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  • File : 1276262581.jpg-(30 KB, 540x363, 070708_paperplates.jpg)
    30 KB No Class Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)09:23 No.1932772  
    It boggles my mind sometimes by how many people actually use paper plates, Styrofoam plates, and plastic dinnerware. It's not very difficult at all to wash dishes, especially if you have a dishwasher. People are klutzes so bad that they will break everything. Even children don't need plastic "sippy" cups. All they need is someone to teach them not to break shit.

    Instead, we get generation upon generation of people that grow up with throw-away dishes and absolutely no class at all.

    So, /ck/, what kind of dinnerware do you use? Take out boxes, plastic/paper ware, dollar store plates, or actual dinnerware made out of something that you don't just use and toss?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)09:26 No.1932775
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    >go to girlfriend's parent's house for what I'm told is an Italian dinner
    >get served SpaghettiOs in a styrofoam bowl with plastic spoon.
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)09:26 No.1932776
    Admittedly, I have cheap plastic plates, but I "inherited" them from my old roommates. I didn't own my own plates before that.

    I DO own real glasses, though said roommates broke a few of them, the bastards. But many of my glasses I made myself. :3
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)09:27 No.1932777
    i put a paper plate/bowl on top of a styrofoam plate/bowl for strength and use a plastic fork, knife and spoon for every meal
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)09:28 No.1932780
    nothing wrong with paper plates for a frozen burrito or some shit

    but if spending more than 2 minutes making a meal i'll use actual dishes
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)09:29 No.1932781
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    i have an entire set of blue Courier and Ives dishes and an entire set of green Courier and Ives dishes

    pic was googled since i'm at work
    >> sythe !!hkuGJ+0V9LV 06/11/10(Fri)09:30 No.1932782
    The usual eclectic mix of completely unmatched glass/ceramic common for a student.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)09:34 No.1932788
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    Eating alone - use everything disposable.
    Eating with anyone else - use proper utensils and containers for food.

    Washing shit for 1 person feels like such a waste of time. Same with cooking for myself.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)09:36 No.1932791
    I never use disposables when at home, and I don't know anyone who does. What the fuck is wrong with the people you know?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)09:42 No.1932795
    >Even children don't need plastic "sippy" cups. All they need is someone to teach them not to break shit.

    Do you have any children?
    >> Anonymiss 06/11/10(Fri)09:57 No.1932802
    I use plastic forks cus
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:02 No.1932805
    I blame America and it's throw-away culture.

    Paper plates and that shit was never a good idea because hardly anyone recycles, plus more durable dishes don't need to be tossed out or recycled.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:04 No.1932807
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:05 No.1932808
    try cleaning your pig sty
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:07 No.1932809
    paper is biodegradeable, so whats the problem?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:08 No.1932810
    well i cook all my meals so i generally have A LOT of dishes to do
    paper plates are easy, but you can only use them for simple stuff like pizza or anything that won't break out of the bottom
    now styofoam BOWLS on the otherhand, that's just stupid...
    unless, of course, you're throwing a jambalaya/gumbo festival and you dont want to wash a hundred thousand dishes
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:08 No.1932811
    No you dont fucking do. Children do need to be taught not to break shit but until certain age they do not have the motor skills to avoid that. Just like you cant expect them not to shit themseves and articulate their wishes with fully formed sentenses until a certain age, you stupid faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:09 No.1932813
    Do people actually use paper plates for every day meals? They're very convenient if you have a big party and are serving food buffet style, so people can just grab a plate and load up, and there's no need to do washing up in the middle of the event for fear of running out of plates, but who the fuck would actually use them to eat from? It seems like a complete waste of money.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:10 No.1932815
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:13 No.1932820
    Why don't you take in all the biodegradable wastes there is and let it sit in your backyard?

