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    File : 1247373272.gif-(9 KB, 200x200, Fudge_Bar.gif)
    9 KB Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)00:34 No.1072672  
    ITT: /ck/ related things that make you rage/cringe.

    Welldone steaks

    People who don't eat the crusts of sandwhiches or pizza.

    Teenagers working at fastfood joints.

    pic somewhat related
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)00:41 No.1072677
    people who make up their own menu items

    veggie risotto? pancetta wrapped scallops?

    ill have the scallop risotto please

    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)00:42 No.1072680
    biting/rubbing my teeth against a popsicle stick.

    Fucking makes me cringe hard.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)00:50 No.1072693
    Oh god. I can handle the teeth but if one touches my tongue I immediately vomit.

    Makes doctor visits cringeworthy.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)00:57 No.1072707
    Fat people talking about nutrition, or drinking diet coke, etc.

    When the menu is half stuff that is not for me - breakfast menu, senior menu, kids menu, vegetarian menu. Fuck, I don't want to flip through twelve pages to find "goddamn steak and fucking potatoes".

    Many, many kinds of beer that my friends drink.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:02 No.1072711
    People who eat things their 'certain way', for instance... my fiance who insists on eating the chocolate around a kit kat bar, then eating the wafer cookie. Or, when she picks out things in her food and eats them seperately. Makes me rage when I work so hard to prepare a delicious meal she goes and deconstructs my masterpiecs.

    Also, people who insist on frying everything. 'FRIED FOOD IS BEST FOOD' bullshit, you fry shitty food to make it taste somewhat better but instead fry it in artery clogging oil. Shit is disgusting
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:06 No.1072717
    Is Angie an acceptable answer?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:07 No.1072718
    people who order things by saying "i want" or "gimme" instead of "can i please have" or at least "can i have" - i have never worked in food service and the first two quotations are a major part of the reason why
    >> Friendly Neighborhood English Major 07/12/09(Sun)01:08 No.1072721
    Guys that talk about how they're big beer drinkers and then they order something light. Fuck. It's bad enough that you're ordering a domestic AFTER claiming to be a beer drinker, but a light domestic on top of that?

    Give me a fucking break.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:09 No.1072723
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:11 No.1072727

    what if they say "ill do a" that always makes me smile behind my teeth
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:15 No.1072731
    Whenever I eat a sandwich or burger (or something similar), I always eat the outside first before starting the middle. Doesn't make me cringe, but I'm sure it will make someone else cringe eventually.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:19 No.1072742

    Fuck you, learn how to eat like an adult faggot
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 07/12/09(Sun)01:22 No.1072745
    omg yes! i've worked in the food industry for the last 5 years and i RAGE everything i hear people say this shit
    or when they say "i need..." i always wanna scream, "you don't need nothing but a foot up your ass bitch!"
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:27 No.1072752
    People who put ketchup on everything.
    Fucking disgusting.
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 07/12/09(Sun)01:30 No.1072757
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:36 No.1072771
    In befor Ang - .... >>1072717


    Uh. Since I'm usually stuck on dish duty at my house, rage/cringe is when people don't scrape their goddamn plates off before putting them in the sink, and then filling the sink (or an empty pot) with water and leaving it. Nothing like prying apart plates and bowls that've been spot-welded together by whatever food substance has been on them while simultaneously wrist-deep in cold slimy water.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:38 No.1072777
    >Teenagers working at fastfood joints.

    why, who else is gonna hire them?
    inb4 circuit city lulz
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:38 No.1072778
    Ranch dressing.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:41 No.1072787
    Fat vegans. I rage, then I lol, then I rage some more.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:42 No.1072790
    haha me too. same with fat meth heads
    >> Woman In Da Kitchen 07/12/09(Sun)01:45 No.1072797
    YES!!! and old roomie of mine would put plates w/ half eaten burritos on them and then flick his cigarette butts in the sink. instead of simply rinsing them he'd leave them there for months, throw them all away and either buy brand new dishes or paper plates.
    my most recent roomie also didn't understand the concept of rising the dish or putting it in the dishwasher
    >> Sageruu~ (☝゚∀゚)☝ !NTMfQbutts 07/12/09(Sun)01:47 No.1072801
    it's easy to be a fat vegan, lots of veggie burgers and fried foods out there catering to vegans. like a vegan will eat pakora (deep fried vegetables in indian style like tempura) and think it's healthy because it's some vegan indian shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)01:56 No.1072810
    i have a friend that we all call "big tim" he's been a vegetarian for 10 or 15 years, must weigh almost 300 pounds
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:23 No.1073718
    White people using chopsticks at an asian resturant
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:29 No.1073720
    chinese people in america speaking english.
    wtf, you'd rather they used forks? at least they're trying.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:34 No.1073724

    anyone using sticks to eat food in this country... face it faggots this is something the west did better than you ok just fucking deal with it
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)18:38 No.1073728
    Fastfood in all of its form, especially when it comes to the dismal fastood joints and trash who visits them.
    Ready-made products. Seriously, there is even ready-made croûtons and bread around these days. Always remember that it is the idiots and their choices that make this inanity possible.
    Industrial farming, GMO etc.
    Veganism as a reaction to GMO and such. Being a vegan is not a solution to anything.
    Any food additives that do not naturally occur. When you have these e-numbers in a product ingredients it mean "don't buy me".
    Wasteful idiocy, hence the yank "culture" and lifestyle. You should consume less, not strive for consuming more.
    Americanisation of all western culture. Soon enough the yank things are the standard in every thing. Hence pizza, nowdays when a person says pizza he means the yank version, not the italian food.
    Plastic bags. Buy such plastic only that does decompose in nature. Or why not just buy paper bags.
    People buying something they do not really need.
    Bad etiquette and manners.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:39 No.1073730
    I'm a waiter who lives in the South.

