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  • File : 1254077497.jpg-(11 KB, 360x326, pyzamOmgWtf.jpg)
    11 KB Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)14:51 No.1236644  
    ITT: Things your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse does in the kitchen that make you RAGE.

    My example:

    My boyfriend putting ketchup on EVERYTHING.

    My boyfriend trying to cook eggs over high heat.

    My boyfriend not making sure the dishes are dry before shoving them in the cabinet.

    inb4 LOL FAG - I'm a chick :)
    >> jewgirl !GswZuyJewg 09/27/09(Sun)14:52 No.1236645
    >cook eggs over high heat.
    What's wrong with that?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)14:53 No.1236647
    Well, if women would take the cooking and kitchen duties like they're supposed to, none of that would happen.
    >> Sythe !!hkuGJ+0V9LV 09/27/09(Sun)14:54 No.1236648
    I don't believe you are a girl. Enjoy your faggotry,

    In more related news, my girlfriend does not like cheese, of any kind.
    >> Boozehound !gFxFZjC19Q 09/27/09(Sun)14:54 No.1236649
    ITT: women on their periods.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)14:59 No.1236657
    >trying to cook eggs over high heat.

    How the fuck else do you cook an omelette?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:00 No.1236661
    OP here - I do all of the cooking normally but every now and then he gets a wild hair up his ass and gets in the kitchen while I'm asleep and I wake up to a house full of smoke and him waving frantically over a pan of burnt eggs going WAT DO?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:02 No.1236665

    Note I said TRYING. Not TRYING and SUCCEEDING.
    >> Sceak !!yef71uxZMye 09/27/09(Sun)15:02 No.1236666
    1. Stop hogging the computer
    2. Don't be such a lazy cunt
    3. ????
    4. Cook!
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:04 No.1236672
    Cool pic, OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:11 No.1236681
    And how does that make more sense? GTFO
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:14 No.1236688
    Well you implied that he messed up because he cooked it on high heat as opposed to low heat.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:15 No.1236691

    I suppose it could be said that eggs are easier to burn, screw up etc when trying to make them over high heat.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:19 No.1236698
    He never rinses off the dishes he puts in the sink.

    When we have plastic utensils, he puts them in the sink with the dirty dishes(why not just fucking throw them away?!)

    He never puts anything back where it was before (seasonings don't go back in the cabinet, they stay on the stove or on the counter top)

    If food falls out of the pan onto the stove top he will just leave it there for me to clean up.

    My husband is a pig.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:19 No.1236699
    Cleaning up after herself would be a good start.
    >> Sceak !!yef71uxZMye 09/27/09(Sun)15:20 No.1236706

    It's because you matter so much to him.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:21 No.1236709
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:30 No.1236725
    He (my ex) did not do anything in the kitchen.

    What he did was:
    Not cleaning his flat.
    Not washing dishes.
    Not being with me when I wanted to.
    Being selfish idiot.
    Being good in bed.
    Partying too much.
    Not being nice to me.
    Cheating on me.
    And the worst of all, eating in McD´s.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:34 No.1236736
    >When we have plastic utensils, he puts them in the sink with the dirty dishes
    >My husband is a pig.

    He is not a pig. He is a Jew. Actually, that's redundant. But I wash plastic spoons and forks too.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:49 No.1236763
    Yet you still love him? Or are you in it for the money? You gold digging whore.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:50 No.1236764
    How did you get past those first four things to find out number five?
    Oh right, cuz back then he was mysterious and a bad boy, but he's really just a jackass like all of the "bad boys" girls like for no reason other than a false sense of confidence, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:51 No.1236766

    Maybe if you weren't so goddamn needy you'd still be together.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:52 No.1236768
    my gf only knows how to make packaged pasta. :(
    Fortunatly I can /ck/
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:52 No.1236773
    Standard woman bitching about tons of shit that doesn't matter. Is it just genetic that you are unable to rationalize what is worth bitching about? You're well on your way to becomming 99% of standard housewives who will nag your husband and children to death/suicide.

