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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229928985.jpg-(24 KB, 300x402, beer.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:56 No.734122  
    I hate the taste of beer. It's sad, because I'm 22 and I haven't finished a beer in my life. They taste like someone pissed in a bottle. I can drink whiskey, bourbon, gin and brandy, but not beer.

    Is there a entry level beer that I can try to get my taste going for the stuff? And don't even suggest Heineken or "Buttwiper". Those taste the worst to me.

    Here's what I've tried:
    Budweiser, Heineken, Coors, Red Stripe, John Adams, St. Pauli Girl, Harpoon, Saranac, Yuengling, and Rolling Rock. I hated them all.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:00 No.734132
    There's nothing wrong with not liking beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:01 No.734134
    Yeah, but I at least want to be able to finish one, because at parties, everyone's chugging beers and I'm mixing Manhattans. I feel so out of place.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:03 No.734138
    They don't really enjoy it too much either at first, they are drinking it to get drunk. And it's an acquired taste for most.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:05 No.734140
    first off, some people just don't like beer. it took me years to develop a palette for it.

    second, although I don't know some of those brands, it looks like you're drinking pretty light beers. or at least beers in a somewhat similar... vein? I dunno. I'd lump them together in the same oversimplification.

    the beers that helped get me into beer were arrogant bastard, pyramid hefeweizen (apricot and standard), and most notably Negra Modelo.
    >> Anonymous of Dallas 12/22/08(Mon)02:06 No.734142
    Keystone light might be for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:08 No.734147
    Thanks, someone else said that once, haven't got around to trying it.

    Trying beers sucks because a sixer is about 7-8 bucks and that pretty expensive to waste money on something you might not like.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:10 No.734155

    nah man, you just got trolled. that stuff is some of the worst beer on the market. it's literally a joke.

    also, since you are 22, just cruise the bars with your friends. try different beers from the tap, and taste your friends drinks.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:17 No.734172

    I was just like you and I hated beer for years and it bugged me that something that tasted so terrible was liked by just about everyone I knew (parents and sister included, felt like an outcast during holidays when families gathered) .

    Oddly enough, the one beer that I managed to drink and got me finally to start accepting the taste was Hite. It's a Korean brand, even lighter than Bud Light, and watery, but it has a very clean and crisp taste. Very easy to drink at first. Unfortunately it's not found everywhere since it is an ethnic beer, and I managed to try it by visiting K-town with friends in Los Angeles. After a few months, I found myself actually opening up to stronger tasting beers and years later, I've become a huge fan of beer and prefer it above all other alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:08 No.734242
    Give Shiner Bock a try. It looks like you're not liking a lot of the lager-style beers, and Shiner's definitely gonna be a different flavor than what you're used to. I couldn't stand most of the ones you listed, and Shiner's what I finally developed a taste for beer with.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:08 No.734243
    Try Guinness.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:17 No.734250
    Maybe you just don't like beer. There's nothing wrong with that.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:26 No.734257

    > I'm mixing Manhattans

    I think the flavor you're actually jonesin' for is penis.
    >> BowlerHatMan !!hZDPsoEDBxR 12/22/08(Mon)03:30 No.734258
    Nothing wrong with not liking beer. I'm a firm believer that nobody should feel out of place for going for the gusto. Why have a beer when you can have wine? Why not a cocktail? Why feel guilted out of your martinis if you like the way they taste?

    If you really just want to FINISH a beer, I'd say as >>734155 has the right idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:30 No.734259

    While Guinness is awesome, it is not something I'd recommend for someone who already has trouble with the taste of lighter beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:41 No.734265
    I love beer, but the brands you listed are shit. I hate. I hate them because they are shitty beers.

    Beer can be a life-changing beverage. You just need the right kind. The right kinds typically come from Belgium. What you need, sir, is some Belgian beer. These are harder to find than almost all other domestic and imported beers, but my god... are they worth it.

    Track down Duvel or Chimay (any label color). These are two standard belgians that can act as an outline for the flavor of belgian beer.

    For a life-altering beverage experience, try Trappistes Rochefort 8 (6 or 10 will do also, but I prefer 8). It is unlike, and superior to most readily available beers.

    Poppingers Hommel is inexpensive, sweet and delicious. A cloudy, yeasty concoction that tastes like an autumn day.

    The best beer of all time is Trappist Westvleteren 12, although it is hard to find and exceptionally costly.