    The place I work at has a wonderful chopped steak (Buckhead beef, sauteed mushrooms and onions).

    Guest: "I'd like the chopped steak, well done, but not burnt, no onions or mushrooms. I'd like ketchup with that. To drink I'd like sweet tea, and for my side I'd like a salad with extra ranch dressing, no tomato on the salad."

    Imagine how many things irk me about this scenario.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:42 No.1073733
    r u 4 real?
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)18:47 No.1073736
    I'm not a yank. Why should I speak the american slang? People that are not yanks are taught to speak real British-English everywhere in the world except in USA.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:49 No.1073741
    >american slang

    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:50 No.1073743
    i don't think you really understand the word "hence"
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:50 No.1073745
    i can't say i rage, but i am somewhat amused by the rage-filled opinions of a bunch of fat virgins on 4chan who still live at home ... nobody cares what you or i think
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:53 No.1073748

    Is it fun fucking farm animals?

    White people who ask for forks in asian restaurant
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)18:58 No.1073753
    you're an idiot, sorry. forks work much better than chopsticks and they have plenty of them
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:00 No.1073754
    Baked Chesse Cake!, It Is a COLD SET DESSERT
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:00 No.1073756
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)19:02 No.1073757
    Is "hence" not basically a synonym to "therefore".
    I take it is basically "as a causality to this suggested proposition".

    As in "wasteful idiocy, hence the yank "culture" and lifestyle".
    "A phenomenon such as wasteful idiocity, as a causality to that yank culture and life style. In the sense that the abstract concept of wasteful idiocy manifests itself in american lifestyle and culture."
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:03 No.1073758

    If it takes you longer than thirty seconds to figure out how to use chopsticks correctly, you should probably get checked for autism.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:03 No.1073760
    What is the problem with buying bread?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:04 No.1073761
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:04 No.1073762
    hence is middle english for "from here".
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:09 No.1073765

    she doesn't care.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:10 No.1073766
    depends what you're eating. chopsticks work fine for most things.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:12 No.1073768
    "wasteful idiocy, hence the yank "culture" and lifestyle" does not make sense at all
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:15 No.1073769
    People who, while eating, smack, lick there fingers, and generally make a lot of noise (while eating) annoy the hell out of me.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:16 No.1073772

    good lord your english is terrible. stop trying to sound intelligent and learn some basic grammar.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:24 No.1073776
    all of you oversensitive and self-righteous assholes is what gets on my nerves
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:26 No.1073778

    That must make you an oversensitive and self-righteous asshole then!
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)19:26 No.1073779
    But what of the yankland actually makes sense?

    In the fattest county of USA, Jefferson County Colorado, horde of ladybugs inundated a remote neighborhood.
    Meanwhile, two yank invaders shot to death, fighting a pointless war thousands of miles away from home. (15 afghan children killed too but pointless to report that)
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:29 No.1073780
    If you weren't so fucking fat yourself you wouldn't be nearly as funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:30 No.1073781
    i mean that sentence does not make sense
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:33 No.1073783
    >Soon enough the yank things are the standard in every thing. Hence pizza,
    makes even less sense. you can't start a sentence with hence
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:36 No.1073787
    This for the love of god this! I can't stand that shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:43 No.1073795
    fuck you bitch filled with hatred there are a lot of people fighting for their country and you can just sit around, criticize and when you have a loved one die on you, you maybe will understand that it's not funny, it's not without sacrifice, and ou are NOTHING because your death will go unnoticed. you provide NOTHING to the betterment of the human race.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:47 No.1073803
    I get annoyed by people who don't realize when to not care.
    If they do something just whatever it. Its not a big deal...
    If only people like you would realize such a thing..
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:48 No.1073805
    I don't mind until they start insisting on using chopsticks for something completely inappropriate. Like Japanese curry.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:55 No.1073818
    you know nothing. war is not funny, yet you take pleasure in certain warriors dying. you have no pride respect or sense of civic duty or service if you do not understand that someone in the military will fight if that's their command, regardless of their personal beliefs. pompous arrogant bitch should just stick to food, but you have shit for food in your pathetic czechtown. FUCK you. Your arrogance and ignorance is the reason why the world fails, you say everything you want, and do absolutely nothing positive, constructive or beneficial to the world around you. FUCK YOU.>>1073811
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:59 No.1073820
    a have a morbidly obese acquaintance who for the past few years has claimed to be a vegetarian. This, to her, means that she eats only boca burgers, and fake chicken. She "just doesn't like" vegetables, unless of course french fries count.

    fat fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)19:59 No.1073822
    So laughable. So effy. LOL. NO MORE OF YOU AND YOUR WISDOM. Your country is polluting the world with chemicals, yet your ideologies are so progressive.
    >> Donohue 07/12/09(Sun)20:00 No.1073823
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:01 No.1073826

    also /ck/ers bitching and moaning about spelling and grammar on a board about food and cooking.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:03 No.1073833
    I think this is correct. I apologize in advance, but every single thread that has angie posting will get a sage from me going forward. There is absolutely no reason for her presence here.
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)20:04 No.1073834
    This is true. I have absolutely zero respect for any american soldier. Actually, for any soldier at all. It is a filthy trade and they just ask to be shot by other soldiers, do they not?

