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    File : 1269211895.jpg-(80 KB, 500x395, taco_bell_waikiki_counter.jpg)
    80 KB Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)18:51 No.1665693  
    I gotta say, I love the taco bell drama. when people order things like it was a super fine steak... and I get my stuff before them. then they get MAD.

    anyone else observe super particular ordering at FAST FOOD places?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)18:56 No.1665713
    woah woah woah, waikiki taco bells have soft serve ice cream? Me want.
    >> ­ !!Y2iYh9Q27/1 03/21/10(Sun)18:59 No.1665724
    sometimes I do it, order extra onions or extra pickles just so I know that it's a fresh hot one--I also enjoy the extra onions or pickles.

    But at taco bell? I didn't even think you could do that. I wouldn't even fucking bother, nothing comes out how it's supposed to when you don't fuck with the order...who fucking knows what you'll end up with if you start throwin' 'em curveballs.


    ...I dunno, I barely eat I'd imagine it all gets filed away to the same part of my brain that keeps me from fucking flipping out when old people get a million lottery tickets in front of me at the gast station.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:01 No.1665731
    Anything other then mass quantities of tacos or burritos is fail.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:03 No.1665742
    i don't know what you're talking about, but i really like the new fresco? menu they have. particularly because i don't like cheese, but the salsa they use is pretty good too.
    >> ­ !!Y2iYh9Q27/1 03/21/10(Sun)19:05 No.1665749

    Apparently that menu has been around for years, as well as an alternative vegetarian version of their entire menu.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:06 No.1665757
    1: Go to McDonald's.
    2: Order a cup of pickles with your meal.
    3: Watch mayhem ensue.
    4: LULZ
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:08 No.1665762
    they should have fucking advertised it then, shits delicious.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:08 No.1665763
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    fuck you
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:08 No.1665766
    I can confirm this, they had the fresco menu out for at least 5 years now, and even when they first came out with it, they tried to market it as a way to eat healthier. Apparently that campaign worked so well, they decided to try it again.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:09 No.1665768

    Califag here. Stopped by a Coffee Bean in Tarzana yesterday to get a red-eye. Each of the four people in front of me in line went through this insanely intricated set of directions in how they wanted their coffee prepared-- Mocha Latte half-soy, half 2% with two thirds chocolate powder, one sixth vanilla, one sixth sugar-free, split into two equal servings and capped with a domed lid, etc., etc., etc.

    And all of them BAWWWed when I got my red-eye (coffee with a shot of expresso) first.

    I then realized that I was the only Gentile in a room-- no, neighborhood full of Persian Jews.

    inb4 gb2/oven or other /b/ references.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:18 No.1665803
    5 dollar box it rocks it rocks
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:22 No.1665817
    if theres something on a fast food item i dont want, ill just wait to pick it off when i get my food. for the most part, im not a finicky eater so its not a problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:24 No.1665825
    they have at mccully
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:31 No.1665848
    what comes in this box, this box that rocks?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:35 No.1665861
    Dammit...I wish Taco Bell employees wore festive shirts in Texas >:

    But no. Hell, not even at the starbucks around here. They just get in, order, and leave.
    >> 03/21/10(Sun)19:36 No.1665872
    >and I get my stuff before them. then they get MAD.
    >Former Tacobell fag here.
    One side of the cook line makes food for eat-in.
    The other side makes food for drive thru.
    Regardless of how complicated an order is, we need to do them in order.
    The only time we could do things out of order is will grilled items (grilled stuft burrito, crunch wrap, quesadilla) because they needed to sit on a grill for 45 sec each and theres no point in sitting around waiting for them.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:38 No.1665881
    My only regret in moving to New Orleans is that there is no Taco Bell here.

    Sure, there are places to get some great Mexican food, and some real taquerias around, but holyFUCK do I want some Taco Motherfucking Bell.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:40 No.1665902
    pretty much this but I hate mayo, so I always just order no mayo
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:41 No.1665908
    The only special order I ever make at Taco Bell is no sour cream on my beef and potato burrito. Oh fuck your shit if you put sour cream on my beef and potato burrito. Fucking hate that shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:45 No.1665923

    They don't even have beef 'n' potato burritos anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:48 No.1665936
    I stopped going to Taco Bell when they stopped putting green onions on my Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes.
    FUCK YOU, Taco Bell.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:54 No.1665953
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    I stopped going to taco bell when I read this
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)19:56 No.1665963




    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:00 No.1665970

    That one's a little different though I think - the original Beef and Potato burrito didn't have nacho cheese sauce
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:02 No.1665981
    what you got against calcium and iron?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:04 No.1665988

    That's the highest calorie item on their menu. It's hardly representative.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:10 No.1666020
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    So lets shoot for something healthy. All vegetarian even! The 7-layer burrito. No meat. that's a pretty conservative item so far as taco bell is concerned, right?

    520 calories, that's almost as much as a big mac, same for the fat. and that's to say nothing of the sodium.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:12 No.1666031
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    hi res for extra clarity
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:14 No.1666039
    Boo fucking hoo. What the fuck do you expect from fast food?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:16 No.1666045
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    I expect it to die.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:17 No.1666049

    I expect exactly this, just pointed out to shit for brains how even their highest calorie item in fact is rather representative of the entirety of their menu.

    ...that, and trolls.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:18 No.1666055
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    Then get it fresco style.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:19 No.1666065

    Look up a taco, bean burrito, tostada, etc. It's nowhere near as bad as you're trying to portray it.

    Typical fast-food hater who feels the need to exaggerate.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:20 No.1666070

    lol, that's the healthy one...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:22 No.1666075
    I highly doubt the food from a typical non-fast-food Mexican restaurant is going to fare any better. The difference is that if it's a small place that's not part of a chain you don't know what the numbers are so can blissfully eat in ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:22 No.1666078
    lol let's only look at the calories
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:23 No.1666081

    I highly doubt whatever you eat as an alternative is any better. But at last you don't eat at Taco Bell so you must ipso facto be eating healthier, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:29 No.1666100

    I just ate a veggie wrap. the wrap has 52% of my daily fibre requirements alone. it had hummus, guacamole, fresh made salsa, green onion, red pepper, brown rice (another 24% of my daily fiber), some lettuce and red cabbage.

    I swear I just ate this, lol, I don't expect anyone to believe me. It was actually inspired by me missing 7 layer burritos.
    >> я- пидор, мне нравится хуй в моей жопе 03/21/10(Sun)20:31 No.1666108
    anyone try that new shrimp taco how is that i was thinking of trying it
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:33 No.1666111
    it's kinda tasty, and I didn't die from food poisoning, so give it a try!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:45 No.1666648
    The shrimp taco tastes exactly how you think it does.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:47 No.1666653

    Well shit, that's not very adventurous. should I blame taco bell or my own lame palate?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:30 No.1666800
    I hate sour cream. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:54 No.1666907
    california here. why the fuck does hawaii get it and not us?
    damn beach nigg3rs.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:10 No.1666981
    i work at a taco bell. one time, this whale of a women came in and ordered two 40 piece buckets to herself, then complained to us because we accidently replaced her small fries with gravy.

