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  • File : 1269907470.jpg-(30 KB, 329x375, Chicken-dinner.jpg)
    30 KB Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:04 No.1689448  
    ITT if you work in the industry, post your occupation & how customers irritate you

    And if you don't, post your dining/service experience rants

    I'll start:
    Waitress--I hate when people ask for water cups and fill them with soda.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:07 No.1689461
    Stupidest copypasta ever. It's still going to devolve into an argument about tipping.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:08 No.1689464
    oooooow can someone get peeved at that when it's more easy to exploit than anything else in the world if you have a fucking drink fountain or something?

    Hurr fucking durr bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:10 No.1689469
    I always used to hate it when I would spend 45 minutes rolling silverware for my tables and then this stupid cunt who would always come in late would use them during service.
    She would also take my salads all the time and make my tables wait longer so I could get the order right.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:13 No.1689475
    What I ordered: Biscuits

    What I expected: Buttermilk biscuits

    What I got: Plate of crackers.
    >> sugar_diva 03/29/10(Mon)20:13 No.1689479
    garde manager/pastry assistant at a country club

    when the servers ask me to do something they can clearly do themselves 10x faster and with more ease.

    (can you give me a cup of ranch dressing?)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:14 No.1689481

    10 people sit down at a table and all order variations on the same thing since we mainly do omelets and pancakes.

    Me: Who ordered Chocolate Chip Pancakes and a Western Omelet? *repeat 10 times until they stop chattering and actually hear me*

    Cunt 1: That's mine! *I hand it off*

    ~~repeat times 9 until the last person~~

    Me: Did you order the Coconut chocolate chip pancakes and Country Omelet?

    ~~ 10 minutes later Cunt 1 sends back her omelet because it has peppers when she didn't want any, and ham not bacon (that's the difference between country and western) and the pancakes were supposed to have coconut.
    >> Nonagon !!1Fm5FENSz0p 03/29/10(Mon)20:17 No.1689495
    Pastry Chef (Sort of, I bake scones and croissants).

    I hate it when people ask what they are when there is a fucking label right in front of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:18 No.1689499
    I hate it when waiters or waitresses are grumpy, rude, blunt or opinionated.

    Your job is to serve me what i request with no lip, for that you are paid. if you are uncomfortable with servitude, i suggest you stop being a server.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:25 No.1689535
    I hate it when customers are arrogant, rude, unreasonable or demanding.

    My job is to deal with the public, for that I am paid. if you wish to live in this society, i suggest you start treating people with the respect you would expect in return

    Not acting like an asshole all the time goes a long way.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:30 No.1689546
    But you acting like a fucking cunt to start off the whole of things doesn't help either.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:34 No.1689551
    you hate it when your work is demanding? oh how sad.

    im sure in nandos nobody expects you to give a shit, or do your work properly, but in a real job, you need to learn that i give less than a shit about you, or your life, or your sad little feelings, and you need to shut up, and do what you're paid for.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:06 No.1689612
    I drink water like a fish. I'm sure some wait staff were wishing I was drinking soda or beer instead
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:11 No.1689628
    when the pizza delivery guy expects a tip after I paid a $4.00 delivery fee. Sorry bud, but fuck you guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:13 No.1689640
    >is probably unaware of how much spit and semen he's eaten in his food
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:13 No.1689641
    oh hey troll, almost didn't see you there :D
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:17 No.1689659
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    "I don't tip because society says I have to. Alright, I mean I'll tip if somebody really deserves it, but I mean this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. I order coffee I want it filled six times. Jesus Christ, these ladies aren't starving to death - they make minimum wage."
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:22 No.1689679
    McDfag here.

    There was this lady the other day that wanted a big mac without the pickles because she sais she was allergic. So I told the cashier I couldn't put mac sauce in the sandwich because it contains pickles. But no, the lady still wanted the sauce and started to bitch at the cashier. I proceeded to put some pickle juice in the sandwich.

    There was also this nerd with an expired coupon that wanted to fight my manager because he couldn't get a rebate. That one was funny because the guy couldn't even look at my manager in the eye.

    Also what pisses me off is people that ask for grilled chicken on a night shift and start to complain about how long it is, FFS even if it has 1 hour of holding time, we sell about 10 A DAY.

    Then there's the people who can't seem to eat right because half of their fucking fries are on the floor. Or people who leave their tray full of garbage on the table.

    Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:22 No.1689680
    Cashier at a cafeteria:
    I hate when people leave their trash all over the counters/tables and whatnot.
    We don't have busboys/girls. We don't have someone who is meant to clean up after your pig disgusting eating. Also, i have enough shit to clean up at the end of the day. Going around to clean your trash takes me a good extra hour and makes my boss angry.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:22 No.1689682
    This. It's their fault for working in such a shit place that overcharges the pizza, adds a delivery fee and THEN expects you to dish out more for the bastard that brought it to you.

    I have to tip ten dollars or they won't come out here. :X
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:23 No.1689683
    In North America, positions that earn tips (servers and delivery guys) earn less than minimum wage, because the tip is an expected part of their wage. Thus, in North America, unfortunately due to the system, it's pretty mandatory that you should tip. If you don't like it, move to a country where they pay their servers better and it's not expected to tip.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:24 No.1689688
    I only tip somewhere I know I'll have to eat again at. If it's some place I've never been to and don't think I will, I definately won't give a tip. Maybe my pocket change.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:25 No.1689689
    At a sit-down dinner place, my pet peeves:

    - don't automatically bring some water to the table without you having to ask for it
    - take away someone's plate before everyone's finished eating (within reason, if there's one person who's super super slow while everyone else is finished, then it's understandable to take away plates)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:26 No.1689693
    not sure if this would qualify or not, but i absolutely hate it when i'm in a restaurant enjoying a nice meal and some asshat and their screaming semen demons show up and wreak havoc. for fuck's sake people, it's a restaurant, not a capitol one commercial.

    /former cook. (now i only cook for myself, friends and family :D)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:28 No.1689697
    >take away someone's plate before everyone's finished eating

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:29 No.1689698

    true - waitstaff are paid to be there, but i'm PAYING to be there... so if someone wants to put on a scream-fest with their crotchlings i'll demand payment or demand they STFU

    love it when parrents then get all "i dont tell your children how to behave themselves !"

    then you just say "well you obviously dont tell your children how to behave themselves either... someone has to"
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:32 No.1689704
    cook (soon to be chef/kitchen lead) - they don't! i work in an intimate, family-owned restaurant - everyone is great!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:35 No.1689708
    >garde manger

    you're still the lowest rung on the totem pole.
    when you move up to line/sautee/etc you can tell them to straight fuck off. for now, take your lumps and earn the jacket you wear.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:35 No.1689711
    wat. I always thought that was polite of them, it frees up space on the table..

    I just hate when I want a water cup and people think I'm trying to steal soda. I don't even like soda.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:36 No.1689712
    that fee doesn't go to the drivers. its to cover the restaurant's insurance.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:36 No.1689713
    Not the post that you're replying to but I've been a garde manger for 15 years. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:39 No.1689719
    if they're not moving you up by now, apply for a higher-tier spot somewhere else. that, or go in early and shadow someone - learn their spot and get the experience necessary to be noticed doing so!
    hell, shadow all the spots. if you can do EVERYTHING you're way more of an asset in the kitchen.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:39 No.1689720
    restaurant doesn't carry insurance

    the driver's gotta be insured to drive
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:40 No.1689723
    This same fucking thread again? OP obviously isn't irritated by much seeing as how that's the only thing that pisses him off.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:41 No.1689727
    oh also - if you put in 15 years in the same kitchen, you automatically get to tell all the waitstaff to go straight to hell (just don't be so.. unprofessional about it.)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:44 No.1689733
    the one i worked at did. if you really don't think they have insurance to cover their asses in the event of property damage/accidental death/etc. you best be trollin' or you're extremely naive.
    thats to cover THE RESTAURANT, not the driver.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:45 No.1689735
    Being in charge of cold food, appetizers, & soups is better than being another fucking line cook.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:47 No.1689739
    samefag here again:

    it really chafes me when people that aren't ME mess with my mise en place or touch my knives/gear.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:49 No.1689743
    i was thinking more like saucier or sous chef.
    but hey, if you love what you do then i say cheers to you!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)21:51 No.1689747

    depends on the establishment

    like if you're plating salads at some place turning fewer than 100 seats a night and call yourself a 'garde manger', fuck that noise

    but being a garde manger somewhere super busy like a banquet hall is pretty srs bsns

    i just got done making desserts on a cruise ship
    never again :/
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:00 No.1689764
    >desserts on a cruise ship

    oh god i can only imagine.

    you ARE right though, big difference between salad-bitch and Garde Manger.
    just most places i've been around stick the culinary school kiddies in Garde Manger (bottom of the pole, etc.)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:00 No.1689765
    >if you're plating salads at some place turning fewer than 100 seats a night

    I had that job once. Prepping and plating salads and desserts. At least everyone else did their own mise and tear down so I didn't have to pick up for anyone else.

    I always hated it when it was my turn to make the daily meal to feed the staff. The other assholes would always steal my prep to use when it was their turn but no one would ever cut anything for me.

    I walked out of that place in the middle of service one Friday night. I would have felt bad but there were only 10 on the books and 2 canceled.

    Place is closed now. That's fucking karma right there
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:07 No.1689777
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    I hate it when I'm talking to my friends and the waitress interrupts us. "Hey, sweetheart? We're talking here. Come back in 45 seconds, and if we're still talking, just keep coming back until we're through? Thanks, dollface." And then I smack 'em on their ass as they walk away. They act like it's painful, but you know they dig that shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:13 No.1689791
    >Waitress--I hate when people ask for water cups and fill them with soda.

    HAHAHA you work in fast food you aren't a waitress. One of the prime determining factors of whether an establishment is fine dining or not is if they have a drinking fountain for the public. lol Waitress, please.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:14 No.1689795
    Yeah, that's the thing. Waitresses swish around in those whore uniforms and act like they're all offended when you pat their butts when they do something right. IT WAS A COMPLIMENT, ALRIGHT?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:15 No.1689799
    that only works in team sports, bro
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:18 No.1689809

    seriously, people who rage about service should be forced to work as a waiter/waitress for a day

    i've done it. it sucks and i don't do it anymore

    but so often i'm out with friends and inevitably someone will think the service is bad. but i look around and see what's really going on and have to tell my friend how things work

    like: "our waitress's section is over there but they gave her our table for some reason so she has to go back and forth" or "it's not our waiter's fault that the food runner doesn't know who ordered what"

    simply being nice to your waiter can have small benefits
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:20 No.1689815
    only the cooks at the restaurant should be able to give the waitstaff shit (sometimes dishwashers, rarely).
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:27 No.1689842
    Former cook - Hate when very picky customer orders food made in very particular way, make it exactly as it is orderd, and have it sent back 3 + times.

