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  • File : 1269731360.jpg-(58 KB, 350x425, jamieoliver.jpg)
    58 KB Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)19:09 No.1682955  
    I was never a big fan of his during his run on Food Network, but is anybody catching Jamie Oliver's new show?

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)19:15 No.1682968
    greatest comedy show EVER
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)19:17 No.1682974
    little girl is cute
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)19:17 No.1682975
    Jamie Oliver is my god and I worship him.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)19:18 No.1682980
    the producers and editors are trying to create tension and drama where there isn't, but i applaud his effort to help stop obesity in america.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)19:26 No.1683005
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    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)19:28 No.1683010
    Oliver - "Your 5 and 6 year olds don't use knives?!?!"
    "Chef" - "NO!, they don't use knives."
    Oliver - ::speechless::
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)02:40 No.1684060
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    >implying that they do in the UK
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:49 No.1684547
    Did they avoid doing the nutritional analysis just to create drama? I would think since he has a whole staff to help make the show someone could do it for him.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:02 No.1684580

    What confused me was that they use actual silverware... Every school I've been in only had plastic sporks and knives. I thought every place was like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:15 No.1684612
    does anyone have a torrent to the second episode?
    >> cuntmonger 03/28/10(Sun)06:16 No.1684613
    this is why I never watch anything related to reality tv. They always do that shit and it's annoying.
    >> Omegis !HRt89BQ0Vw 03/28/10(Sun)06:19 No.1684614

    Breakfast pizza is delicious.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:25 No.1684619
    whats the show called?
    I'ver only seen jamie olivers school dinners and to be honest i really liked it, i think jamie is an overall likeable pun intended
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:24 No.1686338
    If you rely on a public school to feed your child then you have already failed as a parent. No fucking excuse.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:26 No.1686349
    Motherfuckers, where can I watch this on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:33 No.1686379
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:33 No.1686380
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:41 No.1686411
    I can't stand the show. People from West Virginia are the most backward, ignorant people in the world.

    The US would be a better place without them.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:43 No.1686423
    Well, don't worry, apparently they are eating themselves to death, so just give it time.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:44 No.1686430
    I love this guy; forgot they gave him a show. anyone trying to get american fatties to put the big macs down is OK with me.
    looks like has the episodes streaming
    gonna go watch the shit out of them
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)21:46 No.1686439
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:11 No.1686515
    oh yay it's on hulu's player is a piece of shit

    this show is making me fucking rage. All of these adult fatties eating pizza and getting all defensive and "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" like bratty children instead of accepting good constructive advice as advice
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:21 No.1686534


    I was reading the threads and thought "WOW this Jaime fellow is a dick", but then I actually watched the show. Sure, Jaime isn't the best teacher and probably is a little dickish but HOLY SHIT THAT RADIO GUY. THAT LUNCH LADY.

    I didn't know the south was so backward, brother.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:22 No.1686537
    I love breakfast pizza.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:23 No.1686538

    Well, the radio guy is just being a dick for show, and the lunch lady just wants to keep her job by sticking to the federal guidelines.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:28 No.1686552

    Hmm..okay, I'll give you that for the radio guy. And to an extent the lunch lady, but she still needs to chill out.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:36 No.1686570
    Radio Guy = Big fish in a small pond
    Lunch Lady = Has a problem with being called a lunch lady

    WTF for the 2nd one. I don't know about you but being a lunch lady here is a term of endearment. Why the hell did she get pissed?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:36 No.1686573
    whats with people and they're fucking "don't tell me what to do" attitude. as soon as you give a person a suggestion they put their fingers in their ear and say don't boss me around. fuck i'm getting 3rd party trolled
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:40 No.1686584
    political correctness is everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:40 No.1686588
    I guess Radio Guy is a dick because unfortunately being a giant dick gets listeners.

