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'Murrica FUCK YEAH!!
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But fat is good for you. I keep hearing neckbeards say it on /ck/ so it must be true!
>implying we think shoving a whole block of cheese down your throat and being a landplanet on top of it is a good idea
Eating a block of cheese.That has got to be amazing. I bet she doesn't shit for a week.
I just noticed that he/she/it is wearing a wedding ring, and at least half of us are forever alone. Marinate on that.
Well, fat is good for you, in proper amounts.
avacado? yes.

cheese? no.
She's probably just removing the plastic wrapping with her teeth. Stay prejudiced /ck/, it's like I'm really on /fit/
Fatty detected.
Don't act like you don't do this at home with a small brick of cheese
Would she be offended if she was approached in public? Here in the good ol' bigoted UK she'd have a crowd of teenagers screeching at her in short order anywhere bigger than a hamlet.
She is obviously eating it. The plastic wrapper is off, there are multiple bites out of it, and she is a land-whale in a wheelchair.

The evidence suggests the fat pig is eating a 2 lb block of cheese.
>Here in the good ol' bigoted UK she'd have a crowd of teenagers screeching at her in short order anywhere bigger than a hamlet.
We need to import some of your anti-social roaming teen gangs and harass our fatties.
Stupid Eurotrash. It isn't called a "wheel chair", but a mobility scooter. Learn the difference.
> The evidence suggests the fat pig is eating a 2 lb block of cheese.

i laughed
>Marinate on that.
That made me giggle.
>Michelle Obama, fed up with us being fat, starts new government agency composed solely of annoying teenagers to mock and abuse anyone who is unhealthy
I approve.
Democrats: bully and harass anyone who doesn't agree with me.
Stay classy.
>Implying I'm Democratic
>Implying that Republicans aren't guilty of the exact same thing
I don't want to get political, but step up man.
She's probably got fat after getting hitched, got divorced and now can't get it off
The food court sells these plastic cups that have a pack of crackers, pepperoni slices and little blocks of cheddar.

Getting those once in a while is about as close as I get.
>heckle squads

If they see someone in a mobility chair they pole them with sticks until next target is located.
*food court in my university

my bad
I do it when i'm at the end of the brick and honestly slicing it tastes much better
Rascal tipping?
>mobility chair

Ok, I thought that other post was a joke. You're actually serious?

They are and ALWAYS have been called wheel chairs. Everywhere.

I prefer to call them lardtard mobilizers.

Canadafag here, it's actually a wheelchair.

Fattymobile would also work though. Proportionally fewer and fewer of these devices are actually used by the people they were designed for. They seem to be more commonly used to allow morbidly obese people the ability to drive to McDonalds.
Well there's a lot of names for them.

My dad calls them jazzies because there's a big brand of them called Jazzy.

Typically I say scooter
Imagine eating such a surplus of calories that your body actually starts to store it as pads of FAT all over the place.

Instead of taking the hint and exercising and eating well (which virtually every animal does), you just eat more and more until those fat deposits actually prevent you from living a normal life. The fat pads actual disable you. You ate so much you can't move properly.

Then you get a chair with wheels on it, so that you can go outside without burning many calories or chafing your bloated thighs.

Then you get an androgynous haircut, a backwards baseball cap, a huge piece of fabric to cover your hideous body, a box of Cheez-Its, and a 2 lb block of cheese and head down to the river to horrify everyone.

The life and times of Walk-Less Monster.
>Canadafag here, it's actually a wheelchair.
Yeah... do people actually say mobility chair? Is this now a politically correct thing?
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>>3927618 here

In the US they go by a bunch of different names. I used mobility chair earlier just yanking a name out to use other than the classic broken leg wheelchair.

No it's not a PC thing. you could call it a wheelchair and no one would care.

I sure hope not. I certainly don't understand how there can be anything offensive in the word wheelchair. It's wheel and chair ffs.

Mobility scooter is 3 times as many syllables, and just sounds silly.

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Oh my God. Why.
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i want sketti and butter

How did they get all those pictures?
They couldn't have been backing up...
Did the guy really get out of the car to follow the fat chick around so he could take more pictures?
Don't you notice her giving the cameraman the finger in the last shot?

Yes. She also saw him in the first shot.
This is a quality thread.
>Did the guy really get out of the car to follow the fat chick around so he could take more pictures?

he did that or just turned around and stuck the camera out the window
she looks so out of breath
this thread is glorious reminder of superiosity
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>>3927098 (OP)

That is the largest rat I've ever seen. And why does it look human?

I bet its actually from the Ukraine, where Chernoybl is. It's obviously a russian rat mutated into a woman eating copius amounts of cheese.
that fuckin file name
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