    But yes, as for amusement, let us find irony in that both situations in Afghanland and in Iraq the whole crisis is due to USA. Before Iraqi turning ameri-hostile the yanks hand no problem what so ever arming and funding their dictatorship. Likewise in Afghanistan the yanks practically armed and formed the movement that later came to be the Taliban. And the yanks would not even care of the horribleness that the Talibans cause, if it was not for Al-Quota. So yes, let every yank soldier have a good bullet in the head just for stupid.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:04 No.1073837
    Holy tittyfucking christ. You are such a fucking troll.
    1. What the fuck does this have to do with food?
    2. You are single-handedly changing my perception of Czechs.
    3. Sorry to be blunt, but you need a good hard fuck.
    4. Your understanding of American culture is limited to your exposure thereof. .You should probably visit America and go on a foodie tour. I would suggest keeping some of your more caustic opinions to yourself, however. I'm sure you could imagine how you would feel if one of us visited Prague and espoused similar opinions about your country.
    5. Quit being such a troll. You claim etiquette is of great import, but your comments could not be more antagonistic if they were designed to anger. Which they are. Which makes me think you get off on pissing people off. Troll. But not a funny one. Zero lulz.

    Relax, have a sip of wine, get fucked (in the good way,) stop being such a troll.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:10 No.1073845

    What an ignorant and naive view you have. Maybe some day you will grow up and become a bit smarter, and some rational thought will fill the empty space between your ears.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:16 No.1073852
    So you wish death on my cousin, my aunt, my uncle and a whole lot of other human beings because they are soldiers born in a country you dislike. Classy. Why? Because of your political views? Makes no sense. Maybe your precious university will be bombed and there will be much suffering, and some tragic waste of flesh here in the states (a "yank" as you say) will mock your death and the suffering of your family and friends on the internet, only for epic irony. CUNT.
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)20:18 No.1073853
    But it is true. USA is famous for supporting the most ruthless dictatorships in the past. Not one, not two but more like 30 or so. This is who you are.

    Actually, the whole rise of radical Islam and terrorism is pretty much caused by USAnian foreign politics. You do not became a terrorist because the Mullah tells you to. You became one because the yank supported dictatorship denies you any hope in life. So yes, as you sow so shall you reap.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:19 No.1073857
    wow this bitch is ignorant. i've met redneck racist fucktards with more sense than this bitch. no wonder the US rolls over any country opposing it. so deserving, so much fail.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:22 No.1073859
    LOL that's one way of looking at it. Maybe you should write your governmental officials about your ideas and save the world.

    Okay, nevermind, you're too busy spreading hate on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:23 No.1073862
    its just a troll nobody could be that fucking stupid
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:23 No.1073863
    >USA is famous

    yeah, we're pretty freakin' awesome.
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)20:24 No.1073864
    What about the people you'll relatives will kill? Do you wish the death of thse people? Or is it just okay when your cousin kills other people but now that I say that the people you know should be killed you get all upset?
    >> Sceak !!yef71uxZMye 07/12/09(Sun)20:24 No.1073865
    I motion that Angie is in fact a bot.

    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:24 No.1073866
    sage, sanging sangie.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:26 No.1073867
    kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:26 No.1073868
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    worst. troll. ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:27 No.1073870
    If it's red, white, and blue let it through. If it's brown mow it down.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:28 No.1073871
    kill yourself, angie. you don't even listen to any responses on here, just spout off your broken english and make no sense. why do you hate america so much??? is it because you are jealous? maybe because you can't get authentic McDonalds?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:29 No.1073875
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    yall niggas gettin troolled
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:32 No.1073878
    >this is who you are.

    bitch you don't know me. If I google "Czech atrocities" or "Czech environmental disasters" or "Czech faggotry" does that mean I get to say that is who you are??? Fucking Nutter. Get some pills before you hurt yourself.
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)20:33 No.1073880
    Pretty much this, apparently.

    Look, my person or my relatives are not killing other people. Your trigger-happy yank relatives are. But yes, support the troops.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:33 No.1073883
    >Get some pills and hurt yourself.

    >> Sceak !!yef71uxZMye 07/12/09(Sun)20:34 No.1073884

    If you are a representative of your people, please go back the planet you originally came from.

    I forfeit, and I will wait for the next race of alien invaders to get a ride out of here.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:35 No.1073885

    The guest's order just destroyed my brain. I didn't know if I should laugh or rage.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:36 No.1073887
    your relatives are failing at growing potatoes and teaching you English.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:37 No.1073888
    Cool story, except for all the way up to the end of 2008 there were Czech troops in Iraq. Same shit that you always pull, make up a story about how America is evil and the rest of the world is good, get proven wrong, and then try to cut down the other person. Fuck off you stupid cunt.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:40 No.1073897
    angie don't listen. she just hates. good thing she doesn't believe in hell, because her short life will be anxiety-free.
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)20:43 No.1073904
    It is true. And it is truly terrible. I wish that yanks would have never invaded Iraq and gotten us involved since we are a member of NATO, after all. Gladly only one casualty but still one too many. Now we are out of the yank war for good, gladly.

    I'm all self-taught in the English language hence the occasional grammatical mistake.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:45 No.1073909
    you are also self taught in diplomacy. you are a horrible teacher. (and horrible person)
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:45 No.1073910
    are you 'all self-taught' in trolling too?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)20:49 No.1073913
    I really like Ronald McDonald and all the charitable work he's done for the world, particularly eastern Europe.
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)21:05 No.1073941
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    You have not idea of how unbelievably warm inside and tolerable for yanks this makes me feel.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)21:06 No.1073944
    that's because i don't care. and keep calling american's "yanks" it makes so much sense.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)21:09 No.1073948
    LOL. I guess I have to admit those are some pretty good nuggets.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)21:10 No.1073951
    lol sage
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)21:21 No.1073970
    nobody cares about your shitty old architecture you fucking backwards eurohicks. do you even have running water ?
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)21:44 No.1074012
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    I understand. Why would you care of history when you have none?