    But ahahaha the lunch lady really thinks she deserves to be called a cook when she just microwaves pre-made nuggets all day?
    I find that dumb people do this all the time. I think they get all upset because they know they're wrong but it's hard to hear it. Fucking adult children.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:41 No.1686592
    The reason was being the worst in the country, they got kicked around by the national media. They KNOW people think they are backwards and hippo-like. It becomes a defense mechanism to guard their ego so they become resistant to change.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:45 No.1686596
    like some kind of unrecognized double think in floating in their head
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:47 No.1686600
    also what's with the hippo mom? Usually the excuse for all of that instant shit is "bawwwww I don't have time to cook", but she's a fucking stay at home mom; if she isn't at home all day to cook then what the fuck IS she doing?
    jesus christ southerners are frighteningly lazy and stupid
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:47 No.1686602
    She got so offended by "lunch lady". Like >:( WHAT DID YOU CALL ME.

    ....hoagies and grinders hoagies and grinders navy beans navy beans navy beans,.....
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:49 No.1686607

    'bawww I don't have time to cook' is usually a shitty excuse anyway. My mother would work all day and STILL come home to cook a decent meal.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:50 No.1686609
    I like the 4 year old that ratted out the family, "What was your favorite meal this week?" "Pizza!"
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:52 No.1686610
    seriously my grandmothers worked her fingers to the bone since she was 10 and managed to cook mulitple meals for my family because nobody likes the same thing and my mom gets home now and bugs me to make her something because shes tired from work
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:54 No.1686615
    I liked the part where she got teary-eyes when she knew the kind of brown, fried foods she was giving to her kids. They buried the fryer. When Oliver comes back, he finds out she's going to fast food places instead.

    I'm like, WHAT THE HELL, you know it's bad for them but you do it anyways!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:56 No.1686618
    sooo much wasted food in that kitchen
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:57 No.1686621
    This thread is copy pasta.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:58 No.1686624
    Yeah my mom was the same. It doesn't even take that long to make a decent meal. It takes literally 2 minutes to make a salad.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:02 No.1686640
    yeah with all the premade sauces you don't even have to try. The grociery store does all the work all you have to do is walk or drive to the bloody place.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:13 No.1686675
    >I don't understand why he is here to change our system which is working good.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:13 No.1686677
    Who else was hoping that that kid had diabetes?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:14 No.1686678

    So Jamie makes roasted chicken with wild rice

    Lunch ladies make pepperoni pizza, which according to the USDA counts as 2 grains and a vegetable

    Kids all choose the pepperoni pizza


    Fucking USDA and West Virginia
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:16 No.1686685
    Also lol @ the fat elementary schooler throwing away most of her lunch (pasta) because she didn't like it. Talk about irony
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:19 No.1686695
    Man, I would have gone nuts for that roasted chicken! It looked awesome. Of course, my mother raised me right.
    Not that I don't like pizza, but even as a kid, I knew the difference between real pizza and garbage. I would have chosen that roasted chicken every time.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:19 No.1686697
    It's not gonna hurt a kid to eat a slice of pizza. God you health nuts are such fags. You're gonna die anyway just like the guy that eats fast food hamburgers everyday. There is no point in eating healthier, because A)Fatty food tastes better and B)Health nuts are fags.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:26 No.1686724
    fattie detected
    >> !!GtsCNQXpdsa 03/28/10(Sun)23:36 No.1686746

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:37 No.1686749
    i hate how this guy has to bend over backwards for these stupid americunts who won't take his advice because he's from another country.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:39 No.1686759

    Of course ONE slice of pizza wont hurt a kid, but when the kids eating a slice of pizza, chicken nuggets, and then god knows what garbage at home EVERYDAY there's something wrong there.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:46 No.1686783

    Stir fry chicken, yo
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:49 No.1686796
    how about the fucking fridge full of frozen pizzas. WTF?

    or the 350 lb 12yo boy?

    Why are they serving pizza in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:49 No.1686798

    Why would your school have a hard time using silverware? I've never been to a school that actually used disposable plates or forks.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:53 No.1686809

    Convenience? It's safer(bacteria wise), and you don't have to wash a boatload of utensils? It's also cheaper.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)23:57 No.1686828

    Safer in terms of bacteria and cheaper?

    You still have plates and bowls you have to clean, and so you just run everything through a dishwasher. It only takes some hot water and a bit of dish detergent to make sure everything is hygienic.

    Where are these people living that they seriously use disposable forks and bowls?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:00 No.1686839

    Why would you give kids a choice as to what to eat?

    They're always going to eat whatever they're more accustomed to or what's the least healthy.

    If you want them to eat healthy you just make something nutritious and have it be the only option.

