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Pozdrav prijateljima u Hrvatskoj! Stigao sam u Rijeku na festival Republika i u Rijeci sam do kraj vikenda. Ako ste na festivalu ili se želite podružiti sa mnom u nedjelju slobodno mi se javite i pošaljite e-mail.

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Last Thread: >>2053013
Archive: http://pastebin.com/TXKE0xAT
Thanks to everyone who participated in the last thread and shared what they loved about Ritsu.
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*teary eyes* why...
I'm kidding lol

Sorry guys, real life has been taking up so much of my time I haven't been able to find many new Ritsu pics. thanks heaps for participating in the Double Decade Edition though!
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I'm just glad to know you're alright.
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>dat third school festival episode
Just watched it for the first time today. So many feels
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Slow thread it seems...

I'm uploading like 1700 or so images to mega. I deleted over 1000 or so duplicates, so I hope there aren't many left. Will post link when it's done uploading.
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c-can I post my gifs
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Of course.

Huge collection of Ritsu images for those who would like to catch up.
Hmm.. forgot the key.. here's the proper link.

ritsu.zip (521.9 MB)
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I been working on this on and off, real life has gotten in the way, so it's taken longer than I expected. It's not finished I still have to tidy the line work and add the shading and blending masks. I'm not happy with it though, I think that she looks too fat. I've followed the original lines, I have even redone it a few times and the result is the same everytime. What do all of you think about it?
Stop this filthy shipping shit at once.
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No shipping going on here.
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I was going tell the poster to fuck off to /u/ but upon opening the image, they were only cuddling. Loosen your googles.
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TAKE THIS HOMOSHIT TO /U/ YOU FUC- oh wait they're just giving each other a hug; please proceed.

It's still kind of very /u/ regardless. I know it makes me uncomfortable, at least.

It may but it's not against the rules. unless they're doing something sexual or romantic, it can be posted here.
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Looks good to me
(And I'm the one who requested it.)

Just because something isn't against the rules doesn't mean it's not distasteful.
Who gets to universally decide what is and is not distasteful. It's not our fault your mind automatically views two teenage female friends hugging as sexual. I've hug-tackled friends and knocked them to the ground before and meant nothing sexual by it.
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Official art also gets rather "distasteful"

Have you done so on a bed, with your lips close together?


Yeah but they're not on the verge of locking lips in this one.
Hug-tackling your pillow isnt the same thing
>kind of very /u/
>kind of very

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Too much complaining, not enough forehead
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