    But we around here have around 1500 years of unified history. And then you come and defile it all. Makes me feel really greatly sympathetic of you and your pathetic wars.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)21:54 No.1074025

    You have nobody to blame but your own government for allowing a fast food franchise to open there. There are cities in the US that have the balls to stand up to big corporations and don't allow places like McDonalds, Starbucks, Taco Bell to build. Maybe instead of whining about what your government has done you should do something about it. It seems to me like your country is just greedy and doesn't care about it's own history.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)21:54 No.1074027
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    The Czech Republic has contributed nothing to the world. Stop trying to sound like your little eurotrash shithole is important on the world stage.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:06 No.1074042
    We go where we're wanted. If your filthy poor cousins didn't crave a big mac we wouldn't thrive. Blame your own greedy pig asses.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:13 No.1074052

    Because your country is greedy, they allowed their "1500 years of unified history" to be "defiled".

    If your country wanted that McDonalds gone, they could make it happen. Unfortunately for you, the people in your country are fat greedy retards and they like McDonalds.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:22 No.1074065

    You live in Europe correct? If it weren't for soldiers you would be enjoying your life under the iron fist of nazi Germany.
    >> lol 07/12/09(Sun)22:24 No.1074072
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:27 No.1074080
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:31 No.1074088

    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:36 No.1074095
    more like soviets 'liberated' eastern euro countries...
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:42 No.1074106
    places that make you pay for water with your meal unless you asked or they give you sparking water then I'd just pay them anyways
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:44 No.1074112

    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:54 No.1074129

    hence is english your second or third language hence hence?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)22:55 No.1074135
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    >>1073826 here,
    Glad someone agrees. Threads with angie do not deserve bumping. Also,
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/12/09(Sun)23:07 No.1074160
    Well, I do know Czech, Slovak, Deutsch, Polish (badly), English (cannot speak or pronounce at all hence self-taught).

    So, hence it is my fifth language.

    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:17 No.1074172
    Dear lord, I almost wish politics and the internet never got together.

    So much to say, but I won't.

    Anyway, what irritates me is when people claim to be health conscious but drink fuckloads of soda. Or when people refuse to try new food.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:23 No.1074184
    all of you are faggots
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:27 No.1074192
    "hence" doesn't work there either, goddamn. it's not that hard to grasp
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:46 No.1074221

    I call RULE #CK violation on you motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:48 No.1074229

    no ex post facto mothafacka
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:59 No.1074244
    I'm just trying to get the ball rolling
    >> Anonymous 07/12/09(Sun)23:59 No.1074245
    you know you're as bad as anyone replying to angie's keyboard vomit unless you're straight up saging this shit. me, i enjoy taking breaks from my work to come and call angie a stupid czech whore
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)00:09 No.1074258
    Angie codependent = carcinoma.
    You want to talk about food, stay here. You want to argue with her, go elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)00:12 No.1074263
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    Cease this foolishness Anon. Your attempts at stopping her faggotry only brings threads shitted up by her back to the front page and causing more faggotry. Join my cause and assist me with bringing this board back to its former glory. I'll be here when you have seen the light. For now, I'll just keep saging.
    >> Zahlman !GlqXwJT1NM 07/13/09(Mon)00:20 No.1074280
    So he prefers the taste of sugar and MSG to the taste of food, big whoop. That's not your problem.
    >> Zahlman !GlqXwJT1NM 07/13/09(Mon)00:22 No.1074281
    >There are cities in the US that have the balls to stand up to big corporations and don't allow places like McDonalds, Starbucks, Taco Bell to build

    ORLY? I want details on this.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)00:28 No.1074287
    It is not true.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)00:37 No.1074300
    New Milford, PA had a deal to put in a Burger King years ago when they wanted to compete with local Hallstead as a highway stop. The locals protested and it was never built. Not much, there are many towns like this.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)00:49 No.1074312
    What irks me more than anything is the one faggot at the table who sneers and says "you're going to eat it like THAT?!!?" and then goes on to explain the proper way to eat said food. If he wants to taste nothing more than ketchup with a side of steak then fuck it, it's his money wasted.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)00:49 No.1074314
    you realize you just described most of /ck/...
    >> You want the truth? Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)00:52 No.1074321
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    angie, we live in a world that has walls and those walls need to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? The US has a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for terrorists and curse the military; you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that the Iraq war, while tragic, probably saved lives and that our existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at socialist parties you want us on that wall, you need us on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use then as the backbone of a life trying to defend something. You use them as a punchline. We have neither the time nor the inclination to explain ourselves to a bitch who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. We would rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, we suggest that you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, we don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)01:07 No.1074339
    Take me now sir, take me hard.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)01:14 No.1074350
    >> angie !!L7vAI89xm2f 07/13/09(Mon)01:33 No.1074378
    My person honestly believes that USA will eventually collapse on its own absurdity like a failed social experiment. The future certainly is not in american self-important imperialism but rather in a genuine supranationalistic democracy. When you scrutinise the history of USA the important thing to understand is that they have always been the most ruthless. This thing is underlined even more when you think that these people are westerners, but in actuality they are in the same category as soviets and nazis, truly. All in all, the yanks really got to be some big only due to Europe not being able to manage its business back in the day. But now, yanks are a diminishing world power.

    Well, and emotionally speaking, I find american culture revolting.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)01:45 No.1074400
    >My person honestly believes that USA will eventually collapse on its own absurdity like a failed social experiment. The future certainly is not in american self-important imperialism but rather in a genuine supranationalistic democracy. When you scrutinise the history of USA the important thing to understand is that they have always been the most ruthless. This thing is underlined even more when you think that these people are westerners, but in actuality they are in the same category as soviets and nazis, truly. All in all, the yanks really got to be some big only due to Europe not being able to manage its business back in the day. But now, yanks are a diminishing world power.