    Like some nice soup such as minestrone for lunch.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:35 No.1686956
    Kids don't automatically chose the options that are best for them. You have to make them take the best option, and they learn to like it and learn why it's good.
    Example - have you ever known a toddler who potty trained themselves? No. Those little monkeys will keep on pooping their pants for years unless you teach them not to (or until they get old enough to understand peer behavior), and teach them how toilets work, etc. etc. etc.
    Kids will naturally take the easiest, most convenient and most FAMILIAR option, it's basic human nature. We have to TEACH them how to get along in life.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:39 No.1686972

    Seconding this- kids have the stereotype of hating vegetables for a reason. When I was a kid, my lunch would have been candy with slushee to drink if I could have swung it that way. (Come to think of it I did in high school once...)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:41 No.1686981
    I ate shit as a kid because I didn't know better food. Fast food every day. I was a little ham ball. Now that I am older and learned about food I lost the weight but still have the stretch marks and emotional scars from the experience.

    It fucking breaks my heart to see these kids eating pizza every meal just like I used to just because they didn't know of any other way to live. I hope it's illegal some day. It's really not that fucking hard or expensive to throw veggies into a pot and make a soup or stew for 400 kids instead of microwaving frozen shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:42 No.1686986

    I would had went for the roast chicken even in high school. But trusting a lunch lady with a new recipe is playing Russian Roulette with the digestive tract with 5 bullets in the revolver
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:44 No.1686997

    And it sounds as though many kids in the US basically do that. The idea of having a bunch of vending machines that kids eat from on a regular basis or getting "fried nuggets of chicken" for lunch is so deranged.

    Why in the hell would a school be able to have a fryer available?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:46 No.1687004
    Blame cartoon and how it treats veggies as the devil's shaved beard
    >> 03/29/10(Mon)00:47 No.1687008
    not all cafeteria workers are total retards you know
    >> Vid Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:47 No.1687009

    thought I'd share....
    >> 03/29/10(Mon)00:48 No.1687013

    But I am
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:49 No.1687020
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:52 No.1687033
    The kid from that family that Jamie keeps cooking with looks like a young male angie.
    You will never be able to unsee that.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)00:53 No.1687037

    It is not so much of trust but rather the first time they try this new recipe. I always aimed for the lunch specials that wasn't perogies or something similar. I remember having the runs after eating a few lunch specials that wasn't standard fare.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:06 No.1687115
    Y'all do know that Huntington W. VA that place Jamie Oliver went to topped the CDC list as the unhealthiest, most obesity ridden town in the US? It doesnt get that way without some seriously wrong eating habits.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:17 No.1687162
    yeah, but food-retarded people are all over the country.
    my mother doesn't even know how to hold a kitchen knife. My 22 year old brother didn't know what a vegetable peeler was until last week. I showed him slices of uncooked bell pepper and he had no idea what it was. It's a fucking nightmare. I think nutrition classes should be a higher priority than physical education classes; ideally physical education should include nutrition lessons. Learning how to cook and eat healthy is a lot more important in the long run than learning how to play ultimate frisbee.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:19 No.1687175
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:24 No.1687196
    >implying you know shit about the UK.

    I was using Metal knives and forks in kinder garden, have our children become this stupid? no.. just the teachers and parents.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:26 No.1687202
    Well, this is part of the problem, adults tend to transfer their own irrational fears, beliefs, whatever to their kids, be them biological kids or kids they are in charge of everyday. And unfortunately, we apparently have a plethora of moronic, mouthbreather adults.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:26 No.1687203
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:29 No.1687207
    Yep. This is also why kids get less exercize, too many "zomg mai kidz gonna get kidsnapped!" idiots who really think it's better for their kids to play x-box all day.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:31 No.1687211
    >I lost the weight but still have the stretch marks and emotional scars from the experience.
    I know how you feel, anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:33 No.1687214
    I wouldn't let my 5 or 6 year old hold a knife. Especially a boy. All he'll do with it is play with the damn thing and not eat his food.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:33 No.1687217
    >>1687203 >:{
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:34 No.1687222
    >Lunch ladies make pepperoni pizza, which according to the USDA counts as 2 grains and a vegetable

