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>Drinking soda regularly
Only people who pretend their 13th birthday never passed.
Yeah, it is pretty much as bad as smoking at this point. Tea for the win.
I went to McDick's the other day and they gave me a Coke instead of a Diet Coke (the only soft drink I will drink).

I took one sip and thought, "how the fuck do people crave sugar water???"

I mean who wants to alternate hamburger and fries with sugar water? I don't get it.

Not to say D.C. is good or anything, it is more of an acquired taste due to growing up in a family that drank D.C. instead of sugary drinks.

I literally can't drink coke or the likes.
Like a month ago I was drinking a can of soda per day even though I had never done that before. I found myself craving it more and more frequently so I decided to cut myself off. I can kind of see how people can get addicted to it. For me I'm back to drinking no more than a can per month.

>drinks diet coke
>not even worse than fatasses that drink coke regularly
>can't taste metallic taste of artificial sweetener

2/10, I replied

Oops, ignore my idiotic post.
I don't see Diet Coke contributing to diabetes and obesity...
Soda in general was once a treat like milkshakes or candy, but they figured out how to sell it as if it was something you enjoy on a daily basis. You are drinking way more sugar than the body was meant to handle with a single can, and we have people drinking much more than that every single day.

>I am saving 150+ calories by having a diet coke
>I'll order the larger fries with the calories I've saved
Because filling your body full of free radicals is good right?

Oh but of course if you're not fat you're healthy how could I forget
I think the Dalai Lama is the only person on Earth that I know nothing about... but I seem to have an innate respect for him. He just always seems to be so sweet and humble every time I see him anywhere. Kinda scares me, actually. I'm usually so fucking skeptical and pessimistic about people in general.

I've been meaning to look into him and that whole Buddhism thing seriously for a few years now, actually (I'm atheistic, but the little I've learned and forgotten over the last 20 years or so has always fascinated me somehow).
>I think the Dalai Lama is the only person on Earth that I know nothing about... but I seem to have an innate respect for him
It is a consciously cultivated persona.
>[citation needed]

Diet Coke isn't killing hundreds of thousands of people a year.

Free radicals are not necessary bad, especially if you have a diet high in antioxidants (which I do).
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The amount of americans who drink more then 330ml of soda a day, just disgusting really. How is your country going to be strong when all your people are weak piles of membrane bound butter?
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>That feel when I stopped drinking soda ten weeks ago
>that feel when I wonder how the fuck I'm even alive after all the ridiculous amounts of soda I've drank

I could go through a fucking 12-pack in a day sometimes. Jesus christ it's so fucking horrifying.

Pretty much only water and other stuff for me now, I might have 1 or 2 sodas in a month.
I drank 5 diet Wild Cherry Pepsis and two liters of strong tea every day.

As a result I got a kidney stone that required three surgeries to break up and remove. Think before you drink.
Oh, no doubt. I'm sure he has a PR department and everything. I'm also pretty ignorant of global politics, so there's that too.

In hindsight, it was a frivolous detail, but there's no need for (implied) rudeness here. If you want another pointless religious "debate", go to /sci/, they love that shit. I won't respond further.
It's just bad for your skin to drink it everyday. That's why you have so many stupid young adults on proactive because of their constant consumption of the sugary high fructose contraption.
2 cans of Coke a day for me
My vice is rootbeer. When I visit my folks I stop by the local brewery to pick up a case or two. It's made from honey, not cane sugar or HFCS. Still not good for you, though. Probably.

Once in a while is how it is suppose to be enjoyed. Don't beat yourself up. If you drink a case a day, beat yourself up.

Rootbeer is delicious.
How can someone even do that?
Only time i usually drink soft drinks is as a mixer or a chaser for liquor. Bad combination I know, but hey, I drink blueberry-pomegrante green tea every day.

I stopped drinking soda a few months ago, and now I don't have any trouble with acne, which is about fucking time at the tender age of 24.
I stopped because my dentist went AAAHWHATREYOUDOING, but this is a great bonus.
My mom drinks 2 sodas every day. The GI-FUCKING-GANTIC collection of cans in the garage is scary as fuck.
My grandparents drank upwards of six cans a day each. Right into their graves.

The two packs of cigarettes a day, massive amounts of butter and shitty food, and zero exercise didn't help, either.

I loved them, but goddamn I hated living in that house.
When I was in high school, every month I would go see a movie and order their super gulp size soda and finish all of it during the movie. I stopped that shit before any sort of diyabeetus or cavities.

