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  • File: 1334369767.jpg-(63 KB, 500x377, tipping-point-in-b2b-technology-marketin(...).jpg)
    63 KB Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:16 No.3547324  
    Are you for, or against tipping?

    I’m a server in training, and I’ll be making $2 below federal minimum wage (I’m in Canada), and I DON’T EXPECT TIPS.

    Here’s why: I, on my own free will, got this shit job. The customer shouldn’t bear the responsibility of my wage.

    If they leave a $1 or $2, that’s great! If they leave 5 or 10 percent of the bill, that’s fine too. I expect NOTHING from the customer, simply because I don’t feel self entitled.

    Career waiters and waitress – those who are not attending school – tend to be single moms, or massive failed faggots actor or models who wait tables, and they have this sense of self entitlement that they should get a 15 or 20 percent tip, FUCK YOU. Eat a dick.

    What’s your thoughts?

    td;dr Career waiters and waitresses are massive faggots.
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/13/12(Fri)22:17 No.3547326
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    I went to work at noon today, I figured that the senior waiters there who is getting full share of the tip is making around $14 per hour slinging dishes. Overworked chinks who take their job so seriously, don't laugh, are very robotic in their work. They seem stressed out, and I would be too, if I'm working at this shit tier job for years.

    Also, I suspect the employees bowls are dirty as fuck, because I saw the manager furiously scrubbing his bowl before eating it today, I'm going to wash mine too and be careful; chinks tend to be very un-sanitary.
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/13/12(Fri)22:19 No.3547333
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    Why would I make friends with the co-workers; some are cool, like the students while the career waiters are massive, psychotic faggots. One guy, insist on giggling like a school girl in front of the manager. When he's actually worker, he rages and yells at his co-workers; little does he know that customers can hear him in the work station.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:19 No.3547335
    My penis is roughly 14 inches long so I could care less one way or the other

    p.s. I don't always tip but when I do it's fake money.
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/13/12(Fri)22:20 No.3547337
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    Today I encountered the "desperate waiter".

    Most people wait tables to get through college but single moms, or a guy with a kid and wife and needs money are stressed out waiter.

    Meet Victor - Victor speaks with a thick chinese accent; it's hard for me to understand him. He's stressed out and constantly bickers and yells at his co-worker; I would too, if I mortage and car payment to pay. Or maybe he just has a really small dick. Either way, I'm super friendly to him, since it's just work and it's nothing personal.

    In Canada, the waiting staff gets paid $2 under the mininum wage. A typical night, the waiter is getting $30 to $50 per night, cash ... tax free ... on top of his base wage! So you're looking at around $14 for waiting tables. At a higher end restaurant, you're look at $20 to $30 per hour. Not bad for a gig, considering minium wage is $10.25

    But the fact remains - career waiters are still losers.
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/13/12(Fri)22:20 No.3547339
    >p.s. I don't always tip but when I do it's fake money.

    I LOL so hard. Like monopoly money?
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/13/12(Fri)22:22 No.3547341
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    There's a fat girl at work, her face is wide like a saucer pan. Sometimes I would talk to her; and her eyes will be dreamily, deep in sexual fantasy. I mentally shudder.

    Today, I was serving 3 customers, who are westernized Asian; they're even chubby like them too. Three of them look like in their mid to late 20s. Okay; so one of them has a loud, clacking voice that is really fucking loud. "I'm dating this guy because ... well, because he's nice. He buys me stuff and does things for me, and he's ... just too nice"

    The bitch whines and goes on and on about her dating life; I wonder what kind of beta male would date a chubby clacking whore like her? A fat chick like her isn't going to find an alpha male - she simply doesn't have the looks. Instead, she'll be stuck with a beta male, and should be content that he's nice to her - in exchange for sloppy sex.

