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  • File : 1327498904.png-(10 KB, 455x388, survey.png)
    10 KB Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:41 No.3365678  
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:48 No.3365686
    1. Male
    2. 22
    3. never, just pop in a few times here and there
    4. I was for a long time but it's shit now, only visit sometimes here and there
    5. When I used to, /a/, /x/, /b/, /c/, /ck/, /k/, /s/, /h/, /d/, /c/
    6. about once or twice a week
    7. 2 or 3
    8. Hell no
    9. slightly oveweight, love to experiment with cooking and eat good food
    10. about 5/7 days a week
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:50 No.3365688
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >On and off for about a year
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >3-4 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/fit/, /tv/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I don't really 'like' eating, hence cooking food that I will eat
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Erry day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:52 No.3365689
    1. M
    2. 21
    3. Not exactly a regular, but I go here when I'm bored with /co/ or something.
    4. About 3 years, give or take.
    5. /co/, /a/ or /tg/ once in a blue moon
    6. abuot .3 times a day
    7. 3 a month?
    8. eh not really but I'm professional enough when and where it counts
    9. Very overweight, I can only afford cheap food, but usually don't want to give up it tasting good either. I'm trying to get better.
    10. At least one meal a day requires cooking, the rest are things that are just ready to eat like cereal or fruit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:58 No.3365696
    >1. What is your gender?

    >2. How old are you?

    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    2 years

    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    5 years

    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /mu/, /sci/, /g/

    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    a dozen or so, /ck/ moves really slowly

    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on
    maybe four or five

    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    No one is really normal

    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of
    eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I eat a lot, have a fast metabolism. I try to eat healthier foods if possible

    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Usually every day, if I'm not going out somewhere
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:58 No.3365697
    1. Female
    2. 24
    3. about 4 years
    4. 6 years, on and off
    5. I used to spend a lot of time at /r9k/, old /n/ (and /new/), /k/, /fit/, /fa/ and /co/, but now I pretty much only come here.
    6. 3-5?
    7. Maybe like 3 or so.
    8. Fairly normal, I suppose.
    9. Used to have an eating disorder.
    10. Almost every day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:59 No.3365700
    1. Male
    2. 23
    3. 2-3 years
    4. ~5-6 years
    5. just /b/, usually just endless scrolling and refreshing
    6. 3-5
    7. 1 a month sounds close
    8. yes
    9. Got fat as hell in the 9th grade (180 lbs), my mom said it was just puberty and it would go away. When I realized she was full of shit, I started eating less and exercising more. Dropped to 150-155 and had a set of abs. Got lazy, lost my abs about 2 years ago, and slowly gained weight up to 170 as of a month ago. I started exercising and eating healthy again 2 weeks ago.
    10. 2/3 meals are cooked by me, but all of them are prepared by me
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:03 No.3365705
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    About 4 years, give or take.
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    More than 7, less than 8 years. Maybe 7½?
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /soc/ for fapping. Occasionally visit /diy/. On rarer instances, I visit some of the older boards: /fit/, /tv/, /mu/ and /fa/, in order of most to least commonly.
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    idklol: to a single thread or do I reply on /ck/, period?
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Five or so.
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    idklol I'm a stranger in a strange land. I'm "normal" amongst people with similar childhoods, but here, I'm the quirky foreigner with the upperclass background and privileged upbringing, even if I was born with citizenship to this country.
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I used to cook professionally but ended that in favour of better, more stable hours and better benefits in a completely different field. I have no eating disorders.
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:05 No.3365708
    1. Male
    2. 22
    3. ~1½ year
    4. 3 years
    5. /b/
    6. ~5
    7. ~5
    8. Yes
    9. Pretty normal except I love to cook and not just eat food. I'm probably slightly underweight.
    10. Almost daily.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:09 No.3365710
    >Guaranteed replies
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:09 No.3365711
    1. Male
    2. 20
    3.1 year
    4.6 years
    5. b, tg, x, diy
    7.almost never
    8. Average weight vegan, I eat too many carbs though and am addicted to baking. Need less breads.
    10. All day everyday, rarely eat out
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:10 No.3365712
    1. male
    2. 22
    3. a year
    4. a year
    5. /diy/, /sp/, /v/, /tv/, /k/
    6. 4 or 5
    7. 3 - 6
    8. no
    9. marginally overweight my whole life, last 2 years obese, poor eating
    10. 90% of all my meals
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:15 No.3365719
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >about a year
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >5 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/b/, /v/, /fit/, /tv/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Maybe a dozen?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >Kinda underweight, trying to fix that
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >at least once a day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:21 No.3365728
    1 1/2 yrs
    3 yrs
    /diy/, /fit/, /b/
    I don't
    Quite normal
    no eating disorders...I just like sugar too much.
    I cook my own meals 95% of the time-Otherwise it's a bowl of cereal or soup. Only eat restaurants 1x or less a month.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:23 No.3365730
    1. Female
    2. 19
    3. About two months
    4. About 6 months
    5. /adv/, /d/
    6. Never.
    7. Never
    8. Not really, no. But I am a lot less weird than I used to be.
    9. I make my own food since I've been living alone since October
    10. About everyday.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:23 No.3365731
    1. female
    2. 19
    3. 2.5-ish years
    4. 3-ish years
    5. /x/, /fit/, /r9k/, /b/, /gif/
    6. depends on the day. maybe two or three times, i generally just lurk.
    7. one or less.
    8. meh, for the most part.
    9. i'm 10 pounds or so overweight. i love food, but i don't eat like crazy.
    10. about 90-95% of the time, my sister will rarely cook or i'll go out somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:27 No.3365737
    1. Male
    2. 18
    3. 1.5 years
    4. 5.5 years
    5. /mu/
    6. <1
    7. 0
    8. Not in most senses
    9. Was a bit overweight due to illness late middle school/early high school, but I started cooking more and am now at a healthy weight.
    10. Most of the time. I have fast food less than once a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:31 No.3365743
         File1327501865.gif-(57 KB, 320x240, 18060-16260.gif)
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    1) M
    2) 29
    3) 1.5yrs
    4) 4yrs
    5) /b/, /k/, /v/, /diy/
    6) ≈10/hr from the hours of 7am-8pm CST
    7) 10+
    8) Nope. I'm a sarcastic, pessimistic asshole that can actually cook more than ramen. Definitely not normal for /ck/.
    9) I like food. I like booze more.
    10) Every day. Usually eat out less than 4 meals/mo.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:31 No.3365744
    1. Female
    2. 20
    3. Two years
    4. Five years
    5. /fit/, /x/, /fa/, /co/, /b/, /adv/
    6. 0
    7. 0
    8. Not really. Nobody's really normal, though.
    9. I'm a bit overweight but I'm making an effort to get /fit/, so I've been eating less and healthier lately.
    10. Once every three days, probably. Leftovers and all that.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:40 No.3365759
         File1327502440.png-(130 KB, 480x640, level20woman.png)
    130 KB
    1. Female
    2. 22
    3. Maybe less than a year
    4. 2-3
    5. /a/d/tg/sci/ in order of frequency
    6. 1 - 0.3
    7. 1-2
    8. Submissive MtFs are not normal.
    9. I'm mostly underweight for most of my life, just recently got up to around normal (140). I don't eat very healthy but I avoid the death trap of tons of soda and sweets and crap. I tend to eat very large meals but only 1 or 2 meals a day.
    10. I live by myself so all my meals are prepared by me, I want to cook for someone but I'm not that great of a cook ;-;

