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  • File : 1304974640.jpg-(21 KB, 400x400, z209857971.jpg)
    21 KB squeamish eaters need to be sterilized Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)16:57 No.2798010  
    The worst kind are the one "consistency" squeams.
    Mostly an American middle class phenomenon I think.
    Just seems like such a lack of self discipline and weak mindedness.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:00 No.2798017
    leave them alone they don't effect you in any way.
    Just be happy that you are more adventurous and eat better then them.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:07 No.2798035
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:10 No.2798040
    OP is fat.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:13 No.2798043
    Most people who hate vegetables only do because they've only had them boiled. It's more the fault of the person who's cooking really.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:21 No.2798050
    I wish they did not effect me.They are a total pain in the ass.The worst kind is the new "I only eat organic" faggot.
    You bring something to a potluck and they go around telling everybody not to eat it because its not made with organic cheese.
    Fucking pricks.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:28 No.2798064
    Easy fix: Lie and tell them it's organic.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:31 No.2798071
    Man, I don't consider myself squeamish or picky, but I think the consistency issue can be pretty legit. I mean, have you ever had uni? Or BAD uni? Slime + bitter + cat barf appearance. I think I'm allowed that one.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:37 No.2798079
    Only consistency i have a problem with is real homemade ovened mac and cheese

    I cannot stand those crunchy noodles. Something about it just...get me.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:42 No.2798088
    I dont really care why someone wont eat something, its just wrong no matter what.
    Put that shit in your fucking facemouth and chew it the fuck up and swallow it.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:04 No.2798120
    >parent "here eat this pile of dog shit"
    >kid "fuck no!"
    >parent "you ungrateful little brat! i slaved all day to find jsu the right pile of steaming dog shit and you back talk me you fucking squeamish picky eater!? how dare you!" *pulls off belt and beats the shit out of kid with the buckle end* "i should never had you!
    >kid learns to eat dog shit from then on

    This is pretty much a snapshot of the Op's childhood.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:08 No.2798130
    actually you just described the anecdote every squeamtard ever gives when asked why they dont like something.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:17 No.2798148
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    I have a friend who doesn't eat any vegetables. One time i had made some bomb ass sandwitches for a roadtrip, they had real italian salami,sliced steak,roast beef,feta cheese and some great cheddar. Ofcourse i put salad on and topped it with some garlic dressing.

    Now when i served them everyone loved them except my one friend, he refused to eat it because it had salad in it. He said i had ruined it with the salad.

    Fuck picky eaters man
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:19 No.2798152
    There's people that don't like certain things (i.e. my >>2798079)

    But then there's insane shit like that. No vegetables? I feel bad for his body
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:21 No.2798157
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    mfw when non-Americans call lettuce "salad".
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:22 No.2798160
    I can't eat bananas. Gross consistency, disgusting flavor.
    That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:28 No.2798175
    banana +yogurt=breakfast erre'day
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:28 No.2798177
    Holocaust his picky ass, Adolf. He's too weak to deserve to live. I think your sammiches sound absolutely wonderful. I'd for sure love to be your friend despite that gas incident!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:29 No.2798179
    Bullshit if you cant eat bananas
    You should say you "wont" eat them because you dont like them. You can put your fucking hand in fire if there is a gun to your head.
    You are just weak minded.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:30 No.2798184
    Why do people have to eat anything they don't want? We live in a free country. Better the food isn't wasted on somebody who doesn't like it.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:31 No.2798190

    Yep he never eats it, he also has a mad sugar addiction. He's skinny as hell though.


    Just so you know for the future
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:34 No.2798196
    the point is, people dont like certain stuff only because they are weak.
    except for a few things like cilantro or anise, all this squam shit is all in your head.
    Squams are not biologically different like fags.
    they are just fucking pussies.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:36 No.2798202
    >Just so you know for the future

    Your link doesn't contradict him. Using the term "salad" when you just mean "lettuce" is incorrect.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:36 No.2798203

    One of my classmates was like that last semester. The fucker kept bringing stinkin' ass potted meat and saltine crackers to lunch with him every goddamned day. He refused to eat vegetables because they're "pussy food." He was about 6'6 and 450 pounds. He's also a goddamned retard who threw tests he got F's and D's on at the instructors. Then, the icing on the cake (haha, food pun, I know), was his fat ass was in the restroom for 30-45 minutes at the start of every 3-hour class.

    Every time I hear someone say they don't eat vegetables, I think of that fuckwad.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:47 No.2798229

    5/10 nearly got me

    I put lettuce,tomato,cucumber,red onions and a little corn on there.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:48 No.2798230
    So it's okay to not like cilantro? But you have to like everything else?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:51 No.2798234
    There are a few chemicals that are detected differently by different human phenotypes
    cilantro and anise are two.
    for some people cilantro tastes like soap, so its fair not to like it.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:52 No.2798239
    man moot is giving /b/ a serious dose of chemo
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:55 No.2798247
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    Here's an easy fix - try telling the picky fucker to bring his own food next time you bring him on a roadtrip with you.

    If he doesn't appreciate the fact that you put time and effort into making him a sandwich, then he doesn't deserve to have it.

    If he whines or complains, tell him he should have brought his own food, seeing as he seems to know what he likes better than you.

    Or, if you REALLY wanna drive a nail into him, tell him you're bringing food... but don't tell him you're not bringing any for HIM. When the inevitable bitching starts, tell him, "Oh, well since you didn't like what I made last time, I figured you'd be bringing your own."
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:59 No.2798254
    When I was a kid at summer camp, I saw a kid pick out all of the green, orange and yellow Froot Loops and only eat the red, blue and purple ones. That fucked with my head for a while.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:02 No.2798263
    it comes from a diet entirely composed of processed foods these people almost never eat real fresh food and freak the fuck out if you put some infront of them
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:07 No.2798275
    Fun fact: All picky eaters like french fries.

    But seriously fuck them in the face. Ex couldn't eat most things at restaurants. What a huge bitch (guy).
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:20 No.2798299
    My dad is a ridiculously picky eater. Whenever he comes over to my house, I am seriously limited by what I can cook. He doesn't like any kinds of peppers. Not even bell peppers. He doesn't like shrimp. He refuses to eat meat if it's cooked less than medium well. He doesn't like onions. He doesn't like any kind of cheese other than cheddar and mozzarella. He doesn't like garlic. He doesn't like things with more than a sprinkle of any kind of seasoning on them. He doesn't like pork products aside from sliced ham and bacon.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:22 No.2798302
    The worst kind of people are those who give a shit what other people eat.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:23 No.2798305
    OP is on board the USS Buttdevistated taking a tour of the Umad Islands.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:23 No.2798306
    <All picky eaters like french fries.

    The one I know does. And pizza. And not much else.
    >> Ruby !!iPJbBu5S79g 05/09/11(Mon)19:23 No.2798311
    It's not a genetic trait really, so there would be no point in sterilization.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:23 No.2798312
    picky eaters are pathetic, I've seen some girl at work picking icing off cake someone got for the office. HERES AN IDEA! DON'T LIKE ICING, DON'T EAT THE CAKE.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:25 No.2798317
    This. See this post.

    I love my parents, but when they visit, I there are like three things I can make between my mom's food allergies and my dad's insane pickiness.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:25 No.2798318

    Genetic? No.

