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how do i peanut better and jelly?
Well first off, that is way too much fucking jelly. Second, grape is shit-tier.
>shit tier

if you don't eat grape jelly pb&j just move to afganistan
>Not eating PB&J with Sriracha

Come on, man.

>implying its grape >its actually red jelly stfu faggots... its strawberry
>still using peanut butter
>not using almond butter spread
>pick related
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calling it spread
not posting your pic
using meme arrows
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>meme arrows
>Implying true patricians don't use apple jelly
>tfw I've never eaten PB&J in my life
Why not? Have you gone out of your way to avoid trying it?

I knew a guy who had never tried coffee before at age 23... he brought it up whenever coffee came up, denying himself an experience a lot of people get pleasure from just to have some kind of an "interesting fact" about himself.
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>using jelly, not jam
Love that shit.
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Start by checking your privilege.
wtf, everyone eats pbj worlwide
maybe those dirt children should assimilate instead of holding on to their mud traditions
someone give me a quick breakdown between preserves, jelly, and jam. this should only take 3 lines of text. thank you in advance.

The difference between jelly and jam is that I can't jelly my dick up your ass.
>In jelly, the fruit comes in the form of fruit juice.
>In jam, the fruit comes in the form of fruit pulp or crushed fruit (and is less stiff than jelly as a result).
>In preserves, the fruit comes in the form of chunks in a syrup or a jam.
jelly - no seeds, gelatinous
jam - slightly lumpy w/seeds
preserves - lumpy w/seeds & fruit chunks
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> Peanut butter and jelly
> Not just ditching the jelly entirely and loading up on 2x peanut Butter

Seriously though, never cared for jams or jellys of any kind. Especially on a sandwich. I just didn't like the taste of Peanut Butter with sweet fruit.

Besides, Peanut Butter is up there in the Elder God Tier of foods. I could eat that shit strait from the jar with a spoon.

That's just me though.
Lol fuck no, 1 spread is enough, in America you must have 2, and then fry it.
preserves is a broad category that includes both jam and jelly.

jam is made from mashed whole fruit, often includes pectin.
jelly is made from fruit juice.
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>mfw hispanic and I eat peanut butter and jelly flour tortillas
I know that Peanut butter & Jelly is supposed to be some kind of classic.
But it must be very American somehow.

As a foreigner, I can say that the very idea comes off as quite insane, almost preposterous.
What is the source of this crazy idea? And how come it has stuck around as a classic? And how come it's considered food and not some kind of "candy" thing?

No offence, it just baffles me. No need to pay heed to the foreigner if you don't want to.

Just because it is American does not make it bad. Don't knock it til you try it.
>Don't knock it til you try it.
Well I have. And I didn't mean to imply that it was "bad" as per say.
But how one would consider it to be "food" is almost beyond me.

Having peanut butter, or jelly on the sandwich is pushing it enough. Slamming both in it is pretty much breaching the limits.

Jelly is sweet and and nutritious, peanut butter is nutty and full of protein. It makes for healthy kids
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What the fuck?
Have you never had jelly or jam on bread, toast, muffins, scones, etc?
And peanut butter in sandwiches seems like a fucking given. I love peanut butter sandwiches. Most people put peanut butter on bread, what the fuck else do you put it on?

Limits on food? No wonder you guys are into socialism.
No. As stated earlier, preserves are whole chunks of fruit in a jam. Jam is gelled fruit pulp. Jelly is gelled fruit juice. Marmalade is a slightly bitter spread jam made from citrus and citrus peels. Fruit butter is fruit cooked down into mush and then sweetened. That should cover everything.
No need to turn this into a health class. But just a heads up.

Fat makes you incapable of properly processing the sugar. Butter and jam, especially peanut butter and jam, is pretty much the quickest path to diabetes.

And peanut butter by itself is actually not all that healthy. Peanut butter dishes around Asia is quite common, but they are really mostly considered festivities almost in line with dessert more so than actual food. It's fairly recognized that peanut butter is pretty much among the worst part of the nut extracted.
Generally speaking it's a lot healthier to just eat tons of nuts than peanut butter.

And jelly does have nutrition, but it shouldn't be a surprise that adding that much sugar is pushing it.

And I am not saying that neither of these are acceptable, because I am in no way such a prude. But they are products where you need to think of moderation, and the idea of mixing them is pretty far out there.

Two words: nutella crepe
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>tfw tried peanut butter once and it was just awful.

disappointing to say the least
whole chunks of fruit in a jam is a conserve, which is a type of preserve like jam and jelly.
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>Generally speaking it's a lot healthier to just eat tons of nuts than peanut butter.

... What do YOU think peanut butter is?
PB isn't really made to be eaten by itself.
You wouldn't pull out a stick of butter then munch on it.

PB can definitely be eaten by itself. I do it all the time. It'll fill you up within like 2 spoonfulls though
there's more sugar and preservatives in peanut butter than peanuts.
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>>4001935 (OP)

>>4001935 (OP)
Like this.
Unless you get the variety that doesn't have added sugar and low or no salt?
>... What do YOU think peanut butter is?
Processed peanuts. But not whole peanuts.
There are peanut butter kinds with peanut crunches in it, but the butter itself is still not whole peanuts.

It's like apple juice. Apple juice is made out of apples, but you throw away the vast majority of the apple in order to savour the juice.
Now, if you were to simply eat apples, you would get full before you even got a couple of glasses of juice in you.
If by processed you mean blended to a smooth consistency. Good peanut butter should have 1 ingredient: peanuts. Anything else is shit.

It's not like apple juice at all. Every edible part of the peanut is used.
Horrible analogy.
It's ground nutmeats. They're technically legumes. But, anyway, it's not pressed and filtered like juice. WOW. Did you grow up under a rock? Have you not made your own peanut butter?
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Confirmed retard.

