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  • File : 1291381460.jpg-(178 KB, 860x779, 5365.jpg)
    178 KB Rotex !!LtR0SAGnasU 12/03/10(Fri)08:04 No.1601851  
    Hey /c/,

    When you sort out your /c/ollection, how do you arrange it?

    I put everything in folders with the title of the thread, but I do not re-name the images themselves. Also, If a thread is a continuation, like the Touhou threads, I have it in separate folders in the main folder.

    I'm genuinely interested how other /c/itizens sort out their /c/ folders.

    Pic is mine, this is only on my main PC, my external HDD has the rest.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)08:08 No.1601855
    I sort by thread number, then topic.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)08:24 No.1601883
         File1291382667.jpg-(99 KB, 1024x768, 1282773817155.jpg)
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    I have got mine dated. Nothing really special, although my co ordination is a bit screwed lol
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)08:34 No.1601894
         File1291383248.jpg-(859 KB, 1680x1050, Unidentified 2.jpg)
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    i sort mine by type(anime/game/misc), then by series, then by character, with all the images being renamed to the characters name followed by the image number. OC is named after the artist, and unkown images are given generic names or simply labeled unidentified.
    >> Rotex !!LtR0SAGnasU 12/03/10(Fri)09:22 No.1601920

    How many images do you have total?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)09:44 No.1601931
         File1291387474.jpg-(984 KB, 2134x1200, Nanami Madobe 7.jpg)
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    i have 980 images spread across 206 folders, totalling about 569MBs, a relatively small collection compared to some of the people around here. but at least its well organized
    >> Rotex !!LtR0SAGnasU 12/03/10(Fri)10:21 No.1601942
         File1291389679.jpg-(254 KB, 480x640, 1283592977082.jpg)
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    I'd love to see your collection in 10 years time, it would probably be the rarest thing in existence!
    >> z0rN 12/03/10(Fri)10:34 No.1601948
    you don't even have a hentai folder :O
    >> Rotex !!LtR0SAGnasU 12/03/10(Fri)10:37 No.1601950
         File1291390651.jpg-(100 KB, 565x800, 1282758858109.jpg)
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    Oh but I do! I just keep it out of sight. Kind of like a guilty pleasure, plus If I ever have someone looking through my PC, I don't want them seeing 74GB of Hentai.
    >> z0rN 12/03/10(Fri)10:39 No.1601953
    74 gb... holy crap, dump it on /h/
    >> Rotex !!LtR0SAGnasU 12/03/10(Fri)10:43 No.1601956
         File1291390995.jpg-(232 KB, 820x1160, 1283821335625.jpg)
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    I have in the past. Now, I just save every full thread with DownThemAll!, and most of the time I just post in a pic here and there when people need stuff.
    >> brennschinken 12/03/10(Fri)10:44 No.1601958
         File1291391078.jpg-(138 KB, 1777x1075, Zwischenablage-1.jpg)
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    117 Directories with 7552 Files. Total 2,8GB
    Mostly sorted by name of the series
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)10:53 No.1601974
         File1291391597.jpg-(14 KB, 226x226, Please Dont.jpg)
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    I don't have a hentai folder, why would that be suprising or strange?

    i hope it could be that good, i would hate to suffer a hard drive failure and have to re download and organize them all.
    >> Rabbit !!qxa8TXdiyxH 12/03/10(Fri)10:55 No.1601978
         File1291391705.jpg-(46 KB, 340x400, m0216.jpg)
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    If I watched the series or I'm familiar enough with it I make a separate folder for it. Then each series folder has separate folders for characters, couples and groups. If I am not familiar with the character, or it's an OC I just put them in special folders... Like females and males. Females folder has different sub-folders as well; The problem is sometimes I have a megane maid and I start wondering if she should go in the megane folder...or the maid one. I usually put them in the one with less pics in it, but I need to polish this out somehow, it's annoying.
    I also have folders for artists I really like. Like Tinkerbell or Jun.
    >> Rotex !!LtR0SAGnasU 12/03/10(Fri)11:00 No.1601979
         File1291392012.jpg-(176 KB, 508x660, 1278448295775.jpg)
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    I have an external HDD with the rest of the /c/ollection on it. When a month has passed, all that I have downloaded from /c/ gets backed up on the external, then I backup the contents of the HDD to the PC. So I a dual backup all the time.