    But, parents do teach their eating habits to their kids. How can you expect your children to eat a healthy balanced diet if you refuse to eat many foods?
    >> Ruby !!iPJbBu5S79g 05/09/11(Mon)19:25 No.2798319

    I'm a picky eater, but I can eat much more than french fries and pizza. I just tend to pick out any vegetables that aren't broccoli or carrots... or ones that pretty much have no flavor. Seems like water chestnuts don't bother me, onions depends on how they're cooked (but then again, if you serve raw broccoli I will stab you with a spoon).
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:26 No.2798322

    squeamtard detected
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:26 No.2798323

    This isn't /b/. No one cares.
    >> Ruby !!iPJbBu5S79g 05/09/11(Mon)19:26 No.2798325

    You man the fuck up when you have to and eat it with them. Either that or you try and see if you can get them to eat it anyways.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:26 No.2798326
    As I said, I pretty much just ate pan grilled chicken with no seasonings at all until I went to college. Any flavorful food I wanted to eat, I had to make myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:27 No.2798328

    No, I'm not the least bit squeamish about other people's eating habits.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:29 No.2798333
    Everyone has certain foods they will not eat under any condition, whether they're willing to admit it or not.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:29 No.2798334
    My brother's pickiness pissed me off growing up. The only vegetables he eats are potatoes and onions. If I would ever get him a sandwich and I'd forget to ask them to take off lettuce and tomato, he'd bitch at me and say that the sandwich was "ruined" because he can still taste the lettuce (which, especially for iceberg lettuce, makes zero sense). He's also one of those assholes that doesn't like to eat food with bones, so he'd always make us get boneless wings, chicken strips, etc, and those are so much worse.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:30 No.2798339
    that is because you empathize with picky eaters because you am one
    no one is neutral in this fight.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:33 No.2798346

    Not me
    not one fucking "FOOD" thing makes me squeam because I am not a little girly american faggot.
    If its food, and more than a few hundred thousand people eat it for nourishment, I will eat it.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:33 No.2798347

    You're wrong, OP. Picky eaters shouldn't be sterilized. They should be exterminated.

    After that, their bodies should be ground up & turned into animal feed.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:34 No.2798350

    No, I'm one of the least picky eaters there is. I just know how to mind my own business.

    Perhaps if I were tasked with making food for others I would feel differently.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:34 No.2798353
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:35 No.2798354
    >He's also one of those assholes that doesn't like to eat food with bones

    I'm one of those assholes too. Eating meat off of a bone makes me feel like a caveman.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:36 No.2798357
    >implying that's not half the fun
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:36 No.2798358

    Nonsense. I'm sure if you and I took a scroll through your local grocery store I could find a few things you'd refuse to eat.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:36 No.2798360
    >french fries

    My roommate in college was a motherfucking picky eater who would get a big plate of fries every single day for lunch. He didn't even want to try anything else the cafeteria had. Also, he had never eaten oatmeal or pears before i made him try those. He didn't like them. Once i tricked him into eating calamari and he liked it... until i told him what it was.

    I don't understand picky eaters. It just seems really childish to me. I was a pretty picky eater as a kid, but I grew out of it once i became an adult.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:37 No.2798364

    I have no idea what that has to do with this thread, but I might as well say that 4chan would be better off without /b/.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:39 No.2798378
    also, he didnt like anything with beans, or vegetables in it. He pretty much just ate french fries, pizza, cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, and cereal.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:39 No.2798380
    to me, this is acceptable. picky eaters dont bother me if they just eat around what they dont like and not bitch about it.

    its the "this is ruined!" type of picker eater that bugs the fuck out of me.

    some aversions i can understand. my brother hates red onions. my dad hates bean sprouts. i personally hate olives. but when your pickiness is so broad that it becomes a pain in the ass for anyone who cooks for you, then you just need to stop being a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:50 No.2798384
    That sounds so fucking bomb! I would eat the hell out of those sandwiches if it makes you feel any better.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:51 No.2798385
    an american grocery??? no fucking way
    Not one fucking thing
    things I dont like ? sure tons
    I hate menudo. Once in a while an employee will bring me some for lunch. The mexican guys make awesome food that I love so they always bring me some extra.but sometimes its menudo.
    The first few bites of menudo make me want to wretch, but I steel myself to the fucking task and I polish off the whole fucking bowl every time.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:53 No.2798388
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    By design and by destiny, humans are omnivores. Our teeth
    and digestive systems are all-purpose and ready for anything.
    Our genes do not dictate what foods we should find tasty or
    repulsive. We come into the world with a yen for sweets (newborns
    can even distinguish among glucose, fructose, lactose, and
    sucrose) and a weak aversion to bitterness, and after four months
    develop a fondness for salt. Some people are born particularly
    sensitive to one taste or odor; others have trouble digesting milk
    sugar or wheat gluten. A tiny fraction of adults, between 1 and 2
    percent, have true (and truly dangerous) food allergies. All
    human cultures consider fur, paper, and hair inappropriate as

    And that's about it. Everything else is learned. Newborns are
    not repelled even by the sight and smell of putrefied meat crawling
    with maggots.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:53 No.2798390
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    The nifty thing about being omnivores is that we can take
    nourishment from an endless variety of flora and fauna and easily
    adapt to a changing world—crop failures, droughts, herd
    migrations, restaurant closings, and the like. Lions and tigers will
    starve in a salad bar, as will cows in a steak house, but not us.
    Unlike cows, who remain well nourished eating only grass,
    humans need a great diversity of foods to stay healthy.

    Yet by the age of twelve, we all suffer from a haphazard collection
    of food aversions ranging from revulsion to indifference.
    The tricky part about being omnivores is that we are always in
    danger of poisoning ourselves. Catfish have taste buds on their
    whiskers, but we are not so lucky. Instead, we are born with a
    cautious ambivalence toward novel foods, a precarious balance
    between neophilia and neophobia. Just one bad stomach ache or
    attack of nausea after dinner is enough to form a potent aversion—
    even if the food we ate did not actually cause the problem
    and even if we know it didn't. Hives or rashes may lead us rationally
    to avoid the food that caused them, but only an upset
    stomach and nausea will result in a lasting, irrational, lifelong
    sense of disgust. Otherwise, psychologists know very little about
    the host of powerful likes and dislikes—let us lump them all
    under the term "food phobias"—that children carry into adulthood.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:55 No.2798394
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    By closing ourselves off from the bounties of nature, we
    become failed omnivores. We let down the omnivore team. God
    tells us in the Book of Genesis, right after Noah's flood, to eat
    everything under the sun. Those who ignore his instructions are no
    better than godless heathens.

    The more I contemplated food phobias, the more I became
    convinced that people who habitually avoid certifiably delicious
    foods are at least as troubled as people who avoid sex, or take no
    pleasure from it, except that the latter will probably seek psychiatric
    help, while food phobics rationalize their problem in the
    name of genetic inheritance, allergy, vegetarianism, matters of
    taste, nutrition, food safety, obesity, or a sensitive nature. The
    varieties of neurotic food avoidance would fill several volumes,
    but milk is a good place to start.

    Overnight, everybody you meet has become lactose intolerant.
    It is the chic food fear of the moment. But the truth is that very,
    very few of us are so seriously afflicted that we cannot drink even a
    whole glass of milk a day without ill effects. I know several people
    who have given up cheese to avoid lactose. But fermented cheeses
    contain no lactose! Lactose is the sugar found in milk; 98 percent of
    it is drained off with the whey (cheese is made from the curds), and
    the other 2 percent is quickly consumed by lactic-acid bacteria in
    the act of fermentation.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:57 No.2798400
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    Three more examples: People rid their diet of salt (and their
    food of flavor) to avoid high blood pressure and countless imagined
    ills. But no more than 8 percent of the population is sensitive
    to salt. Only saturated fat, mainly from animals, has ever been
    shown to cause heart disease or cancer, yet nutrition writers and
    Nabisco get rich pandering to the fear of eating any fat at all. The
    hyperactivity syndrome supposedly caused by white sugar has
    never, ever, been verified—and not for lack of trying. In the
    famous New Haven study, it was the presence of the parents, not
    the presence of white sugar, that was causing the problem;
    most of the kids calmed down when their parents left the

    I cannot figure out why, but the atmosphere in America
    today rewards this sort of self-deception. Fear and suspicion of
    food have become the norm. Convivial dinners have nearly disappeared
    and with them the sense of festivity and exchange, of
    community and sacrament. People should be deeply ashamed of
    the irrational food phobias that keep them from sharing food
    with each other. Instead, they have become proud and isolated,
    arrogant and aggressively misinformed.

    But not me.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)19:59 No.2798408
    I've been called a picky eater my entire life because I don't like tomatoes or onions, and they're in fucking everything. I'm willing to try anything, and I have had a great many foods, including tripe. But the texture of tomatoes and onions makes me gag.

    Do you entitled faggots think I want to gag on this shit food that's in fucking everything? Fuck you up-tight shitwads.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:00 No.2798409
    >he liked it... until i told him what it was.