    Look out for a lactic beer. These are made with lactic acid, and are very tasty. Sort of like a chocolate malted, very rich and frothy. Hitachino Nest Sweet is a solid lacto, and can be had at most decent markets.

    The ultimate non-beers are called Lambics. These are beers made from the traditional grains (so still technically beer) but contain MASSIVE amounts of fruit. If you want something that tastes ASTOUNDINGLY good (more like some kind of soda than a beer) and will still make you all warm and fuzzy like beer will, then drink Lambics. They come in all styles. Some might call you a fag for drinking a lambic. Not so. You will just have more class than they will. And you will also be drinking something that tastes better than anything they have ever put between their gaping, drooling jaws.

    I sure hope you can begin your journey into the land of ACTUAL BEER that doesn't taste like some kind of CLEANING FLUID like most beers.

    Cheers, mate!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:45 No.734272
    There are quite a few Michelob brews that are really good. Try amberbock or the marzen
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:46 No.734274
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    Also recommend checking out the Unibroue brand out of Quebec.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:47 No.734275
    are you trying to imply manhattans are gay drinks?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:50 No.734277
    Try a hefeweizen. I'd recommend a Schneider (the also make a dark wheat called an aventinus, delicious as hell) or a franziskaner. You could also try some Duvel or Gulden Draak (its kind of expensive) or some of the richer brown ales. You should also tell us what it is you don't like about beer so we can help you work around it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:52 No.734279
    Harpoon IPA. Entry level beer that's fairly cheap, damned tasty, and will get you used to a man's drink.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:52 No.734280

    Agreed. Try their "La Fin du Monde"

    French for "The End of the World" and actually a fitting name. It's a maddeningly good beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:08 No.734287
    Also, specify on what you do drink. Hard liquor is 5x more bitter than beer. In fact, I'd use beer as a chaser for hard liquor. Yet you hate beer taste and like whisky etc. So either the bitterness is not a factor, or you don't really savor the hard liquor and just drink shots really fast.

    Either that or you really hate the taste of beer, which is basically grains roasted to a certain degree and hops. If you hate the taste of grains and hops, well can't really help you there.

    And yes, if you're mixing Manhattans while everyone is drinking beer (note: drinking a cocktail is not the same as drinking straight liquor), you're the odd man out. They'll probably think you're a feminine wimp too.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:10 No.734289
    Btw, while lambics are considered beer, the sweetness of the fruit gets in the way. Good beer doesn't need fruit.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:13 No.734296
    those beers in OP post taste like piss because they basically are. the only way any of those are remotely good is if you drink them ICE cold.

    try a sierra nevada, they are easily gotten and relatively different from the beers you listed. or try a stout
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:14 No.734298
    >>John Adams

    I have never heard of John Adams beer before.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:16 No.734300
    durr he meant sam adams obviously
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:24 No.734305
    Also look out for Maudite (The Damned), Éphmere (Fruit beer, grannysmith apples)
    Trois Pistoles (Dark Lager)
    .. actually, fuck it. Anything made by Unibroue is delicious, they're now owned by Sapporo.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:38 No.734318
    it was an aquired taste for me. started drinking them at 13-14 but i didnt really reach the point where i liked beer for something other than getting drunk until i was like 18
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:45 No.734320
    Try Coronas, I'm not a huge fan of the taste of most beers but love coronas.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:51 No.734327
    Can't believe that nobody in this thread mentioned that you must drink beer cold (0-3°C). It makes all the difference in the world.

    And yeah, it's an acquired taste. I hated it at first but got used to it after a few years. Now I love it and have to restrain myself or I drink way too much and way too often.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)05:01 No.734335
    I don't enjoy beer but I love beer + vanilla ice cream.
    >> BowlerHatMan !!hZDPsoEDBxR 12/22/08(Mon)05:08 No.734339
    Tell that to the English.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:49 No.734660

    That's actually horribly untrue - drinking it that cold destroys all taste and character that the beer has. You're supposed to drink it a little cooler than room temperature..
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:50 No.734663
    Maybe you're a supertaster.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:01 No.734672
    That's a myth
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:21 No.734693
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:26 No.734700
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:27 No.734702
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:35 No.734708
    Try some of that Chill Bud stuff. It's beer but with a decent lime taste which makes it pretty easy to down. Guinness should be avoided like the plague until you absolutely love beer. Then, it's all you need.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:36 No.734711
    I'm sorry, Miller Chill is what I mean; the Bud Light Lime stuff isn't near as good.