    please adopt me.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:42 No.3365761
    Pics or it didn't happen. I think I'm in love.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:44 No.3365763
    1. F
    2. 19
    3. I'm not, I just pop in and out erry' now and then.
    4. 5 years.
    5. /fit/
    6. 1
    7. 0
    8. Pretty much.
    9. Used to be a chub-chub, now I'm thin-thin. No disorder, I just love food and decided I wanted to live longer so I could spend more years eating.
    10. Erry meal, erry day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:47 No.3365765
    1. Male
    2. 21
    3. 3 days
    4. Off and on 3 yars maybe?
    5. /a/ to see if there's any good new anime (There isn't) /co/ /tg/ and /d/ for monstergirls
    6. 3-4
    7. Not one so far
    8. Are my interests normal? Probably not. Do I act like a spaz in real life? No
    9. Was always a bit overweight, when I went to college the problem exploded. I lost 45 pounds this summer but I've still got horribly ugly stretch marks all around my stomach and a muffin top that's probably half loose skin half remaining fat.
    10. Not very, I'll shove bags of microwaveable vegetables in themicrowave and heat stuff up on a skillet but that's pretty much it.
    >> Tripsk !!0NnRVutzXyk 01/25/12(Wed)09:48 No.3365768
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    About a year, mostly lurking
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Since 2008
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /fa/, /fit/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Healthy. I enjoy eating, cooking and trying new things.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    4/5 of the time. The rest is restaurants.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:55 No.3365771
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    3 Years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    4 Years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /g/, /v/, /tv/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    I would say so, but my roommate thinks my cleanliness is obsessive
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    2 Meals a day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:06 No.3365799
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    3 to 4 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Roughly the same amount of time
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /cgl/ for the progress threads, /m/ and /v/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Once or twice
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Overweight, but fluctuate between losing it and gaining it.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    I cook myself a proper meal at least once a day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:10 No.3365809
    1. What is your gender? M
    2. How old are you? 24
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/? 2 yrs?
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular? 5+ years
    5. What other boards do you frequent? /v/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/? 0-1
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/? 0-1
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"? I've been told I am but I doubt it
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.) I binge eat but am maybe 5 pounds overweight (canadian)
    10. How often do you cook your meals? 8/10 times
    >> Nagasakun !!ce4pG2A+g/u 01/25/12(Wed)10:12 No.3365814
         File1327504342.png-(192 KB, 800x800, 1327226670010.png)
    192 KB
    1. F
    2. 20
    3. 3 years
    4. 5 years
    5. /a/, /cgl/, /mu/
    6. 1 or 2
    7. 0
    8. No.
    9. I love food. I can eat it like a pig, whatever I want, and it doesn't affect my weight. Food is my friend.
    10. Maybe 4 or 5 a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:17 No.3365829
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >Since 2008
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >Since 2008
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/r9k/ /tv/ /diy/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >once or twice
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >I am more of a lurker, don't like to create new threads
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >mmm yeah?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I used to be overweight and have learned to control my food intake
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Every day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:18 No.3365834
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    ~4 years
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    ~4 years
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Normal - not overweight, etc.
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    I eat out for lunch or dinner 2-3 times a week, everything else I cook myself
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:22 No.3365837
    1. Male
    2. 25
    3. not really a regular, just pop by occasionally
    4. Shit, I don't know. When was /co/ introduced? A few months before that.
    5. /a/, /tg/, used to be a regular on /ic/, too
    6. 3-5?
    7. I created a thread twice.
    8. When my roommates were having a New Year's Eve party in our apartment, I locked myself in my room and watched anime.
    9. I eat very unhealthy. Mostly due to having no functioning kitchen and no dishes to speak of, since my roommates never clean them. One working burner and an ancient microwave. Massively overweight and feeling the repercussions already.
    10. Once a month or so.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:24 No.3365839
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >Never a regular poster, regular browser for over 1 year
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >5 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >fit, p, g, mu
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you
    reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >Healthy relationship. One ex girlfriend with bulimia, but didn't influence me a bit.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:27 No.3365842
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    Two years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Six years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Between five and ten.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    Not particularly.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I used to be overweight (more from being raised then personal choices), then became anorexic and became frighteningly skinny and now I try to maintain a healthy diet.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:30 No.3365847
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    Not really a regular, I pop in and out and mostly lurk.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    I'm not a regular, but I'known of 4chan since 2007.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Once a week maybe. Depends on what's going on.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Never created one.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I am a good eater, but loose my appetite when stressed.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Daily. When I don't cook I just reheat what I made the day before.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:37 No.3365856
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >3 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >5 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/a/, /v/,/x/,/k/,/tg/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >once or twice
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >not as often as I'd like, I try to eat well though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:47 No.3365863
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >3 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >4 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/n/ /b/ /fit/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like?
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >6 days a week
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:48 No.3365864
    1. M
    2. 18
    3. ~1 year
    4. 3 years
    5. /a/, /fit/, /g/, /v/
    6. Around once or twice, any more than that and my post quality drops significantly.
    7. Almost never, I have made two threads on this board since I started posting here.
    8. Nope.
    9. Chubby, decided it was due to eating to much processed shit, decided to learn to cook and ended up on /ck/
    10. Once a day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:58 No.3365882
    1. Female
    2. 18
    3. About 6 months.
    4. About 2 years.
    5. /fa/, /adv/, /b/
    6. Once a week?
    7. About once
    8. I guess so
    9. I'm pretty slim. I love to eat though.
    10. About once a week
    >> kosawi 01/25/12(Wed)11:06 No.3365892
    1. M
    2. 22
    3. more than a year
    4. more than a year
    5. /ck/ /po/ /s/ /r/ and /p/
    6. 10? 15? who the fuck knows!
    7. 10? 15? shit son...
    8. I live on my own and go to college, so yeah I'm normal.
    9. I have to eat; therefore I cook. In the last year or so I have learned to love cooking.
    10. All day everyday.
    >> Sceak !!LciZj2frsW6 01/25/12(Wed)11:14 No.3365905
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    ≈2.5 yr.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    ≈2.75 yr.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /b/, used to go on /fit/, /sci/, /g/, /o/ but not much anymore. /ck/ is my main board.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Too many according to some.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    These days about 10.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    Where normality is heterogeneity with your immediate surroundings or belonging to the majority: no.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I see food as a necessity and pleasure as an addiction. In life, I hope to be able to mass produce Bachelor Chow (R) (TM). I'm also overweight.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Every single one except when I feel like FF. I don't even consider dining out anymore because of veganism.

    Also quote your goddamn fucking surveys.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:45 No.3365953
         File1327509939.jpg-(39 KB, 500x417, kind251.jpg)
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    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >2 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >v, co, adv, sp
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >family has history of diabetes; have not felt any reprecussions yet
    >not overweight
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >not as much as i should
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:54 No.3365965
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    Since 2008
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Since 2007
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /a/, /n/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    A few
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    A few
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    As weird as everyone else
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I'm very physically active so I eat a lot.
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    95% of everything I eat is self-prepared, only eat out when I need to meet with other people.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:54 No.3365966
    3.Since it was first created
    4.8 years
    5./v/, /adv/, /sci/, /g/, /fit/
    6. 3-5
    7. Never
    8. Yes
    9. I am overweight but I am working on losing weight, lost 20 pounds in 2 months so far many more to go.
    10. I cook everyday, I rarely eat out.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:03 No.3365982
    1. Male.
    2. 18.
    3. About two years.
    4. Must be 5 or 6 years now.
    5. /r9k/, /co/, /adv, /ic/, /lit/, /tv/.
    6. Only 2 or 3.
    7. Probably only once. I don't start threads very often at all, since /ck/ isn't really my first choice when I have a question.
    8. I guess? I go out, I have friends, I have hobbies. I'm not the stereotypical basement dweller.
    9. I'm a little overweight. I am working on losing weight, though.
    10. About 3 or 4 nights a week, from scratch. Otherwise I do all my own 'throwing shit in the oven'.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:08 No.3365994
    1. Female
    2. 20
    3. 3-4 years.
    4. 6 years.
    5. /an/, /tv/, /x/, /r9k/, /co/, /po/, /lit/, /d/.
    6. Probably 3-5 times.
    7. Once a month.
    8. Maybe? I have no idea how to answer this.
    9. I used to be a latchkey kid and mostly grew up eating frozen foods. Was overweight til I learned how to cook for myself.
    10. Pretty much everyday.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:13 No.3366001
    1. What is your gender?

    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >a few years. 2-3
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/ck/, /an/, /tg/, /r9k/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >maybe once or twice
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >very rarely, almost never.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >within reason
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I love food. And food loves me. And Im not overweight, so that is nice, too.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >daily. And Im a chef, so I cook other people's meals daily, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:18 No.3366008
    1. Male
    2. 21
    3. On and off. Just depends.
    4. A while.
    5. /tg/ /n/ /tv/
    6. 4 or 5?
    7. 3 or 4
    8. Yes.
    9. Underweight. I'm kinda' broke so I don't get to eat as much as I'd like. :\
    10. Once a day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:19 No.3366009
    3.~6 months
    4.3-4 years
    5./tv/ /int/ /mu/
    8.Probably not
    10.Hardly ever
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:27 No.3366017
    1. Female
    2. A gentleman never asks a lady her age
    3. Forever
    4. Forever
    5. I wouldn't say I "frequent" any other than /ck/, but I take a glance at /tv/, /mu/, /fa/ once a day or so.
    6. Hmmm, probably at least a dozen
    7. I'd say the same, about a dozen or so
    8. Define normal. (lol, no, I don't) I've always had a much different outlook in general than most people I know.
    9. Slightly overweight, but healthy, extremely well balanced diet, actually. (my mother was a nutritionist and chef, so I've been trained to eat well) I'd be quite thin if I exercised more. Damn my lazy constitution.
    10. I cook every single day. Only go out for dinner once a week, usually on Saturdays or Sundays.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:29 No.3366026
    1. Male
    2. 22
    3. 5 years
    4. 7 years
    5. /v/ /g/
    6. 1-3
    7. 1-3
    8. sure.
    9. im sorta fat, i love food so i dont care.
    10. 2 times a day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:33 No.3366034
    Surprised by the amount of overweight people. I thought generally that people that can cook tend to not be so fat.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:36 No.3366043
    1. M
    2. Old enough to be your father.
    3. 'bout a year.
    4. 'bout a year.
    5. /co/
    6. Maybe once or twice.
    7. Never
    8. Nobody's "normal".
    9. Pretty good relationship with food, but I love it too much. Recovering bulimic, though.
    10. I'm not counting shit like cereal and sandwiches, so probably like five times a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:37 No.3366046
    never trust a skinny chef, dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:40 No.3366052
    murkan logic
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:42 No.3366056
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:43 No.3366059
    that falls under murkan logic too
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:53 No.3366068
    Name a good skinny chef.