    I want to smash that guys face in. I really do.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:00 No.2798410
    who is that ? fred phelps?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:02 No.2798416
    You stupid cunt
    circus fuckers can swallow fucking sword with practice and self control
    and you cant swallow a tomato ?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:03 No.2798421
    That's Jeffrey Steingarten, the Food Critic at Vogue magazine, for which he has won a National Magazine award and a dozen James Beard awards and nominations. The text was excerpted from his best-selling book, The Man Who Ate Everything. Seemed appropos to the thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:07 No.2798432

    He looks a little overweight himself there, maybe he should eat a little less of everything.

    And if a doctor of medicine tells you to eat less salt, you better eat less salt or reap what's coming for you.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:10 No.2798443
    Eating is his job. What's yours? Posting ignorant comments on 4chan?

    Keep up the good work.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:14 No.2798457

    He's the one advocating to violate doctor's orders. That's what I call ignorant.

    And eating might be his job but that doesn't mean he has to eat too much or is forbidden from excercising to burn off the extra calories.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:15 No.2798459
    >For breakfast ate white bread with strawberry jam
    >For dinner had Mashed Potatoes in white bread as a sandwich
    >Once a month will have french fry sandwiches for dinner as a "treat"
    This is all he ate for the 5 years I knew him. The worst part is he would hog the toilet for an hour every fucking night. I needed to shit sometimes during this period so it pissed me off.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:16 No.2798463
    Union rules strictly forbid exercise for food critics.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:37 No.2798541
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:48 No.2798596
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    Fuck you.

    I'm not some poor shit, if I don't like something I have no reason to force myself to eat it.

    I'm picky as fuck. I'll try anything but why the hell would anyone continue to eat something they dont enjoy?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:56 No.2798624
    because you are at someones house or at a restaurant you might not have chosen.
    thats why.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:57 No.2798636
    OP doesn't understand taste aversion.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)20:59 No.2798645
    because many tastes are developed over time, and by being picky you will never learn to appreciate the subtle ways certain tastes compliment each other. but its cool, just keep eating pizza and french fries.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:03 No.2798669
    Here's a classic, my ex..well, kind of an ex, we were cheating on his boyfriend...But enough of that.

    He wouldn't touch pork, beef, fried foods, most cooked seafood (raw ones like sushi were fine though), food in his mind that was 'cooked with too much oil' or too much seasoning, didn't like pasta, ketchup or any other flavorings at all.

    And people always wonder why I could pick him up with one hand...
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:07 No.2798695
    was your hand in his anus?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:08 No.2798702
    you dont understand that that is made up stupid pussy shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:11 No.2798712
    A guy I was dating actually refused to drink milk at my place because it was organic milk, and therefore gross. What. The. Fuck. (my parents are hippies, only buy organic stuff)
    Who gives a fuck if it's organic or not?!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:16 No.2798723
    i hope you dumped him on the spot
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:17 No.2798727
    So as retaliation you refused to drink his non-organic cum?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:17 No.2798728
    and told him to gtfo of your place
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:26 No.2798750
    My mum is really picky. Especially if something is 'risky'. She throws out leftovers after 3 days (in the fridge!) because it might kill us. My dad and I can't really understand it, because she grew up in the projects- so you'd imagine she wouldn't want to waste so much damn food.

    >making spaghetti, add a bay leaf to boil and later remove
    >two days after thanksgiving, make shepherd's pie with left over meat, boiled in broth with tons of veggies, thickened, tops with creamy potatoes and baked
    >make delicious peanut butter pie with chocolate shell crust, the filling uses ricotta cheese as a binder
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:29 No.2798757
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    Don't take no guff from those picky little shits - If you ain't the one paying or cooking, you should damn well eat what you're given!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:33 No.2798770
    OP is a troll.

    A good troll at that.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:52 No.2798829
    maybe he considered organic to possibly also be unpasteurized, and who knows what kind of bacteria infested shit you and your parents drink. so he refused some milk, calm the fuck down.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:54 No.2798835
    Black people are just stupid, who knew.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)21:58 No.2798849
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    If I don't want chunks of tomatoes in my food, then you better not serve it cuz I ain't gonna eat it otherwise.

    Also, is having a mild allergic reaction to celery normal?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:06 No.2798866
    Everyone's got the shit they can't enjoy. The main thing for me is that I don't like to eat small, individual things - it's from a phobia of swallowing stuff when I was younger, I suppose. But it can also depend on the presentation - I love corn on the cob, I won't touch corn individual things. Texture too. I love diced onions (Which contradicts that small food phobia) on tomatoes or in salsa, I'll be okay with raw sliced onion but I find cooked onion to be fucking disgusting. Ends up with this slimy, flacid consistency that reminds me of a tapeworm or a condom.

    I'm certainly a picky eater, though I am never one who'll complain.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:13 No.2798884
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    FUCK you picky eaters. Try some different food and shut the hell up! Efff.

    I'll try anything once!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:30 No.2798936
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    Explain to me how disliking one food is going to kill me? There are hundreds of thousands of other foods that I'm willing to eat, not eating a few isn't going to make a goddamn difference.

    You people are more pretentious than the picky eaters you claim to hate.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:32 No.2798942
    because if its onions, you are gonna cry like a little girl everytime your food has onions.
    If you dislike something and I never have to find out what that is, you are fine.The minuite I have to know you are a squeamtard, you have crossed the line.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:35 No.2798954

    >getting butthurt when someone mentions a food they dislike

    I repeat: You people are more pretentious than the picky eaters you claim to hate.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:41 No.2798970
    Yeah if I don't like something I'm not going to eat it. Simple as that. I'm not that picky either I just have something that I don't like.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:42 No.2798973
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    i will eat ANY food except canned spinach. the Consistency is that of a boiled hobo scrotum
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:46 No.2798987
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:46 No.2798989
    How many hobos did you eat to figure that out?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:50 No.2799002
    You don't understand that some people don't like what you like.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:52 No.2799006
    i only have one consistency problem. Cooked tomatoes. Cant do it. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:53 No.2799012
    Last time I checked eating isn't about proving how much shit food you don't like you can stomach before you throw up but enjoying what you're eating.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:55 No.2799022
    Or you just eat what you like and tell them to shove their shitty food you don't like up their ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:57 No.2799032
    Ooh, the trolls have struck a nerve with the picky little pussies who can't get into the clean plate club.

    This is fascinating. Bumping for MOAR!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)22:58 No.2799035
    >Mostly an American middle class phenomenon I think.
    >Just seems like such a lack of self discipline and weak mindedness.

    I think this is true. it may also be related to upbringing, or a cultural thing - if you're exposed to a variety of cuisines as a child, you're probably less likely to act like an 8-year-old around food and come up with ridiculously childish excuses as an adult.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)23:02 No.2799045
    Picky eating habits in childhood --> experimentation with vegetarian diet beginning in teens --> eating disorders in early adulthood
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)23:05 No.2799055
    people who lie about allergies to get out of eating something are the lowest of the low
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)23:09 No.2799061
    Fuck you, I used to be allergic to nuts and I never got a taste for them. If you say you're allergic people understand, if you say you don't like nuts people look at you like you're fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)23:09 No.2799065
    It's not mostly an American anything whatsoever. Stop the hate.

    There's pretty good research now that shows a lack of affinity for any foods your mother didn't eat during her pregnancy.

    I do not eat seafood. I supplement omega fatty acids and iodine from other sources. My family states that I ate tuna fish, lobster, crab and shrimp voraciously as a child, but got grossed out by it at some point. Maybe too much deep sea fishing trips. Maybe just a bad batch. No one remembers, but the aversion included not even being able to be in a restaurant, home or kitchen without feeling sick just from the smell of it cooking. As an adult, I try to make myself eat bites and nibbles if offered, just to get that nutrition and I keep hoping/wishing that it'll grow on me where I like again. So far, it's just good if my stomach doesn't lurch in a dry heave from a bite.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)23:17 No.2799082
    I honestly, 100%, really hate lettuce in any form, although I don't mind spinach. Makes it difficult sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)23:20 No.2799094
    >used to be
    Your a fucking liar.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)23:24 No.2799109
    a lack of affinity doesn't equate with irrational dislike for certain foods. take the guy who can eat corn on the cob but refuses to have the kernels by themselves for instance. sounds more like a psychological imbalance than some sort of peri-natal influence.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)23:25 No.2799112
    I broke out in hives consistently as a kid whenever I had nuts, chocolates, and eggs. I out grew them all by the time I finished elementary school but nuts remained disgusting to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)23:38 No.2799133

    My mom is white as a fish's belly. She grew up in the projects because she was a dirt poor whitie. Yeah, who knew they existed?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)00:09 No.2799218
    Some fish don't have white belles.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)01:13 No.2799340
    best thread ever on /ck/!
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)01:22 No.2799358
    Dealing with allergies in the people around you can be just as taxing as having them. My dad has Celiacs, and three of my friends have food allergies, one to shellfish, one to potatoes (he doesn't need serious help, just benadryl if he eats some), and one to olives so bad that contact with oil or juice causes a reaction. Food allergies aren't a joke.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)01:24 No.2799364
    Iceberg lettuce is crap and the most likely cause because it's cheap shit forced into public consciousness as "good" lettuce by fast food companies looking to save a buck by switching from romaine.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)01:34 No.2799382
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    So you faggots would have no problem chowing down on a big plate of offal?