    Degradable things takes time, a lot of time, to break down. And everyday there is more to toss away. Where are you going to put the new stuff?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:13 No.1932821
    I never had a sippy cup as a child, I had bottles until I was two and then it was on to glasses with straws in. So don't spread your stupid, American, child ass licking shit around, if you assholes weren't so afraid of your kids hating you and disciplined them, they wouldn't need sippy cups and would know to be careful with glassware and not fucking drop it off their tables to see what happens.
    >> Anonymiss 06/11/10(Fri)10:20 No.1932833
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    >had bottles till two
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:20 No.1932834
    Yes, it is. However, you must process the original to make the plate. That requires trees or recycled paper. The process itself requires energy and causes it's own pollution. Taking that plate and recycling it causes even more pollution. A porcelain plate only uses energy and makes pollution once when it is first created after that it lasts several million paper plate life times. Energy spent and pollution created each time washing that plate is actually far less than what is created from the paper plate during it's life time.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:21 No.1932838
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    I use syrofoam plates for every meal and I double up on them for everything but sandwiches. I also use plasticware - always. I choose plastic over paper at the grocer's. I don't recycle anything, I dump my used motor oil in a field not far from work and I burn tires in a bon fire out back. I don't give a fuck about the environment. And I try to be even more wasteful whenever self righteous and preachy environmentalists spout their crap.

    Go fuck yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:25 No.1932843
    They actually give you a choice between paper or plastic? I haven't seen a grocery store outside the movies do that, ever. Not even the hippy whole foods type stores around here ask, just dump your shit in plastic bags.
    >> Evil 06/11/10(Fri)10:25 No.1932844
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    why so mad? Its just paper. yo
    >> Arty [sugar tits] !!NSjWvU2Ar8/ 06/11/10(Fri)10:29 No.1932850
    My mom ran a daycare, so there was always a ton of plastic plates with sections and sippy cups. It was just easier that way when she had to look after eight kids.

    Definitely used normal cups after bottles. Well, they were still plastic, but no straw, and they weren't throw-away ones.

    I couldn't use normal paper plates. The way they get soggy so fast is gross and you always have to use more than one at a time. Maybe if I have a ton of people over, I'll use the thicker ones. But I just live with my husband and we really don't need more than our set of six large plates and six small plates in our cabinets.

    I did have to buy a lot more glassware because of the large amounts of alcohol my friends bring over though. I have two tall glass sets, a set of shorter glasses, shot glasses, wine glasses, and martini glasses.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:30 No.1932853

    I don't care about the environment either. I use glass glasses & porcelain plates because they're CHEAPER than disposable. They also work better--you don't have to worry about them melting in the microwave, accidentally cutting through them, or having them bend and spill food.

    Seriously, you can get glasses (real glass ones) from Wal-Mart for less than $1 each. Ditto for simple porcelain plates. They will last pretty much forever. You'd spend more than that on disposables in only a month or so.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:30 No.1932854
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:30 No.1932856
    ceramics or chinadishes.
    most of the stuff is made by my parents who are potters, fuck yeah!
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:32 No.1932861
    Fuck yeah! I have some of my own (kinda crappy) ceramic mugs and shit. Shit's so cash.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:36 No.1932870
    You live in a third world cuntry
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:38 No.1932873
    anything made out of corelle is usually pretty good. pretty much impossible to break unless you're actually trying to
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:41 No.1932881
    if we go down the environmental route we have to weigh the costs of making paper plates from sustainable forests and associated transport costs against the cost of water usage for washing dishes and cutlery.
    Plastics knives and forks can be easily recycled as well as paper plates, however i dont think styrofoam can currently be recycled.

    Either way it would be better to just nnot eat, drink or breathe and simply die out
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:41 No.1932882
    remo ve y our il leg al clo ne moota rd except t instead of j in the mid dle be cause po olar bear is a psyc ho thi ef 692fe9ec6a0f42a3af5dd5bc8b6c2f55
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:50 No.1932902
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    No class? Paper plates, plastic ware, and take out? Filthy America pigs?

    Check, check, check, check, and double check.

    These are photos of a renter's apartment after they left and AFTER 30 bags of trash were already removed. 28 more bags of trash were removed after these pics were taken. The renters were 30+ years old and had like 10 Guitar Hero guitars they left behind because none of them worked anymore.