    Gordon Ramsay is not a good chef.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:54 No.3366070
    1. Female
    2. 21
    3. Probably something around 9 months.
    4. Since late 2005, jesuschristhowhorrifying.png
    5. /a/, /cgl/, /v/, /tv/, /fa/, /adv/ (mostly lurking with occasional posting, especially on /adv/ - used to post a lot there but I can't handle the ragemode I get while trying to give good advice now, goddamn /r9k/ 2.0). /fit/ for lulz. Used to go to /b/, /c/, /cm/, /vp/, /u/, /y/ but grew bored of those.
    6. Once? Sometimes I'll spam foodporn if there's a thread for it and I'm bored.
    7. Also once, usually to ask about amerikkan food products or stuff I don't understand (I'm yuropean).
    8. Yes. Sometimes I'll hear than I'm unusual, as in my sense of humor or way of talking, but it's usually from the non-internet savvy people.
    9. Love it. I subscribe to many food blogs with recipes and HQ photos. Parents taught me to love food, buy quality products and not stick to traditional/tried recipes, uncle - to constantly try new things, eat all vegetables, not be a picky eater. I was always the only kid who wasn't fussy about food (only if it was dull!) and chomped down happily on fresh veggies. I also didn't become a fatty, because I eat small portions and avoid oily or pre-made refrigerated bullshit. My only problem with food might be the fact that I don't eat when I'm sad (went terribly underweight after a bad break-up) and that I've been recently stressing about calories and such often, as I gained a few pounds (happy phrase) - after you suddenly lose a lot of weight and gain it back, even if you're now a normal weight, it fucks with your mind A LOT, you get a skewed perception of reality.
    10. Every meal when I'm in my flat, and when staying with my parents, everything besides dinner (mom makes it). Also every time I have guests or my boyfriend over, I go into insane cooking mode (mom's influence).
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:55 No.3366071
    Thanks for fagging up the thread, you fucking third world cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:56 No.3366072
         File1327514217.jpg-(19 KB, 226x282, _46379871_000960173-1.jpg)
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    >Gordon Ramsay is not a good chef.

    True, he's a great chef.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:57 No.3366074
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    > A little over a year now.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    > Around 3 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    > /vp/ , /fit/ occasionally /an/, /co/, and /adv/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    > Almost never
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    > I've only made like 2 threads here
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    > Not really. Most people would probably agree that I'm a little "off", but at the same time I'm better at socializing than I used to be.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >A bit of a love/hate thing going on. I've always been on the chubby side but now I regularly work out and eat better. However, I still have to closely monitor my food and essentially obsess over my meals each day. And I have a major sweet tooth and love baking so shit sucks. But I'm getting better at portion control.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >I've been cooking almost twice a day every day at college. (We have a full kitchen) But I really hate cooking for myself. It takes so much time and I'm honestly starting to buy more stuff like canned soup and beans and frozen stuff like lean pockets and burritos because I have shit to do.

    >And no matter how hard I try my hummus from scratch always sucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:59 No.3366077
    Shut your cunting mouth you asspained aspie bandito-burrito hoofing beetus baby.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:01 No.3366078
    1/10, you're trying waaay too hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:01 No.3366080
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >/ck/ became my board about a year ago
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >5 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >Normal enough
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I'm a few pounds overweight.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >6 days per week 1 day fast food.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:02 No.3366081
    1. Female
    2. 18
    3. ~2 years
    4. ~5 years
    5. /co/, /a/, /sci/, /x/, /r9k/, /adv/, /b/
    6. Probably 2-5 (different threads)
    7. Maybe 3.
    8. Somewhat
    9. Pretty good, I used to be very picky, but got better once I started frequenting this board and cooking for myself.
    10. Dinner every night, all meals on weekends. Plans may change this.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:02 No.3366082
    >implying effort
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:03 No.3366083
    So here's what I've gathered so far...

    The majority of /ck/ is 19-25 year old women that have committed themselves to lose weight because they were embarrassed about their figure when in high school. Many also have self-esteem issues and turned to food as an escape or still do.

    Funny thing is you wouldn't guess it from all the other posts on this board.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:07 No.3366094
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    1 year
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    6 years I guess.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /fit/, /ck/ /tv/ /fa/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Atleast once a day.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Once, maybe
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I love eating, love cooking. Trying to make my food as healthy as possible.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Every day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:07 No.3366095
    >implying that it doesn't take a great effort on your part to regurgitate anything more than the most inane 4chan kiddie bullshit
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:07 No.3366096
    Initial observation is that there is a much healthier male-female ratio than I was expecting.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:07 No.3366097
    1. What is your gender?

    2. How old are you?

    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >about a year

    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >4 years ish

    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /x/, /fit/, /b/ when everything else is dead

    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?

    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?

    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?

    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >recovered anorexic

    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:07 No.3366098

    Almost. Food wasn't an escape for self-esteem issues. It was tv, the vidya, and shitton of pie that made me fat and then the self-esteem issues followed.

    And my self-esteem isn't too shabby now, actually.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:08 No.3366100

    Obviously couldn't be bothered to greentext all my answers apparently
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:10 No.3366105
    >implying I partake in the majority of inane 4chan kiddie bullshit
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:16 No.3366116
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    2 Years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Around that much
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /tg/ /adv/(I like giving advice)
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    5-10, depends really

    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Hardly ever, maybe once every 2 months
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    I think so
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Used to be overweight when I was small, grew out of it. Not super thin now, but on the line between average and below average
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Whenever I can, I really like cooking,even if it's not anything super fancy, I like learning about it, and it's peaceful.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:23 No.3366129
         File1327515824.png-(15 KB, 600x463, graph (3).png)
    15 KB
    Here are some useful charts I made.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:28 No.3366137
         File1327516108.png-(22 KB, 600x463, graph (2).png)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:30 No.3366138
    Very nice, thanks for that xD.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:35 No.3366144
    Oh boy! Maybe I can someday find a REAL internet girlfriend that will cook for me and...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:37 No.3366147
         File1327516626.jpg-(51 KB, 376x490, mpw.jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:39 No.3366151
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >originalfag, but stopped for around 2-3 years, then came back, then stopped coming for another 2 years, and just recently came back like 1 year ago.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/tv/ /b/ /pol/ /gif/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >around 3 times day
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    > 1
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    > eh, sorta?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    > overweight/obese, but been losing some weight recently, by cutting out as much red meat from my diet as I can. I love food, and nothing is gunna change that.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >around 3-4 times a week? some weeks I cook every single day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:47 No.3366162
         File1327517266.jpg-(84 KB, 500x389, bitches love flying.jpg)
    84 KB
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    2 years
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    3 years
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /fit/ /v/ /pol/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    culinary degree, Nutrition major. currently fit, strict nutrient dense diet
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    3 meals everyday
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:52 No.3366176
    1. What is your gender?
    > Female
    2. How old are you?
    > 19
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    > About 6 months
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    > About the same amount of time
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    > /cgl/ and /ck/ mostly, but /adv/, /vp/ when I'm bored
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    > Once or twice, depending on what's going on here
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    > Maybe once, I mostly learn stuff about cooking by reading what other people have said
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    > Well, I don't consider myself abnormal, so yeah, I guess so.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    > Used to be chubbier, but otherwise I have no history of eating disorders etc. I can be fussy sometimes, but I'll usually eat what I'm given.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:57 No.3366186
    Shit, forgot number 10.
    > I live at home, so not that often, maybe once or twice a week. My family has a 'you don't like it, you make your own' approach to dinner.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:00 No.3366191
    OP here, please take the survey even if you think it's pointless.

    I want to make some charts on board denizen stats like these:

    So help a fellow co/ck/ out by filling out these ten short questions.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:04 No.3366209
    1. M
    2. 24
    3. 2-3 years
    4. late 2004/early 2005, can't remember for certain.
    5. /jp/
    6. Rarely. More like once a week.
    7. Never.
    8. Nope.
    9. Overweight, but that stems from being a shut-in with a cooking hobby mostly.
    10. Daily.

    Well, there's my reply for the week.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:09 No.3366231
    1. Female
    2. 24
    3. 5 years
    4. about the same
    5. /a/
    6. 3-4 times
    7. 2-3 threads
    8. Relatively normal
    9. Used to be fat. Almost got an eating disorder when I lose weight. Right now I'm normal though
    10. a few times a week
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:10 No.3366236
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >~2 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >4 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/b/, /v/, /k/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >~10, I mostly lurk because I don't know that much about food.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >Borderline assburger/social awkwardness, but other than that, normal.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I'm kinda picky, but I'm working on branching out. Also I was raised vegetarian and am just now starting to get into eating meat.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >At least once a day.
    >> ῏ᵩᵟŁἐἅϝἓὅἣᵟᵩ῏ !XndHGnsd42 01/25/12(Wed)14:18 No.3366257
    1. male
    2. 22
    3. since the board was made
    4. winter/spring 2004
    5. /a/ /fit/ /ck/ /diy/
    6. 1-10 rarely use trip
    7. not that many
    8. no
    9. the fuck?
    10. everyday
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:21 No.3366272
    1. Female

    2. 21

    3. about a year

    4. 4 years

    5. /b/ and /lit/

    6. once or twice

    7. 0

    8. sometimes

    9. I'd say pretty healthy.

    10. Every morning. I eat lunch at the uni. Sometimes I make dinner when I'm not too tired or busy.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:28 No.3366289
    1. Male
    2. 25
    3. since about august
    4. 2.5 years
    5. /v/, /a/, /tg/, and the porn ones
    6. never
    7. only once ever
    8. i'm pretty boring so i guess so
    9. i'm fat but it's mostly from laziness/eaing crap. i like eating healthy but my current situation doesn't really allow it.
    10. 2/7 times a week : /
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:28 No.3366295
    >1. What is your gender?


    >2. How old are you?


    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?

    'bout 4 years, give or take.

    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?

    Since 2004.

    >5. What other boards do you frequent?

    /r9k/, /sci/, sometimes /v/ and /ic/.

    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?

    Once? I post in bursts.

    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?

    1-2 times. I like to provide OC if I can, occasionally I tripfag if it's relevant.

    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?