    Now Im not blaming the customer 100%, the waitress probably told me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:30 No.1689850
    depending on where you were cooking at it was more than likely some cheapskate looking for a free meal ticket
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:31 No.1689857
    I'm a customer. I hate when I've been sitting down for about two minutes to read the menu and I get asked if I'm ready to order. If I say "no thanks, still deciding blah blah blah" the waiter will almost always immediately disappear for 20 minutes to half an hour without bothering to take drink orders, leaving me sitting there. This happens even when the restaurant isn't crowded. Why do you waiters do that? I'm not rude, so what's the deal?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:38 No.1689876
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    they assume you're not ready to make drink orders either.
    from now on do like this: "we haven't decided on our entrees yet, but we'd like (drinks go here) to drink for now, please." this is also the time you should use to place any appetizer orders to ensure that you get your app before your entree and not one right after another in quick succession or god forbid at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:41 No.1689893
    I go to a college where there is a restaurant inside. Sometimes I go there with friends just to talk and don't really get anything(my friends do). One time this waitress that served us looked so high and when she asked me what I wanted I said "Nothing." She was like, "NOTHZINNGGG!!?!?" Shit made me laugh so hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:43 No.1689903

    I have the opposite problem here, they show up again every minute on the spot


    I keep my menu open and keep reading it the entire time yet they still do this.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:45 No.1689918
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    Last week I still had some food on my plate, fork in hand and was very obviously still chewing when the waitress took my plate away.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)22:52 No.1689952
    they should be plying you for ins to recommend you a dish because they SHOULD know everything on the menu unless they're freshmeat.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)23:13 No.1690015
    >> dishwasher !m1LUvjNzWY 03/29/10(Mon)23:45 No.1690103
    Worst part about my job is when people assume since i touch half eaten food I'm willing to touch anything else that would make a normal person cringe.

    Like 2 months ago some kid threw up on his goddamn plate, and i can understand bringing a dirty throw up plate to me, but please CAN YOU TELL ME IT'S FUCKING PUKE. I went to scrape it off with my hand and suddenly i noticed my skin was irritated and smelled fuckin horrible. Thx waitresses.

    Or when i get a plate that just sat on a burner for 45 mins and is super hot, please tell me it's hot.

    Another shit part is the fact that, waitresses come in and drop shit like glass don't pick it up or any number of things that make me deal with it. Then when i ask about why they just left it they claim their super busy and had no time. Then i walk out and i see they chatting with each other drinking a glass of juice or sumthin.

    Bad busers suck dick too.

    ( i may have grown bitter by have working as a dish washer for 1 year now)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)23:49 No.1690124

    I hope you didnt leave a tip
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)23:55 No.1690151
    /ck/ - it's like /r9k/ but about food
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)00:35 No.1690279
    moar please
    >> Towelie 03/30/10(Tue)00:54 No.1690338
    To OP: that's pretty funny, cause I do that

    Anyway, I work in a dishroom for my school's actually really smooth sailing...I deserve a career ladder though...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:03 No.1691136
    I'm a dishwasher at Ponderosa. I get spared the worst of it, because i don't have to deal with customers, but it pisses me off to know end when the manager has me go mop up shit off the bathroom floor. I'm not a fucking maintenance man, and I sure as hell don't get paid like one; I know when I'm being taken advantage of.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:12 No.1691145
    I hate it when waitresses come and ask me to make something that isn't on the menu. i dont know why the fuck we have a menu. hey just come an order whatever the fuck you feel like.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:22 No.1691157
    People who send their breakfast back because the eggs are not hard enough when they asked for ssu.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:36 No.1691178
    Once, I was out eating with my family and the waiter visited us twice after sitting us down. Once to deliver the food and once to give us the bill. Yea, another waiter had to take our orders after like 15 minutes, cause the guy was too busy sucking dick at the table that was like 4 feet to our right. I think he visited them like 6 times the entire time we were there, and they were there before us.

    When we got the bill he gave this speech about how he was seriously apologetic about the terrible service and how that shouldn't have happened.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:42 No.1691188
    It's rare to get an order for eggs over medium but when it does come in, it means you're gonna get to remake them because some asshat doesn't know how he eats his fucking eggs.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:57 No.1691211
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    sautee cook

    my job consists of making tasty food all day, rarely cleaning or doing other peon work, (besides some general clean up and tear down at closing), Also people rarely, if ever, tell me what to do unless I fuck something up

    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:03 No.1691221
    There has got to be more to this story than you are telling us.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:40 No.1691283
    I worked at a Indoor Children's Playground, in the cafe.

    One lady comes up and starts barking at me to "change the oil in the fucking deep fryer, I can taste how old it is in these chicken nuggets!"
    We microwave the food and then bake it in an oven to crisp it, and advertise that we don't deep fry our food because it's 'healthier' (which is shit anyway).
    I had to supress pointing out to her that behind me, in the kitchen she could plainly see, there was no deep fryer.

    Also fucking elderly people who want their coffee scalding hot and complain all the time HRGGHHH. You can't have it scalding hot, it burns the milk. Go back to drinking tea you faggots.

    Also people who refuse to order coffees because we don't have raw sugar. What the fuck, I work in a small rural town business, I'm not going to just have raw sugar for the few hipster faggots who accidently had kids and now bring them here.

    Also, people who pretend chai lattes are coffee.
    You're drinking milk tea, fags.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:49 No.1691296
    raw sugar is more rural than refined
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:59 No.1691313
    Well when i was younger i bussed a few weeks at a restraunt. I put on a happy face every damn night and played nice when i was expected to bus 2 dining rooms while making sure all of the things at the salad bar are there, tend to the bosses wife for whatever damn reason AND on top of that do whatever chore they asked me to do, for some reason the dish people were incapable of sorting dishes so I did that also. I delt with it for a while untill they started bitching at me for "Not keeping up" then they ask me to come for Christmas eve and Christmas when i told them i would be gone for those days 2 weeks in adavance. They then asked me to work weekdays which i told them i never could.

    Irony is, they promised me they would hire another busperson, in the few weeks i was there they never agian mentioned it...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:34 No.1691365
    line cook- no complaints
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 03/30/10(Tue)12:39 No.1691367
    We went to this cool looking Thai place we had never been before. It was a weeknight so it wasn't full, but people were in there so we sat down. Waiter came took my bf's order for some sushi appetizers and drinks. Came back with the drinks.

    Then we waited.
    We waited 20 minutes for sushi and in the meantime the waiter didn't come back to take our order for food.
    We waited another 15 minutes finally the sushi came.

    We faked an emergency, paid and left. I have never waited that long on a fucking Tuesday night just for the guy to take our orders. We ended up having pizza instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:40 No.1691370
    >Implying a trained monkey would complain if he could.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:55 No.1691392
    Cafeteria cook.

    ... I'm happy in my job. Sometimes when the deliveries are missing something I get a little grumpy, but since the situation's usually either salvageable on the fly, or the stuff will arrive the next day or two, that's about it. The hours are a little heavy, but I manage.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:56 No.1691395
    I was a banquet server for a long time at a hotel and I always hated it when people thought I was a waiter and tried to order food....
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:03 No.1691404
    I wish I worked in the food industry.

    I have experience from when I was in college, have a doctorate but love and am passionate about food more than anything, am a hard worker, am young, handsome, and charming.

    I am willing to do anything in a restaurant, from serving, tending bar, chopping/prepping, washing dishes.

    I've applied to 15+ restaurants for whatever position they have, on any day, for any hours. This includes the whole gamut, from nicer restaurants to pizza pubs.

    I've not gotten 1 call back.

    Feels bad, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:05 No.1691406

    unfortunately for you cute would get you a lot farther
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:05 No.1691407
    Try finding a hotel that does banquets. They are always looking for servers, and it's a good way to get to know the cooks as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:09 No.1691415
    a) you need to go into that restaurant in person.
    b) what industry do you work in?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:10 No.1691417
    I'm not a child, though. Good-looking men aren't cute; they're handsome. Sucks when I hand my resume to some Mario Batali-looking server or a grey, smoke-weathered bartender with wrinkles and a charcoal voice.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:11 No.1691419
    a) I have gone into the restaurant each time, but I've never spoken to a manager. Someone always takes my resume and tells me when to expect to hear back. (Which I never do.)

    b) Law.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:12 No.1691420
    anyone can get a job washing dishes. anyone. there must really be something obviously wrong with you if you cant.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:13 No.1691421
    Not anyone. Don't know what to tell you, man. Ask me a question about what might be wrong and I'll answer honestly.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:14 No.1691424
    >there must really be something obviously wrong with you if you cant.

    yeah, like if you're not a spaniard
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:14 No.1691425
    Ah-ha. They're expecting you to be suing their pants off at the drop of a hat.

    Or maybe they just have people with experience and training available. It's not a good time for the service industries either. Work your field, gather some capital, and at some point start your own business. Being your own boss is the beauty of the field in my opinion, and anyone can run a pub.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:15 No.1691426
    where are you?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:18 No.1691432
    Ok well. Shit sucks where you live then.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:20 No.1691438
    I don't want to run a pub though. That's the tough part. I want to cook. I haven't been to culinary school, so I recognize that I'd need to spend some years in a kitchen doing shit, or in a restaurant doing whatever, to eventually get to cook.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:43 No.1691634
    hostfag here in a las vegas casino restaurant

    I fucking hate customers that stop by to ask me for directions to obvious attractions. There was a god damn sign back twenty feet! What you're looking for didn't disappear between here and there!

    I fucking hate the mexicans who come up and hit on the hostesses, trying to get a hug and cop a feel. The cool mexicans that say hi back and talk to me in english are cool. They let me ask 'que paso'?

    Customers that come up and ask 'do you serve hamburgers?' at a mexican food place. Or 'where are your fajitas?' God damn bitch, this isn't tex-mex! This is fucking authentic mexican.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:58 No.1691661
    you are an asshole. Lots of restaurants will have burgers and chicken fingers and shit like that outside their regular menu for kids and faggots. Also, fajitas aren't necessarily "tex-mex" and even if they were, maybe everybody isn't quite as smart and with it regarding fajitas as a big time host at a shitty restaurant.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:00 No.1691669
    This isn't always true, in the restaurant I work in we are all pretty skilled and so we move around, but there is someone who is "assigned" to a station.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:15 No.1691699
    Okay, some of this "station" talk reminds me of something that happened last week.