    "hi there, i am very displeased. i orderd blah blah blhah and you forgot my fries. i live five minutes away, but i think that due to my inconveniance, you should send one of your puertoricans to my house to deliuver it to me blah blah blah"
    i hung up on her.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:11 No.1666988
    >taco bell
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:14 No.1667001

    forgot to mention, i work at a tacobell joined with a kfc, so we split all our shit. some days ill work in tacobell side, and some days in kfc side.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:20 No.1667026
    do you work in corona, california? They have a taco bell/kfc joined here.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:23 No.1667031

    Nope, St.Albert Alberta.

    We're a small city and get few customers. We are kept alive by our regulars.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:37 No.1667078
    care to elaborate? this sounds funny
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:43 No.1667095

    They have them all over dude. The best was the rare Kentacohut, which I only saw I think once or twice outside of my home town.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:16 No.1667320
    My hometown had a kentacohut, but the hut part eventually got shut down. massfag here
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:49 No.1667403
    I'd never eat at a dual-brand or tri-brand unless no alternative was available. I want pure Taco Bell.

    I don't want to find a piece of pepperoni or cole slaw in my enchirito.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:56 No.1667422
    I'm with this guy >>1667078, Do TELL, DO TELL!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:57 No.1667424
    order chicken meximelt

    not on menu but it is the shit!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:59 No.1667429

    I'm guessing the employees will look at you like you're a nutjob because no sane person would ever order a cup of pickles.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:21 No.1667461
    I hate people who think fast food always gets shit wrong. It rarely happens to me. I usually get what I want.. it's not that hard to work at a fast food restaurant
    >> zerosozha !!Mio3wfOZIOR 03/22/10(Mon)03:50 No.1667510
    When ordering Taco Bell I have to be pretty particular about what I want. For example, the TB near me loads their Cheesy Double Beef Burritos with rice, so I have to make sure I order one with no rice so that I get some actual goddam beef in my burrito.

    Also, I love dipping the taquitos in nacho cheese, which is not one of their standard sides. So they have to include an order of side nachos without the chips.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:08 No.1667538

    so why dont you just get an order of side nachos and enjoy some chips with your meal instead of making it so complicated?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:49 No.1667653
    There was one good Burger King where I lived before here and they always fucked my shit up. All I want was a fucking double cheeseburger, PLAIN. Every goddamn time, it always came with pickles and tomatoes and shit. Every goddamn time, I had to go in and ask for it to be remade.

    I've only been to Taco Bell 4 times. 3 times out of the 4, they fucked up my order. I ordered a meximelt, NO TOMATOES. All 3 of those times, they came with tomatoes. I can't eat tomatoes. I will literally throw up.

    I worked fast food (Wendy's specifically) for a little less than a year, so I know what it's like. And goddammit getting someone's order right isn't that hard (as long as the customer isn't incomprehensible or anything.) I know how fucking easy it is, which is why I get so pissed when retards fuck it up.

    BK down the street where I live now is the shit though. Theyve never messed up my order. I love you, BK dudes on Nordhoff St. I really do.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:59 No.1667664
    In my town they have TacoJohnSilvers, KFCA&W, TacoHut.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:02 No.1667666
    the dunkin donuts near my house (FL fag) has never failed to fuck up my orders. once i ordered an iced coffee, cream and sugar, with a shot of french vanilla. i got, i shit you not, a HOT coffee, no cream, no sugar, no shot.

    i was disappoint. if it wasn't for the fact that there's like NO dunkins here i wouldn't go in anymore. (raised in new england, so i've been spoiled by dunkins up there)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:09 No.1667672
    "Excuse me, I'd like to order four bacon double cheeseburgers, six portions of fries, two sundaes...."


    "...and a large DIET soda. Make sure it's diet. I'm trying to watch my calories."
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/22/10(Mon)06:14 No.1667675

    i work the night shift, and the drunks are AWESOME.

    protip: chicks turn into HUGE, sluts when drunk. i have been INTENTIONALLY flashed at least 10 times in 4 mouths.

    i cant count the time i have seen vagoo/ass (super lowcut dresses) or tits. its awesome.


    they will eat anything, and not complain, they don't give a SHIT.

    tl:dr: i love my job, best college job ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)08:22 No.1667779

    I think it's a great attitude to love what you do no matter what you're doing. You're going to go far kid...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)08:35 No.1667787

    I'll order a burger and fries with diet soda. But only because I'm diabetic and the straight sugar boost is too much for me, whereas I can handle the slower carb intake of the burger and fries.
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/22/10(Mon)08:51 No.1667797

    meh, some people hate there job, i don't know why, it is what you make it.

    i guess im known as the crazy one who gets people laugh.

    the manager was dealing with a quite voluptious woman complaing that her food was taking to long, and that she owns a buisness, and knows whats it like. (she was drunk, lol)

    the manager comes back and started telling me what she said, and i said.


    then the manager was like "wtf does that have to do with anything??!?!??!"

    i mouthed 'h o o k e r' and made hip thrusting movements.

    lulz ensuded.

    or singing queens bohemian rapsodey while on the grill.

    fucking loud.


    but, its for the lulz, to keep people happy :)

    but i do like my job, cant wait untill i get into the IT field, hopefully i can still be a little crazy.
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/22/10(Mon)09:07 No.1667817

    dont do it in Texas, i know of 3 other employees that have a CCW.

    but i also have nightmares of a gun rolling up to the drive through, paying, then getting his meal, then shooting me and driving off. lul.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:25 No.1669628
    Co-worker of mine had his wife stop in at a taco bell once to meet us for lunch. My first impressions of her weren't to bad. That all changed about 5 minutes after we recieved our meals. My friend / co-worker was talking real low to his wife, about all I could make out was "Baby please, not here." before I knew it my friend told me to leave while I could. I thought he was joking. His wife stood up not a second later and began screaming at the top of her lungs towards the cashier. "My foods bad, my foods bad." she kept it up for what seemed like forever and a manager joined us and asked what the problem was. Long story short ( to late I realize ) the bitch had the basically gotten us thrown out of the taco bell and gotten our meal free as well as a replacement because, and I quote. She doesn't like lettuce.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:31 No.1669644
    Oh I got another one.

    A wendys near where I live never, I repeat, never gets a order correct if you want something that isn't default.

    Cheese burger, ketchup and mayo only.

    you get..

    Cheese burger, ketchup, mayo, lettuce, tomato, onions, and mustard.