    She was about to put a fork in her mouth, and I stared at her, my face a blank expression. She let her fork suspend in the air midway, and her two friends look at me too. We stared at each other, blinkless, for 3 seconds. Then I turned away, empathic for the beta male dating the 4/10 obnoxious sea whale.
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/13/12(Fri)22:24 No.3547344
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    Today at work, two fat proles, a man and a woman, ran away. The woman was a fat bloated seacow, and insist on ordering 5 glasses of milk. How the fuck did she manage to "run" is beyond me. LOL, proles gonna prole.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:27 No.3547351
    I'm in training as a waiter too, and I'm nervous as fuck. I just can't suggestively sell all the shit I'm supposed to and can't remember all the shit that's in each dish. I guess I'll get the hang of it soon enough.
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/13/12(Fri)22:30 No.3547357
    Don't worry, you'll get used to it. At least you're not working in a Chinese restaurant where they use you up like factory workers.
    >> MOMO !!A8BrPmZzO+j 04/13/12(Fri)22:43 No.3547379
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    Started working a few shifts every now and then at my mums friends Pho restaurant for 30$ p/h.

    Don't really expect tips since I don't do shit but take orders and have other people take out the bowls. Because lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:52 No.3547401
    as a capitalist I only believe in giving people what they earn and not a drop more, so if you want a tip out of me then you have better made my experience fucking magical. The most in normal situations is the loose change in my pocket or what I get back when paying the bill because I dont want to carry it around.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:01 No.3548071
    I'm a waiter and i dont expect people to tip, and ive never met another waiter who does. Maybe its different here in the UK. Literally all i do is be nice to people then move their food from A to B.

    >americans tip each other as a greeting
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:57 No.3548117
    I tipped the gas station clerk for taking my money after I bought $32 in scratch off lottery tickets.

    I make $5.95 an hour working at a grocery store.
    >> Orange !GUISE46BgU 04/14/12(Sat)09:07 No.3548129
    >Sign from the EPA
    >Refers to COW tipping
    >Nobody catches on

    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/14/12(Sat)12:08 No.3548378
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    I genuinely like working as a server, because it's Zen-like practice. I get lost in the tasks at hand, and my ego dissolves into nothingness. I feel pretty content, and the hours fast by pretty fast. For example, a 3.5 hour shift feels like 45 minutes.

    With that said, I have complete contempt for my co-workers. While I'm outwardly nice, inside I feel that they're fucking losers working this as a career. They put on a false facade being nice to customers, and inwardly bicker among each other for tips. Servers are nothing more then glorified beggers. Hell, I feel like a loser by standing close to my co-workers.
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/14/12(Sat)12:10 No.3548382
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    Probably the worst faggots in existence are self entitle waitress / waiters, mainly white kids who are waiting tablse to put themselves through college. They feel entitled to a 20 percent tip, simply because they carry trays around. Get fucked cunt, next time I see a waitress threatening to spit on customer's food, I'm stomping her cunt.
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/14/12(Sat)12:13 No.3548390
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    40 years old bartenders tend to be losers also; in the career totem pole, they're in the bottom rung. Who the fuck wants to date a 40 years old bartender? The worst faggotry is the bartender who expect $1 tip because he opened a beer bottle for you. Jesus fuck, more self entitled attitude. I find the worst bartender are white people, since their self entitle attitude were instilled to them by baby boomer parents.
    >> Waiter Fag !NwGSY8BhDM 04/14/12(Sat)12:16 No.3548397
    In the future, I hope bartenders become an isolate job because you'll have a self serving machine that dispense alcohol - including complicated cocktails. Imagine: an alcoholic vending machine that serves Gin, or Rye and Coke, or Martini in a bottle.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)12:23 No.3548410
    stoopid fucking stale ass copy-pasta
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:39 No.3548949
    I leave 10% if the service is acceptable. As in they bring my food and drinks on time and check back at least twice during the meal for refills and reorders. People that go beyond that get 150-20%. TOPS. Never more than 20% even if they are an amazing waiter/waitress. Should never spend more on the wait staff than a section of the meal.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:41 No.3549379
    Waiter fag here ... I did a quick calculation of how much money my peers make. In an shift (3 hours), they make, on average, $22 per hour.

    It's time someone expose the scam of tipping.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:51 No.3549392
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    Ex-waitress here. I learned 3 things while working this admittedly dismal job:

    1.) People don't look their waitresses in the face when they order their food. I try to do this now. It's a small thing, but it made me feel so subhuman - as if I wasn't worthy of their full attention.

    2.) People are messy as fuck. I always stack my dirty plates and try to scoot them to the edge of the table for ease of clean up. You have no idea how many waitresses/waiters have thanked me for this or have asked me if I was once a waitress too. It's just a small polite thing to do that makes a major difference.

