, among other things.

    If you want to go on a crash diet, eat an apple or some broccoli every 12 hours. Almost zero calories, but you won't mess yourself up.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:53 No.749399
    you're breaking your fast by posting on /ck/
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:00 No.749410
    Good for you OP! You have true determination, something lacking from most people if you ask me. What did you learn? Any insights you might want to share with the Internet?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:02 No.749411

    oh, horseshit. unless your diabetic, your sugar will be fine. in fact, its a good quick cure for hypoglycemicfaggots - fasting actually helps your body restore proper insulin production and levels out the blood sugar exchange. people are designed to be able to fast- your body expects it.
    >> Penitent+Tangent 01/01/09(Thu)23:03 No.749413
    I was supporting my religious friend. He's fasting as well. I also thought it would be an interesting experience.
    It actually made me feel really calm and relaxed
    Also, thanks to Mr. >>749389
    >> Penitent+Tangent 01/01/09(Thu)23:06 No.749415
    No new insights or anything particularly mind blowing. It actually did feel kind of nice though, for whatever odd reason. Really at peace, you know?
    If anything, it helped me appreciate that I get to eat on a regular basis, unlike some people
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:08 No.749418

    There's no health benefit to fasting. You probably also believe that colonic cleansing (aka enemas) can clear out your digestive system of impacted feces, and other toxins.

    tl;dr: you're a moron
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:08 No.749420
    Nothing to add, just want to say congrats on your willpower and dedication to your friend OP, that's awesome! Glad you came away with a positive experience.
    >> Penitent+Tangent 01/01/09(Thu)23:11 No.749426
    It is definitely something I'll do again. Shooting for 5 days next time around. I recommend it to anyone seeking a little inner peace or just looking for a challenge
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:19 No.749441
    Seriously, what is the benefit of fasting/not eating for many days? Is it like not fapping for several days? Just to say you could? So what?

    If it's a harmful habit, you should eliminate it forever. If not, what's the point of eliminating it for a few days?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:29 No.749457
    There are studies that have been conducted with mice that showed that intermittent fasting increased their life expectancy. A caloric deficit had the same effect. The fasting mice were more active though. I don't know if the reasons are known yet. Maybe because it activates a different kind of metabolism?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:33 No.749462
    I'm not OP but I think the idea is that the experience gives you a new perspective on eating and, therefore, living.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:49 No.749479

    they are plenty, and well documented. you are an uninformed moron. in fact, retard, if you eat dinner at 6, sleep from 10 to 6, and have breakfast at 7, guess what? YOU FASTED.

    patients are routinely fasted in hospitals; more than routinely- its a goddamned requirement for most medical procedures.

    this is not some hippy shit, you assbake; serious literature on fasting goes back 100 years.

    the human experience on fasting goes back 3 million years. try it some time. preferably for about 6 or seven years.

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