    Well, and emotionally speaking, I find american culture revolting.

    Did you know that we are proud of this? Native Americans got what they deserved for not developing technology on their own. Fuck off cunt.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)01:50 No.1074410
    >Native Americans got what they deserved for not developing technology on their own

    lol you're 17 and live in a farming community in flyover USA. /b/ was designed as a filter for you... stay there.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)02:03 No.1074431
    Angie was raped by an American soldier repeatedly. It's pretty obvious.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)02:42 No.1074495
    Several months back, Angie somehow confused 4chan's /ck/ board with LiveJournal and the rest is history.

    Angie, who is/was also known as AO, "AO !cwPOhZUcmc", "!AOSPECIALs", "!FFFFFfFfao", "40 !!r44u0SKEspj", "40 !!SyBdyRGzRnd", aggie !!L7vAI89xm2f, and "angie !!L7vAI89xm2f", posts nonstop 24 hours a day from a tiny apartment somewhere in the Czech Republic. Her real name is Anežka which roughly translates to "anus" in English. Her full name is Anežka Otradovec, she is 21 year old and she lives in the city of Prague. She makes well over 500 posts on /ck/ per month.

    Angie works at a used books store, having dropped out of a prestigious Slav university because of anorexia and cutting. These days, she spends nearly every waking hour of every day on the internet making her presence well known. Before coming to /ck/, she was b& from the English Wikipedia for injecting anti-American sentiments and conspiracy theories into every article she could find. Much of her hatred for America stems from an internet "relationship" with some angry-young-13-year-old from the States whom she met in /a/. No...fucking really.
    And she's really bitter about the ex-boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)02:44 No.1074502
    Although she would like you to believe that she is intelligent and worldly with vast cultural and international experiences, Angie has been outside of Europe only once (to visit family in New York). She has passed by or visited Poland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Hungary, UK, Austria, and Ukraine, at least.

    Angie has very strong and unfounded disgust for America, capitalism, globalization, McDonald's, corn syrup, GMO foods, modern farming practices, corporations, food additives, pizza, soda, buffets, free speech, and anything at all that is not located in Central Europe and will not withhold her opinions about the same. She believes 9/11 was an inside job. She admits to frequently using alcohol and MDMA (ecstasy). She harbors a love of and very strange views about coffee. She is a devout christfag and is also extremely superstitious however, she "genuinely regard[s] it sinful to discuss faith in any public forum". She claims to have an IQ of 142 and maintains that she is a member of Mensa International. She is sympathetic with Islamic jihadists. She dogmatically clings to all of her opinions and makes every effort to stop rational discussion and will insult and discredit any opposition without ever offering any evidence to support her claims.

    However, the endearing aspect of Angie is her somewhat limited and comedic grasp of the English language and her very strange lexicon. This leads to most of her posts being, unintentionally, quite funny. Angie claims that her knowledge of English is autodidactic, and seems very proud of the fact that she has taken it upon herself to master the language of the people she hates with such vehemence. But to the casual observer, it would seem more than likely that she is feeding all her text through one of those online English-to-Czech translators and then back again every time she makes a fucking post.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)02:45 No.1074504
    Hubris, narcissism and xenophobia manifest with certain frequency in her sometimes indecipherable ramblings. As with most attention whores, she will often turn a conversation away from the intended topic and instead talk nonstop about herself. Most co/ck/s cannot resist the opportunity to feed the hungry troll; threads whose subjects have been derailed to somehow include Angie can go on for the better part of an afternoon. Angie hates celebrity chefs with a strong passion but she harbors a very unhealthy admiration for and fondness of Gordon Ramsey. That she considers him a positive role model can only suggest she's got some serious daddy issues.

    Although she is the smartest person she knows, Angie is not as intelligent as she would like you to believe. Her tripcodes have been discovered using Google. She posted her own picture...on 4chan. She divulges embarrassing personal information about herself...on 4chan. She can not understand why she gets flamed and no one will take her seriously...on fucking 4chan. She can not ignore her critics...on fucking 4fuckingchan. She does not really seem to take the hint that nobody really wants her around.

    Despite admittedly hating the majority of topics on /ck/ and most of the people who post there, Angie runs a website that archives every single post made on /ck/ since the end of March 2009. Her arrival in /ck/ corresponds to the startup of the archive; during this time she spammed every thread on /ck/ with her website and her broken English.

    Angie probably would not have achieved such notoriety in such short time if it were not for the fact that a number of co/ck/s impersonate Angie for teh lulz. This most commonly involves using Angie's own posts as copypasta and a similar or identical tripcode. It is rumored that there even exists a chatterbot that can impersonate Angie and reply to posts with appropriate copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)02:46 No.1074505
    The most common reason for doing this is to elicit some lulzy response from the real Angie or to troll unsuspecting newfags. However, there are others who impersonate Angie as a method of disseminating her prose to an audience larger than originally intended because everything the bitch says should be laughed at again and again and again.

    Prior to coming to /ck/, Angie spent nigh a year annoying the living shit out of animufags in /a/ . There she was known as "Meru Otonashí", "Yin", " Matoi Tsunetsuki", "A cat in a hat", and "Anonymous of Czech Republic" all using the tripcode "!EKExiXK1hk". She claimed to be interested in writing fanfics but it probably would not surprise anyone to learn that she spent all of her time there raving incoherently about her contempt for America and Western culture.