    If you order multiples, they will fuck it all up in different ways. I have never gotten a special order then correctly but I do like bringing the in laws there to show them it never changes, or some friends from out of town. They can't believe the incompitence.
    >> Responding. TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)00:45 No.1669667
    Tacobellfag here. (5 years on duty, and all I get is a shitty hat pin? WTF?!) I wasn't going to respond to this thread, but the comments about the dual-brand 40-piece buckets made me LOL hard. Responses inbound.
    Yeah, folks in my shitty, rural Midwest area order their shit custom-made ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. Good thing is, (most of) the time we don't fuck it up. I say "we" because my happy ass is usually in drive-thru selling this stuff.
    Some high-volume stores, such as ours, now have three production lines; one devoted to each of the two front registers and a third exclusively for drive-thru. When there's not an active order taker on the second register, line 2 can do whatever the fuck they want, making DT orders or line 1 FC orders pretty much at will.
    To confirm, this is correct, the Cheesy Potato burrito is different in that the red chili sauce has been replaced with liquid nacho cheese. Fuck that shit.
    You could just order a side of nacho cheese, unless you have a pack of roving 'loids manning your Taco Bell they should know how to push SIDE (PLUS BUTTON HERE) NCHZ and not be faggots.
    Meximelts don't technically come with tomatoes, they have the fiesta salsa (essentially pico de gallo) on them, which does contain tomatoes and onions in a blend. Still, your inbred idiot servers should be able to do the mental subtraction necessary to realize that in this case Fiesta Salsa = Tomatoes and put -FSTA next to your shit on the order screen.

    More responses if I deem them necessary or if feedback's robust. Can you tell that I can no longer say "I love my job" with a straight face?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:19 No.1669752
    Protip: cook your own meals at home and avoid businesses that don't care about what you're eating and if you enjoy it
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:32 No.1669785
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    >go to taco bell
    >go inside and dont use drive-thru
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:36 No.1669791
    I've only actually been inside a taco bell 4 times. The drive thru and I however are old friends.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)01:39 No.1669796
    Contributing to the on-topic (HAH!) discussion at hand, not really, OP. I don't really observe super-particular ordering anywhere in particular save for maybe Burger King and overhearing people choosing pizza toppings and so forth. Besides those examples, Taco Bell's pretty much it. And it's sooo full of yummy drama, if not for that reason I'd probably not stick around.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:45 No.1669808
    ahahaha fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:45 No.1669809
    Tacobell fag is it true that the raw taco bell meat is purple? How disgusting is it?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:45 No.1669811
    when is the breakfast menu coming to taco bell?
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)01:52 No.1669815
    Nah, ours isn't purple, it's roughly the color of pre-cooked meat (greyish in this case) and the various substances with which it comes (residual grease, spice, etc.) which is kinda orange-y. 5lb. bags of that stuff. I'd say it's very mildly disgusting, but nothing like the popular urban myths would have you believe. "Grade 'D' beef"? What is this... My brain is full of fuck.
    I have no idea, myself. I've heard rumors to the effect that a few places tested breakfast items, maybe coastally where the population is greater. Supposedly our specific franchise was going to authorize the higher-volume stores moving to 24-hour-open schedules to prepare for the blessed event, but since we've gotten no word on when we're doing breakfast upper management has no desire to make such a change just yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:52 No.1669817
    After working at Taco Bell for so long, would you eat it knowing what you know? I'm not talking craving, but sanitation and quality-wise.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:58 No.1669822
    I'm not Taco Bell fag, but I ate wherever I worked. I worked at both Wendy's and Waffle House, and I ate their food. Fast food is surprisingly clean a lot of times (at least from my experience, even though Waffle House isn't fast food).
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)02:00 No.1669826
    The specific store at which I work? Yeah, I'd eat it, the sanitation is better than anything else in this backwater rural locality but I would be choosy about what proteins I get. (read: I'm not much for Taco Bell beef).
    Now, other Taco Bells in our franchise or elsewhere? That's pretty much a crapshoot and I'm really not sure I would take that bet unless I weren't in my right mind (drugged/drunk/stoned/etc.) and as we all know well, when you're any of the above it's TACO BELL FUCK YEAR.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:00 No.1669827
    agreed, any reasonably busy fast food place is a favorite target for health inspections because of the stigma they carry for being disgusting pits, so more often than not, they're kept to a much higher standard than a proper restaurant.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)02:04 No.1669833
    Holy crap, I'm going to respond to everything tonight it seems. I have a group of gaming buddies/friends and we have a bit of a tradition... or at least we did, seeing as we haven't convened in a bit. We saw the "Charlie the Unicorn" animation and proclaimed one night that Waffle House was to be our "Candy Mountain". We decided to make an epic early-morning journey to lust after the hash browns... and waffles... and other sundry items to be had there. The only minor downside is the cleanliness of the bathrooms at the location we frequented, but that's to be expected. Tables were clean, food was good as hell, would feast again. Triple hash browns all the way and coffee = godwin.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:13 No.1669854
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    oh, hey!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:14 No.1669857
    overpriced small time chain is overpriced
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:20 No.1669865
    Just be happy you aren't married to the bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:39 No.1669888

    Hey, TacoBellFag!

    How long ago was the chicken fiesta burrito discontinued? I could swear I saw it as recently as two months ago, but now it's gone. Can you still make one if someone orders it, as you still carry all the ingredients that were on it?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:40 No.1669889
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:43 No.1669890
    only rednecks niggers and wetbacks eat at taco bell
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:45 No.1669892

    If you say so, /b/tard.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:49 No.1669896

    nigger detected
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)02:51 No.1669897
    As a matter of fact, I think we killed off the Fiesta Burritos when we started carrying the "new" Chicken Burrito and Chicken Soft Taco (with a sort of "savory" chicken that was actually slightly smoke-flavored and, I thought, tasted of hot dogs). Our store has exhausted our supply of "savory" chicken and the warehouse has been told that they will not be getting any more shipments of it, sooo... Back to the question. Yeah, we could make it, it's literally as easy as taking the avocado ranch sauce off and substituting the fiesta salsa. Boom, insta-Chicken Fiesta Burrito. And (hopefully) for only $.99+tax wherever you happen to be (unless their policy is to charge for substitutions as though they were addons).
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:57 No.1669907
    kill yourselves taconiggers
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:01 No.1669912
    >Yeah, we could make it, it's literally as easy as taking the avocado ranch sauce off and substituting the fiesta salsa. Boom, insta-Chicken Fiesta Burrito. And (hopefully) for only $.99+tax wherever you happen to be (unless their policy is to charge for substitutions as though they were addons).

    Cool, thanks. Even with an add-on charge, I'm sure it would still be cheaper than the chicken fiesta was.

    But I don't understand what you're saying about not getting any more "savory" chicken. It seems to me that the chicken on the new grilled chicken burrito and taco are substandard to the chicken used for upgrades on the pricier items, in that it's smaller, tougher pieces. It's OK; I understand they needed to find a way to put chicken on the why pay more menu and keep it profitable. But doesn't your store need to get both kinds if it's going to continue to offer the why pay more menu?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:03 No.1669918
    Why has someone who clearly is intelligent and has a good personality worked at taco bell for 5 years?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:04 No.1669920


    nobody could possible care about this niggershit
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:06 No.1669923
    No, apparently for the moment we're using only the "all-white-meat" regular chicken on those items(and probably losing our shirts in the process), but whatever. I predicted a price increase when the next "window" (promotional period, it's when we change over what specials we have and so forth) rolls around, but we'll see what happens.