    3.) My performance during your NEXT visit is affected by your tip. I have a memory like an elephant. If you tip me well, I will rock your socks with beverage refills, sneak you extra freebies and even "forget" to charge you for small things here and there.

    I honestly don't know why OP felt that his self-righteous opinion really needed it's own thread. This is a topic where NO ONE will leave the conversation happy.

    I try to always take a stance of never forgetting where I cam from. I started out small, I worked hard, i climbed the ladder and paid my dues just like how these people are probably doing.

    Who am I to judge their life's choices. Who are YOU that your opinion matters? We're no one, pal. We're not special unique snowflakes. Get over yourself and move on.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:55 No.3549395
    I hate tipping, but I do it anyways, because this is the USA and that's just how it works.

    I especially hate tipping bartenders. Fuck them, tip them a dollar for shuffling behind a bar and handing me a bottle of beer? That isn't worth what I did to earn that dollar.

    Yet, I do tip them, because bartenders will hate and ignore you if you don't tip and are less forgiving if you act a fool, I always tip with ones, never with coins (coins are useless to a bartender, they will just hate you more) or higher bills. I save the coins for the jukebox.

    I tip 1$ per drink and what I do is I take the dollar bill and I roll it into an incredibly tight cylinder and when I had about 3 drinks, I hand the Scrolls of Trivial Wealth to the bartender with a bit of flourish and dashing wit.

    They almost always think/ act like it's charming and I've never been 86'd or ignored by a bartender, so I'm just going to keep doing that.

    I tip pizza guys heavily, because they not only drove to my apartment, which is dangerous, they hiked up 3 flights of stairs with a hot-ass portable oven sleeve thing. I either tell them to keep the change from a 20 note or I give those fuckers the all the loose coins I couldn't spend at the bar. Pizza guys like quarters, especially if it's like $6 worth of quarters and maybe a wilted one note to serve as a bag for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:58 No.3549401
    > 1.) People don't look their waitresses in the face when they order their food. I try to do this now. It's a small thing, but it made me feel so subhuman - as if I wasn't worthy of their full attention.

    Foreveralone awkward guy here, if you're even somewhat attractive I don't look you in the eye because I feel degraded when attractive waitresses are super nice to me because hot women are never nice to me IRL so I know exactly why you're being nice and I don't like it one bit.

    I prefer to avoid the humiliation by avoiding eye contact. Don't worry lady you'll get your tip, let's not make this any more fake or awkward than it needs to be.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:09 No.3549420
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    >Who are YOU that your opinion matters? We're no one, pal. We're not special unique snowflakes.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:17 No.3549434
    >Get over yourself and move on.

    i think she said it right. troll harder.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:43 No.3549895
    Shut the fuck up you whinny cunt, nobody asked for your opinion. God, another waitress cunt polluting this thread; don't make me stomp on your pussy with the force of a fat man's foot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:45 No.3549901
    >dat feel when you're a white cunt with a sense of self entitlement
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:16 No.3551232
    I called one of the manager today, who spoke okay English, then suddenly when she realized it's me, she broke down, speaking in English with her thick Chinese accent. "Call me back later, I don't have time right now okay!" Chinks, gonna chinks.

    >dat feel when you work in a Chinese restaurant with chink managers
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:17 No.3551233
    It should have been, "cawl me back latar at nine okayyy"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:24 No.3551239
    >a server in training
    ok, so what are you going to do with the rest of the afternoon, after your training is over?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:28 No.3551247
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:36 No.3551259
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    >itt: pizza delivery drivers, retail sales associates, data entry clerks, and umemployed college sophomores make themselves feel superior to servers
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:37 No.3551263
    american waiters are SO BITCHY about their tips

    everyone in america expects free money for doing shitty server jobs
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:40 No.3551272
    Because Americans have an inflated sense of self entitlement - it's part of their culture.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:41 No.3551277
    The orginal post is actually an old copy and pasta, I'm done training and I'm working shifts now
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:42 No.3551280
    >dat feel working for chinks

    I feel you
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:45 No.3551283
    My thoughts are that people who are pathetic enough to save shitty copy pasta and post it need to get off the internet and find a job and/or some creativity.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:49 No.3551292
    I used to have a roommate who was a waiter, and he argued up and down that tips were essential to there income for some reason. I'm not sure how that can be with the minimum wage laws, but I'm sure every waiter in america will say the same thing

    that being said, I've only met like 2 or 3 waiters in my entire life who ever deserved a tip.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:19 No.3551346
    >tipping benefits employees
    >tipping benefits employers
    >tipping benefits customers

    It really is a superior system.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:20 No.3551350
    Because almost every state the minimum wage laws are messed with when it comes to jobs with possible tips..