The reason fruit juice is bad for you and fruit isn't is because there is no fibre in fruit juice (because all of it is in the flesh and skin, which the juice doesn't contain).
>there's a difference

hah, surely you jest.
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>mfw a Euro dismissed Peanut Butter & Jelly near me for being unhealthy and a dessert item and then proceeded to spread Nutella on everything
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>doesn't like pb
The primary reason is because of the high concentrations of fructose in the juice itself as opposed to the flesh.

Murrklap here. I fucking hate pb and j "sandwiches".
I know the Wikipedia/dictionary definition of preserve, but every preserve/conserve I've seen are the same; whole or chunks of fruit cooked so that they set. I wish people were consistent with the definition but they aren't.
There's no actual fruit in jelly.
Hey, not all Euros are like that. There are hypocritical unhealthy asshats in every country. I'm an Ausfag and I had a landwhale saying I'd die from cancer when I spread margarine on a sandwich.

She was eating nutella from the jar.
Is this nigga serious? Google the nutrition facts for Jif peanut butter folks. In a serving of 32 grams, only 3 grams of sugar are present.

Stop misleading people on the internet. Some jackass reads this stuff and actually believes it.
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>Food Wishes
What is this PB&J you Amerifats talk about? Are you talking about nutty gum and fruit spleggings, as we superior Brits are wont to say?
nice try, britain doesn't even have peanut butter.
Everyone has heard of Elvis' grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich. But did you ever make one? It's delicious and I don't think you need to be fat or on barbiturates to enjoy it.
To be honest, it should be about half that. According to calorie count, 32g of peanuts has 1.3 g of sugar.
>Fat makes you incapable of properly processing the sugar.
This. The things should not be combined.
Oh my god my laughs. Thank you dude, that post made me cry laughing.
Maybe, but the claim was that peanut butter is more sugar than peanuts. I understand that it was meant to be a hyperbole, but it doesn't even make sense considering that sugar is less than 10% of the entire product. There's no harm in exaggerating a little bit to make a point but you can't go around making mountains out of mole hills like that.
>3g of sugar per serving
>Hurr durr that's like...um 75% sugar!!!!
oh god they were right >>4002069
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What are you, retarded? Literally all they do is grind whole peanuts and it becomes a paste called peanut butter
I do the same thing, sometimes pan fried in butter.

That sounds super autistic

I've tried this before and never really been able to get into it. The taste of the tortilla has never really done it for me in this case.
Good peanut butter doesn't have any added sugar
>peanut butter
quite unhealthy thougb
>how do i peanut better and jelly?

Toast one slice of bread,
Don't toast the other.

Best thing ever.
>Good peanut butter should have 1 ingredient: peanuts.

have fun with your bitter powder

Why would it be bitter and why would it be powder?
bitter powder?

you clearly never had real peanut butter

>Bonne Maman

Love that stuff. I also love using the jars to make mixed drinks in.
you take a dry ingredient with low amounts of sucrose and mash it up.
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>dry ingredient

You realize peanuts have oil in them, right? Where do you think Peanut Oil comes from?

You grind peanuts and the oil is released. It turns into a paste without needing to add anything else
yeah they have oil in them before you roast them. But peanut butter is made from roasted peanuts. Thus the addition of oil. And sugar is added for taste.


Well I'm talking about real peanut butter not organic hippie shit that charges you 8 bucks for something that tastes like dirt and you don't have to stir it before eating it.
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>organic hippie shit

Your idea of "real peanut butter" is peanut butter + a bunch of additives? That's like saying imitation crab is real crab
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>>4001935 (OP)
i don't eat racist food
also what is the difference between jelly and jam?
jelly is made from fruit juice, jam is made from mashed whole fruit.
One spoon of peanut butter is quite a few number of peanuts.

Peanuts aren't good for you in such large numbers.
Peanut butter is relatively hard to find here.
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today we learned that for most of /ck/, "normal" peanut butter consists of ground peanuts + a whole fuckload of weird other shit

I wonder what "normal" actual butter is to these people

putting sugar in peanut butter should be disallowed by the FDA. it should be called sugar with peanuts added.

that isn't inconsistent. if conserves are a subset of preserves then every conserve can be labelled as a preserve.

obviously just going off the words themselves, all the terms are basically interchangeable with the exception of jam. they are all preserved/conserved fruit, and they are all gels made with pectin. conserving something does carry a vague connotation that you're processing it less though.

added oil isn't usually a part of the roasting stage. they use it when they turn it into a paste to modify the texture sometimes. generally it isn't necessary.


if it doesn't separate that means they didn't use an emulsifier. lots of hippy products use lecithin. cheap supermarket peanut butters separate about as much as hippy ones.

as far as the addition of sugar goes, there are many products with no added sugar that don't have hippy credentials.
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fellow foreigner here and i too am baffled. But mostly because:

>But how one would consider it to be "food" is almost beyond me

this is kinda dumb.
Let me break it down for u:

maybe you're familliar with putting butter on bread, then
jam on top? (that's what we do anyway)
It is not to use too much jam. Or maybe it just tastes good. Anyway, all they did was replace butter with
peanut butter, and it works (for me anyway, I almost
always eat jam with PB).

>How is it food?

Well, here is where it gets tricky:
bread = food, made out of flour, water, yeast, salt
jam = preserved cooked fruit and sugar
PB = ground up peanuts, added salt and oil (if home made)

>Extra points if you knew: salt in PB makes jam sweeter, hence the mass appeal. (probably)

It's not just Americans that are "crazy".
Russians put jam in their fucking tea and coffe.
(Still need to try that awesomeness)

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