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Why do people like well-done steak so much? They insist its tender and full of flavor too.

I don't understand. Everytime I eat well-done steak it's hard and dry... There's a huge disconnect for me.
Only morons eat steak that's less than Medium-Well done. Have fun with your parasites and diseases.

BTW, there's virtually no taste difference between Well-Done and Rare. It's just texture. I usually put about 5-6 tablespoons of Montreal Steak Seasoning on my steak and it tastes amazing, despite it being "gray" on the inside.
Steak has no flavour in and of itself. People like well done because it is safe (no disease carrying blood) and it brings out the flavour of whatever sauce you put on it
Then you've never eaten steak before.
Do you have any idea how much 5-6 tablespoon of Montreal Seasoning is? That's disgustingly salty. No wonder you can't taste the meat. You're just eating salt.

And you're a moron thinking there's diseases and parasites from eating rare-medium rare.
0/10, not even trying to be subtle
It's not blood. And the reason it brings out the sauce flavoring is because well done is so nasty that the only way you can eat it is to cover the disgusting cardboard you have.
I like steak both ways, it does have a different flavor and texture on the rare side, but I think I actually prefer it on the well done side sometimes, because its chewier and usually gets more of a smokey flavor if you let it BBQ longer
People get well-done steak because they are very, very afraid of raw meat, and lack education. Even 50 something years ago plenty of misinformation about pork, beef, and all kinds of food preparations were parroted around and older generations grew up without a wide understanding of food in general. Even back then though there were plenty of people who knew the deliciousness of a medium-rare steak.

It's 2012. We now know that although consuming medium-rare pork, beef, eggs, chicken, and fish carries some risks, these risks are negligible by proper food safety and selection of ingredients. We also know that medium-rare steaks are, indeed, cooked all the way through. We also now accept that medium-rare pork is perfectly fine to eat as well. But some people are just too afraid and panicked to enjoy the finer things in life. Oh well!
everyone i know that insists on overcooking their steak harbors some kind of paranoia that any beef that has pink color will get them sick.
well done steak can actually be good if you just cook it to being well done instead of cooking the living shit out of it
its a type of blood.

doesnt even matter anyway, if you're extremely unlucky and that animal had parasites you'll get infected whether they drain the beast or not
i need my steak medium well to well done or i cant eat it.
I find it hard to eat meat anyway, so it has to be rly cooked for me to eat it.
None of this blood and shit on the plate. it makes me actually vomit.
>we accept
>we accept
>we accept
is this by chance a royal we? are you the king of australia?
>ever trusting strangers with your food

wait, chicken is? never knew that

I know you could eat medium-rare pork, since the last disease that people got for eating raw pork was back in 1985.
You do realise what separates us from other primates is that we cook our food. it is what led us to become the beings we are now.
Raw food is bad for you.
>Raw food is bad for you.
no its not. it used to be bad because to be parasite free in the ye old days was a miracle that never happened. ill bet even jesus was ridden with parasites.

but now-a-days its mostly safe. i still wouldnt do it, but there's no denying its usually safe
>50 something years ago plenty of misinformation

My grand mother always believed fresh bread was bad for you, so she would always let the bread sit around for a day or two before eating it.

Not bad because of any nutritional facts like excess carbohydrates, just bad because it was fresh.
Yeah, you can eat raw chicken! Not all varieties of chicken are appropriate for this, though. In the US the species you want to use is the blue-foot chicken, which is free of salmonella. In other countries (like France, with it's poulet de bresse, or Japan, with it's kochin chickens) this is not unusual, either. Pretty interesting. Eating grocery store chicken raw is a definite no-no though.
Okay, guess I'll skip the celery that comes with my buffalo wings, then. While I'm at it, I'm not eating salad ever again unless it's microwaved! And fuck eating sushi, I might die from eating that! And oh shit guess I can't eat a nice rare ribeye any more, guess I'll just graduate to eating potted meat and cat food because the flavor of those is on par with the finest well-done filet mignion.
Actually, nah, one of my co-workers came down with trichinosis a while ago from eating medium-rare pork tenderloin. It's funny since that only happens to about 10 or 15 people annually in the USA. It's still rare as fuck (pun not intended). Medium-rare pork tenderloin is fucking delicious.
All this talk about parasites is really unspecific and misleading. The issue with eating meat that hasn't been cooked to an internal temperature of at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit is one of bacteria. Especially in developed countries, meat processing involves a lot of contamination of meat. Think about it: when you kill something, it evacuates its bowels, so contamination of the meat is almost unavoidable. The bowels and the shit therein contain a number of different bacteria that live in the colon, and are meant to stay there. That's why eating undercooked meat can make you so sick: the bacteria you're ingesting doesn't belong in your stomach, it belongs in your colon. However, cooking something to an internal temp. of 145, all the bacteria should (theoretically) die, and it will not make you ill, no matter how pink it is in the middle.
I'm talking about science. You're dumb.
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>talks about science
>doesnt cite
>uses the royal we instead
and yes i am dumb, dumb as a door-knob
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I eat medium-well because I like the way it tastes better. Jesus fuck why are you all so up your ass about bacteria?
fear of the un-known. i cant see the little parasite fuckers even if there was one right in front of me so if you fry it up properly there's no need to worry
I remember seeing a website a few weeks ago that argued this point in the case of chicken. It had pictures of chicken variously cooked but all were still red on the inside. While no one would eat it it was arguing technically it was as safe as anything else and has more flavour.