In college I could see how it's hard not to drink soda. There were vending machines with both soda adn juice. Juice was 1.5x the price of soda. Same thing in the cafeteria and the selection was orange juice or apple juice while soda had like 10 flavors.
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I haven't bought a can or bottle of soda in about 6 years or so.

Seriously, you should just eat straight sugar instead of drinking that shit. At least then you it's not all watered down and mixed with all this shit.
>In college I could see how it's hard not to drink soda

Free water sure is rough.
Yea, but for all those calories you're ingesting, why not just eat a cheesecake instead? Or chips, etc.
you can get cash money for those cans. some places will pay you for alluminum by the pound
Yea, that $0.25/gallon purified water is expensive compared to $1.25 for 16 oz. of soda.
Water also comes out of fountains and taps.
>drinking unfiltered water
>not living in third world countries
I'm addicted to soda
I'm fat but don't eat a lot.
It's those fucking liquid calories that get me.
How do you stop soda? It's my biggest vice.

I drink like 4 or 5 a week. It's... it's not good.

I can't.. stop... Diet Dr. Pepper....
you stop...you child.


I only drink soda when I'm eating junk food with friends. Which is, less than once a month. I wouldn't be able to drink it with a meal, though. Food requires water.

>attempts to use age as leverage in an anonymous internet discussion

Look at him and laugh.
>implying what i said had anything to do with my age
>being a moron
A energy drink once a month and a dr pepper every two weeks or so at max

Training 5 times a week and daily walks and feeling great general

I drink a few cans a day, but that's only because it's a leftover habit from when I was in high school and we're a bunch of dumb college kids.

I have a bit more money that I used to so I'm going to buy actual liquids that won't kill me.
ITT: Pretentious teens.
>not only drinking diet soda
>not drinking Pepsi next
Are you guys living under a rock?
There isn't anything wrong with diet soda. No worse than getting your caffeine from coffee.
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>not being part of sierra mist master race
The bigger issue should be Starbucks and other similar coffee joints serving up drink with upwards of 400 Cal. Soo many fatties ordering theyre frappachinos.
>ITT: Pretentious teens.
Awwww the 20-something fag grew up drinking sugar-laden drinks (still does) and is upset that people realized the err of this.

Honey is just a sugar syrup like HFCS and simple sugar syrup is. In excess it can lead to the same problems. There are some medicinal purposes for honey but they usually do not involve ingestion.
>Honey is just a sugar syrup like HFCS and simple sugar syrup is. In excess it can lead to the same problems. There are some medicinal purposes for honey but they usually do not involve ingestion.

So they are the same but honey has different properties?
Yes, mainly due to impurities within the syrup.

The same goes for agave and for maple syrup, too.
>Need to be 21 in murkia
>Only licensed premises
>Strict laws
>Cause liver disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease etc

>Sugary drinks
>Can give to babies
>Buy anywhere
>No laws
>Cause liver disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease etc


Fructose (both pure sugar and HFCS) should be restricted like booze for health reasons.
>False analogy fallacy

Sugar does not carry addictive effects and the health effects are not nearly as severe as those of heavy alcohol abuse.


>Sugar is not addictive
>Sugar not causing much more disease long term than alcohol

Hello PR rep of the soft drinks industry, did know you had viral advertising on 4chan...
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>I have no argument


This video is OTT but I can't be bothered with retards who think sugar isn't addictive.
>video by a conspiracy theorist proportioning to spout "the truth"

Sorry, fuck off back to >>>/x/ instead of le Reddit.
>sugar addictive

maybe to a very small number of people, but all people inherently like sugar since we are all wired to think sugar=energy.
Soda would be worthless if it wasn't for liquor.

>Conspiracy theorist
>Spends 10 minutes explaining the biochemistry that actually exists (the only part of that video that matters, fuck stats you can make them say anything)
>I am a biochemist myself
>I have no face for this
>Yes, mainly due to impurities within the syrup.
Yes, beneficial substances are merely impurities that get in the way of pure sugar syrup.

Who thinks like this?
Impurities isn't a negative term, you fuckwad. It's objective and absolute.

>I am a biochemist myself

where did you get your PhD?


