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america fag here, i can't express how badly i want to acquire one of these fucking eggs but, they're obviously banned in this shit country even though we poison our kids with garbage all the fucking time.

how do i get one???
Can't you just order it from an overseas site?

yes, it is illegal to sell but not to purchase. Just ate one of these an hour ago actually, the chocoalte is really fucking good for a kids candy.
where from?
since when were they banned?
i couldve sworn i saw some at my local market..
worst case, order them online
the silk road?
I did not know these things were banned. I get them from asian/polish delis.
It's illegal to sell candy marketed to kids that have toys literally inside the candy.
It's apparently a "public health risk" because parents don't have the common sense not to buy these for children under age three and to make sure their older brats don't try to eat the solid toy.
aaaw these shits are from Mexico! they are everywhere... you wanted some?
...unless the silk road leads to yeerop. Amazon.co.uk motherfuckers. Enjoy your Yeropean treats.
maybe i can send you sum... dunno...
Sigh, now I have to walk to the store and purchase one.
Thanks for activating my diabetes.

I'm sure you can find them in asian grocers. In a blue moon.
Idk about buying them online though.
you fuckin serious?

childhood ruined
When were they banned? I bought some at my local German-themed pub maybe a year ago, I would assume they still have them.
>It's illegal to sell candy marketed to kids that have toys literally inside the candy.
What the fuck, America. What has your lawsuit crazy culture done?
Actually, they're from Italy, by the same company that sells Ferrero chocolates.


The moar you know.
I'm going to have a kinder egg right now. You jelly?
Drive up to Canada and buy some.
Fuck off you spoiled amerifat.
You guys get everything.

Oh how I wish we had all those Mtn dew flavours besides green and diet green.
u mad?
Like you can't fucking order those online.
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suck my eggs.
I'm sure it's the company thats FROM italy. Not the choclates itself.

My box does not say either way, unfortunately. Just it's distributed by Ferrero.
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nigger what did you get? I wanted the seal ;A;
>implying I'd order pop online
>implying going to the store and buying pop isn't the best way
Well, then quit whining, if you're not even willing to do it. There's a lot of stuff Americans can't get that foreigners can.
Lots of bad stuff. I bet if they found some way to stop frivolous lawsuit millions and millions of taxpayer dollars could stop being wasted and be put to good use, like lining a Senator's pockets.
jesus christ i never thought people would want these so badly. The chocolate is crap and so is the toy inside, is you crazy OP?
The only flavor worth a damn is Baja Blast, which you can only get in Taco Bell (and occasionally Panda Express).
No not really. Americunts get almost everything.
You're stupid.
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Get a load of this guy
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>mfw american clap after choking with a kinder egg.
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>mfw many supermarkets in Philadelphia carry them
Netcost, Krakus, some of the independent Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese markets and Mexican groceries carry Kinder eggs.

we still got em in canada... our country isnt as niggerloving and over the top about everything... and pizza is not a vegetable here.
They're not that cool, OP.
The chocolate isn't anything special and the little toys are mediocre.

I'll just leave this here

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The superior candy with a prize inside
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>mfw Americans clap for being allowed to drink alcohol at age 21
OP, I'm from the UK.

I'd be willing to trade, Ill mail a small box of these (Ill send about 5) if you send me some american shit back?

Maybe we could send some other Euro goodies too if your interested.
>mfw he sends you Hershits and Cock-a-cola.
No, you can drink earlier but buying is a different matter.

I know what I want. And it sure as hell ain't that crap.


That and more, there is a store that sells Twinkies near me for 1.50 each!

Hostess filed Chapter 11 a few months ago, the future of the Twinkie is not bright

Good luck
holy shit, this was like the most american candy back in the 1900's

It was banned in 1933 due to some vague legalese about putting toys in candies.

Not due to lawsuits, just an outdated clause to a bill.

The only reason it hasn't been unbanned is because Ferraro doesn't feel like putting forth the effort and no one else besides 4channers care.

that's a lie, I know for a fact that redditors care a lot.
Hey OP I live in a country where these are available everywhere and I never eat any because they're just gross.

America: the land where people have to be protected from ramming an entire chocolate egg in their mouth and choking on a plastic toy.
yeah but no one cares about redditors.
They taste like shit
Don't waste your time

I got the two little guys in your picture, actually. I'm pretty happy with them, I like penguins. I do have two more eggs from that box, so more surprises are imminent.
Do they sell other kinder brand chocolates in the states?

Not the person you were talking to, but I'm totally down. Check the e-mail field.

I'll send you a goodie box of random Murrica treats, you send me a goodie box of random Yurop treats.
Dude, I live in TN and checked out this badass Asian supermarket in Knoxville. They had little Mario Kinder eggs - there was a little capsule on the inside, I opened it up to find the little penguin powerup! It was literally my last choice, but it was still great.
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Open the fucking egg- i can't take the suspense.
why dont you guys just order some stuff online or from an import/export person or find a gourmet candy store?

it costs the same as dealing w total randoms on the interwebs...

Not the guy you were talking to, but what sorts of treats were you thinking of? Because I'd really be up for a similar sort of trade.

I'd be happy to send a small parcel, nothing too heavy though.

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