    I went to a new place and, since there were plenty of open tables there, I requested one by the window for my party of 2. "No, I'm sorry, I can't seat you there." Okay, so I'll sit at a booth. There's one open. "No, I'm sorry, I can't seat you there." So I had to settle for a shit tier seat when there were many desirable ones open.

    I understand that this was probably so waiters all get roughly the same number of tables. If so, the restaurant should initiate some sort of tip-sharing policy. Because, fuck, if I want to sit by a window or in a booth and there are plenty of seats that would accommodate me, I should get to sit in them.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:38 No.1691753
    Used to work in a tiny in-store bakery, making pasties, sausage rolls and what not.
    The sausage rolls used to come in raw but ready made so all i had to do was cook them.
    Had the standard procedure of testing the core temp when i got them out of the oven to make sure they were cooked through.
    Thing is, the meat had tomato dye in it so it was always pink, not matter how long i cooked it.

    Some bitch buys one, comes back about 1/2hr later saying it's raw, she's already eaten about 3 1/4s of it and "only just noticed" i was like "i can assure you, they're not raw, the meat has tomato dye in it, that's why it's pink, i core test the meat blah blah blah" and she then repeated herself "but's it's raw, look it's pink" so i said again "That's because there's tomato dye in the meat" this went on for about 4 more rounds with her getting louder and louder until i screamed at her "LOOK YOU STUPID BITCH THEY'RE NOT FUCKING RAW! TAKE ANOTHER ONE IF IT BOTHERS YOU BUT IT'S GONNA BE EXACTLY THE SAME!" I then proceeded to throw a knife at the wall and walk out.

    Still didn't lose my job though
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:47 No.1691770
    bring one out to her table and core temp it in front of her so she can SEE it holds temp, then cut it in half and explain to her why it still looks pink even though it is obviously fully cooked.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:49 No.1691775
    yeah, i'm a nice guy, if you tell me i can't sit at an open table of my choosing, i tell you to fuck off and walk out
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:50 No.1691779
    actually, i ask to see the manager and tell him to fuck off . . not the waitress or whoever is seating me
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:54 No.1691788
    That's the thing, i explained to her over and over again why it's pink, even offered her the telephone number of the company so she could double check the recipe but she was just being a retard.

    What bothered me the most was that she had pretty much eaten the whole thing before she brought it back, bitch was clearly after a free second one.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:57 No.1691795
    just say no, then call the cops if she gets loud
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:58 No.1691797
    i call the cops on everybody . . .drunk and do anything i don't like . . . cops. Loud . . .cops. Bitches too much and refuse to pay . . cops.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:59 No.1691800
    come in with my ex-girlfriend or any girl i like . . .cops
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)16:17 No.1691829
    would it really be that hard to point them to grilled beef/chicken and tell them it's close to fajitas?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)16:25 No.1691854

    >>3 1/ths
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)16:30 No.1691870
    Corporate pastry chef for a chain of ~6 restaurants in Chicago. I don't ever see customers. It makes me happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:34 No.1692168
    I notice "ITT: we bitch" threads tend to stick around on /ck/. Interesting.

    Anyway, I was eating in a diner once and I was finishing up when the waitress asked if she could give me the bill so she could take her tip and leave for the night. What the hell?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:45 No.1692188
    I hate when customers make me do the job that I am paid to do.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:05 No.1692245
    Barista. I hate people who walk into my cafe and ask "Do you have lattes?"


    Also, know how to order a fucking coffee: tell me SPECIFICALLY what you want.

    "Coffee" means just plain dripped coffee. "Coffee" isn't a latte or cappuccino or fucking frappe.

    Tell me the size you want. Our menu clearly shows that we have small, medium, and large.

    If your drink has milk in it, tell me what kind you want. (The people who are most picky about their type of milk NEVER tell you without you asking first. It's always skim --- or "skinny" as they say --- drinkers, too.)

    If it's just a plain coffee, tell me if you want it black or not. We've got a condiment station where you can add as much or as little cream as you want.

    "Medium coffee, black, please."
    "Large 2% caffe latte, no foam."
    "Small iced latte, skim milk."

    It's not that I don't want to talk to you or anything. It's just that I'd rather not ask every single person I serve every day the same damned questions. I'd rather ask you if your stay at our hotel has been comfortable or inquire about the convention you're attending or say that I really like your hat or whatever.

    I've been getting better about not getting bent out of shape about all of this, but the first point about ignorance of what a modern cafe offers is just... well, it's like fingernails on a chalkboard IN MY SOUL.

    Anyhow, I'm sitting at a bar getting drunk as I write this, so I'm probably overreacting just a little bit.

    I love coffee, and I love sharing my knowledge about coffee. I would like to talk coffee with my customers, not be annoyed to hell and back by them.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:10 No.1692270
    Nooooottttt classy.

    A server should never solicit for a tip, but there's nothing wrong with asking "I apologize if it is an inconvenience, but we have a shift change coming up and I'm about to head home. May I bring you your check?" and better yet, amend "May I bring you your check?" with "and can I refresh your drinks for you while I get it/bring you another basket of bread/bring you a dessert menu/get your new server to come by and introduce him/herself?"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:21 No.1692323
    Once a waitress and a manager actually RAN after my wife and I left without tipping. They blocked the front door and asked in one of those angry, hissing whispers, "Sir, was there a reason you did not leave the customary tip?" Seriously. They both stood there like they were about to kick our asses or something. They were pissed.

    The thing is, the waitress was horrible. She tried to play it folksy, and she even SAT DOWN AT THE TABLE with us complaining that her feet hurt. We kind of laughed that off, but then I asked for something and she said they didn't serve it. I said, "uh, sure you do." "Sir, are you saying that you know the menu better than I do?" And then I showed it to her on the menu. Also, she brought my wife coffee instead of her iced tea because she thought the rings under my wife's eyes made her look too sleepy and she needed some "pepping up". Again, yes, this all happened. The food was cold when we finally got it, and the waitress STUCK HER FINGER IN THE FOOD and said "it seems warm enough" and turned around a left. Oh, and the piece of cardboard that held the frozen dessert in its package was still on my plate. "Whoopsie! I was hurrying and I guess I cut all the way through!" AND there was other stupid stuff, but this is long enough.

    But back to the manager and the waitress at the door. "Why didn't we tip? You can hire me as a paid consultant to review your employees, but if not, we'll be on our way." And we left.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:32 No.1692360
    >Also, she brought my wife coffee instead of her iced tea because she thought the rings under my wife's eyes made her look too sleepy and she needed some "pepping up". Again, yes, this all happened. The food was cold when we finally got it, and the waitress STUCK HER FINGER IN THE FOOD and said "it seems warm enough" and turned around a left.

    Thats not even walk out without a tip experience. Thats walk out without paying the bill or continuing to eat experience.

    What. The. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)21:49 No.1692887
    Breakfast cook fag here. 4am-noon. Awwwww yeah.

    I rage like a motherfucker when I send out toast and it gets sent back "because its cold and wont melt the butter"

    DUURRRRRR, dumb bitch waitress just took the little butter packets out of the fridge right before giving it to people instead of pulling them out when she came in first thing in the morning.

    They forget them and then bitch at me about it far more often than I like.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)21:53 No.1692895
    this. I wouldn't even bother finishing the meal and just going somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)22:00 No.1692912
    i'd write emails to:
    their corporate office/owner
    county health department
    local newspaper
    and the Better Business Bureau (if applicable)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)22:03 No.1692921
    solution: tell her about it.
    failing that do mise en place at the waitress station every morning, stand there looking indignant and say "YOU'RE WELCOME" until that bimbo gets her shit together (this is all time-permitting, of course).
    that or get the floor manager up her ass about her not doing her job correctly.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)10:06 No.1694474
    I work at a dining common on my university campus. When I'm working the hotline shift (serving whatever shit from a hot counter), I hate it when people ask me question regarding food like "Is this a quesadilla?" when clearly it's a sloppy joe.

    I'm not making this shit up.
    >> !BBOTNetSUE 03/31/10(Wed)10:08 No.1694477
    lol IRL trolls

    they're everywhere
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)14:11 No.1695002
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    I want to make KFC out of you!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:14 No.1695149
    I think the dumbest experience I've had in a restaurant was at this one chinese-run diner. I ordered cream cheese on toast, and I guess they'd run out of cream cheese, cause they gave me toast covered in cream cheese icing. Fucking pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:26 No.1695172
    I work at a pizza shop and so many of my dumb fucking coworkers will pick up slices with their hands to put them in the oven. It's so fucking nasty. A few customers have demanded their money back. Boss tells them not to, but half the time he doesn't care. Nasty fucking pigs.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:27 No.1695177
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    >implying this isn't pure win
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:57 No.1696044
    Catered for 4 years then served for 3 years at an APPLEBEES.

    Best part of job: Fucking various Applesluts.

    Worst part: $2.15/hr, shitty tips, shitty customers

    Nasty: My friend spit in 2 jewbags drinks for me. Like a big fucking disgusting green lugey. Don't piss people that handle your food off. Other friend rubbed nut sweat into a cop's fish n chips. moar
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:59 No.1696047
    Is this legal?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:59 No.1696050
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    i went to a salisbury house last week

    i ordered a Quesadilla

    on the menu it showed it cut into 3 slices, and i assumed that was what i was going to get


    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:00 No.1696055

    >Other friend rubbed nut sweat into a cop's fish n chips.

    frumunda cheese. Only my best customers got a chance to have this! It only come directly from the sweatiest nuts.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:02 No.1696062

    You have never worked food service. Yes it is legal. The tips make up for the rest, or at least they are supposed to.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:59 No.1696382

    im a cook and have been for awhile, and generally i have no issues with my job what so ever, i enjoy it greatly, but every once in awhile ill get like 6 orders where the waitress is just making shit up because her customers are pulling food ideas out their asses. and when i tell her i cant make the crap they seem to think they can order, she gets pissy. STFU bitch there is a menu for a reason
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:06 No.1696401
    We had that problem with substitutions. We had enough of each side to go with the number of entrees they were intended for. But everyone wanted to sub potatoes or the next day sub spinach or broccoli or whatever. And then we'd run out of something and we'd have to send the fish out with coleslaw or there would be no more baked potatoes.
    So we decided no more subs starting this year.