    The bottom 2 pics are the kitchen, the rest are of one bedroom. The entire house looked like this. There were two stacks of pizza boxes about chin high in one of the rooms. Take out boxes fill most of the trash bags you see in the kitchen under the mattress.

    We took tons of pics and documented the cost of the cleanup which took 3 people about 2 weeks to do. Then we sued the shit out of the previous renter, which is still on-going. While this was one of the extremes, this sort of trash is nearly always what we have to clean up in renters' places. There was only one apartment that was fucking spotless and newly cleaned from ceiling to floor; which is extremely rare.

    So, yeah, fuck throw away paper and plastic shit and the people that use them.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:53 No.1932908
    Correct about Styrofoam. The energy/pollution of recycling paper plates outweighs the amount of water used to wash non-paper plates. This is especially true when you do a full load of dishes in a newer EnergyStar-rated dishwasher that uses far less water than hand washing and older dishwasher models.

    Also, the resulting gray water used in washing dishes is far more easily recycled than recycling paper and plastic.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:57 No.1932910
    thanks for that, i wasnt sure how treatment cost of grey water would stack against that of manufacturing+ recycling of paper plates
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)10:59 No.1932914
    >I use glass glasses & porcelain plates because they're CHEAPER than disposable.

    Best answer yet. You can buy clay fired plates rated as "seconds" 2 for $1 at most dollar stores. It can be reused almost indefinitely and sold to someone else for use. Paper/styrofoam plates cost about $2 per 100 pack, but you need to buy more and more to replace them plus the cost of tossing them out.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:00 No.1932917
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    Fiestaware. Legit, hands down the best damned table-ware ever invented. Break a dish? No problem! Even if they don't make that exact color anymore, most of the colors work well together, so you can mix and match. We have some nice Mikasa "red" patterned china at my place for 'special occasions' but we've never used it in the year that my wife and I have been married.

    As for paper/throw-aways. They have their use. Namely picnics, or at that point in your life where you're sharing an apartment with someone who refuses to do the dishes, so you pack them all away and ration them 1 plate, 1 bowl, 1 cup, and 1 spoon each day. I've never gone through more than a single package of each before they get off their lazy asses and promise to do their dishes.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:00 No.1932919

    remo ve y our il leg al clo ne moota rd except t instead of j in the mid dle be cause po olar bear is a psyc ho thi ef 692904769bf2bda6fab41a2da0a089cf
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:01 No.1932920
    Recycling and manufacturing uses lots of water that usually isn't recycled itself, usually because it's either contaminated too badly or it's being used in a way that is not reclaimable. However, in most cities, gray water is already recycled back into the city's water system; which includes sink and dishwasher water.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:03 No.1932925
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    Paper plates are for pussies. Real men eat over the sink or the trashcan...
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:07 No.1932932
    Food on a stick > plates
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:10 No.1932938
    >1 plate, 1 bowl, 1 cup, and 1 spoon each day.

    I do that sort of thing for myself anyway. I wash things off the instant I'm done eating. It takes all of 1 minute max. The only time stuff stacks up is when guests come over, but things are washed within the next 12 hours anyway or put into the dishwasher until there's enough for a full load since a full load saves money for me.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:14 No.1932948
    I use paper plates all the time.

    I don't have a dish washer and I have a shitty sink for doing dishes.

    I use them when cooking. If I am making soup I will put one out to put cooking utensils like wooden spoons, knives, etc on. I don't want to have to wash the spoon every time I stir the soup, and I don't want to dirty a dish just to use to place spoons and knives on while I cook.

    Also, if I need to chop a small onion it's easier to use a paper plate than dirty a cutting board since cutting boards are fairly tedious to clean without a dish washer.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:17 No.1932951
    I've never used a disposable dish in my house since I moved out. I do have a small bag of plasticware I got from who-knows-where that I keep around "for emergencies" or something. It's just better to have them than throw them out, I guess. Also, on the rare occasion I buy a coffee while I'm out, I wash and reuse the cups. I have plenty of glassware and mugs but I just don't like throwing them out until they wear out.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:20 No.1932956

    eating toast of a paper plate right now. I'll reuse the plate too since it's just bread crumbs.

