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Again, you guys fill them so fast!
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old thread >>1980997 →
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>>1982854 →
this, but zoomed in on Ritsu
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I've been using this one for my phone.
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I wonder how good Ritsu would be at fighting games. Apart from that strength one she seems pretty good at the other games in the arcade.
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As a drummer she would probably be good at memorising the buttons needed for different combos and her reaction time would be good too.
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>you will never play videogames with Ritsu
Feels terrible

I'm finding that I'm only really appreciating the more serious/artistic pics of ritsu.

This one made me HNNNNG beyond belief.
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True. But then again, she does hate really intricate, fiddly things.
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don't remind me

how's this?
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>fukin saved

Haha, it's great. I'm an artfag myself, so sketchy type drawings I'm pretty fond of. If I ever manage to get a proper 'serious' pic of ritsu on paper I'll post it in one of these threads. I can never manage to get her looking right.


Pretty hnnngggarific too.
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reminds me of One Piece
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shoutouts to the mugi thread
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Officially the best Ritsu picture I have ever seen.
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Is this some weird japanese joke?
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more like a crappy photoshop edit

oh god, my heart. and not the good kind.
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