    But it did no good. The regulars keep ordering whatever the fuck they want and the fucking waitstaff is too chickenshit to stand up to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:58 No.1697597
    Every time i come on ck
    I see this post
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:05 No.1697605
    Well I used to work at a bubble tea place but I've never worked as an actual waiter or something. Here in Canada I believe the minimum for waiters is just a bit under the regular minimum, but I don't know about wherever you're from.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)19:42 No.1698626
    Dairy Queen here. Just some general stuff.
    People changing orders in the middle of a lunch rush when there's five other orders on either side, and then expecting me to remember it. I usually do, because odds are, it's not that hard.
    Wanting ice cream, and then asking for nuts on it after I've made and given it to them.
    Wanting extra topping after I've given them their order.
    Ordering four large Blizzards (A large is 21 ounces) on a busy summer afternoon when it's 28+ Degrees in the store, and then complaining that one or more Blizzards are too thin.
    Complaining a Blizzard is too thin, even after I've held it upside down for somewhere close to thirty seconds (Longer than anyone else in the city, I fucking guarantee it)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)11:53 No.1700406
    >And if you don't, post your dining/service rants

    My Resturaunt experiences in America are varied (ausfag) Sometimes I go somewhere and the service is great, everyone is friendly and really inquisitive of my home and accent and just genuinely lovely. Other places I go, they assume that as an Australian, I'm not going to tip and just treat me like shit, I just turn right around and walk the fuck out. Of course I'm not going to tip if you aren't worth tipping! In Australia, tipping is becoming slowly more popular but most people still don't tip because people working in Food service don't get paid *that* badly (at least not enough to bring in a tipping system), it's probably better to try and politely ask a foreigner that if they liked your service that you would appreciate a tip, try to slip in that it's a custom thing, some foreigners just don't know!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)11:59 No.1700427
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:56 No.1701481
    Customer here, i wish it wasn't assault to beat the shit out of other customers who were being absolute dicks to the staff of any establishment.
    >> ClubMeSoftly !vjX/b/51.s 04/02/10(Fri)19:02 No.1701500
    Motherfuck, I've become copypasta...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:06 No.1701510
    When the bill is brought over before I ask for it.

    there goes your tip asshole.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:09 No.1701520
    has anyone noticed the OP waitress makes the patrons grab their own drinks?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:10 No.1701522
    Minimum wage in Australia is like $17. Fuck tipping.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:14 No.1701536
    yeah but 17AUD is worth like, two buttons and a stick.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:15 No.1701538
    With the recent button shortage, button prices have skyrocketed. That's not a very good example.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:17 No.1701543
    God, I wish I had a fucking button.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:20 No.1701554
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    We all do Sally, but times are hard. Drink your tea and hush, child.
    >> Fashion !!o0VmGvX5p9U 04/02/10(Fri)19:23 No.1701567
    I work a Chick-Fil-A. Does that count as the industry?
    Regardless, i have two complaints:

    1. Our menu consists of big chicken, medium chicken, small chicken, chicken in a salad, and chicken in a tortilla. WHY does it take you so goddamned long to order?
    2. Youth groups come in most wednesday nights. They fuck EVERYTHING up. On a normal night, closing procedures begin a round 7-7:30, depending on your station. The kitchen mops up and cleans their machines and surfaces, dish washes everybody's shit, counter people clean up their shit. When they come in, everybody has to stop their shit for this massive crowd (it can be as much as 40 people, never less than 15) that comes in an hour before close and brings everything to a halt.
    And woe to whoever is on Dining Room that night. Mopping and sweeping the dining room? Which, by the way, is done all by one guy? Completely halted at best. And at worst, you have to redo the majority of the dining room. Shit sucks.
    Also, spanish speaking customers, when one of you obviously speaks better English than the other, have them order. Please.
    >> Straight Edge Phil !!VxDHzhxaqjZ 04/02/10(Fri)19:35 No.1701606
    If you've never worked in food or retail, there is almost no situation where you have the right to complain about service.
    I'm sorry you had to wait four minutes for your seven dollar burrito.
    >> Straight Edge Phil !!VxDHzhxaqjZ 04/02/10(Fri)19:37 No.1701615
    Internets all around.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:43 No.1701637
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:44 No.1701640
    Yes. Your employer makes up the difference to min wage if you don't get enough tips.
    I hate tipping. You don't deserve extra for taking my order and bringing me a plate. Sorry. Servers in my area get min wage + tips anyway. Tips are extra, an award for excellent service.
    >> Rules Guy !!YKiKvtlP4o5 04/02/10(Fri)19:59 No.1701681
    Hm. Well, my only 'industry' experience was managing a little league ballpark concession stand. I do not count that. I put chili and cheese into crockpots to keep it warm for nachos/frito pies. That is not even remotely 'cooking'.

    However, as a CUSTOMER, I have a few gripes, one of which being slow service in an empty restaurant. If the place is PACKED on a Friday night, and I'm in a busy section, as long as I eventually get my still-warm food and my ticket, I'll tip normally. If I get my still-very-hot food, and get refills not only on a regular basis, but without asking, I will tip VERY well.

    I'm usually great about tipping. For passable service, which is like a C on a grade scale, I'll tip 10%-ish. For barely decent service, I'll usually just tip a dollar or two. For horrid service, I don't tip, or I talk to the manager. For great service, I tip 15%, and for amazing service, I tip 20+. I went to Denny's when they did the "Free Grand Slam" thing, and it was packed with people getting the free grand slam with water, and walking out. My waitress kept my drink full at all times, was always making sure everything was fine, and was just very pleasant. My bill was like 1.40 thanks to my drink, and I just left a 10 on the table and told her the rest of it was hers.

    However, I have gotten my food free before, or just left when I get stuff fucked up. I once went to a local pub-type place, around 8 PM. They close at 10, so it was pretty empty. My waiter took our drink and food order. 20 minutes later, the COOK brought us our food, because the waiter hadn't gotten it yet. I sent it back because it was ice cold, and the cook brought back fresh hot food, not the waiter. I had to physically get up and FIND the waiter, who was playing a game of fucking pool, and tell him I was leaving without paying, due to the horrid service.
    >> Rules Guy !!YKiKvtlP4o5 04/02/10(Fri)20:02 No.1701689
    I agree with you. I'm only rude to the waitstaff if I've had abysmal service, or if they were just rude to me. If they're slow, or my food's taking a while, or whatever, I'm polite. I know that they're doing their best, and it's not easy. I'm as patient and polite as I can possibly be. But there is a line that I have placed, and when that line is crossed, you are in the "bad service" area, and I will be rude to you if I have to.

    Hell, I've had a waitress yell out at me as I left "Thanks for the TIP, cheapass". It was a 7 dollar ticket. I left a 10 on the table. That's almost a 50% tip, which was pretty damn good for the shitty service I got. Yeah, she got fired.
    >> Straight Edge Phil !!VxDHzhxaqjZ 04/02/10(Fri)20:13 No.1701706
    Yeah, she must've been pretty damn stupid.
    I generally don't feel right leaving less than a $5, because even if $2 is a high percentage or whatever, it's still next to nothing.

    But yeah, if you're a flat out bad worker, it will be reflected.
    >> Rules Guy !!YKiKvtlP4o5 04/02/10(Fri)20:23 No.1701721
    Usually I feel iffy about it, but sometimes I just don't feel the service was good enough to leave 5 bucks for a 6 dollar meal. That said, I've stopped eating out with my friends because they don't seem to understand that if they don't have enough money to tip at least 10% -and- pay for the food, they don't have enough to eat at a sit-down place.
    >> я- пидор, мне нравится хуй в моей жопе 04/02/10(Fri)20:24 No.1701722
    i work at burger king

    i hate when homeless men jack off in the restrooms
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)12:51 No.1703403
    I'm a cook in a semi-fine dining establishment and it pisses me off when the waitstaff bitch about how long it's taking to get food out. They fail to see that shit has to be done a certain way, and that way takes a certain amount of time.

    We don't give a damn about the customers bitching, they'll get their food when it's done and be fucking thankful for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)13:01 No.1703419
    Chef here.
    Whenever someone refuses to pay for a meal for stupid reasons (like: oh it's not medium rare, even if it actually IS and the bitch doesn't even know what medium rare is) I serve them this chocolate mousse as an apology, except I spit in it. With phlegm.

    Don't piss the chef off.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)13:07 No.1703428
    Used to be a cashier at Hardees.

    "Derp, you work in a fast food place, therefore you must be too stupid to get a better job, therefore I have the right to treat you like you have the intelligence of a five year old" = every single fucking customer.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)13:28 No.1703462
    that happens to people who work in real restaurants too
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)13:29 No.1703464
    One time I ordered a soco & lime at applebees. I received a glass of soco and a glass of lime. Called the waiter back, held the glasses up.

    "this is soco."
    "this is lime juice."
    Clanked the glasses together.
    "with these glasses combined I get the soco&lime I ordered."
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)15:09 No.1703675
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    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)20:16 No.1704235
    God, my grandma does this. I remember, when I was a kid, she would take me and my brother to McDonalds. My brother and I would get happy meals, and she would get coffee and whatever burger she wanted. Every damn time, she gives the coffee back to the...clerk(?) and asks them to microwave it.

    At almost every restaurant too! "Can you put this one in the microwave? It's not hot enough."

    >> Gublet !!3RsKHhnaHtd 04/03/10(Sat)20:24 No.1704256

    Fuck Dairy Queen and their holding blizzards upside down shit. I worked there and they wanted me to do that, and of course I got that shit all over the place.

    Fuckin' quit that job.
    >> sousChef !!UW1+EmONsaG 04/04/10(Sun)00:43 No.1704805
    people who dont trust their chefs

    people who make up their own dinner from components off the menu


    this one lady who wants french onion soup..WITHOUT ONIONS wtf

    adults who order off the kids menu

    kids coming to the restaurant in general...its upscale cuisine you tards not fucking chuck-e-cheese
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)00:45 No.1704810
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)00:51 No.1704840
    >Also, spanish speaking customers, when one of you obviously speaks better English than the other, have them order. Please.