    Mmm delicious heads with a side of guts.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)01:41 No.2799394
    > foods that people ate back when the rich ate the good parts and threw the scraps to the serfs/slaves
    > Still eat them without understanding why because "tradition"

    Fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)01:42 No.2799400
    Did you just call the head 'offal'?

    The head has the most delicious bits, dude.
    >> Anonymuos 05/10/11(Tue)01:46 No.2799406
    >food squeams that piss me off


    This pisses me off because i grew up with a sister who refused to eat food with onions in it, she would even say that something had onions in it just so that she wouldn't have to eat it. luckily i moved out a few years ago and can make my food to my own taste
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)01:49 No.2799416
    It's still offal no matter if you like it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)01:53 No.2799430
    I'm a highly picky eater. I have Crohn's Disease which limits my diet, as several things cause or intensify flare ups. So yeah, a lot of things I can't eat, unless I want to be in agonizing, bleed out my ass pain.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)02:01 No.2799448
    i had frog legs for the first time today.
    it's like a chicken fucked a carp.
    i'll try anything, but if i don't like it i'm not gonna eat it.
    i know i'm gonna get flamed for this, but i don't like any curries. i just don't really like that flavor profile.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)02:02 No.2799452
    You're just weak, it's all in your head, expect for the part that's in your colon, that's in your colon, but the rest is in your head... or your butt.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)02:05 No.2799457
    If you don't like it fine, most people here seem to be angry at the fact that some people will refuse to even try what was made for them.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)02:07 No.2799461

    Oh sure. Imagine you have to go to the bathroom urgently one to four times an hour. Each time it's hurts and spasms, sharply. The sort of pain that makes you double over and hold your stomach and lower, wishing to heaven that this wasn't happening. Plus you start farting a lot, and each fart stings like hell because your ass is already inflamed. Everything's sorta bloody down there too, and it goes on and on and on and on.

    That's why you have to be a picky eater with Crohn's.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)02:21 No.2799478
    just realized i put carp
    i meant it tastes like a chicken fucked a cod.
    in other words i did enjoy them haha.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)02:22 No.2799480
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)02:37 No.2799499
    I can't eat oatmeal. It's fucking disgusting, the consistency, the texture, the taste...
    American lowest class here; no money for anything, and i'd rather starve than eat oatz
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)02:42 No.2799502
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)02:46 No.2799509
    I grew up avoiding fruits and vegetables because of some irrational crap I got into my mind, and my parents never forced the issue.
    I eventually got out of it at 21 by buying a pound or two of a different vegetable whenever I worked a shift at the supermarket, and eating that motherfucker raw or suitably cooked if raw wasn't an option. Nowadays I still don't like raw salads, but at least I'm not a bitch about it if I'm served some.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)03:10 No.2799546
    I'm respectful. If someone makes me a meal, I don't fucking care if it's shit. They made it for me and I will eat every last bit of it. BECAUSE I CARE.

    Picky eaters have no hearts.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)03:19 No.2799558
    What if it's full of hair and bits of glass?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)04:16 No.2799621
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    "My first impulse was to fall upon the cook," wrote Edmondo de
    Amicis, a nineteenth-century traveler to Morocco. "In an instant I
    understood perfectly how a race who ate such food must necessarily
    believe in another God and hold essentially different views of
    human life from our own. . . . There was a suggestion of soap, wax,
    pomatum, of unguents, dyes, cosmetics; of everything, in short,
    most unsuited to enter a human mouth."

    This is precisely how I felt about a whole range of foods, particularly
    desserts in Indian restaurants, until 1989, the year that I,
    then a lawyer, was appointed food critic of Vogue magazine. As I
    considered the awesome responsibilities of my new post, I grew
    morose. For I, like everybody I knew, suffered from a set of powerful,
    arbitrary, and debilitating attractions and aversions at mealtime.
    I feared that I could be no more objective than an art critic
    who detests the color yellow or suffers from red-green color blindness.
    At the time I was friendly with a respected and powerful editor
    of cookbooks who grew so nauseated by the flavor of cilantro that
    she brought a pair of tweezers to Mexican and Indian restaurants
    and pinched out every last scrap of it before she would take
    a bite. Imagine the dozens of potential Julia Childs and M. F. K.
    Fishers whose books she peevishly rejected, whose careers she
    snuffed in their infancy! I vowed not to follow in her footsteps.

    Suddenly, intense food preferences, whether phobias or cravings,
    struck me as the most serious of all personal limitations.
    That very day I sketched out a Six-Step Program to liberate my
    palate and my soul. No smells or tastes are innately repulsive, I
    assured myself, and what's learned can be forgot.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)04:17 No.2799624
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    Food phobias can be extinguished in five ways. Which one would
    work best for me?

    Brain surgery. Bilateral lesions made in the basolateral region
    of the amygdala seem to do the trick in rats and, I think,
    monkeys—eliminating old aversions, preventing the formation of
    new ones, and increasing the animals' acceptance of novel foods.
    But the literature does not report whether having a brain operation
    also diminishes their ability to, say, follow a recipe. If these
    experimental animals could talk, would they still be able to? Any

    Starvation. As Aristotle claimed and modern science has
    confirmed, any food tastes better the hungrier you are. But as I
    recently confessed to my doctor, who warned me to take some
    pill only on an empty stomach, the last time I had an empty
    stomach was in 1978. He scribbled "hyperphagia" on my chart,
    your doctor's name for making a spectacle of yourself at the table.
    He is a jogger.

    Bonbons. Why not reward myself with a delectable little
    chocolate every time I successfully polish off an anchovy, a dish
    of kimchi, or a bowl of miso soup? Parents have used rewards
    ever since spinach was discovered. Offering children more playtime
    for eating dark leafy greens may temporarily work. But
    offering children an extra Milky Way bar in return for eating
    more spinach has perverse results: the spinach grows more repellent
    and the Milky Way more desired.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)04:18 No.2799625
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    Drug dependence. Finicky laboratory animals find new foods
    more palatable after a dose of chlordiazepoxide. According to an old
    Physicians' Desk Reference, this is nothing but Librium, the oncepopular
    tranquilizer, also bottled as Reposans and Screen. The
    label warns you about nausea, depression, and operating heavy
    machinery. I just said no.

