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    File : 1295926482.jpg-(34 KB, 350x262, instant-noodle-cup.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:34 No.2539805  
    Instant noodles.

    $2 max.

    Add boiling water.

    Eat, it doesn't taste bad at all.

    How healthy is it to have this at least 5 days a week?

    I'm a really really really really poor college student. It fills me up, it's really cheap and I like the taste.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:36 No.2539811
    I would go the brown rice route before going all ramen. That's a lot of sodium in your diet.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:37 No.2539814
    just drink plenty of water and you will be fine
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:37 No.2539816
    go to /fit/ if you need health advice..
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:38 No.2539819
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    the only problem is the amount of sodium, almost 50%+
    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:38 No.2539821
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:39 No.2539825
    I like the packs a lot better as you can control how much of the powder you put in them. Bit cheaper too due to less packaging.
    Not sure if you'd have the means to cook them on campus though.

    Not terribly bad for you but not really good for you either. I'd recommend still getting like a loaf of bread and some penut butter periodically for protein and something that isn't noodles.
    4-5 bucks should give you sammiches for the week at least.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:41 No.2539833
    I don't have 4-5 bucks.

    I live on $10 a week, literally. That is for food, clothes, college supplies, etc. Everything that isn't rent.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:43 No.2539837
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:45 No.2539841

    That is your life until you get more money
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:45 No.2539843
    Eat once a day. Buy a huge pack of chicken breasts, pan sear them, and eat with seasoned rice/beans.

    I just wait until sales at the supermarket, buy a pack of rice whatever (Zatarans, rice a roni, whatever) and cook some chicken with onions and mushrooms. I eat around $2/day on average, some days more, some less.

    Your body will adapt to your new diet.

    Eggs/tuna combo is pretty good too, I guess, if only because massive amounts of protein for $1 meal.

    I don't know how HEALTHY it is for you, but ramen gets old quick.
    >experienced college student here
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:46 No.2539845
    two bucks for top ramen in a styrofoam cup?

    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:46 No.2539846

    doesnt your school offer discounted meal plans for their cafeteria or something?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:46 No.2539847
    I don't know how to do anything worthwhile with rice and beans.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:46 No.2539848

    Enjoy your scurvy.
    >> sage 01/24/11(Mon)22:47 No.2539849
    feel bad for you OP, do you have a paypal account or anything?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:47 No.2539850
    perhaps you should think of ways to grow that $10 before you die of malnutrition
    also, there are much better ways to eat on $10 a week than 5 bowls of instant soup
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:47 No.2539851
    Then fucking learn, man. Your ability to cook ramen in a cup (how the fuck do you spend $2 on that? Jesus, a pack is 5/$1 here) won't get you anywhere but in the hospital, where you'll spend far more money on bills.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:47 No.2539852
    Oops I'm so sorry, didn't mean to sage
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:48 No.2539853
    is that $10 a week really $10 a week or $40 a month? cause then you could go to costco/sam's club etc. and get some stuff in bulk
    >> sacchaRIN !SWEETOIeZA 01/24/11(Mon)22:51 No.2539861
    Hope you don't die, OP.

    Beans, potatoes, rice. Cheap bulk food. Sam's Club, Costco, etc, just buy cheap carbs. that much sodium will kill you if you keep eating so much instant noodles
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:51 No.2539862

    this. You can get some rice and other healthiful things in bulk. Just be careful and get the shit that actually saves you money buying in bulk. For example, they sell those Naked drinks, but they sell them in gallons, 2 40 ounce, or a 10 pack. The 10 pack is just as expensive as buying them singularly.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:52 No.2539865
    OP you can buy a pack of packaged ramen for $3.40 and it comes with 24. Check Winco, if there is one nearby
    Try to drink a cup of orange juice everyday as well, you don't want to get scurvy...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:52 No.2539866
    I suggest you buy some mrs dash or something to cut down on the sodium a bit. and if you want, adding veggies wouldn't be much more and make it more healthy. And if you have that little money, You may want to think about going the food stamps route if you live in the us.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:53 No.2539870
    OP here, I have a paypal, I won't post it. Any upcoming paypals isn't me.

    I'll read the rest of the thread as soon as I'm done posting this so some retard doesn't try to beg money out of /ck/.
    >> NoPaypalButThanks !!mhcyp+h6I2y 01/24/11(Mon)22:58 No.2539889
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    I read the rest, thanks for offering paypal donations but I don't want any, teach a man to fish, etc.

    Anyways, I really get $10 a week. Not $40 a month. Don't ask, I get it illegally.

    I'm in class from 8 to 6 with a break from 11AM till 12. I live in Canada, and they're $1.54 for a big bowl of ramen soup. It has those satchels in it of powders and whatnot, I put them over the noodles then pour boiling water over it, wait 3 minutes then eat.