    Used to be a female neckbeard, now I'm fairly normal (i.e I have some social skills and look like a regular person). I don't go outside very much or have many friends because I find a lot of people boring/have a lot of work. I am fully aware how much that makes me look like an arrogant asshole, but it's true.

    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)

    My mum is anorexic, has a lot of neuroses surrounding food. I grew up on a very odd diet (my mum cannot cook) and picked up some strange habits, like I wouldn't eat "round" food for a few years. Crazy mum didn't know how to portion stuff properly and just gave me like 3 times what she ate and I ended up fat. When I left home I put on tons more weight from not knowing how to portion meals/comfort eating, but I'm in the process of losing it now. I've shed most of my issues with food, even lost 50lbs last year.

    >10. How often do you cook your meals?

    Erry day motherfucker. I love cooking.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:31 No.3366299
    1. Male
    2. 22
    3. 6 months
    4. 2 years
    5. /tv/
    6. 6
    7. 4
    8. Yes
    9. I'm chunky but not overweight. I do love food though.
    10. I've cooked ALL of my meals for the past 3 months. But before that it was like I'd make myself 1 meal a day and the rest of the food I'd go out and eat.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:32 No.3366303
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >About as long as it has existed, it is often the only board I read in a day.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >6 or 7 Years? I'm not sure what I even read on 4chan before /ck/ existed.. probably just /h/ and /w/+/wg/
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/h/, /adv/, /vp/, /fit/, /ic/, /cgl/, and sometimes /i/, /d/, /hc/, /s/, /fa/, and /an/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Maybe once or twice, I usually lurk.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >Not very often, I'm more likely to reply than create.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >lolno; I look normal enough, but I'm shy and reclusive, and prefer books and tv and art and imagination (and food, duh) over interacting with people that I don't know well.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >No eating disorders, but I've never been as skinny as I wanted to be, even back in school; after my wedding at the end of college, I realized I was really overweight and unhealthy and am now at a healthy BMI and better than I was in high school, but still not quite fit enough for me :/ I love food and cooking and eating, but I don't binge on cake or anything. Food is still definitely my happy drug, sometimes the high from delicious beloved foods feels like sex.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Every day, every meal. We eat out rarely (once or twice a month) and I make almost everything we eat from scratch; it's gone a long way to improving my health and that of my husband.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:36 No.3366307
    1. Male
    2. 27
    3. 3 years
    4. 3 years
    5. /o/ & /b/
    6. 4-5
    7. 3-4
    8. Yes I think I'm normal
    9. Over weight
    10. cook everyday
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:20 No.3366390
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    4 years, even on 7chan
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    10 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    gif, anime, diy and fit
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    twice a week
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I'm overweight, and I do love food.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    4 times a week
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:29 No.3366416
         File1327523385.jpg-(11 KB, 261x297, 1162466053521.jpg)
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    >about a year
    >since 2005
    >/v/, /sp/, i'll hit a few other boards every so often
    >couple times a day
    >couple threads a month
    >yeah. I draw furry porn though
    >I like food and have never had an eating disorder. No, I am not fat.
    >I prepare my food about 80% of the time, the other 20% is straight-out-of-box or fast-food.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:34 No.3366430
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >6-8 months
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >2 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/sp/, /k/, /trv/, /v/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >1 i like to lurk and respond
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >i'd say so
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >i'm a lovely physical specimen aside from being short
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >not often, my fiancee cooks most of our food and i do the cleaning
    >> zorz !!CqAF5u8VcWt 01/25/12(Wed)15:42 No.3366443
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >A year or so.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >Was a /b/tard for 6 months as a teenager, moved on from the Internet, came back and stay on /ck/ now.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/adv/, but only late at night if /ck/ here is being slower than average.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Several, say, 3-5.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >At least 2 or 3, no more than 6 or 7.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >Kind of? I'm not a fat basement-dwelling neck-beard. I go to school, have a girlfriend, study my ass off, but suffer the lack of social grace that comes with being too objective and having an above-average memory.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I was 250 pounds as a highschooler, and now I'm down to ~190 pounds. I used to just eat whatever I wanted, and since I wrestled, it didn't have too much effect. In retrospect, it was kind of like a long-term bulk, because as soon as I watched my eating even a little bit, weigh came off. My behavior back then might be described as compulsive binge eater, as I still have times when I revert to that mindset. But as for obesity? NEVER AGAIN.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >At home, at least twice a day. Here, at school, rarely. It's a sad situation. I read a lot about cooking in the miniscule amount of free time I have, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:46 No.3366451
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >1 year
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >1 year
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >none. i sometimes go to /mu/ or /lit/ to find music
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >no eating disorders. slightly underweight but that's irrelevant because im not finished growing
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >every day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:49 No.3366456
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    bout 2 years
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    bout 3. maybe 4. lost track a long time ago
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /b/ and /x/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    bout 4 or 5. mostly just browse
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    just 2 or 3
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    in the context of cooking, I suppose
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    not a 'foodie', nor would I ever work in the food/catering industry, but I do enjoy the topic of cooking. used to eat a lot more than I do now, but eased off over time as I was getting a bit too porky for my liking. back to my original weight now
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    pretty much everyday. too much of a cheapskate to order food in and I only eat out on special occasions. besides I enjoy cooking at home
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:50 No.3366457
    OP don't you know you will probably get banned for posting a survey on /ck/ ? I did. and when I appealed it butthurt modes lengthed my ban. My survey got like 1000 responses too, before they banned me.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:52 No.3366461
    Op, I just wanted you to know, you inspired me to check out other boards i'd never been to. Everything was going alright until.../soc/. Mother of god! Dicks. Dicks erywur. I have not seen so many dicks since being in a locker-room with 60 other dudes after a football game. Fucking christ. I'm gonna have nightmares about dicks!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:53 No.3366465
    this gives some good perspective

    sometimes I get trolled by threads on here but now I see: I was being trolled by kids
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:54 No.3366466
    ~14 months?
    3-4 years
    /x/, /tg/, /b/... *cough /d/ /s/ /e/ cough*
    Vegetarian, a bit snobbish locavore.
    Pretty much every day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:54 No.3366467

    shut up, twink. Go back to stuffing your ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:54 No.3366468
    >1000 replies
    Ok, sport. Thread limit's 300
    >> !!kBr3f9xezlA 01/25/12(Wed)15:56 No.3366472
         File1327525007.png-(213 KB, 498x279, MattWhine.png)
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    1. male
    2. 31
    3. 2007?
    4. 2006
    5. /v/ /s/ /gif/ /g/ /hc/ /diy/ and I will admit it /b/
    6. now...only a few times a week
    7. now..once
    8. I appear normal on the outside, but I am not "normal"
    9. fat now, used to be an athlete. alcoholic
    10. dinner 5 days a week lunch is mostly leftovers or restaurants
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:58 No.3366473
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    Since 2008
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Since 2008
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /sp/, /mu/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Once or twice
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Eat healthy, and eat in moderation
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Pretty much every day. I only eat out when I'm in a pinch.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:02 No.3366477
    Is 'twink' a deragotory term in your land?
    >> /ck/ 01/25/12(Wed)16:04 No.3366482
         File1327525479.jpg-(43 KB, 544x390, marcopierrewhite.jpg)
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    4 years
    4 years
    /x/ /co/ /po/
    maybe 15-20 on days off
    5 or so
    healthy relationship it's my career
    errrrrrr day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:09 No.3366488
    3.newfag newfag
    5./k/ and occasionally /b/ I went to /fit/ once but left because squatz and oatz
    6.1-3 times
    8.normal? What's that?
    9.I love food. I'm a proud fatty and I loovvvve food.
    10.I cook dinner every day, breakfast almost every day, and sometimes lunch.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:25 No.3366511
    1- Female
    2- 24
    3- a year
    4- more than 6 years
    5- /tv/, /v/, /sci/
    6- Once a day
    7- 2/3
    8- No
    9- I grew up eating unhealthy food because of family, was fat obviously, but now I'm better.
    10- Every day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:32 No.3366616
    1. What is your gender?
    I am a male.
    2. How old are you?
    I am currently 23 years old. I will be turning 24 later, this year.
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    On and off for about three year.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    On and off for about five years.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /g/ and /sci/. Some times I have a peak in /s/ as well.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    I think the average would be about three quarters. I do not visit 4chan every day.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Once a month, I would say.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    No, not really.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I am overweight, just over 110 kilograms, but due to big portions and not due to unhealthy food. Although I do drink a bit too much soda during the summers, and longer holidays.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    A couple of times every week. I enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:40 No.3366627
    1. I identify as male
    2. 23
    3. 3 months
    4. 6 months
    5. /b/ro/ck/
    6. <10
    7. <5
    8. Not really.
    9. I have my ups and downs with food. 5'10 165-170 right now. I'm overweight.
    10. 1-2 meals/day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:42 No.3366629
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    3-4 years?
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    3-4 years?
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /ck/, /fa/, /vp/, /diy/, /x/, /mu/, /p/, in order of frequency.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Sometimes not at all, sometimes like 1-5 times a day.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Maybe twice.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    Not really, but I'm not totally strange.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Pretty healthy. I don't indulge. Always been slightly underweight, until recently, where I have to watch what I eat/exercise more often than I had to before (not at all). It's not hard, though.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    5/7 days-ish.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:49 No.3366643
    1. Male
    2. 19
    3. Not really a regular, just come here on occasion
    4. 4 years
    5. /mu/, /lit/, tv/, /an/
    6. On average? .1 posts
    7. Few times
    8. Hahaha, no. But really, who is?
    9. Erm, used to be overweight, but I've been losing a good amount of weight. 6'2" and about 130lbs. (l still feel fat though). Used to love junk / fast food, but I've since almost entirely sworn myself off the stuff (except on rare occasion). I haven't had a soda in 4 years either. However, I still have a pretty bad sweet tooth.
    10. Not very often, just now trying to learn how to cook
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:56 No.3366660
    1. female
    2. 34
    3. 2008
    4. long enough
    5. I lurk occasionally ~ no hardcore boards though meh
    6. I reply on /ck/ maybe once a week sometimes more if I have time
    7. I might start a thread if I made something and have some OC or want some tips or suggestions.
    8. Define 'normal'. I think I would not be what other channers would think a 34 year old woman is like but it doesn't bother me.
    9. My relationship with food is good. I've never had an eating disorder, no food allergies, no weird food issues that people have like 'different foods can't be touching' or any of that type weird shit. I don't count calories and I've been the same weight since my early 20s with the exception of a large weight loss after an illness that I gained back in a healthy manner.
    10. I always cook my own meals unless I go out for dinner which is not that often.
    I usually get positive feedback and I like to help other /ck/ people so I still visit. It's nice to see a lot of younger guys making their own meals.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:01 No.3366669
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    23 years old.
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    Can't remember, but since a long time ago at least.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Same, been there since the early ages but my memory is too spotty to prove it.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /b/, /v/, /tg/, /x/, /rs/, /r/.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Never, I always feel a bit like a uncultured prick around here, I don't dare say anything.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Never. Did it three times in all these years.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Overweight, fighting an eating addiction (mood eater too). Also have a slow metabolism, so even if I eat salads all day I'll still get fat.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    As often as I can, let's say that about 5/7 meals are homecooked (by either girlfriend or me).
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:03 No.3366680
    Addendum to question 9: I loooove food, I can really get emotional over good food. I don't care if it's high-class food or lower-class sewerstew, I love all of it. And yeah, I admit, I love junk food too. I'd take a good steak over a hamburger, but not by much.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:08 No.3366683
    TT is missing a racial and income demographic
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:09 No.3366688
    1. Male
    2. 20
    3. Never a regular, but I've been coming here occasionally since a few years ago
    4. 3 years? Never a regular tho
    5. I just check most boards to see if there's anything interesting. I kinda like /k/ and /tg/
    6. Less than 1
    7. None
    8. Not really. I'm not socially awkward or anything, but I don't think I'm normal -whatever that is-.
    9. Love food. I'm pretty fit, and getting better, never was overweight or anything.
    10. Pretty much all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:24 No.3366707