    Exposure, plain and simple. Scientists tell us that aversions
    fade away when we eat moderate doses of the hated foods at
    moderate intervals, especially if the food is complex and new to us.
    (Don't try this with allergies, but don't cheat either: few of us have
    genuine food allergies.) Exposure works by overcoming our innate
    neophobia, the omnivore's fear of new foods that balances the
    biological urge to explore for them. Did you know that babies who
    are breast-fed will later have less trouble with novel foods than
    those who are given formula? The variety of flavors that make
    their way into breast milk from the mother's diet prepares the
    infant for the culinary surprises that lie ahead. Most parents give
    up trying novel foods on their weanlings after two or three attempts
    and then complain to the pediatrician; this may be the most
    common cause of fussy eaters and finicky adults—of omnivores
    manques. Most babies will accept nearly anything after eight or ten

    Clearly, mere exposure was the only hope for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)06:43 No.2799794
    >consistency issues

    raw oysters.
    just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)06:45 No.2799799
    >hate the taste of cheese
    >always limits my options in restaurants to about half the menu
    >can't eat pizza

    Goddammit! I hate being a picky eater
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)07:08 No.2799811
    I live in the suburbs, grow my own rabbits to cut down the shit ql meat purchase, and I have a small glasshouse in which I grow my own salad, tomatoes and spices. Are you perhaps jealous of me?
    PS; Not a redneck or a fucking retard.
    >> :) 05/10/11(Tue)07:08 No.2799813
    How can anyone hate the taste of cheese...especially mozzarella?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)07:11 No.2799815
    >Grew up poor
    >Picky = Death
    >Now my family is failry wealthy and my 9 year old brother is picky as fuck
    >Want to beat the shit out of him every meal
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)07:11 No.2799816

    I am insanely jelly.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)07:35 No.2799833

    This, except with my little sister.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)07:40 No.2799837
    Holy FUCK. Those 2 things are the only issues I have with food. I've never came across anyone who had the weird corn thing goin on let alone the hate for cooked onion texture too.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)07:59 No.2799846
    Worrying about what other people eat seems to be an American middle class phenomenon.

    I know you are trolling, but when do we stop sterilizing? Pretty soon we would start sterilizing other people based on stupid criteria like that. Pretty soon we would be like Nazi Germany. I would rather risk death and start a militia to stage a violent coup.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)09:29 No.2799883
    >"I know you are trolling, but when do we stop sterilizing?"

    are you fucking autistic?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)09:40 No.2799886
    i think of myself as an adventurous eater. i like sushi when my whole family refuses to try it even once. and cooking new things, or inventing foods.
    however, i fucking hate carrots baked in the oven. like in roasts. tried them. cant stand them. its the texture, not the flavor. soft and squishy. nope.jpg.
    i like steamed or fresh.
    as for brussel sprouts ive yet to find any that dont taste like dirt.
    but yes, people need to be open to trying new things. not sayin go eat a block of baby brains in a jar from china, but damn, try the fucking asparagus before deciding you hate it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)09:41 No.2799889
    For me being around 99% of people means I'm around comparatively picky eaters. I love tripe tacos, beef tongue, uni, strong blue cheese, beef carpacio etc. I've eaten things that I know will be disgusting, just to try it; shit like previously frozen durian, and cuttlefish canned in its own ink.

    I have a simple response; I don't take people out to dinner unless they're at least willing to try everything put in front of them.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)10:03 No.2799903
    One of my friends won't eat anything with a "gelatinous" texture. This means cooked mushrooms, jellied sweets, most seafood or anything deemed to be too squishy.

    Another friend won't eat any "orange" meaning sweet potatoes, carrots and pumpkin. Anything that might be spicy ever is also off the list.

    A separate friend again is vegetarian but only for a month for completely stupid reasons.

    Attempt to find 3 pizzas to order off this menu that fit all above requirements!
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)10:06 No.2799906
    Wow, sounds like something from the first chapter of an intro to logic textbook.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)10:07 No.2799907
    I don't eat fish or vegetables. fuck the police.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)10:09 No.2799908
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)10:11 No.2799909
    Vegetarian supreme, hold the mushroom and eggplant, please.
    Florentine ricotta, hold the cherry tomatoes and black pepper, please.
    Gourmet cheese, please.
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)10:13 No.2799912
    Whoa. Let's clear things up here.
    For me, a picky eater is the kind of guy that eats the same 2-3 shit dishes and continues to do so, refusing to fucking even TRY something different, because he's just a fucking faggot. If you cook something and tell him that it's one of the two things he likes he'll probably like it, after vomiting it when you tell him what it actually is.
    This said, everyone can have a couple of things they don't like. But if you don't like a goddamn single thing and bitch about it when people don't make you a "special" dish, then you're also a fucking picky eater faggot.
    Some people just can't eat some sort of foods, sometimes because of a trauma of some sort. Me, for example. I like the taste of cherries, I love 'em, but when I was a kid, I tried my first cherry, taking a small bite. After I took the bite, i looked at the cherry and a huge fucking pink worm came out of a hole. I was fucking repulsed and to this day it's still stuck into my mind. Even if i'm 100% sure there is no worm, i still don't feel safe eating them
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)10:19 No.2799920
    fuck you now I'm going to think about worms every time I eat cherries.
    >> Ciaphas 05/10/11(Tue)10:22 No.2799924
    It freaking felt like it. It was worth the half hour it took to talk the Vego out of her stupid psudo-bet just so we could eat some bloody normal food.

    That was pretty much my plan but:
    -Bocconcini counts as squidgy
    -"Gorgonzola is weird! Isn't that that cheese that smells like feet?"
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)10:50 No.2799945
    >He's also one of those assholes that doesn't like to eat food with bones, so he'd always make us get boneless wings, chicken strips, etc, and those are so much worse.

    I have a lot of patience for picky eaters, but this is the one thing I can't stand. This and people who get squeamish about raw meat. If meat grosses you out that much, then don't fucking eat it.

    Also, boneless chicken wings aren't actually wings, they're just breast chunks most of the time.
    >> CrimpyMar !EtXrIslg6k 05/10/11(Tue)10:51 No.2799948
    No. Are you?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)11:11 No.2799963
    >new girlfriend
    >"adventurous eater"
    >doesn't eat sushi, wont try horse, doesn't eat spicy food, doesn't eat spinach, broccoli, asparagus to name a few
    >medium well steak
    >well done tuna steak
    >is 25

    what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)11:45 No.2800041
    See, I don't like certain things.

    Bell peppers are somewhere on that list,

    However, if someone makes me something with that in the ingredients I'll just fucking eat it. Why not? Otherwise, fuck those nasty things.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)11:46 No.2800043
    Date me. I'll try anything once.
    P.S. I'M A GUY
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)12:06 No.2800074
    And lemme guess: she still describes herself as a "foodie." I dated a chick like that once, too.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)12:07 No.2800078
    I won't eat seafood. Grew up poor, my parents got a deal on seafood, and we ate every kind of seafood everyday for YEARS... and mom was a horrible cook. Burnt seafood, unseasoned seafood, everyday all day... all year. Oh... and half the time the seafood was spoiled. They got sick a lot, and I learned to live off of apples and bread for a while.

    I eat sushi now, cause I don't have memories of that getting fucked up. And I will try seafood, if someone orders it for themselves and offers me some. I wouldn't say that I'm picky about it, I've just got an aversion to it, based on fear.

    I won't eat stuffed peppers (and raw/undercooked peppers) My only memory of peppers is followed with a 3 day stomach flu fest, when I was 4 and in daycare (they had made stuffed peppers for lunch)... vomit an shit everywhere and trapped in a daycare bathroom with no help and not knowing what to do... oh... and then when my parents made it later that year they forced me to eat it (after I was legitly full) I vomited, and then they made me eat it some more.

    My mom's poor cooking made me "picky" about a lot of stuff, then I learned how to cook... and all of my pickiness went away except for peppers and most seafood.

    Pickiness is learned, either from poor parenting, or shitty cooking skills of the parent.

    I know self described "picky" eaters and they're lazy, fat fucks, who refuse to learn how to cook and don't like shit unless it's instant, and artificially flavored. Nasty people.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)12:08 No.2800084

    You're perfectly normal by willing to man-up and just fucking eat it. More people need to be this way.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)12:09 No.2800087

    Are you in the USA? Where do you get horse? I've only had it in France.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)12:22 No.2800105

    Toronto, Canada master race.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)12:22 No.2800106
    I won't eat spaghetti squash or any squash because of the texture.

    Mostly I don't eat things because I hate the taste. Hate fresh tomatoes. Taste like lawn run-off water and dirt to me. Hate celery. Taste like windex to me. Also hate the texture. Hate most fish. All shellfish, hate. Just the smell of rye makes me gag and fall to my knees.

    Worst of all I can't make myself eat meat unless it's processed. If I can visually recognize any part of it as bone, fat, muscle, sinue, skin or veins I am overwhelmed with guilt and nausea and am nearly magnetically deterred from it. I just feel bad for the animals. Yeah, that means no KFC unless its strips, no ribs, no t-bone steak, etc. Sucks too because I love nature and I wish I could survive in it but if I can't kill and eat animals then I rather suck.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)12:52 No.2800154
    As a guy who dislikes onions, my observation and hatred of them comes from when they are just raw. The fucking flavor is like poison and it ruins everything else in its vacinity. If you want to get someone to eat onions, sautee the motherfucker.

