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Pozdrav prijateljima u Hrvatskoj! Stigao sam u Rijeku na festival Republika i u Rijeci sam do kraj vikenda. Ako ste na festivalu ili se želite podružiti sa mnom u nedjelju slobodno mi se javite i pošaljite e-mail.

File: 1373645211329.jpg-(38 KB, 253x300, 1369254206212.jpg)
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3rd thread
lets get some tomatos
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241 KB JPG
Kyouko and Akari best girls. But Kyouko is slightly more best.
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315 KB GIF
true dat
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>you will never have Kyouko cook for you
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don't do this to me
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with friends
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386 KB PNG
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1.21 MB PNG
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121 KB PNG
open it up in the tomorrow theme and you'll see a bunch of white lines in the transparent areas.
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>tfw Akari is love thread is deleted
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Akari will always love you.
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151 KB PNG
So will Kyouko.
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174 KB JPG

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