    100% niggers
    100% poor.

    that was easy.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:14 No.3366787
    1. Female
    2. 20
    3. 3 years.
    4. 5 years.
    5. /b/, /fit/, /ic/
    6. 3
    7. 2
    8. Nope.
    9. I refuse to eat anything that isn't delicious/anorexic.
    10. Whenever I can. Between work and school I only have the weekends available. I eat meals Saturday and Sunday, otherwise I eat fruits and vegetables and, if available, a variety of nuts and artisan cheeses.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:30 No.3366821
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    4-5 years
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    4-5 years
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /ck/ /diy/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    No problems, average weight.
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:34 No.3366826
    >A long, long time
    >A long, long time
    >/sp/ /sci/
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:46 No.3366845
    1. Female
    2. 22
    3. On and off for around 2 years
    4. Probably since high school (I was 15 when I first started frequenting it)
    5. /co/, /adv/
    6. Usually I'm lurking, I reply maybe once every other visit or so (I don't use /ck/ daily, but maybe 3 times a week)
    7. One or two
    8. Relatively
    9. Kind of a food addict, especially with chocolate and pop, trying to eat healthier and get off my ass and exercise more. I'm not can't-fit-through-the-door fat but I've been ~30 lbs overweight for the past year or so.
    10. Err'day. I cook for everyone in the house, and make my own lunches
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:49 No.3366852
    >Idk, a year or so?
    >Since 2006 or 2007
    >I primarily browse /tg/, but sometimes /ic/ and /v/ if I'm feeling masochistic
    >Very rarely, mostly a lurker
    >see above
    >I have my eccentricities, but I'm not a freak
    >overweight, I like food, on the road to try and get healthier
    >rarely, I'm a terrible cook
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:59 No.3366875
    1. Male
    2. 25
    3. 6 months
    4. ~7 years
    5. /b/ /g/ /k/ /v/ /fa/ /sp/ /tv/
    6. 0-5
    7. 1-2
    8. Yes
    9. Picky eater
    10. 3-5 times a week
    >> Misa 01/25/12(Wed)22:23 No.3367137
    1. What is your gender?
    > Female
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    2 years, give or take
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    About 4
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    > /cgl/, /b/, /diy/ /a/ on a boring day, /fa/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    > 2-3 times
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    > 1 If I can't figure it out myself or bored
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    > In appearance and first layer of personality yes, underneath there's a lot that needs fixing, you can tell by the other boards I frequent
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    > I am overweight but have been working at it quite some time now, I fucked up younger because I went through pain attacks (couldn't even say the word fat without thinking people would compare me to the damn word),
    > I went through anorexia and bulimia, realized I was being petty and stupid, quit and started back up with fixing my own meals instead of my mom making me "frozen roulette" and cut out sodas and shit
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    > Since I'm at school I mostly make salads and small stuff but I cook twice a week for family
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:24 No.3367140
    1. Male
    2. 40
    3. 2 years
    4. 6 years
    5. /k/, /trv/, /sp/
    6. 6
    7. 6
    8. No. I am above average.
    9. Overweight due to drinking beer - not over eating.
    10. Every single day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:31 No.3367146
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >i've lurked on and off since a couple years ago.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >since i was 17 i think.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/pol/,/fa/,/mu/ and occasionally /b/ but i never really post anything on any of them.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >maybe once or twice
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >almost never
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >this is a stupid question.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >i'm a vegetarian (for health reasons, not ethical). i only eat organic as of 2011 and i've cut fast food. i've also switched from soda to tea and water.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >90% of the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:35 No.3367149
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >About a month
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >6 years.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >Once or twice
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >2 eating disorders, being obese, overweight, and underweight.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:39 No.3367156
         File1327549196.png-(183 KB, 500x339, friendship.png)
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    1. What is your gender?

    2. How old are you?

    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >>Roughly a year

    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >>Roughly three years

    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >>/b/, /cgl/, /diy/, /fa/, /fit/, /d/, /s/, /sci/, /x/, /r9k/, /h/, /lit/, /tv/.

    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >>About once a week. I hate sounding like an idiot or not contributing anything to the conversation.

    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >>I've only ever done it twice. Both times it went unnoticed, so I generally look for threads that already have my topic.

    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >>Meh. I suck at making friends, and even though I enjoy what others enjoy, I think I tend to be more passionate about it than they are, so they don't like hanging out with me. Or I just suck majorly.

    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >>No eating disorders, I'm 5'4" at 125 lbs. I am studying to be a food scientist, though, and I like treating the kitchen like my own little laboratory. I even have safety goggles in the drawer for onions and other hazards.

    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >>About once a day. I don't count breakfast as a meal (coffee and fruit), and lunch is usually snacks from work (work at a grocery store). Sometimes dinner is just beer, but about 6 out of 7 days I make a lovely evening feast.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:40 No.3367158
         File1327549204.png-(59 KB, 229x223, 1324618670962.png)
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    >1. What is your gender?
    Hombre, hombre.
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    A few months--4 maybe
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Oh god...I don't know. 4 years? Maybe 5?
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /fit/,/tv/,/v/,/mu/ in that order
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    1. I mostly lurk
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    Normal enough.
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    We're bros
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    erry day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:47 No.3367174
    3. 5 mins
    4. 2 hours
    5.idk yet
    6.this is my post cherry
    7.never is delicious i love to cook it and make it more delicious
    10.1 to 2 times a day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:53 No.3367179
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    I pop in every now and then. Probably once a month for the last year or so.
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Too long. Around 4-5 years.
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /v/, /r/, /s/, /mu/, /soc/ and /wg/.
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Pretty much never.
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    I'd say far from it.
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Overweight, but not obese. Could stand to lost some weight though.
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    4-5 times a week, depending on mood and money.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:56 No.3367181
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >3 year but hardly ever now
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >once if that
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >two if that
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >normal weight, allergic to strawberries
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >6 times a week
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:57 No.3367183
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    1. What is your gender? male

    2. How old are you? 41

    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/? 2yrs
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular? 3 yrs
    5. What other boards do you frequent?/b/ /fit/ /tv/ /gif/ /hr/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/? not very often