    P.s. I was a busboy in a resort town on west coast and the best tip I got was $250.00 and two room keys from a couple of milfs.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:26 No.3551374
    unless you can support your claims, those are just empty words
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:29 No.3551383
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    >tipping benefits customers
    >implying getting socially mugged is ok
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:33 No.3551391
    this thread has inspired me never to tip again
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:33 No.3551392

    >tipping benefits employees

    they make more than they would in a minimum wage job

    >tipping benefits employers

    they save on labor costs, allowing them to make more money in an industry generally known for its razor slim profit margins

    >tipping benefits customers

    they may pay the server what they feel they deserve rather than being forced to pay for bad service in the form of increased food prices or mandatory service charges

    It's quite simple really
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:41 No.3551408
    your first argument assumes that waiters should be paid more than their wage for the job they do, despite the fact that every other profession endeavors to do quality work for the wage their job specifies.

    your second argument actually implies that the food industry underpays their workers, which is not a problem for paying customers to pick up the slack for, but for employers to step up and remedy.

    your third argument is simply false since the outrageously inflated prices of food in the service industry itself discounts the incentive for customers to shell out additional money for the job of waiters to serve said food (no matter how much they smile or refill your water)
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:50 No.3551422
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    >your first argument assumes that waiters should be paid more than their wage for the job they do, despite the fact that every other profession endeavors to do quality work for the wage their job specifies

    It's not an assumption, it's the way it is.

    >your second argument actually implies that the food industry underpays their workers, which is not a problem for paying customers to pick up the slack for, but for employers to step up and remedy.

    this would essentially triple the labor cost of every restaurant, that cost will then be passed on to the customer.

    >your third argument is simply false since the outrageously inflated prices of food in the service industry itself discounts the incentive for customers to shell out additional money for the job of waiters to serve said food (no matter how much they smile or refill your water)

    And here is where you prove you have absolutely no knowledge of how a restaurant operates. Prices at most restaurants (not fast food/natl chains) are quite reasonable when you look at everything that must be covered.

    If you can't afford to eat out, don't. It's not the restaurant's obligation to operate at a loss just for you.

    The cost for labor will be passed on to you whether you like it or not, at least with tipping it's optional.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:57 No.3551429
    Servers are what make an eating experience good or bad. If you have a bad eating experience, you whine and complain about it, it can ruin the entire experience, you will probably never go back to that restaurant again.

    A great server makes you glad you are eating out. Look, if you think that being a good server deserves below minimum wage, then really, you deserve to never eat out again. Cook your own fucking food and serve it to your own fucking self.

    Then go die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:02 No.3551437
    >every other profession endeavors to do quality work for the wage their job specifies.

    Can't believe I missed the absolute naivete in this

    You are so full of shit
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:02 No.3551438
    Not only am I not going to go die, the next time I get 5 star service, I'm going to not tip just because of you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:05 No.3551444

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:07 No.3551446
    >takes cues on how to act in life from a fictional bank robber
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:12 No.3551454
    I don't see why the fuck I should have to pay extra if I have already pay for my food and the service. If I am very satisfied with the service and food the. Maybe I will leave a tip. That being said when I used to work in a pub restaurant our pub landlord managed to smooth talk a table of 6 pensioners into leaving a £50 tip which I thought was pretty low, also the staff were a bit pushy towards customers when it came to tips and usually badmouthed them if they didn't tip.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:13 No.3551460
    Flooding is against the rules. Your post is slightly seasoned copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:15 No.3551464
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    But in America, you don't pay for the service unless you tip.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:40 No.3551524
    I am for tipping, only if they deserve it. I've not tipped twice before on purpose because it was the worst service I've ever had.
    I normally tip about 15-20% if they did good and refilled drinks, etc.
    If the tip is like a $1 or something, I'll give them $2-3 instead. If they did a really good job and went beyond expectations, like free food or something, I'll tip them 20% at least.