>Professor at UCLA
>Published in Nature
>Expert on childhood obesity

U wot m8?
For example,

Honey contains traces of pollen which can be helpful to people who suffer allergies.
>Post a shitty conspiracy theorist video from some retard
>Then claim you're a biochemist


University of Leicester
>doesn't work a shitty retail/office job

>Ignore all evidence posted, don't provide counter arguments
>Claim its all a conspiracy

He will just keep up with the personal attacks and avoid the burden of proof, insisting you provide him with a 100 page lit review instead of Googling for himself.
>Posts a "source" without an argument that cites it
>Expects people to counter nothing

>average quality of posts on /ck/

You fuckers will believe ANYTHING you read on the internet. I could post a Jewtube video that says dragon dildo use cures cancer and you retards would be off to BadDragon in drones

>Citation needed

O wait I have about 20 from that video that actually exist and I can read.

...but please go back to denial. This is why we need legislation because people like you refuse to listen and accept evidence.
Its not conspiracy theory, but its also not widely accepted. Just something to think about. Nothing more nothing less. Only the uneducated will get rustled by this.
>O wait


I think you should go back to /b/, trolling is faster there, more victims.
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> People like to eat sugar, salt and fat.
> News at 11.
But alcohol is only addictive in a small number of people too, numbnuts

Both have a big effect on dopamine and are therefore able to cause addiction. It's really fucking simple.
>Addiction is simple

Stopped reading there, flipped over my computer monitor, deleted /ck/ off of the 4chan server, saged, reported, hidden, called the cops, called moot, emailed this thread to the Emperor of Man and seventy billion high schools in Europe and then killed myself whilst enjoying a digestive biscuit singing "God Save the Queen", went to hell and called Satan a faggot just for you
> People are eating more.
> Why?
> It was all there at that time.
> Time to discount rising affluence leading to increased ability to get more food.

Correlation = causation, great job.

You make a fair point, the correlation doesn't mean anything. However it's convenient that the only macro nutrient that has increased in the last decade or two are carbs.

People like fat and salt also (as is on the news at 11) but the levels of consumption haven't changed. There must be a reason for the sugar preference. What it is will make more research.
>There must be a reason for the sugar preference

Because carbohydrates are a rich energy source that have provided primates (inc. human ancestors) with sustenance for millions of years and has saved populations from famine in human civilization before?

hurrdurr durr

Then we should enforce laws to stop this survival mechanism causing problems in times of plenty.
You really think it's that complex an issue? As someone who's suffered from virtually every vice you can think of at one point or another in his life, I can tell you, there is a common ground they all share.

Getting a Starbucks fancy-ass-coffee addiction would be hard to maintain financially. Especially on the level of case-a-day standards. At most you'd probably have one a day, and probably take the weekends off.

You're still looking at like $100/month for coffee.

Also it's "their" frappucinos, and I don't see a whole lot of fatties in Starbucks on my side of the city.
Saying it is simple in terms of chemistry is the most retarded statement you could ever make

I suppose. Don't know how many times the an average customer goes a month. And I see plenty of fatties at Starbucks here in Socal but thats because we have a lot of Hispanic people.
>Not drinking soda so the HFCS inhibits your sense of fullness and you can enjoy more delicious food.

Do you even eat?
Whatever, downregulation, protein changes, epigenetics, etc aren't really hard concepts to grasp, and it all basically stems from increased D2 activity. At the core of almost every addiction there is a craving for higher dopamine levels. That's why it's so easy to replace one addiction with another. Sure, drugs will activate other receptors and withdrawal from that can be significant, but we're talking "psychological" addiction here, not physical dependency.
>but we're talking "psychological" addiction here, not physical dependency.

Says who?

Psychological addiction isn't nearly as harmful as physical addiction.
Because we're talking about sugar addiction, which is, as far as I know, not a physical addiction in the same sense alcohol is.

>Psychological addiction isn't nearly as harmful as physical addiction.

That generalization is simply incorrect. Psychological addiction has the potential to completely ruin any life it comes in contact with. Would you rather be a pain management patient whose body is dependent on opioids or a gambling addict who's a gorillion dollars in debt? Would you rather be a person who drink 3 cups of black coffee a day and experience headaches upon cessation but is otherwise healthy, or a shut in who plays video games/browses the internet/masturbates all day to the exclusion of everything else? It is the psychological aspect that people get carried away with. Physical dependence is just the icing on the cake.
Not to mention sugar will wreak just as much harm on your body is sufficient doses as alcohol, and is probably worse for you than some drugs, cannabis comes to mind.
>Because we're talking about sugar addiction, which is, as far as I know, not a physical addiction in the same sense alcohol is.