    How are they supposed to read that?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)00:51 No.1704841
    Customer: I want a #4 (Bean soup) WITH NO BEANS!
    Waiter: Yes mam. (not thinking what the #4 was!)
    Me: Having to explane to both the waiter and the Customer what the #4 was, and why I cant/wont make it with out beans!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)00:57 No.1704867
    wish I had your problems

    When I worked in food service I was actually more irritated by my boss than the coworkers or customers.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)01:01 No.1704881
    People who complain to the waiter about their food being wrong. Protip: the waiter didn't make it

    Also, cooks who make food wrong in spectacularly inedible ways. My mom once ordered a slice of some sweet pie (pumpkin or key lime, I don't remember)in a restaurant but it was slathered in sour cream instead of whipped cream.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)01:02 No.1704885
    dude i'd eat the shit out of some sweet sour cream pie
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)01:14 No.1704931
    I hate how people order steak and seafood in the midwest. Where I work, we have several different ahi tuna dishes, and all of them say 'seared medium rare' on the menu. Seriously folks, there's a good reason to eat it that rare, and yet, people still ask for it well done, and then don't get why it's so fishy tasting.

    I had one who went so far as to order a salad, with well done seared tuna. She had come on the recommendation of a friend, and probably thought we just put that canned tuna shit on our salads. I grudgingly obliged, the server took the salad out to her table, and the customer said, "that looks disgusting", then doesn't even try it, and leaves, without paying for anything.

    Feel free to special order if you go to some fast food restaurant, but if you go to a really nice place, just let the chef do his job.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)01:46 No.1705024
    My mom has the habit of going back into a fast food place and making a big huge scene about them screwing up an order. She never thinks that maybe she shouldn't piss off the person with a job they hate thats making our food,especially since she goes at least once a week.The worst part is it's always food for me and my younger siblings because she hates cooking anything,even frozen stuff.

    I'm always very polite to the waitstaff, but I have to agree that they can be overly sensitive.I know Its a pretty demanding job, but sometimes they just are inexcusably slow.
    >> Mornington Crescent !/MWAdEdFcQ 04/04/10(Sun)01:52 No.1705037
    Ah, this thread again. I've worked in just about every position that there is in restaurants, save for tending bar, and that's largely because I know fuck-all about alcohol. But I've hosted, waited tables, bussed, run, expedited, and cooked. And I hate just about everyone.

    I'm good at all of those things; I was often promoted to trainer in pretty much all of them at one time or another.I would teach all my trainees a list of simple rules:

    Rule 1: The customer is an IDIOT. All other rules stem from this point forward.
    Rule 2: The customer WILL try to screw you out of as much free stuff as humanly possible.
    Rule 3: The customer does NOT know what he wants. All he knows is that you don't have it, and that makes him angry.
    Rule 4: Given the option, the customer WILL special order ANYTHING on the menu, and then get upset with YOU when what they special ordered isn't any good.
    Rule 5: The customer WILL expect you to be psychic, to have superhuman speed, and ignore every other table you have in favor of them.
    Rule 6: Once the customer walks through the door, they will believe it is YOUR responsibility to watch their children, not theirs.
    Rule 7: The customer WILL believe that you, the server, are the one who is responsible for what is and is not on the menu, and will get upset at you if the restaurant at which you work does not have something.
    Rule 8: The customer WILL order drinks, appetizers, entrees, and desserts, and then complain about how high the bill is.
    Rule 9: The customer will NOT read the damned menu, and WILL act surprised, confused, and offended when the item comes with something that they don't like on it.
    Rule 10: The customer WILL make you hate humanity as a whole. This is a perfectly healthy attitude.

    As harsh as it sounds, several trainees actually requested to work with me afterward, since I did not bullshit them like many of the other trainers did.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:00 No.1705057
    no you didnt
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:00 No.1705058
    Maybe I'm an exception to the rule, but I'm really polite, tip well and am not picky. If something's not on the menu, I just get something that is. I suppose if I got a completely different order than what I asked for I'd ask for it to be redone, but luckily that's never happened except once or twice from fast food restaurants and by that point I'm down the road already.
    >> Mornington Crescent !/MWAdEdFcQ 04/04/10(Sun)02:02 No.1705063
    I did, and I still tell them that.
    You are; there are exceptions to every rule. But the vast majority of the people who come into the places where I've worked seem to get dumber the second they walk through the door.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:04 No.1705069

    >Rule 7: The customer WILL believe that you, the server, are the one who is responsible for what is and is not on the menu, and will get upset at you if the restaurant at which you work does not have something.
    >Rule 9: The customer will NOT read the damned menu, and WILL act surprised, confused, and offended when the item comes with something that they don't like on it.

    the great thing about being part of the internet generation is that my instinctive reaction to hearing of a great restaurant is to pull up their online menu and see if they actually serve anything I even like.
    >> 04/04/10(Sun)02:10 No.1705085
    >But the vast majority of the people who come into the places where I've worked seem to get dumber the second they walk through the door.

    This may come as a surprise to you, but there are some people who have legitimately never eaten at your restaurant before.

    I dislike it when waitors try to make me feel uncomfortable for being a first-timer and needing a few minutes to read the menu.

    I also dislike it when it feels like the waitstaff is rushing to get you out the door.

    Last week I was at a restaurant, and I had not yet had a chance to see what was on the drink menu before the waitor came around asking for drinks.
    So I tell him "just water for now"
    he goes
    "wow ok big spender"

    All I can say is they are lucky gratuity gets added automatically to the bill, because I'm not going back there.
    >> Mornington Crescent !/MWAdEdFcQ 04/04/10(Sun)02:18 No.1705102
    That's fine. I don't have anything against people who've never eaten in my restaurant before. I encourage people to try new things, and have new experiences. But when you have people look like you just dropped trou and took a dump on their table when you tell them that you don't, in fact, have sweet tea or sweet potato fries, or say things like (and this IS a direct quote), "How the hell do you not have corn for my steak? How can you call yourself a restaurant if you don't have corn as a side?", then you kind of start to dislike people.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:19 No.1705104
    you guys going on about tips irritate me. do you realize if you're the only customer a waiter has in a given hour and you leave a 15% tip on a 40 dollar ticket, they are still making more then 75% of the country does, before we reach 30? Six dollars plus minimum wage, is quite a bit of cash and let's face it, you never only have one table.

    The real problem here is you wait staff fuckers are trying to live an 8 hour a day lifestyle with only 4 hours of work.

    Kay i get it, you 'have to report tips'. no one said you had to be honest about the report, just enough to keep the boss happy and the irs off both of your backs.
    >> 04/04/10(Sun)02:21 No.1705107
    Sweet potato fries taste awful.
    I ordered them one time for the novelty.
    Did they even exist before 10 years ago?
    It seems like their insurgence into the mainstream is pretty recent.
    >> Mornington Crescent !/MWAdEdFcQ 04/04/10(Sun)02:28 No.1705127
    Minimum wage? Most servers don't get paid that. In Florida, where I now live, servers get paid $4.19 an hour. In Michigan, where I'm originally from, it's $2.15. That's less than half minimum wage. That's less than a third of minimum wage. And while yes, I agree that most servers would rather run their mouths than do their damned jobs, they still get paid shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:31 No.1705142

    Lol worked with a guy straight out of Alabama. Made this huge deal about the difference between sweet tea and regular tea.

    Apparently southerners love not knowing what bag the sugar came out of. What's the difference when the sugar was added? I have found none.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:33 No.1705147

    Like i said, you HAVE to get paid your minimum wage. that's why we call it a minimum. if tips don't account for it the boss does. Start getting smart with your reporting.

    Don't get pissed off at the one guy who tips, while you're off the clock.
    >> Mornington Crescent !/MWAdEdFcQ 04/04/10(Sun)02:40 No.1705167
    I have a theory about that, but it's completely unrelated to the topic at hand.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:40 No.1705169
    Dear restaurants:

    Why can't I order off the kids' menu? Maybe I don't want 5lbs of food. Maybe I just want a small meal. If you're making it intentionally cheaper to accomodate families, why can't you just add a small surcharge? I've suggested this every time I've been "turned down" and every time I've gotten blank stares. Why is this?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:45 No.1705174
    Let's hear it
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:45 No.1705176
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:45 No.1705178
    It sucks to have a job dealing with the public. Most people are fine, but there's always going to be that one asshole who wants to wreck your day.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:47 No.1705182
    There are always people who have no output for their rage or have no authority over anyone else in their life, or have had a bad day. You just gotta deal with it.
    >> Mornington Crescent !/MWAdEdFcQ 04/04/10(Sun)02:52 No.1705197
    "Popular Culture", as we understand it, has no form of its own. What it does is, it finds a subculture within the whole, latches onto it, and says, "This is the thing that is popular now," and continues down this road until it finds something new to latch onto. A few years ago, it decided that nerd culture was the "in" thing; prior to that, it was gay culture, and so on, back forever. Recently, it has decided that the "new thing" is Southern culture. This explains why NASCAR is one of the most popular sports in America, why you have poker on ESPN, why country music is being played on Top 40 stations, and why sweet tea, sweet potato fries, and red velvet cake, things that Northerners had never heard of a few years ago, are now goddamn everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:54 No.1705203
    >Recently, it has decided that the "new thing" is Southern culture. This explains why NASCAR is one of the most popular sports in America, why you have poker on ESPN, why >country music is being played on Top 40 stations, and why sweet tea, sweet potato fries, and red velvet cake, things that Northerners had never heard of a few years ago, are now >goddamn everywhere.

    I always assumed it was just that Americans wanted to like America more or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)02:57 No.1705214
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    the rest of that stuff is shit, but i could murder some red velvet cake right now
    >> 04/04/10(Sun)02:58 No.1705218
    I had the sweet potato fries about 5 years ago at the restaurant at Niagara Falls.
    Not really known as a very redneck place. More of a tourist trap for asian canadians.

    It just seems that they are now coming into the mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)03:04 No.1705236
    I had sweet potato fries at the campus bar recently. Do not think I had had them before. The only reason they are great is the sauce that comes with them. I hear it is like a chipotle mayo, I don't care it tastes good.

    I have not seen much of a SPF craze going on here really ...
    >> Another Anon 04/04/10(Sun)03:18 No.1705263
    I really hate it when restaurants offer something, then serve you something entirely different. The worst offenders for me have been various flavoured mayos:
    Chipotle Mayo = Tartar Sauce + Something orange drowned in tartar sauce flavour
    Wasabi Mayo = Tartar Sauce

    (SRPD[Server Rage Prevention Disclaimer]: In all of these occasions, I've paid, left an appropriate tip for the service, and never returned.)
    >> Mornington Crescent 04/04/10(Sun)13:26 No.1706009
    The only job I've never done in the foodservice industry is tend bar, and that's just because I know fuck all about alcohol. But I've hosted, run food, bussed tables, expedited, washed dishes, run three different kitchen stations... And all I have to say is fuck customers. Fuck them right in the ear with a pointy metal stick. Stories follow:

    WAITER: Customer orders water with extra lemons, then proceeds to squeeze the lemons into the water and dump half the sugar caddy into the glass, to make their own lemonade. See also: People who bring their own teabags so they can avoid having to pay for things.