    Sneak preview of new shit we're slated to test here locally (can't say if it's nationwide or just a few DMA's like ours): the Tortada, which is some sort of bastardized Crunchwrap with the Grandè Quesadilla flatbread or something to that effect. I saw the training materials for all of five seconds last week, can't really say what precisely it is yet. Two varieties from what I could tell, one being a "Salsa Roja" (wtf, it just means "Red Sauce" or "Red Salsa") variety.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)03:07 No.1669926
    Oops, forgot my tripcode. That was all me though.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:08 No.1669928

    forgot to enter your tripcode whilst conversing with yourself about your simpleton nigger job
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:11 No.1669931

    So are you in an area that typically tests items before they go nationwide? Do you mind saying what area it is?
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)03:15 No.1669932
    Officially for-the-record, it's the Louisville DMA(Designated Market Area). I don't think we're the only DMA that does these sort of regional tests, however. Another juicy tidbit that I really hope is just happening to our franchise and not nationwide: We're discontinuing the Chicken (and Steak) Taquitos. =(
    If you think I'm samefagging up this entire thread, by all means believe what you want, you kike.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:20 No.1669938
    I was at the window of my local (corporate-owned) Taco Bell a couple weeks ago and I heard a car behind me order two 5 layer burritos, one with steak instead of beef. They charged him only 89¢ for the one with steak. I found that surprising.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:21 No.1669939

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:24 No.1669943

    taco bell secret: order pulled pork taco for a handjob in the ladies restroom for $0.99 from a purple nigger named TACOBELLFAG
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:24 No.1669945
    >Officially for-the-record, it's the Louisville DMA(Designated Market Area).

    That makes sense. That's where the HQ of parent company YUM is located (because of KFC). I think the other major test market is in Orange County, CA, where Taco Bell HQ is.

    >If you think I'm samefagging up this entire thread

    No need to respond to the petulant /b/tard child throwing a tantrum. It's best to ignore him rather than to give him the attention he's desperately screaming for.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:27 No.1669950
    no matter how important you feel like making it sound you are still a downie nigger failure that slings poor quality taco products to other niggers, rednecks, and wetbacks
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:29 No.1669953

    Ah, so they fired you. Got it.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)03:30 No.1669955
    Corporate-owned stores do weird shit, however I'm going to blame this on a cashier who had no idea what the hell was going on. I have no idea, but for our own store a steak substitution would be $.70 extra per portion of beef being substituted out. Beans in place of beef would still be free, but it no longer works the opposite way. (Shitty economy tightening the purse strings I guess.)
    Keep in mind, though, that when I say "Louisville" I don't mean merely Jefferson County, KY. It's actually most of Southern Indiana/Northern Kentucky IIRC. (Bum-Fuck Egypt as I like to refer to this area.)
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:30 No.1669956
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    >Arguing about taco bell
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)03:32 No.1669960
    Random thought for the thread, since it's sort-of-derailed into an "Ask TacoBellFag anything" thread: I have given out enough info in this thread for my acquaintances and/or coworkers to pinpoint my identity. Scary thought, considering I have no idea if any of them lurk.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:33 No.1669964
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    The enchirito is my favorite TB item. How popular are they? They don't seem to get promoted at all, compared to the newer items.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:34 No.1669965
    from your intimate and thorough knowledge of all things Taco Bell I have deduced that you are:

    a nigger
    a social outcast
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:36 No.1669968

    I don't think you have to worry. Very few people come to /ck/.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:36 No.1669969

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:36 No.1669970
    what the fuck...I didnt even know that existed
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)03:39 No.1669972
    They're not so popular at our store, or for that matter several other stores in our franchise. More of a niche item really, and I could get behind an Enchirito promotion with a price-drop to match. Even if the promotion is temporary, it would still be pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:40 No.1669974
    >Corporate-owned stores do weird shit, however I'm going to blame this on a cashier who had no idea what the hell was going on.

    Sounds likely. That particular TB has been very slow lately, like 5 minutes per car after 9 pm or so. They must be staffed with new people who don't know what they're doing. It's gotten so bad that I've been driving 2 miles further to another location to get thru in 5 minutes instead of 15-20.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:41 No.1669975
    taco bell = leading cause of diarreah in US
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)03:42 No.1669978
    The beef one is beans, beef, and white (actually yellow, but who's counting?) onion rolled in a 6.5" soft taco tortilla, placed in a Nachos Supreme platter, covered with red chili sauce and Cheddar cheese, then steamed to melt the cheese. Sort of a bastardized Amerimexican enchilada, but they're not bad at all. Feel free to skip the beans, or add sour cream, whatever you crazy college kids do. Also, try ordering a cheese quesadilla if your store offers it, but add the potato bites on it. Shit is AMAZING.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:45 No.1669984
    taco bell is a corporation run by ingenious white men who subdued several niggers and wetbacks to work for next to nothing to serve the lowest quality food possible to other niggers and wetbacks and rednecks with a huge profit margin, which goes directly into ingenious white men's pockets while the workers become ever more pathetic and the customers get diarreah
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:46 No.1669987
    >>Shit is AMAZING
    >>AMAZING its Shit

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:47 No.1669989

    Actually that describes pretty much all fast food chains.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:47 No.1669990
    >or add sour cream,

    Damn, I never thought of that. Going there tonight to try it.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:48 No.1669993

    make sure you stock up on toilet paper bro
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:51 No.1669998


    Consistent misspellings are one of the biggest indicators of samefaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:53 No.1670001
    the funniest thing to me is when I see fast food workers act like they are real cooks or even food and cooking enthusiasts

    its actually not that funny, pretty sad really
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:54 No.1670002
    >rolled in a 6.5" soft taco tortilla

    Is that the same size tortilla used with the bean burrito and the beef combo burrito?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:55 No.1670005

    You managed to make a post without saying nigger, wetback, or redneck? Congratulations, you may have just matured a tiny bit.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)03:57 No.1670009
    Those are a 10.5" tortilla, which (with a few exceptions) is the standard "burrito size" at TB. The few exceptions are the Grilled Stuft Burritos and the Volcano Burritos, they both come on a 12" tortilla. I kind of wish we put the 7-Layer Burritos on a 12" as well, the sons of bitches get hard to properly roll just being on those 10.5".
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:58 No.1670010
    sure is fat in here
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:59 No.1670013
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:00 No.1670015

    They're making food people like and want. What's sad about that? Bitter because no one gives a fuck about what you do, if anything?
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)04:00 No.1670016
    As a side note, you should know that Crunchwraps come on 12" tortillas as well. Since I'm double-posting, go watch this YouTube video and then come back here. I'll still be here (until the reply limit is reached!)
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:01 No.1670017

    Sure is knee-jerk bitter irrational fast food hatred in here.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:02 No.1670019
    opting to climb the "corporate ladder" at his local taco bell over finishing high school, TACOBELLFAG dreams of one day having a wedding in a tacobell and marrying that other retarded girl he works with in order to spawn mutant taco children and die young from dehydration caused by severe diareah
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:06 No.1670025

    Nope, still haven't gotten it correct.