    I never considered myself a Hentai person until a year ago. I started getting right into it, and I felt ashamed for a long time. But meh, as long as my folder is hidden from the public, I haven't got much to worry about. If i lost it somehow, I wouldn't really miss it, tbh.


    I have a folder for my favourite artists too!
    >> Smoku !!VVaKL80Lb8t 12/03/10(Fri)18:11 No.1602127
         File1291417874.jpg-(61 KB, 600x750, 1269755716819.jpg)
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    I sort stuff in the image folder by series name. Then in the series folders are character name folders, sometimes folders such as "couples" or just group pics scattered next to those folders.
    I also have a Randoms folder for stuff I don't know, are too small in my opinion to make a folder from them or are just OCs.
    And the last is a folder called "e". That contains non worksafe stuff, images and manga alike.
    >> bloodarowman !!V/SKh83GTy1 12/03/10(Fri)18:43 No.1602142
         File1291419807.jpg-(906 KB, 834x1180, 1287890919308.jpg)
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    I sort mine by board a, c, e, h, u and w
    then i have folder with other themes (gifs, Doujin, Favorites, Games, Picture Packs and Videos)
    then i have 2 other folders that are random unsorted folders that i havent got too. In total it amounts to 8.40 GB
    That all being on my harddrive i have a backup using DriveCrypt on my external just incase.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)19:38 No.1602154
         File1291423130.jpg-(1.21 MB, 1000x1169, 6728699b9770c337394bbc1047ebe6(...).jpg)
    1.21 MB
    I have a similar problem with megane maids and the like. I normally deal with it by putting the picture in whatever I like more. In the above case it would be maids.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)19:53 No.1602168
         File1291423993.jpg-(107 KB, 714x1050, a_kinomoto_sakura_moonkjives0r(...).jpg)
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    I use a homebrew tagging system. For instance, the attached image is tagged
    'image-size-3' (autodetermined from pixel count),
    'image-quality-2' (meaning "average quality for an image with these other tags", so I'd have to give it a higher quality rating if it didn't have the 'moonknives' tag, which means I know it'll be good anyway)
    'image-type-innocent' (ie. not ecchi or porn)

    I've also got tags for fetishes, art styles and various miscellaneous ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)21:21 No.1602211
    I sort mine by series and then character.
    Sometimes i go further and have more sub folders.
    and I have misc folders such as one labeled 'C' where i put appropriate pictures in, but they don't really fit anywhere else. Sometimes it bugs me and i wish i knew what kind of folder to make to put some of the unknown pictures in. Also, I have a unorganized folder that is huge... I need to get around to sorting that out.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)21:40 No.1602217
         File1291430441.jpg-(152 KB, 846x638, esfsd.jpg)
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    Most of my /c/ pictures go into subfolders in my 'Anime-female" folder. Whenever I get enough pictures of a certain subject, I add a subfolder for it, until then, they go into 'the rest'. 'Kimonos' and 'fantasy' got too large so they are their own folders now.
    I never rename images, and sort by day.
    >> Rabbit !!qxa8TXdiyxH 12/03/10(Fri)21:43 No.1602219
         File1291430586.jpg-(318 KB, 600x729, 2010-10-26-338283..jpg)
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    i actually once thought of maybe making a second folder...that will have the two things as a subject. but that's just silly and i highly doubt i'll find that much material covering up two or three subjects at the same time
    >> Charm 12/03/10(Fri)22:05 No.1602228
    I sort my images by series or theme (in the case of my meganekko and anime MTG cards) and don't really bother renaming them.

    Current status of my /c/ollection is 1582 pictures taking up 355 MB. Small I know, but I don't save every picture I come across either.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)02:07 No.1602420
    bump for interest
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)02:35 No.1602441
    i dont i have 20,000 vocaloid images i need to sort through and none are repeats
    >> Kuchiki !RukiahhaYA 12/04/10(Sat)02:47 No.1602450
    Damn, I'm only up to 1035 pics of Rukia.
    >> SuperHeero !6aAHnjpTWI 12/04/10(Sat)02:47 No.1602451
         File1291448856.jpg-(796 KB, 3200x1200, animuz.jpg)
    796 KB
    2.41 gigs 7,528 pictures

    I generally download entire threads, and then look through the folder and delete all the pictures I don't want.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)03:03 No.1602462
    First I sort my pictures by either female, male, futa, genderless, and pokemon.