    WAITER: Middle of the breakfast rush. Woman orders a vegetarian omelet (all the omelets have the items in them pre-portioned so it doesn't take forever), but she doesn't want this, this, or this, and wants this, this and this, instead. So the kitchen needs to cut fresh stuff, so it takes longer, so she's pissed. Actually had to have a manager go to the table to explain the concept of pre-portioning to her.
    >> Mornington Crescent 04/04/10(Sun)13:37 No.1706018
    WAITER: Guy sits down in a section on the other side of the restaurant from me, in another server's section. Fine. I go about my business, since I've got tables to deal with. Five minutes later, nobody's been over to see him, take his drink order, nothing. Turns out that the server was "off the clock in ten minutes", and wasn't taking any more tables. Didn't tell anybody. I had to wait on the guy, and he was PISSED.

    WAITER: Working at a casual dining restaurant, we had something called the "Time Crunch Lunch": a little stopwatch on the table, which we would start after taking the order, and if the customer didn't get their food in fifteen minutes or less, it was free. Customers would hide the stopwatch so that we couldn't stop it so it would run over fifteen minutes, turn down the offer and then start the clock once we had left, or just flat out lie about it, all to get their meal for free. Fuck them; in the two years I worked for that chain, I only lost five lunches.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)13:40 No.1706023
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)14:06 No.1706052
    >Food not fresh

    That's your problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)14:12 No.1706061
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    >> President Theodore Roosevelt !teddyCofA. 04/04/10(Sun)14:31 No.1706095
    Oh thank god I thought I was having some SERIOUS deja vu
    >> Mornington Crescent 04/04/10(Sun)14:35 No.1706104
    WAITER/BUSSER: Customers who order crackers for their small children. Fuck you, the kid isn't going to eat the crackers, he's just going to have to mash them up on the table and smear them around and then I have to clean it up. You think it's cute, but it just makes extra unnecessary work for me. I make minimum wage, you asshat. Less, as a waiter.

    EXPEDITER: Severs who come back into the kitchen and change their orders last minute: they want a steak temped differently (especially when it's downtemped), the customer doesn't want this, that, or the other thing in their food when it's sitting in the window, the customer changed their mind and now wants a well-done steak when everything else is already made and is dying in the window... No. That's not how it works. You ordered something, we made it, now you will eat it and enjoy it.

    EXPEDITER: Servers who don't seem to realize what I'm there for, and just take food out of the window, regardless of whether or not it's theirs. "Oh, it looks like my food, so I'm going to take it." Well, now I'm down two orders of special-ordered ribs, a medium steak, three pastas, and a dessert. I don't care if it has your name fucking written on it in barbeque sauce, you don't fucking take the food when there's an expo there! That's what they pay me for, you idiot! And that's why your food is taking so long, and isn't done properly! Because your fellow servers took your food, thinking it was theirs.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:12 No.1706163
    so I got a good story from when i was a server!

    it was just like any normal problems, they enjoyed the food etc etc i drop the bill off and swing by a few minuets later...
    me: are you ready for me to take care of this?
    the guy: what?! are you trying to push us out of here?
    me: nononono not at all! pleaseplease take your time, no rush!

    fucker sits there with his dumb bitch for two hours..with his arms resting over the check...this is my last table of the shift so i sit there waiting for 2 hours thinking to myself..this hasto be one of those things where i get like a thousand dollars for every hour i let this shit slide

    yea..maybe more like a dollar an hour...left me like 2 bucks on a 15 dollar check
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)15:29 No.1706193
    I absolutely hate the customers who hang around forever or get into a long conversation with you...the whole time you're thinking you'll get something good out of it only to find they either don't tip or barely tip....
    >> Refills Without Being Asked or Ordered Springs1 04/04/10(Sun)17:33 No.1706386
    Rules Guy

    "get refills not only on a regular basis, but without asking, I will tip VERY well."

    Why do you want your server to READ YOUR MIND? Why don't you just ask your server at the GREETING that you would like refills without being asked throughout your service. It's YOUR RESPONSIBLITY TO ORDER, NOT YOUR SERVER'S RESPONSIBLITY!!

    I HATE and LOWER the tip for refills without being asked or me ordering them. I SWITCH drinks at times and sometimes I just don't want a refill.

    WHY do you think everyone wants service like you? Everyone isn't the same, so you need to TELL your server you want your refills without being asked. They will abide by it if they want a good tip. You can't expect them to know if you want a refill without SOME TYPE of COMMUNICATION, CAN YOU?
    >> 04/04/10(Sun)17:54 No.1706425
    Nothing pisses me off more than a waiter automatically refilling... only to find out it wasn't free.

    "Excuse me I got charged for 2 coffees I only ordered one"
    "Yea but I gave u a refill"
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)17:55 No.1706428
    Why do service staff bitch more about their job than anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)18:37 No.1706539
    Fucking this.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)18:39 No.1706547
    Because when people work hard at real jobs they don't have time to complain. They're too busy working. Male and female waitresses just sit around serving tea and gossiping like hens.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)18:40 No.1706558
    They do that to you? I would refuse to pay it
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)18:53 No.1706587
    I hate when customers assume drink refills are free. If it doesn't say free refills on the menu, they aren't free.

    When I ask 'would you like another coffee', it's no different than asking 'would you like another dessert'. Stop expecting everything to be free, you dumbasses.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)19:03 No.1706619
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    Friday morning I was reading the newspaper and saw an ad from Benihana saying, friday Sushi special $20 all you can eat sushi buffet.

    So me being a sushi lover I thought cant pass up that deal and went .....

    When I got there the ''buffet'' was 3 choices of cheap small sushi and some teriyaki chickin and fried rice that had no taste and was already cold ....

    I ate some of the sushi that was realy bland and walked out of there and had a bite at Subway .
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)19:06 No.1706625
    I was at Outback a couple months ago, just myself and my family (4 people).

    The waitress was really, really nice. Like, ridiculously nice. I loved it. The orders were all correct, she kept refilling our drinks, and she made very polite conversation. She even brought me some sort of special red wine sauce to try without me saying anything. The bill came out to be $100-ish, and we left a $25 tip. Pretty damn respectable, I'd say. I handed her the check, she flipped through the money, and then stared at me like I had just insulted her.

    What the fuck? Servers can be so fucking ungrateful sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)19:08 No.1706631

    25% is a very good tip.
    >> Eddle 04/04/10(Sun)19:18 No.1706643
    I am Asian and I work at my family's Chinese restaurant as a summer job. I have lived in America for all of my life. People often ask if I can speak English or not.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)19:20 No.1706651
    >Implying you've never played dumb when some dumbass cracker wants to bother you with some chore.

    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)19:23 No.1706655
    she was probably orgasming hard from the fat tip and had to lock eyes with you to regain her composure as the juices leaked from between her quivering thighs
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)19:24 No.1706659

    She gave me the "ugh, what the fuck is wrong with you?" look though. It wasn't just the "o_o" look.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)19:25 No.1706662
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)21:22 No.1706968

    this guy ordered a med rare steak. It actually came about close to medium. Then he said it was too rare. We were afraid to throw it back in the grill because it was already slightly overcooked so we just held it.. Gave him a new side and he said it was absolutely perfect and delicious.


    When people are like that I just pretend I do something. You can't argue with stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)21:54 No.1707060
    I was working at Whattaburger when this fat mass of alcohol and testosterone comes in.

    Instead of just ordering like a human being he starts screaming for us to 'give him a goddam cheeseburger'. I thought he was going to hop over the counter and attack us.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)21:55 No.1707064
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)22:08 No.1707094
    I do equipment repair at restaurants and we have a special burger king we like to go to for the lobby ice machine. The restaurant is between an old walmart and a special needs center for the poor and handicapped (the tard farm). Between noon and around 4 there is a constant stream of tards and poor blacks who are the rudest people I have ever seen to the staff.
    They swear, yell, demand refunds for a dollar or so, throw trash everywhere.
    Customers have a responsibility to be polite also.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)22:45 No.1707218
    As a customer, I expect the following things in order for you to receive a good tip (25%):
    1. Seat me somewhere nice if there are multiple tables open. If you seat me at the worst fucking spots when there are still a dozen tables open, you're making it easy to fuck you over come bill time.
    2. Be observant. Do not fucking ask if we are ready to order if the menus are still open and in our hands.
    3. Be attentive. If our drinks are empty, ask if we need refills. Don't make me wait to flag you down as you tend to another table.
    4. Be brief. I don't care about you, unless you're hot and are showing cleavage, in which case, I really only care about your cleavage. So don't tell me anything that isn't related to what I'm doing in your restaurant, unless you're gonna give me a handjob.
    5. Don't fuck up my order. I saw you write it down on your stupid little fucking notepad, how the fuck did you fuck that up?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)15:46 No.1709249

    i guess before i worked at my current job this trend was such a problem that the owner of the hotel had to write a note too guests that went something like this:

    "a lot of thought and planning goes into writing our menu's, please try to respect and trust the chef for what he does"

    no surprise when dipshits still make up things and it turns out THEY DONT LIKE IT

    i guess they think their own intuition is better than that of trained culinarians
    >> Suki 04/05/10(Mon)16:05 No.1709288
    People that order by the picture instead of reading the menu. "I want THAT." Jabs the menu repeatedly. Then gets upset when you tell them exactly what's in the picture to verify their order.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:20 No.1709326
    I'm a server at an upscale french restaurant in a large east coast beach town. I make ~200 a night. More than what I made at my desk job. You're all fags.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:27 No.1709364

    yeah god fucking forbid people want to spend time with their children and teach them to appreciate good food.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:32 No.1709392
    I used to work at Panda Express and some of the people who come in there must really think it is some gourmet shit. "Can you make me chow mein without all the green shit?" "Can I have the beef with all meat and no onions?" NO YOU CAN'T, this is motherfucking fast food, buy what we have or get out
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:35 No.1709402
    -Culvers front worker (pretty much I do everything from drive thru to cleaning tables)

    I must say that my biggest pet peeve is this. We have a featured flavor of the day for every day of the month. Typically we have prepared vanilla, chocolate and sometimes a specially blended custard for this purpose. Up front, we have a list of what FODs we're going to have for the current and upcoming month. It very clearly states on the top of each list that it's the FLAVOR OF THE DAY list for whichever month.

