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How do you guys feel about this? I do no know how it is in countries other than the 'Merika, but this news is disturbing. Its a fucking shame that we have perverted the food supply so much for a little more cash.

I know this isn't new, they have been feeding cows corn for years and farm fish like talapia with corn and antibiotics, but it is almost like they (these farmers) pride themselves in finding something even cheaper and more worthless than corn to feed their cows. How about feeding them, I don't... grass?
>In the mix are cookies, gummy worms, marshmallows, fruit loops, orange peels, even dried cranberries.

The fuck I'd wrong with your country?
Welcome to America!
Yoorops can complain, but it's functionally no different from feeding them corn, just cheaper.
Actually its worse than corn, which is much worse than grass. Feeding them corn, or in this case candy, means that none of the omega 3s make it into the meat. Shit in, shit out
this is animal abuse!
>Yoorops can complain, but it's functionally no different from feeding them corn, just cheaper.
You must be retarded.
Naw just their agricultural system.
This does not surprise me in the least, that is why I never buy factory farmed meat. Anything other than grassfed/no antibiotic is bullshit.
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It's official guys: Americans are now forcing their fatness on EVERY LIVING THING IN THE COUNTRY.

Wait until they somehow make trees fat.
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Can we just end America yet? Euthanize it?

I say this as an American. Please, someone, anyone, nuke us.
Nope, it's up to you, you've yet to have your third armed rebellion, should help mature your country.
Flouride stays the fuck out of my mouth, with the acceptable consequence that my teeth hurt almost immediately if I chew a sugar sweet. Sugar is evil.
This country will cease to be America before it "matures"
i work at a food bank, and all our expired or rotten donated food goes to a local farm where they feed it to their pigs. we give them loads of bread, donuts, canned veggies/fruits, cookies, cake, etc. disgusting to think that people then eat animals fed on such a diet.
S'just a name, besides, it's hardly a proper descriptor anymore now is it?
Neither The Southern, Middle or Polar ameicas are in on the Union.
Seriously, you have a problem with this?

Why? What's wrong with it? it's candy. You'd fucking eat it, why shouldn't cows? You honestly think it's any worse than corn?

Check your hippy shit at the door, I like cheap beef.
The difference is, you wouldn't eat candy for every fucking meal for your whole goddamn life. These cows would have meat that's almost completely devoid of any nutrition.

>gummy worms
>contain gelatin
>probably from cattle
Well pigs I'd say are different, as they are omnivores, deigned to subsist on whatever they scavenge, and it would be a damn shame to waste functional nutrition, and the landfills are already overtasked.

Though i do oppose the current feeding style, no animal should live with permanent diarrhea, no matter how cost-effective or labor saving it may be.

I cannot claim to have a higher moral ground than you as i also buy bargain beef, and it's in no way as bad as the cannibalistic fodder pellets used a few years ago, now that was disgusting.

But I would rater see them eat proper varied diets, which is quite cost effective in countries that support brack-laying the land

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