    I also find small disposable plastic cups, like the kind taco places give you for salsa, are pretty handy to have around for sauces, dipping, sampling items I'm cooking, etc...

    For the record I was raised in cloth diapers in a house that never had paper plates, or paper towels, or seran wrap, or plastic bags for sandwiches, etc... even foil which was very rarely used for cooking was washed and reused. We did buy toilet paper though. That household had a dishwasher though, and that makes a huge difference.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:21 No.1932958
    >I don't have a dish washer and I have a shitty sink for doing dishes.

    Oh please. I should take a pic of my sink with a ruler next to it. I'd never seen such a ridiculously small kitchen sink before I moved here. I can't even lay a plate on the bottom, it has to be tilted and on the diagonal just to rinse it off. Buy a wash basin/strainer combo at the dollar store or Walmart for like $3 and do your washing in that, lazy fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:43 No.1932994
    Even if you dont have a (energy star) dishwasher or a good sink there is still a effective method of washing dishes in lieu of throwing away trash.

    Put dirty dishes on the side.
    Fill one side of sink partly full with water and some detergent
    Fill other side of sink with clean water

    Rinse in detergent water, scrub with sponge, dip into clean water, rack it up.

    IONO, washing for one person is easy. Assembly line is effective for lots of dishes after a party or something
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:44 No.1932998
    Not detergent, I meant dishwashing liquid.

    Not that it would be a problem because yall are smart enough to figure out what I meant.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:46 No.1933005
    Disposables are only good for cookouts or if you're having major repair work done to the house and have no way to access the sink or dishwasher.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:46 No.1933007

    remo ve y our il leg al clo ne moota rd except t instead of j in the mid dle be cause po olar bear is a psyc ho thi ef 27a42617b614f4ccf3b47de2ca6399c4
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:53 No.1933014

    one side of sink? what kind of palace are you living in with two sinks in one?

    I have one sink. it's the size of a fucking bucket.

    I'll use biodegradable plates all the fuck I want to.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:57 No.1933017
    I think hes talking about sinks with two bowls
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:04 No.1933028
    Hey retards, you can't recycle paper goods that have food contamination on them. At your friendly neighborhood recycling plant, there are people standing in a line hand-picking out all your grease and cheese stained paper plates and pizza boxes, and throwing them away. GJ, guys.

    If you must use paper plates the best thing to do would be to get some that biodegrade quickly and/or are made from recycled materials.

    Also, in terms of saving money and resources: for god's sake, CRAIGSLIST. I got 100% of my flatware and utensils from Craigslist, yard sales, thrift shops, and flea markets (including a 5-piece stainless Williams Sonoma spoon/spatula set for $5, fuck yeah), meaning there were no new resources being used so I could get some dinnerware.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:09 No.1933036
    I use stainless steel for those occasions. I have a portable wash basin. It's not rocket science.

    Not true. I was listening to NPR about 2 years about about a study on new dishwashers versus hand washing using the method you describe. It turns out that the newer dishwashers use less water than a sinkfull of water for both cleaning and rinsing.

    Are you kidding? I have a stainless steel double sink in my house I got for free. I have another I need to install in another part of my house that I also got for free. I've only ever seen a single basin sink in bathrooms.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:12 No.1933042
    True. I use paper for growing pearl oyster mushroom. I tried using paper plates and pizza boxes but the fungi wont' touch the greasy stuff. So, I stick to using shredded office papers and coffee grounds.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:19 No.1933052
    >I use stainless steel for those occasions. I have a portable wash basin. It's not rocket science.