    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/? 0

    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"? pretty much
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)fatty trying to get fit
    10. How often do you cook your meals? every day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:58 No.3367184
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    on and off for a few years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    5~ years or so
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /tv/; /lit/; /fit/; /diy/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    couple of times a week
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Pretty average, I enjoy good food and unhealthy foods pretty equally
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    at the very least twice a week on the weekends, very busy during the week and get too lazy to cook mon-fri
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:12 No.3367226
    1. Male
    2. 21
    3. A year
    4. Three years
    5. /b/, /int/, /sci/, /pol/, /v/, sometimes /soc/ and /lit/
    6. Average? Id guess 0,0005, its pretty rare I post.
    7. 0.0003, I ask questions sometimes.
    8. No. But I guess you mean if I'm fat, in which case the answer is chubby.
    9. I love food to much, I'm hungry most of the time. I like spicy asian food.
    10. So to speak always. I have the occasional frozen pizza or noodles.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:21 No.3367245
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >a year and a half or so
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >/ck/ was my first board
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/adv/, /trv/, and /an/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >only a few times a week.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >only a few
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >Yeah, I suppose
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I love food and cooking, but I don't have a lot of spare time to cook as much as I'd like. I'm of average weight.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Once a day, I usually bring leftovers for lunch. I go out to eat once every two weeks or so, unless there's a special occasion.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:25 No.3367254
    1. male
    2. 22
    3. 5 years now
    4. 5 years
    5. /wg/ /b/ /diy/
    6. 1 out of 8
    7. hardly ever.
    I used to talk about pizza on here but since I lost my job I just lurk mostly
    8. Do I consider myself normal? nope
    9. I love food. I enjoy it more when Im making it for someone to enjoy
    10. everyday I cook my meals
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:25 No.3367256
    1) Male
    2) 23
    3) I've probably been around for about 3 years. Probably not a regular on the board though.
    4) 5 or 6 years
    5) a, lit, and h
    6) On average I'm probably one post a month, but I'll go several months at a time without ever visiting.
    7) I've probably made one thread on ck ever.
    8) Sure, why not.
    9) Normal weight, no disorders, I like making my own food when I have regular access to a kitchen.
    10) When I'm home I probably make something from scratch (or thereabouts) every other day.
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 01/25/12(Wed)23:35 No.3367277
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >um, too long
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/an/ /x/ /soc/ and /adv/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >anywhere from 0-10
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >almost never
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >Skinny as shit, trying to put on weight, grew up w/ picky eater dad so didn't get to try many things until the last few years
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >pretty much every night (we eat out like once every other week)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:38 No.3367279
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >going on 3 years, i guess
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >since 06
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >something awful
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >i'm a big ol fatty who loves to eat b/c i'm a fatty nerd
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >very frequently
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:51 No.3367304
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    2 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    About 6 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /a/, /tv/ sometimes /v/ or /g/ and recently /fit/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Maybe 3 times
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    Not really.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    While I am a bit over weight (125 5'3) I think that my relationship with food is fairly normal.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    100% this year so far. Trying to eat more healthy
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:53 No.3367319
    on and off for about 2 years
    since 2006
    /g/, /k/, /diy/
    I usually don't post in /ck/ but on the off chance I do I'll dump like 5 or 6 posts in
    maybe once a month
    I'm overweight, but not fat. I mostly eat because I love having things in my mouth, and if it tastes good that's a bonus.
    breakfast and dinner. Lunch I usually go out for.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:56 No.3367329
    1. Male
    2. 16
    3. About a year or two.
    4. Since Christmas of 2011
    5. /co/... that's about it. I have been posting on /tv/, /lit/, /v/, and /tv/ occasionally.
    6. I've been lurking most of the time, so I'd say this is about the first time.
    7. Pretty much never
    8. Yeah. I have aspergers, but that's just my brain being wired differently.
    9. Slightly overweight. I exercise semi-regularly (mostly bike riding). I eat fast food twice a week at best. I do cook at home often, though.
    10. 2-3 times a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:00 No.3367338
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >6ish years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >7ish years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/b/, /x/, /tg/, /y/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >Maybe once
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >No disorders, not significantly overweight. I eat normal amounts, though only once or twice a day.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Every other day or so.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:05 No.3367350
    1. What is your gender?

    2. How old are you?

    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >2/3 years

    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >5 years

    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/x/, /b/, /fa/, /r9k/, /adv/, and /gif/

    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Maybe like five

    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?

    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >Not really.

    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I starve myself a lot of the time and then I binge eat.
    >Not fat, though.

    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Almost always.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:26 No.3367382
    1. What is your gender? M
    2. How old are you? 26
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/? 2 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular? 2 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent? /b/fit/wg/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/? 1
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/? 1
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"? Yup
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.) I'm 105Kg, but pretty solid. I love food, love cooking, love trying new stuff. All my friends adore my cooking
    10. How often do you cook your meals? Almost all of them
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:28 No.3367383
    1. Male
    2. 24
    3. Since the beginning ( I can't actually recall when this board was added.)
    4. 7 years
    5. /p/, /ck/, /diy/, /toy/, /x/ Of course this list changes every couple years.
    6. 2-3 times
    7. 1
    8. No
    9. I'm overweight basically from eating shit food for years. Can't totally rule out genetics as everyone in my family is fat.
    Have changed this over the last 2 years though.
    10. Every day. Usually breakfast and dinner. Lunch is usually leftovers from the previous night.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:28 No.3367384
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >2 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >3 Years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/x/, occasional /b/, /wg/, /tv/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >1-2 times
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >I don't know what that really means, sort of I guess
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >Slightly overweight, but losing it. I love food almost as much as booze or sex. I'll at least try anything.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >everyday usually
    >> Maria !LEsbiAnv62 01/26/12(Thu)00:37 No.3367396
    1. Female
    2. 19
    3. define "regular"
    4. I drop by once in a while to see what's new on /u/ and /e/, but I'm hardly a regular
    5. /u/, /e/, /s/, sometimes /d/
    6. It's more like random bursts of interest punctuating long stretches of inactivity
    7. I made a single thread, once...
    8. I'm a lesbian. That's not exactly par for the course.
    9. I've got a fast metabolism, so I just make what sounds tasty and eat it. It's really hard to gain weight, even if I try.
    10. At least six days a week, if not seven. The fanciness of those dishes varies, but I hate dirtying utensils and pans and such, so mostly I make oversized sammiches.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:38 No.3367398
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >A little over a year
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >Same. Introduced to /ck/ by my older brother.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/co/ /mu/ /adv/ /po/ /tg/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Maybe... once. Or else I'll go on a weird binge posting rage and do like, sixty.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >Once or less
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >Actually, yes. Cookie cutter, plain white bread normal.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I've always eaten more than anyone else I've known but always been skinny. The weight will probably start packing on in a few years....
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >All day, err day.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:57 No.3367426
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    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    About four years.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Since sometime in '03.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /an/, /gif/, /b/, /diy/ by order of frequency. /h/, /vp/, and /d/ sometimes.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Sometimes several, other times I don't come here for a week or four.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Eh, not that often and erratic- really depends on if I have something that's not already covered in another thread. So I guess monthly or every other month.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I enjoy food for the taste, and generally eat healthy(but not always). Moderation is the key to happiness.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    I cook one main meal daily(usually dinner), sometimes two. Nearly all baked goods I make myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:04 No.3367436
    1. F
    2. 18
    3. About a year or so.
    4. Started lurking in 2009, I think
    5. /co/, /adv/, /ic/, /x/
    6. a few times a month, maybe?
    7. 2-3
    8. i'm a hikki/neet, so everything's pretty normal there, yep.
    9. prefer eating out, since homecooked stuff doesn't taste as good.
    10. a few times a week but it's usually just simple shit like fried rice/pancakes/porridge
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:05 No.3367439
    >Don't consider myself a regular
    >Still has a trip

    Fucking typical. At least you know your place and are on /ck/ to learn your natural talent.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:08 No.3367442
    >Since sometime in '03.
    seriously? shit, that's the life of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:09 No.3367444
    Nobody actually reads these threads besides one or two people, it's just an eyesore that takes up space on the frontpage because everyone posts.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:15 No.3367447
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >Since last May.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >About three years now.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/b/ and /gif/ (when I need a quick fap).
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Probably twice a day.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >Pescitarian for almost six years now. Feels bad, man.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >In the dorms: maybe three times a week.
    >At home: All three meals, seven days a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:21 No.3367454
    Yeah, back before most people knew what a meme was...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:25 No.3367457

    I just wanted someone to be interested in me and strike up a conversation and get eachother's skypes and fall in love ;_;

    I'm just really lonely ok
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:26 No.3367459
    1. What is your gender? M
    2. How old are you? 25
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/? 3 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular? 6 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent? /soc/ /b/ /v/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/? about a dozen.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/? once a month at most.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"? yes. i have quirks but I'm normal enough.

    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    no eating disorders, not overwieght. in fact my physical workload is making me lose weight faster than i could exercising with a desk job.

    10. How often do you cook your meals? as often as i can, but living in a big family under one roof, our meals are communal, so we each usually bring something to the table.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:26 No.3367460
    Look at all the special snowflakes in here.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:27 No.3367461
    Which of these are you?
    >> Maria !LEsbiAnv62 01/26/12(Thu)01:27 No.3367462
    We've all got to start building a reputation somewhere, for better or worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:30 No.3367469
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    omg my planned worked
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:33 No.3367472
    Well which of these is you?

    I'll indulge you because I'm feeling pretty lonely too. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:34 No.3367473

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:35 No.3367474
    I looked up pescitarian when I first saw your post and felt silly for not knowing what it meant.

    Do you eat shrimp though? This is an important question and could determine the fate of our entire relationship.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:37 No.3367476

    You read through the posts? Impressive. I stopped after the first dozen.

    And yes. I don't think I could live without those hot pink babies.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:39 No.3367478
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    >building a reputation on 4chan

    Please go back to Facebook.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:39 No.3367479
    I was skimming to see if my earlier suspicions were confirmed.

    And that's good news to hear you like shrimp. Now what of crawfish?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:40 No.3367480
    Just ignore somebody if you don't like 'em, pal.

    It's not like this is YOUR site.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:42 No.3367484

    What suspicions?
    I'm not opposed to eating them but I never have. Only caught them.