Fuck tard, you were the one who originally posted that apples to oranges comparison of sugar and alcohol and now you're claiming they differ in key respects.
I drink it irregularly. Is that better?

>Implying I'm him and he is me

Allow me to put it in simple terms

>Same position
>Same post formatting
>Same arguments
>Same grammar quality

You're the same person. Just admit it so we can go home already.
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>Just admit it so we can go home already.

And where might you be, the campus library?
>calling me a fucktard
>ignoring the rest of my post
>misinterpreting my posts

I never said or even implied the were 100% alike. In fact in another post I clarified and brought up how physical dependency is different from psychological addiction, but that every addiction both share a common base, ie dopamine. My point is that addiction can occur without physical dependency, but physical dependency without psychological addiction is not nearly as bad. You taper down, go through a bit of withdrawal then it's over. No chance of relapse, unless you also have psychological dependency. Do you understand now?

I can back this up anecdotally, I used to take antidepressants but I hated the way they made my feel. When I stopped taking them I experienced physical withdrawals, but never took them again because I wasn't addicted to them. That's dependency without addiction. No physical withdrawals manifest when I don't get my daily exercise but mentally I feel grumpy, anxious and uncomfortable. That's addiction without physical dependency,
I have no idea who this is but I'm sure you can identify my posts from his.
Guys, guys, listen, guys.

Is carbonated water ok? Or are we talking only sodas with sugar content?
It's probably fine. If there's any acid in it, it could wear down enamel but that's gonna happen any way. As far as I know, the bubbles aren't harmful.

This is why I laugh when people pick a juice can instead of soda for health reasons. If they bothered to read the lable they'd see the sugar content is exactly the same.
This. Some fruit juices are even higher in sugar than soda. My roommate drinks white grape juice with around 40 grams of sugar per 8 oz serving. 15 grams higher in sugar, about 4 more teaspoons per 8 oz serving than Coke.
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i love this stuff. it's 64 cents a liter at wal mart.

Fuck off sustenancefags, I breath in my nutriants
I love that stuff, too. I feel like a loser for drinking Walmart brand generic soda, but shit's delicious.
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>being a baby that believes pseudo-science and demonizes aspartame with no scientific basis
>can't spell

What's it like being 12?
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>harping on spelling mistakes
>harping on age
>"everything is a conspiracy by the government"

What's it like being a bad troll?
You actually troll this place by implying that soda is unhealthy. . .
>caring what people drink
I drink a can of soda every other day or so. Mostly RC and citrus sodas. However, I have put on at most 5lb in the last five years. I'm 5'6" and currently 120lb.

Lol fuck that, expensive habit and their coffee isn't even worth it.

Also, I enjoy the occasional soda.
I really only drink ginger ale. and even that is at most once a week or so. For legitimate people I think soda really is dying. Let the trailer trash have it. They would be easier to pick off with a rifle on their scooters than if they could walk about.
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OP here, mfw i came back this morning to this thread and saw all the mad and butthurt
We just got... tricked!
Until the end of time... with their big, chunky butts of anger, the soda drinkers will defend their disgusting candy drinks.
What I really don't understand is how every bottle of Coke seems to be one serving. 300 ml? One serving. 330 ml? One serving. 400ml? One serving. 600 ml? One serving. Only the larger ones say they have multiple servings on them, I just don't get it.
>your body needs water or you will die
>your body needs sugar or you will die

Drinking a drink composed of life essential ingredients is bad?

Nice logic you got there.

I started getting sick of having soda with my burgers whenever I would go to BK, so I switched to unsweetened iced tea, which is fine. Not the best, but passable.

Out of curiosity I had a chocolate malt shake at my nearby Fuddruckers, never having tried one before. Now I'm addicted to chocolate shakes with burgers...
Zero out of fucking zero.
my fucking nigga welcome to chocolate shake master race
Whenever I need a fix of chocolate shake, which fast food restaurant should I go to? The only fast food restaurants near me are BK, Wendy's, McD's, and Checkers. I could try and make some at home, but I doubt it'll taste well.
>I could try and make some at home, but I doubt it'll taste well.