    Unfortunately, there is a large percentage of people who see that list and think it's a listing of all possible custard combinations we're capable of making. So oftentimes we'll have a person ask for a "# 15" when it's the 3rd of the month. This isn't always an issue, especially when it's vanilla custard base with a few toppings thrown in. But when it's Friday during a lunch rush and Bertha wants a fucking pint of caramel apple cobbler, you do tend to get pissed off dragging out the flavoring, measuring for a pint sized serving and opening a new bag of apple topping that's going to go bad by the time we actually have that FOD.

    idiots who don't read the BOLD print
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:36 No.1709405
    I feel bad for people who are ACTUALLY allergic to shit because 90% of demanding customers who are "allergic" are just picky bitches who think they're being clever. HURR HURR I'LL GET MORE MEAT AND NO VEG CAUSE I SAID I AM ALLERGIC TO ONION.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:38 No.1709412

    >People who complain to the waiter about their food being wrong. Protip: the waiter didn't make it

    So what, you want me to bust into the kitchen and shout at the chef? He told the chef what i wanted, he can also tell him why it was wrong and ask him to correct it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:58 No.1709462
    that happened to me at a mexican restaurant. I mean seriously? im mexican but you would rather spend all your time at those other white folkd table?! how come they have crayons for theyre kids and i dont have any for mine?
    i thought they would take more care of me since im mexican like them and ordering in spanish so i dont have to hear theyre broken ass english

    maybe they thought because im mexican i wouldnt leave a good tip...FUCK THAT now they really aint getting shit. but im usually a good tipper
    (if i plan on coming back)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:04 No.1709476
    i dont like tipping, after watching the movie "waiting" i always feel like some scumbag waiter is gonna follow me outside to beg for his tip or complain about the dollar i left him
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:07 No.1709484
    People who drop $200-300 every night on lotto and scratch offs, and are STILL ON FUCKING FOODSTAMPS.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:14 No.1710288

    what's wrong with making the government pay for my food?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:17 No.1710295
    Other people are paying for your food. Not the government.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:53 No.1710416
    I pay the government and I don't like lazy sacks of shit like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)22:15 No.1710486
    >When I ask 'would you like another coffee', it's no different than asking 'would you like another dessert'. Stop expecting everything to be free, you dumbasses.

    Fuck you. I know damn well you buy your soda/coffee in bulk, and it costs less than a nickle to fill my cup. Don't you dare think I'm the greedy one for assuming it's a free refill. If a shitty little fast food restaurant can afford to give out free drinks, you cunts that charged me 20 dollars for some chuck steak better be able to do the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)22:28 No.1710518
    Seriously. $2 for a glass of pop? Shit better have free refills.

    This is why people get water at restaurants.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)22:31 No.1710524
    Restaurants are gross. That's why I make my own food. At least I know that hair is mine.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)22:31 No.1710525
    Whats worse is $2 for a cup of tea at starbucks. I carry my own tea bags and ask for (free) hot water.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)22:33 No.1710528
    It's called getting coffee at the gas station and buying the refillable cup.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)22:44 No.1710546
    I don't know if this counts since I don't actually work in food, but for those of you who do work in fast food, I got a question.

    When I buy a drink, is it okay to top it off and take it with you when you leave? I always feel like they are staring me down when I do that. It feels like I'm hated.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)22:56 No.1710581
    Red velvet cake isn't even good, its supposed to be chocolate flavored and instead comes out tasting like nothing at best. Fuck red velvet cake just put cream cheese frosting on a chocolate cake
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)22:58 No.1710586
    no, red velvet cake is just yellow cake that is dyed red

    it has nothing to do with chocolate
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)23:01 No.1710598
    You sure? Every one I've seen had halfassed chocolate in it. The red color was originally from a different cocoa processing
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)01:45 No.1710990
    The only thing worse than a waiter that hardly comes to your table is the waiter that comes every 5 fucking minutes asking if you want anything else. Then they give you the bill after you've only been sitting there for 20 minutes and try to take your plates away when you've only eaten half. I'm at a fucking restaurant not a fast food place I want to eat my meal in peace, don't rush me out.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)01:52 No.1711014
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)02:44 No.1711111
    Previous Dunkin' Donuts slave and I have two things to say:

    21 medium coolattas and 15 sandwiches THROUGH THE DRIVE THRU.

    Our time limit is TWO MINUTES to get your ass in and out of our damn line, just because you pick to go through the drive thru to order DOES NOT MEAN you will get it faster than if you went inside, especially for an order that large!!!
    >> Rules Guy !!YKiKvtlP4o5 04/06/10(Tue)03:14 No.1711147
    I know that's an old post, but here's what I mean.

    When I see a waiter pass my table, repeatedly, glance down at the table and see 3 of our drinks are completely empty, and not even ASK if we'd like a refill, it irritates me. Some people find it pushy when a waiter takes the initiative and gets you a refill without asking you, or without you asking them to do so. I think it's being proactive, and is a good thing. If I don't want the refill, I'll just push it away and NOT DRINK IT.

    Gah, we had one of those. Sorta. We went to Applebees once a week for a while. My mom was on a diet, and fish was about the only thing she could eat, and she liked their grilled tilapia, so we ate there every week. We'd always get the same very very gay very very texan waiter. And he would come and stand at our table and just go on and on and on about his life. One day I just flat out said "We don't fucking care about your grandpa's nuggets of wisdom. There are other customers who you are ignoring to jabber with 5 people who wish you would go away. Go do your god damned job."
    >> TokeMoar !!9as/JmkVuSC 04/06/10(Tue)03:36 No.1711168
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    >I kept my head down and stared at the table, wishing the very very gay very very texan waiter would leave. I didn't make a fuss when he spent more time than he should have because I didn't want to upset mommy and when he asked me if I wanted more bread sticks I nodded my head politely.
    >> ClubMeSoftly !vjX/b/51.s 04/06/10(Tue)03:37 No.1711169
    Someone is saving these, and turning them into Copypasta. Originally, this >>1698626 was me, in another thread, which I remarked on >>1701500 here.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)03:38 No.1711170
    that's sad if it is the same person copypastan every single post all the time
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)09:06 No.1711452

    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)09:25 No.1711488
    I am standing right here sir. There really is no need to yell.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)09:27 No.1711489
    if you aren't willing to pay there are plenty of people who are.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:05 No.1711531
    >Implying no one ever feels the way you do.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:32 No.1711573
    With stories like these I keep seeing the customers as fat women/men - and with this one I saw them clapping like a retard with their mouth open and tongue sticking out.

    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:50 No.1711605

    >Preteding that hitting a till 8 hours a day at McDonalds is working in the food industry.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:51 No.1711607
    Deli Worker of 4 years

    People who come in and don't fucking know how they want their meat sliced. That alongside the people who come in and order enough food for a fucking funeral tray. Just order a tray you son of a bitch, don't make me waste my time NOW when you could have ordered it 2 hours ago and already had it ready to get out the door.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:51 No.1711608
    Different person here, but I tip well, I act nicely to everyone who is waiting on me, and I'm generally try my best to give them space as they would for me. Once I even was thanked by the staff for being so kind as they were completely rushed/busy and couldn't be quick with everything as usually - so I had to wait an extra 10-15 minutes to get my food. They even said I was the nicest person they had in a while.

    Of course if someone completely forgets me, gives me dirty dishes with crud all of over it, and/or screw up my meal entirely then I'm going to say something. Hell, I've always just ate the little mistakes the chefs/cooks make because usually they're so benign who gives a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:51 No.1711610
    Oh dear. I can see the reason to the past tense. Were you fired from each position, or did you have the good sense to quit on your own volition? My god, you must have done the restaurant you worked in untold amounts of damage.

    Or perhaps you worked in America or England. That sort of attitude handicap is propably a norm there.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:27 No.1712207
    You call yourself a waitress but peole are getting their own drinks? Sounds more like you're a cashier to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:55 No.1712281
    >>1691419 You're likely being pegged as over-qualified due to the college. There's an image that you're not going to stick around long and do hard-ass entry-level manual labor with advanced schooling. Usually they're right too - no matter how much you love food, the pay sucks compared to law and the work and hours can be hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)16:05 No.1712312
    i don't work in food but i like it when waiters/waitresses call you bro. i was eating at some restaurant and i was running low on dr. pepper so our waiter came around and said, "hey, bro, do you need a refill?" i ended up leaving $100 tip and sucked his dick in the freezer.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)16:40 No.1712413
    One of the grosser parts of the food industry - I used to work in a chicken processing plant. By the time your chicken gets to the restaurant it's often been dropped, stepped on, bled on, sneezed on, and handled by a bunch of low wage people with mediocre hygiene. Bon Appetite!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)16:44 No.1712418
    This thread is on here just about every fucking day. You people just come here and bitch about the same shit, over and over. You're like the old people who hang out every day at the deli across the street from me. I go in to get some milk and other staples, and they're sitting there, having the same conversation they had yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. You want some fucking prune juice to go with this tired redundant thread, you geriatric-minded fuckers?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)16:53 No.1712436
    LOL so this.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)16:58 No.1712446
    Someone doesn't realize this post is over a week old
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:00 No.1712449
    So uh I used to work at a truck stop where they would make the sausage gravy for the morning at 10 at night, cover it with news paper and let it sit at room temperature til morning. I always ended up eating at the subway next door where I ended up working later on. That subway was insanely clean, not just in comparison to the other place but seriously fucking clean. The truck stop was called the hen house, which is why I can never believe that the upscale expensive grocery store by the same name would be any good.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:05 No.1712459

    Someone doesn't realize it's time to move on.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:20 No.1712498
    This is a Vons/Safeway gripe. I got there around dinner time, forgot it was a Sunday so many restaurants in the area were closed and I was disappointed.

    I went to the sandwich counter glanced at the menu (one side hot sandwiches, one side cold sandwiches) and ordered the Italian Garden (on the hot side). I pay for it, wait a minute or two, then the guy behind asks "Hey, was that a cold or hot sandwich?" Confused (but not angry), I say, "Hot." When I get my sandwich, what do I get? Cold sandwich.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:35 No.1712523
    doesn't matter if it's a week old or a day old there's always a goddamn tip thread on here
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)18:17 No.1712576
    >implying garde manger is always the bottom of the totem pole
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)19:02 No.1712688
    I don't really care much if a waiter'waitress is bad, because it's a crap job. The only thing that really annoys me is how they ask you if you want water, you say yes, and it's assumed you want expensive, bottled water. I should remember to ask for tap water, but the few times I've forgotten it has royally fucked me.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)19:10 No.1712711
    nobody has seen the video
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)19:20 No.1712732
    Don't know if this counts but I serve food so I guess it kinda counts:

    Cinema Worker.