    Why do you hate Taco Bell so much? Did the chihuahua rape your mother? Such bitterness and anger.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:08 No.1670029

    oh you poor deluded sap they aren't "making" anything

    they aren't learning a trade

    they are mindless corporate robots assembling product and they receive nothing more than the laughably small paychecks they cash to spend on cigarettes, cheap beer, and lottery tickets
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:09 No.1670034
    Recently when I ordered a triple layer nachos, I was told I would have to wait 15 minutes as they were out. Do they actually bake the chips on the premises?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:10 No.1670039

    Yet they seem to know how to use punctuation and capitalization.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:10 No.1670040

    knows exactly how diarreah is spelled trust me anyone who has had as much tacofood product induced diarreah would know how to spell it
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:11 No.1670043

    It's probably time for you to go to bed.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:12 No.1670046

    time for you to cram another cheap taco down your gullet fat stuff
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:13 No.1670047
    Hey Tacobell Fag, two questions.

    What exactly is that green sauce on the so called "healthier options"?

    Also, does it feel weird that almost every ingredient you have comes in caulking-gun form?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:16 No.1670049

    making tacobell food is like doing a drive-by shooting only with tacos

    it was designed this way with the nigger mindset in mind in order to train them easier for wage-slavery
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)04:16 No.1670051
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    They must not have had any extra chips fried at the time, and were basically frying to-order (shitsux, we've had to do that on rare occasions).

    Most single-brand standalone locations fry their own nacho chips daily, and some stores (usually dualbrands or Kentacohuts) make use of pre-fried nacho chips. I can tell you from tasting both that the fresh-fried chips are superior, especially if you can get them with a side of the fiesta salsa. OMNOMNOM.

    Also, here's a demotivator I happened across. The scary part is, this describes 40%+ of my customers.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:21 No.1670061
    I heard that they named it Taco Bell because after eating it, the sudden urge to take a shit "rings you like a bell".

    My question is what can I do to prevent skidmarks on my underwear after eating Taco Bell?
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)04:22 No.1670062
    Two answers, coming right up.
    The "green sauce" you're referring to could be the salsa verde base they add to the tomatoes, onions and cilantro when making the Fiesta Salsa, which they replace other sauces/cheese with when doing the Fresco items. If you're talking about the greenish/whitish sauce on the Ranchero Chicken Taco/Grilled Steak Taco/Chicken Burrito, that is avocado ranch sauce. Not healthy by any stretch of the imagination, usually removed in the Fresco variations of those items, and not my personal favorite.

    Other answer: The only ingredients we use the modified caulking guns for would be the sour cream and the guacamole, our other sauces either get sauce pumps or plastic bottles with nozzles. I can't say for sure if multibranded stores simplify further by putting other ingredients (cheese? lettuce?) in caulking-gun-usable format, but I doubt it. As for how it feels, it's not too strange. Easier distribution of the ingredients than taking a spoon and slopping the condiments onto the food or into the soufflé cups as sides.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:22 No.1670063

    Does it bother you that you can't express yourself without saying nigger?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:23 No.1670066

    Obviously not.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:23 No.1670067
    >>soufflé cups


    ahhhhhh ahhhhh wait

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:26 No.1670069

    nigger detected
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:27 No.1670071

    Why does the method of delivery matter? Shouldn't I be more concerned about what the sauces contain? Can't you tell mo something bad about that?
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)04:28 No.1670072
    Hey, I don't name the plastic cups into which we put the sides of nacho cheese/whatever else, it's actually what the manufacturer calls them. Laugh it up, you're more than welcome to. Also, coffee break goddamnit. I've been here a while and it's time I had a cup o' Joe.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:29 No.1670074

    Idiot detected. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:29 No.1670076

    >>implying taco bell employees care about the quality of the food they serve
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:30 No.1670079
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:31 No.1670080
    I just order normal things off the menu, sometimes they fuck up and give me the wrong kind of burrito or something. I eat it, I don't care it's not worth the trouble.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:36 No.1670086
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:43 No.1670099
    former tacobellfag, moved on to a real job but it wasn't that bad for fast food, really

    - nothing is "fresh" as in the ingredients all come precooked and they get moved to warming bins. making a special order won't get you anything fresher, as the food is assembled when you order it. there aren't premade generic tacos sitting around.

    - unless it's something like fajitas that they no longer have the veggies for, nothing is ever "removed" from the menu. go inside the store and order at the counter, and they'll make you anything you want.

    - no one at taco bell really gives a fuck, so you can easily get extra/free shit if you just ask. go in and order at the counter, ask for a water cup and fill it with soda, they don't care. ask for extra sides, they don't care. if you say there's something wrong with your order, they'll make you a new one free, because no one cares to argue with customers.

    - there's nothing "wrong" with the food other than it being cheap. meat comes precooked frozen and is just warmed up. at least where I worked, everyone followed health guidelines perfectly and kept the place very clean. if you get diarrhea after taco bell, it's because your digestive system is weak as shit. the beef is very cheap/high on filler, but there's nothing unsanitary about it. quit being pussies.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:44 No.1670105
    I am very particular about ordering at fast food restaraunts.

    I walk up to the counter and do a 360 then walk away
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)04:44 No.1670106
    Ah, reviewing the thread I came across this post. I don't normally work night shift, but from what I have worked I can confirm everything this poster's said. Most of the time, the drunks are pretty awesome. A few times, though, drunk rednecks want to brawl and we have to call the police.

    Also, I have been flashed more than a few times, it's either awesome or nauseating depending on the age of the woman flashing. (Imagine your grandmother drunk-flashing some schlub who flings tacos for a part-time living. I puked, too.)
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:46 No.1670112
    oh, and you can get guacamole on anything if you just ask. it's not on the menu but they always have it.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:49 No.1670121
    >part time job
    >5 years

    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)04:51 No.1670122
    Only the managers at Taco Bell really seem to give a fuck, if you're gonna swap water for soda make sure you're not seen doing it just in case someone wants to get snippy. Also, depending on who the manager is and how often you complain trying to get free stuff, they might remember you and refuse to replace your order. Rare but it has happened at my store a couple of times. Oh, and extra sides cost extra, sorry to burst your bubble on that one (rarely you might get away with a freebie, but people are stingy/greedy and care more about profit margins than they do maintaining a happy customer base).

