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    File : 1270239123.jpg-(65 KB, 550x404, lethal.jpg)
    65 KB Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:12 No.1701062  
    You're sentenced to death, and you are now going to make your choice for your final meal.

    What will /ck/ have?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:12 No.1701064
    human flesh
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:12 No.1701065
    Fried chicken, grape drink, watermelon.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:13 No.1701068
    your mom
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:13 No.1701072
    Steak and bbq ribs with sea bass. Roasted garlic potatoes and lemonade.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:14 No.1701075
    soylent green
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:15 No.1701078
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    Nutritional yeast.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:17 No.1701085
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:20 No.1701099
    Your last meal cannot exceed 20 dollars.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:21 No.1701101
    Thats fucked up. So they spend $50,000/year to keep you in jail, but your last meal is only $20.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:22 No.1701104
    God I'm so sick of Sceak's shitty cell phone rice plates.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:25 No.1701108
    A giant-ass party platter of sushi of my choosing (fatty tuna, eel, sweet egg and salmon).
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:25 No.1701109
    Like ten cans of beans so when they send me to the electric chair I let out like 50 stinky farts at the same time. The methane clouds coupled with the electricity from the chair ignite the room, no one survives.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:29 No.1701116
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:30 No.1701119
    Unicorn steak.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:31 No.1701120
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:32 No.1701123
    William Bonin: Two pepperoni and sausage pizzas, three servings of chocolate ice cream, and fifteen cans of Coca-Cola.

    >> fifteen cans of Coca-Cola.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:33 No.1701124
    just b/c is was in front of him doesnt mean he drank it all. or a typo
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:34 No.1701126
    The blood of my captors.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:36 No.1701133
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    As many of these as I would be allowed. At least 50. I'm mildly lactose intolerant, and so many of these would probably kill me before I finished them all. It's the happiest way I can possibly imagine dying.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:37 No.1701138
    >Your last meal cannot exceed 20 dollars.
    I suspect most people would have some money lying around so that they could do a little better.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:38 No.1701139
    The limit is 40 dollars, noobs.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:39 No.1701143
    Hmm...I'm extremely lactose intolerant, so I'd probably order a few dozen marshmallow malts or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:39 No.1701146
    Only in Florida, idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:40 No.1701150

    I'm guessing the rules are different in each state.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:43 No.1701156
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    My money's worth of orange soda
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:49 No.1701176
    penes, muchos penes.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:50 No.1701179
    If I could order out, as much take-out Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Thai, Vietnamese and Lebanese as they'd let me get.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:56 No.1701187
    Garlic and Lemon Roast Chicken, Peas, a little gravy, boiled potatoes with butter.

    Cloudy Lemonade to Drink.

    Big slice of Diam Cake for afters.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:57 No.1701194
    interesting list of famous last meals:
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:01 No.1701208
    One last Double-double.

    Fuck it, triple.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:03 No.1701213
    Do they let you have beer? I've never been drunk in my life, so I might ask for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:04 No.1701216
    Big Mac. Supersized.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:05 No.1701217
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:06 No.1701222
    fried chicken
    steak tartare (ethiopian style)
    chicago style hot dog
    new york style pizza
    Hoa Fun
    crab legs
    burger with bacon and bleu cheese
    mashed potatoes with truffles
    10 eggs
    hash browns
    strawberry crush with real sugar
    jew coke
    5 red bulls
    a gyro
    kettle cooked chips
    some sparkling water
    pastrami on rye
    a reuben
    buffalo wings
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:07 No.1701228
    A cat stuffed in a dog stuffed in a human stuffed in a dolphin.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:15 No.1701257
    The flesh of a thousand different female virgins, age 30. It'll take them a while to find a thousand of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:20 No.1701277
    Three orders of Fried rice from a street corner Japanese Restaurant.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:27 No.1701296
    The mexican plate on flour tortillas,with beans and rice (tostada, taco, enchilada). Chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. 15 cans of pepsi, room temp.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:33 No.1701300
    a cup of pho, 1 slice of chicago style pizza, some garlic leek mashed potatoes, a slice of french silk pie with 1 glass of laphroiag neat, 1 shot of jaeger and finish it all off with a gallon sized bombay martini.

    happy and dead before the executions read...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:33 No.1701302
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    I'd ask for the world's rarest truffle. Then while they were searching for it, I'd tunnel my way to freedom. Of course, then I'd miss eating the world's rarest truffle. Quite the quandary.

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