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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229995948.gif-(392 KB, 800x600, Atlantic_Salmon.gif)
    392 KB Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:32 No.735411  
    Have a pound of salmon and wondering how I should prepare it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:35 No.735413
    >> !!GtsCNQXpdsa 12/22/08(Mon)20:35 No.735415
    Try braising it with a little bit of ginger, mirin, sake, soy sauce, and sugar. I used fresh spinach instead of frozen when I made it.

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:45 No.735420
    The easiest way to deal with it is to wrap it up in a piece of foil with some olive oil and spices (salt, pepper, dill, garlic). Bake it at 400 for 15 minutes and serve with bread and veggies. Delicious.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:53 No.735427
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:54 No.735429
    Its so fucking good.
    Or make a seafod pasta, minus all the rest of the seafood and just use salmon.
    So fucking good.

    I used to live in Alaska, and I used salmon soooooo much.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:30 No.735857
    Candied. It will last longer.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:36 No.735866
    Only a pound? Release it dude.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:45 No.735871
    Slice it thin and devour the whole thing with a bit of soy sauce and wassabi.

    I never end up cooking salmon because it is so fucking good raw.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)03:04 No.735891
    Smoke that shit.

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