    Good for you but not all of us have an extra basin. Sometimes the goddamn water gets shut off for a week or two and you have no access period. Can't use the toilet, either.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:22 No.1933053
    Um, buy one? A plastic basin costs less than a pack of paper plates. Also, pay your utilities.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:24 No.1933055
    I save all my old pizza boxes and cut them into smaller plates.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:27 No.1933056
    >I have a portable wash basin

    It's just a big bowl I pour water into.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:28 No.1933058
    I made a solar cooker out of some one time to cook a frozen pizza. It worked. But, I tossed it since it looked butt-ugly.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:29 No.1933060
    >Sometimes the goddamn water gets shut off for a week or two and you have no access period. Can't use the toilet, either.

    lol 4chan
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:36 No.1933082
    I use ceramic and china dishes and silverware and all that jazz. Only really use paper plates and plastic utensils for big, non-fancy get-togethers.

    I didn't know it was common to use paper plates everyday, but I could understand plastic plates and glasses. They can still look nice, and not be easily broken by someone being clumsy.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:43 No.1933095
    I usually eat out of the pan I cooked stuff in, because i'm ghetto and hate doing the dishes.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:55 No.1933107

    But the trash bag you throw it into is not.

    Jesus fucking Christ, are you just not aware that garbage thrown in a landfill is garbage that won't break down?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:56 No.1933112
    So fucking what?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)12:58 No.1933114
    bratty little kid mentality spotted
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:00 No.1933119

    Dumbass, because when a landfill fills up you have to make a new one and I don't want 50 million garbage dumps in my city because faggots like you throw banana peels into trash cans.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:01 No.1933123
    Wahh... fucking deal with it, emo envirofaggots
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:01 No.1933125
    No fucking shit.

    There's also a lot of shit that the recycling centers won't take. They won't take a lot of containers even if you clean the living hell out of them.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:03 No.1933130
    I used to bring out the paper plates and shit when having a party or when camping. Now I actually spent some extra money for actual dishes and shit to use. Since then parties seem to go a little better and I get a lot of compliments on the new stuff.

    I never got that with paper plates. The metal utensils and ceramic/porcelain really does go a long long way to adding some semblance of class to a party of any kind. It's also infectious. Other people that throw parties that went to mine also made the switch after they saw how well things went at my parties.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:05 No.1933133

    Current status of >>1933123

    [ ] - Not Told
    [ ] - Told
    [X] - Fucking Told
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:06 No.1933135
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:08 No.1933138
    the only time I use paper shit is when camping.

    i would be ashamed of myself if I used disposable shit everyday.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:09 No.1933142
    this. the only time you use disposables is when you have a bbq or potluck or some family get together where a ton of people are coming over. other than that, who the fuck uses disposables on a regular basis??
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:12 No.1933145
    reported for CP
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:18 No.1933159

    in my home, from my childhood, i saw only cremic, bonechina and glass ware. my father and mother were against plastic ware for food. that's why at the early age me and my siblings learn how not to break plates or glasses (though, our parents never beated or yelled if break anything. they are like if its broken then its okay because yelling won't bring it back).

    as i grow up, i am still using cremic and glass ware. i don't hate plastic ware but i don't use them. it's like i have fear that plastic will kill me. but i just don't have taste for plastic or paper plates/cups etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:20 No.1933162
    when i went to rural slavic areas and had dinners with large families, no one ever used toss out stuff and nearly everyone except the men helped with dishes
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:27 No.1933181

    I hate to tell you this, but...
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:31 No.1933187
    I only use styrofoam if it's given to me at a restaurant, I use paper plates sparingly at home and always reuse them, they're for things like sandwiches and chips, you know, things that would barely get a regular plate dirty. but like I said, I always reuse them.
    I'll also be taking some camping with me this week since it'll be enough of a hassle to wash my cast iron cookware while I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:37 No.1933196
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:38 No.1933198
    >wash my cast iron

    I think I found your problem. But, i know what you mean. You simply need the right tools for proper and easy cleaning. A long handle plastic bristle cleaning brush and a wash basin are all you really need. I normally bring my 3-gallon stainless steel stock pots camping with me. They serve as packing crates and I use them to wash dishes and laundry in them. They were $12 at a dollar store and work great.
    >> Flame_Warrior !.nQu29XFzk 06/11/10(Fri)13:38 No.1933200
    >> R 06/11/10(Fri)13:41 No.1933204
    It's goddamn convenience.
    This is America, what do you expect?
    You want class?
    Go live in london and go shove some glass dildos up your snobby ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:43 No.1933209
    Wait, people use disposable plates for normal everyday eating? The fuck is wrong with you
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:46 No.1933213

    >> R 06/11/10(Fri)13:52 No.1933233
    haha yeah.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:53 No.1933236
    >The fuck is wrong with you


    >This is America, what do you expect?