    That's gotta be the only time I've recommended anything from Miller...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:45 No.734724
    You don't like beer because you've been drinking piss.


    Listen to this anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:49 No.734733
    I'd recommend Miller Chill. It tastes a lot like beer flavored Sprite. The lime adds a bit of sour to help hide the bitter/hoppy taste, also adds a bit of sweetness.

    German beers like Heineken are really skunky, so I understand why you'd hate those, and a lot of the typical Light American beers like Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Coors Light taste like grass flavored water at first.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:50 No.734738
    >I can drink whiskey, bourbon, gin and brandy, but not beer.

    did you just imply that all those fine liquors are as shitty as beer?

    fuck you man fuck you

    what is this i don't even
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:57 No.734751
    Heineken is for niggers.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:08 No.734767
    Stop drinking cheap shit, of course those'll be terrible. Hitachino Nest Sweet is a seriously delicious beer, but you probably should start with some wheat beers. Non-beer drinkers are usually pretty happy with a nice hefeweizen.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:09 No.734768
    Not OP but I'll be taking the advice in this post. I've never found a beer I've liked, so I generally stick with gin or whiskey.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:10 No.734772
    I'm no expert, but shouldn't a whiskey lover have an easy time with strong ale?
    The base is similar (?), while the taste is not - but if he can still taste it he isn't drunk enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:20 No.734783

    I'm very pleased that you guys agree with me. I spend most of my time on /b/, so I'm not used to a positive response to anything I post.

    I'm curious to know how OP's beer-tasting adventures go. Keep us posted, man!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:28 No.734796

    Welcome to the kinder, gentler side of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:30 No.734800

    It's okay. You're not there now. You're with us. Everything is going to be okay.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:39 No.734814
    natty ice my friend, tastes like water but still gets you drunk. cheap as hell too
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:02 No.734833


    I take it OP only drinks cocktails which is fine but if you need to drink beer you need to drink beer I recommend trying light beers, that's all I can recommend. Light beers are just that: they taste lighter than a regular draft.

    If you can't do miller lite, bud light, or at a minimum, coors light, then I just don't think you will ever be able to drink a beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:08 No.734844
    You're trying to enjoy beer too much. The beer snobs in here will try and get you to buy $20 bottles of beer, but you must realize that cheap beer isn't meant to taste pleasant, it's meant to be tolerable until you get shitfaced and then drink whatever.

    That's why I drink PBR. 6 pack under $5 = win, and it doesn't suck cock compared to other inexpensive beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:14 No.734853
    I started off as a beer drinker, but these days I like a Scotch neat or Bourbon Manhattan when I'm out. It's just hard to find a good beer unless I specifically go to a beer bar. In addition to the Belgian ales, barleywines are a good fit for your palate -- you should be able to find Sierra Nevada Bigfoot or Rogue Old Crustacean at a good beer store.

    An imperial IPA, with a high bitter content, would also be good. You'll never get near the ABV, but you can certainly get flavors such as peat moss with particular hops and brewing methods. I like Stone Ruination IPA, and if you're on the East Coast, you might encounter Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA (120 is good, too). Plenty of other IPAs: Lagunitas Maximus, Victory Hop Wallop, Hercules Double IPA, Dreadnaught IPA. You'll find a favorite or more of your own.

    When springtime rolls around, find a nice saison ale of the farmhouse variety; it should have plenty of grassy/horsehair flavors. I like Saison Dupont, Ommegang Hennepin, and Fantome Saison.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:18 No.734859

    I actually like the taste of Natty Ice. It has a light, slightly sweet taste to it.
    >> GAR カミナ GAR !7iDLucario 12/22/08(Mon)14:28 No.734877
    I hate that beer exists because I feel obligated to drink it at parties when it's offered. I really dislike the taste. I can drink some of the cheap/lite shit no problem, although I must say I prefer Corona if given the choice. I also don't have the stomach for it, I get full too easily so I stick to liquor (vodka preferred). Why is everyone recommending that the OP try some more expensive beers if the main gripe against cheap beer is that it doesn't have much of that beer flavor? Seems drinking more expensive beers like even Guinness (I had trouble finishing one) would be counterproductive.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:30 No.734887
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    Try this!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:41 No.734900
    Haven't read the thread, but you can get a top notch craft beer750ml craft beer for around $10. If you want cheaper, go for some sam adams or stone's base beers.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:01 No.734929
    if you want to like beer, start with a woodchuck hard cider. it's like beer, but fruity.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:05 No.734937
    Cider's are good as well, I prefer Magners. Bit expensive though, taste nothing like beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:42 No.734986