    It does count as 2 grains and a vegetable dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:34 No.1687223
    tru dat, nigur
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:42 No.1687238
    Is it just because of the size of the pizza crust? WTF kind of backwards logic is that?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:43 No.1687242
    The crust counts as two servings of grain.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:45 No.1687251

    Pizza also has a lot of grease. The issue is that a lunch lady would make something so horribly unhealthy in order to meet the bare minimum for some regulations.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:45 No.1687252
    it shouldn't is their point though troll
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:52 No.1687275
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    1 crust = 2 servings.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:53 No.1687277
    That's like saying as long as you don't slice a loaf of bread it's one serving. A certain amount of bread is one serving. The pizza has double that amount. What's so difficult to understand?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:54 No.1687279
    It's nice that he's using fresh food and all, but in the end what matters is the calories. I bet his pastas and homemade breads and all taste great, but if the calorie content isn't much different those kids are still going to be fat.
    what the fuck? I was using a knife in kindergarten. Parents need to man up and teach their kids the way things work instead of always automatically assuming that their children are idiots and won't get it. A steak knife is dangerous for a 5 year old, yeah, but what about a butter knife? A fork is probably more dangerous than a butter knife.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:55 No.1687281
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    calm down, francis.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:57 No.1687289
    labels aren't really deceptive about serving sizes; the average guy just is too lazy to read them. but sure enough if you read the calorie label for a loaf of bread, it clearly says "serving size = 1 slice"
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:57 No.1687290
    The PROBLEM is that 1. the kids don't need two servings of grain per meal. One is plenty.
    2. It's fucktard easy to be like, OH, WE'LL JUST CUT THE PIZZA SLICES THIS BIG SO IT COUNTS AS TWO SERVINGS instead of thinking up a healthier way. NO, let's ADD to the shit food overload.
    3. If they could just double up on pizza servings, why didn't they just let Oliver serve a double portion of rice instead of making him hand out hamburger buns? Oh, yeah, because they're fuckwits.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)01:59 No.1687298
    No, that's like saying "Oh, I'm doing good, I just ate one slice of pizza", but in reality it was 2 servings of pizza with double the calories.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:00 No.1687300
    I think they said that rice didn't count as a grain to them?
    In any case whoever thought of those nutritional guidelines is retarded. They should never turn to pizzas for grains and should use calories to guide them before the fucking food pyramid.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:01 No.1687301
    >i'm going to cook me some chicken stir fry yo
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:02 No.1687304

    I think it was because rice isn't a bread.

    Crust is bread, rice is not bread.

    Or some government bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:04 No.1687318
    Exactly. That was the point I was trying in a bad, rage-induced way, to get across.
    And who the FUCK wouldn't consider rice a grain?
    I think I'm going to have an apoplectic fit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:05 No.1687323
    The same people who call corn a veggie
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:06 No.1687328
    show moved me
    i even signed his little web petition even though i usually ignore petitions

    sign, coo/ck/s
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:07 No.1687330
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:10 No.1687339
    That is bullshit.
    Also I like how much effort they put up to make sure the kids get bread and yet almost every kid throws the bread away. (I always threw away my bread in elementary school, too)

    Bread is hard to do right and goes well with almost nothing; rice is fucking easy to make and goes well with pretty much everything. They should stop wasting their time making bread that no one wants and start making rice dishes.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:18 No.1687360

    Lol, Wyoming.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:18 No.1687361
    And glad of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:21 No.1687370
    I've just been all over the USDA website, and looked at daily requirements, food pyramids, and every where I looked, rice was in the same catagory as bread as far as recommended daily servings. I'm thinking, the school system in west virginia is just too bumfuck stupid to realize that these aren't different items.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:22 No.1687374
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    If that is even close to the truth, I..I...I don't know..there are no words for that.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:35 No.1687401
    I just watched the first ep of the British version, "Jamie's School Lunches." There's some marked differences, especially in the lunch ladies. The one who runs it runs a tight ship like Alice, but she is much more willing to instill change. More excited about it.

    Also Jamie says "fuck" a lot. On the American version I feel like he's trying to be like Ty the Handy Guy when addressing the audience but he's way harsher when there's no FCC.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:38 No.1687412
    LOL, well, he's probably also more polite here because he's in a different country and doesn't want to piss everyone off and have them start a British hate club.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:42 No.1687425
    I'm amazed he can stay so composed up against the assholes he has to deal with and even has the strength to lie and call them wonderful people.