Don't know if anyone knows the site I'm talking about. Either way it looked pretty disgusting.
>>4001707 (OP)
>Everytime I eat well-done steak it's hard and dry

That's what I prefer. Deal.
I just can't eat it.

I like steak well done just because after doing five hundred million dissections you can't stand the sight of blood or uncooked meat anymore. Or maybe i'm just a faggot. Probably the latter.
>implying I wouldn't eat chicken that's a bit raw in the middle
I grew up with well-done meats and thought that was the norm and proper way of doing it. It wasn't until I was living on my own and had to actually start learning how to cook for myself that I found that people actually ate food cooked below "well." So I got all jazzed up to order my first medium steak at a restaurant, liked it, and could not stop shitting the day after. Even knowing that I had such a tasty medium steak is sometimes not enough to out-weigh the mental "eugh no stahp" I get sometimes when I have meat cooked below that temperature. It's easier when I'm cooking it myself and I can test the doneness/see the cooking/or (last ditch) use a thermometer. But I tend to avoid getting steaks and stuff when eating out...not like I eat out much anyway, 6/10 times I get sick from food poisoning.

So, meh. I don't mind a well-done steak.
I grew up eating well-done steak and burgers and meat, too. But when I moved out and got into cooking I decided to try my first medium-rare steak when I was out at a restaurant and loved it. I have never gotten food poisoning from medium-rare steak or burgers ever. I'm calling bullshit on your story. I have gotten food poisoning from eating shitty mexican food and italian food, though.
You do know why people get food poisoning right?

They place their vegetables on where raw meat was sitting.

A lot of the health issues with raw food can be traced to factory methods of production as well. The way in which animals are raised and processed guarantees that if one cow happens to be sick, the pathogens it carries will get into the entire batch.

That doesn't necessarily mean wild foods are much better nowadays; the amount of pollutants in the environment means wild animals, especially predators, tend to accumulate them (ex. mercury in swordfish and salmon).

In short modernity has messed up a lot of practices that were once fairly safe.
well done=beef jerky
I eat undercooked meat all the time. I don't give a fuck.
I feel the same way, as long as it tastes good I'll eat it.
Bacteria and parasites do not typically get inside the meat, so as long the outside is cooked it should be safe to eat. This is true for beef, pigs on the other hand do get parasites inside the tissue so it should be thoroughly cooked to be safe.
mediumfag reporting in
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Ever hear of beef tapeworm?
>parasites do not typically get inside the meat
the hell are you talking about....you get things like a tapeworm because the cysts are imbedded in the meat then they hatch in your digestive tract...

Tapeworm is only transmitted via feces, so cooking steak on the outside is sufficient. Tapeworms don't live inside the meat, noob.
You've never heard of subcutaneous cysticircosis, have you?
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Americans have become these great big fraidy cats. Afraid of everything. Everything's gotta be sterile and germfree. Just cook the meat, and you'll be fine.

I worked at a diner for a year. Every black customer who ordered a steak asked for it well-done, with only one exception.

Also I noted that almost all black customers would ask for extra syrup and butter with their waffles. About 90% of people who ordered scrambled eggs with cheese were black.
Black people always ordered sprite, fruit-punch or some kind of dark soda. They rarely drank only water.

I had no problem with black customers, unlike a lot of people I worked with, but I did find this all very curious.

I suppose black people in the United States have their own culinary history of sorts.


for some reason that's the funniest part of this post to me
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It really depends on the thickness of the cut.

For example, sometimes I cut the steak in half to make it even thinner. Then I sear both sides and make a nice garlic cream sauce out of what remains int he pan while the steaks sit for 10 minutes covered. Only the largest pieces had a trace of pink inside, but it was mostly a lighter grey.

It was pretty damn juicy and delicious, and the sauce went great both with the steak and the baked potato that was on the side.
Being unable to spell isn't that funny

not what i was referring to
when i cook steak i alwasy go for medium rare

if someone else is cooking

fuck no! burn it to a crisp! i dont trust you!

