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  • File: 1330782615.jpg-(26 KB, 350x350, grocerylist.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)08:50 No.3455956  
    Do you plan your meals or just buy staple foods and cook your meals off that?

    What is your meal plan for this week or what foods do you typically buy at the groceries?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)08:51 No.3455957
    buy universal, long lasting staples, stock up on spices, then buy specialty stuff occasionally for specific recipes.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)08:53 No.3455958
    I shop on a tight budget, and i have a regular rotation of meals.

    Oatmeal is cheap and can fill in for any meal. And it aint bad for you. i always put cinnamon, raisins, and brown sugar in mine (and a banana if i have some).

    I keep a supply of coconut milk and curry pastes stocked so i can whip up some curries. throw in some veggies and rice, and meat if i have it.

    Tortillas and eggs are cheap and easy. Load them with jalepenos and spices.

    Bread and deli meat.

    that's about it...
    >> !LEuPODbpZ6 03/03/12(Sat)08:59 No.3455962
    I buy things that can keep for a while like rice and beans and then buy fresh things weekly. I always keep various meats and produce and then make food based on what I have. If I suddenly get a desire for something I don't have the ingredients to make I go buy what I'm missing.
    and eggs
    are things I try to always keep around
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)10:02 No.3456036
    OP here

    I never know what I'm going to eat the next day. I don't buy a ton of staple foods so it's either unspiced boring meat with a side of rice or rush out and plan by recipes until I am confident I can make it on my own

    What do?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)10:31 No.3456057
    Start by investing in some spices. Even if you just buy the cheap ones at CVS, having a variety of spices in your cabinet can make your meals less boring.

    I generally buy versatile staples--some meat (ground is pretty cost effective), eggs, rice, pasta, canned tomatoes, and fresh vegetables. With that I can make Spanish rice, meatloaf, omlettes, burgers, stir fry, stuffed peppers, soup, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)10:32 No.3456059
    I eat best (taste and healthy) when I plan my meals. I often look at what is on sale in the flyers and write a list of meals for the week. Then I buy accordingly.

    Otherwise, I get home from work late one day and end up eating convenient shit food. So this way is better.

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