    Have a nice life, whore. Oh yeah, get the fuck back in the kitchen, I would like some eggs, with ketchup.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)15:55 No.1236775
    i don't think you have a boyfriend. enjoy you eggs and ketchup alone, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)16:32 No.1236830
    Pretty much
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)16:41 No.1236848
    ITT - basement dwelling neckbeards who are jealous because the only women who give a shit about them are their mommies. Go ask her for another Uncrustable, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)16:41 No.1236849
    OP here.


    Notice we're bitching on /ck/, not AT said boyfriends. How does posting something on 4chan equate to going it in real life? I guess you have become confused on the differences between nagging and posting thread. Anyone in this thread who has never had a significant other do something that irritated them is either lying, always been single or too busy vegging out comatose in front of a computer to notice their surroundings.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)16:49 No.1236857

    I think I love you.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)16:57 No.1236862
    Well, want to tell you about my bf?
    At fiest we kind of hit off at some interest and I di not think he was too annoying or anything. I guess he did not either think such things of me. Anyhow, in the sex department it was okay and we spend some time together otherwise. He was really great. But then here comes his friend and his lifestyle and I began complaining about what he does and what does he not do with me. From there it was downhill, I guess. Finally we ended up cheating each other (he first) and there was all that drama. So, that was that. I wouls have wanted so much more. If the time would have been right I think we could have made it but it was not. So yes, still desperate and single but now more older and cynical.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)17:00 No.1236865
    inb4 angie-related shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:12 No.1237018
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    I think you misunderstood the assignment
    >> Thyme !.SexKKKxFo 09/27/09(Sun)18:19 No.1237041
    >implying that women are better cooks than men
    >> ang 09/27/09(Sun)18:23 No.1237049

    Hint: Mushrooms should never be left to be sitting in the fridge. I would not personally eat them anymore. Slimy means they have gone bad.

    Well, first of all, usually all mushrooms should be boiled thoroughly before even starting to cook anything with them. Well, technically not all but most. You should realise that mushrooms take in all the pollution and crap, so it is a wise safety measure even when the mushroom is edible just like that. Then again, if one has a favourite spot and all the, he can prolly estimate the quality and such without even tasting. I myself like to always be sure.

    Previously from that you, you of course take your mushroom knife and you mushroom brush and remove the dirt and bad bits. Then, the actual cooking bit, mushrooms stay good for about 1 to 3 days after picking in a refrigerator. The taste reduces, though. Mushrooms should be always prepared as fresh as possible. I personally usually season and dry some species and cook some right away. There's nothing like fresh mushroom salad.
    >> Marinefag !B/3i5xZ09. 09/27/09(Sun)18:59 No.1237123
    My boyfriend doesn't like spicy foods, mushrooms, or olives. He's willing to come around to spicy food, so I add sriracha in small amounts to almost everything I make for him. I also dice or puree mushrooms into a dish, he eats it, he approves, then I tell him there are mushrooms in it. If he was allergic, I'd never do that, but if he can eat it and LIKE it, then he needs to get over it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:43 No.1237218
    my boyfriend doesn't properly wrap things up/make sure they're closed before he puts them away in the fridge. like, I'll go to cut a slice of cheese off of a loaf and half of it is hard as a rock because it's hasn't been properly wrapped up.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:48 No.1237227
    well, this isn't so much a food thing, but a kitchen thing. My husband leaves cabinets and drawers just standing open all the time. Every time he gets a fork, or plate, or skillet, whatever, he leaves the cabinet door or drawer just hanging open. DRIVES ME NUTS. But he's been doing that ever since I met him, so I don't think it's gonna change any time soon.
    >> VictorianFag !!vLliw078/yq 09/27/09(Sun)19:57 No.1237247
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    Kissing someone who just ate meat, when you dont.
    which is funny, cause now im going out w a Vegeta, an i eet meat still. oops! an i smoke, an none of my GF have, ever.

    Eeting disorders, even the good kind that make Sexy Ladys look Damn Hawt! still shit me to tears.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)00:06 No.1237761
    Has anyone else noticed how every post in here is women complaining about men?

    Hey females, stop bitching.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)00:12 No.1237768
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    >My boyfriend putting ketchup on EVERYTHING.

    My boyfriend trying to cook eggs over high heat.

    My boyfriend not making sure the dishes are dry before shoving them in the cabinet.

    problem is hes in the kitchen not you.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)00:13 No.1237770
    >i smoke

    No more respect for you.