    I hate it when they expect tips though. I used to work at a local pizza shop. I'd make minimum wage there, but at times I was called to deliver a pizza. If I didn't get a tip that didn't bother me since I'm being paid to go deliver the pizza already. At resturaunts it is probably different, but I'd still stand by the 15-20% thing if they did an acceptable or good job.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:39 No.3551645
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    you have both proven that servers just want extra money because they think they deserve it for absolutely no justifiable reason.

    if every other profession in the world could not endeavor to do a quality job without expecting an extra pat on the head for having done so, every economy in the world would collapse.


    I will never tip another self entitled douche who expects 20% of my bill for doing the job they're already getting paid for. fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:40 No.3551648
    really? do you not understand how an hourly wage works?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:43 No.3551653
    >can't understand how the current system benefits everyone even when it's explained to them in the simplest terms possible

    Perhaps I should try pictures next time?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:44 No.3551658
    The golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:48 No.3551669
    >can't understand

    I think they just disagree with you, sport.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:56 No.3551681
    why should the paying system of the food industry be different from any other service industry? do you expect to have to tip your mechanic? if you worked as a janitor, would you expect to get tipped for cleaning up a bunch of puke? NO

    so why should food service be any different?

    and don't give me that shit about "waiting tables is hard work, servers should be compensated"
    working is hard, nobody said it would be easy. if the work is too hard for you, then find something else to do
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:00 No.3551693
    I work 30 hours a week in a sandwich shop in a college town. The shtick of this shop is that it closes at 4am. College students, drunk off their asses, come in late at night and fumble with orders and generally harass the employees.
    I typically leave the shop at 5am, since I have to clean the area of food, dirt, and vomit. I earn minimum wage, and a substantial portion of my paycheck goes towards rent and tuition fees. When I get handed my share from the tip jar, I feel slightly comforted. I usually take the $1-$6 tip I receive and treat myself to Ben & Jerry's or junk food [which is outside my food budget].

    Work in the food service industry is harsh. By giving your waiter/waitress a tip, you are making another human being's day a little better. It has nothing to do with capitalism or business ethics. What you are doing is showing basic empathy and kindness.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:04 No.3551704
    I don't mean to pick fights, but I do mean to debate

    by your logic, you should tip accountants, janitors, school teachers, grocery store clerks, farmers, movie theater employees, fast food workers, and anybody else whose job is 'harsh' and/or minimum wage.

    I just don't see the logic in it
    I do however see the logic in servers getting paid more than minimum wage. that is something I would advocate for.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:06 No.3551712

    Because it keeps the cost of the food itself down for the customer and allows them to tip each server based on performance rather than paying a mandatory service charge or just a flat out increase in the cost of the food.

    I'll repeat myself again if I have to.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:09 No.3551715
    I could rephrase this question by asking:

    why aren't servers unionized?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:10 No.3551717
    I went to a restaurant the other day that added the gratuity in already. There were only 2 of us. Fucking bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:12 No.3551718
    but if servers got paid more, people wouldn't hire shitty servers, and the ones that kept their jobs would deserve the wage they got. if they didn't perform their job well, the establishment wouldn't get as many customers, and eventually that server would probably be fired.

    this is how every other job works.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:13 No.3551722
    that's why gandhi invented passive resistance
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:14 No.3551724
    The cost of most food seems to be already pretty accurate to me, without needing to "keep the cost down".
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:16 No.3551726
    I would even go so far as to say food is too expensive
    >at restaurants
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:16 No.3551727
    >It's good for me therefore it's good for everyone else too!


    Did your mother beat you as a child or are you just naturally self centered?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:18 No.3551731
    how the hell did you pull that out of what that anon said?

    chill the hell out and think before you type
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:18 No.3551733

    Let's try this again...

    If servers get paid minimum wage you will effectively triple the labor cost of every restaurant in the country while simultaneously decreasing the actual pay of the server.

    This cost will be passed on to the customer in the form of increased menu prices or a flat service charge who will then be forced to pay regardless of the quality of service.