    Not a god damn thing really except shitting up the environment in a big fucking way. How's that oil spill going? I hear they released higher numbers than 5,000 barrels a day. They said 25,000 to 70,000 a fucking day this morning.
    >> Dreamslayer 06/11/10(Fri)13:55 No.1933249
    >It's not very difficult

    Its not difficult to do something tedious, its just tedious. same argument can be made about other things that are tedious and not very hard to do. "its not difficult" terrible argument.

    its not difficult to cut your hair ever 4 hour, but that does not mean you want to because its tedious and serves no point
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)13:58 No.1933253
    You are a lazy fuck. It's not even tedious.
    >> R 06/11/10(Fri)14:00 No.1933258
    funny you should say that wannabe smart-ass.
    They say every 8 days its an exxon-valdez scale fuckup
    over and over, yet it's only fucking up my homeland, mexico.
    You are not going to tell me that my buying a 1-dollar pack of paper plates is fucking up the environment, when all of the supposed conservation reforms and fishing regulations that had the poor in my country fucked over just got surpassed, raped in the ass viciously and brutalized by american oil interest.
    Fuck you. Corporates caused this shit, not paper plates. Now find something important to rant about shithead.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:06 No.1933272
    >Someone fucks up worse than me so I'm not accountable for my fuck ups

    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:07 No.1933274
    Fine chinaware, covered by saran wrap every time I use them. I don't like washing the dishes, its inefficient.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:07 No.1933278
    any1 else do this?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:08 No.1933281
    uh, you've not been keeping up with the news have you? is running all sorts of articles about how much of the coast line along the US states is already fucked up complete with video and pics. The latest articles says 40,000 barrels a day for the past 53 days. There are already several rescue organizations helping shore birds.

    What caused this is America's hunger for disposable everything. For cheap easy money. You also know that plastic is made from oil right? I figure so since you neglected to mention plastic plates in your "I'm a fuck up post." derp
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:10 No.1933287
    Someone posted a bachelor frog image that said, "All dishes dirty; cover everything in plastic wrap" or something to that effect.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:11 No.1933292
    >Corporates caused this shit,

    Who fed them money I wonder?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:12 No.1933294
    Do you know what the 'B' in BP stands for?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:18 No.1933301
         File1276280302.jpg-(18 KB, 463x244, 45.jpg)
    They are a multinational oil company. Whose fault is it they are even in America? Americans obviously.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:20 No.1933305
    >Steven Wereley, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University, analyzed videotape of the leak using particle image velocimetry and estimated oil flow rates at between 56,000 to 84,000 barrels per day (8,900 to 13,400 m3/d), or equivalent to one Exxon Valdez spill every 3.5 to 2.4 days.[67] A second, smaller leak has been estimated to be releasing 25,000 barrels per day (4,000 m3/d) by itself,[68] suggesting that the total size of the leak may well be in excess of 100,000 barrels per day and became the largest offshore oil spill in US history.