    Next I generally have a lot of fetish folders and descriptive folders like "elves", "stockings", "partially nude", "guro", "general cute", etc. I also have fandom folders in each folder. In those folders I put different animes/manga/vidya gaems folders.

    I like to be really organized. It takes a lot of time, but I don't particularly mind. When I wish to access a certain kind of image to post somewhere or to use for my own uses it isn't difficult to find most of the time.

    Unfortunately no reference picture, or picture in general because my external hard drive that held everything on my computer just died.

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)03:12 No.1602467
         File1291450346.png-(676 KB, 1680x1050, folders.png)
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    By series name if available. If a certain series has relatively few pictures it goes in "other series." If a folder gets particularly big, or I have a great deal of just one character, I'll split it into character subfolders. For duplicate detection I use VisiPics.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)06:00 No.1602533
         File1291460455.jpg-(231 KB, 1280x1024, Folder.jpg)
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    I sort characters into their corresponding folders, and then go by numbers.
    I sort other less easily described or random stuff into a loosely related subject folder.
    If I don't know who the character is and/or the picture doesn't fit into a subject folder I throw it in either my Unsorted folder or the root.
    I sort everything upon saving because I know if I don't do it then I'll never get around to it.

    Overall, my Anime folder is only 365MB. Tiny, I know. But I only save pictures I really like and am actually going to look at again.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)06:11 No.1602537
         File1291461111.png-(150 KB, 1189x874, Artistsfolder.png)
    150 KB
    By artitst, using applicable booru tags ("(artist)" suffix omitted if present).

    This folder contains the artists that made it past the latest quality sorting. (Yes, Range Murata was dropped. Fuck him.)
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)02:46 No.1603710
    Anyone here use Linux, esp. Ubuntu? Is there anything better than Nautilus for organizing files?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)02:50 No.1603712
    i will tell you more tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)03:22 No.1603740
         File1291623759.png-(1.5 MB, 1680x1050, Cthread.png)
    1.5 MB
    First of all, this requires a DAYUMN

    But I basically do mine in the same way. I'll make a folder either by the name of the character or by the show the character is in or by thread. It could probably use a lot of fixing up, but that'll take way too long. Oh, and then there's a lot of random stuff below the folders.
    I also have a whole folder just like this that is desktop wallpapers since I started my 4chan adventures on /w/ then ended up here on /c/. Done in the same way
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)03:43 No.1603764
         File1291625024.jpg-(52 KB, 851x119, snap754.jpg)
    52 KB
    40.GB total

    - a general folder with name tags (19.181 images)
    - manga folder by genre
    - folders by series and then character, couples, etc
    - a folder of pixiv with original image numbers (18.218 images)
    - a folder with new images waiting to be categorized
    - folder of wallpapers by series
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:30 No.1604183
         File1291685408.jpg-(121 KB, 1187x572, untitled.jpg)
    121 KB
    This should give an idea how I have mine - Series - Character - Category

    I wish I could get rips of some boorus with tags embedded though.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:53 No.1604213
         File1291686797.png-(2.1 MB, 2135x1601, Kanaria.png)
    2.1 MB
    I go by series (or if the picture is unrelated to a series, by category), and then by character. Sometimes I'll make folders for pictures with two or more specific characters if I have enough of them to warrant doing so.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:14 No.1604234
    I kinda just slam everything into whatever folder I saved a non /c/ image into last.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)09:19 No.1604592
    I usually save the pics in temp folder
    and each weekend move the pic one by one to folder (by anime name, artist name, game name,..etc
    some popular anime need further classify by charactor and mecha...e.g. code geass -> C.C., Karen, Boys, other girls, Mecha_codegeass, hentai_codegeass
    about 1.5 hr to complete each week
    quite boring and time wasting...

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