    I also don't like peppers, mushrooms or raw tomatoes, but I'll eat them. I'd just prefer not to.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)13:24 No.2800245
    I will try anything once, even if it looks like cat vomit.
    But if I don't like it, don't expect me to eat any more of it. We don't live in prehistoric survivalistic times, you won't starve if you refuse to eat something that you don't like.
    If i can avoid eating the particular bit i don't like (i.e if it's one type of bean in a casserole), i will eat everything but the thing i don't like, but if it's say, soup, and the overall thing doesn't taste nice, i'll thank you for making it but i won't eat any more. I also don't care if you take offense, because i wouldn't take offense if someone didn't like something i cooked, i understand that not everyone likes the same things. I wouldn't bitch at someone for not wanting to watch the same TV shows as me, for example, so why bitch about food preferences?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)16:07 No.2800576
    You are such a pussy I just cant believe it.A worm put you off cherries? what a weak minded cunt.
    You give America a bad name.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)16:15 No.2800589

    If you hate meat so much, why not become a vegetarian or vegan?

    Also, squash fucking rules. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)16:21 No.2800596
    You are the worst kind of weak minded cunt available today on planet earth.
    I would love to drop you in the middle of the middle of the wilderness and watch you starve.
    You have no idea of your place on the food chain.
    You dont deserve to live really. You are so pathetic I hope I never meet you.
    You are a weakling.
    >> Some Guy 05/10/11(Tue)16:26 No.2800603
    I can't eat raw onions. I mean that literally (and not in any sort of allergy way). Now, before you call me picky, let me tell you that I can eat cooked, grilled, fried, or any kind of otherwise prepared onion. And I actually enjoy the taste of raw onions. I just can't eat them. Whatever that chemical is that makes you cry when you cut them also reflexively triggers my gag reflex. So if I try to eat raw onions, or anything containing raw onions, I vomit. It seems to be a genetic thing, as my aunt, my sister, and my grandfather have the same problem.

    Nothing else does this to me. Just raw onions.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)16:30 No.2800609
    See, the thing is, people like you don't bother me so much. You don't like onions. Strange. Bizarre, even. But not infuriating. That's life. Disliking ingredients is just an individual preference things.

    What bothers me - what INFURIATES me - are people who like bland, boring, terrible food, and REFUSE to try anything else and absolutely REFUSE to go outside their tiny, narrow comfort zone. It just really grinds my gears because it's so narrow-minded and dumb and these people always insist you cater to their dumb taste - it's not even like ingredients, where people can go to the same place and just not order onions - it's like everything has to fit within their bullshit taste preferences.

    I hate those people.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)16:42 No.2800630
    people cant eat what ever they like

    dont like it? go eat a dick
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)16:49 No.2800641
    Now my situation is odd. Tomato.

    I HATE raw tomato, but the weird part? I'll eat it prepared in so many ways. Tomato sauce, paste, marinara, as pizza sauce, tomato soup, I will even eat salsa with chunky, raw tomato, but I will not touch something like tomato slices on a cheeseburger.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)16:53 No.2800650
    you probably get shitty tomatoes. they'll only taste good when cooked if that is the case.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)16:57 No.2800655
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    >Go to family dinner
    >Not very fond of mushrooms
    >Starter is mushroom based
    >Eat it anyway without a word and actually enjoy it more than I was expecting to
    >Cousin kicks up a huge fuss
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:06 No.2800681

    That's probably the case with a lot of people. I buy only fruit and veggies from organic farming. I love tomatoes and eat them like apples often enough.

    As force of habit goes I did that at a friends house only to find myself spitting it into the sink, gagging and then apologizing profusely to my host.

    It was a regular tomatoe from the supermarket and it was so disgusting in flavour (or lack thereof to be precise) and even worse texture that I couldn't hold it because I was under shock. I felt like I had just bitten into a watery and fibery shit turd.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:09 No.2800689
    I don't understand why so many people have issues with picky eaters. Yeah, they're a pain at parties and stuff where food is served, but I don't understand the ridiculous amount of hatred. If they don't like a particular food or texture, so what? If they don't like what you're serving, it's their issue, and yeah they'll get mad, but once again, that's their problem. There's no reason they need to be forced to overcome an aversion to a food/automatic gag reflex if they don't want to. Just because it tastes good to you doesn't mean it tastes good to everyone, so just calm down about it. They aren't hurting you. Some of you even insist that FOOD ALLERGIES can be overcome simply by forcing yourself to eat the food, which is bullshit, but that's another topic.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:14 No.2800703
    OP here
    I cant believe this thread is still going.
    I guess the reason I started it is because of all the "foods you hate" threads.
    I feel that Squeamishness is a HUGE character flaw that people used to be ashamed of.
    But these days it seems like its hip to be squeamish, that its a sign of discriminating taste.
    That shift in the culture really depresses me.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:15 No.2800705
    There are very few things I dislike, and less than a handful of things I refuse to eat.

    I can't stand gooey mushrooms. They have to be raw, cooked crispy, or have their texture buried by something else. I'm not big on liver, but I'll eat it. Breadfruit's not my favourite thing, but I'll eat it when offered. Stilton's gotta be paired with red wine, so I can cut the mold flavour with the tannins.

    I have never eaten headcheese, and I'm not sure if I would... I think I could go the rest of my life without eating blowfish, cat, or dog... I'm curious about prairie oysters, but I wouldn't go out of my way to try them.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:25 No.2800723
    Picky anon who grew up as a poorfag here.
    I intensely dislike cilantro, liquorice, anything bitter, anything cloyingly sweet, anything earthy, and most seafood/fish/shellfish/aquatic creatures except gator and duck. I'll try anything new a few times, but after that I refuse that shit if it continues to make me vomit or have diarrhea. Growing up I caught vermin to eat, found berries and plants during the spring/summer and nuts during the fall. If it was winter and I couldn't catch any tasty animals, I just sucked it up and starved rather than eat what we had. I say 'starved' but really, I never went more than a few days without finding food someplace that I could tolerate. Fuck eating nasty shit just to please people though. Usually I won't complain about the food (unless it is spoiled), I just eat around it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:27 No.2800728
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    Used to be a super picky meat-and-potatoes kid. I found that when I got to be around 19, moved out on my own I had to eat whatever I could afford. I started to learn awesome new flavors, but it wasn't until I started smoking weed did I really start to indulge my dangerous side.

    Can you imagine going 19 years without eating an actual orange? Or pancake? Or strawberry? Or Mushroom? I mean, looking back on it, I was just a picky little bastard child. But I think I'm also fortunate that I was older when I found these flavors, because I could appreciate them so much more.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:32 No.2800743
    shut the fuck up and go eat your shitty cooked mushrooms that show no appreciation for skill or talent.

    people shouldnt have to eat snot, learn to fucking cook, so people dont have to suffer because of your laziness and lack of skill
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:34 No.2800751
    It's an internet board, it's here for people to dump and vent. get over it , you sensitive little pussy. Picky eaters are annoying, and those of us who are annoyed by them are going to vent in this thread. fuck off if you don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:36 No.2800755
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    I do the cooking in my house and I love mushrooms.

    My wife refuses to eat them in any form.

    Knowing that constant exposure is the way to conquer food aversions, I sneak mushrooms into various dishes that I prepare for dinner. I hope to condition my wife to become a mushroom lover like me.

    >mfw she finds them everytime and eats around them.
    >> meerkat 05/10/11(Tue)17:43 No.2800779
    My boyfriend is weak minded with no self-discipline (says he'll start working out every other day and does it once a week, says he'll eat healthy and gets mcdonald's, never finishes video games, etc), raised middle-class and is a squeamish eater especially about consistency.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:46 No.2800785
    Calm down dude; I know you're free to vent, as am I to say that I don't understand the reasons behind why you guys find picky eaters so incredibly infuriating. I was just saying that, although I can see why you'd get annoyed, the incredible amount of rage really confuses me. I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)17:53 No.2800806

    I think the problem is we dont get to express this rage in public.All we can do is roll our eyes a bit when someone at our table makes asses out of the whole group by wasting 10 min of the waiters time trying to figure out if there is anything on the menu they a brave enough to eat...
    The other part is know how much easier life would be if they just grew up a bit.
    Remember this : unless you have REAL food allergies, you have no excuse for being such a pussy about food.We almost all hate raw tomatoes by default as children. the difference is that some of us grow the fuck up.
    >> :) 05/10/11(Tue)17:57 No.2800810
    I'm not the guy you replied to but I think most people have a problem with picky eaters because:
    1. It's insulting to have someone be disgusted when you cook and serve them a meal just because of a certain ingredient.
    2. Picky eaters tend to be spoiled/have entitlement issues.
    3. They also tend to be childish with their aversions.