    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:20 No.1933306
    good god, I know teenagers who would refuse to live like that.
    >> R 06/11/10(Fri)14:20 No.1933307
    I have not fucked up anything douche bag.
    PAPER PLATES. What part of paper do you not understand? No matter how many fucking people use and abuse it ain't ever going to cause as much damage as corporations.
    Stop all your hipster "OH LOOK IM SO GREEN, I RECYCLE " bullshit. No matter what we do we can't fix that shit. Earth is destined to die.
    Fuck you self-righteous dumbfucks,
    And I don't give a fuck if it is spreading to florida,
    its just one small portion of the U.S.
    Whereas it is affecting practically all of the ports in Mexico. I will smile as this corporate world falls to pieces, along with you incompetent, ignorant shitbags.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:25 No.1933315

    >Scientists have been requesting the right to monitor the amount of oil that is actually being released per day, but "'The answer is no to that,' a BP spokesman, Tom Mueller, said on Saturday, May 15. 'We're not going to take any extra efforts now to calculate flow there at this point. It's not relevant to the response effort, and it might even detract from the response effort.'

    lol Someone doesn't want to admit how much they fucked up.

    lol I guess you missed the point entirely. We are not talking about just paper plates.

    >paper plates, Styrofoam plates, and plastic dinnerware

    Learn to read.

    >Whereas it is affecting practically all of the ports in Mexico.

    Oh, and in case you don't know it. Mexico has bodies of water on both sides.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:26 No.1933316
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:26 No.1933318
         File1276280790.jpg-(8 KB, 268x282, bruleguh.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:27 No.1933321
    i use both paper plates, and regular plates...
    paper plates are more convenient at times... like if i microwave a hot pocket to eat on the go.
    >> R 06/11/10(Fri)14:27 No.1933324
    And stop acting like It's the fault of Americans.
    It's not like every goddamn motherfucker in this country can afford to live in self-sustainable conditions.
    Most minorities won't bother to do dishes because of the water bill. You end up trading what you save in plates for a mass waste in water.
    Self-sustain THAT motherfucker.
    There is no way to cause mass protection of resources, not with money getting in the way so fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:27 No.1933325
    Who elected Bush? Not the people when he ran against Gore. Gore won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:29 No.1933331
    Paper plates do not get recycled because of food waste and waxes. Stuff like cardboard boxes and newspapers are what get recycled.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:31 No.1933343
    >Hurr. I dun unnerstand elektoral college
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:33 No.1933350

    Yea, like the first in history.

    People's minds were blown.
    People raged.

    In the end, people couldn't do shit about it and sucked it up.
    Then got back to eating McKentuckyHut
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:33 No.1933353
    >And stop acting like It's the fault of Americans.

    It is their fault. There are no regulations in the USA for mandating underwater shutoff valves for these types of oil rigs. Even though, Brazil's and Norway's major companies have this shit as standard.

    >It's not like every goddamn motherfucker in this country can afford to live in self-sustainable conditions.

    Not when people think like you do and gimp themselves before trying.

    >Most minorities won't bother to do dishes because of the water bill.

    I know a lot of minorities personally. Only one family, who has better jobs uses throw away shit.The rest save money by using reusable dinnerware.

    Water is much more easily recycled than paper or plastic, try reading the thread.

    >There is no way to cause mass protection of resources, not with money getting in the way so fuck off.

    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:34 No.1933355
    >/ck/ related thread
    >gets derailed by namefag
    >/ck/ as usual
    >> R 06/11/10(Fri)14:36 No.1933358
    Have you looked at a fucking map?
    It is in the most important area, because it will spread to all of the major regions.
    Stupid shit. LOOK AT A MAP.
    It will get raped by the oil spill,it is practically holding it in and concentrating it.
    And as for the plates, either way they are going to be made, and unless you can convince 100 million people or more to stop their way of life because you said so, it will continue.
    You can't stop it, and if you tried, you are years too late. I say fuck it, sit back and watch it burn.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:37 No.1933361
    It's a way to cancel the vote of the people and pick something else. Popular vote is everyone's vote. Electoral is merely point based faggotry as usual.

    2nd time I think.
    >> R 06/11/10(Fri)14:41 No.1933367
    So it all looks squeaky clean to you, eh?
    Every minority I know uses 'em, and in quantity.
    And I don't know any high-class motherfuckers and only a few middle-class, but the few that I know use them too.
    We can't protect resources when capitalists will do anything to protect financial gain.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:45 No.1933379
    In case you don't know, Mexico has more than one body of water touching it. There's 2 gulfs and 2 oceans.