    While in /a/, Angie met a nice boy named Raoul who also happened to be a tripfaggot. It was love at first byte and they swore they'd never stop sending instant messages to each other across the Atlantic. He requested of Angie, for masturbation material, the picture of her wearing glasses that has now become quite renowned. It should be assumed that other pictures (including noodz) probably exist. (If you're interested in following up on this, you can try to email him:
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)02:49 No.1074510
    These two e-lovebirds shared everything together, including his tripcode which meant that for a period of almost two solid weeks around the start of February 2009 on /a/ you were guaranteed to see some of nearly 500 posts originating from "Anonymous of Colombia !pkzejWGkfw" (Raoul) and "Anonymous of Czech Republic !pkzejWGkfw" (Angie). Unfortunately for Angie and Raoul, things between them went south rather quickly.

    Apparently our Angie became too much of a pain in the ass for poor Raoul to deal with. Anybody familiar with Angie would have some idea of what this poor guy was putting up with (although it is anyone's guess why the fucking faggot would even bother with that cow in the first place...I mean jesusfuckingchrist). On their tumultuous e-relationship and untimely e-breakup Angie said: "You truly would not understand, even if I explained it to you. It's such sadness because I would truly got together with this guy once he would come in Europe for his internship." Lulz.

    At this point everyone was up to their ears in Angie's perpetual shit and drama (sound familiar?). It seemed that there was only one thing left to do so that she could save face and not have to be reminded of her beloved Raoul all the time...quitting teh internets, hoping to stir up as much attention and drama in the process. Shortly after Valentine's day, she made a number of posts alluding to the fact that she planned to an hero using (very strong) ropes. On Wednesday 18 February, 2009 Angie, as Meru, wrote her final goodbye to /a/ and departed for good.

    Not surprisingly /a/ was quite happy to be finally rid of her and numerous celebratory threads were started. But disbelief and doubt abounded, many anons suspected she was not dead at all. True to her word though, Meru has remained "dead" to /a/; after the suicide thread, she never posted there again.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)02:56 No.1074519
    people who complain about Americanization.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)02:59 No.1074525
    I swear to fuck angie and /tg/'s Jim Profit would get along fucking famously.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:02 No.1074529
    but then they would create baby trolls and 4chan would never be safe....
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:04 No.1074533
    can we get moot to do to her, what he did to jim profit?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:12 No.1074540
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:15 No.1074543
    email to
    Dearest Moot,
    For quite some time now there has been this poster who continues to run her mouth in every thread. She always has something to say about "stupid fat american's" no matter what the thread topic is and almost always derails it from the OPs topic. A lot of us at /ck/ are really getting tired of her and would like to know if it would be possible for you to ban her like you did jim profit of /tg/.
    She usually posts with a trip code and while that has changed several times over the last few months, her current name and tripcode are: angie !!L7vAI89xm2f It would be much appreciated if you could help us get our board back and not have to put up with this person's bullshit any longer.
    Thank you kind sir,
    a humble cro/ck/pot
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:17 No.1074546
    angie you fucking ruin every thread you post in.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:21 No.1074552
    Ignoring all the shit in this thread, what the hell is wrong with OP? You rage/cringe over fudge bars? Why?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:22 No.1074553

    Who's Angie?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:23 No.1074555

    you much be new... also in order to get our board back all of the forced copy pasta spam and other /b/tardness from the underage fags would need to stop, unfortunately it's too late for this board
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:25 No.1074556
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    angie is just mad because america is stylin on him.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:25 No.1074558
    it worked for /tg/ why can't it work for us?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:25 No.1074559
    Atleast someone is trying to do something to help. Moot posted on /ck/ last night, I'm sure he lurks.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:27 No.1074561
    angie is a eurofag, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:28 No.1074562
    why would anyone go to /tg/ in the first place?
    >> GET BACK, HE'S ON TILT Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:29 No.1074563
    He was on his way home from Candletop,
    Been two weeks gone and he thought he'd stop
    At Web's and have him a drink for he went home to her.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:30 No.1074564
    she pretends to be french, but most everyone else that encountered her in other boards say she is scotish or something
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:30 No.1074565
    Andy Wolo said hello,
    He said, "Hi, what's doing?"
    Wo said, "Sit down I got some bad news, it's gonna hurt."
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:31 No.1074566
    angie is a guy
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:31 No.1074567

    One could ask the same about /ck/.
    Or any other board on 4chan.
    >Why would anyone have any interests at all?
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:31 No.1074568
    Said, "I'm your best friend and you know that's right,
    But your young bride ain't home tonight.
    Since you been gone she's been seeing that Amos boy, Seth."
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:32 No.1074569
    He got mad and he saw red,
    Andy said, "Boy, don't you lose your head,
    cuz to tell you the truth, I've been with her myself."
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:33 No.1074570
    angie clamed to be a girl here, so that was what I was going by
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:33 No.1074573
    That's the night the lights went out in Georgia.
    That's the night that they hung an innocent man.
    Don't trust your soul to no back woods southern lawyer
    Cause the judge in the town's got bloodstains on his hands.
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:34 No.1074576
    Andy got scared and left the bar,
    Walking on home cause he didn't live far.
    You see, Andy didn't have many friends and he'd just lost him one.
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:36 No.1074577
    Brother thought his wife must've left town
    So he went home and finally found the only thing
    Daddy had left him and that was a gun.
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:37 No.1074578
    He went off to Andy's house,
    Slipping through the back woods as quiet as a mouse,
    Came across some tracks too small for Andy to make.
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:38 No.1074580
    He looked through the screen at the back porch door,
    and he saw Andy lying on the floor
    In a puddle of blood, and he started to shake.
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:39 No.1074582
    The Georgia Patrol was making their rounds
    So he fired a shot just to flag 'em down.
    A big bellied sheriff grabbed his gun and said,
    "Why'd you do it?"
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:40 No.1074583
    The judge said guilty in a make believe trial,
    Slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile and said,
    "Supper's waiting at home and I got to get to it."
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:42 No.1074585
    That's the night the lights went out in Georgia.
    That's the night that they hung an innocent man.
    Don't trust your soul to no back woods southern lawyer,
    Cause the judge in the town's got bloodstains on his hands.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:43 No.1074586
    fucking off topic niggers stfu
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:43 No.1074589
    They hung my brother before I could say that
    The tracks he saw while on his way
    To Andy's house and back that night were mine.
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)03:45 No.1074591
    And his cheating wife had never left town.
    And that's one body that'll never be found;
    You see, little sister don't miss when she aims her gun.