    If it were me I'd have told the fat lunch ladies and radio guy to fuck off and die and would've been kicked out of town 5 minutes after I got there.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:42 No.1687426
    Jamie Oliver's Food Revolutionary War! When one brit goes back into the rough neighborhood and calls someone's momma fat.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:44 No.1687429
    outside of the radio guy being an asshole for ratings, no one else has really been an asshole to him. I'd say he's been fairly well received all things considered.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:52 No.1687448
    He buried that fryer with all the oil still in it. That doesn't seem correct.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:53 No.1687450

    Doesnt matter, they probably dug it up after he left.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:54 No.1687457
    Nah, they probably went out and bought a new one, and just hid it when he came over.
    (Protip: the only vegetables they ate from the produce he brought them were the ones that were fry-able.)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:57 No.1687459
    you'd think they would have at least thrown out the fast food cups that were laying all over the place. Make it seem like they aren't just flat out lying to him.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)02:59 No.1687461
    On hulu, what does it say on the bottom left of the screen?

    abc 25 KAVU?
    If so, that's my fucking city.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)03:28 No.1687510

    I disagree with your ideas of how much a kid should eat. A lot of problems with overweight kids just are from inactivity in addition to diet.

    I'd eat almost a loaf of bread every day when I was a kid and wasn't fat. Now I eat a loaf of bread every day and I'm not fat.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)03:32 No.1687514
    He's got a good idea going, but he's kind of a dick.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)03:34 No.1687515

    Bread is really not hard to do right. The problem is a lot of people try to find shortcuts in odd places.

    Bread only takes flour, salt, yeast, and water to be delicious. If you use a slow rise, as in a lower temperature closer to 70 F, then you get a nuttier/earthier flavor. People just think adding things like sugar makes them "Chef Extraordinaire" because they're throwing more shit into a pile of dough, when really it just fucks things up. I doubt many of the people that do such a thing even know about how they could use ascorbic acid to speed the development of yeast without sacrificing flavor.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)03:35 No.1687518
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)03:40 No.1687523
    Schools and the USDA can't regulate their guidelines to suit each child's personal needs/wants. They have to find a normal standard that can be applied to ALL children at the same time, which won't either make them all butterballs or skinnyfags. Hence actually determining a single serving size, and keeping meals to 1 meat, 1 grain, 1 veg, 1 dairy. And if they add anything extra, it should be fucking FRUIT. This isn't hard, it's fucking common sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)03:42 No.1687526
    Oh, and I forgot to add that you are correct about the inactivity issue, but that is also being addressed in schools. For example, in my son's old school, he had two PE classes a day.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)04:10 No.1687573

    As if Ramsay and Cowell already placed a certain skewed perception of British Critics
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)04:37 No.1687614
    I grew up in WA state, never really been to the south for more than a couple days traveling. Anyways this show surprised me.

    Kids that don't even know what a tomato is, not knowing how to use a knife at like 6? What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)05:06 No.1687636

    >Reflecting back on the shooting of the six episode ABC mini-series, Willis said, “I should have been a little more receptive to the [nutritious] things he was talking about and a little more cruel to him. I don’t think Jamie Oliver should be the one to tell us how to live our lives. After all, this guy is a rich, British bastard.”

    It looks like the radio show host learned from the experience about healthier eating but those last two lines just boggle my mind. Just because he's richer than you and from another country means he can't give you advice on how to better your life?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)06:35 No.1687708

    Having someone more successful than you tell you how you ought to be living is one of those stereotypical communist things that people in the South hate.

    They'd rather be told how to live their lives by a guy that has sex with young boys in Italy than someone right next to them that is successful.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)06:39 No.1687711
    Hey look everyone. It's a liberal. Look at how ignorant it's statement's are.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)06:41 No.1687713
    >Kids that don't even know what a tomato

    I'm sure it was edited to make it look like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)06:53 No.1687727
    Giving children obscenely unhealthy food is to prevent them from leeching from health care when they're older. They'll die before that age. This show presents a threat to this balance.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)07:20 No.1687758
    if someone's rich and successful, then they're doinitright so I would stand at attention. these people are just insecure rednecks.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)07:22 No.1687763
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)07:57 No.1687811
    When I went to elementary school, we got pizza literally once a year for lunch, once I got into junior high they took it away completely because it was not good for us. All through high school we never had pizza once.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)09:14 No.1687892
    This is because he is special, like you. Do you cut his food? Do you also chew it for him?