    Being on the Ben and Jerry's counter: Putting a smile on, being really polite and asking if I can help, customer says "if I wanted help I'd ask". Then proceed to stand there looking at the labels for what seems like an hour, then get shirty because I don't ask again :/

    Concessions counter: People getting angry when that little bit of soda pops out the top of the polar lids. Christ, just sip it off!
    This also applies when customers get angry about this and proceed to throw the soda over me... Seriously.. if it was that bad just ask and I'll tip a bit out!

    Customers reeming off about 12 different items and not giving me a chance to actually sort any of them without forgetting another. Give me a chance, I'm a human not a robot.

    CUSTOMERS TIPPING DRINKS IN THE BIN! You don't do this at home so don't do it here! It's a plastic bin sack not a fucking bucket!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)19:32 No.1712759

    >CUSTOMERS TIPPING DRINKS IN THE BIN! You don't do this at home so don't do it here! It's a plastic bin sack not a fucking bucket!

    What am I supposed to do? I'm not going to bring it into the washroom, dump it, and come back out, I'll look like a weirdo!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)19:35 No.1712770
    This all just shows how charity doesn't work. There needs to be an overarching authority that gauges merit and delivers rewards based on it. The unique relationship between staff and customer is too subjective to ensure a fair and standardised exchange.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)19:37 No.1712772
    place it upright in the bin
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:38 No.1712964
    Ever since I got started in the industry I haven't gone to a restaurant. I didn't really understand the appeal of going to restaurants before I started. Now that I'm part of the industry I CANNOT understand the appeal.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:19 No.1713659
    customer here

    I appreciate how hard food service is. As a food hobbyist/home cook I appreciate the creativity and passion that those who put food out have for what they do. I tip 20 to 50% depending on mood, service, etc...

    What grinds my gears most, is when the team of people making the restaurant work, cooks, servers, host, manager, and so forth can't function as a team.

    The only time I've left no tip, was due to totally inappropriate drama between two waitresses. It was clear they were trying to fuck each other, and meanwhile our food was getting cold, and the whole atmosphere of the restaurant was hostile, and uncomfortable.

    You have issues with other members of the team, you hide it adequately or you fucking leave. I don't care if it takes 2 hours to make my food, I'd rather have it painfully late, than to have it with a side of interpersonal conflict.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:23 No.1713678

    Right. There's no way in hell I'm reaching into a nasty movie theatre bin to place my drink upright.

    I'll put it in bottom first, but that's it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)00:28 No.1714033
    What pisses me off is when a server lies to me.

    Most often this is to cover up some mistake like losing my ticket, or sending the food out to the wrong table, or whatever. I'm not evil. I understand mistakes happen.

    I've also had it happen when a server didn't want to go to the bar. We don't have that beer here, he proceeds to list all of the bottled beers they serve.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:06 No.1714895
    Subway Manager here-
    I have worked for Subway for almost 5 years. This is some shit that irritates me....
    Customer: I'll take one of then $5 footlongs
    Me: Which one? All of uur Subs are $5 except the Philly Cheese and the Feast
    Customer: *Blank Stare*

    another is when a customer has a huge order and after they order each one procede to tell me the veggies/sauce. It's alot quicker if they would just tell me all the bread/meat/cheese. then I will do the veggies

    and fucking teenagers! They come in and I know exactly what they are going to get. 1. 6" turkey, Italian Herbs and Cheese bread, American, with lettuce, Banana Peppers, EXTRA pickles and extra fucking mayo.
    also fucktards that order a Footlong Philly Cheese and get pissed when the total comes up to about $10.50 with chips and a drink. I ward each person that the Philly IS NOT a $5 footlong. You couldn't imagine all the times I have been bitched at for this. I have even had the sub thrown back at me......
    OHHHH and my favorite is when people ask me "what do you eat here?" I tell them Spicy Italian, wheat, toasted, lett, tom, relish, onion and sweet onion sauce and then they scrunch up there nose and order a fucking turkey- fuck my life
    thanks OP! felt good to get it off my chest.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:31 No.1714908

    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:51 No.1714928
    cause that's like super easy ya know?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:00 No.1714935
    Well, landing a good job as a young person without any qualifications is very difficult.

    Then again, when you have no qualifications you cannot really expect to have a good job, you know. Waiters do deserve everything that is coming form them. It is their job.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:00 No.1714936
    it is if you are smart enough

    inb4 some faggot coming and saying he's member of mensa and yet a waiter at tgif
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:10 No.1715716
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:14 No.1715723

    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:33 No.1715757
    This is pretty unrelated, but props to you Anon for knowing what Mensa is. Most people don't:/ I'm a member.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:37 No.1715769
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)19:14 No.1715888
    >waitress comes over
    >doesn't ask if we're "done" with a dish
    >throws napkins and plates on said dish
    >we were all eating it
    enjoy your 0% tip
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)19:15 No.1715892
    >order salad with no bacon and dressing on the side
    >waitress slows me down and asks me to repeat the details of this overly complicated order
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)19:29 No.1715934
    Once I was asked if I was done with my plate every minute by a waitress. She even waited around my table and watched me eat.

    ... It scared me.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)19:33 No.1715946
    so wait staff help me out. why sometimes when you order your food or whatever and the waiter brings the drinks but then some other random person brings the food over? what the hell is that about
    >> TokeMoar !!9as/JmkVuSC 04/07/10(Wed)19:37 No.1715956
    This is how it works:
    Dildo A is in charge of your table. He gets your drinks from Dildo B who works behind the bar.
    Dildo A comes to the kitchen to hand chef a cheque.
    Chef shouts out the order, it gets cooked.
    Dildo A goes to serve another table, chef makes the order.
    Dildo A is far too busy doing the other table, and because Dildo C is standing around looking bored,
    he has to take the order when service is called.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)19:46 No.1715983
    After going to Cheddar's in San Angelo (I hope someone who works there reads this).

    I had this (probably high) dyke looking mexican bitch as a waitress.
    I have been to this restaurant before. I work in a restaurant. I know how this works.
    I order a buffalo chicken wrap with no pickles or slaw. I have ordered this successfully in this particular restaurant over 7 times in the last year. My friend orders first and gets what I'm having. She doesn't flinch. I order. She says that she cannot do that because they come with slaw. I tell her that I've ordered this successfully over 7 times this year. In those words. She looks confused and leaves. She never brought our drinks. (We did order them, I just left that out of the story). We had to demand our drinks, and she got all huffy. When our food comes out, it is wrong. Slaw and Pickles. Fuck.
    My friend is my coworker. He looks at her and says immediately: "Nope. This is wrong. I asked for no pickles or slaw, and I can see it without touching the food. Redo it.
    So they just scrape the slaw off (they leave the pickles though).
    I bitch to her that some of the slaw that was in there is still there, and I asked for no slaw because of the flavor it imparts to the food even if I scraped it off myself. She claims that she will get her manager for us. We tell her to take it back with her and take it off the ticket. I have a hamburger with no tomatoes instead.
    She comes back with a cheeseburger with tomatoes and tells me gleefully that she took it upon herself to get the chicken wraps off my ticket. I reply "You're god damned right they're off the ticket."
    Also...she forgot her pen when she was taking our orders...we never saw the manager...
    Fuck that place.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)19:48 No.1715990
    That's what you get for living in San Angelo.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:15 No.1716115
         File1270685744.jpg-(95 KB, 500x325, 01_deepwater_shrimp.jpg)
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    Customer here.

    I treat the establishment like its my own home. I don't make a mess at the table. If I spill something I wipe it up immediately with my napkin. I speak directly and politely to the server and I don't think I've ever asked for any substitutions or special shit. I don't make a mess in the washroom. I have always overtipped, especially breakfast servers. When I'm done eating I pile everything I used on the plate so the server only has to pick up one thing.

    I've only not tipped once, ever. I was with friends in an upscale coffee shop and the server was a CUNT to all of us. We paid the bill to the penny and left.

    I'm such a non-complainer that I once ordered 'shrimp' in a Chinese restaurant (genuine Chinese, as in half the menu was in Mandarine and the English translations sometimes bordered on gibberish) and what I got was two full-size fuckers like in the picture here instead of the Red Lobster-ish shrimp I was expecting. I asked the server what they were and apparently the kitchen just takes these guys up onto the roof and lets them sit in the sun for a while and then serves them. /doh
    I figured it was my own fault for ordering something without being clear about what it was, plus somebody had gone to the trouble of preparing it and bringing it to me. I had nothing to complain about. I also didn't want to pay for something I hadn't eaten. So I ate them and everyone went home happy. ^_^
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:27 No.1716170
    when i worked at a deli, i HATED when people ordered a pound of thinly sliced bologna (do you know how much fucking bologna that is??) or any of the disgusting smelly cheeses we offered. also, shaved ham. shave your own damn ham.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:33 No.1716186
    Just thinking about that makes me rage.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:42 No.1716210
    i'm generally like this too. unless the waiter/waitress is GODAWFUL then i always overtip. if they really are that bad, i don't tip or tip a dollar...the best way i can think to prove to them that they are shitty at what they do.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:06 No.1716445
    yummy copypasta

    chef at a country club

    when people order something very specific but when they get it conveniently decide they don't want something on it. Or trying to order something off menu that we don't have the ingredients for, then we get bitched at later for not having the shit ready.
    >> sugar_diva 04/07/10(Wed)22:16 No.1716470
    wow, I posted like 2 weeks ago

    garde manager

    I do serve over 100 people a night, I also do desserts, I am also in charge of banquet desserts (400+) I also am in charge of helping the other 3 chefs in the grill area with their prep work, work the line if not buisy, sweep the floor mop and run things up and down to the banquet kitchen from the grill kitchen (its a two floor building)

    my job is hardcore enough, I am in the process of earning my degree. A job is a job and it pays well enough.
    >> oɹqʞɹoʎʍǝظ !!Oo43raDvH61 04/07/10(Wed)22:17 No.1716473
    So I've read about most of the posts in this topic. I don't care if most of this is pasta, it's all new to me.

    It seems a lot of you go to shitty chain/fast food joints so shitty service is to be expected. Go somewhere nice and if you enjoy the meal that much, go thank the chef. Nothing is more rewarding that having a customer commend you on your cooking skills. I've done this a bunch of times and they even comped our drinks once because we took the time to show our gratitude.

    I would say I've had more enjoyable experiences than shitty.

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