Only if you suck THAT bad at some of the most basic prep I can imagine.
this. milkshakes made at home not only taster better but are better for you unless you REALLY like hfcs and artificial milk a lot
>not drinking Puma Cola or Sioux City Sarsaparilla
You fucking serious OP?
pop is addictive... people crave it because it tastes good and makes you feel good... not neccessarily cause you crash but you kinda do... like cocaine not heroin...

i really enjoy the stuff in fact I'm thinking of switching from alcohol to pop....... used to be a coke man now I'm a pepsi man.... other sodas are meh.... unless they are a craft soda eg. virgil's ... or home made soda... eg, fruit juice + soda water. i really like those starbucks coffee energy drinks, good sometimes instead of a coffee, and I enjoy the occaisonal red bull, I have ordered just redbull in a bar.

being an ectomorph I dont really have a problem I can drink and eat as much sugary, junky, rich, caffienated foods as I want and not gain a weight, prob not forever.. but Im enjoying it now... beer is also good... there's milk..... grape juice has the benefits of red wine and not the alcohol... i also prefer individual bottle water over filtered water, it just tastes better and is more convenient. anyways Im drinking to drink more liquids because I think I am dehydrated a lot..... i maybe make my own grape soda... welches grape + club soda
>being an ectomorph
You know that isn't actually real, right?

Wait until you are 30.

Also, skinnyfat =/= healthy.
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>used to be a coke man now I'm a pepsi man
>I am 15 years old

That's all your post says,
why would you say that???.........I am an ectomorph and can.............. eat whatever I want so that......makes me....15?????
Maybe............ it's because you.......... use stupid terms...... and ellipses...?????????????

For fuck's sake, just asking why you look retarded makes you look even more retarded.
is koolaid better?
Why don't you fucking read the nutrition menu and find out yourself you dimwitted fuck?

Because I don't fuckin feel like it?
It literally takes 2-3 seconds to fully comprehend
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I didn't drink fizzy drinks as a child and started drinking diet coke in my early 20s, as if it were water. I suspect that's the reason I was diagnosed irritable colon in my mid20s.
Don't do it children
I call it pop
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what happened to you to make you so miserable?
I fucking hate soda and I fucking hate my parents.

I would drink loads of pepsi when I were a teenager and I didn't brush my teeth regulary. Now 1 of my teeth is totally fucked and a few others got holes.

The dentist is fixing it now but it's gonna cost me some money. It wouldn't have cost me anything if my parents would've sent me to the dentist regulary but now my insurance doesn't cover everything.
we have big army and nukes and shit and you got nuthing fucking hay pushing maggots
I drink a decent amount of diet soda, otherwise I only drink coffee, tea, and water.
You don't even know where he lives and you sound like a fucking redneck, and since I live here with you, it makes me look like a fucking redneck by association. So shut the fuck up.
It's your parents fault you didn't brush your teeth?
I'm pretty sure even I got lessons on the importance of brushing and flossing several times throughout my shitty public education.
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Been drinking soda all my life like 1.5 litres a day (inb4eurofag). And some of that was sugar free aspartame shit as well. Havent touched any artificial sweeteners in two years though.

Now I rarely drink soda and even went a whole month without soda. I just tried it for the taste some time ago and found the reaction in my body just utterly disgusing, it was like some poison.

I dont find a good reason to even drink caffeine in general. Been caffeine free for some time and my energy levels are so much better and I feel more healthy than ever. Caffeine may give a small boost but the withdrawals are terrible.
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Fun fact; did you know that "retarded" has 2 d's?
Pic related.
>I fucking hate my parents for all the bad choices I've made in life
It's not just aspartane. If you avoid fast sugars in general, you'll have the same experience. You don't have to stop completely.
I used to have a regula intake of fast sugars with soda and candybars. And if I went for a while without it I would feel hungry and started get the jitters. Since I cutoff the fast sugars I get hungry a lot less and no jitters anymore.

I never liked anything 'diet', aspartame or not.
I went to get some pizza with my sister and 2 nephews a couple weeks ago. She was letting her 2 year old drink soda. 2 years old!

One of my nieces also has fucked up teeth at 10 years old from this shit.

I love my family but they think because we are naturally thin we can be unhealthy. Sigh.
Just a couple years ago, I'd drink 2-4 sodas a day.

Now that I've stopped, I can't stand it. My roommate drinks a ton of soda, and I tried one the other day; it tasted like crap.