    >You can't stop it, and if you tried, you are years too late.

    You have no clue at all waht you are talking about. Humans are not eternal and neither is their pitiful meddling with nature. Everything we have created would rot away in a matter of moments, in the span of Earth's full time, if we disappeared right now completely. In less that 500,000 years there's be almost nothing left to recognize as being human made. Nature would completely heal in far less time.

    The thing you want to destroy is not the world. It's yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:47 No.1933385
    >everything is fucked
    >no one can do anything
    >we are all doomed
    >we are all powerless

    It sounds like you have serious issues you need to address that have nothing to do with anything but your own life. You're the only one that seems hopeless here.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:50 No.1933396
    >only good use is for camping

    I can't imagine carting a shit load of paper plates with me everywhere I go camping when I can have some thin stainless steel dinner ware that I can reuse. I'm not talking about weekend trips to the park, I mean hiking and backpacking for 2-3 weeks in the mountains. A stack of paper plates is bulkier and heavier than the stainless steel stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:51 No.1933397

    Yeah, same. The hippy stores usually ask, but everyone else just assumes plastic.

    The thing is, I actually like paper sacks, but I have asperger's so I just take whatever they give me.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:52 No.1933404
    I use the paper ones for using under mulch in my garden. I can use half the amount of mulch that way. However, no one carries paper bags anymore at all. So, I use the plastic ones for miscellaneous chores and as liners for small waste cans. Or, I use them at Aldi's stores.
    >> R 06/11/10(Fri)15:01 No.1933426
    1.Already told you were not eternal "LERN TO REED".
    2.I already said I want the world to collapse, and If you're gonna tell me I have issues as your last defense, you are fucking stupid. That has no say in this, we are using facts.
    3. Mexico has two gulfs, a large one and a pussy-ass miniature golf gulf used by corporate executive to vacation. If you think the situation is fucked it is because yo have never walked the streets of Mexico. You would shut the fuck up about your ridiculous paper-plastic babble once you saw how bad it is there. No medical care, expensive ass meds, people living in shacks everywhere once you step out of the main cities, rampant violence, filth unlike any here, gunfights every day in even minor towns, drug trade at its max, and the daily struggle becoming more asphyxiating every day.
    Before you tell me how to view the world, you should take a look at the real world, and if I offended you then you needed to be offended so FUCK YOU.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)15:12 No.1933451
    >your last defense

    Oh, you were attacking? lol

    >we are using facts.

    No, no you are not.

    Mexico isn't even close to being that bad, unless it changed dramatically since last year. You don't even live there in the first place, kid.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)15:16 No.1933471
    At home for the summer and my parents do this shit. I don't think we even have glasses anymore, just goddamn plastic cups.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)15:18 No.1933482
    Then throw out the crap and wash dishes.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)15:26 No.1933510
    It is pretty obvious.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)15:33 No.1933532
    what is?
    >> R 06/11/10(Fri)15:40 No.1933558
    Don't "kid" me you twat.
    I have lived there, and if I am here it is for other motherfucking reasons.
    I know what I am fucking talking about I have lived in and been to many regions in Mexico.
    The availability of good cheap technology is one of the reasons I am here, the availability of firearms another. Beyond that I won't say, not that I needed to justify anything to your dumbass. You probably think you know everything cause you went there on a motherfucking vacation. You probably went there with people with money, and the next time you go, I hope you get jacked by the american-resenting residents. You don't know what it's like, so shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)15:40 No.1933559
    remo ve y our il leg al clo ne moota rd except t instead of j in the mid dle be cause po olar bear is a psyc ho thi ef dbddd64ab402b87f12b7341eeaa046d6
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)15:46 No.1933582
    It sounds to me that you've live in Mexico in the poor shit parts because your family was fucking poor shits. People with good money don't leave Mexico. It's the crap that crosses over to the USA.

    I go to Mexico every year. I'll be there again this year. And, yes, I stay with people that have money and live nice lives, unlike your family.

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