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:05 No.735025
    Light beer is the WORST TASTING SWILL YOU CAN FIND, second is everything you've tried OP. I would recommend going with a more flavorful beer that doesn't have that "bad beer" taste that typical popular american beers have. Try something a little more on the fruity side like a wheat beer, or maybe something nice, roasted, and dark.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:47 No.735085
    american beers are the best tasting ones on the planet. if you dont like the popular ones that is because you and your friends are idiots
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:51 No.735091

    Sorry, man, but you're just totally wrong. We've established a consensus here. Don't go messin' it up.
    The Belgians, Germans and Irish have been at this WAAAY longer than the Americans. I think they've got it down by now.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:52 No.735093
    haven't read the whole thread, so forgive duplicates.

    I would recommend:

    Fat Tire from New Belgium Brewery
    Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale (a little bitter, but not much. great entry-level bitter beer)
    Any hefeweizens
    Even though I'm not a big fan, many beer neophytes seem to like brown ales like Newcastle.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:34 No.735147
    Beer is indeed acquired taste and although this thread is full of great recommendations I think you should ignore them for now. The chances are that you wouldn't enjoy a 10 dollars-a-bottle import more than what you've already tasted.

    So if you really want to drink beer, just keep forcing it down your throat, perhaps numbing your sense of taste with other alcoholic drinks beforehand. It gets easier with every pint and if you are like me, you'll grow fond of the taste in no time.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:39 No.735157
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:20 No.735210

    123 at Fat Tire
    >> aa !REDREDLOGo 12/22/08(Mon)18:22 No.735215
    For some reason I would recon that a gin man would like Corona with a lemon twist. Nice summer beer. Or you could go the other way and try Guinness or Newcastles Brown Ale.

    For most people lager/pilsner is the entry level beer, but some of the lighter ones may work better for you. You say that you don't like Heineken or Budweizer, so I would guess that they're a bit to ''basic beer'' in their tastes. Maybe some of the weisbiers from central europe would taste better. They are more cream like but with less bitterness and aren't particulary full-tasting.

    Some tips for trying beers:
    1. Drink it cold! A lukewarm or lightly chilled beer doesn't taste nearly as good as a beer thats been in the fridge for a few days (around 3-6*C).
    2. Try different types, but keep them in the same genre. Always start with the lighter ones that don't have any strong tastes (Corona with lemon is one of the last you should try, because that lemon is gonna follow tru to the other ones.)
    3. Don't mix it with something else. Drinking beer with a side of gin, vodka drink, wiskey ect isn't gonna make the beer taste good. IMO, beer and gin is probably one ot the worst mixes out there, but others differ.
    4. If you do need something else with the beer, make it nuts. Beef jerkey, salmon and sausages is for people that actually like beer, and may taint what you get out of it.
    5. For a beginner, try to stick with either the inernational brands like Carlsberg, Corona, Guinnes and so on, and spice it up with some of the european specialities like weisbeer and true pilsner. I haven't tried many american beers yet, and can't really say anything about them either way. Only ones I've had are Coors and Bud, and I think they taste like lukewarm Tuborg.

    (yeah, yeah, sleepy norwegian with bad gramar ect)
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:25 No.735221
    Whoa, what do you faggots have against Yuengling? That's a tasty beer and isn't some $10/6pack import.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:10 No.735291
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    Do you find any of these in America?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:13 No.735297
    not all beers are meant to be drank ice cold.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:25 No.735314
    OP is a fag....
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:29 No.735324
    OP need a penis....
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:32 No.735333
    American microbrews are some of the best and most varied in the world. Just stay away from anything put out by Anheiser-Busch (which is essentially every cheap beer). But don't go dissin American brewers.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:32 No.735335
    >1. Drink it cold! A lukewarm or lightly chilled beer doesn't taste nearly as good as a beer thats been in the fridge for a few days (around 3-6*C).

    Pale Lagers 45 - 50°F.
    Amber & Dark Lagers 50 - 55°F.
    Pale Ales 50 - 55°F.
    Dark Ales & Stouts 55 - 60°F.

