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    VEGANS. You're simply just fat !!3FPwJ1kwRMW 07/14/09(Tue)13:21 No.1076801  
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    Vegans are the most incorrect people on Earth. Humans were designed to eat meat and vegetables, not just vegetables and vegetable byproducts. Hell, the damn Neanderthals figured out meat was delicious a long time ago, and I doubt they had any vegans because they're smarter than vegans, and also because they probably didn't find enough plants to eat anyways or make tofu from.

    Look at babies. There's plenty of stories of babies being fed on soy milk. Soymilk doesn't contain the fats a baby needs to develop proper brain functions. Guess what that means. RETARDED BABIES. RETARDED VEGAN BABIES. Sure, I heard Breast Milk was vegan and all, but a good portion of babies don't like breast milk and will reject it. You know what happens after that? The vegan mother decides "Well, it seems like a great idea to press my beliefs upon my child because parent-child propaganda is totally fine." And starts to feed the baby soymilk. And that equals one retarded baby thanks to improper brain development.

    Vegans shouldn't exist. Natural Selection, if it worked on humans(too bad it doesn't, because the females of our species are dumb and do not know the big, strong males are the ones most likely to reproduce), would've finished all of you veggiemunchers off a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)13:23 No.1076804
    Now that that's been said, what are your views on cannibalism?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)13:37 No.1076812
    actually. most humans were "designed" to eat meat and vegetables.

    I was designed to just be fucking awesome. My eyes were designed to see through shirts but only for titties above C level. My hands can punch through time, but are also gentle enough to comfort a kitten whose father was executed as a spy. My penis breathes fire from the pit of golgotha, yet can also please a woman several times in one go by entering mirror dimensions and fucking the same woman(or girl under 12) all at the same time. I can play guitar with my pubes, except I don't have any since I shave that shit brah, like a tree looks bigger with no undergrowth you know what I'm sayin?

    My body exudes a subtle musk that drives women wild and also some tarps, but mostly women because I'm not gay okay? I'm awesome. When I shit, it doesn't smell but if it did it would smell like perfume and you would want to smear it on your face, except you can't even equip it since you're not a high enough level.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)13:38 No.1076813
    Sometimes I think deep thoughts about shit that is too deep for me to even write here, since my keyboard doesn't have "the language of angels" on here(and I didn't install that language pack with service pack 3 for XP), but you can bet my thoughts are deep as shit but totally awesome. You wish you could be that deep. It's deeper than my balls in your mom's vagina. It's so deep that the light from my nuts as they form cum like ambrosia takes over a million years to reach you, since you are a dirty fuck watching your mom get railed like an FP40H.

    I have like 3 pet unicorns but I only ever ride one because what up bitch, and the rest of the time I just sit around by my pool that is shaped like a Michael Bay explosion, and just drink pina coladas made for me by a woman with a blender in her vagina.

    You might think, "blender in her vagina? That's totally not awesome", but you would be wrong mother fucker because I just fuck her in the ass like all the time. Which is awesome.

    Think about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)13:41 No.1076815

    Fine, though the people must be thoroughly tested for disease first. The only real candidates (in this liberal world)are those on death row or those who have a terminal illness but it'd be hard to find many of those who don't carry something awful.

    If we could get the world to throw all moralfaggin aside we could have farms of children for eating. They taste way better then adults, just ask any survivor of famine. The ass of an eight year old is the most succulent meat ever, and we deserve the right to eat it. Farm those fucks, they will never know of the life they miss, work some wacky religion in their so they are glad to die and all that.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)13:57 No.1076827
    This thread made me smile. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)13:59 No.1076830

    no problem. told you I was designed to be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)14:20 No.1076852
    Fine OC. Cap'd. Epic.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:32 No.1076931
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    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:42 No.1076935
    Then why are cancer and heart disease more likely to strike non-vegans?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:48 No.1076938
    Come to the best site on the Internet: http://www.ÀnónTálk.cóm/
    >bdofudhddfyffrour lgg tfydyfj nbyl dg dihdoksjjnbodlfcign
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:10 No.1076962
    Then why are cancer and heart disease more likely to strike vegans?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:23 No.1076974
    The reality is that humans can survive in nearly perfect health on a purely carnivorous diet for an adult lifetime (witness the Inuit), while an unsupplemented vegan diet results in death within a decade.

    However, nutritionists generally agree that omnivorism is the optimal human diet, while disagreeing on the proper ratio of plant to animal food in the diet.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:36 No.1076981
    Really not that funny.

    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:39 No.1076986
    not disagreeing with you, but i think the extreme cold in which inuits live makes their bodies / lifestyle more suited for a high fat all meat diet
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:45 No.1076992

    Definitely so. What I should have said was that the case of the Inuit demonstrates beyond dispute that humans can derive complete nutrition from an anti-vegan diet.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:49 No.1076994
    I am dubious. The two most often quoted studies have some pretty big flaws to be waved around as "proof" vegetarianism is safer. The 7th Day Adventist study showed their flock has a lower incidence of cancer than the general population. They believe meat should generally be avoided. But, THEY ALSO PROHIBIT SMOKING. The study was done at a time when smoking in the general population was much more common than it is today.
    2. The Key/Thoroughgood study started out with a sample in which 65% of the subjects (out of over 10000) described themselves as vegetarian. Does that seem representative of the general population, even of the UK? I won't off hand say they were cherry picking subject, or that there a desired result was sought, but that makes me very very skeptical. Eat vegetarian if you want. I've done it, you can lose weight because most veggies don't have protein. But I wouldn't assume it was necessarily any healthier.
    >> Sceak !!yef71uxZMye 07/14/09(Tue)16:58 No.1077004
    First humans were not designed. They originated from a chemical reaction, and evolved, along the other animals, insects, and life forms.

    Second, manufactured milk is very recent, when you think of all the babies, from the dawn of time to your grandparents, that fed from their mother's breast. Your argument is invalid, and you are a troll.

    We have sufficiently evolved to chemically synthesize vitamin B12, which is not present in any vegetal life form.

    This means we have the ability to cease eating meat.

    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:58 No.1077007
    >>1076801 faggots are the most incorrect people on Earth. Humans were designed to have sex and bear offspring, not just suck dicks and fuck each other in the ass.

    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)17:00 No.1077009

    I don't believe you can /thread your own post. You have to pretend you're someone else and do it in a different post.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)17:11 No.1077027
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/14/09(Tue)17:21 No.1077043
    Well, vegans go at it the wrong way. They think that it is your personal consumeristical choices that matter. They do not since the rest of the world still keeps munching away meat. Not that eating meat is bad but the thing is that if mankind wants to survive on a planet that is even somewhat habitalbe in the future the incereasing consuming of resources has to stop somehow.

    And how do we accomplish this?
    By deluding ourselves that the future science will solve everything? Nope.
    By limiting the population growth? Not good enough.
    By rationing of the things one can have? Yes, but does not solve the problem, still.
    But killing the excess of 5 billion people off this planet? This, but the humanism and stuff gets on the way.

    I take we need some sort of super-virus that can take out masses. The great thing of such disease is that once it is out there you cannot get rid of it with morals or political debate. The growth and the endless irresponsible greed of mankind needs to be stopped.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)17:26 No.1077050
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    Aren't you supposed to be b&, pumpkin?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)17:27 No.1077053

    Fuck off.
    >> Sceak !!yef71uxZMye 07/14/09(Tue)17:30 No.1077057
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    > The growth and the endless irresponsible greed of mankind needs to be stopped.

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