    Man here. All men are assholes.

    >ITT: Things your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse does NOT do in the kitchen that make you RAGE.

    Cook or wash dishes.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)00:18 No.1237778
    >Man here
    >Faggot here

    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)00:24 No.1237797
    >massive butthurt and green text
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)00:30 No.1237804
    >your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse

    o lol
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)00:30 No.1237806
    >Massive tool and faggotry
    >> Thyme !.SexKKKxFo 09/28/09(Mon)00:37 No.1237822
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)01:58 No.1237949
    OP here.

    How is it this thread went from possibly lulz-worthy lists of things that annoy us to calling each other faggots?

    Also I was hoping to hear from more dudes, since it seems /ck/ has its share of co/ck/wielders who are pretty savvy in the kitchen, and most chicks I know are absolutely inept when it comes to making a meal from scratch.
    >> !GswZuyJewg 09/28/09(Mon)02:07 No.1237966
    You silly, every thread ever becomes people calling each other faggots.

    Anyways if you make a whole thread about complaining, 'course it's gonna draw more girls. Don't sweat it, next time make a thread about wanking
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)02:12 No.1237972
    1. Putting butter on EVERYTHING! My ultra buttery potatoes that I make sure are perfect, glob of butter. Stuffed shells, butter. Corned beef and cabbage, butter.

    2. Cooking bacon on high and burning it, always.

    3. Not so much a thing that he does, but its what he doesn't do. He doesn't eat my deserts, my homemade ones. He'll eat the box stuff, but wouldn't touch my homemade baklava.

    This being said, he always cleans up after me when I fall asleep early.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)02:14 No.1237979

    Can I make a BJ thread instead? That's more interesting to me, and more interactive!
    >> shaggy !f86q2AC75U 09/28/09(Mon)03:17 No.1238101
    girlfriend doesn't clean up after herself
    she leave dishes out with food still in/on them
    putting said dishes in a crappy dishwasher (with food still on them knowing that they will still turn out dirty)

    pretty much screwing up cleaning/washing your dishes off when you're done with them

    >> DA JESUS !!p7GxCmXOu94 09/28/09(Mon)03:20 No.1238105
    She doesn't clean up after her self. I hate it when she cooks, because I know I'll be the one doing the dishes. I like the food she makes...I just don't like it when she cooks.

    She doesn't close cupboard doors...EVER.
    She doesn't throw things away.
    basically, what I'm trying to say is that she's a fucking slob
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)03:21 No.1238106
    My ex gf never rinsed dishes after washing them.. She would just throw them straight on dishrack with soapy water all over them, I shit you not.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)03:25 No.1238114
    My slut girlfriend rages because I enjoy ketchup.

    My slut girlfriend treats me like a baby and wont even let me cook my own fucking eggs.

    My slut girlfriend doesnt understand that dishes dry in a cabinet just as easily as on a dishrack.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)03:25 No.1238115
    I've heard they do this is Britain pretty commonly.
    >> Thyme !.SexKKKxFo 09/28/09(Mon)03:43 No.1238149
    aha this
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 09/28/09(Mon)03:44 No.1238151
    y'kno, i've trained the hubby pretty well over the last 5 years, but i do have to say that the one thing he still does that drives me nuts is not helping out in cleaning the kitchen. he empties and fills the dishwasher when i ask, but it'd be nice not to have to ask. took awhile to get him to rinse things and put them in the dishwasher right away though.
    >> !GswZuyJewg 09/28/09(Mon)03:46 No.1238155
    Asking is important though. Verbal communication is a part of a healthy relationship that shouldn't be bypassed in most cases. It might be a little annoying, but in the end it means you guys are connected.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)03:47 No.1238158
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    Christ, here I am popping into /ck/ for the first time in a while, and I get a bunch of bitter men and women, calm down guys.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)03:50 No.1238159
    I guess I should contribute as well.

    Well, I don't really have any complaints, but goddamn I just want to share with someone.

    I find it beyond fucking adorable how my girlfriend always makes hardshell tacos, only to stick them in a bowl and smash them to pieces, and eat them like that.