    That's three times.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:20 No.3551738
    how do reasonably priced resteraunts in the rest of the devloped world manage to pay their staff a decent hourly wage?

    you been brainwashed by the powers that be, son
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:20 No.3551739
    >U MAD

    Confirmed as troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:22 No.3551743
    you do realize that they don't tip in other countries right?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:22 No.3551745
    you're a pretty shitty arguer, son.

    i think you should go back to bed or go to >>>/b/ or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:23 No.3551750
    Here's a story for you fellows...

    >Finish meal at chinese-run all you can eat sushi restaurant
    >Bill is ~$55 for two of us
    >Pay $60
    >Waiter: Was everything ok?
    >Me: Yes.
    >W: Then why did you tip so low? Normal is 10%
    >M: Oh let me change that then
    >Take back my 5$ and leave

    Fuck entitled waiters.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:26 No.3551757
    you didn't answer my very straight forward question.. how do other countries manage to pay their staff a decent wage w/o their menu prices increasing exponentially?

    "hurrr go to /b/ .." wasn't a good answer and made you loo like you didn't think through your original position properly
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:26 No.3551759
    those aren't all my posts first of all,
    second, it seems you've run out of arguments because you finally realize you're wrong. i know this because I've defeated every single one of your arguments and you've now resorted to an ad hominem instead of actually refuting anything.

    and by the way, I'm not a shitty arguer, and you've clearly never taking a philosophy class before.
    >learn how to construct arguments
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:26 No.3551760

    I do.

    I also realize that the servers in those restaurants will not earn as much as they could in a similar caliber restaurant in America.

    I also realize those restaurants pay significantly more for labor.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:29 No.3551769
    4chan isnt a collective hivemind, moron

    i was just pointing out that your posts were basically just memes or stupid bullshit

    don't get so mad son.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:29 No.3551770
    uh... yeah we do.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:30 No.3551771
    so the system works, and their servers aren't entitled douche bags?

    ... so you admit that our system is deeply flawed?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:31 No.3551772
    how do other countries manage to pay their staff a decent wage w/o their menu prices increasing?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:31 No.3551773
    a) not every country, in fact most do not
    b) if they do, it's when they feel it's necessary, not because the waiters expect it
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:31 No.3551775
    Do you realize you are a jackass?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:32 No.3551778
    repeating the same question over and over again to a different person just makes you look deluded

    just sayin'.

    inb4 you repeat it again, confirming my point
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:33 No.3551779
    you just quoted two different people
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:34 No.3551780
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    Well that was easy.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:34 No.3551782
    how do other countries manage to pay their staff a decent wage w/o their menu prices increasing?

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:35 No.3551783
    no i didnt

    samefags gonna samefag
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:35 No.3551785
    how do you manage to suck so much dick in a two hour period?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:37 No.3551788
    >he doesn't know how to bypass bloxxing

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:38 No.3551790

    Any number of factors that have nothing to do with server pay can account for that - tax laws, food costs, etc.. frankly, it's outside my area of expertise - perhaps you could enlighten me?

    The points stand regarding the current system in America, however.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:38 No.3551791
    "how do other countries manage to pay their staff a decent wage w/o their menu prices increasing?"... is now a meme?

    why can nobody answer a simple question?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:40 No.3551795
    i dont give a fuck about your silly argument over tipping or some shit. i just wanted to point out that your posts were stupid.

    >hurr dis is 4chan, everyone is the same! ANOANYMOUSE IS LEGUN!oneone
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:41 No.3551799
    pay higher taxes, pay higher wages and somehow they manage to keep the menu prices reasonable

    your understanding of the "american system" is ideological nonesense that you've swallowed far too eagerly
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:45 No.3551806

    Out of curiosity I decided to compare the top, moderately priced Birmingham, UK (pop. ~2mil) restaurant on Urbanspoon to the same in Chicago (pop. 2.8 mil)

    Prices for entrees listed as:

    10-15 pounds for Birmingham

    10-15 dollars for Chicago

    Problem is, 15 pounds is about 24 American dollars.

    It would seem you'd need to find a new argument.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:47 No.3551810
    Oh, look. It's copypasta again.

    Why do you fucks bother feeding the trolls?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:48 No.3551813
    I live in britain
    a moderatley priced resteraunt in the uk would charge around £5-7 for a starter.

    your comparison is invalid.

