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How can I learn to try new foods/become less finnicky?

I am a VERY picky eater. I am 18 years of age and my palate is comically tiny. I practically have a phobia of food I've never eaten. My initial reflex is to gag when I try most new foods.
Stop deepthroating your food and learn to chew, pleb.
try 1 new thing a week. And try that thing in several ways before making your final decision if you like it or not.
Hold your breath when you eat. I learned to plug up my nose without using my fingers when I was a kid, then chew my food while taking little breaths out the side of my mouth. Didn't help me get over my pickiness, but at least I could eat the food without gagging.
get drunk. i eat anything when I'm drunk
i've never had this problem, i'm unpicky to a fault. i ate a whole jar of rancid stuffed vine leaves once. i knew it was off but there was something i liked about it.

i think the trick is generally to combine difficult foods with foods you're more comfortable with. so, if you can't stand broccoli but you love chili, stick some broccoli in a chili. eat it a few times and you'll probably learn to love it.
this. i've done this with just about every vegetable ever. i love them all now.
>used to make chicken with rice, started adding broccoli in small amounts. now crave big bowls of broccoli.

>would scramble eggs with parboiled potato, ham and onion. gradually started adding things like spinach
>now scramble my eggs with onion, pepper, zucchini, tomato, broccoli, spinach, anything i can get my hands on. so many vegetables that there's barely any egg. great for dieting.

i also did things like mixing vegetables into mashed potatoes, etc. start with tiny pieces mixed into something else.
Don't eat, and get really fucking hungry.

Anything's tolerable when you're hungry enough.
hahaha, not for everyone. Not OP, but for me the hungrier I get the pickier I get. Or rather, things sound, look, and smell less appealing to me to the point where it is a huge chore to force myself to eat a perfectly acceptable meal. My parents tried the approach where they figured I'd eat when I was hungry enough. I was severely underweight for a very long time.

Also, if you decide you don't like it, shelf it for a few months and try it again later.

By that I mean wait 6 months and try it again, not put the dish on the shelf for 6 months.
I used to be ultra picky, not just in food but music etc etc too. I even used to think people who liked lots of stuff lacked personality and spine, I thought they were kinda whorish or something.

What made the click for me was realizing that people love different music and foods because it has value for them, and that I wasn't seeing that for the time being. So whenever I try something new I go at it really slow. Like: whatever dude, maybe I'll like it today, maybe next month, or five years from now, probably never. Not like I'll eat this ever again anyway.

I now like most foods and music I used to loathe as a kid, and loathe the ones I loved then. Life is about growth really. If you don't grow you may as well be dead.
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>>3927285 (OP)
>I am a VERY picky eater

Everyone hates you and wishes you were dead
There are those who wish to bash you in your cunty little head
But to let you live is the best punishment I could give to you
Because your existence is pathetic and I want you to suffer it through.
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>>3927285 (OP)
do you also have aspergers? this is important to if you will change or not.
No i don't.

Wow what gives? I made this thread because I'm deliberately trying to NOT be that guy.
I have aspergers and I've gotten used to eating all kinds of shit, raw fish, sushi, natto, etc
Ignore them, they're trolls. We get lots of threads of people complaining passive-aggressively about picky eaters in their lives.
Give the OP some credit: He posted here.

My sister, on the other hand, is hopeless. She eats grilled cheese, hot dogs(only boiled, never grilled), and macaroni, and the occasional spaghetti/spaghetti-like food. She barely eats vegetables, and won't eat anything if it even _sounds_ asian. Trust me, there's far worse.
this is why i hate picky eaters. food preferences stem from cowardice, which is necessarily a symptom of weakness. you disgust me, OP.
but was eating certain foods one of your sensory issues? if so how bad? would you go into a meltdown from just touching it?
Kids are not completely responsible for not having the experience and wisdom to know that eating shitfood will make them fat, give them heart disease, and significantly reduce spousal availability/quality.

However parent(s) should fuckin know better. I'm sure like every other idiot they spent copious amounts of time having self control hammered into their head by their soon-to-be Metamusil Militia, or chasing pussy/boys, so they understand the import of self discipline and not having to marry a fatty, redneck, or hobo.

Why would they even bring food like that into the house?
> Why would they even bring food like that into the house?

Think about it, behind everyone of the people who are 800lbs and too fat to leave their house because they didn't think ahead and set up their bed/trough in the garage with the 14' wide doorway (dumb asses)... there are one or more people working jobs, payin the rent, and hauling 200lbs of food back from the grocery (nevermind the price of that). Oh ya and whens the last time you toasted and buttered a whole loaf of sliced bread, cooked 3lbs of bacon, 2lbs of sausage, dozen pancakes, and carton of eggs, all before lunchtime? Lot of commitment there.
when they get to the point where they cant leave they should be treated as having a mental illness. ontop of a fucking diet
OP just stop being a babby faggot and try new foods. Work vegetables into your meals and start eating pleb-tier foreign food like sushi, falafel, chow mein, pho, when you go out. Try eating new things and look up interesting recipes. Some shit you won't like, some you will love, and some you will learn to enjoy in time.
> Wow what gives? I made this thread because I'm deliberately trying to NOT be that guy.

You big dummy. What did you expect?

/ck/ is without a doubt the most pretentious, cliquey, conformist fuckin channel on this site. 2/3 to 3/4 of all the content is fuckers reiterating the same old faddish, groupthink nonsense. Look at this thread. There's 2 or 3 posts that I don't feel were a complete waste of time for both the poster's and everyone unfortunate enough to have wasted time reading it.

Granted, it does sound like whiney pussy-ism that the biggest concern here is deciding which food (available to you) that you will NOT eat. I'm sure there are people elsewhere who would swap places with you... But fuggit, they don't invite me to their jungle/dessert pow-wows, so I don't feel bad that they aren't here.

I stick around for the very occasional bits of wit and wisdom, I just wish I didn't have to wade through all this faggy immature nonsense, likely posted by the 9-12yr old age group (obviously pussy has not become a concern yet, otherwise they would have no time for doing the morbid disturbed troll shit).
Cook it yourself

If youve made it from scratch, you'll know whats in it, and be less likely to balk

You seem aggrieved.
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there is a huge amount of autism that flows through 4chan.

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