    Make's me fucking lol everytime, I always suggest that she just make taco salad in the first place but she gets all pouty.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)03:52 No.1238166
    Well, I guess there is a simple rule when it comes to kitchen. Whoever cooks cleans it up. I've never really lived with anyone, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)03:53 No.1238167
    If I cook for someone, they sure as hell better clean up, or at least help.
    >> !GswZuyJewg 09/28/09(Mon)04:00 No.1238173
    There's something to be said for making your eater feel pampered though.
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 09/28/09(Mon)04:06 No.1238181
    but i feel like i shouldn't have to ALWAYS ask. he doesn't work much, while i go to school and work full time then come home late at night and cook dinner/clean. the least he can do is take some initiative and help out a lil.
    yes, it's awesome that he does do stuff when i ask him to, but it would make things so much easier if i came home and they were done. either way, i love him no matter what.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)04:06 No.1238182
    Because no matter what subforum you're in, this is till 4chan. I saw a threat about cookwear the other day that turned into a "CAST IRON OR UR A FAGLOL" thread.
    >> !GswZuyJewg 09/28/09(Mon)04:06 No.1238183
    Aw I know whatcha mean. Keep on truckin' it.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)04:08 No.1238186
    My fiance doesn't do the dishes all at once. One day, he'll do the plates, another day the bowls, another day the glasses/silverware. What results is that the dishes/cookware that we don't use on a daily basis sometimes don't get cleaned for a very long time. I've started to refuse to do the dishes when I go visit - when I was living there, the dishes were done every day, every other if we went out and I didn't cook. So gross.

    This doesn't make me rage as much as I think it's kind of funny, but he really doesn't know how to cook anything except in a deep fryer. It's always an adventure when I call him and ask him what he's eaten and he tells me that he deep fried hot dogs or dough. He's awfully creative with it, though, and somehow he manages not to gain a pound.
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 09/28/09(Mon)04:11 No.1238187
    i got like another 80 years to whip him into shape. he already will get me something to drink if i just say that i'm thirsty, so i'd say i've done pretty good at training him thus far
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)04:16 No.1238190
    Well, but who washes dishes more often than once a month? Seems like whole lot of trouble as for me.

    Anyhow, when you have a "hubby" should you truly train him like he is such animal? That is cold-hearted.
    >> VictorianFag !!vLliw078/yq 09/28/09(Mon)04:16 No.1238191
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    >Well, I guess there is a simple rule when it comes to kitchen. Whoever cooks cleans it up. I've never really lived with anyone, though.

    not in my relationships, we have a simple rule

    I Cook, You Wash; not
    I Clean, You Dirty.
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 09/28/09(Mon)04:18 No.1238195
    that works in any case. you don't go to a friend's house and trash the place then leave. you at least try to help clean up, even if you are drunk off your ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)04:23 No.1238198
    When my friends come over, I don't ever let them help clean up. For one, I think it's rude, and for two, they don't know where stuff goes, and it's quicker for me to do it myself than to tell them where stuff goes all the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)04:27 No.1238209
    Yes, it is rude in terms of etiquette rude to ask guests to clean up. Then again, polite visitor does not make a mess.
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 09/28/09(Mon)04:27 No.1238210
    putting dirty dishes in the sink and throwing away beer bottles is all that i ask for.
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 09/28/09(Mon)04:29 No.1238213
    let me re-prase this- i don't ASK for it, i just find it really nice when they do so. i try to do it when i go to my friend's houses
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)04:32 No.1238219
    my GF wanting sex while I'm cooking

    when this happens I tell her to gtfo the kitchen
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)04:34 No.1238223
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)04:35 No.1238224
    you're doing it wrong
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)04:45 No.1238236
    Whenever my gf buys Silk (even if I've purchased milk that very day) and calls it milk.
    I don't care how much you call that shit milk. No one will never condition me into liking it because it sucks.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)12:52 No.1238730

    Dishes don't dry as well in a cabinet because the air doesn't circulate well in a closed wooden space, Enjoy your mildew.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)12:55 No.1238741

    Also there's no drainage. and water won't run off the horizontal dishes but will pool instead.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)13:02 No.1238754
    my boyfriend won't eat vegetables.