    All in all, /ck/ has a problem with picky eaters because this is a food & cooking board where we are supposed to be welcoming of all types of foods.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:06 No.2800824
    When I was a kid I was a really picky eater, and yes I had a problem with consistency.

    But I got tired of feeling ashamed and embarrassed about my hangups, so I started forcing myself to eat more things and now I will eat pretty much anything people consider food.

    So as someone who's lived it firsthand I know for a fact that it's all willpower, and so I can't help but judge the people who can't do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:06 No.2800826

    Thanks for trying to explain it. Obviously I'm never really going to agree with the hate, but I get the reasoning a little more now.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:14 No.2800841




    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:20 No.2800860

    there is absolutely no reason why any other person should care at all about anybody's food aversions, whether they are rational or not

    every single person who claims rage over this issue is a pretentious asshole

    bottom line it's just another pointless thing for fucking retarded people to act like an elitist about
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:21 No.2800864

    >all willpower

    What about when people sneak things into their food by mincing it up and don't tell who they serve it to about it. I spent about 20 minutes hunched over the toilet puking and not knowing why until I questioned my roommate later.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:38 No.2800902
    that is a food allergy , you are off the hook for that
    almost no squeamtards are allergy sufferers though and those fuckers are the ones we are gunning for.
    All we want you squeamies to know is that huge numbers of us secretly fucking hate you and think you are weak pussies.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:42 No.2800916
    People who complain about consistency can be a bitch. However, if the meal is SUPPOSED to have consistency like a smooth cream sauce, and you fucked that shit up so it's all lumpy in 1/2 the dish you better believe people are going to notice.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:42 No.2800917

    couldn't care less asshole

    enjoy your impotent rage
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:43 No.2800919
    You're secretive about something stupid, who's the pussy now?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)18:54 No.2800947

    op from 2800864.
    I far as I and the doc can tell, it isn't an allergy as my body doesn't react to skin/blood tests and it isn't something like crohn's or ibs. Some food just doesn't sit well with me, sorta like if someone ate super greasy food on an empty stomach.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)19:02 No.2800967
    if you are the squeamie then you are the pussy
    >> MishaLover !!l14ghIzAV4y 05/10/11(Tue)19:06 No.2800973

    Someone should shoop it so it looks like the loli is looking at a penis.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)19:37 No.2801034
    get your fucking pedo ass back to /b/ you sick fucko
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:10 No.2801091
    The only picky eaters I can't stand are the ones that freak the fuck out if you even suggest using something they don't like in a dish.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:21 No.2801113
    cucumber, tomato, radish, melons, bleu cheese, kiwi, avocado, yellow mustard, cottage cheese, olives, couscous
    I actually sat down one day and made a list of foods I hate. The list is in order of least hated to most. I can explain why I hate each one.
    Cucumber I don't hate, it just bothers me. I tried it several times raw with a little pepper on it in France and I never took a liking to it.
    I hated tomato as a child. I'd never eat anything with RAW tomato in it. If I was given something with raw tomato I'd just pick it out, no big deal. Now it's just the extreme juiciness of it. Completely destroyed a potentially yummy club sandwich I had a few months ago. I ate half of it then took the tomato slice off. Sick..
    Raw radishes have this spicy (wrong word?). I'd usually eat it with the cucumbers before a main course, and I couldn't eat more than 2 of them.
    Melons. Disgusting. 'nuff said.
    I wish I loved bleu cheese, and I've tried it a few times but the smell repulses me. I've eaten several foul smelling cheeses and it hasn't bothered me, but there's just something about bleu cheese.
    Kiwi is beautiful but tastes terrible. I was served fruit salad on several occasions with kiwi in it, and I just couldn't finish the tiny bowl ever. Even the juice from the other fruit in the bowl just seemed contaminated.
    I hate avocado. The texture disgusts me. Every avocado I've bought has been half brown on the inside. Somehow it's extremely bland but tastes awful at the same time. I've given it many chances, and somehow I've only liked it in sushi.
    Everybody hates yellow american mustard. Pig disgusting.
    Cottage cheese, I think it's more of a texture thing, sort of like how oatmeal freaks out some people because of its odd texture.
    I can eat SOME black olives but after a while they get terrible. Kalamata olives destroyed this yummy dish I was making.
    Every time I've had couscous I've wanted to barf. I can't stand it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:22 No.2801117
    Lots of food aversion is actually a defense mechanism. If a certain type of food has made you sick in the past it's possible that your body will make it very difficult for you to stomach that food in the future. I had this problem with apple juice when I was a kid. I almost died from food poisoning, and every time after that I would vomit if I tried to drink apple juice.

    I think that people like OP are just easily offended assholes. Anyone can eat any food if they are forced. People choose to eat the food that they like, and not to eat the food they don't like and that is an entirely personal choice. If you are an adult, nobody has the right to tell you what to eat and what not to eat. People like OP are food nazis and probably gets off on cooking food that people don't enjoy.

    To be honest, it shows a lazy work ethic and ignorance of cooking skill if a chef cannot please the personal tastes of people they are cooking for. They call it the service industry for a reason.

    OP: you have anger issues, you are a terrible cook, and a food nazi. It is highly likely that people don't like your food because your food is terrible shit. Any self-respecting cook, let alone chef, knows how to deal with picky eaters and it is not a problem. Meanwhile, OP is fuming with silent impotent anger. Nobody cares what you think OP, which is a healthy attitude, and one you should adopt when it comes to picky eaters.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:23 No.2801122
    If anybody read this whole thing, I hope you understand at least a little better why somebody might hate a certain food.
    It seems that I dislike "raw" foods (cucumbers, radishes, condiments, olives).
    And before you ask, yes I give each dish I'm served a fair chance. I'll eat a good portion of it before I decide I can't eat any more.
    Once I made a casserole with baking soda instead of baking powder. Half of it was gone (god it tasted terrible) before I decided it just needed to be thrown out. Immediately.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:31 No.2801137
    Friend almost choked and died on a mushroom as a kid.
    No longer will eat Mushrooms
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:32 No.2801138
    fuck cucumber, fuck it up its stupid fucking ass

    i don't care how much you bitch about me being picky, cucumber can go fuck itself. i ain't eating that shit.

    >herpaderp imma have almost no flavor but juuuuust enough to completely fuck up everything i'm added to!
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:33 No.2801142
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    here is the mushroom in question...
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:36 No.2801153

    He usually browses /ck/ hopefully he sees this.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:41 No.2801163
    The only thing I have tried and not liked and refused to eat again are large chunks of cooked onions/tomatoes. I like the taste, just not the consistency. But this is coming from someone who ate halibut and olives for a whole week as a child. My brother is horrible though, whenever we used to get Chinese food all he'd eat is Jello, cheese, and croutons, and maybe some of the sweet and sour chicken minus the sauce. Nothing else. But my parents would still let him eat ice-cream after complaining enough.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:45 No.2801169
    My sister was a super picky eater when she was a kid. My mom gave her flintstones chewable vitamins and nobody gave a shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)20:48 No.2801174

    Holy fuck this
    I actually learned to like broccoli recently but when I asked for broccoli at home, the bitch microwaved the frozen broccoli and it tasted like absolute shit
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)22:32 No.2801388
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)22:50 No.2801430
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    I cant eat food that's still alive.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)22:57 No.2801439
    I have a question for all of you people who hate picky eaters. If I REALLY don't like a certain ingredient, but I don't say anything and I just pick around it/eat part of the dish to be polite, are you still going to rage?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)23:00 No.2801447
    Nope. I think that's totally fine. As long as you're not making a song and dance of it then people can not eat whatever they like.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)23:02 No.2801451