    Worth noting that these distinctions apply to my store, haven't really seen them followed Biblically anywhere else, idk. Also, precooked food is a must, I'm not sure I trust a bunch of damned teenagers to cook food to the proper temps. (Fun fact: we still get to temp the food once it's done warming to be sure it's safe for consumption)
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:52 No.1670123

    >has no job
    >trolls 4chan full time

    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)04:54 No.1670127
    Hey now, I can't divulge all my secrets can I?
    >implying one can't have a part-time job for longer than a few months
    >implying anything I've said in this thread has been a falsehood
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:54 No.1670128

    Thanks for your contributions tonight, TacoBellFag.

    I''ve loved Taco Bell since I was a teenager, and it's always interesting to get the insight that threads like these provide.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:54 No.1670129

    former tacobellfag, moved on to a real job but it was bad for fast food, really

    - nothing is "fresh"

    - unless it's something like fajitas that they no longer have the veggies for, nothing is ever "removed" from the menu. Everything we make is composed of the same few ingredients

    - no one at taco bell really gives a fuck

    - the food is cheap. meat comes precooked frozen and is just warmed up. nobody follows health guidelines perfectly and keeps the place very clean. if you get diarrhea after taco bell, it's because your not a nigger or a wetback. the beef is very cheap/high on filler. I've never seen a pussy.

    several corrections were made
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)04:56 No.1670131
    To the (one? maybe more) lurker(s) following this thread, it's getting early and I should call it a night. Yes, coffee doesn't affect my ability to sleep, and I'm finishing up my cup of it currently.

    I might start a separate thread devoted to this "Ask Tacobellfag random shit pertinent to Taco Bell" concept later, but for now I'm thinking I'll just head off for the night.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:57 No.1670132
    >> contributions
    >> insight

    made me lol
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:58 No.1670133
    >>I''ve loved Taco Bell since I was a teenager

    implying that you're not a (fat) teenager
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:59 No.1670135

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:00 No.1670136

    Fit man in his mid 20's. But you can't believe that as it would destroy your world view.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)05:01 No.1670137
    Last blast from the Fast Food Dude...
    -it's fast food bro, nothing's *really* "fresh"
    -that's the setup for a cheap Jim Gaffigan (?) joke bro, truth be told we have 13-14 "core" ingredients but not all of them make it into each item
    -I'll level with you on this, it's hard to find the few of us who genuinely give a fuck, and you'd better goddamned pray you've got one making your food wherever you choose to eat
    -the food's cheap, but the hygiene (for the most part) is spot-on, why the fuck am I correcting a 12-year-old who happens to be on spring break at his laptop screen?

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:03 No.1670140
    >>Fat man in his mid 20's.

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:07 No.1670142

    Whatever gets you through the night.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:13 No.1670146
    >> blah blah im fat
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:16 No.1670150
    >>the hygiene (for the most part) is spot-on

    this is what taco bell fags actually believe
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:23 No.1670158

    Why shouldn't I believe it?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:26 No.1670164

    Inb4 because one restaurant of 5800 had rats.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)12:56 No.1670671
    I'm craving a burrito supreme.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)13:06 No.1670691
    So, are the cinnamon twists fresh made, or do you just warm them up?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)13:12 No.1670699
    New Orleans has some of the best food in the country and you are complaining of no Taco Bell?

    Are you kidding me?!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)13:17 No.1670709
    I keep it simple. It's the only fast food I eat on a regular basis.

    #5, large, with Dr. Pepper.

    bonus internets if you guess the ff chain and tell me what I ordered.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)13:19 No.1670715
    >I'd like a spicy chicken crunchwrap supreme and two cheesey gordita crunches
    >We don't make either of those anymore
    >As of when

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)13:21 No.1670720
    My guess: Arby's, medium beef and cheddar
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)22:42 No.1672075
    Welcome back, let's start with some cinnamon twists. Again, much like the nacho chips, ours (and most cinnamon twists nationwide) are fresh-fried and coated with the cinnamon sugar on-site. We do store them in the heated cabinets until they get used, but as far as I know there are no pre-fried twists that can be ordered for "Taco Bell Express" stores or multibrands.
    We still have Cheesy Gordita Crunches, but to my knowledge they discontinued the Spicy Chicken items nationwide. Shit was so cash and they go and do a damnfool thing like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)22:45 No.1672079

    Which items are the most popular?
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)22:47 No.1672080
    From my experience, Quesadillas have been and remain the most popular items on the menu. Since we've started offering the Beefy 5-Layer Burritos, they've taken off in popularity as well. They're a son-of-a-bitch to make though (time-consuming), and people love to order fucktons of them because they're only $.89 for a burrito with beef, beans, nacho cheese, Cheddar cheese and sour cream.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)22:51 No.1672089

    I love the quesadillas.

    I notice that when I order one, a beeper goes off. Is that the grill alarm indicating that it's done?

    Also, I've gotten them overdone a couple of times. Very unpleasant.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)22:53 No.1672095
    More than likely that would be the grill, the default Quesadilla setting is 27 seconds (and the grill is ~500 degrees for that time). You could try it lightly grilled (half time, so they'd go for 15 seconds) and see if it floats your boat at all. Anything overdone is pretty crappy, I would agree.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)22:56 No.1672100
    Does your TB still sell tostadas? Do many people order them?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)22:56 No.1672101
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    >>Beefy 5-Layer Burritos

    Mmmm, meat diapers
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)22:57 No.1672103
    >You could try it lightly grilled (half time, so they'd go for 15 seconds)

    I'm a customer, not an employee. How could I do that?
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)23:01 No.1672110
    Yes, but like the Chili Cheese Burritos (formerly called Chilitos) and Cheese Quesadillas, it's a regional thing. Almost no one orders tostadas from our location.
    The Burger King doesn't have shit on Taco Bell, our slogan ought to be "Order it your way, bitches." Just tell them to lightly grill your Quesadilla/Grilled Stuft Burrito/whatever, if they have to ask then they're too stupid to live.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)23:02 No.1672113
    order sushi from a place in the stixs

    hear muttering and shit because everything was 20$

    walk out in the middle.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)23:03 No.1672117
    >our slogan ought to be "Order it your way, bitches."

    Yeah, but the time I ordered an enchirito fresco style they didn't include the red sauce. Very disappointing.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)23:08 No.1672123
    Once again, they're too stupid to live. It's a damn shame that if I were to go in to work tomorrow and ask everyone on shift the entire day (impractical, I'd be waiting around for two whole other shifts to clock in and then have to ask them) if Enchiritos still got red sauce when made Fresco Style, less than 75% of them could give me a correct answer.

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)23:09 No.1672125

    I like you, TacoBellFag!! I hope you stick around.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)23:25 No.1672166
    Can I order steak with my soft taco instead of beef? Im about to go to tacobell and the onlything I can think of with steak is gorditas and im not a big fan
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)23:32 No.1672186
    If you're going to order a soft taco with steak, and you don't want it to have tomatoes or avocado ranch sauce on it (both included on the "Grilled Steak Taco") then specify that you want a regular soft taco, but instead of the beef you want steak (so it would logically have steak, lettuce, and cheese on it).