Good lord, how did I live off that stuff? How could anyone live off that stuff??
>caring about what other people drink

>caring about what other people think about what you drink

>not living life the way you want to

>not caring about the general health of the people around you, which is a sign of the success of a country
>not caring about the health of your family and friends


Who the fuck cares
>implying that seeing some random guy eat fast food and feel sorry for him is going to change anything.

yeah, im sure you havent done shit to change the way fat america eats.
Enjoy your brain damage bro
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>being an ectomorph
Soda is total shit, I can't stand how it is now pretty much the standard drink that is served with meals that are unhealthy to begin with. Don't get me wrong, I'll drink a nice cane sugar soda a few times a year and thoroughly enjoy it but I don't understand how people can drink that shit all day everyday. I see people I'm with all the time order a soda along with a fatty burger dinner and refill it 3-4 times like its as harmless as water.

Same goes for sweetened coffee and sugar, that shit isn't any better. Those fancy creamy sweet fatty coffee drinks are the worst, its like a soda but only 2x the sugar, 3x the caffiene and 100x the disgusting milkfat. I'm not trying to tell people what to consume or anything, drink the stuff if it makes you happy. I just wish people were more aware about how bad these drinks really are for you, especially younger people who grow up drinking alot of soda without knowing the difference. They really are probably almost as bad as smoking cigs if you are drinking several cans a day.

>it is more of an acquired taste due to growing up in a family that drank D.C

there is your answer. kids grow up with soda in the house and develop a taste for it. Caffeine is an addicting drug, and the human palette craves salty and sweet tastes.

Soda is litterally an addiction as is junk food. As laughable as that sounds all the same reactions are experienced when someone stops drinking soda.

head aches, sickness, depression, thinking about soft drinks.
Is it even possible to eat "Healthy" at places like McDonalds and Burger King?

I mean they have a lean meat (chicken) but with the way they cook everything, is a Premium Chicken Sandwich really better for you than a Quarter Pounder?
I know from working their that their grilled chicken gets sprayed in some sort of disgusting vegetable-based grease. So, no it's not all that healthy. Anything deep fried is obviously going to be rife with unhealthy amounts of vegetable oils, and I don't even want to know what's going on with that fucking hamburger meat, shit is not right.

So, no, there is really no healthy eating there. My guess would be go for the salad and cut the dressing, that's as good as it will probably get. I usually refuse to eat anything other than the grilled chicken there anyways, despite that gnarly chemical lubricant they coat it with.
Sorry, I should probably clarify, that the GRILL gets sprayed, not the breast itself.
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No, it isn't. Even most salads that you get at fast food joints and restaurants will be as fattening or more fattening than regular menu items.
>be at restaurant
>girlfriend wants to be healthy today
>decides to order a salad even though she really wants a burger
>i just get a burger
>looking at carryout menu while eating, calorie count is on menu
>her salad as 100 more calories than my burger
>this is without dressing
>dressing adds 250 extra calories
>MFW i enjoyed my delicious burger as my girlfriend got fat on some shitty oils and leafs instead of ordering what she wanted.
>a bunch of vegetables having more calories than a meal with bread and hamburger meat

I don't get it. Could you please specify what kind of salad it was?
I don't know, it didn't look very low fat even before the dressing went on. I remember seeing bacon and cheese and chicken and eggs and avocados and shit. I guess it was a chefs salad?

Well, fuck man no wonder then. Especially if it's deep fried chicken, but even if not it's definitely fried in an (un)healthy amount of cooking oil.
Yea, I don't think she really paid attention to what was in it, she just ordered the salad that was on special that day. I gotta say though that I tried some and it was pretty delicious for a salad even though it was far from being a healthy option. I guess a little bacon, feta cheese and blue cheese dressing can fix up anything.
>fat and sodium taste good

You don't say. I'm pretty sure that's what a lot of restaurants use in excessive amounts that separates it from standard home cooking.
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I use to drink soda everyday like it was normal
thank god Arizona tea came to save my ass
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I hope this nigga is trollin. Even though a lite arnold palmer has less sugar per oz than a soda, you gotta consider that the can is 3x as big. It's like adding a bunch of water to a can of pepsi but still drinking it all.
Yes, let's just drink 18 grams of sugar per cup instead of 28. The point is you're still drinking pure sugar which fucking destroys your body.
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You do know they sell non-sugared tea, right?
Nope, I don't drink pre-made teas so I wouldn't know, plus from what I can see at the grocery store they don't sell those kinds around here. Regardless they're made from the absolute lowest grade tea. Loose leaf master race all the way.
> Lite, 1/2, Zero Sugar quantity (I think)
> 8, 16, 20 fl oz size