    I'm like, what are you, 5?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)13:04 No.1238760

    lemme just say, "daaaaaaaaaawww."
    >> vark !PIDjsjVC82 09/28/09(Mon)13:22 No.1238802
    hide/ration the ketchup. try salsa or other sauce. you can't break a habit, but you can replace a habit with a different habit.
    teach him how to cook eggs.
    maybe hotter water so dishes dry faster?
    maybe tell him about your feelings and emotional needs in relation to dishes. maybe a fan, maybe paper plates, maybe a taser, maybe make him dry the dishes with a towel,maybe a note about "don't put dishes away wet."
    my father was a dry with towel type, made me rage, air drying is simpler.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)13:25 No.1238808
    Just let him do what he wants and be glad you have a boyfriend. You're not getting any younger, thinner, or more attractive, you know.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)13:26 No.1238809
    Conflict here, resolution is a fag FTW!
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)13:27 No.1238813
    Agreed. I hope her boyfriend is fucking her sister.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)13:51 No.1238860

    What makes you think OP has a sister?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)13:56 No.1238868

    We use a dishwasher and he always tries to put them away in the middle of their dry cycle when they're still pretty wet. I just give up and check the cabinets after he unloads. Haha.

    It's not that I hate ketchup, but why is he putting it on a ribeye? :\
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)14:24 No.1238904
    Maybe your cooking sucks... Ketchup = Flavor
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)14:34 No.1238917
    Underage b& here, I can cook but my mother can't. When she does try, she never adds salt to anything, ditto pepper, chilies, and pretty much all kinds of aromatics. She hates the smell of garlic, so I have to wait until she leaves to cook...well, pretty much everything. She never trims the bloodline off fish either, and uses my knives on hard surfaces- hers, predictably, have gone blunt from years of abuse.
    So, as you may guess, I've been cooking for myself since I was tall enough to reach the stove. Oh, and also, when I cook for her, no matter what it is, she drowns it in ketchup first
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)14:37 No.1238922
    Also, she'll wander into the kitchen when I'm done cleaning and mess it up again.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)14:37 No.1238923
    but well, that implies that the foil sealed the bottle airtight, what i do not believe

    also, excuse my english, my mother tongue is german
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)14:38 No.1238924
    wrong thread, sry
    >> Another Anon 09/28/09(Mon)14:39 No.1238926
    The only thing he does that makes me rage is take the garbage out from under the sink and leave it out. We've got a small kitchen now, so I always trip over it... Nothing else really bothers me. Tidy boyfriend FTW.
    >> vark !PIDjsjVC82 09/28/09(Mon)14:41 No.1238927
    here's a video about how to train your boyfriend.
    have you tried talking to him about it?
    >It's not that I hate ketchup, but why is he putting it on a ribeye? :\
    probably mindlessly continuing a cycle of condiment abuse learned in childhood.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)14:55 No.1238939
    I cook all of our meals - which is fine, he tenses up in the kitchen, butter fingers, there's a bigger mess to clean up, he's not good at trying new recipes, etc. It's a little tough when he has a day off and I'm heading to work but I still whip him up something.
    I do most of the dish washing, but he's been helping out more lately and if I ask he does cheerfuly, so no real complaints there.

    But what really makes me rage is his eating at the dining table. Forget about reusing a table cloth, it's trashed. His clothes dripping with ketchup, the floor specked with taco meat. I love him so I don't really mind watching as he smears his face with chocolate but I despair from my tablecloth ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)14:58 No.1238945
    I live with 5 other people. Things my significant other does

    Doesn't rince plates
    Doesn't cook

    Things the other 4 do.
    Oh my god messing with my cooking. I hate it when they come over and start stirring shit, or adding shit to it. I cook dinner every day because every one else OMG luvs my cooking. You wan't your chili extra spicy? So do I. Add it to your bowl because some people in the house don't like it that way.

    Leaving plastic spatulas in pans and melting them. Bitch better buy me a new spatula.

    On the RARE occation, one other person in the house cooks, a meat loaf. A meat loaf with 2 pounds of meat, with 4 large onions in it. At this point... It is near 50% onion. I like onion.. but not that much. No one else in the house does either.

    Not rinsing dishes.

    Putting mounds of salt on every thing.

    Seasoning their food before tasting it and going "OH ITS TOO SALTY!" Maybe you should have tasted it before adding a tablespoon of salt to it.

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