    Do keep in mind however that there is usually a charge to sub the steak in place of beef, where I'm employed it is a $.70 charge per substitution.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)23:35 No.1672199
    Yea i figured it would be more for steak, thanks bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)23:37 No.1672208
    For anyone thinking of trying the Shrimp Taco, DON'T.

    Popeyes has better shrimp.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/23/10(Tue)23:40 No.1672217
    I actually would agree with this comment. The "Pacific Shrimp Taco" is nothing special, especially for a test item. Hit up a local seafood place or the aforementioned Popeyes if you've got one and get better shrimp, albeit not in taco form. Popular myth contends that we got the Pacific Shrimp Taco so our Lent-observing customers would have a taco option for Fridays.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)23:48 No.1672235

    I disagree the taco is actually really good, with mild sauce not so much anything else.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/24/10(Wed)00:17 No.1672305
    Well, I'm outta here again, my pillow is calling and I want to set up BWRaep and LOIC to aid the war effort before I crash. Savor the flavor, fellow ha/ck/s, and I'll catch you later.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)00:23 No.1672332

    The "raised catholic" in me says I should have realized this, but the "distrustful of fast-food seafood" won out in the end.

    Also this thread is neat though it helps that I just got back with a bag o' food from you guys. I can't figure out why these nacho burritos have tomatoes by default. Shit's nasty and the place near me looooooves to forget and leave them on.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)00:27 No.1672341
    Unless you live on a coast, and even then sometimes, fast food seafood will be safer than a mom&pop joint who gets theirs from god knows who. At least with fast food you know it's up to safety regulations, as it will be a more standardized product.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)00:33 No.1672366

    Makes sense enough. The fact that fast-food seafood isn't that good has a lot to do with it. Seafood in general is one of those things that I either go all-out-fancy-restaurant-or-home-cooked, or just don't eat it at all.
    >> niggertits !ccqXAQxUxI 03/24/10(Wed)00:36 No.1672380


    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)01:04 No.1672458
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)08:44 No.1673155

    Apparently someone doesn't understand the difference between "part-time" and "temporary." Also, this person probably doesn't understand the concept of "job."
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:16 No.1674074
    once a Tbell employee was shuffling through my bag, calling off each item i ordered to make sure it was all there. I stopped him halfway through with "guy, don't worry, I'm high as shit, I'll eat anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:36 No.1674158
    My Taco Bell standby is a bean burrito-- I got it fresco or whatever one time and loved it. Every time that I went to Taco Bell afterwards I tried ordering it again, and it was always such a pain that I ended up getting the regular kind.
    "Can I get a fresco bean burrito?"
    "A fresco bean burrito? It's on the menu, right there. The green part."
    "It has tomatoes or salsa on it."
    "I'll just have a plain one."

    This happened at three different places. I was convinced for a while that the Fresco menu was some remnant that they'd forgotten to take off of the board and weren't making anymore. Am I asking for that much from the cashiers? To know what's on the menu?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:38 No.1674164

    I've found that it helps to say fresco-STYLE
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:43 No.1674181
    I'll have to try that then.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/25/10(Thu)03:35 No.1675633
    Broseph, I wish I had a bag of Chili Cheese Fritos to put on chili cheese burritos whenever I'm making one.
    I know it's going to be a recurring theme, but the cashiers should have been test subjects in some sort of passive eugenics program. YOU FUCKIN' WORK HERE KNOW WHAT YOU SELL!!!1
    I'm depressed that their comprehension would probably actually be improved from the addition of one simple word.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)08:49 No.1675908
    I love the triple layer nachos. They have 2 of my favorite Taco Bell ingredients, beans and red sauce.
    >> Fastfood is unworthy of /ck/ even. Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:08 No.1675929
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    because they don't use sage. SO, I'm adding some!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:12 No.1675934
    >Fastfood is unworthy of /ck/

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:18 No.1675940
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    because it doesn't add anything useful to "food and cooking" and is perfectly fine on /b/. Also: fast food sucks.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:19 No.1675941
    >fast food isn't food, and it's preparation does not involve cooking, therefore it doesn't belong on a food and cooking board.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:29 No.1675949

    Still awaiting a valid answer.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:34 No.1675956
    fast food is more of an industrial product than true cooking, since most of the "cooking" and processing is done in a factory by automatic machines. Also: I'd like to think that /ck/ would be a better place if it had more real cooking and less "hurr ramen pizza" and fast food. Call me an idealist if you will.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:35 No.1675959
    I'll call you elitist instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:36 No.1675960
    you can eat it you can poop it. its real food. sorry food snobs.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:51 No.1675974

    I'll call you an idiot instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:54 No.1675979

    I'll call you butthurt instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)09:57 No.1675980
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    I call you am American: where food must come in styrofoam or cardboard box.

    I call you a boring eater

    I call you a troll
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:00 No.1675982
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    lol...and here I was thinking that you were the troll
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:06 No.1675989
    Did someone explain what's wrong with fast food yet? Did I miss it?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:08 No.1675992
    No, you didn't miss it. It's just been implied this whole time.
    You're just not smart enough to draw you own conclusions apparently.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:13 No.1675997
    Angie was nuts, and I am not her, fag

    Fast food is bad or lazy food, by and large. There's nothing elitist about wanting to talk about good food -- in most countries besides America people take pride in their food and like to enjoy it. Even in America, being able to home-cook a good meal was a point of honor for wives.

    The other boards laugh at /ck/ because it's "slow" and people post fast food and ramen recipes continually.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:17 No.1676000
    Nope. Nobody gave a single valid reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:17 No.1676001
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    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/25/10(Thu)10:19 No.1676005
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    Wonderful, simply wonderful. So this is how the thread ends, eh /ck/? Not with a bang, but a whimper. Now that "true /ck/" is back from wherever they've hidden themselves all this time, I'm not sure they wouldn't shit up a dedicated thread if I were to make one, sooo... Sabbatical from /ck/? I like the idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:23 No.1676011

    Why does it have to end? Start another thread when this one 404's.

    It's pretty obvious that Taco Bell is popular among the people who regularly visit /ck/. Why should the naysayers control the content?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:24 No.1676013
    Do whatever you want.
    I got your back, bro
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:24 No.1676014
    Didn't you hear? Popular = bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:25 No.1676015
    >I'm not sure they wouldn't shit up a dedicated thread if I were to make one

    Then start another one after that. Why should /b/tards control the content of /ck/?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:28 No.1676018
    Viva la taco bell revolucion!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)10:50 No.1676037
    Tacobellfag, can you tell me why my hometown constantly carries the cheesy gordita crunch, whereas the college town I now live in only does it once or twice a year? Same state, 3 hr drive.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)11:01 No.1676053
    I hate americanized Mexican food. Cheese in goddamn everything. And not a good Mexican cheese, fucking cheddar and mystery cheese sauce. And there's almost never any fresh toppings like diced tomato or cilantro, or hell, even a fucking wedge of lime. And it's either nothing but heat, or totally bland. No real attention to the many flavors found in Mexican cooking, just ADD CUMIN, ADD PEPPERS, TOP WITH CHEEZ
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)11:14 No.1676071
    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)11:14 No.1676072
    I agree, but what I miss most are tamarind, freshly made tortillas, more than one kind of chili pepper, and queso blanco. Oh, and the things Americans do to quality beans are appalling to anyone who's had authentic food. BLACK BEANS SHOULD BE DELICIOUS NOT BLAND.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)11:28 No.1676098
    One word, amigo: mole.