    The more money you spend, the better it will be. I suggest paying big cash for barleywine and pricey brewery products so that you can enjoy the best, then later, when you drink bud, your pallet will be able to find and concentrate on the one or two appreciable flavors in cheap or super cheap beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:32 No.735336

    samefag needs to understand that not everyone has the same taste in things.

    on topic: the weiss bier suggestion is the way to go.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:33 No.735337
    how the fuck can you handle warm beer?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:45 No.735357
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:09 No.735373
    Blue moon with a shot of OJ won me over.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:21 No.735390
    all the beers you've tried are horrible but there are a lot of good ones out there
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:26 No.735401
    I used to hate beer.
    Then I found dark beer.
    After that I've loved all beers.
    >> ­ 12/22/08(Mon)20:32 No.735412
    Old Rasputin will put some hair on your balls.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:55 No.735430
    PROTIP: Not all people are cut out to be beer drinkers. I can't stomach it at all (literally, I convulse and throw up when I try drinking it).

    Drink cider. higher % usually, cheaper, better tasting and doesn't give the same type of hangovers as beer (they aren't pleasant at all, but it affects your body differently).

    Try Kopparburg Apple and Pear (5%) or Mixed berries(7.5%), Bulmers/Magners (4.7%), William Gaymers Ye Olde English Cyder(5%), Stag(5.5%) and the fucking best of the best Druids(6%).

    As for price, you can't argue with the 2 litre bottles of Devil's Bit (with 25% extra free) for E 2.75
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:00 No.735441
    if you like sweet stuff, try sam adams cherry wheat. if you like whiskey, try some bourbon beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:04 No.735446
    PROTIP: We call those people faggots.
    >> aa !REDREDLOGo 12/22/08(Mon)21:07 No.735449
    Bulmers is a good blend, tastevise between the sweeter Kopparberg-style ciders and beer. If you like Bulmers, you'll like many kinds of beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:19 No.735462

    Not the popular ones. They're horrible. American has some amazing lesser known brews.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:38 No.735485
    american micros are pretty much the best beers in the world
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:46 No.735497
    For starters? Miller High Life goes down like water. And if it doesn't, try Hefeweisen's. And if either of those don't work, then kill yourself now.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:47 No.735501
    any wheat beers brewed with fruit. try gennessee cream ale. then bump up to magic hats.. once you can down magic hats it's easier from there, plus, om nom nom.
    >> Chronic Alchoholic 12/22/08(Mon)21:48 No.735503
    >I can drink whiskey, bourbon, gin and brandy, but not beer.

    >whiskey, bourbon, gin and brandy

    >whiskey, bourbon

    Of course you know that the latter is a subset of the former.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:58 No.735511
    lesson one stay away from American beer, they're piss
    lesson two, keep trying I didn't like the taste till I was 24
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:59 No.735514
    Start with Guinness or with any beer that isn't nearly transparent.

    I started with Guinness, and it had a distinctive enough flavor that I was able to move to Hefeveisen (too lazy to check spelling) and from there, after a couple years, to microbrews.

    I can't stand macrobrews, but ah well.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:24 No.735606

    Yet another beer noob who thinks American beer is shit, and is too poor to try American micros. Try staying away from the swill and try quality, then we'll talk.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:47 No.735638
    You're an idiot or just incapable of being accurate. American macrobrewies (Budweiser Coors Miller High Draft with Lime) produce absurdly terrible concoctions that are an affront to beer.
    American microbreweries produce some of the most innovative and amazing brews on the planet.

    Guinness is terrible shit.

    Also last word of advice, all of these faggots talking about how to POWER UP your BEER LEVEL are just fucking retarded. Drink some beer. If you don't like it now, drink some other beer.

    Grab a bottle of North Coast's Brother Thelonious.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:02 No.735656
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    Always gotta root for the hometeam and I loves me some St. Arnold's.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:06 No.735669
    Beer tastes and smells like piss.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:07 No.735672
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    Beer is like coffee. It's a more mature taste to appreciate. Instead of thinking of it like "mmm yummy, candy, coke etc", think of it like "ohh god that ice cold hearty flavor just melted my glands after a hard day of work".
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:30 No.735711
    You are a cunt and make me RAGE, shitknocker
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:35 No.735718
    what? explain what made you rage.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:56 No.735744

    wow how poor are you?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:00 No.735750
    Try this with any beer

    Add a dash of lime cordial or my fav Green Ginger Wine

    Makes quite a difference

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