    By age 6 I drank from glasses, used knifes and everything a functional human being should do. The cheap plastic knives they gave us at the school cafeteria on the other hand didn't stop a very special 12 years old student from announcing "this doesn't cut shit, look" and rubbing the serrated end on his arm viciously. Needless to say it was enough to do some damage, yet in those primitive times people just thought he was problematic instead of thinking that they should NEVER EVER USE THOSE DAMN DEVIL UTENSILS AGAIN!!! People act like everyone is thinking of new and inventive ways to cause the most harm with anything on hand: give a kid a pencil and everything people see is that "it could poke somebody's eye off".
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)09:42 No.1687923

    It probably doesn't help when some kids try stabbing a table in between their fingers while having their hand down on a table.

    I remember doing it a bit as a kid and some idiot tried waving their hand underneath while I was doing it. I suppose they thought I'd slow down or wasn't being very forceful. The idiot ended up with a bleeding hand for their troubles.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)09:52 No.1687934
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:50 No.1688120
    britfag here

    can't get hulu in UK, any1 got a torrent link for episode 2. This 1 is fake
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:53 No.1688124
    Jamie Oliver is a pederast.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:15 No.1688149


    found it on

    for any1 else interested
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:35 No.1688175
    Dude's coming to Hong Kong later this year to open a new restaurant.

    I want to give him a hug for doing this.

    A huge hug.

    I'm fatso, but because I like eating tons of good food, and I think what he's doing is definitely needed. It's not the fact that the Huntingtonses are whale-like in appearance that irritate viewers and /co/oks, I think, but that they CHOOSE to be ignorant about their food because it's just easier.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:42 No.1688189
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    What's a pederast, Walter?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:14 No.1688257
    +1 internets for you sir. Stoned /b/tard here very much liking /ck/
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:16 No.1688262
    lol why do /b/tards come here only when they are stoned
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:19 No.1688267
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:20 No.1688268

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:07 No.1688371
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:09 No.1688375
    Dude's got the patience of a saint. I don't care much for his cooking, but he's doing something pretty awesome with his fame, which is better than you can say for 99% of all celebrities ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:18 No.1688403
    This, in a nutshell.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:29 No.1688431
    I raged on the outside when that woman was like "ground beef, it's the first ingredient"

    and she wants to be called a cook

    my head is full of fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:51 No.1688486
    I know. I've never been quite so angry and disgusted at my fellow countrymen. I mean, I know, certainly, that there are shitty, stupid people in the US, just like there are in any country, but this made me rage in a different, darker way. Those people don't HAVE to be so ignorant about nutrition, they are CHOOSING to be ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:53 No.1688497
    Well, even though this particular town is an extreme it is fair to say that all of USA is more or less along the same lines as this town.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:54 No.1688500
    and such
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:56 No.1688505
    typical networkBAWWWfest imo. i though the shit was terrible
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:57 No.1688511
    >>1688375 Dude's got the patience of a saint.
    Indeed. I mean, if I was him would would not sympathise. I would round up the subhuman americans for execution for the benefit of the genepool.

    Seriously, this is the first time in human history when human genome is actually degenerating because of people like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:58 No.1688516
    >Dude's got the patience of a saint.

    Didn't he start crying because of a newspaper article?
    >> macrophage !!oq/8r1624u0 03/29/10(Mon)14:59 No.1688519

    angie still believes in lamarckian evolution.jpg
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:59 No.1688521
    actually the genome is being degraded because of the smart people that now protect all the idiots and even reward the idiots by taking care of their children, instead of natural selection taking its normal course. If you haven't watched Idiocracy, its a great movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:01 No.1688527
    He was crying AFTER everyone he was working with basically chewed his ass over the exaggerated newspaper article. I get it, he was pissed because he felt like his job just got 100 times harder because those people didn't even understand what he was trying to do.
    >> macrophage !!oq/8r1624u0 03/29/10(Mon)15:01 No.1688531

    more laughing girls.jpg
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:02 No.1688536
    i think you did it wrong . . .case in point
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:03 No.1688537
    >> watched Idiocracy

    yes. It freaks me out, because it become more certain every day. Mike Judge is horrifyingly prophetic.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:03 No.1688538
    To be completely factual there is no evolution in human race any more because there is no survival of the fittest. 99% of population everywhere has kids before they die so everyone´s genes are passed on, really.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:05 No.1688542
    >its a great movie.

