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  • File : 1270395681.jpg-(122 KB, 800x536, DSC_17622.jpg)
    122 KB Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)11:41 No.1705799  
    What's the best way to cook a steak?

    picture related its mah steak
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)11:43 No.1705803
    Deep fried until well done.
    >> Sceak !!yef71uxZMye 04/04/10(Sun)11:44 No.1705805
         File1270395850.jpg-(40 KB, 500x375, i-has-a-hotdog.jpg)
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    >> Teacherfoodkingsuper+a !2CSK2VY/PI 04/04/10(Sun)11:44 No.1705806
    What does the green shit do OP?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)11:47 No.1705809
         File1270396043.jpg-(41 KB, 473x700, tumblr_kpgcofp4tu1qzoj1jo1_500.jpg)
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    just some plastic shit for decoration they use a lot of it in sushi also, guess it just rubs off some nice carcinogens to the meat ^^
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)11:54 No.1705820
         File1270396483.jpg-(204 KB, 1200x1793, DSC_17642.jpg)
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    OP here with my steak
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)11:58 No.1705827
    nice pink undies.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)11:59 No.1705831
    on a BBQ
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:12 No.1705860
         File1270397538.jpg-(872 KB, 1296x1936, DSC_0042.jpg)
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    OP here, with another pic
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:12 No.1705862
    Date on the steak would suggest otherwise. IMPOSTER
    >> Bay Area Anon 04/04/10(Sun)12:17 No.1705867

    For steaks that small I would recommend either doing them 'Country Fried Steak' style (breaded in flour and pan-fried), or grill them.

    If you grill them, don't do it for more than a couple of minutes on each side. Something that small is going to dry out really easily.

    Nice pics, though.

    Hope that helps.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:18 No.1705869
         File1270397881.png-(272 KB, 408x469, 1267730048869.png)
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    Show me more steak
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:18 No.1705870

    I'm ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:20 No.1705876
         File1270398013.jpg-(238 KB, 1200x1793, DSC_01442.jpg)
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    shit dude look closer its the same steak, here is another pic of me
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:20 No.1705877
    OP, take your steak, and marinade it for a few hours in the fridge with; Soy Sauce, Curry Powder, Garlic, and a hint of Cumin. Take it out, and pop it on the grill, getting a nice quick char. Medium Rare is the way to go with this recipe, because it will provide ample juices, and be tender, yet still retain a nice bite.
    >> boomdiada !!41bNQwncS4d 04/04/10(Sun)12:21 No.1705878
    sell by date is april 3 2010, use by date is april 7 2010
    i think your logic fails
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:24 No.1705883
    My jaw dropped when I looked at the fucking price though. Jesus that's expensive. I pay $2.99 a pound here.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:26 No.1705889
         File1270398378.jpg-(80 KB, 512x512, america_reading_is_for_faggots(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:26 No.1705890
         File1270398392.jpg-(343 KB, 798x1772, DSC_0424.jpg)
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    one moar pic
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:29 No.1705897
         File1270398596.jpg-(306 KB, 648x968, DSC_00138.jpg)
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    more of me, give me more ideas guys, i wanna cook it well done so no red in the middle
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:30 No.1705898
    Why are you being a girl on 4chons? This is all wrong!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:32 No.1705903
         File1270398757.jpg-(194 KB, 584x872, DSC_0222.jpg)
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    some mo'
    >> boomdiada !!41bNQwncS4d 04/04/10(Sun)12:33 No.1705904
    I have a picture recipe that shows the best way to cook a steak but first you must post a revealing pic of your ass
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:34 No.1705907

    I'm going to have to get behind this proposal.

    Need more of dat ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:41 No.1705917
    Shallow fried medium-rare. Is there any other way to have steak?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:42 No.1705920
    I just realised this is a troll thread.

    4channers don't venture outside let alone have friends to snap shots of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:46 No.1705930

    I need to get myself an Asian girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:48 No.1705932

    Looks like a man.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:48 No.1705933

    Then I need to get myself an Asian Lady-boy.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:49 No.1705934
         File1270399744.jpg-(203 KB, 519x775, DSC_0613.jpg)
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    tell me what to write on a note, and i will post it
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:50 No.1705939

    "Anime sucks."

    Then draw a kitty cat face on the paper, with a time stamp.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)12:51 No.1705940
    >> boomdiada !!41bNQwncS4d 04/04/10(Sun)12:52 No.1705942
    agreed but show dat ass
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)13:03 No.1705964
         File1270400587.jpg-(211 KB, 1200x1793, DSC_17662.jpg)
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    check out my tattoo ^^
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)13:06 No.1705973

    oh shi-

    also, you live in a sweatshop or something? sure is sewing around there.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)13:06 No.1705974
         File1270400814.jpg-(23 KB, 300x483, 2gumby2.jpg)
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    Nice pussy!
    >> boomdiada !!41bNQwncS4d 04/04/10(Sun)13:08 No.1705977
    don't mind me, im just waiting for dat ass
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)13:09 No.1705980
         File1270400981.jpg-(25 KB, 210x198, dale-gribble-66431.jpg)
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    so are you chinese or japanese?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)13:13 No.1705987
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)13:14 No.1705990
    I wish I could go to a Bizarro-4chan and get this much attention for being a guy. That would be just wonderful.
    >> !BOTNETpVMs 04/04/10(Sun)13:16 No.1705994
         File1270401362.png-(42 KB, 526x472, 1253376868235.png)
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    She's from Laos
    >> 04/04/10(Sun)13:16 No.1705995
         File1270401410.gif-(314 KB, 287x334, 1268866282829.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)13:17 No.1705996
         File1270401420.jpg-(148 KB, 581x389, DSC_0529.jpg)
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    Acutually I have a small sample studio in my home
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)13:23 No.1706006
    I though 4chan was banned in China.
    >> !BOTNETpVMs 04/04/10(Sun)13:25 No.1706007
         File1270401923.jpg-(165 KB, 565x600, DatSteak.jpg)
    165 KB
    The best way to cook steak is on a hot grill, seasoned with just salt and pepper

    I would guess for your steaks to cook for 3.5 minutes on the first side, then flip and cook for 2.5 more minutes and they should come out with some pink in the center
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)14:54 No.1706136
    ITT: the first female in 4 Chan history visits /ck/ without turning out to actually be a fag or a trap.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:04 No.1706149

    Also, I like my steak soaked in BBQ sauce and grilled.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:04 No.1706151
         File1270407886.jpg-(8 KB, 180x240, 180px-Post75.jpg)
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    >> !y0MkpNu982 04/04/10(Sun)15:11 No.1706159
    ah, it's adorable! Our first stea
    /ck/ whore?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:12 No.1706164
         File1270408360.jpg-(71 KB, 640x480, 1233115318170.jpg)
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    They always go for the kitty cat.

    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:13 No.1706165
         File1270408384.jpg-(3 KB, 100x77, catshocked.jpg)
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    Well Done is a fucking Heresy!

    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:17 No.1706172
    Her pussy does vaguely resemble deli meat. A room-temperature, limp pile of deli meat.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:31 No.1706200
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:36 No.1706219





    >> !BOTNETpVMs 04/04/10(Sun)15:38 No.1706226
         File1270409905.jpg-(133 KB, 817x579, Untitled.jpg)
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    Picture has no exif

    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:47 No.1706247
    >> implying "check out my tattoo^^" is a normal response for someone who made a timestamped note, and not someone who just used a picture they recently saved, probably from 2ch
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)16:00 No.1706267
    Shallow fried steak? Why would you do such a thing? I hope you don't know what shallow fried means...

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