>implying myoglobin is a type of blood

Bro, you simply cannot be this foolish
I grew up in a household that never served meat anything other than rare.

Steak Tatar is one of my favorite appetizers.

I don't eat rare steaks because they taste like shit.
Why don't you just use the flip often method?
Yeah, it looks like blood AND diarrhea

When I went to Paris I had steak Tatar in some fancy ass restaurant and it was one of the most delicious things I've eaten.

Does anyone in the U.S. serve it because I haven't seen it on any menu? No way am I trying to make it myself.
Then you've only had shit tier steak.
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I grew up with rare steak, my mother raised me on it. Anything above medium is inedible to me.

When she started dating my stepdad, I remember the first time he saw us both eating rare steak he got physically nauseous and almost had to leave the table.
He has since gotten a bit better and can watch us eat, but is still super butthurt if his meat is "undercooked." I think he had a (barely) medium steak once, he made a huge deal about it.
I normally go for medium and love it. I've had medium rare once and the middle was massively pink. I'm always one for trying new foods but something was offputting about it.
Maybe they cooked it rare and not medium rare but I wasn't a fan. I should try it again one day but I don't want to potentially waste a good meal.
excellent troll would put sauce on it again

is that what does it? thought it was standing upright... damn us education system
>>4001707 (OP)
People like simple easy shit. Cola, fanta, sriracha, burger, bbq. Well done steak is easy to make with a crust and some sauce (read: lots of salt).

It's not just about food: people just want to come home after work, start the tv or the PC and be left alone for the evening. Easy clothes, easy online shops, easy cars. "After me the flood".
>I grew up with rare steak, my mother raised me on it. Anything above medium is inedible to me.

Same here. Well done steak is NEVER an option. If it's well done, it's fail steak. I have friends who only eat their steak well done, and as much as they gross out at my rare steak, I'm just as offended by their well done steak. Beef should never be well done. Even hamburgers, IMO, should never be cooked above medium at the most (unless you're eating at a shit tier restaurant and you have a legitimate concern for the quality of the meat).

>I'm from a place where steak is never cooked, it's cut into cubes and eaten with very spicy sauce. If it's cooked, it's a fail steak. I have friends who only eat their steak cooked, and as much as they gross out at my raw steak cubes, I'm just as offended by their cooked steak. Beef should never be cooked. Even hamburgers, IMO, should never be cooked at all. (Unless it's shit tier quality)

Understanding subjectivity and perspective is the first step to being an accepting, mature, human being.
Says the well done faggoteer.

I eat my steak medium-rare every time. It's how I cook it and how I order it.
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who cares?

>well done faggoteer
I eat my steak medium-rare
relevant to the thread

If you like well done steaks you might as well drown it in ketchup like the pleb you are.
cpatcha because fuukfser
Then it doesn't brown as well. Also, we're talking about 1/4" steaks here, unless you're just browning one side there isn't going to be any pink left.
>>>/ck/ in charge of cooking

Are you well done faggots fucking serious?
hard and dry is not well done. it's like three times longer than well done
On the subject of A1, I know putting that shit on good steak is blasphemy, but I recently tried it on some shitty pizza at my shitty uni dining hall and it made the pizza go from intolerable to decent.

Anyone know of any other uses for A1?
The first time I ever made a steak, half of it came out well done, the other half a perfect medium.

It was probably the greatest steak I've ever eaten in my entire life. I don't even remember what kind of steak it was, what I put on it, how I cooked it, etc..

I will never have a steak so perfect again..
>>4001707 (OP)
Why do asian people eat century eggs?
Baked potatoes oddly enough seem to take to it well.
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>maximum retard.jpg

You can eat rare meat because we have things called food safety and we don't live in a third world country.

Tapeworms cysts are present IN the meat. Not on the outside. Just go read a parasitology book.

Mind you if you are goofy enough to go eat grass that has been shat upon by an animal that currently has a tapeworm in their digestive tract you can end up like the unfortunate cow with tape worm cysts in your body. Then say a cannibal comes along and eat you, now the cannibal will have a tapeworm in his digestive tract, and this cannibal will be shitting out tape worm eggs. It's an interesting cycle really.
For the last time.
The only way to cook a steak is with , short time, high temperature.
Sear the fuck out of the outside, as if it were well done, but the inside is still punk.
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Best steak I ever cooked myself. That basting really is amazing. I basted it a little longer, came out medium, and was the juiciest medium steak I ever had.

Only downside is your stove is going to look like a grease bomb hit it. But totally worth it. I used a cast iron pan.
>>4001707 (OP)
Chef Ramsey has a few words for you cancer eating faggots.
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