    Also, where's your post?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:43 No.3367486
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    About a year
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    About a year
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /diy/, /sci/, /pol/, /r9k/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Few times a day, sometimes more
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Never created a thread on /ck/
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    Probably not
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I love food, dont gain weight.
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Everyday. Eat out maybe once every few weeks, unless my schedule has me out of my house for a long time, then ill usually eat lunch regularly from some place
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:44 No.3367488

    This one is mine

    And those were my suspicions.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:44 No.3367489
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    The great thing about an anonymous website is that I can call someone out if they're being a faggot. Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:48 No.3367493

    I see I see. I always thought of /ck/ as a pretty varied board. I feel like most of the teenage fat chicks would go to tumblr though, not /ck/.
    >> Sythe !!66E8vxZ1xpB 01/26/12(Thu)01:49 No.3367494
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    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >3 or 4 years? I don't know, not long after it was made
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >6 or 7 years?
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >4 or 5
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >0 or 1
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >got a bit of a chub right now from smoking bowls and getting the munchies all the time, but my gut comes and goes, idrgaf
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >from work, like 4 or 5 days a week
    >from home, like 1 or 2 days out of a month
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:50 No.3367496
    Well a lot of them came here. Go figure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:53 No.3367498
    But moving on... why are you so lonely?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:55 No.3367502
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    About 3 years?
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    About six months longer than that.
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /v/, /r9k/, /fit/, occasionally /tg/ and /o/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    Less than one.
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Less than one.
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    I suppose so.
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I eat too much junk food/soda, but apart from that it's pretty good.
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    I only really cook once or twice a week, since I don't usually get home until quite late.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:57 No.3367503

    Actually I was being sarcastic in that post but I suppose I'm a bit lonely now since it's two in the morning.

    And you?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:58 No.3367504
    'cause I'm broke and can't afford to do almost anything but ride my bike for fun, and then I got a flat today.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:00 No.3367507

    Bwahaha! Oh that stinks. Why so broke?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:01 No.3367509
    School and apartments and bills add up.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:04 No.3367515

    Where do you go? Also would you like to continue this elsewhere?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:06 No.3367524
    Sure, you can email me at if you have a preferred messenger.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:17 No.3367542
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >1 day
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >4 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >tv, k, tg, d, hr, gif, trv
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >i'm unscientifically declaring myself to be in the top 95% of the population in terms of nutrition and health. i am in excellent shape
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >every day unless i'm at someone else's house for dinner. i eat out maybe twice a month
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:21 No.3367547
    1. Male
    2. 23
    3. Fuck if I remember, 2 years?
    4. Since we had a Japanese Zero on the front page.
    5. /k/ and /v/ mostly.
    6. 2
    7. 2
    8. Fuck no, humanity is awful.
    9. I run a kitchen you fuck.
    10. Every goddamned day.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:22 No.3367548

    >runs a kitchen

    confirmed for sports bar burger jockey.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:24 No.3367551
    >youngest cook in the kitchen
    >youngest manager in the kitchen
    >"goddamned superhero", though I really don't feel that way
    I do love that you abide by typical foodservice stereotypes though. Adorable.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:25 No.3367553
    What games do you play?

    Please don't say faghammer.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:26 No.3367555

    I love you how you think you run anything. You're 23. I would maybe let you work pantry, maybe on a Tuesday.

    Not denying the sports bar, either. Nice.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:28 No.3367558
    1. What is your gender?
    > F
    2. How old are you?
    > 25
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    > 3 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    > 4
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    > about one
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >about once every 2 months or so
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    > I'm 5'5 and 115lbs, fluctuating maybe 3lbs, trying to eat healthy
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    > twice a dat
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:49 No.3367575
         File1327564160.jpg-(59 KB, 400x463, 7-andre-spaghetti-carbonara-wi(...).jpg)
    59 KB
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >5ish years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >5ish years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/o/ and /diy/ mostly occasionally /h/ and /b/ when i can't sleep
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Variess GREATLY sometimes i don't reply to a thread for days other times i spend all day shitting up the place
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >hardly ever
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >i am overweight but not by much i love to cook and eat good food but because of my work schedule i eat a lot of trash during the week with nearly all of my cooking happening on the weekends thus the weight issue
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >every day of the weekend... maybe once or twice during the week
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:49 No.3367576

    Must be landwhale
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:53 No.3367579
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:58 No.3367584
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    I wouldn't consider myself a reg. I lurk often but never post.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >6 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /co/ and /r9k/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >My first time posting on /ck/
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >See above response
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >Slightly overweight but isn't really noticeable. Had bulimia for like a month. Weird, I know, I answer no the question about normalcy.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Hardly ever now. I work a lot and I'm too tired when I get home to cook.

    I'm a torrid love affair with ice cream. The higher the fat content the better.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:45 No.3367628
    > 1. What is your gender?

    > 2. How old are you?

    > 3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    2 years

    > 4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    5 years

    > 5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /u/, /g/

    > 6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    1? I rarely reply when I visit but when I do, I reply in bursts.

    > 7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    I've only made one thread in all this time.

    > 8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    Yes. 4chan is my biggest secret.

    > 9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    No eating disorders or dieting stories. I go to the gym and play sports and dance so I can pretty much eat whatever I want. I'm picky, but I appreciate and sought out good food.

    > 10. How often do you cook your meals?
    10%. Gf and I eat out a lot due to our work schedules.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:53 No.3367635
         File1327568005.jpg-(26 KB, 640x480, image201201080001.jpg)
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    1) M
    3)3 1/2 yrs
    4)3 1/2 yrs
    6)2 -4
    8)no what he said >>3365743
    9)like to eat and try different things, not over waight
    10)4-5 days
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:07 No.3367645
    1. Male
    2. 26
    3. 6 years?
    4. 5 years?
    5. /k/, /o/, /co/, /diy/, /sci/. /b/ & /gif/ if there are no interesting threads on the others.
    6. <1, I usually just lurk
    7. 1, see #6
    8. I 'd like to say "yes", but probably not.
    9. I'm a little underweight, but that's due to a high metabolism.
    10. 75% of the time, if you include leftovers.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:12 No.3367649
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >11 months.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >11 months.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/g/ /sp/ and /soc/ for porn.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Many times a day, typically.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >At least 10.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >I'm much more normal now than when I was a regular drug user, and I try to avoid loud environments these days (bars, venues, clubs, etc), so I could be considered a hermit due to the fact that every single one of my friends loves going out every night. I'm also an alcoholic.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I pretty much survive on fast food, take out, sandwiches and salads.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Very rarely. I cooked often when my ex initially left me, but 11 months later it just seems pointless. It's not that I find cooking for one depressing, I just don't care very much about my health.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:35 No.3367670
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    Since 2009?
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Late 2008
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /fa/, /fit/, sometimes /a/ and /co/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I used have have some body issues since I was overweight but I'm good now.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Everyday. Training to be a chef as well.
    >> epaftw 01/26/12(Thu)04:38 No.3367673
    1. M
    2. 16
    3. about two years
    4. about 4 years give or take.
    5. /fit/, /s/, Rarely /b/
    6. I don't reply to often maybe once a day max.
    7. Maybe once or twice a month.
    8. I'd say im pretty normal.
    9. I have never had an eating disorder nor am I overweight.
    10. I cook my meals twice a day.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:40 No.3367674
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    its part of my daily lurking
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Six plus years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /jp/, /g/, /c/, /a/, /fit/ are my dailies; any other blue board when things get slow, except /tv/ fuck them
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    zero to two
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    don't think I've ever made a thread on /ck/, but I do have an idea for a series of threads, depends on how the regulars here fell about them
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    I gesso
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    food = fuel for my workouts, but I don't really care to eat otherwise
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    a few times a week, make extra, eat on it for a few days, cheap and can control portions easily
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:40 No.3367675
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    Since I was about 15.
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Since I was about 13.
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /k/. Lot of you bastards in here, too. What is this sorcery.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to
    a thread on /ck/?
    Few. Usually not at all unless I have something to contribute or someone's being fucking retarded.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    I think I've made a thread on this board exactly once.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    Being socially conservative isn't very normal nowdays. Most people get all buttdevastated about it because they don't realize that social conservatism has nothing to do with religion, the Bible, hating gays, or banning things.
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I've been builtfat bearmode for a while, but right now I'm drastically losing weight.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Whenever I have time and someone else doesn't have something planned. Usually it prevents my father from making one of his.. creations.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:50 No.3367688
    1. F
    2. 24
    3. a year ago
    4. two years ago
    5. /r9k/ /h/ /wg/
    6. four times a week
    7. once a month
    8. whats normal? Im a mexican good looking girl who likes /ck/ so i dunno
    9. Im a little underweight but not becouase a foos disorder, im so picky with good food that i have to make it myself and im lazy to cook for myself 3 times a day so a eat less then i should,
    10. I mostly try to cook fancy stuff on weekends and quick stuff 3 or 4 times a week
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:52 No.3367692
    >good looking
    >not fat
    >on 4chan
    color me skeptical
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:54 No.3367695
    Hey man, I've met quite a few. They were just all crazy. Don't be so quick to assume a girl is fat instead of crazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:58 No.3367701
    Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a girl who is a little overweight. I'm just saying the total combination seems a little unlikely for this place.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:18 No.3367791
    1. Male
    2. 18
    3. Almost four years
    4. Almost four years (my first visit, I checked out /ck/
    5. /ck/ /cgl/ /y/
    6. I rarely reply, not even once a week.
    7. A few a year, lol.
    8. Yes.
    9. I'm a food lover, I'll eat anything at least once. I eat a lot, but am legally/by-definition anorexic.
    10. Once a day, at least.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:28 No.3367801
    1. Female
    2. 20
    3. 2 years
    4. 4-5 years.
    5. /vp/, /b/, /x/, /h/, /gif/
    6. Hardly ever.
    7. Probably like once a month.
    8. I guess?
    9. MOSTLY average. Have a bit of pudge on my stomach.
    10. Quite often.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.3367847
    1. Female
    2. 18
    3. Few years
    4. ^
    5. N/A
    6. 4
    7. 1
    8. I'm not socially retarded, so I guess that classes as "normal."
    9. I have an eating disorder stemmed from my father. He'd make me eat the same oversized portion of food he'd eat at age 35 when I was 3-4. I can't remember the last time I wanted to stop eating once started. So yes, of course I am over weight.
    10. Lately not very often. I've been working a LOT and thus have just been eating ramen or fast food most days. When I'm not working my ass off, I cook at least 5 days a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)10:43 No.3368077
    1. F
    2. 23
    3. 4 years
    4. 5 years
    5. /a/, /v/, /tv/
    6. once or twice
    7. maybe once
    8. by 4chan standards? yes. by society standards? I'm still a "nerd"
    9. average. not a picky eater, enjoy food as much as the next guy.
    10. cooking every day
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)10:53 No.3368090
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >3 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >5 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >Maybe 1 thread in 2 months
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >2 to 3 times a day
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:00 No.3368101
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >bout a year
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >bout 3
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/fit/ /mu/ /lit/ /tg/ /b/ /k/. now and then ill just lurk random boards.
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >overweight, muscular.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Most of the time. Don't bring lunch to uni.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:02 No.3368106
    shifting blame to your father is the worst thing you can do.