    It's hardly fast food, but I'd expect to see it on way more menus, considering you can just buy jars of mole sauce. But maybe it's for the better, Americans would just slather cubed chicken breasts in the stuff and call it authentic.

    And I so hear you on the peppers. I do not like jalepeños, they are way too bitter. Give me some poblanos and fresnos.

    Also, you now want chile verde con puerco :D
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)12:34 No.1676259
    I always get things without sourcream, and they *usually* get my order right.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)12:57 No.1676310
    just because you order something different (especially at mcdonalds) doesn't mean you're going to get it fresh. normally, mcdonalds will fry up like 2 dozen burger patties at a time on a giant press and just slide them into a tray to sit under a warming lamp for a half hour or more. so no matter how you order your mcdonalds sandwiches, they are rarely going to be fresh.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:05 No.1676334
    Here in New York, the prices are fucktarded. $3.10 for a Beefy 5-layer burrito? The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:11 No.1676357
    If you go to a fast food joint and your order is more complex than "number 5, hold the pickles", you're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:39 No.1676598
    Gonna grab some Taco Bell. Is the 1/2 lb. Beef & Potato Burrito any good?
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/25/10(Thu)18:07 No.1677144
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    Well, upon further consideration, fuck the establishment. You're all STUCK with me now. For better or worse.
    Different franchises, I assume? That or one is a franchise store and the other is corporate or a licensed store.
    Amerimex is the saddest type of non-cuisine in existence. Also, Taco Bell should totally carry limes and age the pico de gallo for a day or two *before* using it, to blend the flavors better. But what do I know?
    No, actually, I'm developing a craving for Anaheim peppers, hollowed out and stuffed with a combination of homemade bread stuffing (dressing, wtf ever you want to call it) and pepper jack cheese, then baked.
    WTFbro? Someone needs to be executed for allowing prices like that.
    The 1/2 lb. Beef & Potato Burrito has been replaced (in most locations, I don't know if any still carry it) with the 1/2 lb. Cheesy Potato Burrito. The only difference is the Beef & Potato Burrito also had red sauce and sour cream, the Cheesy Potato Burrito instead has nacho cheese and sour cream. Pretty much it's a Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes in a burrito with beef, so whether it's any good is up to your personal preference.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)03:07 No.1678423

    Personally, I avoid the items with potatoes. Something about a tater tot burritos just doesn't taste right.
    >> Oddish 03/26/10(Fri)14:31 No.1679614
    When at taco bell I usually ask for no tomatoes because I just don't like raw tomatoes. Other than that I don't usually care what I get at Taco Bell, Its all good.

    At burger fast food places, no mayo (if it comes on it) and no salt on the fries. That way they HAVE TO make a new batch of fresh fries that are unsalted and not take them out of the old tray sitting under the heating lamps drenched in salt.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)14:45 No.1679647
    TACOBELLFAG, which individual meal combo would you say is the best? Value and taste both count, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)15:15 No.1679705
    Sonic has tater tot breakfast burritos and they are godly
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)15:22 No.1679721
    Hello fellow /mu/tant!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)15:41 No.1679763
    >Go to Taco Bell.
    >Don't order exclusively off of the value menu.
    >> CanadaJon !!9Y8LTc4W8mb 03/26/10(Fri)15:45 No.1679770
    I sell the flowmeters that TacoBell buy - It's a flowmeter that's about 2" and all beefo goes through it - it calculates total volume - as they inject Taloe / fat into the beef afterwards before put into bags and shipped.

    It's disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)15:58 No.1679796
    >>1665768 Persian Jews

    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:01 No.1679803
    >>1666981 send one of your puertoricans
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:07 No.1679830
    >anyone else observe super particular ordering at FAST FOOD places?

    I super particularly turn around and walk out.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:09 No.1679833
    I was once behind a guy at Burger King who explicitly demanded that the bottom bun be on top and the top bun be on the bottom. How could he know?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:14 No.1679839
    i lol'ed
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:15 No.1679842

    Maybe he likes the cheese on the bottom part.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:27 No.1679865
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:29 No.1679872
    Then tell them to put the cheese under the meat.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:30 No.1679876
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    culinary greatness
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:37 No.1679891
    I work at a McDonalds. We get these kinds of requests all the time, especially for cups full of big mac sauce, its no big deal we just charge you and tell the sandwich makers to do it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:40 No.1679904
    dear tacobellfag, Please explain to me why your "cinnamon twist" whatevers are actually PORK RINDS COVERED IN FUCKING CINNAMON?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:45 No.1679918
    cinnamon-sugar chicharrónes aren't weird.
    >> Sir London of Fletcher !iKGMr61IHM 03/26/10(Fri)16:46 No.1679924
    Whenever I go to Taco Bell, I feel like I'm sitting in a quaint little Taqueria in an old Mission Town in interior Mexico with a Mariachi band playing gently in the distance. The intricate Mexicans flavors and spices sweep me away with their exotic intricacies.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:47 No.1679925

    Only they're not.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:48 No.1679934
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:50 No.1679941

    It's copy pasta, don't let it get to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:54 No.1679959
    oh, taco bell, taco bell, product placement with taco bell. enchirito, nacho, burrito.”
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)17:10 No.1680016
    This board moves slower than the dumbasses at taco bell making my food.
    >> TACOBELLFAG! !!BSeKskuAzLr 03/26/10(Fri)17:24 No.1680051
    In terms of both taste and value? You're still getting about 3/4 lbs. of food with any single one of them, so the value part is subjective. Taste-wise, I would say a Combo 6 because there's a great degree of customization, you can have it pretty much however you'd like.
    Potatoes go well with breakfast, no debate there. Something about their inclusion in Taco Bell food makes me wonder if maybe we didn't have some Irish immigrants crossing our southern borders. There's at least one bar nationwide that serves potato nachos, IIRC.
    They would be so godly if they were actually pork rinds, except they're not. They start out looking quite a bit like pasta, except instead of being semolina flour it's some sort of rice flour blend. I don't know the specifics.
    I agree. Except for when I'm actually on the food production line (once in a blue moon, anymore), then we kick ass. Also, you're probably very correct about the dumbasses part.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:26 No.1680582

    This post is complete nonsense.

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