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05/05/10(Wed)00:35 No.1802409  File1273034130.jpg-(96
KB, 1024x768, IMG_1271 (Medium).jpg)
 OK, I'm back.
What I did
was I poured the leftover rice from the container into the bowl on the
left. But instead of pouring, it dropped like a brick. Like a semi-soft
brick because the rice has lost most of its moisture.
The beef
and broccoli is a different matter due to the liquid that is still there
in the container to your right, so I extracted the remaining beef and
broccoli one by one. Because the moisture is still there for days in
being in the mini-fridge, so the best thing to do is to nuke it for a
while (About 8 minutes) to avoid getting a stomach virus.
final thing I did after I put the entire container in the microwave was
to pour the food with water in order to steam properly.
The next
step, warming up the pork chops is a different matter and will take a
shorter length of time. |