    I drink nothing but tap water ATM because it's all I can afford. I haven't found any of those packs you guys are talking about.. 5 for $1? That would be awesome. I never found that.

    I really do not know how to cook well. I don't know how much rice and beans cost but even if I did, I wouldn't know what to do with them, honest. I can't work atm due to college and don't have any financial support. (I'm not elligible to it. Both parents died two years ago when I was 16).

    So I pretty much really am stuck on an uncertain $10/week for now. I deal with it until I'm out of college and can work.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:58 No.2539890
    OP seems like a respectable guy. I'll be in your shoes in a couple years but having it less rough as you.
    >> NoPaypalButThanks !!mhcyp+h6I2y 01/24/11(Mon)23:02 No.2539901
    Thanks. I got in college this Monday and quickly realised that I basically have no money left after I pay the rent. I have to pay the rent, I can't be on the streets or else college won't accept me, otherwise I wouldn't mind sitting in a box, hehe. I already live in a one room place anyways, doesn't get any cheaper. And all that money's obtained illegally unfortunately.

    So after some extensive research, I realised that instant noodles are really cheap and filling. If I find anything cheaper than for $1.54 a bowl, I'll go for it, but that's that for now unless I can get better suggestions.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:02 No.2539904
    1 lb. uncooked rice or beans goes for about 90 cents in the U.S. Two or three bags is enough to get you through the week.

    The instructions are RIGHT ON THE PACKAGE. It's impossible to fuck up either of those dishes unless you are trying VERY hard.
    >> NoPaypalButThanks !!mhcyp+h6I2y 01/24/11(Mon)23:03 No.2539907
    So do I just eat raw dry like that? Cook it and eat it? With salt?

    Same for beans? Mix the rice with the beans?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:03 No.2539908
    dude look on the internet for rice and bean recipes... why the fuck are you considering 2dollar ramen bowls when you only have 10$ for everything except rent....

    Hell I would advise you to forget seasoning your rice and beans, just salt should do it since you are so poor. Just cook them in a pot and that's it. And don't buy canned beans, buy dried.

    Also you can't get anything from goodwill?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:05 No.2539918
    Go to the supermarket. Read the back of labels. It TELLS YOU HOW TO COOK RICE/BEANS. It's very hard to fuck up, and it's much better for you than a shitty bowl of ramen.
    >> NoPaypalButThanks !!mhcyp+h6I2y 01/24/11(Mon)23:06 No.2539921
    What is goodwill?

    I would do good with ramen I think. $10 a week, that leaves me with like 3$ a week besides food which is all I need. A pen every now and then? That's like $1 a week.

    A movie rent? That's like $5. It's fine really. :/

    Unless I'm not seeing the big picture and am about to fuck myself up. I can go for two or three days without food anyways. I'm in a good shape.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:06 No.2539922
    I guess if you really wanted to, you could eat them raw...

    But no. Beans you soak overnight in a pot before cooking. Depending on the rice, you cook it anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour. Neither dish requires anything more than tap water and a pot. And yes, you can mix them together. When you have a little bit more money, add canned diced tomatoes and make Spanish rice.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:10 No.2539930
    go to Sam's Club. $10 for a 25 pound bag of rice; 252 servings = 63 cups
    Depending on how hungry I am, and how many times I'll be eating in a day, a meal for me is either 1/2 cup or a whole cup of rice.
    That's $10 for 63-126 meals.
    >> NoPaypalButThanks !!mhcyp+h6I2y 01/24/11(Mon)23:11 No.2539932
    Well, I s'pose I'll try rice and beans next week.

    Just out of curiosity, what do you guys think can be done with $5/week?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:12 No.2539933

    How are you paying for tuition? It's fucking murder here in the USA; 8,400 for a year of college in my state university.
    >> NoPaypalButThanks !!mhcyp+h6I2y 01/24/11(Mon)23:13 No.2539935
    It's free in Canada. Well, $390 a year. I scrape that up.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:14 No.2539938

    As this man has pointed out, rice and beans are cheaper than your current strategy.

    Google for specifics, but cooking them is really easy. You just boil them. Add some salt too, maybe.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:15 No.2539942

    The average in Canada is ~4000 a year for a BA. Where are you going?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:16 No.2539944
    Rice n' beans. That's about your only option. Get maybe three pounds a week ($3-ish) and over the course of a few weeks, you'll have enough for >>2539930
    >> NoPaypalButThanks !!mhcyp+h6I2y 01/24/11(Mon)23:16 No.2539945
    I live in Montreal. College does not mean University.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:16 No.2539946
    Can't you like rent out part of your room to another student or something, charge like $100 a month, thats $25 extra per week for everything man
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:16 No.2539947
    does canada not have a food bank? A place that gives you free food once a month, just by showing up with an ID card?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:16 No.2539948
    foodbanks or whatever you call them

    and also don't go for ramen and not eat for a few days every week that's just retarded.