    WHAT IS THIS????
    now you base your knowledge on shitty movies???
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:06 No.1688546
    Let me rephrase. Its a stupid funny movie, whose underlying theme about the dumbing down of civilization makes perfect sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:06 No.1688549
    lol, I don't think he's basing his "knowledge" on Idiocracy, I think he's using it as an example of his point on idiots breeding idiots. There's a vast difference.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:07 No.1688550
    Yeah. That's natural selection.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:07 No.1688551
    >makes perfect sense

    >implying too many implications
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:09 No.1688556
    EXAMPLE you baboon is the same thing, its not a real life example its a fucking work of fiction and saying yeah it must be true coz its in some movie is fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:09 No.1688557
    yeah but the "breeders" genes are passed on at a greater frequency than those that have no or fewer kids. It is still survival of the "fittest". Here, fittest just become those that spit out the most kids.
    >> macrophage !!oq/8r1624u0 03/29/10(Mon)15:09 No.1688559
    Christ guys, you're fucking morons. Evolution isn't a ladder. It's simply the change in gene ratios in populations, and it follows principles that select genes towards adapting to their environments.

    Gene ratios in humans are still changing at an appreciable rate, and arguably, selective pressures are geared towards doing well in a modern society.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:10 No.1688560
    you are a dumbass, it being in a work of fiction doesn't make it true any more than it makes it untrue. Truthfully, you are too stupid to argue with so I quit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:11 No.1688562
    Right, except for selective pressures
    >> sagehoge !!mp3WVEd4fDm 03/29/10(Mon)15:11 No.1688566
    I got sorta lucky I guess. I was eating shit as a toddler to the age of 5. Then my dad got diabetes. He's also the cook in the family. I had my first veggie lasagna a few weeks after that.

    Blew my fucking mind. I mean it wasn't the end of eating horribly but it was a start. It gave me a pallette which saved my fucking waist. I became a food snob and refused to eat anything from school. I started making my sandwiches.

    I remember I wanted to eat pizza at school. It was so fucking shitty I puked it up and had to be sent home. My friends all ate it and were fine. Half of them have high blood pressure now and we're 19~22.

    I don't understand how people can eat that shit day in and out. I like fast food I won't lie but fuck not everyday. Make a fucking taco at home for god's sake.

    Also that a potato made me rage so fucking hard. So fucking hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:12 No.1688568
    LOL, dumbass. Using a fictional example to illustrate the theory of a discussion point is in no way saying it's absolutely true. It's a tool to explain a concept to people who are *ahem* too thick to get it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:12 No.1688569
    yes but he has no real world evidence, so yes you are right it is not necessarily untrue because of that so here is my argument:
    evolution is like going down because of terminator...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:13 No.1688571
    and you are also leaving out the chances of random mutations where new genes arise, but that is a different subject
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:13 No.1688573
    like i said, too stupid to argue with
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:13 No.1688574
    are you 12?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:14 No.1688576
    Dumbing down of civilisation happens because of american valueless "culture" mixed with technology.

    In USA there is no homogeneous standard for living due to multiculturality and thus everyone gets to have their own way no matter how inane it is. Then the huge consumerism phenomenon of 50s booms with the rise massmedia. Specialisation of trades has reached its peak but technology keeps on going providing more means for people to consume and be lazy. Now, in USA you can seriously be a know-nothing waste of space in life and do nothing but watch television, movies, infinite stream massmedia entertainment. Everything is purchasable, so you do not seriously have to have any skills in life. Combine this with the multiculturalist mentality that abolishes all common knowledge and you have the modern american. All the best things that human civilisation has to offer at his reach but simultaneously the stupidest and laziest group if humans that ever existed.

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