    That's the night the lights went out in Georgia.
    That's the night that they hung an innocent man.
    Don't trust your soul to no back woods southern lawyer,
    Cause the judge in the town's got bloodstains on his hands.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:52 No.1074596
    People who FUCKIN put ketchup on their eggs and mac and cheese. Disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:57 No.1074603
    Biting down on a fork..

    People who cut their meat while cutting the plate and it makes that horrid sound.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:58 No.1074604
    people who FUCK their eggs and mac and cheese. Disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)03:58 No.1074605
    That sound is worse than nails on a chalkboard
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:08 No.1074621

    fuck you faggot, ketchup is the shit.
    >> Danderdude !E9w0tlzqQg 07/13/09(Mon)04:10 No.1074628
    I'm so glad I could wipe this thread clean with a little southern gothic.

    Restaurants that serve dry chicken and cook medium-rare orders to well done. Assholes.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:11 No.1074629
    *shrug* ketchup is universal
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:17 No.1074636
    I hate people who put mustard on everything as opposed to ketchup.

    ketchup is 100x better.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:19 No.1074638
    But I like that song! :D Mom used to listen to Reba a lot when I was younger.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:19 No.1074640
    people who eat with their knife in their left hand. MAN get it right for once douchebags
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:20 No.1074641
    No bitch. Ketchup IS shit, when overused. Just like ranch.
    >> sacchaRIN !SWEETOIeZA 07/13/09(Mon)04:22 No.1074643
    People who'll insist on using chopsticks, and won't ask for a fork just so they can continue to struggle.

    That being said, I have a friend that has an opposite complaint - always being given a fork because the waiter assumes she can't use chopsticks.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:27 No.1074648

    you can lightly but ketchup on alot of foods and it will taste delicious.

    Ranch on the other hand is disgusting when people use it for most fucking pizza.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:27 No.1074650

    I know it's painful to watch, but at least the person is trying to learn something.
    >> sacchaRIN !SWEETOIeZA 07/13/09(Mon)04:29 No.1074651

    I applaud their efforts, but I still cringe when I see them fail. Practice makes perfect, as they say. just.. don't practice so hard in public.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:30 No.1074653
    OP here
    Holy shit this thread is still alive?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:39 No.1074658
    it's alive. weighted down with angie trolling, countertrolls, and a copypasta avalanche, but somehow it survives
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)04:46 No.1074663
    When people leave there tables completley filthy when they leave restaraunts. At least have the fucking decency to wipe the table with a wet napkin and scrape all the uneaten food to one plate and stack them in one pile.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)05:14 No.1074681
    If i wanted to clean up my goddamn table i would've eaten at home.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)05:16 No.1074686
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)05:30 No.1074698
    This thread is like a compost heap. The more shit you pile on it, the longer it lives.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)05:35 No.1074702
    wtf is the problem?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)06:15 No.1074732
    oh man, I have a friend who doesn't eat crusts, rages me so hard.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)06:20 No.1074735

    I eat crust in bread and shit, but not pizza if its more then thin crust. unless there is maybe some marinara sauce as dip.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)06:44 No.1074754
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    Jesus-Johnny-fucking-christ, this thread is filled with trolls.

    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)09:14 No.1074819
    My fiance, who chews with his mouth open and slurps spaghetti. And uses a serving bowl to eat from instead of a normal bowl, claiming it's 'easier' when in fact he's just a pig.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)09:59 No.1074829
    I put my noodles in a serving bowl.
    It /is/ easier.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)10:08 No.1074835
    Just wait until you're married. Then you can start changing him.

    Constant nagging is usually the best way.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:01 No.1074877
    >Constant corrective dialog is usually the best way.



    Drop him like the sack of potatoes he is. If you can't correct these bad habits before marriage then get rid of him.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:24 No.1074899
    people who only order burgers at every restaurant. or nachos at a mexican restaurant.
    >> Another Anon 07/13/09(Mon)11:30 No.1074910
    People who eat sushi with a fork.

    I get that you can't use chopsticks, but it just looks wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:32 No.1074913
    People who eat sushi with chopsticks.

    I get that you're trying to look japanese, but just use your fucking fingers.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:35 No.1074917
    People that eat sushi.

    I get that you are trying to be 1993 hipster, but get over your fucking self.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:36 No.1074919
    People that eat.

    I get that you are hungry, but try to refrain from becoming a fatty, fatty.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:37 No.1074921

    People people people, people people.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:38 No.1074922
    People that use the term "hipster".

    I get that your are insecure about yourself, but keep it to your fucking self.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:42 No.1074928
    People that don't eat because their scared of some shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:51 No.1074938
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    Looks like angie is gone, for now. Maybe this thread can go slightly back on track before it autosages.