    I think thats bullshit. I almost always have to explain myself when I pick around onions.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)23:02 No.2801452
    if you pick around it, even say afterwards 'thanks anon, but i don't really like [ingredient], then i personally wouldn't rage. it's people that're like: ARG YOU COOKED WITH ONION!? YOU SICK FUCK! i hate onion!' and refuse to take one bite that get on my nerves.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)23:07 No.2801474

    Alright, that's good to know. I can totally understand getting mad at people who don't have the manners to just be polite and at least eat part of the dish someone took the time to make for you.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)23:10 No.2801479
    Things I will not eat:
    1) Large amounts of fat on meats on its own or with little meat attached
    2) Cartilage (as in chicken legs and other gross places)
    3) Eggs (they have the consistency of mucus or semen or rubber, and smell like feces)
    4) Cheese (unless it's part of something like pizza or another food; cheese is dry, bitter, smells like feet, and leaves a bad taste in the mouth)
    5) Alcohol (because of the effects of alcohol on the body)
    6) Certain bad-tasting vegetables (kale; okra, etc, just because they don't taste good)
    7) Organ meats (I'm not eating necks, kidneys, liver, intestines, stomach, bladder, lung, heat, eyes, tongue, etc)
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)23:18 No.2801497
    Won't eat: Olives, Black Licorice, and Rye.

    Anything else is fair game, if there's something I haven't tried on the table I'll usually go straight for it. No harm in trying new things, you might end up enjoying them.

    Also, Shark is fucking tasty.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)23:26 No.2801511

    >no alcohol

    You forgot things with caffeine and other hot drinks Mr.Mormon.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)23:28 No.2801514
    Well yeah. I'm probably going to say "Oh you don't eat onions?" If you reply with a polite affirmative then I'll remember it for the future so that I can mock you about it the next time we eat out.

    If you reply with "WARGARBLE! ONIONS ATE MY CHILDREN AND NOW MY FOOD HAS ONIONAIDS!!!!!111!!!" then you're being an unreasonable cockfuck and I'll go to lengths to make sure I never speak to you again.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/11(Tue)23:32 No.2801522
    You sound like somebody I know in person.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:10 No.2802796
    Picky eaters are just as bad as vegans.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:52 No.2802891
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:55 No.2802897

    Flatmate is the stupidest fucking britfag word ever. So fucking sick of it.
    Hear in the states we say ROOMATE!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:58 No.2802905
    You actually share your room with a stranger? Weird.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:00 No.2802913
    what do you mean "stranger"?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:02 No.2802921
    Okay, so you share your room with someone? Weird.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:05 No.2802940
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:11 No.2802958
    it is amazing how saying "in the US we _____" almost ensures that you will end up saying/spelling something in a retarded manner
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:16 No.2802976
    You dont share the room britfag
    you get a room and your mate gets a room.
    but really we dont even call people mates here unless we are fucking them and we are chimps in the zoo.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:19 No.2802984
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    can't believe this asshole thread got so many replies
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:19 No.2802985
    So why not call it housemate? If you are in an apartment do you consider yourself to have hundreds of roommates?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:36 No.2803028
    You've gotta be fat if you care so much about food. end of story.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:50 No.2803082
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    Except nobody calls it a flat, you toothless half-paki cunt

    You sound like a hoser
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:10 No.2803127

    Did you look that up on the real google, or whatever shitfest localised Google.dicks domain your bad country uses?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:23 No.2803161

    >Cheese is dry.

    Are you high or just stupid? Tell me that brie is dry and I'll burn your cock off with a fuckin' blowtorch.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)18:39 No.2803327
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    I am an incredibly picky eater and thanks to this post >>2798043 I think I know why, my mother put heaps and heaps of boiled vegetables on everything when I was little.
    Like 3 servings worth per person.

    So any advice on how to branch out more?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:17 No.2803429
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    >heaps and heaps

    hmmm do you perchance live in a flat?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:19 No.2803439

    No, It's late and it was the first word that came to mind at the time. Would you prefer piles, mounds or how about helpings?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:26 No.2803467
    In merca we say tons and tons
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:26 No.2803468
    I will eat anything thats fit for human consumption. Who's with me?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:27 No.2803474
    its not late anywhere in america right now.
    you limey fuck you almost had me fooled...
    Git HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:32 No.2803482

    No I'm from Canada
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:34 No.2803490

    I'm sure I killed a few food snobs in here after they read the blasphemy I just typed.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:36 No.2803494
    its not late in canada either. in fact in the western part of that state its only like 3:30 in the cackadoodie afternoon!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:40 No.2803499
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    >Implying the average American would have known Canada's timezones.

    Well done you just outed yourself, you love us limeys really
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:42 No.2803504
    Its not like they have thier own timezones
    they just borrow the tops of ours
    Like in Vancoochie the timezone is the same as Seattle.
    we were taught this in geography class in like the third grade... duh
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:44 No.2803508
    >more hurrr durrr

    Nice try dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:46 No.2803515

    So tsun tsun
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)19:51 No.2803531
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    Dont you fucking talk that weaboo jibber jabber at me anon...
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)20:05 No.2803567
    what it means the tsun tsun ?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)21:15 No.2803706
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    this thread runs on pure hatred
    it is the christine of threads
    everyone in here is a bad person and should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:42 No.2804804
    Food is fuel. nothing more
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:28 No.2805912
    So we have the raging against vegies thread going as well,my question is :
    Who is worse????
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:33 No.2805921
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:37 No.2805927
    Just fuel? Do you realize that people like you eat the absolute worst shit in existence!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:41 No.2805932
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    GTFO, please
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:43 No.2805934
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    >I don't like the texture.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:43 No.2805935
    I honestly cannot think of a single thing I wouldn't eat. As long is it is edible and put on a plate, I'll eat it. Any animal, any vegetable.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:43 No.2805936
    what do you imagine I eat anon?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:48 No.2805940
    You eat calories, and won't care about micronutrients.
    Donuts maybe?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:50 No.2805943
    Or maybe I only care about nutrition and not flavour and only eat super healthy stuff...
    food is fuel
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:00 No.2805950
    You say "fuel". It's degrading and it kinda means calories in nutrition. Brace for misunderstandings.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:16 No.2805969
    Picky Eater: Beta as fuck.
    Not picky eater: Alpha as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:19 No.2805971

    Me too. Raw tomatoes and tomato juice are two of the few things I find uncomfortable to eat. But any kind of tomato sauce is fine. I really don't understand this.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:21 No.2805976

    I'm not a picky eater, but these words don't mean what you think they mean.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:28 No.2805988

    I've been like this. When I was a kid I ate a cherry tomato in a salad and did not like it. Since then I avoided raw tomatoes, despite loving tomato based dishes. But! Recently I made an effort to regain my taste in tomatoes and can eat them fine now.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)20:35 No.2806083
    I think he means that picky eaters are subs
    total pussies.with no balls or testosterone in their veins.
    not leadership material
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)20:36 No.2806086
    >I think he means that picky eaters are subs

    I have learned something about myself today
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)20:48 No.2806108
    a lot of times it's a texture thing, people don't like foods w/ certain textures b/c their pussies haven't been drilled into yet. so they pick out the onions and green peppers in a tomato sauce b/c of their texture, not flavor.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:05 No.2806126
    Isn't this thread counter to the very idea of cooking and culinary arts?

    Preparation of raw ingredients to make it both visually appealing and appetizing to taste?

    Did the OP get kicked out of cooking school for making one too many raw eggs?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:10 No.2806139
    I have texture issues with some veggies(carrots, cauliflower, etc). Also tomatoes.

    It's that veggie crunch that just sets my gag reflex off. It's terrible and I hate it, but I cannot get past it to save my life.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:11 No.2806144
    Yeah you could. Out of all the food on the planet there is something you wouldn't eat.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:17 No.2806702
    Honestly anon, I have found many foods that I did not like but none I could not eat.
    If its food, I will eat it.
    I have eaten live fish , worms and garden slugs on a bet.I am squeamish but I can control it.
    thats why I rage when someone says they "cant" eat onions.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:18 No.2806705
    I can't into raw vegetables, but I fucking LOVE fruit.

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