    Make sure to look for the best deals when buying your rice and beans and spices. Since you told me you have never seen ramen go for cheaper than 2$ per pack, I'm gonna have to assume your in a backwater town with no good food markets where you can get ok deals, or you have never heard of ramen in bags instead of cups.

    and man I really don't understand why poor people insist that ramen, frozen meals and prepackaged stuff is cheaper than cooking...

    Kimchi Ramyun Nong Shim special
    421 cal / 100 g -------------4.21 cal / g
    8.3 g of protein / 100g ----0.083 g of protein / g
    4210 cal / 5$ ---------------842 cal / $
    83 g of protein / 5$ ------- 16.6 g of protein / $

    Chickpeas raw AKHAVAN
    728 cal / 200 g ---------------- 3.64 cal / g
    39 g of protein/ 200 g -------- 0.195 g of pro / g
    16562 cal / 9$ ----------------- 1840 cal / $
    887.25 pro / 9$ ---------------- 98.58 pro / $

    Quick Oats noname PROVIGO 2.25kg
    160 cal / 40 g -------------------- 4 cal / g
    5 g pro / 40 g -------------------- 0.125 pro / g
    9000 cal / 5$ -------------------- 1800 cal / $
    281.25 pro / 5$ ----------------- 56.25 pro / $
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:17 No.2539949

    University of Arizona

    Federal Aid paid for about 2000, and the rest I took student loans for.

    Have to say I'm really fucking jealous at the cost differences...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:17 No.2539951
    How are you affording tuition, books, supplies, internet, computer, etc?

    Does your school not have some kind of program where you can work for the library/cafeteria or a job placement program?

    If filthy hobo scum like Sceak can live comfortably in Canada, surely a decent student can find their way too. (then again, he probably sucks dicks for a living)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:20 No.2539956

    I just googled that shit... yes... you guys do have food banks.

    Look man... instead of starving to death. Google your area + food bank... look through the websites.

    Go to the food bank with your ID card. Sign up. Get free food.

    Then find another food bank in your area. Go sign up with that one. Get more free food.

    Find another food bank in your area... Go sign up with that one, and get more free food.

    They will give you meat, dairy, canned vegetables, rice, beans, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, fresh fruit, bread.... ect.

    For FREE

    If you're smart you'll find 4-6 of them in your area that will accept you and you'll sign up with all of them.

    In America, where I am, you can go once a month at that food bank. So if you sign up with 4-6 of them, you can get free food 4-6 times a month. Think of the savings, and the increase in your health.
    >> montrealfagforthisthread !nfs97TVHjQ 01/24/11(Mon)23:20 No.2539959
    wait so you in cegep? which part of montreal do you live in? I could help you find some nice places to shop

    btw how do you get around with a 10$ per week budget?
    >> NoPaypalButThanks !!mhcyp+h6I2y 01/24/11(Mon)23:21 No.2539960
    It is literally one room. Look around the room you're in right now. It's probably smaller than that if your room is an average bedroom. That would be where I live. Well, that plus a cupboard sized bathroom. :)

    I am not eligible for "food banks" for (il)legal reasons. I tried.
    I heard of a "hobo van" that goes around and gives free food to homeless people. I might try to make myself look like a hobo every now and then and snag some loot. I feel like an ass for stealing food from hobos but they probably get more food than me anyways.

    I can't work at all. It's not legal for me and I would have no time anyways.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:21 No.2539962
    >If filthy hobo scum like Sceak can live comfortably in Canada, surely a decent student can find their way too. (then again, he probably sucks dicks for a living)

    OP said he gets $40 a month illegally. I think he probably does suck dick.
    >> NoPaypalButThanks !!mhcyp+h6I2y 01/24/11(Mon)23:22 No.2539965
    Yep, cegep. Would rather not tell which.

    I live in Ahunstic, near métro Crémazie.

    I don't suck dick.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:23 No.2539966

    That doesn't make sense.

    I work at a food bank... everyone is eligible. Let me read their website, maybe it's different in Canada.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:23 No.2539968
    OP needs to learn how to dumpster dive
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:23 No.2539969

    Are you an illegal alien or something??
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:24 No.2539973
    Hey OP, you got a bike? I'm in Montreal and I'll take you out dumpster diving if you like.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:24 No.2539975
    What (il)legal reasons?

    and what could you possibly be doing that's illegal but gets you $10 a week. Nothing seriously illegal would have that measly a payout.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:25 No.2539977
    sucking dick

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