    I dont even know what this thread is about... but that was stupid
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:50 No.3551815
    you'd have a more accurate picture if you compared two of the same dishes from a multi-national resteraunt chain. pizza-hut or something.

    but you can do that yourself
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:51 No.3551818

    And a starter in America costs $5-$8 dollars...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:53 No.3551821

    There's a reason I disqualified large chains from my original argument - large corporations like this can keep their food costs artificially low through the use of their massive bulk buying power, there's really no reason, other than stockholder considerations, that they can't afford to pay their servers a decent wage while keeping menu prices about the same
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:53 No.3551822
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    so it's pretty much decided then?

    tipping waiters in america is retarded and anyone who lives there should stop doing it
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:54 No.3551824
    whats your point? unless you have a valid comparison it means nothing.

    i had a 30 euro starter once..u jelly?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:55 No.3551825
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:55 No.3551826
    No, and you're a pretentious retard for "deciding" something through a 4chan debate.

    Then again, you're a Britfag, so that pretty much explains it. Enjoy your dead auto industry.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:57 No.3551832
    what makes you think I'm a brit?

    I live in amerifuck
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:58 No.3551833
    vietnam and 9/11


    enjoy china owning your ass..and lose some fucking weight
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:58 No.3551834

    The restaurants compared were both marked as being at similar price-points for areas of about equal population. It's perfectly valid whether or not your understand it.

    I'm sorry your argument based on nothing more than blind conjecture and anecdotal examples didn't hold up. Better luck next time.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:01 No.3551844
    it was valid in your opinion after doing a 2 min search on google

    you need to compare the same dish in the same resteraunt in differing countries for it to be valid.. the only variable can be the country for it to be a valid comparison

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:05 No.3551853



    You've made it blatantly obvious you don't have a clue what you're talking about - stop embarrassing yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:05 No.3551854
    it was a pretty hack comparison . You didn't even define what you meant by "moderatley". In birmingham if you paid £15 for an entree the resteraunt would be a bit above "moderate" on account of birmingham being poor as shit. The only place in the uk where £15 would be regarded as "moderate" is in certain parts of the south east of england.

    unless you have a special meaning for "moderate" which you should have stated at the outset... like maybe you meant to say "expensive"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:08 No.3551867
    the you need to stop claiming you made a valid comparison..because you didn't.
    you just came up with a bunch of stuff that you liked the idea of.

    I repeat, the only way you can have a valid comparison is if the country was the only variable.

    what part of this can't you understand.. you cant just make shit up and then conclude "im right".
    >> noko Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:12 No.3551878
    I would consider myself a career waitress/bartender. I really only do it because I like to, not because I have to.

    I am really good at my job, and pretty cute, too.
    People like me, and they tip me a lot.

    A waitress around here(midwest USA) makes about $4 and hour before tips. As the head bartender(the top service position at my establishment) I was making $6 an hour. Minimum wage is $7.50, and that's not really enough to pay the rent. I would never work for that little; it's not worth my time. Most of the people I've ever dealt with understand this. My regular customer typically leave me 20% or more, and they leave happy in doing so.

    There is no shame in being a career waiter as long as you're good at your job and people like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:12 No.3551879
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    > you cant just make shit up and then conclude "im right".

    maybe not in your country britfag
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:14 No.3551886
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    Do you have any actual evidence to the contrary or are you just talking out your ass again?

    Another 2 minute Google search yielded the following little nugget

    Average income for Birmingham - 22,000 pounds or just about $35,000
    Average income for Chicago - ~$38,000

    Birmingham would appear to be no poorer than Chicago.

    If you have any actual facts to support your argument I'd love to hear them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:17 No.3551893

    You're trying to compare the spending power and annual budgets of multinational corporations against smaller independently owned chains/single restaurants.

    The funny part is you see nothing wrong with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:31 No.3551935
    its a completely invalid comparison. chicago, like all american cities, has a much higher level of poverty but also a much higher level of affluence. you cant compare british and american cities...and you certainly can't compare average incomes.

    the only valid comparisson would have the country as the only variable. this isn't complicated. stop shit-posting
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:33 No.3551942
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    >you cant compare british and american cities
    >the only valid comparisson would have the country as the only variable

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