    it's not his fault.

    he just wanted to fatten you up so he wouldn't have to deal with you having boyfriends later in life.

    i'd do the same.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:03 No.3368109
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >Not very long
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >5 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Maybe once or twice
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >I just started, but I've created two threads in the past week.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I'm overweight but I've been working to lose weight for a few years, and have succeeded so far.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Every day
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:10 No.3368115
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    bout 2-3 years
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    about 4 years
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /vp/, /v/, rarely /a/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    once or twice
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    don't think I've ever made a thread on /ck/
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    for the most part
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Overweight, no disorders, not picky
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    More often in the past few months. Bout 90%?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:17 No.3368125
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    About a year or so
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    At least 5 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /b/ /cgl/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Once every two months
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    Yes? I mean, nothing is really normal, so how can I be?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I sometimes eat to hide sadness, but its not diagnosed, and I'm working on fixing that
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    At least once a week if not more.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:26 No.3368135
    >not looking at #2 first
    >then #9
    >then the rest
    >> Sherron Ballins !!9tpWMDvpAAL 01/26/12(Thu)11:30 No.3368139
    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    about 8 months
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    about a year and a half
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /sp/ and sometimes /fit/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    a few
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    maybe about 6
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I used to be a picky eater as a kid. Always active and loved to eat. Now I like trying new things.
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Everyday, maybe eat out once or twice a week
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:32 No.3368143
         File1327595542.jpg-(21 KB, 367x451, 1270233109225..jpg)
    21 KB
    >mfw all the fatties also go to /a/ or /jp/ or some beta bullshit
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:39 No.3368152
    It's surprisingly male in hurr.

    >1. What is your gender?
    >2. How old are you?
    >3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    9 months-1 year
    >4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Three years
    >5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /mu/, /lit/, /tg/
    >6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    Once or twice
    >8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Naw. A slightly unhealthy perspective on food for a while, just counting calories.
    >10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Erryday. I eat out/get take out/make frozen dinners a couple of times a month.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:42 No.3368159
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >3 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >3 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >In order of falling freqency of visits: /fit/, /tg/, /k/, /fa/, /b/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Two-three times
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >Once or twice
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >I do, other people don't
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >Used to be fat as fatass two years back. It's a long slope back but I'm starting to see major progress
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Two-three times a day

    And that's me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:45 No.3368162
    I'm only doing this for SCIENCE.

    1. M
    2. 24
    3. 2-3 years
    4. 4-5 Years
    5. /wg/ or /sci/
    6. 10-15
    7. 3-5
    8. Normal-ish? Who is the standard for normal?
    9. I like food but I don't cook as often as I'd like. I should also eat more than one meal a day.
    10. 2-3 times a week
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:54 No.3368171
    Why don't we get a proper survey like the folks from /tv/ got?

    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    2 years
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    4 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /x/ /b/ /r9k/ /tv/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    I used to be overweight, I have been underweight, have had anorexia and binge eating disorder, nowadays I am skinny and very strict with my diet, I don't eat any fats or flour or sugar. About 3 or 4 times a year I binge on beer and sugary food.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    Every day.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:02 No.3368183
         File1327597373.gif-(1.99 MB, 320x213, 1327254930362.gif)
    1.99 MB
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    >~2 years
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/b/, /f/, /gif/, /r9k/, /cm/, /y/, and /an/ on rare occasions
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Perhaps once. Sometimes, not even that.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >I've only made one thread on /ck/
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >consider yourself normal
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >Food goes in mouth
    >Nutrients go in me
    >The rest out my ass.
    >But seriously, I'm a bit chubby, but other than that.. I'm allergic to shellfish
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Most everyday.

    Pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:23 No.3368209
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/a/, /cgl/, /jp/, /x/ (though it's been shittier than shit since 2010, but I can hope), /lit/, /adv/, /pol/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    >Not very often. Maybe once a day on average. I usually just lurk.
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    >Maybe once every three or four months.
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I'm overweight, but I started doing a full-retard diet at the beginning of December, then crashed at the beginning of January. Now I've figured out as long as I drink lots of water and just fukken exercise, I won't be a lardass anymore.
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >All through the weekends, and maybe two or three times during the working week. My dorm has a cafeteria that serves pretty good, cooked-right-in-front-of-you food.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:23 No.3368210
    1. Female
    2. Nineteen
    3. Two years
    4. Not counting 2012, three years
    5. /a/, /cm/, /lit/, /toy/, /diy/, /v/
    6. Around three or four.
    7. I've never made a thread in /ck/, I just reply in them.
    8. Normal enough to function in society.
    9. Average weight for my height, more or less around 105lbs. Raised on parent's home cooking and pb&j paperbag lunches in school, rarely eat out.
    10. I still live with my parents and they like to do the dinner cooking. However I make my own lunches or prepare food to bring with me to college and work, so around four days a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:29 No.3368220
    1. Female
    2. 29
    3. Couple years
    4. Little over couple years
    5. /toy/ /cgl/ /b/ /diy/ /lit/ /po/ /ic/ /u/ /d/ /pol/ /tg/ /fit/ /co/ /sci/
    6. 3-5
    7. 6
    8. Eh. I'm not speshul snowflake but I know some people call me "eccentric" in polite company.
    9. Love food. Looking at it, preparing it, whatever. It's one of life's biggest pleasures. I just know how to balance it so I don't become unhealthy. I do have an irrational hate for most fast and very processed foods.
    10. At least once per day.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:31 No.3368223
    1. M
    2. 22
    3. Summer -11
    4. -10
    5. /b/, /gif/
    6. <0.3
    7. <0.7
    8. Yes
    9. Slight overweight, more gourmand than gourmet so to say.
    10. I cook 9/10 meals. Do a lot of leftovers though.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:34 No.3368229
         File1327599292.jpg-(48 KB, 450x463, ohyou.jpg)
    48 KB
    1. Female
    2. 20
    3. Year and a bit
    4. Three years
    5. /mu/, /co/, /lit/, occasionally /v/
    6. A few dozen?
    7. Ten or so
    8. "Normal" is meaningless. lolpretenshun.
    9. Used to have a habit of purging, but kicked it after a few months. Just try to eat healthily in general nowadays, with minimal snacking and "occasional" treats.
    10. Usually about six days of the week. The others are frozen pizza, lazy salads or sandwiches or Indian takeaway.

    >mfw this is barely /ck/ related
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:40 No.3368235
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    >4 months
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    >/b/, /fit/, /k/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    >As normal as can be
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    >I cut regularly and hate it but am at a healthy body weight. Hoping for sub 10% bf by March!
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    >Once per day
    >> clæsix 01/26/12(Thu)12:41 No.3368241
    1. What is your gender?

    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?

    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    Less than a year

    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /tv,/b,/fit (its been awhile)

    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?

    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    ~4 or 5

    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    "All things considered..";)

    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    Overweight but workout

    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    @ least twice a week
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:42 No.3368243
    Jesus Christ, so many fucking /b/tards. I didn't think they spread this much.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:42 No.3368244
    1. What is your gender?
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been a regular at /ck/?
    4. How long have you been a 4chan regular?
    about 4yrs
    5. What other boards do you frequent?
    /k/ and sometimes /o/
    6. How many times in a day, on average, do you reply to a thread on /ck/?
    at least once or twice
    7. How many times in a month, on average, do you create a new thread on /ck/?
    used to be 3-4 times a week. now 1 or 2 legit threads per month + 4 or 5 troll threads
    8. Do you consider yourself "normal"?
    9. What is your relationship with food like? (do you have any history of eating disorders/are you overweight/etc.)
    overwieght, but no disorders other than too much and not enough excersise
    10. How often do you cook your meals?
    5-6 times a week

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