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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1244414151.jpg-(201 KB, 1000x667, IMG_6787_RGB_300dpi.jpg)
    201 KB Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)18:35 No.1013537  
    I'm so fucking hot for some broiled chicken right now. I'm gonna get a chicken tomorrow after work and make it as delicous as possible.

    Here's what I thought of so far:
    -I'll put herb butter and garlic under the skin, so it'll soak up all the good shit while its cooking.
    -Lemon. Don't know how yet. Maybe I'll just sprinkle some lemon juice 10 minutes before it's done over the thing.
    -I have no idea about spices. I'm thinking about some paprika powder, but I cant figure out anything else.
    -Fresh thyme, sage, played directly under the skin.

    You think it'd be a ggod idea to cut some holes in it, so the spices will be more effective? Or will that just make it dry and disgusting?
    Give me your suggestions damnit.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)18:41 No.1013554
    Just make a butter of herbs, garlic, maybe lemon and put it under and over the skin. If you want, make a gravy using the pan drippings and add some spices (not paprika, but cayenne and maybe a little curry powder) to that.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)18:49 No.1013574
    You need the RonCo Rotisserie Showtime and Flavor Injector

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