Ignoring the biggest size still has less sugar than a regular can of pepsi

Okay faggot :3
Drinking sugar is disgusting. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself for putting such shit in your body. That is all.
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I would like to speak with you

Also, Arnold Palmer all tastes the same to me
I have never seen an arnold palmer in a normal sized can. Or any other Arizona tea, for that matter. All of them are in the big-ass 24 oz tall-boys.
b-b-but it's got less sugar than soda! it must be healthy!
>artificial flavours

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Enjoy your fantasy
Strawman argument, not even gonna bother.
> Basis of argument is that artificial flavoring is shit. Implication is, whether intended or not, is that natural flavoring is in some respect better.

You do that.
It's still a strawman to say I believe anything that's all natural must therefore taste good. There are good natural flavours and there are much fewer good artificial flavours.
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>still drinking corn syrup flavored soda drinks
>not mixing fresh squeezed orange juice with perrier
shiggy diggy niggy
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I told myself I was giving up soda as my new years resolution.

I haven't had a drop since.
lay off the aspartame bro, you need to mellow out.
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Drink coffee man caffeine doesnt have to get you fat
hot wings are better with cherry cola than any beer or water or juice

my spicy stir fry is so good when balanced by dr. pepper

giant American burrito is best with barq's root beer, as is all mexican food

pop corn is best with barq's root beer

bacon or sausage and egg on a biscuit sandwich for breakfast, best with a cola

I'm gonna go make biscuits and gravy with country sausage for breakfast, probably down it with two colas

I never eat desert though, soda is my one sin and I will never stop
>soda for breakfast


sometimes I'll drink fizzy waters for a few weeks and the bubbles are and its almost as good, but then I'll go to the corner store or a gas station and get a 64 oz and then I decide I might as well just go to the market and by 3 12 packs for 9 dollars since that is way cheaper per oz and then I'm just drinking it all the time again
I mean, I drink coffee almost everyday. Not soda
Yes, withdrawals from caffeine can cause headaches. Also vasoconstriction can cause it as well, which caffeine will cause
If you go to Walmart, I know THEY have it don't know about other stores, you can get like a 12 pack of 12oz cans for 4 or 5 dollars

You can also buy packets of Arnold Palmer powder for water bottles
I think my friend has a mild soda addiction. We were driving around and he kept saying he HAD TO stop for a Dr Pepper or something else sugary. Another used to drink loads of Lucozade and Coke until his dentists said that his teeth were fucked because of it.
I drink 2 litres of diet soda every day. How many months do I have left to live? My stomach is probably gone already.
I'm not big on soda; might have the odd can of coca-cola once in a while if I'm hungover or if its really hot, but its not something I could drink on a regular basis

however, I don't know how anyone can drink diet coke and other 'diet' drinks. they're fucking awful
Months? You have 4 days.
I'm just a caffeine hound, so Mountain Dew can hold me over sometimes.

Energy drinks are the same as soda/pop/whatever you call it for health risks, I guess. Probably worse.

Black coffee is best coffee.
and to show we're serious ... you have 2 days!!
I'm just in it for the caffeine. The main issue I have with it is it's my only real "sweet" vice. I just eat a ton of protein and veggies otherwise.

It's that caffeine, man.
>Had soda for first time in 2 weeks yesterday
tasted way more bitey and the bite is the best part

and cream soda is godly
I won't lie. I enjoy the rare soda every once in a while. Usually a rootbeer. It's sort of like a desert. Also, I like the Mexican apple sodas they sell at the store.

Oh and a funny story. I have a some 70- year old neighbor who gives out sodas to the kids every year at Halloween. Every year he gets some rectal tormented mother coming to complain at him for giving their little accident a soda. I kid you not.
No, it's the sugar. If it was caffeine you'd have no problems drinking tea instead. Don't kid yourself.
Well, okay, let me say this instead: it's probably both.
I always have a sprite to drink when I eat out at a restuarant and I eat out at restaurants regularly because my mummy is quite rich and likes squandering her money.
do you even immune system?


If I didn't live in a rural area I'd do that on halloween too, though. Sounds cool as hell.

Well I drink black coffee more than I drink soda, so I think it's just the caffeine.
I am so glad I'm not the only person that can taste that.
In that case it's the sugar, or else you'd just drink black coffee and not soda.

But I cannot into black coffee during work.

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