    OP: People who, while making food, get shit all over their gloves but don't get new ones. Fucking nasty.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:53 No.1074940
    Picky eaters. I love Asian cuisines in general, but when I cook for my family (parents and/or sisters) they refuse to eat it. They call it 'weird stuff'. They'd rather eat white bread. I think I'm adopted.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:55 No.1074941

    enjoy your b-side on 7" vinyl, hipster. hahaha
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)11:57 No.1074945

    There's some PBR you should be ironically drinking right now, you hipster faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:00 No.1074949

    Angiecunt holds the top two spots. Trolls FTW.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:05 No.1074958
    salt on anything before tasting the food to see if it needs the salt.
    salt on pizza. are you fucking serious? salt on your goddamn pizza?!
    people who think top ramen is better than traditional ramen.
    my younger brother constant talks of panda express being real chinese food.
    poorly cooked rice. that will set me off like nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:10 No.1074963
    Fuck you, sir.

    I do indeed enjoy the taste of PBR.
    >> boxxy Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:11 No.1074964
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:13 No.1074966
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:24 No.1074977
    Faggot. Fried food is amazing. Suck a dick.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:30 No.1074981
    people that are pretentious enough to rage/cringe over what other people eat/how they eat it and whine about it on the internet
    >> CG !ZiOlXCRNAs 07/13/09(Mon)12:38 No.1074993
    Completely detestable thread, /ck/. I am ashamed of all of you. I left /k/ a few months ago because of this shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:46 No.1075011
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    <---- Derp derp derp
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:47 No.1075013

    OH NO! Don't leave, what will we ever do without you!
    >> CG !ZiOlXCRNAs 07/13/09(Mon)12:55 No.1075023

    The point is that trolling like this is, and not saging each and every thread it is present in is what makes boards totally unreadable. Precious /ck/ will become like /k/, or like how /k/ was. I don't know how it is now but jesus fuck it was horrible
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)12:55 No.1075025
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)13:04 No.1075037
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)13:19 No.1075051
    Prove the point.
    >> General Guy !rPf4vdo6Xs 07/13/09(Mon)13:29 No.1075059
    I can't stand messy eaters. Another reason why I don't like children.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)13:42 No.1075070
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    I hate people who make a lot of noise when they eat. This includes the following:

    -teeth on fork scrapers (GAH!!)
    -Open mouth chewers
    -Lip smackers. (The kind that sound like they're eating a huge mouthful of thick taffy.)
    -Heavy nose-breathers that chew at the same time.
    - Quick chewers, the kind that look like their jaw vibrates and quivers the food between their teeth instead of a normal up and down movement.


    The idiots that are invited to a celebration or something and they will only eat steak or chicken fingers with dipping sauce.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)13:44 No.1075071
    I feel ya.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)13:56 No.1075081
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    I NO RITE?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)14:02 No.1075085
    Whenever I say please, the niggers working the register start chuckling amongst each other. You must work in a white town.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)14:04 No.1075089
    People who eat chicken with their hands instead of the way god intended it to be eaten: With a fork and knife.

    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)14:11 No.1075095
    The way my dad eats
    I had to sit next to him for every meal for 18 years before I moved out, he inhales his food and makes slurpy chewy noises that I can't even describe. I have never experienced anyone who ate as badly as he did.
    And then my mother would wonder why I wouldn't eat dinner with them or if I did I'd leave pretty quickly. Ajragrjhag it just turned me off completely.

    The only other things that annoy me are those frozen meals done by tv chefs and shit that have super fancy packaging. OOH ARTSY PHOTOGRAPH AND SIGNATURE AND NICE TYPEFACE OO NO IT'S STILL A PACK OF FUCKING SAUSAGES.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)14:11 No.1075096
    People telling me how to eat the food I paid for with my hard-earned money.
    >> The King In Yellow !!x4UZsNRzxWG 07/13/09(Mon)14:14 No.1075100
    People who spend 15 minutes in line and dont know they want.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)14:20 No.1075109
    rage: cottage cheese in lasagna

    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)16:08 No.1075264
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    Off with you
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)16:37 No.1075319
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    Picky PICKY eaters that don't know how to eat. (Smacking, open mouth loud ass chewing, finger licking, nose breathing, pigs in general.

    Which are all of my friends. I am always raging. Always. Most of my friends don't like eggs... Eggs...
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)16:44 No.1075327

    Nose breathing? Do you hold your breath when you're eating?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/09(Mon)16:51 No.1075337
    LOUD nose breathing. The kind that makes you wonder if the person is eating or running a marathon.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)07:31 No.1076365

    With whistling noises. It's usually smokers who have this problem.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)07:38 No.1076369
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    You will eat something that came from a chicken's butt??
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)08:00 No.1076380
    Chickens don't have butts. They have cochleas.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)08:03 No.1076383
    Err, wait, is that even the right word for the hole that has everything or is that something to do with ears?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)08:32 No.1076398
    mouth-breathing open mouth chewing.
    People that order by saying 'i'll get...'. 'I'll get a coffee'; ok, go and get it then.
    When the spoon slides and plops into the pan.
    People that order a >1000cal mcdonalds meal, then have a diet coke cause they're 'concerned'. Similarly, people that eat a takeaway every night and wonder why they're fat. With all the information around these days that we have access to, there's no excuse for a bad diet.
    People that don't eat stuff I cook how I intended it, e.g. eating a taco shell on its own then eating the ground beef with a fork.
    People that refuse to try new food or sweepingly refuse to eat one particular cuisine. A friend of mine won't eat japanese food cause she says it's 'all raw fish'. I cook her japanese food and say it's chinese and she eats it.
    People that say they can't eat healthily because they're poor, and they can't afford healthy food. These people invariably have trolleys full of burgers , crates of soda, cigarettes, alcohol, microwave ready meals etc
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:12 No.1076964
    Fat Vegans/Vegetarians.
    People who don't eat all the meat of their food.
    Little brats who don't eat vegetables.
    Fatties who complain about their weight but continue to gorge on burgers.
    Salmon eggs.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:30 No.1076977
    You sound like an angry cunt.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)17:03 No.1077010
    stupid fucking troWAIT WHAT?

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